Leaching Lab Report
Leaching Lab Report
Leaching Lab Report
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 EQUIPMENT USED ...................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................. 6
4.0 RESULTS AND CALCULATIONS.............................................................................................. 7
5.0 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................ 11
6.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 13
7.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.0 RECCOMENDATIONS.............................................................................................................. 15
Leaching or as commonly know to the nay man as aqueous metal extraction is a process that
involves extraction a metal or valuable entity from a mineral bearing ore (Habashi, July 1,
1999). Usually on a general basis the ore is leached through a leaching fluid penetrating through
pores in the ore of which are commonly naturally occurring on and within the ore body. This
allows for the metal to be leached even through it is surrounded by the host rock. There are
various types of leaching practices which are currently employed in hydrometallurgy and for
the extraction of valuable minerals. The type of leaching practice to be used depends on
chemical and physical characteristics of the specific material to be treated. The grade of the
ore, the solubility of the copper minerals, the amount of acid-consuming associated gangue
material, the size of the operation, and the mode of occurrence of the copper-bearing minerals
are some of the important factors to be considered. Examples of these leaching techniques
encompass of dump leaching , heap leaching , in situ leaching ,vat leaching , pressure leaching
and bacterial leaching which will be elaborated respectively on the next paragraph (Leano,
Dump leaching is a simple procedure whereby leach solution is distributed over the top of the
dump to dissolve the minerals as the solution percolates through the bed (Leano, 2022). The
enriched leach liquor is collected at the base of the dump, treated to recover the mineral and
recycled to the dump furthermore when it comes to heap leaching is an industrial mining
process used to extract precious metals such as copper and uranium from ore using a series of
chemical reactions that absorb specific minerals and re-separate them after their division from
other earth materials.In addition to the already 2 forementioned methods there is in situ
leaching which is concerned mainly with leaving the ore where it is in the ground, and
recovering the minerals from it by dissolving them and pumping the pregnant solution to the
surface where the minerals can be recovered while when it comes to vat leaching then placing
ore, usually after size reduction and classification, into large tanks or vats at ambient operating
conditions containing a leaching solution and allowing the valuable material to leach from the
ore into solution. Pressure leaching and pressure oxidation are hydrometallurgical processes
applied to the extraction of many metals. The processes occur above atmospheric boiling
temperature, require a sealed reactor vessel, and often operate in highly corrosive and oxidizing
environments. Bacterial leaching is the extraction of metals from their ores using
microorganisms. Microbial technology offers an eco- nomic alternative for the mining industry,
at a time when high-grade mineral resources are being depleted (Habashi, July 1, 1999). The
most important leaching which was the main focus in this laboratory experimentation is acid
leaching which is a leaching process that is concerned with using an acid to bring about the
extraction of a valuable mineral in the ore through chemical reactions and chemical attacks on
the valuable mineral or the unwanted gangue. The acid being used as in the case of this lab
report is Sulphuric acid which is use in many hydrometallurgical processes, with the oxidant
being the ferric ion in the form of ferric sulphates , sulfuric acid leaching is viewed as the most
viable and versatile process this being for the reason that the most common copper oxide
minerals, such as azurite (Cu3(OH)2(CO3)2), malachite (Cu2(OH)2CO3), and copper oxide
(CuO), can be dissolved by sulphuric acid (Habashi, July 1, 1999).
Figure 2
The above figure helps to put into context some of the leaching practices I have mention and
how the vary for different ore grades when making a selection of which is suitable to use.
Furthermore on the topic of leaching the main points that affect leaching will be laid out which
can be varied to optimise the leaching operation to get the best results , these are the particle
size distribution the operating temperature at which the leaching operation is being done , the
pulverisation which is the extent to which the ore has been ground too or how fine it is and last
also the concentrate of the solvent which is being used for the leaching. All these forementioned
factors each have a specific way in which they affect the leaching process , when it comes to
the particle size distribution it is said that for a much finer particle size distribution the leach
extraction obtained is much higher as compared to a courser grain size , these being because
for a finer grain size there is much more contact between the ore and the leaching solution
which leads to better and more improved extraction of the wanted mineral. A finer particle
distribution produces a higher leach extraction.
Moreover when it comes to the effect of temperature it can be noted that this can be based on
the Arrhenius kinetics or reactions , being thus that for higher temperatures reactions kinetics
are much better than at lower temperatures , meaning that increasing the temperature of the
solution will accelerate leaching while decreasing the temperature with hence do the opposite
being to decelerate the leaching duration with the basics behind leaching laid out , now we
will move onto the main leaching practice used for this laboratory experiment. Firstly will be
to know a little bit about slag and why this experiment is being carried out on it ,due to heavy
amounts of slag which are generated in the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical
production of copper of which this slag contains a vast and market significant amount of
valuable metals such as copper , nickel as well as cobalt and iron (Habashi, July 1, 1999). There
has been a great deal of research which is being done and experimentation on how to recover
these valuable metals hydro metallurgically. This encompassing of processes such as using
lixiviants such as acids , bases and salts .of which for this lab experiment an acid as well as
base were used. Lixiviants are chemical solutions used in leach mining to enhance dissolution
of metals in ores. Sulphuric acid and cyanide salts are the most common demonstrated
lixiviants used in heap or vat (tank) leaching processes applied under atmospheric conditions.
Thiourea and thiosulphate are also known lixiviants for copper and gold ores (Ahmaruzzaman,
For the compositional analysis of the ore sample being both the feed as well as the tailing the
use of the x-ray fluorescence which is a non-destructive analytical technique that is used to
determine the elemental composition of materials simply by determining the chemistry
involved of a sample through measuring the secondary X-Ray emitted from the sample after
being excited by a primary X-Ray source with each of the elements present producing a set of
specific and characterised fluorescent x-rays which are unique to a specific element. This
technique is used to identify alloys , detect tramp elements .deliver geochemical data ,analyse
precious metals and also ensure material chemistry specifications. Industries where XRF
technology is used involve oil and gas ,mmetal fabricating ,automotive & aerospace ,scrap
metal recycling Precious metal recycling, Mining,Construction & environmental engineering
(Croudace, 2015).
Figure 3.0 showing an XRF analysis machine similar to the one that was used for analysis of
our samples
❖ 4×1000ml beaker
❖ Spatula
❖ Magnetic stirrer
❖ Analytic mass balance
❖ Volumetric flask
❖ Filter paper
❖ 4× sulphuric acid solution
❖ Thermometer
❖ Weighing boat
❖ Funnel
To successfully carry out the lab experiment firstly 42g samples of slag originating from the
BCL mine was measured into 4 beakers through the use of an analytical mass balance. Thus
after the next step was to prepare 0.9M ,1.0M ,1.1M and 1.2M respectively. For the preparation
of the 0.9M solution acid solution 49.2ml of the 98% acid solution was diluted in 950.8 ml of
pure distilled water , where else for the other solutions acid volumes of 54.6ml ,59.75ml and
65.18ml respectively and distilled water volumes of 945.4ml ,940.25ml and 934.82.Thereafter
500ml of the prepared solutions were added then to the 4 prepared 42g samples and thereafter
the solution was placed in a magnetic stirrer and the temperature was the kept between 70 ° C
and 80°C with a stirring speed of around 1500rpm. The leaching process was allowed to run
for about 30 minutes and the temperature was closely monitored and kept between the range
forementioned earlier of 70° C to 80°C, this being done by adjusting the heating rate. After
the set 30 minutes time mark the samples were then filtered out using filter paper and a filter
funnel , the pregnant solution was then collected into a different beakers for all 4 different
solutions present. The filter cake was then left to dry out in air and then the dry filter cake
tailing were taken for X-ray fluorescence to analyse the different elements present together
with the feed
Table 1.0 showing the samples 1 to 4 and the mass of their tailings in grams obtained after
Table 2.0 showing samples 1 to 4 their different reagent concentration , grade of the feed used
,grades of the 4 different tailings obtained their mass as well as the copper recovery recovery
Figure 4.0 showing the plot of copper tailings grade % against the concentration of reagent
0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25
Table 3.0 showing samples 1 to 4 , their different reagent concentration , grade of the feed
used ,grades of the 4 different tailings obtained their mass as well as the nickel recovery
recovery percent.
3 1.1M ND ND 100.00
Sample 2 0.973 2.70 3.44 1.50 0.0399 0.042
Table 5.0 showing different compounds and their percentage recovery in the 4 samples
The main aim behind this experimentation was to study the effect of reagent concentration of
the leaching recovery of valuable elements from a slag sample obtained from BCL mine, in
this case our reagent being sulphuric acid. The reagent concentrations were successfully
differed through the use of a 0.9M, 1M ,1.1M and 1.2M solution for proper analysis of the
effects on recovery. Sulphuric acid successfully chemically attached the valuable elements, and
they were collected into the pregnant solution, the tailings were then examined to see how
much of the valuable elements were not leached out. As from table 1.0 we have the different
sample obtained and the mass of the tailings which was obtained by subtracting the mass off
the filter paper from that of the filter cake together with the filter paper , from the first sample
which was leached with a solution of 0.9M the tailings deposit in the form of filter cake
collected from filtration was 14.9345g, furthermore for the second sample were the
concentration of the reagent war 1.0M the tailing deposited weight was recorded to be 18.6908g
, moving on to the third sample where a reagent with a higher concentration of 1.1M was used
to leach out the ore a tailings of 11.7793g weight was recorded which was lightly less that that
of the previous concentration and this might be due to an experimental error and lastly for the
highest concentration of reagent used thus being 1.2M the tailings deposit was recorded to be
the highest thus being 19,6763g. the relationship between these tailings deposit and the
concentration proved to be linear proportional but with one outlier being for sample 3 a mass
of 11.7793g.
Moving on now to table 2.0 from table 2.0 there was analysis of the 4 samples based on their
reagent concentration , the feed grade which was recorded to be 0.2641% copper from there
after the grade of the 4 tailings obtained were analysed and for the first sample which a reagent
of concentration 0.9M was used the tailings had a grade of 0.6950% copper and thereafter the
second sample had a tailings grade of 0.6388% copper , the third sample having a tailings grade
of 0.0066% copper and for the fourth sample a recovery of 0.5871% copper was recorded for
the reagent concentrations of 1.0M ,1.1M and 1,2M respectively. The tailings copper recovery
data obtained showed a linear indirectly proportional relationship between the reagent
concentration and the amount of copper in the tailings as for the lowest reagent concentration
and 1.0M concentration a copper tailings grade % difference of 0.0562% copper was recorded
and furthermore a difference of 0.0517 was recorded for the 0.9M concentration and 1.2M
concentration .Figure 4.0 shows the relationship between these copper tailings grade and the
reagent concentration and the relationship had a negative gradient meant that for an increase in
reagent concentration there will be a significant decrease in the % copper grade in the tailings
, this relationship confided to a similar study that was done by (Trung1, 2010) on the leaching
of basic oxygen furnace sludge with sulphuric acid whereby he obtained less concentration of
precious elements in his tailings ad the concentration of the reagent was increased , meaning
for a greater acid reagent concentration there are improved chemical kinetics , this comparison
and agreement of my data and analysis obtained with that of previous research and
experimentation conducted in similar experimentation as the leaching of BCL slag confirm that
the results obtained are of credible standard. Still from the table 2.0 the percentage recoveries
of copper were recorded this was how much of the copper in the feed was recovered to the
pregnant solution , for the experiment where a reagent of 0.9M was used the percentage
recovery of copper was recorded to be 6.43% this meaning that from the percentage of copper
that was there in the in the feed only 6.43 % of it was recovered in to the pregnant solution and
the rest was lost to the tailings, moving on for the reagent with 1.0M concentration the recovery
of copper was 7.64% this showing an increase of 1.21% in the percentage recovery , for the
third sample where now a reagent with concentration of 1.1M was used the recovery of copper
was recorded to be 99.30% this meaning that of the total copper that was there in the feed only
0.60% of the copper was lost to the tailings. The relationship between the reagent concentration
and the percentage copper recovery proved to be linearly proportional meaning that an increase
in reagent concentration significantly increases the amount of copper that was recovered , this
being to the fact that a stronger acid concentration increases the rate of the reaction because
more of the acid reacting molecules or ions are present to form the reaction products (Houk,
For the analysis of the results expressed in table 3.0 the tailings grade of nickel% obtained were
recorded to be 0.82 ,0.077 ,and 1.46 , the relationship between the tailings grade of the nickel
and the concentration of the reagent proved very enigmatic , thus being of the reason that the
tailings grade firstly decreased by 0.005% for a reagent concentration of 0.9M to that of 1.0M
there after then there was then an increase in the tailings grade % by 0.0069% from a reagent
concentration of 1M to that of 1.2M these results were not similar to what a similar study where
nickel was analysed from slag concentrations by (Zheng, 2012) thus invalidating our results
and hence pointing out the possibility of an error in our analysis. For the analysis of the tailings
obtained as in Table 3.0 last row a nickel recovery of 143.1% , 185,7% , 100% and 473% for
the sample 1 ,2 ,3 and 4 , there recoveries obtained did not make sense and led to an assumption
that something in the experimentation was not done right and also possibilities of an error in
calculation of recoveries as i conducted my analysis. This being to the fact that the results do
not seem congruent to those conducted in a similar experimental study by . (Zheng,
2012).Tables 4.0 shows the feed percentage grade of the different feed samples of different
compounds present being Al203 ,SiO2 , Fe2O3 , CaO , K2O and MnO, for sample 1 a percentage
of 1.06 was recorded for Al203, 2.28 percent for SiO2, while 4.63 was obtained for Fe2O3, 3.88
for CaO , K2O was recorded to be 0.524 and MnO was recorded to be 0.106 .While for the
same sample after leaching its tailings were analysed and a recovery of 94.3% was recorded
for Al203 , 84.6% recovery was recorded for SiO2 while Fe2O3 recorded a recovery of 95.1%
was recorded , 23.4 percent was recorded for CaO , 96.5 percent was recorded for K2O and
86.9 percent was recorded for MnO.
From this laboratory experimentation it can be concluded that the recovery of copper and the
concentration of the acid reagent used for leaching have a directly proportional relationship
this meaning that for one to increase the recovery of copper into the concentrate then increasing
the concentration of the reagent will have a positive effect in helping achieve the goal. It can
also further more for the percentage copper recovery be concluded that a higher concentration
of acid reagent mean there will be greater hydrogen ions in solution and hence providing for a
greater chemical attach during leaching which will lead to more of the valuable mineral being
leached out by the acid and hence being recovered and hence in conclusion concentration of
acid improves reaction kinetics of leaching leading to a greater recovery. For the tailings grade
of the nickel it can also be concluded that there is a positive relationship between the nickel
recovery and the concentration of the acid reagent this also meaning that leaching with an acid
with a greater concentration will always result in a better recovery that using that with a lower
concentration. The experimentation can also be concluded to have been a success as the aim of
the experimentation which was to investigate the effect of leaching on the recovery of valuable
minerals , was successfully established and finding that conform to current and previous market
research was obtained. It can also be concluded from the experimentation that the there were a
few errors especially in the analysis of the elemental compositions in the tailings , as this
affected the credibility of the results obtained for the recovery data and hence not aligning with
what similar research suggests and thus leading me to conclude that , the results of that part of
the experimentation were doubtful and would be better discredited.
Ahmaruzzaman, M., 2010. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Journal of Energy
and Combustion Science , Issue 36, p. 327.
Croudace, I. W., 2015. Micro-XRF Studies of Sediment Cores: Applications of a non-
destructive tool for the environmental sciences. Journal of mineral anaylsis, Volume 2, p. 27.
Habashi, F., July 1, 1999. Textbook of Hydrometallurgy 2nd Edition. 2nd ed. London:
Metallurgie Extractive Quebec.
Houk, C., 2008. Chemistry: Concepts and Problems. London: Adventure work press.
Leano, M., 2022. Hydrometallurgy: Fundamentals and Applications (The Minerals, Metals &
Materials Series). 2nd ed. Bristol: Springer.
Molaletsi, J., 2022. Leaching laboratory live pictures. [Art] (Botswana international
university of science and technology ).
Trung1, Z. H., 2010. Leaching of basic oxygen furnace sludge with sulphuric acid. Journal of
Metalurgical engineering , p. 5.
Zheng, D., 2012. nickel slag leahing compositinal analysis. Journal of mineral processing ,
Volume 2, p. 21.
I recommend that the experimentation should be done all at once to avoid a mix up of results ,
I also recommend that a few trials of the same concentration amounts should be done and an
average should be obtained , this will help improve credibility of the results and reduce the
effects of errors . I lastly also recommend that the use of a vacuum drier should be employed
to help dry the filtrate faster and hence saving time.