NSFC01-02 英文说明书

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User Manual for Door Operator Controller




(SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS) ...........................................................................................................1

PREFACE .....................................................................................................................................1

1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..........................................................................................................1

2 TERMINALS ..............................................................................................................................1

2.1 Specification of Terminals...................................................................................................................................................2

2.2 Diagram of Terminals .........................................................................................................................................................3

3.1 Wiring Nameplate of Door Operator .................................................................................................................................3

3.2 Wiring Diagram of Door operator ..................................................................................................................................4

4 USE OF MANIPULATOR ...........................................................................................................4

4.1 Format Specification of Menu Parameters ....................................................................................................................4

LCD LCD SCREEN.......................................................................................................................5

4.2 Function Keys of Manipulator ........................................................................................................................................5

4.3 Operating Example of Manipulator ...............................................................................................................................6

5 BASIC ADJUSTMENT OF DOOR OPERATOR .....................................................................7

6 DESCRIPTION OF DOOR OPENING CURVE...................................................................... 10

6.1 Curve Chart of Door Opening .................................................................................................................................... 10

6.2 Curve Chart of Door Closing ...................................................................................................................................... 11

6.3 Illustration to Door Running Curves ............................................................................................................................ 11

7 DOOR REVERSE MOTION AND S CURVE ............................................................................ 12

7.1 Door Reverse Motion and S Curve Chart ....................................................................................................................... 12

7.2 Illustration to DoorReverse Motion Time Chart ......................................................................................................... 12

7.3 Illustration to Acceleration&Deceleration S Curve ..................................................................................................... 12


8.1 Door Width Determination ............................................................................................................................................... 13

8.2 Initialization of Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 13

8.3 Specification of Programmable Terminals ................................................................................................................... 15

8.3.1 Specification of Programmable Output Terminal ............................................................................................................ 15
8.3.2 Specification of Programmable Input Terminal .............................................................................................................. 15

9 TABLE OF PARAMETERS ................................................................................................. 16

(DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS) .................................................................................................... 22

PREFACE ................................................................................................................................... 22

1 CLASSIFICATION OF CAUTIONS ....................................................................................... 22

1.1 Installation ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22

1.2 Wiring................................................................................................................................................................................. 23

1.3 Operation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23

1.4 Maintenance, Inspection and Replacement of Parts ...................................................................................................... 24

1.5 Others .............................................................................................................................................................................. 25

1.6 General Precautions ....................................................................................................................................................... 25

1.7 Special Precautions during Use ..................................................................................................................................... 25

2 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................... 26

2.1 Precautions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26

2.2 Apperance and Dimensional Drawing of Converter ................................................................................................. 27

2.3 iring of Input Terminals ............................................................................................................................................ 28

2.4 Wiring of CAN Bus and Output Terminals .................................................................................................................. 29

2.5 Wiring of Power Supply ................................................................................................................................................. 29

2.6 Specification of Control Terminals ............................................................................................................................... 30

2.7 iring Diagram of Door Operator .............................................................................................................................. 30

3 WIRING METHOD ................................................................................................................ 31

3.1 Wiring Cautions ................................................................................................................................................................ 32

4 PART OF MANIPULATOR ................................................................................................... 32

4.1 ew of Manipulator and Names of Its Parts .............................................................................................................. 32

4.2 etailed Functions of Each Part.................................................................................................................................. 33

4.3 Format Specification of Menu Parameters: ............................................................................................................ 33

4.4 Parameter Specification of Display .......................................................................................................................... 34

4.5 Operating Example of Manipulator: ............................................................................................................................ 35


5.1 Setting before Door Operator Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 36

5.2 Parameter Check before Operation: .......................................................................................................................... 36

5.3 Trial Running of Door Operator for Inpsection ...................................................................................................... 38

5.4 Polarity Adjustment for Door Operator Opening/Closing Limit Output Signals: ................................................. 38

5.5 Door Operator Opening Width Determination: .......................................................................................................... 39

5.6 Setting Door Closing Limit Position and Door Closing Slow Speed 1 Deceleration Position: ................................. 39

5.7 Setting Door Opening Limit Position and Door Opening Slow Speed 1 Deceleration Position:................................. 40

5.8 Adjusting Door Closing Speed: ................................................................................................................................ 40

5.9 Adjusting Door Closing Deceleration Distance, Door Closing Start Distance, Synchronous Door Coupler Start
Opening Distance: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 42

5.10 :Adjusting Door Opening Speed: ........................................................................................................................... 43

5.11 :Adjusting Door Opening Deceleration Distance and Door Opening Start Distance:....................................... 43

5.12 :Adjusting Door Opening/Closing Acceleration and Deceleration Time: ............................................................. 43

5.13 :Adjusting Other Parameters: .................................................................................................................................. 43


BEFORE EX-FACTORY: ........................................................................................................... 43

6.1 Data Initialization of Door Operator Controller: ................................................................................................... 44

6.2 (F1104、F1105):Setting Zero Current Value of Controller (F1104, F105): ........................................................ 44

6.3 :Defining Motor Connection Wires U (Red), V (White) and W (Black): .............................................................. 45

6.4 :etting Polarity of Door Operator Opening/Closing Limit Switch ........................................................................ 45

6.5 Determination of Positive/Negative Magnetic Pole Position of Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor: ...... 45
6.5.1 :Determination of Motor Positive Rotation Magnetic Pole Position: .................................................................. 46
6.5.2:Determination of Motor Negative Rotation Magnetic Pole Position: .................................................................... 46

7 FUNCTIONAL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................ 46

8 PARAMETER SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................... 55

8.1 Status (01) ...................................................................................................................................................................... 55

8.2 :Overhaul of Door Opening/Closing (F02) ............................................................................................................ 56

8.3 Input Signal Display (F03) ....................................................................................................................................... 57

8.4 …….Output Signal Display (F04) .................................................................................................................................... 58

8.5 Current and Voltage Display: ................................................................................................................................ 59

8.7 Speed Setting: ............................................................................................................................................................. 60

8.8 :Time Setting: ............................................................................................................................................................. 62

8.9 Distance Setting ................................................................................................................................................................. 65

8.10 :Motor Torque, Current and Voltage Settings: ..................................................................................................... 67

8.11 Motor Parameter Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 68

NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

(Simple Instructions)
NSFC01-02 type controller is a special, variable-frequency drive controller for elevator door and an advanced speed
closed-loop vector control algorithm is adopted on the conversion part, therefore it is characterized by high control
accuracy, smooth running curve and excellent comfort.
This User Manual mainly introduces the applications and precautions of NSFC01-02 type door operator controller.
Please read through this manual before use so as to let them to be used properly.

1 Safety Precautions

◆。Please use it within an allowable ambient temperature range from -10℃ to 50℃ and the humidity should be lower
than 90% with no condensation.
The service life of elevator door controller will be considerably affected by the ambient temperature and therefore please
use it within an allowable ambient temperature range. In addition, you should pay attention to the installation direction
and environment.
◆。The elevator door controller may be damaged when applying supply voltage to its output ends.
。The elevator door controller may be damaged when applying supply voltage to output terminals U, V and W. Therefore,
please carefully make sure is any wrong wiring and check the operating procedures.
◆ 。Do not exceed the allowable voltage when applying the supply voltage.
◆ 。The input supply should be cut off for more than 5 minutes before maintenance and inspection so as to avoid any
electric shock.
◆ 。Unauthorized people are not allowed to maintain, inspect or replace parts. (Metallic articles (watch and bracelet, etc.)
must be taken off before the operation) (please use tools with insulation cover) so as to avoid any injury.
◆。Do not touch the inside of elevator door controller during its operation.
。As it is very dangerous in HV circuit, the power supply must be cut off for more than 5 minutes before inspection. Do
not touch the heat sink as it is at high temperature.
◆。Do not carry out the insulation resistance test between the wires of the elevator door controller.
。The wiring connected to the elevator door should be dismantled and then measured with a wire connection when the
insulation resistance is being measured between power cord and the motor wires. Please do not measure the control
circuit with a megohmmeter.
◆。Do not mount any phase adjustment capacitor or surge brake at the output end of elevator door controller.
。It may cause the failure of elevator door controller or damage of capacitor, etc. Please dismantle it if it has been
◆。Please do not use the loads other than three-phase induction motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor.
◆Cautions about the protection functions of the elevator door controller
There are many protective functions such as built-in current limit of the elevator door controller and over-current
protection, etc.. These protective functions are used to protect the elevator door controller during its use so as to avoid
any damage on this device under emergent and abnormal conditions instead of being used for general purpose. Therefore,
please try to avoid any use of these protection functions under normal conditions, or the service life of elevator door
controller may be shortened or the unit may be damaged in some cases.

2 Terminals

NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

2.1 Specification of Terminals

Terminal Marking Specification

Terminal Name
Main Circuit L, N AC Single-phase Power Input 50Hz/60Hz ,200-230VAC
Terminals PE,PE1 AC Single-phase Power Grounding Reliable grounding with motor
V ,U,W Converter Output 0.01-25 Hz
NC Undefined (None)
PA、PB、PZ Encoder A-phase, B-phase and Z-phase Open collector encoder Required
Signal Terminals
Control Circuit GNDA +15V Power Public Terminal For encoder power use
Input Terminals +15 +15V DC Power Terminal
GNDE +24V Power and Control Input Signal
Public Terminal
+24V +24V DC Power Terminal Maximum load: 0.5A
OP Door Opening Signal Terminal It works only when given constant
CL Door Closing Signal Terminal signals
OPI Door Opening In Place Signal Terminal
CLI Door Closing In Place Signal Terminal
DECO Door Opening Deceleration Signal For door operator without encoder
DECC Door Closing Deceleration Signal
ENI Enable Operation or Fire-fighting
Function Terminal
Control Output Y0-1 Multifunctional (Programmable) Output Relay output and load capacity:
Signal Y0-2 Terminal Y0-1 3A/24V DC
and Its Public Terminal Y0-2
Y1-1 Multifunctional (Programmable) Output Relay output and load capacity:
Y1-2 Terminal Y1-1 3A/24V DC
and Its Public Terminal Y1-2
CLO,CMC Door Closing In Place Output and Its Relay output and load capacity:
Public Terminal (Normally Closed) 8A/240V DC/AC
OPO,CMO Door Opening In Place Output and Its Relay output and load capacity:
Public Terminal (Normally Closed) 8A/240V DC/AC
Communications CANH,CANL Positive and Negative Terminals of CAN For communication with upper
Bus computer
(CAN 接口)J9 CAN Interface Socket For the interface of handheld
(CAN encoder
Interface) J9
Attention Partial terminals are unused
Attention should be paid to wiring (positive and negative poles) when the input terminal signal
NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
is not the passive contact output as described.

2.2 Diagram ofTerminals

3 Wiring of Door Operator

3.1 Wiring Nameplate of Door Operator

State of Door Operator: Required View State of Door Required View

Open Operator: Open
Motor Rotation: From Outside and Front Motor Rotation: From Outside and Front
Positive Negative
Motor Wiring Motor U V W Motor Wiring
Motor U V W
︱Wiring should be Outgoing Red White Black ︱Wiring should be
carried out in strict carried out in strict Red White Black
accordance with the U V W accordance with the Converter
Outgoing V U W
diagram︱ diagram︱ Outgoing
Converter Converter
Converter Parameter Converter Parameter
Setting Encoder Parameter Encoder Direction Parameter
Value Value
Direction No. Setting No.
F1210 0 F1210 1
Converter Converter
Motor Magnetic Pole Parameter Motor Magnetic Parameter
Position No. Pole Position No.
F1115 F1115
NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

Note: Do not change the internal wiring of controller. Especially it may cause the abnormal operation of door
operator when reversing the phase sequence of the motor. There are one-to-one correspondences between the
controller outputs U, V and W and the motor and they have been wired in restrict accordance with the above
diagram of door operator wiring nameplate when they leave the factory, therefore they should not be changed!

3.2 Wiring Diagram of Door Operator

+24V 1.24V
OP 2.OPEN To lift controller DOOR
1.L OPI 电梯开门限位开关
Elevator opening limit
CLI 电梯关门限位开关
3.N CLI Elevator closing limit switch
To 到电梯控制器POWT
elevator controller POWT


Shielding wire


N PA +15V 编码器
U U CMC 5.Com
CMO To到电梯控制器DOOR
elevator controller
Y1-1 8.KSKB

Wiring Diagram of Door Operator

4 Use of Manipulator

4.1 Format Specification of Menu Parameters

The following is the format specification of menu parameter F0701:

F07 01 = 002.50 HZ
Unit of Parameters (Some parameters without unit)
Data of Parameters (2.5)
Submenu Serial No. of Parameters (S01)
NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
)Main Menu Serial No. of Parameters (F07)

LCD Screen

4.2 Function Keys of Manipulator

Name Marki Instructions

Function Lamp FUN When the light-emitting diode (LED) lights on, the manipulator is in the change status of
the main parameter menu. Cursor is pointing at the parameter main menu No. Press “Up
Key” or “Down Key” to modify serial no. of the parameter main menu. Press “Function
Key” to switch between “Function Lamp” (FUN) and “Data Lamp” (DATA).
Data Lamp DATA When the LED illuminates, the manipulator is in the change status of the parameter
submenu or parameters. Cursor is pointing at the serial no. of the parameter submenu or
parameter data. Press “Up Key” or “Down Key” to modify the serial no. of the parameter
submenu or parameter data. Press “Function Key” to switch between “Data Lamp” (DATA)
or “Function Lamp” (FUN).
Run Lamp RUN The lamp will flash when the converter works (the flashing frequency is 1HZ)
Function Key Switch and select the modification of parameter main menu, submenu or manipulate the
parameter data
Right Shift Key When cursor is at the parameter submenu interface, press the key once to move the cursor
rightward by one digit
Left Shift Key When cursor is at the parameter submenu interface, press the key once to move the cursor
leftward by one digit
Up Key Press the key to increase the serial no. of parameter main menu and submenu or the value of
parameter data (The increment of the serial no. of the parameters or the data depends on the
cursor position); when F02 main menu is selected and “Data Lamp (DATA)” lights on,
press this key to make motor open the door

NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
Down Key Press this key to decrease the serial no. of the parameter main menu and submenu or the
value of parameter data (The decrease of the serial no. of the parameter or the data depends
on the cursor position); when F02 main menu is selected and “Data Lamp (DATA)”lights
on, press this key to make motor close the door
Set Key The key is used to store the modified data (when the parameter data is modified, such data
will flash, indicating that the modified data has not been stored yet. When pressing this key,
the data will not flash, indicating that the modified data has been stored), or some functional
operations will be started up (e.g. door width self-determination, etc.).
Notice -

4.3 Operating Example of Manipulator

示例:要对关门启动速度 1(F0701)从 2.5HZ 调整到 3.0HZ

Example: The closing start-up speed 1 (F0701) is adjusted from 2.5HZ to 3.0HZ.
LCD Display Content Usage of Keys

When “FUN” lamp lights on, press this key once and the following display will

When “FUN” lamp lights on, press this key consecutively six times and the
following display will appear:

Press this key once, “FUN” lamp will go off and, “DATA” lamp will light on,
then the following display will appear:

Press this key consecutively four times and the following display will appear:

Press this key consecutively five times and the following display will appear
and the number “003.00” will flash.

Press this key once, the number will stop flashing and the parameters will be
Notice Menu F12 can not be modified until the input write-protected enable parameter
F1207 is entered.

NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
5 Basic Adjustment of Door Operator

The internal wiring of controller and the commissioning for all of its normal functions both have been carried out for
the door operator. User can adjust opening/closing curves as per steps 1 and 2 as the case may be.

Steps Item Operating Instructions

Description Relevant
1 Write-protected The input write-protected enable parameter F1207=1 (It will be restored to F1207=0
Enable F1207=0 automatically in 1 hour)
2 Adjustment of 2.1 Switch main menu to the interface F02, press Function Door runs at a F1203=0
Door Opening Key (FUN/DATA) to the submenu interface and the low speed for the
and Closing cursor will flash at submenu interface, then press the first power-up
Curves (Refer to (Run as per the
the illustration to Up Key to open the door; Press the Down Key frequency
door opening specified in
and closing to close the door; Observe whether the opening parameter F0715)
curves) and closing curves are proper; the door operator is
generally set into a cycle run mode when adjusting the
curve: Set F1203=1and a total cycle run time which is
equivalent to the parameter value of F0813; And
please reset it to F1203=0 after such adjustment.
2.2.1 Adjusting Door Opening Speed F0707=3.0
When door operator opens the door, the following speed parameters are F0708=20
adjustable: F0709=1.3
①. Door opening start-up speed (unlocking speed) F0707
②. Door opening high speed F0708 can be increased provided the closing
speed is relative low.
③ Door closing low speed 1 F0709
2.2.2 Adjusting door opening deceleration and opening start-up distance F0901=600
When door operator opens the door, the following distance parameters are F0905=70
①. Opening deceleration distance F0901. It is the distance from the position
where door operator starts to decelerate during opening to the position where
door is fully opened.
②. Opening start distance F0905. It is the distance from the position where
door is fully closed to the position where door operator starts to accelerate.
2.2.2 Adjusting Door Opening and Closing Acceleration and Deceleration F0801=1.0
Adjusting Door Time F0802=1.2
Opening and ①. Adjusting acceleration time F0801: The set time of this parameter is the
Closing Curves required time for the door operator to accelerate to the set maximum speed
(Refer to of the (F0717) of the controller from the zero speed. When the actual speed of door
illustration to the operator after acceleration is lower than the maximum speed (F0717), the
door opening acceleration time will be shortened proportionally.
NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
and closing ②. Adjustment of deceleration time F0802: The time in this parameter is the
curves) time taken for door operator to decelerate from the maximum speed (F0717) to
zero. When the actual speed of door operator after deceleration is lower than
the maximum speed (F0717), the deceleration time will be shortened

2.3.1 Adjustment of Closing Speed F0701=2.0

①. Closing start speed F0701 F0702=18
②. Closing high speed F0702, which is increased when it is believed that the F0705=0.5
closing speed is very low
③ Closing low speed 1 F0705
2.3.2 Adjustment of Closing Deceleration and Closing Start Distance F0902=520
When door operator closes the door, it is necessary to adjust the following F0906=50
①. Closing deceleration distance F0902. It is the distance from the position
where door operator starts decelerating during closing to the position where
door is fully closed.
②. Closing start distance F0906. It is the distance from the position where
door is fully opened to the position where door operator starts accelerating
during closing.

3 3.1 Closing Overload Counter-opening Action Setting: F1211 (1: F1211=0

Counter-opening action; 0 No counter-opening action)
When door operator detects the closing overload during opening, controller
will trigger the action of closing overload relay. If the parameter is set to 1,
controller will make door operator reverse automatically. However, it is
recommended that user does not use this function during the actual use of door
operator (set the parameter to 0), since the order of reverse motion during
closing overload should be sent from host motor controller to door operator.

3.2 Parameter Setting of Closing Overload Factor F0703=2.5

F0703---Allowed Tolerance Frequency during Stable Speed
When frequency tolerance exceeds this datum, controller considers that the
door operator is subject to too heavy load, and sends the overload signal to host
controller. This parameter can be used together with the parameter of closing
Adjustment overload (over-current) to check whether door operator is overloaded during
of Closing closing
Overload Force F0716---Allowed Tolerance Frequency during Acceleration and Deceleration F0716=2.0
This parameter is used to set the maximum allowed additional frequency
tolerance when door operator is closing the door and runs at the acceleration
and deceleration phases. When the frequency tolerance exceeds F0716+F0703,
controller considers there is too heavy load on door operator, so it will send the
overload signal to host controller. This parameter can be used together with the
NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
parameter of closing overload (over-current) to check whether door operator is
overloaded during closing

F1018---Closing Overload Current during Stable Operation F1008=0.93

During closing, if door runs in the phase of stable speed (non-accelerating and
non-decelerating phases). Provided the current of motor detected exceeding the
set datum of such parameter, then the controller performs the closing overload
F1010--- Closing Overload Current during Acceleration and Deceleration F1010=0.46
During closing, if door runs in the phase of acceleration or deceleration and the
current of motor detected exceeding F1008+F1010, then the controller
performs the closing overload operation
F0814---Closing Over-current Allowed Time F0814=0.05
During closing, if the controller detects over-current within the set time of such
parameter, then the controller performs the closing over-current. When there is
one closing over-current occasionally, the controller does not perform the
closing overload operation
F0915--- Closing Over-current Detection Distance F0915=1
When door is closed to the extent that its distance to the closing limit position
is lower than the set distance of such parameter, detection of closing overload
is no longer required. When system contains no encoder, the datum of such
parameter is invalid. Controller has no such function.
F1102---Current Decrease during Over-current F1102=0.03
This parameter is used for decreasing the closing overload current (F1008)
value when door operator closes the door. The overload current of door
operator will decrease the set value of such parameter at every distance that
door runs towards the closing direction (128 pulse distances). This function is
applicable to the occasion when a door operator system with swing self-closing
device is adopted in the car door. For other door operator systems, this
parameter must be set to 0.

4 Adjustment of F0809---Deceleration Time during Door Operator F0809=0.3

Door Reverse Emergency Stop When door is F0810=0.3
Motion Time This parameter is the time for opening or closing motion to opened due to
stop immediately (e.g. opening or closing for inspection, light curtain
safety touch pad action during closing) when the signal of during its
opening or closing is suddenly removed during the fast closing, if it
running of door operator. It is the time taken for door to shakes
decelerate from the maximum speed (F0717) to zero. When dramatically,
door does not reach to the maximum speed, the deceleration corresponding

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
time will be shortened correspondingly. When the time is set adjustment
to a very small value, shock may be caused during the can be made
emergency stop of door. as specified
F0810---Door Reverse Motion Delay Time herein
When door changes the motion from opening to closing, or
closing to opening, the change will be realized after the set
time of such parameter. This parameter should be set to 0.1s
higher than F0809 (Deceleration Time during Door Operator
Emergency Stop)

5 Adjustment of F1003---Opening Holding Torque F1003=12

Opening/Closing When door locates at the opening limit position, the controller will output the F1004=9
In Place Holding set torque of such parameter to motor, making the motor generate a
Torque and low-frequency torque in the direction of opening
Holding Time F1004---Closing Hold Torque
When door locates at the closing limit position, the controller will output the
set torque of such parameter to motor making the motor generate a
low-frequency torque in the direction of closing
F1208---Selection of Opening Brake-timing/Long-term Brake F1208=0
When this parameter is set to 1, if the time of stopping at the opening limit F1209=0
position exceeds the set time of parameter F0811, the controller will cut off the
output of the motor to keep the motor at the state of free rotation; when this
parameter is set to 0, if door stops at the opening limit position, the door
operator will always generate the torque in the direction of opening
F1209---Selection of Closing Brake-timing/Long-term Brake
When this parameter is set to 1, if the time of stopping at the closing limit
position exceeds the set time in parameter F0811, controller will cut off the
output of motor to keep motor at the state of free rotation; when this parameter
is set to 0, if door stops at the closing limit position, door operator will
always generate the torque in the direction of closing

Notice -

6 Specification of Door Opening Curve

6.1 Curve Chart of Door Opening

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

Opening Start Opening End

Curve Opening Direction



Opening High Speed Startup Area

F0909 Opening Low Speed Startup Area

Opening Curve Chart

6.2 Curve Chart of Door Closing

Closing End
Closing Start
Closing Direction



Closing High Speed Startup Area

F0910 Opening Low Speed Startup Area

Curve Chart of Door Closing

6.3 Illustration to Running Curves

Door Operator Principal Causes and Troubleshooting Relevant

Runs Default
Unreasonably Parameters
Door runs too 1. Low setting of opening/closing high speed areas (increase parameter F0708/F0702 F0702=18
slow appropriately) F0708=20
2. Long distance of start or crawl section (decrease parameter F0905/F0901 F0901=600
appropriately) F0905=520
Door starts or The set acceleration time or deceleration time is too small (increase parameter F0801=1.0

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
decelerates too F0801/F0802 appropriately) F0802=1.2
Bump during The set deceleration point is too small (increase parameter F0901/F0902 appropriately) F0901=600
opening/closing F0902=520
in place
Opening speed is What Kind of Curve Involved How to Handle F0909=700
too low when 1. Increase parameter F0909 F0714=5.6
there is light 1. During normal operation, door runs according to appropriately in the opening
curtain/safety Curve 1; low speed start area
touch pad When opening signal is given(signal for light 2. Increase parameter F0714
curtain/safety touch pad) during closing, the door appropriately for Run
operator may run according to Curve 2 or Curve 3 Frequency during Low Speed
2. When opening signal exists at the high speed Start-up
opening area, the door operator runs according to
Curve 2
3. When opening signal exists at the low speed
opening area, the door operator runs according to
Curve 3
Attention Settings have been done reasonably when the product leaves the factory, therefore the user may
adjust them appropriately according to actual needs

7 Door Reverse Motion and S Curve

7.1 Door Reverse Motion and S Curve Chart

S Curve Start Time S Curve End Time

Total Time of Acceleration or Deceleration (F0801, F0802)

Door Operator Reverse Motion Time Chart S Curve Chart

7.2 Description of Door Operator Reverse Motion Time Chart

When an opening signal is given during the closing of door (opening signal during closing), the motor is switching to
reverse motion. The corresponding parameters include F0809 (Door Emergency Stop Time) and F0810 (Door Reverse
Motion Delay Time). Such two parameters (reasonably set before ex-factory) can be adjusted if the door shakes
dramatically during the process.
7.3 Illustration to Acceleration-Deceleration S Curve
When the door is opening or closing, if its speed increases, the acceleration time can be set through the parameter
F0801. The larger value of the parameter, the slower acceleration, and vice versa. If its speed decreases, the deceleration
time can be set through the parameter F0802. The larger value of the parameter, the slower deceleration, and vice versa.
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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
The speed changes as shown in the S curve. The value of parameter F0803 (S curve start time) can be set by the
percentage of acceleration/deceleration time. For instance, if F0803=20, the S curve start time=F0801(F0802)×20%.
Parameter F0804 (S curve end time) can be set in the same way as parameter F0803.
8 Important Operations of Door and its Instructions
8.1 Operation of Door Width Determination

Step Operating Instructions Remarks

1 ; Input the Write-protected Enable Parameter F1207=1;

2 )
Perform opening/closing once according to the instructions to the manipulator (run at a low speed
if door is electrified for the first time)
3 Input the Door Width Determination Enable Parameter F1204=1
Hold down the key and then press the key once, the last line of menu F1204 is

changed from “DATA: 00001 PW 00000” to “DATA: 00001 RW 00000”. Release the key

and the key . When door operator closes the door in place and it starts opening the door after

a 2s delay, the number after digit W in the last line of the menu increases. When door is fully
opened, the door operator stops and the last line of the menu becomes “DATA: 00001 RW
0××××” after a 2s delay. The door width determination is completed.

5 Inspect the closing limit position and calibrate the settings Set parameter F1203 to
5.1 When the door operator adjusts to automatic operation, set 1; put door operator at
F1203=1 the state of automatic
5.2 When the door is opened in place, adjust parameter operation to facilitate
F0903=[value]-4; F0918=[value]-14 parameter setting under
When door is closed in place, adjust parameter F0904=[value]+4; the monitored condition
5.3 Restore parameter F1203=0
Attention -

8.2 Operation of Parameter Initialization

Step Operating Steps Default

1 1.1 Input Write-protected Enable Parameter F1207=1 F1207=0
1.2 Set parameter F1201. When synchronous door coupler is employed, F1201=1; when
asynchronous door coupler is employed, F1201=0

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
2 Input the Initialization Mode Parameter F1205=3 (this door F1205=3
operator belongs to the Initialization Mode 3) When door can not
Parameter Contents Remarks restore its normal operation
Value due to wrong setting of
0 No Initialization some parameter or too
1 frequent parameter
6-pole Asynchronous Motor Vector adjustment, this parameter
Control Mode can be adjusted for
2 6-pole Asynchronous Motor Speed parameter initialization to
Open-loop V/F Control Mode restore door operator to
3 16-pole Permanent Magnet basic normal operation.
Synchronous Motor Vector Control
4 16-pople Permanent Magnet Temporarily
Synchronous Motor Opened-loop out of
V/F Control Mode service
5 4-pole Asynchronous Motor Vector
Control Mode
6 4-pole Asynchronous Motor Speed
Open-loop V/F Control Mode
3 。 ――

Hold down the key and then press the key once, the last line of Data Initialization
F1205 is changed from “DATA: 0000× XP ××××” to “DATA: 00000 COMPLETE”. The Data is

4 Door width self-determination is performed After initialization, the door width may differ ――
according to the operating method of door from the actual door width, so it is necessary to
width self-determination. perform the operation of door width
5 Inspection and Validation of several important parameters After initialization, this F1214=0
F1214—Selection of Opening In Place Output Switch Polarity (0: parameter will be F1215=1
output is disconnected while opening in place, but output is restored to its default
connected while not opening in place; 1: output is connected while value. In order to meet
opening in place, but output is disconnected while not opening in the requirements for host
place) control system to receive
F1215—Selection of Closing In Place Output Switch (0: output is the logic state of
connected while closing in place, but output is disconnected while opening/closing in place
not closing in place; 1: output is disconnected while closing in switch, user may change
place, but output is connected while not closing in place) this parameter.
Therefore, this parameter
should be checked after
6 Door motion curve is adjusted according to actual situation; door motion curve will follow the ――
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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
value set when delivery after initialization
Attention For initialization, the correct value for this parameter should be set in the accurate procedure, or it may
cause the abnormal operation of door operator;

8.3 Specification of Programmable Terminals

8.3.1 Specification of Programmable Output Terminal

Terminal Marking Corresponding Programming Specification of Programming Default Settings

Parameter Content
Y0-1,Y0-2 Determine the content of terminal Parameter Content 1
output according to the value of Value
parameter F1223 0 Safety Touch Pad
Y1-1,Y1-2 Content of terminal output is Limit Signal 2
determined by the value of parameter 1 Closing Overload
F1224 Signal
2 Controller Fault
3 Closing In Place
4 Opening In Place
5 Retained
Attention -

8.3.2 Specification of Programmable Input Terminal

Input Signal Corresponding Programming Specification of Programming Default Settings

Parameter Content
Opening Input Which terminal to be used is 0
Signal determined by the value of parameter Parameter Terminal Marking
F1225 Value
Closing Input Which terminal to be used is 0 Select terminal OP 1
Signal determined by the value of parameter Select terminal CL
F1226 2 Select terminal OPI
Opening In Place Which terminal to be used is 3 Select terminal CLI 2
Input Signal determined by the value of parameter 4 Select terminal DECO
F1227 5 Select terminal DECC
Which terminal to be used is 6 Select terminal ENI 3
Closing In Place determined by the value of parameter 7 未使用
Input Signal F1228 Unused
Opening Which terminal to be used is 4
Deceleration Input determined by the value of parameter

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
Signal F1229
Closing 5
Deceleration Input Which terminal to be used is
Signal determined by the value of parameter
Fire-fighting Input Which terminal to be used is 7
Signal determined by the value of parameter

Attention -

9 Table of Parameters
Funct Parameter Parameter Name Default Settings Unit
ion No.

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F0101 Speed Display HZ
F0102 Synchronous Motor θ Angle Display °
F0103 Retained by Manufacturer --
F01. F0104 Retained by Manufacturer --
Statu F0105 Retained by Manufacturer --
s and F0106 Encoder Z-phase Status Display --
Pass F0107 Detected Current Zero Offset Value --
word F0108 Current Offset Value --
F0109 Motor Run Status Display --
F0110 Retained --

F02 Overhaul of opening/closing of door operator for inspection and display of

Overhaul of opening position, opening/closing time and status --
Opening/Closing for
F0301 OP Terminal Input Status Display --
F0302 CL Terminal Input Status Display --
F0303 OPI Terminal Input Status Display

F0304 CLI Terminal Input Status Display

F0305 DECO Terminal Input Status Display

F0306 DECC Terminal Input Status Display

F03 F0307 ENI Terminal Input Status Display

Input F0308 Hardware Write Protect Status Display

Signa F0309 Opening Limit Position Status Display

l F0310 Closing Limit Position Status Display

Displ F0311 Opening Deceleration Position Status

ay Display

F0312 Closing Deceleration Position Status


F0313 Opening Limit Protection Status Display

F0314 Closing Limit Protection Status Display

F0315 Acceleration Status Display

F0316 Deceleration Status Display

F0401 Start Relay Status Display

F04 F0402 Opening Limit Relay Status Display

Outp F0403 Closing Limit Relay Status Display

ut F0404 Relay Y0 Status Display

Signa F0405 Relay Y1 Status Display --

l F0406 Motor Output Status Display

Displ F0407 Encoder Z-phase Output Status Display

ay F0408 Closing Stop Position Display

F0409 Door Position Counter Display

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F0410 Opening/Closing Times Display

F0501 Opening/Closing Current Display

F05 F0502 直流 母线电压 显示 DC Bus Voltage

Curre Display
nt F0503-F0552 Retained & Unused
and --
F06 F0601 Latest Fault Record

Fault F0602 IPM Fault Count

Reco F0603 Over-current Fault Count

rd F0604 Opening Overtime Fault Count --
and F0605 Closing Overtime Failure Frequency
Displ F0606 Failure Frequency per Minute
F0701 Closing Start-up Speed 2.00 HZ
F0702 Closing High Speed 18.00 HZ
F0703 Allowed Tolerance Frequency at Stable 2.50 HZ

F0704 Synchronous Door Coupler Opening 6.50 HZ


F0705 1 Closing Low Speed 1 0.50 HZ

F0706 2 Closing Low Speed 2 0.30 HZ
F0707 Opening Start Speed 3.00 HZ
F0708 Opening High Speed 20.00 HZ
F0709 1 Opening Low Speed 1 1.30 HZ
F0710 2 Opening Low Speed 2 0.60 HZ
F0711 Self-learning and Power-up Speed 8.00 HZ
F0712 Torque Retardation Coefficient 0.10 HZ
F0713 Closing Limit Position Torque 70.00

F0714 度 Run Speed for Start at Low Speed 5.60 HZ


F0715 度 un Speed during power-up of 4.80 HZ

Synchronous Motor

F0716 Allowed Tolerance Frequency during 2.00 HZ

Acceleration and Deceleration

F0717 Maximum Output Frequency 24.00 HZ

F0718 Reference Frequency 24.00 HZ

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F0801 Acceleration Time 1.00 S
F0802 Deceleration Time 1.20 S
F0803 Start S Curve 20 %
F0804 S Curve on Arrival 50 %

F08 F0805 Opening Stop Protection Time 2.00 S

Time F0806 Closing Stop Protection Time 1.50 S

Setti F0807 Motor Cut-off Time during IPM Failure 2.00 S

ng F0808 Allowed Minutely Fault Count 10.00 S

F0809 Deceleration Time during Door Operator 0.3 S
Emergency Stop

F0810 Door Reverse Motion Delay Time 0.3 S

F0811 Braking Torque Holding Time 220 S
F0812 Detection of Current Filtration Time 6 us
F0813 Total Time of Opening and Closing 14.0 S
during Test Run

F0814 Closing Over-current Allowed Time 0.05 S

F0815 Opening/Closing Over-current Allowed 0.30 S

F0816 Closing Over-current Relay Action Time 1.0 S

F0817 LCD Backlight Going-out Delay Time 60.0 S
F0818 Closing In Place Output Delay Time 0.1 S
F0819 Allowed Opening/Closing Time 60 S
F0820 Over-current Motor Cut-off Time 5.0 S
F0821 Filtration Time at Given Speed 6 ms
F0822 Filtration Time at Test Speed 3 ms
F0823 Output Filtration Time 3 ms
F0901 Opening Deceleration Distance 600
F0902 Closing Deceleration Distance 520
F09 F0903 Opening Limit Position 3646 --
Dista F0904 Closing Limit Position 1948
nce F0905 Run Distance at Unlocking Speed 70
Setti F0906 Run Distance at Closing Start Speed 50
ngs F0907 Safety Touch Pad Limit Distance 100
F0908 Door Width Distance 1580
F0909 Opening Low Speed Area Distance 700
F0910 Closing Low Speed Area Distance 520
F0911 Acceleration Distance for Synchronous 180
Door Coupler Opening --
F0912 Deceleration Distance for Synchronous 60
Door Operator Opening

F0913 Deceleration Distance for Opening Start 40

at Low Speed Area

F0914 Deceleration Distance for Closing 40

Start-up at Low Speed Area

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F0915 Closing Over-current Detection Distance 1
F0916 Opening Limit Protection Position 3583
F0917 Closing Limit Protection Position 1998
F0918 Deceleration Position for Opening Low 3636
Speed 1

F0919 Deceleration Position for Closing Low 1958

Speed 1

F1001 Low Speed Torque 12 --

F10 F1002 High Speed Torque 40 --
Moto F1003 Opening Hold Torque 12 --
r F1004 Closing Hold Torque 9 --
Torq F1005 Voltage during Synchronous Motor 32 V
ue, Start-up Running
Curre F1006 Maximum Voltage of Torque Ring 40 V
nt F1007 Maximum Voltage of Excitation Ring 40 V
and F1008 Closing Overload Current during Stable 0.93 A
Volta Operation
ge 开、
关门过载保护电流 Opening/Closing
F1009 4.00 A
Setti Overload Protection Current
F1010 Closing Overload Current during 0.46 A
Acceleration and Deceleration

F1101 Maximum Torque 200 --

F1102 过 流 电 流 的 减 少 值 Decrease of 0.03 A


F1103 关 门 保 持 力 矩 1 Closing Holding 10 --

Torque 1
F1104 Current Sensor U-phase Zero Current --
F1105 Current Sensor V-phase Zero Current --
F1106 Current Proportion of Current Sensor 39 --
F1107 Speed Ring P Parameter 8 --
F1108 Speed Ring I Parameter 100 --
F1109 Excitation Current Ring P Parameter 32
F1110 Excitation Current Ring I Parameter 60 --
F1111 Torque Current Ring P Parameter 3 --
F1112 Torque Current Ring I Parameter 60 --
F1113 Torque Coefficient of 2/3 Door Width 9000 --

F1114 No-load Current 0 --

F1115 Synchronous Motor Magnetic Pole --

F1116 Encoder Pulse Per Revolution 2048 --

F1201 Synchronous Door Selection Setting 0 --

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F12 F1202 Protection Torque Setting 140 --
Funct F1203 Door Operator Test Run Setting 0 --
ion F1204 Door Width Self-determination Setting 0 --
Setti F1205 Data Initialization 0 --
ng F1206 Determination of Magnetic Pole Position 0 --
F1207 Data Write-protected Setting 0 --
F1208 Selection of Opening Brake/Long-term 0 --

F1209 Selection of Closing Brake/Long-term 0 --


F1210 Encoder Direction Setting 1 --

F1211 Closing Overload Reverse Opening 0 --
Motion Setting

F1212 Control Mode Setting 2 --

F1213 Whether Use Encoder 1 --
F1214 Opening Limit Output Relay Polarity Setting 0 --
F1215 Closing Limit Output Relay Polarity Setting 1 --
F1216 Multifunctional Relay Y0 Polarity 1 --

F1217 Multifunctional Relay Y1 Polarity 0 --


F1218 Opening Limit Switch Polarity Setting 1 --

F1219 Closing Limit Switch Polarity Setting 1 --
F1220 Opening Deceleration Switch Polarity 1 --

F1221 Closing Deceleration Switch Polarity 1 --


F1222 Motor Pole Number Setting 1 --

F1223 Relay Y0 Function Setting 0 --
F1224 Relay Y1 Function Setting 1 --
F1225 Opening Input Signal Terminal Selection 0 --
F1226 Closing Input Signal Terminal Selection 1 --
F1227 Opening Limit Input Signal Terminal 2 --

F1228 Closing Limit Input Signal Terminal 3 --


F1229 Opening Deceleration Input Signal 4 --

Terminal Selection

F1230 Closing Deceleration Input Signal 5 --

Terminal Selection

F1231 Fire-fighting Input Signal Terminal 7 --


F1232 Retained by Manufacturer --

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F1233 Closing Auto Detection Stop Position 2 --

(Detailed Instructions)

Our company’s NSFC01-02 model controller is a special variable frequency door controller for elevator door, and an
advanced speed closed-loop vector control algorithm is adopted on the part of variable frequency, therefore it
features high control accuracy, smooth curve of operation and favorable comfort.
This User Manual mainly introduces the applications and precautions of NSFC01-02 model door operator controller.
Please read through this manual before use for proper use.

1 Classification of Precautions

Safety Precautions
Please read through this manual and its appendixes before installation, operation, maintenance
and inspection for proper use.
You should make a good command of related equipment, safety information and its
precautions before use.
This User Manual classifies safety cautions into “Danger” and “Attention”.
Danger: False operation may cause some dangerous conditions and result in death or serious
Attention: False operation may cause some dangerous conditions and result in moderate or
slight injury. Moreover, it may cause damage on articles.
In addition, any matters registered in the Attention may also cause serious consequences as the
case may be.
Please strictly follow the instructions as all those matters in such two categories are very important.

1.1 Installation

Please install on metal and other inflammable articles so as to avoid any fire.
 Please keep away from flammable articles so as to avoid any fire.
 Do not hold the terminal shell by hands during handling so as to prevent any injury from it
falling off.
 Please keep metal particles or other foreign matters from entering in so as to avoid any fire.
 Please install in the place where is able to bear its weight so as to prevent any injury from it
falling off in accordance with the user manual.
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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
 Do not install and use the damaged elevator door controller or elevator door controller with
incomplete components so as to avoid any injury.

1.2 Wiring

 Make sure that the power is cut off before wiring. Wiring should be carried out in more than 5
minutes after the power supply is OFF (disconnected) so as to avoid any electric shock and
injury accident.
 Earth wire should be connected so as to avoid any electric shock and fire.
 Professional electrician should be entrusted for wiring so as to avoid any electric shock and
 The door operator controller must be mounted before wiring so as to avoid any electric shock
and injury accident.

 AC power supply should not be connected to the output terminals (U, V and W) so as to avoid
any injury and fire.
 Please wire the motor properly. Any error wiring may cause improper operation of the door
 Please connect the control terminals properly. If any error connection of the control terminals
may cause improper operation of the door controller.
 Please make sure whether the product rated voltage is consistent with the voltage of AC power
supply so as to avoid any injury accident and fire.
 Please use the designated special tools to tighten terminal screws so as to avoid any fire.

1.3 Operation


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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
 The terminals must be covered before they are connected to the power supply and the terminal
cover should not be uncovered during electrification so as to avoid any electric shock.
 Do not touch buttons with wet hand so as to avoid any electric shock.
 Do not touch the terminals of the elevator door controller when it is electrified even if it is
under stop status, so as to avoid any electric shock.
 Perform the function of door seizure detection after fully confirming the safety and functional
action of elevator main control system, in order to prevent injury.
 Make sure that safety sensor is provided in the elevator main controller and the door seizure
detection is performed on the main controller. The elevator door controller does not actuate the
function of seizure detection when the door is not closed in place. Please employ the double
safety measures so as to avoid any injury.
 Make sure that the arrival signal (limit switch, etc.) is input into the elevator main controller
and the door arrival detection is performed on the main controller. Do not perform the door
arrival detection only by means of the opening/closing end signal (input signal and relay
output signal) of elevator door controller so as to avoid any injury.

 。
 Do not touch the radiator that is used for radiation, in order to prevent burn.
 Since it is very easy to set the elevator door controller from low speed to high speed operation,
it is necessary to carefully ensure its operation within the allowed range of motor and
equipment during setting so as to avoid any injury.
 Put the product into use after fully confirming that the corresponding function has been well
set, when it is put into use without arrival signal. Please operate after taking measures to
ensure personal safety so as to avoid any injury.
 While performing door repetitive control and door width determination, the motion direction
of door changes automatically. Please operate after taking measures to ensure personal safety
so as to avoid any injury.
 For door driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor, it may open and close very slowly
for the first time after the controller is powered on, and may be subject to the shock of sudden
speed change. Please operate after taking measures to ensure personal safety so as to avoid
 Please adjust and confirm all parameters in order to prevent injury, as different settings of
parameters may sometimes cause accidental actions.

1.4 Maintenance, Inspection and Replacement of Parts

 Maintenance and inspection are carried out in more than 5 minutes after the power supply is
cut off so as to avoid any electric shock.
 Nobody other than designated people can perform the maintenance, inspection or replacement
of parts. (Take off metal articles (watch, bracelet, etc.) before operation), and (use the tools
with insulation protection) so as to avoid any injury.

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
 Professional electrician must be entrusted to tighten terminal screws periodically as any
looseness of the terminal screw may cause overheating and fire.
 Please perform the withstand voltage and insulation tests for door operator power supply after
turning off the power supply of door controller so as to avoid any damage to door controller.
 Please perform the withstand voltage and insulation tests for the power supply lines U, V and
W of door operator after removing them from the terminals of door controller so as to avoid
any damage on the door controller.
 Do not perform the withstand voltage and insulation tests for the control line and encoder
terminals (voltage grade is lower than DC 24V) of door controller so as to avoid any damage
on the door controller.

1.5 Others
 Do not use any other load other than three-phase induction motor and permanent magnet
synchronous motor.
 Do not disassemble and restructure the product so as to avoid any electric shock and injury.

1.6 General Precautions

All illustrations to this manual are aimed to specify the detailed structure and sometimes
they are developed under a circumstance of being taking off the protective cover or shield.
Please put on the protective cover or shield as required in this manual and put it into
operation according to the user manual.

1.7 Special Cautions during Use

◆。It shall be used within the range of allowable ambient temperature from-10℃ to 50℃. The humidity should be lower
than 90% without any condensation.
The service life of elevator door controller is considerably affected by ambient temperature, so it should be used within
the range of allowable temperature. Moreover, attention should be paid to the direction and environment of installation
(Please refer to 2.1).
◆。The elevator door controller may be damaged when supply voltage is applied to its output end.
。The elevator door controller may be damaged when supply voltage is applied at output terminals U, V and W. Therefore,
it is necessary to carefully check whether there is any mistake in wiring and check the operational procedure.
◆When supply voltage is applied, it should not exceed the allowed voltage.
◆。Hands should be kept away from the inside of elevator door controller during its operation.
。Since it is a very dangerous HV circuit, inspection should be carried out in 5 minutes after the power supply of elevator
door is cut off. During operation, radiator fins are very hot, so they should not be touched by hand.
◆Wave Barrier
。The main circuit of the elevator door controller contains high-frequency harmonic component, therefore it may interfere
with AM radio or other communication equipments placed nearby. The interference is related to the strength of wave in
the area and therefore it is hard to be eliminated completely.
The interference may be reduced by changing the direction of radio, providing static eliminator, being placed in a metal
box, and using conduit, etc. (Further consultation required).
◆。No insulation resistance test is allowed between wires of the elevator door controller.
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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
。While measuring the insulation resistance between power line and motor, it is necessary to remove the connecting line
of the elevator door controller and make use of electric wire for determination. Control circuit should not be measured
with a megohmmeter.
◆。Do not use the electromagnetic contactors at the supply end and load side for start-up and stop of the motor (Elevator
door controller).
The frequent ON/OFF at the supply end may cause the failure of the elevator door controller. When ON/OFF is
performed at the load side during the operation of elevator door controller, it may cause the abnormal trip of elevator
door controller. The start-up and stop of motor should be performed by means of the opening/closing door signal of the
elevator door controller.
◆。Phase adjustment capacitor or surge brake should not be mounted at the output end of the elevator door controller.
。It may cause the failure of elevator door controller or damage of capacitor, etc. If it has been installed, it must be
◆。Loads other than three-phase induction motor and permanent magnet synchronous motor should be not applied.
◆Cautions about the protection functions of elevator door controller
Elevator door controller is provided with current limit, over-current protection and various protection functions. These
protection functions are not universal, but used only to protect the elevator door controller during use in order to prevent
any damage to device under any abnormal condition. Therefore, these protection functions should not be triggered under
normal conditions during use, or the service life of the elevator door controller may be reduced or it may be damaged in
some cases.
◆。Please confirm all precautions and specifications in the instructions for use when you put the elevator door controller
into use.

2 Installation

2.1 Precautions

 。Please install on metal and other inflammable articles so as to avoid any fire.
 。Please keep it away from flammable articles so as to avoid any fire.
 。Do not hold the terminal casing by hands during handling so as to prevent any injury from it falling off.
 。Please keep metal particles or other foreign matters from entering in so as to avoid any fire.
 。Please install in the place where is able to bear its weight so as to prevent any injury from it falling off.
 。Do not install and operate the damaged elevator door controller or the elevator door controller with incomplete
components so as to avoid any injury.
 。Do not stamp on the installed door controller.

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

Improper 正确
Proper 错误

Vertical Installation 水平安装
Horizontal Installation 横向安装
Transverse Installation

。Please install the door controller horizontally. Otherwise the firmness of the installation and the resistance to
mechanical impact of the elevator door controller will be reduced and it may cause problems or failures.

Ambient temperature should not exceed the allowed temperature

。If it is placed near a hot object or inside a box, the ambient temperature of the elevator may increase while its
service life may be shortened. If it must be placed in a box, then the cooling methods and box dimensions should be
taken fully into account.
 ﹣10℃ ~ 50℃
 Allowed ambient temperature: ﹣10℃ ~ 50℃
Note: The measuring point of ambient temperature should be 5cm away from the unit.
 Surrounding space

Lift Door


Do not install the door operator controller at the following places

 The place where is exposed to direct sunlight.
 The place with high relative humidity (lower than 90%, no condensation)
 The place with tremendous oil mist, dust or fiber dust.
 The place with corrosive gas.
 The place with explosive gas.
 The place near flammable material, e.g. wood
 The place easily affected by vibration, e.g. punching.
2.2 Appearance and Dimensional Drawing of Converter

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

Fig. 1 Appearance



接线图 78

Fig. 2 Installation Diagram of Door Controller

Wiring of Input Terminals

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

Fig. 3 Wiring Diagram of Input and Encoder for Door Controller

2.4 Wiring of CAN Bus and Output Terminals

Relay Output Ports

Fig. 4 Diagrams of Output Line Terminals of Door Controller

2.5 Wiring of Power Supply

The wiring on the supply side and the wiring on the motor side are shown in the following figure:

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

Attention: Do not connect the motor side and the supply side reversely, which may damage door controller or
cause a fire. Also guarantee correct and secure wiring.

Wiring Diagram of Power


Fig. 5 Wiring Diagram of Power Supply and Motor of Door Controller

2.6 Description of Control Terminals

CANH and CANL: positive and negative terminals of CAN bus.

PA, PB, PZ: A-phase, B-phase and Z-phase signal terminals of encoder.
GNDA: +15V power supply public terminal (power supply of encoder).
+15 and +24: +15V and +24V power supply terminals.
GNDE: +24V power supply public terminal.
OP and CL: opening signal and closing signal terminals.
OPI and CLI: opening in place signal and closing in place signal terminals.
DECO and DECC: opening deceleration and closing deceleration signal terminals (for door operator without encoder).
ENI: operate enable or fire-fighting function terminals.
Y0-1 and Y0-2: multifunctional output Y0 and its public terminal (relay output, load capacity: 3A/24V DC).
Y1-1 and Y1-2: multifunctional output Y1 and its public terminal (relay output, load capacity: 3A/24V DC).
CLO and CMC: closing in place output and its public terminal (relay output, load capacity: 8A/240V DC/AC).
OPO and CMO: opening in place output and its public terminal (relay output, load capacity: 8A/240V DC/AC).

2.7 Wiring Diagram of Door Operator

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller

+24V 1.24V
OP 2.OPEN 到电梯控制器DOOR
To elevator controller
1.L OPI 电梯开门限位开关
Elevator Opening Limit
CLI 电梯关门限位开关
3.N CLI Elevator Closing Limit



To elevator controller DECC Shielding Line


制器 Controller
N PA +15V 编码器
Motor CMC 5.Com
CMO 到电梯控制器DOOR
W CLO To elevator controller
Y1-1 8.KSKB

Fig. 6 Internal Wiring Diagram of Door Operator

3 Wiring Method

 Perform wiring after confirming power off. Moreover, it is carried out 5min after the power supply is OFF
(disconnected), in order to avoid electric shock, fire and injury.

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 Please keep earth wire connected in order to prevent electric shock, fire and injury.
 Please entrust wiring to professional electrician in order to prevent electric shock, fire and injury.
 Make sure that wiring is performed after the machine is installed, in order to prevent electric shock and injury
Attention: Do not connect output terminals (U, V and W) to AC power supply in order to prevent injury accident and
Please wire the motor correctly in order to prevent injury accident and fire, as any mistake in the wiring may disable
the normal operation of door control.
Please confirm whether the rated voltage of the product matches with the voltage of AC power supply, in order to
prevent injury accident and fire.
Please use special tools to fasten terminal screws in order to prevent any fire.
3.1 Wiring Cautions
 Please care the following matters so as to avoid any mistake in wiring or application. (which may sometimes cause
damages on the device)
 Connect the power supply to the input terminals (L, N) and the motor to the output terminals (U, V, W).
 Please use the round compression-type terminals with sleeve for power supply and motor.
 Confirm whether main circuit is securely connected after wiring, or it cannot be retightened due to the limited access
of electric wire after the control circuit is wired.
 When a high-capacity power transformer (above 500kVA) is connected in the shortest way, the output end of elevator
door controller must be provided with the choke to improve the power factor.

4 Part of Manipulator

4.1 View of Manipulator and Name of Each Part

Data Lamp LCD 液晶显示器

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)


Function Selection Key Up Key

Set Key
Right Shift Left Shift Down Key
Key Key
Fig. 8 Outline Drawing of Manipulator for Door Controller

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4.2 Detailed Functions of Each Part

4.2. 。LCD (liquid crystal display): display the functions and data.
4.2.2 Function Lamp (FUN): When the light emitting diode (LED) lights on, the manipulator is in the state of main
parameter menu change. Cursor is pointing at the parameter main menu no. Press “Up Key”
or “Down Key” to change the main menu No. of parameter. Press “Function Key” to
illuminate “Function Lamp” (FUN) or “Data Lamp” (DATA).
4.2.3 Data Lamp (DATA): When the LED lights on, the manipulator is in the state of data change for parameter
submenu or parameter. Cursor is pointing at parameter submenu No. or parameter data.
Press “Up Key” or “Down Key” to the parameter submenu No. or parameter data. Press
“Function Key” to light “Data Lamp” (DATA) or “Function Lamp” (FUN) alternatively.
4.2.4 Run Lamp (RUN): The lamp flashes when door controller is running (the flash frequency is 1HZ).

4.2.5 Function Key: Alternatively select the modification of parameter main menu or the modification of
parameter submenu or parameter data (refer to 4.2.2 and 4.2.3).
Right Shift Key: When cursor is at the parameter submenu, press the key once to move the curse rightward
by one digit
Left Shift Key: When cursor is at the parameter submenu, press the key once to move the curse leftward by
one digit
4.2.8 Up Key: Press the key to increase the No. of parameter main menu and submenu or the value of
parameter data (location of cursor determines increase of parameter No. or data); when the
operation of opening/closing for inspection is performed (F02 main menu is selected and
“Data Lamp (DATA)”lights on), press the key to make motor open the door for inspection
(refer to 5.3)
4.2.9 Down Key: Press the key to reduce the No. of parameter main menu and submenu or the value of
parameter data (location of cursor determines decrease of parameter No. or data); when the
operation of opening/closing for inspection is performed (F02 main menu is selected and
“Data Lamp (DATA)” lights on), press the key to make motor close the door for inspection
(refer to 5.3).
4.2.10 Set Key: The key is used to store the changed data (when parameter datum is changed, the
changed datum will flash, indicating that the changed datum has not been stored. When
press the key, the datum will not flash, indicating that the changed datum has been stored),
or to start up some functional operations, e.g. door width self-determination, etc.

4.3 Format Specification of Menu Parameters:

The following is the format Specification of menu parameter F0701:

F07 01 = 002.50 HZ
。Unit (no unit for some parameters)

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。Data (2.5)
。Submenu Serial No. (S01)
。Main Menu Serial No. (F07)

Attention: All parameters (menu) can be changed only after F1207 is set to 1.

。This line shows the No. of function menu (main

4.4 Parameter Specification on Display menu of parameter) and function description. The
black background of 7 is cursor, and it can move
The following figure shows the menu parameter F0701 on LCD:
to another function menu by pressing or

This line shows the setting of parameter data. When the

This line shows the submenu No. of parameter

“DATA” lamp lights on, press the key or the key

and function description. Press the key ,

to move the cursor to this line. Press or
to change parameter data.
and then press the key or the key
Attention: Data can be changed only after F1207 Write
to move the cursor to this position when the
Enable is changed to 00001 (allow data change).
“DATA” lamp lights on.

Specification: 01 among the function serial no. F07 and the submenu serial no. S01 constitutes the
function parameter name F0701

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4.5 Operating Example of Manipulator:

Example: The closing start speed 1 (F0701) is adjusted from 2.5HZ to 3.0HZ.

When “FUN” lamp lights on, press the key once, and the following image appears:

When “FUN” lamp lights on, press the key six times, and the following image appears:

Press the key once, “FUN” lamp goes out and “DATA” lamp lights on, the following
image appears:

Press the key consecutively for four times and the following image appears:

Press the key five times, the-following

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image appears and the number “003.00” flashes.
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Press the key once, the number stops flashing and the parameter is stored.

1. Only the data pointed by cursor can be changed. When cursor is at the function main menu, the “FUN” lamp
does not light on. The “DATA” lamp lights on when it pointing at other positions.
2. Data can be changed only if F1207 Write Enable is changed to 00001.
3. When a parameter datum is changed, the door controller will operate at the changed parameter no matter
whether the changed datum is stored. During storage, EEPROM data will be rewritten. However, there are limited
times for rewriting EEPROM data. Therefore, it is not necessary to store a parameter datum immediately after the
parameter datum is changed. Test run can be performed at first. Subsequently, it is observed whether the changed
parameter datum is appropriate. If not, it is changed and put into test run again, till the changed datum is
considered as appropriate. At that time, the datum can be stored. In this way, the number of erase EEPROM can
be reduced.

5 Specific Steps for Debugging of Door Operator

5.1 Settings before Adjustment of Door Operator

①. The U, V and W of motor have been properly wired (Completed before ex-factory).
②. The direction of encoder (F1210) is correctly set (Completed before ex-factory).
③. The controller has been initialized to corresponding control mode (16-pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous
Motor Vector Control, 6-pole Asynchronous Motor Vector Control, 6-pole Motor Opened-loop V/F Control)
(Completed before ex-factory).
④. The magnetic pole position detection for permanent magnet synchronous motor has been completed
(Completed before ex-factory, and necessary only for the door operator driven by permanent magnet
synchronous motor)

Attention: All the abovementioned operations have been done before ex-factory. If any of them is not
completed, the door operator will not operate normally or be able operate, and all commissioning operations will
not be performed. Therefore, all subsequent trial running can be performed only after these abovementioned
operations (refer to 6) have been completed.

5.2 Inspection on Parameters before Operation:

All the following parameters have been set before ex-factory and therefore there is no need to change them after

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①Check whether the encoder pulse count setting (F1116) matches with the pulse of encoder in service (our
company’s door driven by permanent magnetic synchronous motor employs the encoder of 2048 pulses per
revolution, and the door driven by asynchronous motor employs the encoder of 512 pulses per revolution).
②.Check whether the direction of motor and encoder (F1210) is set correctly (see the motor wiring nameplate
on the motor).
③. 。Check whether the data of magnetic pole position are set correctly (see the motor wiring nameplate on the
motor, necessary only for the door driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor).
④.Check whether the parameters of synchronous door (the landing door and car door of elevator have edges
aligned during opening and closing) and asynchronous door (F1201) are set properly.
⑤. ,将参数设置为 3。Check whether the parameter of closing limit position auto detection (F1233) is set
properly. When door operator drives the synchronous door, the parameter is set to 0. When door operator
drives the asynchronous door, the parameter is set to 3.
⑥.3。Check whether the U-phase zero current parameter (F1104) and V-phase zero current parameter (F1105)
of door controller are set properly. When motor has no current (check F0109, when it displays “MOTOR:
■ RUN”, the motor has current. When it displays “MOTOR:_STOP”, the motor has no current), the data
of F1104 should be basically the same as the detected data shown in the subsequent square brackets, with
the tolerance of lower than 3; the data of F1105 should be basically the same as the detected data in the
subsequent square brackets, with the tolerance of lower than 3.
⑦.Check whether the on/off and polarity of door operator opening limit switch is correct. Check F0309
(opening limit position display). Open the door completely by hand to trigger the opening limit switch, so
the last line of the parameter menu should indicate “STATUS:■ [ON]”. Pull and close the door by hand to
stop the action of opening limit switch, so the last line of the parameter menu should indicate “STATUS:_
[OFF]”. If the last line of the parameter menu does not change during the abovementioned process, please
check the wiring of opening limit switch and the sensing distance of proximity switch sensing sheet metal,
etc.; when the last line of the parameter menu does change oppositely, it is necessary to change the polarity
of the limit switch (F1218, refer to 6.4).
⑧.Check whether the on/off and polarity of door operator closing limit switch is correct. Check F0310 (closing
limit position display). Close the door completely by hand to trigger the closing limit switch, so the last
line of the parameter menu should indicate “STATUS:■ [ON]”. Pull and open the door by hand to stop the
action of closing limit switch, so the last line of the parameter menu should indicate “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.
If the last line of the parameter menu does not change during the abovementioned process, please check the
wiring of closing limit switch and the sensing distance of proximity switch sensing sheet metal, etc.; when
the last line of the parameter menu does change oppositely, it is necessary to change the polarity of the
limit switch (F1219, refer to 6.4).

Attention: All parameter data can be changed only if F1207 (data change permit) is set to 1. Only after the
parameters in all the above checks are set correctly, subsequent trial running can be performed, or it is necessary
to change the parameters or contact Ningbo Shenling Elevator Accessories Co., Ltd.

State of Door Operator: Required View State of Door Required View

Opening Operator: Opening

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Motor Rotation: From Outside and Front Motor Rotation: From Outside and Front
Positive Negative
Motor U V W
Motor Wiring Motor Wiring Motor U V W
Outgoing Red White Black
︱Wiring strictly ︱Wiring strictly Outgoing
Red White Black
according to the Converter according to the
U V W Converter
diagram︱ Outgoing diagram︱ U V W
Converter Converter
Converter Parameter Converter Parameter
Encoder Direction Parameter Encoder Direction Parameter
Value Value
Setting No. Setting No.
F1210 0 F1210 1
Converter Converter
Motor Magnetic Pole Parameter Motor Magnetic Parameter
Location No. Pole Location No.
F1115 F1115
Fig. 9 Wiring Nameplate of Door Operator

5.3 Trial Running of Door Operator for Inspection

①。Select F02 menu.

②.。Press the key to make the “FUN” lamp go out and the “DATA” lamp light on.

③.。 Press the key to make the door operator open the door and release the key after the door is
entirely opened (Opening limit switch action).

④。Press the key to make the door operator close the door and release the key after the door is entirely
closed (Closing limit switch action).

Attention: When door operator controller is electrified, it may open/close the door slowly for the first time. When
the door is opened to the opening limit position or closed to the closing limit position, its speed may
be changed slightly (impact). After the first-time opening and closing, the opening/closing speed of
door operator becomes normal.

5.4 Adjustment of Door Operator Opening/Closing Limit Output Signal Polarity:

Such two output signals (relay outputs) are provided by door controller to host elevator controller, to indicate the
position of door. According to the request of host elevator controller, change the settings of F1214 (Opening limit output
signal polarity) and F1215 (Closing limit output signal polarity) so as to change the opening/closing limit output signal
polarity. Their relations are as follows:
①. F1214=0: when door operator runs to the opening limit position, there is open circuit between two terminals
OPO and CMO; when door operator runs to any other position, there is short circuit between two terminals
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OPO and CMO.
②. F1214=1: when door operator runs to the opening limit position, there is short circuit between two terminals
OPO and CMO; when door operator runs to any other position, there is open circuit between two terminals
OPO and CMO.
③. F1215=0: when door operator runs to the closing limit position, there is short circuit between two terminals
CLO and CMC; when door operator runs to any other position, there is open circuit between two terminals
CLO and CMC.
④. F1215=1: when door operator runs to the closing limit position, there is open circuit between two terminals
CLO and CMC; when door operator runs to any other position, there is short circuit between two terminals
CLO and CMC.

5.5 Door Operator Opening Width Determination:

1. The door operator opening width determination may be performed after door operator is normal in test run and
the action and polarity of opening/closing limit switch are correct, or the wrong door operator opening width will
be measured (e.g. opening width F0908=0, etc.).
2. Opening width determination will automatically change the parameters F0903, F0904, F0908, F0916, F0918 and
F0919. When the opening width determination fails (or stops before completion), the wrong opening width will be
measured, the door operator cannot operate normally or it operates at a very low speed. At that time, these
parameters should be reset to the default data, so as to make the door operator operate normally and perform the
door width determination again.
3. The synchronous door operator must be operated to open and close the door once when it is electrified for the
first time, and then it can perform the opening width determination.

①.。Close the door entirely for inspection (Refer to ④ in 5.3)

②.。Set parameter F1207 to 1.
③.。Set parameter F1204 to 1.

④。Hold down the key and then press the key once. The last line of F1204 menu is changed from
“DATA: 00001 P W00000” to “DATA: 00001 R W00000”, which means that the character “P” (STOP)

is changed to “R” (RUN). Release the key and the key . After a 2s delay, door operator starts
running to open the door, and the datum after the character W in the last line of the menu increases from 0.
When the door is entirely opened (during the action of opening limit switch), the datum increases to the
largest number. When door operator stops, the last line in the menu is changed from “DATA: 00001 R
W0XXXX” to “DATA: 00000 P W0XXXX” after a 2s delay. The door width determination is completed.

5.6:Setting Closing Limit Position and Closing Slow Speed 1 Deceleration Position:

Attention: Such two positions are automatically set during the door width determination. However, the
automatically set data may be not the best data due to different operating speeds during the door
width determination. Therefore, they must be adjusted in the following procedure.

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①。Close the door entirely for inspection (Refer to ④ in 5.3).
②.。Select the parameter (menu) F0904, and set it to the datum that is 3 larger than the measured datum shown
in the square brackets after the datum. Assuming that the datum in the square brackets in the last line of
this parameter (menu) is 01930, the parameter is set to 01933.
③.。Select the parameter (menu) F0919, and set it to the datum that is 13 larger than the measured datum
shown in the square brackets after the datum. Assuming that the datum in the square brackets in the last
line of this parameter (menu) is 01930, the parameter is set to 01943.

5.7 Setting Opening Limit Position and Opening Slow Speed 1 Deceleration Position:

Attention: Such two positions are automatically set during the door width determination. However, the
automatically set data may be not the best data due to different operating speeds during the door
width determination. Therefore, they must be adjusted in the following procedure.

①.。Open the door entirely for inspection (Refer to ④ in 5.3).

②.。Select the parameter (menu) F0903, and set it to the datum that is 3 smaller than the measured datum
shown in the square brackets after the datum. Assuming that the datum in the square brackets in the last
line of this parameter (menu) is 03770, the parameter is set to 03767.
③.。Select the parameter (menu) F0918, and set it to the datum that is 13 smaller than the measured datum
shown in the square brackets after the datum. Assuming that the datum in the square brackets in the last
line of this parameter (menu) is 03770, the parameter is set to 03757.

5.8 Adjustment of Closing Speed:

When door operator is used to drive the synchronous door (Synchronization of landing door and car door),
the following speed parameters should be adjusted during closing (See Fig. 10 Closing Curve Chart):

①.。Closing Start Speed F0701.

②.。Closing High Speed F0702. The speed is increased when it is believed that the closing speed is very low.
③.。Closing Low Speed 1 F0705.
④.。Closing Low Speed 2 F0706.
⑤.Synchronous Door Knife Opening Speed F0704. This parameter is available only when door operator drives
the synchronous door (See Fig. 10 Closing Curve Chart).

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Closing Direction
Closing Limit Switch Position 关门方向
Door Fully Closed Position
F0904 Closing Deceleration Point
关门减速点 Closing Acceleration Point (Opening Limit Switch Position)
Door Fully Opened Position


Magnetic Switch Closing Curve

Closing Direction

Closing Low Speed Start-up Area
Closing 关门极限位置
Limit Position F0910
Door Fully门完全关闭位置
Closed Position F0911 关门高速启动区域
Closing High Speed Start-up Area
F0912 F0906



曲线2 门完全开启位置
Door Fully Opened Position
Curve 2

Encoder Closing Curve


。Illustration: Curve 1 is the normal opening/closing curve, curve 2 is the start closing curve at high
speed area and curve 3 is the start closing curve at low speed area.

Fig. 10 Closing Curve Chart

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V 开门方向
Opening Direction

Door Fully Opened Position
Door Fully Closed Position


Opening/Closing Limit Switch Position
Opening 开门减速点
Acceleration Point (Closing Opening Deceleration Point
Limit Switch Position)

Magnetic Switch Opening Curve

V 开门方向
Opening Direction

F0801 Curve

Curve 2

Opening Limit Position




Door Fully Opened Position

Door Fully Closed Position
开门加速点 Curve 3
Point 曲线3

Opening F0913 T
Deceleration F0901
F0905 开门减速点
Opening 开门高速启动区域
High Speed Start Area

Opening Low Speed Start Area

Encoder Opening Curve
。Illustration: Curve 1 is the normal opening/closing curve, curve 2 is the start opening curve at high speed
area and curve 3 is the start opening curve at low speed area.
Fig. 11 Opening Curve Chart

5.9 Adjustment of Closing Deceleration Distance, Closing Start-up Distance, Synchronous Door
Coupler Start Open Distance:
When door operator closes the door, it is necessary to adjust the following distance parameters:
①.。Closing Deceleration Distance F0902. It is the distance from the position where door operator starts

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decelerating during closing to the position where door is fully closed.
②. 。Closing Start Distance F0906. It is the distance from the position where door is fully opened to the position
where door operator starts accelerating during closing.
③. 。Synchronous Door Coupler Opening Acceleration Distance F0911. It is the distance from the position
where the door operator starts opening the synchronous door knife to the door fully closed position. This
parameter is available only when the door operator drives synchronous door.
④.. Synchronous Door Coupler Opening Deceleration Distance F0912.

5.10 Adjustment of Opening Speed:

When door operator opens the door, it is necessary to adjust the following distance parameters (Refer to
Opening Curve Chart):

①。Opening Start-up Speed (unlocking speed) F0707. This speed is normally adjusted to around 4HZ when
door operator drives synchronous door, or to around 1HZ when door operator drives asynchronous door.
②.。Opening High Speed F0708. This speed is increased when it is believed that the closing speed is low.
③.关门低速 1 F0709。Closing Low Speed 1 F709.
④.关门低速 2 F0710。Closing Low Speed 2 F0710.

5.11 Adjustment of Opening Deceleration Distance and Opening Start Distance:

When door operator opens the door, it is necessary to adjust the following distance parameters:
①. 。Opening Deceleration Distance F0901. It is the distance from the position where door operator starts
decelerating during opening to the position where the door is fully opened.
②. 。Opening Start Distance F0905. It is the distance from the position where door is fully closed to the position
where door operator starts accelerating during opening.

5.12 Adjustment of Opening/Closing Acceleration and Deceleration Time:

①.Adjustment of Acceleration Time F0801: The time in this parameter is the time taken for door operator to
accelerate from zero to the set maximum speed of controller (F0717). When the actual speed of door
operator after acceleration is lower than the maximum speed (F0717), the acceleration time will be
shortened proportionally.
②.Adjustment of Deceleration Time F0802: The time in this parameter is the time taken for door operator to
decelerate from the maximum speed (F0717) to zero. When the actual speed of door operator after
deceleration is lower than the maximum speed (F0717), the deceleration time will be shortened

5.13 :Adjustment of Other Parameters:

。See the specification of menu parameters for the adjustment of other parameters.

6 :Steps for Setting Parameter Data of Door Operator Controller before Ex-factory:

All parameters should be set according to the following steps before the door operator controller leaves the
①.。Assemble the controller and download control software.
②.。Initialize data of the controller F1205 (Refer to 6.1).

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③。Set the controller neutral current values F1104 and F1105 (refer to 6.2).
④. 。Set the parameter F1201 and identify whether the door operator is used to drive synchronous door
(synchronization of landing door and car door) or not.
⑤.According to the installation of motor and the rotating direction during opening, set the encoder direction
parameter F1210 (see the motor wiring nameplate on the motor)
⑥. 。According to the types and installation directions of connected opening/closing limit switches, check and
change their polarity parameters F1218 (Opening limit switch polarity) and F1219 (Closing limit switch
polarity). (Refer to 6.4).
⑦. 。Set the permanent magnet synchronous motor magnetic pole position parameter F1115, which is necessary
only for the permanent magnet synchronous motor used to drive the door (See the motor wiring nameplate
on the motor).

6.1 Data Initialization of Door Operator Controller:

This operation is completed before the delivery of door operator. It should be carried out when the controller
is assembled and the control software is downloaded. The corresponding parameters of controller are written
in batch into the system EEPROM, which is achieved as follows:
①.。Set F1207 (Write-protected) to 1:
②.Set F1205 (Control Motor and Control Mode) to corresponding value:

0: Not initialization.
1: Initialized to 6-pole Asynchronous Motor Vector Control Mode.
2: Initialized to 6-pole Asynchronous Motor Speed Open-loop V/F Control Mode.
3: Initialized to 16-pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control Mode.
4: Initialized to 16-pole Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Open-loop V/F Control Mode
(temporarily unused).
5: Initialized to 6-pole Asynchronous Motor Vector Control Mode (Temporarily unused).
6: Initialized to 6-pole Asynchronous Motor Speed Opened-loop V/F Control Mode (Temporarily

③。Hold down the key or the key and press the key once, then the last line of Data Initialization
Menu F1205 changes from “DATA: 0000X XP XXXX” to “DATA: 00000 COMPLETE”. The operation of Data
Initialization is completed. Release all the depressed keys.

6.2 Setting Zero Current Values of Controller (F1104, F105):

This operation is completed before the delivery of door operator. Its steps are as follows:
①. Set F1207 (Write Protect) to 1.
②. Ensure no current at controller terminals U, V and W (Check the display of F0109, refer to the description of ⑥ in
5.2). If U, V and W have been connected with motor, and the motor is in the state of operation or DC brake, the motor
must be stopped (refer to 8.1.9).
③. Select the parameter F1104, and set it to the datum in the square brackets in the last line of the parameter (menu).
④. Select the parameter F1105, and set it to the datum in the square brackets in the last line of the parameter (menu).

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6.3 Determination of Motor Connecting Wires U (Red), V (White) and W (Black):

Attention: 1. This operation is to determine which phase of the outgoing wires of 3-phase coil
should be adopted to match with controller. It is performed to measure one unit of each
type motor (asynchronous motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor) after they are
manufactured, and other units will be wired according to this measured result (phase).
2. The parameters for initialization of controller must match with the motor to be measured,
or they may cause damage on the motor or controller.

This operation is performed in the following steps:

①If the measured motor is 6-pole asynchronous motor, set F1114 (magnetic flux command) to 86.
The modified parameter will not be stored, as it must be restored after the wiring determination of motor
is completed. If the measured motor is permanent magnetic synchronous motor, this parameter will not be
③.。Set the parameter F1212 (motor control mode) to 1 (speed open-loop control mode).
④.。Set the parameter F1210 (Encoder direction) to 0.

⑤.。Select the parameter (Menu) F02, and press the key to illuminate the “DATA” lamp.

⑥。When press the key , if the motor rotates clockwise (the synchronous belt wheel or belt pulley of
motor faces operator, see the motor rotation chart on the left part of motor wiring nameplate). Meanwhile,
the outgoing wires connected with controller terminals U, V and W are U (red), V (white) and W (black). If
the motor rotates counterclockwise, the outgoing wires connected with controller terminals U, V and W are
V (white), U (red) and W (black).
⑦.。After motor wiring is confirmed, restore F1114 to its data before determination.

6.4 Setting of Door Operator Opening/Closing Limit Switch and Polarity

①.。Select the parameter (menu) F0309. When door is fully opened (opening limit switch action), the last line
of this parameter (menu) on LCD is “STATUS:■ [ON]”; when door is at any other place, the last line of
this parameter (menu) on LCD is “STATUS:_ [OFF]”. This means that the setting of opening limit switch
is correct, or the setting of F1218 must be changed.
②。Select the parameter (menu) F0310. When door is fully closed (closing limit switch action), the last line of
this parameter (menu) on LCD is “STATUS:■ [ON]”; when door is at any other place, the last line of this
parameter (menu) on LCD is “STATUS:_ [OFF]”. This means that the setting of closing limit switch is
correct, or the setting of F1219 must be changed.

6.5 Determination of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Positive/Negative Magnetic Pole Position:

Assuming that: 1. The connecting wires U, V and W for the coil of permanent magnet synchronous
motor have been correctly connected before measuring the position of magnetic pole.
2. Controller has been initialized to the permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control mode.
3. Encoder has been mounted and fixed onto motor. When the encoder is replaced or loose, the
position of magnetic pole must be measured again.

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
6.5.1 Determination of Motor Positive Rotation Magnetic Pole Position:

The magnetic pole position is measured in the following steps:

①. 。Connect U, V and W of motor with U, V and W of door operator controller (U to U, V to V and W to W)
according to the positive rotation direction of motor shown on the motor wiring nameplate, see Fig. 9.

②Set F1207 (Write-protected) to 1.

③Set F1210 (Encoder direction) to 0.
④.。 Set F1212 (Control mode) to 2 (Permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control mode).
⑤。Set F1206 (magnetic pole position determination) to 1.

⑥Hold down and press the key once to start the determination of magnetic pole position. When
motor starts rotating to open the door, release all the depressed keys.
⑦. 。When the determination of magnetic pole position is completed, F1206 will be automatically changed to
0, and the datum of magnetic pole position will be automatically stored in the parameter F1115 and also
shown in the brackets in the last line of the parameter (menu) F1206 on the LCD. Please fill the datum in
the column of motor positive rotation magnetic pole position in the wiring nameplate on the motor, see Fig.

6.5.2 Determination of Motor Negative Rotation Magnetic Pole Position:

The magnetic pole position is measured in the following steps:
①。Connect U, V and W of motor with U, V and W of door operator controller (U to V, V to U and W to W)
according to the positive rotation direction of motor shown on the motor wiring nameplate, see Fig. 9.

②.。 Set F1207 (Write-protected) to 1.

③.。Set F1210 (encoder direction) to 1.
④.。 Set F1212 (Control mode) to 2 (permanent magnet synchronous motor vector control mode).
⑤.。Set F1206 (Magnetic pole position determination) to 1.

⑥.。Hold down and press the key once to start the determination of magnetic pole position.
When motor starts rotating to open the door, release all the depressed keys.
⑦. When the determination of magnetic pole position is completed, F1206 will be automatically changed to 0,
and the datum of magnetic pole position will be automatically stored in the parameter F1115 and also
shown in the brackets in the last line of the parameter (menu) F1206 on the LCD. Please fill the datum in
the field of motor positive rotation magnetic pole position in the wiring nameplate on the motor, see Fig. 9.

Attention: The controller parameter F1210 must be restored after the determination of permanent
magnet synchronous motor magnetic pole position.

7 Table of Functional Parameters

Default Settings Parameter

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
16-pole 6-pole 6-pole Specification
Funct Paramete Parameter Name Synchronous 16-pole Asynchrono 6-pole Asynchro 单 Page No.
ion r No. Motor Synchron us Motor Asynchro nous 位
Synchronous ous Synchronous nous Motor Uni
Door Vector Motor Door Vector Motor Asynchro t
Control Asynchro Control Asynchro nous

nous Door nous Door V/F

Vector Door Control

Control Vector


F0101 Speed Display HZ 41

F0102 Synchronous Motor θ ° 42
Angle Display

F0103 Retained by -- 42

F0104 Retained by For display, see parameter specification for details -- 42

F0105 Retained by -- 42
s and
F0106 Encoder Z-phase -- 42
Status Display
F0107 Detected Current Zero -- 42
Offset Value

F0108 Current Zero Offset -- 42


F0109 Motor Run Status -- 42


F0110 Retained -- 42

F02 Overhaul of
Overhaul of door operator opening/closing for inspection and display of opening
Opening/Closing -- 42
position, opening/closing time and status
for Inspection

F0301 OP Terminal Input 42

Status Display

F0302 CL Terminal Input 42

Status Display

F0303 OPI Terminal Input 43

Status Display

F0304 CLI Terminal Input 43

Status Display

F03 F0305 DECO Terminal Input 43

Input display, see parameter specification for details
Input Status Display

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Signa F0306 DECC Terminal Input 43
l Status Display

Displ F0307 ENI Terminal Input 43

ay Status Display

F0308 Hardware Write 43

Protect Status Display

F0309 Opening Limit 43

Position Status


F0310 Closing Limit 43

Position Status


F0311 Opening Deceleration 43

Position Status


F0312 Closing Deceleration 43

Position Status


F0313 Opening Limit 43

Protection Status


F0314 Closing Limit 44

Protection Status


F0315 Acceleration Status 44


F0316 Deceleration Status 44


F0401 Start Relay Status 44


F0402 Opening Limit Relay 44

Status Display

F0403 Closing Limit Relay 44

Status Display
F0404 Relay Y0 Status 44
Display Output display, see parameter specification for
Signa --
F0405 Relay Y1 Status details 44
F0406 Motor Output Status 44

F0407 Encoder Z-phase 44

Output Status Display

F0408 Closing Stop Position 44

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F0409 Door Position Counter 44

F0410 Opening/Closing 45
Times Display

F0501 Opening/Closing 45
F05 Current Display

Curre F0502 DC Bus Voltage Current and voltage display, see parameter specification for 45
nt Display details
and F0503- 保留未使用 Retained 45
Volta F0552 & Unused
F06 F0601 Latest Fault Record 45
Fault F0602 IPM Fault Count 45
Reco F0603 Over-current Failure Fault display, see parameter specification for 45
rd Frequency details
and F0604 Opening Overtime -- 45
Displ Failure Frequency
ay F0605 Closing Overtime 45
Failure Frequency

F0606 Minutely Fault Count 45

F0701 Closing Start Speed 1.00 2.00 1.50 HZ 46

F0702 Closing High Speed 18.00 18.00 20 HZ 46
F0703 Allowed Tolerance 2.50 2.50 4.00 HZ 46
Frequency during

Stable Speed

F0704 Synchronous Door 6.50 6.50 2.50 HZ 46

Coupler Opening

F0705 1 Closing Low Speed 0.50 0.50 2.00 HZ 46
F0706 2 Closing Low Speed 0.30 0.30 0.30 HZ 46
F0707 Opening Start Speed 4.00 3.00 2.00 HZ 46
F0708 Opening High Speed 24.00 20.00 20.00 HZ 46
F0709 1 Opening Low Speed 1.30 1.30 1.50 HZ 46

F0710 Opening Low Speed 2 0.60 0.60 0.60 HZ 46

F0711 Self-learning and 8.00 8.00 8.00 HZ 47
Power-on Run Speed

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F0712 Torque Reduction 0.00 0.10 1.50 HZ 47

F0713 Closing Limit 0.00 70.00 70.00 47

Position Torque


F0714 Run Speed for 8.00 5.60 8.60 HZ 47

Start-up at Low Speed


F0715 Run Speed during 4.20 4.80 8.00 HZ 47

power-on of

Synchronous Motor

F0716 Allowed Tolerance 3.00 2.00 2.00 HZ 47

Frequency during

Acceleration and


F0717 Maximum Output 24.00 24.00 49.80 HZ 47


F0718 Reference Frequency 24.00 24.00 49.80 HZ 47

F0801 Acceleration Time 0.50 1.00 1.00 S 47

F0802 Deceleration Time 1.00 1.20 1.00 S 47
F0803 Start-up S Curve 20 20 20 % 47
F0804 S Curve on Arrival 50 50 20 % 48
F0805 Opening Stop 2.0 2.0 2.0 S 48
Protection Time

F0806 Closing Stop 2.0 1.5 1.5 S 48

Protection Time

F0807 Motor Cut-off Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 S 48

during IPM Failure
F0808 Allowed Minutely 10 10 10 S 48
Fault Count
F0809 Deceleration Time 0.48 0.3 0.42 S 48
during Door Operator

Emergency Stop

F0810 Door Reverse Motion 0.5 0.3 0.5 S 48

Delay Time

F0811 Braking Torque 220 220 220 S 48

Holding Time

F0812 Detection Current 6 6 6 us 48

Filtration Time

F0813 Total Time of 14.0 14.0 10.0 S 48

Opening and Closing

during Test Run

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F0814 Closing Over-current 0.06 0.05 0.10 S 48
Allowed Time

F0815 Opening/Closing 0.20 0.30 0.20 S 49

Over-current Allowed


F0816 Closing Over-current 1.0 1.0 1.0 S 49

Relay Action Time

F0817 LCD Back Light 60.0 60.0 60.0 S 49

Going-out Delay Time

F0818 Closing In Place 3600 0.1 3600 S 49

Output Delay Time

F0819 Allowed 5.0 60 5.0 S 49



F0820 Over-current Motor 5.0 5.0 5.0 S 49

Cut-off Time

F0821 Filtration Time at 6 6 6 ms 49

Given Speed

F0822 Filtration Time at Test 3 3 0 ms 49


F0823 Output Filtration Time 3 3 3 ms 49

F0901 Opening Deceleration 800 600 220 49


F09 F0902 Closing Deceleration 680 520 250 49

Dista Distance

nce F0903 Opening Limit 3767 3646 3297 49

Setti Position
ng F0904 Closing Limit 1932 1948 1933 50

F0905 Run Distance at 220 70 15 50

Unlocking Speed

F0906 Run Distance at 20 50 15 50

Closing Start-up


F0907 Safety Touch Pad 100 100 200 50

Limit Distance
F0908 Door Width Distance 1699 1580 1252 50
F0909 Opening Low Speed 1220 700 480 50
Area Distance

F0910 Closing Low Speed 1020 520 380 50

Area Distance

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F0911 Acceleration Distance 180 180 200 50
for Synchronous Door

Coupler Opening

F0912 Deceleration Distance 60 60 60 50

for Synchronous Door

Coupler Opening

F0913 Deceleration Distance 40 40 40 50

for Opening Start-up

at Low Speed Area

F0914 Deceleration Distance 240 40 40 51

for Closing Start-up at

Low Speed Area

F0915 Closing Over-current 220 1 1 51

Detection Distance

F0916 Opening Limit 3702 3583 3255 51

Protection Position

F0917 Closing Limit 1998 1998 1998 51

Protection Position

F0918 Deceleration Position 3757 3636 3287 51

for Opening Low

Speed 1

F0919 Deceleration Position 1942 1958 1943 51

for Closing Low

Speed 1

F1001 Low Speed Torque 12 12 14 -- 51

、 F1002 High Speed Torque 40 40 100 -- 51
F10 F1003 Opening Hold Torque 7 12 12.60 -- 51
Moto F1004 Closing Hold Torque 9 9 6 -- 51
r F1005 Voltage during 28 32 18 V 52
Torq Synchronous Motor
ue, Start-up Running
Curre F1006 Opening Torque 66 40 180 V 52
nt Increase
and F1007 Closing Torque 50 40 100 V 52
Volta Increase
ge F1008 Closing Overload 0.93 0.93 0.65 A 52
Setti Current during Stable
ng Operation

F1009 Opening/Closing 3.00 4.00 1.80 A 52

Overload Protection


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F1010 Closing Overload 0.46 0.46 0.46 A 52
Current during

Acceleration and


F1101 Maximum Torque 200 200 200 -- 52

F1102 Current Decrease 0.00 0.03 0.00 A 52

during Over-current

F1103 Closing Hold Torque 6 10 0.00 -- 52


F1104 Current Sensor -- 52

U-phase Zero Current


F1105 Current Sensor -- 52

V-phase Zero Current


F1106 Current Proportion of 65 39 150 -- 52

Current Sensor

F1107 Speed Ring P 4 8 10 -- 53

F1108 Speed Ring I 100 100 100 -- 53
F1109 Excitation Current 32 32 32 -- 53
Ring P Parameter
F1110 Excitation Current 60 60 60 -- 53
Ring I Parameter

F1111 Torque Current Ring 3 3 8 -- 53

P Parameter

F1112 Torque Current Ring I 60 60 60 -- 53


F1113 Torque Coefficient of 9000 9000 9000 -- 53

2/3 Door Width


F1114 No-load Current 0 0 336 -- 53

F1115 Synchronous Motor -- 53
Magnetic Pole


F1116 Encoder Pulse Per 2048 2048 512 -- 53


F1201 Synchronous Door 1 0 0 -- 53

F12 Selection Setting

Funct F1202 Protection Torque 0 140 0 -- 53

ion Setting

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Setti F1203 Door Operator Test 0 0 0 -- 53
ng Run Setting

F1204 Door Width 0 0 0 -- 53



F1205 Data Initialization 0 0 0 -- 54


F1206 Magnetic Pole 0 0 0 -- 54

Position Test


F1207 Data Write Protect 0 0 0 -- 54


F1208 Selection of Opening 0 0 0 -- 54




F1209 Selection of Opening 0 0 0 -- 54




F1210 Encoder Direction 0 1 1 -- 54


F1211 Closing Overload 1 0 1 -- 54

Reverse Opening

Motion Setting

F1212 Control Mode Setting 2 2 0 -- 54

F1213 Encoder On/Off 1 1 1 -- 54
Selection Setting

F1214 Opening Limit Output 1 0 0 -- 54

Relay Polarity Setting

F1215 Closing Limit Output 0 1 1 -- 54

Relay Polarity Setting

F1216 Multifunctional Relay 1 1 0 -- 54

Y0 Polarity Setting

F1217 Multifunctional Relay 0 0 1 -- 55

Y1 Polarity Setting

F1218 Opening Limit Switch 1 1 1 -- 55

Polarity Setting

F1219 Closing Limit Switch 1 1 1 -- 55

Polarity Setting

F1220 Opening Deceleration 0 1 0 -- 55

Switch Polarity


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F1221 Closing Deceleration 0 1 0 -- 55
Switch Polarity


F1222 电机极数设置 Motor 1 1 0 -- 55

Pole Number Setting

F1223 Relay Y0 Function 0 0 0 -- 55


F1224 Relay Y1 Function 1 1 5 -- 55


F1225 Opening Input Signal 0 0 0 -- 55

Terminal Selection

F1226 Closing Input Signal 1 1 1 -- 56

Terminal Selection

F1227 Opening Limit Input 2 2 2 -- 56

Signal Terminal


F1228 Closing Limit Input 3 3 3 -- 56

Signal Terminal


F1229 Opening Deceleration 4 4 4 -- 56

Input Signal Terminal


F1230 Closing Deceleration 5 5 5 -- 56

Input Signal Terminal


F1231 Fire-fighting Input 7 7 6 -- 56

Signal Terminal


F1232 Kept by Manufacturer -- 56

F1233 Closing Auto 0 2 2 -- 56
Detection Stop

Position Setting

8 Parameter Specification
8.1 ( F01 )Status (01)

F0101 (Speed Display):
This parameter displays the set speed of controller and the actual operating (measured) speed of motor. When there is
no encoder, the displayed detection speed is 0. In which, R is the set rotational speed (HZ); D is the
detected rotational speed (HZ).
F0101 (Synchronous Motor θ Angle Display):
This parameter displays the electric angle during the operation of permanent magnet synchronous motor. For controlling
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asynchronous door operator, this parameter is zero.

8.1.3 F0103: Retained by Manufacturer.

8.1.4 。F0104: Retained by Manufacturer.

8.1.5 。F0105: Retained by Manufacturer.

F0106 (Encoder Z-phase Status Display):

This parameter displays the Z-phase position of encoder. When Z-phase has pulse, “■” appears after the character “S: ”.
In this parameter, the electric angle of permanent magnet synchronous motor is displayed after “D:”, while
the electric angle of permanent magnet synchronous motor is displayed after “R: ” if there is output at the
Z-phase of encoder.

F0107 (Detected Current Zero Offset Value):

This parameter displays the current sensor value detected by controller when there is no current at motor. The U-phase
neutral current bias is displayed after “IU0:”, while the V-phase zero current offset is displayed after

F0108 (Current Zero Offset):

This parameter displays the zero current offset for control current. The U-phase zero current offset is displayed after
“IU0:”, while the V-phase zero current offset is displayed after “IV0:”.

F0109 (Motor Run Status Display):

This parameter displays the operation of motor. When there is current at motor, the last line of the parameter (menu)
displays “MOTOR:■ RUN”, or it displays “MOTOR:_ STOP”. When there is no opening/closing signal
input, the parameter can cut off the output of motor. Its operation is as follows:
①. 选定参数 F0109。Select the parameter F0109.

Press the key to illuminate the “DATA” lamp.

。Press the key once to cut off the current output of motor.

8.2 Opening/Closing for Inspection and Repair (F02)

This parameter is used in the opening/closing for inspection. Its operating steps are as follows:
①. Select the parameter F02.

②. Press the key to illuminate the “DATA” lamp.

③.。Hold down the key to make the door operator open the door, or hold down the key to make
the door operator close the door.
This parameter can also display the door operator position (datum after “P:”, which is 0 when door is
closed to the action of closing limit switch), and the opening/closing time of door operator (datum after

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
8.3 Input Signal Display (F03)

F0301 (OP Terminal Input Status Display):

When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].

F0302 (CL Terminal Input Status Display):

When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].

F0303 (OPI Terminal Input Status Display):

When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].
F0304 (CLI Terminal Input Status Display):
When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].
F0305 (DECO Terminal Input Status Display):
When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].
F0306 (DECC Terminal Input Status Display):
When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].
F0307 (ENI Terminal Input Status Display):
When there is short circuit between this terminal and GNDE terminal, the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF].
F0308 (Hardware Write-protected Status Display)
The control panel of controller contains the hardware parameter write-protected switch, which is the second dip of
four-dip switch (SW1). When it is switched to OFF, the status display is [OFF], or it is [ON]. When the status display is
[ON], all parameters cannot be changed.
F0309 (Opening Limit Position Status Display):
When door is at the opening limit position and the opening limit switch is set correctly (terminal selection F1227 and
polarity setting F1218), the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF]. When door is at the opening position, this
parameter status must be [ON], or the door does not run normally. At that time, it is necessary to check the
wiring, terminal selection and polarity setting of opening limit switch, etc.

F0310 (Closing Limit Position Status Display):

When door is at the closing limit position and the closing limit switch is set correctly (terminal selection F1228 and
polarity setting F1219), the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF]. When door is at the closing position, this
parameter status must be [ON], or the door does not run properly. At that time, it is necessary to check the
wiring, terminal selection and polarity setting of closing limit switch, etc.

F0311 (Opening Deceleration Position Status Display):

When the opening deceleration switch (for door operator system without encoder) acts, and the switch is set correctly
(terminal selection F1229 and polarity setting F1220), the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF]. When the opening
deceleration switch acts, this parameter status must be [ON], or the door does not run properly. At that time, it is
necessary to check the wiring, terminal selection and polarity setting of opening deceleration switch, etc.
F0312 (Closing Deceleration Position Status Display):
When the closing deceleration switch (for door operator system without encoder) acts, and the switch is set correctly
(terminal selection F1230 and polarity setting F1221), the status display is [ON], or it is [OFF]. When the closing
deceleration switch acts, this parameter status must be [ON], or the door does not run properly. At that time, it is
necessary to check the wiring, terminal selection and polarity setting of closing deceleration switch, etc.

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F0313 (Opening Limit Protection Status Display):

When the datum of door position counter is larger than the set datum of parameter F0916, the parameter data status
display is [ON], or it is [OFF]. This parameter is used to act as the opening limit protection when the opening limit switch
is in valid (when this parameter is [ON], it means that door is at the opening limit position).
F0314 (Closing Limit Protection Status Display):
When the datum of door position counter is smaller than the set datum of parameter F0917, the parameter data status
display is [ON], or it is [OFF]. This parameter is used to act as the closing limit protection when the closing limit switch is
in valid (when this parameter is [ON], it means that door is at the closing limit position).

F0315 (Acceleration Status Display):

This parameter displays whether door operator is at the acceleration status. When door is at the acceleration status, the last
line of this parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it displays “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.
F0316 (Deceleration Status Display):
This parameter displays whether door operator is at the deceleration status. When door is at the deceleration status, the
last line of this parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it displays “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.

8.4 Output Signal Display (F04)

F0401 (Start Relay Status Display):

When controller start relay acts, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it
displays “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.

F0402 (Opening Limit Relay Status Display)

When opening limit relay acts, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it
displays “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.

F0403 (Closing Limit Relay Status Display):

When closing limit relay acts, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it
displays “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.

F0404 (Relay Y0 Status Display):

When relay Y0 acts, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it displays

F0405 (Relay Y1 Status Display):

When relay Y1 acts, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it displays

F0406 (Motor Output Status Display):

When motor has current, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or it displays

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User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
F0407 (Encoder Z-phase Output Status Display):
When the Z-phase of encoder has pulse, the last line of the parameter (menu) on the LCD displays “STATUS:■ [ON]”, or
it displays “STATUS:_ [OFF]”.

F0408 (Closing Stop Position Display)

The datum after the character “POSITION:” in this parameter is the datum of door position counter when door operator is
at the closing stop position.

F0409 (Door Position Counter Display)

The datum after the character “POSITION:” in this parameter is the datum of door position counter of door operator.
When door operator runs to the action of closing limit switch, the datum is 2000. While door is closing, the
datum decreases. While door is opening, it increases.

F0410 (Opening/Closing Times Display):

The datum after “RUN:” in this parameter is the cumulative times of opening/closing by door operator. It will not be
erased if power is cut off. It increases by 1 when door operator opens/closes the door once.

8.5 Current and Voltage Display:

F0501 (Opening/Closing Current Display):

This parameter displays the average current of opening/closing by motor. The datum after “C:” is the present value while
the datum after “M:” is the maximum value.
F0502 (DC Bus Voltage Display):
This parameter displays the voltage on the DC bus of controller.
8.6 Fault Record and Display:

F0601 (Latest Failure Record):

This parameter records the status when the latest failure occurs. In which, “Cx” is the fault code (C1: IPM failure, C2:
over-current failure, C3: opening time exceeds the allowed opening/closing time set in F0819, C4: closing
time exceeds the allowed opening/closing time set in F0819), the datum after “T” stands for the
opening/closing time when the failure occurs, and each datum stands for 0.1s. The character after “S:”
indicates whether door operator is opening or closing the door when the fault occurs (OP: Opening, CL:

F0602 (IPM Failure Frequency):

This parameter records the cumulative number of IPM failure that happened. IPM failures may be caused by short circuit
between controller output terminals (U, V and W) and overheating of IPM module, etc. When such a fault
occurs, the current of door operator will be cut off and the motor remains at the status of free rotation. The
cut-off time is set in the parameter F0807.

F0603 (Over-current Failure Frequency):

This parameter records the cumulative opening/closing over-current failure frequency that happened. Opening/closing
over-current failures may be caused by too heavy load of door, seizure and blockage of door, too short opening/closing
deceleration time and too low opening/closing overload protection current F1009, etc. When such a failure occurs, the
current of door operator will be cut off and the motor remains at the status of free rotation. The cut-off time is set in the

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parameter F0820.
F0604 (Opening Overtime Failure Frequency):
This parameter records the failure frequency when the cumulative opening time exceeds the set time. When door operator
starts opening the door, opening counter starts counting the time. When door reaches the opening limit
position, the counter is zeroed. When the time of counter exceeds the set datum of the parameter F0819
(allowed opening/closing time), this fault occurs. The fault may be caused by failure of opening limit
switch, too low speed of opening, and too short time of F0819, etc. When such a fault occurs, door
operator controller will only record the failure and not cut off the power output.

F0605 (Closing Overtime Failure Frequency):

This parameter records the failure frequency when the cumulative closing time exceeds the set time. When door operator
starts closing the door, closing counter starts counting the time. When door reaches the closing limit
position, the counter is zeroed. When the time of counter exceeds the set datum of the parameter F0819
(allowed opening/closing time), this fault occurs. The fault may be caused by failure of closing limit switch,
too low speed of closing, and too short time of F0819, etc. When such a fault occurs, door operator
controller will only record the fault and not cut off the power output.

F00606 (Minutely Failure Frequency):

This parameter records the frequency of failure happened to controller within 1 minute. When the frequency of failure
happened within 1 minute exceeds the set datum of the parameter F0808 (Allowed Minutely Fault Count),
the controller will cut off the output of motor, display the menu F0606, and not respond to opening, closing
and any other actions till the record is erased. This record can be erased in the following steps:
① .。 Select the parameter (menu) F0606, which is unnecessary if controller jumps to the parameter

②.。Hold down the key and the key and then press the key once. This record is erased and
the controller returns to its normal status. Release all the depressed keys.
Attention: This failure record will be automatically erased when the frequency of failures happened every
minute is lower than the set value of F0808.
8.7 Speed Setting:

F0701 (Closing Start Speed):

This parameter is used to set the start speed during closing, mainly for the purpose of eliminating the impact of door
operator closing start. When door operator drives the synchronous door, this speed can be increased
appropriately (around 4HZ, while around 1HZ for asynchronous door) in order to enhance the efficiency of
opening. See Fig. 10.

F0702 (Closing High Speed)

This parameter is used to set the maximum speed of door operator during opening (See Fig. 10).

F0703 (Allowed Tolerance Frequency at Stable Speed):

This parameter is used to set the allowed maximum tolerance frequency when speed is stable during closing by door
operator (not at the acceleration and deceleration phases). When the tolerance frequency exceeds the datum,
controller will consider that door operator is under too heavy load, and will send the overload signal to host

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controller. This parameter can be used together with the parameter of closing overload (over-current) to
check whether door operator is overloaded during closing.

F0704 (Synchronous Door Coupler Opening Speed):

This parameter sets the speed of door knife opening (Pick-up device) after the landing door and car door are closed when
door operator drives synchronous door. In order to improve the efficiency of closing, this speed can be set
around 5-6HZ (see Fig. 10).

F0705 (Closing Low Speed 1):

When door operator is closing the door and runs to the deceleration position, it will slow down from the closing high
speed (F0702, refer to 8.7.2) to the set speed of this parameter (see Fig. 10).

F0705 (Closing Low Speed 2):

When door operator is closing the door and runs to the deceleration position for closing low speed 1 (F0919), it will slow
down from the closing low speed 1 (F0705, refer to 8.7.5) to the set speed of this parameter (see Fig. 10).

F0707 (Opening Start Speed):

This parameter is used to set the opening start speed, mainly for the purpose of eliminating the impact of
opening start by door operator (See Fig. 11).

F0708 (Opening High Speed):

This parameter is used to set the maximum speed of door operator opening (See Fig. 11).

F0709 (Opening Low Speed 1):

When door operator is opening the door and runs to the deceleration position, it will slow down from the opening high
speed (F0708, refer to 8.7.8) to the set speed of this parameter (See Fig. 11).

F0710 (Opening Low Speed 2):

When door operator is closing the door and runs to the opening low speed 1 deceleration position (F0918), it will slow
down from the opening low speed 1 (F0709, refer to 8.7.9) to the set speed of this parameter (See Fig. 11).

F0711 (Self-learning and Power-on Run Speed):

When door operator is at the self-learning (determination) opening width or controller is opening/closing the door for the
first time after being electrified, it will run at the set speed in this parameter.

F0712 (Torque Reduction Coefficient):

This parameter is the coefficient of torque reduction. The higher coefficient, the slower reduction.

F0713 (Closing Limit Position Torque Coefficient):

For the door system driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor, this parameter is 70.00. When door operator reaches
the closing limit position during closing, controller will generate a torque with low frequency in the
direction of closing, in order to prevent door from being pulled open.

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F0714 (Run Speed for Start at Low Speed Area):
When door operators does not start closing or opening at the opening or closing limit position, if the safety touch pad acts
during closing by door operator, the door operator will reverse and open the door in the middle. When the position of door
is within the opening low speed area, door operator will run at the speed set in this parameter and start decelerating when
it reaches the deceleration point (different from normal deceleration point) set in the parameter F0913 (Deceleration
Distance for Opening Start at Low Speed Area). The opening low speed area is set in the parameter F0909. The closing
low speed area is set in the parameter F0910. The closing low speed deceleration point is set in the parameter F0914 (refer
to 8.9.14).

F0715 (Run Speed during Power-on of Synchronous Motor):

When the door system driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor is electrified and runs to open and close the door
for the first time, it will run at the speed set in this parameter.

F0716 (Allowed Tolerance Frequency during Acceleration and Deceleration):

This parameter is used to set the maximum allowed additional frequency tolerance when door operator is closing the door
and runs at the acceleration and deceleration phases. When the frequency tolerance exceeds F0716+F0703,
controller considers there is too heavy load on door operator, so it will send the overload signal to host
controller. This parameter can be used together with the parameter of closing overload (over-current) to
check whether door operator is overloaded during closing

F0717 (Maximum Output Frequency):

This parameter is the maximum operating frequency of door operator, and used for protection. When any other set
frequency is higher than the set frequency in this parameter, door operator will run at this frequency to the

F0718 (Reference Frequency):

This parameter is mainly used for V/F control mode. Normally, this frequency is set as the rated frequency of motor.
When motor runs to this frequency, controller will output the maximum voltage.
8.8 Time Setting:

F0801 (Acceleration Time):

This parameter is used to set the acceleration time of door operator in all speed phases. It sets the time taken to accelerate
from zero to maximum frequency. If the acceleration does not reach the maximum speed, the time will be
shortened proportionally.
F0802 (Deceleration Time):
This parameter is used to set the deceleration time of door operator in all speed phases. It sets the time taken to decelerate
from maximum frequency to zero. If the deceleration does not reach the maximum speed, the time will be
shortened proportionally.

F0803 (Start S Curve):

This parameter is used to set the S curve when the speed starts changing, and set by percentage to the maximum value of
50%. At that time, the speed is very smooth. The smaller this parameter, the sharper transition speed.

F0804 (End S Curve):

This parameter is used to set the S curve when the speed starts changing, and set by percentage to the maximum value of

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50%. At that time, the transmission of speed is very smooth. The smaller this parameter is, the sharper
transition of speed.

F0805 (Opening Stop Protection Time):

After door is opened to the opening limit position and the set time in this parameter has passed, controller will consider
that door has been at the opening limit position and stop opening the door no matter whether door is
opened to the opening limit position.

F0806 (Closing Stop Protection Time):

After door is closed to the closing limit position and the set time in this parameter has passed, controller will consider that
door has been at the closing limit position and stop closing the door no matter whether door is closed to the
closing limit position.

F0807 (Motor Cut-off Time during IPM Failure):

When IPM fault occurs, controller will cut off the output of motor and close IPM to keep motor in the status of free
rotation. The cut-off time is set in this parameter.

F0808 (Allowed Minutely Failure Frequency):

This parameter sets the frequency of failures happened every minute allowed by controller (IPM and over-current faults).
When the frequency of failures happened every minute exceeds the set datum in this parameter, controller
will cut off the output of motor to keep it in the status of free rotation and will not respond to opening and
closing till the failure record is eliminated (Refer to 8.6.6, this parameter can shield some occasional

F0809 (Deceleration Time during Door Operator Emergency Stop):

This parameter sets the time for immediate stop of opening/closing (e.g. opening/closing for inspection and repair, action
of safety touch pad during closing) when opening/closing signal is unexpectedly removed during the high
speed run of door operator. It is the time taken for door to decelerate from the maximum speed (F0717) to
zero. When closing does not reach the maximum speed, the corresponding deceleration time will be
shortened proportionally. If the time is set very low, impact may be caused during emergency stop of door.

F0810 (Door Reverse Motion Delay Time):

When door changes the motion from opening to closing, or closing to opening, the change will be realized after the set
time in this parameter. This parameter should be set to 0.1s higher than F0809 (Deceleration Time during
Door Operator Emergency Stop)

F0811 (Braking Torque Hold Time):

When door stops at the position other than opening limit or closing limit position, controller will cut off the output of
motor to keep it in the status of free rotation after the set time in this parameter. If F1208 and F1209 are set
to 1, when door stops at opening/closing limit position, controller will also cut off the output of motor after
the set time in this parameter has passed.

F0812 (Detected Current Filtration Time):

This parameter sets the constant of detected current filtration time.

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F0813 (Total Time of Opening and Closing during Test Run):

When door operator runs in the opening/closing test run, this parameter sets the opening and closing cycle, which is
divided by opening time and closing time.

F0814 (Closing Over-current Allowed Time):

During closing, if controller detects over-current within the set time in this parameter, controller performs the treatment
for closing over-current. When there is one closing over-current occasionally, controller does not perform
the treatment for closing overload.

F0815 (Opening/Closing Over-current Allowed Time):

During opening/closing, if controller detects over-current within the set time in this parameter, controller performs the
treatment for opening/closing over-current. When there is one opening/closing over-current occasionally,
controller does not perform the treatment for opening/closing overload.

F0816 (Closing Over-current Relay Action Time):

While the closing over-current is detected, controller will make relay Y1 (determined by the set datum in
parameter F1224) act, and the action duration will be set in this parameter.

F0817 (LCD Back Light Going-out Delay Time):

When no key is pressed down on the controller, LCD back light will automatically go out after the set time delay in this

F0818 (Closing In Place Output Delay Time):
It delays the signal output of closing in place, which means that the closing in place relay starts the status output of
closing in place after a delay of time in F0818 when door is closed in place, and the closing in place relay
starts the status output of not closing in place as soon as door leaves the status of closing in place.

F0819 (Allowed Opening/Closing Time):
This parameter sets the allowed time of every opening/closing. During every action of opening/closing, controller will
perform the treatment for opening/closing overtime if it does not reach the opening limit (opening limit
switch action) or closing limit (closing limit switch action) position after the set time in this parameter.

F0820 (Over-current Motor Cut-off Time):

When opening/closing over-current failure occurs, controller will cut off the output of motor to keep it in the status of free
rotation. The cut-off time is set in this parameter.

F0821 (Filtration Time at Given Speed):

This parameter sets the filtration time at given speed.

F0822 (Filtration Time at Test Speed):

This parameter sets the filtration time at test speed.

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F0823 (Output Filtration Time):

This parameter sets the filtration time of speed ring output.
8.9Distance Setting

F0901 (Opening Deceleration Distance):

This parameter sets the deceleration distance during opening. When the system has no encoder, this parameter is invalid,
and the deceleration distance is determined by opening deceleration switch. This parameter sets the
distance from the position where door starts decelerating to the opening limit position (F0903).

F0902 (Closing Deceleration Distance):

This parameter sets the deceleration distance during closing. When the system has no encoder, this parameter is invalid,
and the deceleration distance is determined by closing deceleration switch. This parameter sets the distance
from the position where door starts decelerating to the closing limit position (F0904).

F0903 (Opening Limit Position):

This parameter is used to set the opening limit position. It should be set after door width self-determination, in the method
as shown in 5.7.

F0904 (Closing Limit Position):

This parameter is used to set the closing limit position. It should be set after door width self-determination, in the method
as shown in 5.6.

F0905 (Run Distance at Unlocking Speed):

This parameter sets the distance when door operator runs at the unlocking (Opening start-up) speed (F0707) during
opening. When the system has no encoder, this parameter is invalid. The run distance at unlocking speed is
determined by the installation position of closing limit switch (when the switch acts, door runs at the
unlocking speed). This parameter is the distance from the closing limit position (F0904) to the end position
of run at unlocking speed.

F0906 (Run Distance at Closing Start-up Speed):

This parameter sets the distance when door operator runs at the closing start-up speed (F0701) during closing. When the
system has no encoder, this parameter is invalid. The run distance at closing start speed is determined by
the installation position of opening limit switch (when the switch acts, door runs at the closing start speed).
This parameter is the distance from the opening limit position (F0903) to the end position of run at closing
start speed.

F0907 (Safety Touch Pad Limit Distance):

When the distance from door to closing limit position (F0904) is lower than the set distance in this parameter, the safety
touch pad limit relay Y0 (determined by the set datum in F1223) acts. When the system has no encoder, the
set datum in this parameter is invalid. Controller has no such function.

F0908 (Door Width Distance):

This parameter displays the distance from opening limit switch to closing limit switch. It is not the distance from opening
limit position to closing limit position.

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F0909 (Opening Low Speed Area Distance):

Opening low speed area is the section from opening limit position to the set distance in this parameter in the direction of
closing. When door starts opening in this section, door operator runs at the run speed for start at low speed
area (F0714). When the system has no encoder, the set datum in this parameter is invalid. The opening low
speed area is determined by the installation position of closing deceleration switch. When closing
deceleration switch does not act, door locates at the opening low speed area.

F0910 (Closing Low Speed Area Distance):

Closing low speed area is the section from closing limit position to the set distance in this parameter in the direction of
opening. When door starts closing in this section, door operator runs at the run speed for start at low speed
area (F0714). When the system has no encoder, the set datum in this parameter is invalid. The closing low
speed area is determined by the installation position of opening deceleration switch. When opening
deceleration switch does not act, door locates at the closing low speed area.

F0911 (Acceleration Distance for Synchronous Door Coupler Opening):

When door operator drives synchronous door (when door operator drives asynchronous door, the set distance in this
parameter is invalid), if door is closed to the extent that its distance to the closing limit position is lower
than the set distance in this parameter, door operator will run at the set speed in F0704 (Synchronous Door
Coupler Opening Speed). When system has no encoder, the datum in this parameter is invalid. Controller
has no such function (not set for synchronous door system).

F0912 (Deceleration Distance for Synchronous Door Coupler Opening):

When door operator drives synchronous door (when door operator drives asynchronous door, the set distance in this
parameter is invalid), if door is closed to the extent that its distance to the closing limit position is lower
than the set distance in this parameter, door operator will run at the set speed in F0705 (Closing Low Speed
1). When system has no encoder, the datum in this parameter is invalid. Controller has no such function
(not set for synchronous door system).

F0913 (Deceleration Distance for Opening Start at Low Speed Area):

This parameter sets the deceleration distance during opening start at low speed area (refer to 8.9.9). When the system has
no encoder, this parameter is invalid and the deceleration distance for opening start at low speed area is
determined by opening limit switch. This parameter is the distance from the position where door starts
decelerating to the opening limit position (F0903).

F0914 (Deceleration Distance for Closing Start at Low Speed Area):

This parameter sets the deceleration distance during closing start at low speed area (refer to 8.9.10). When the system has
no encoder, this parameter is invalid and the deceleration distance for closing start at low speed area is
determined by closing limit switch. This parameter is the distance from the position where door starts
decelerating to the closing limit position (F0904).

F0915 (Closing Over-current Detection Distance):

When door is closed to the extent that its distance to the closing limit position is lower than the set distance in this
parameter, detection of closing overload is stopped. When system has no encoder, the datum in this

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parameter is invalid. Controller has no such function.

F0916 (Opening Limit Protection Position):
This position is automatically measured during the door width determination of door operator. When door is opened to
this position, controller will consider that door has run to the opening limit position no matter whether
opening limit switch acts. When the system has no encoder, the set datum in this parameter is invalid.
Controller has no such function.

F0917 (Closing Limit Protection Position):
This position is set during parameter initialization. When door is closed to this position, controller will consider that door
has run to the closing limit position no matter whether closing limit switch acts. When the system has no
encoder, the set datum in this parameter is invalid. Controller has no such function.

F0918 (Deceleration Position for Opening Low Speed 1):

When door opens to this position, door will run at the set speed in F0710 (Opening Low Speed 2).

F0919 (Deceleration Position for Closing Low Speed 1):

When door closes to this position, door will run at the set speed in F0706 (Closing Low Speed 2).

8.10 Motor Torque, Current and Voltage Setting:

This parameter acts when controller is set to V/F control. The set torque in this parameter is the hoisting torque when
motor is at low frequency.

F1002 (High Speed Torque):

This parameter acts when controller is set to V/F control. The set torque in this parameter is the maximum torque when
motor is at high frequency.

F1003 (Opening Hold Torque):

When door locates at the opening limit position, controller will generate the set torque in this parameter to motor, so as to
make motor generate a low-frequency torque in the direction of opening.

F1004 (Closing Hold Torque):

When door locates at the closing limit position, controller will generate the set torque in this parameter to motor, so as to
make motor generate a low-frequency torque in the direction of closing.

Attention: When door is fully closed (when door locates between the closing limit position F0904 and
the deceleration position for closing low speed 1 F0919), closing hold torque is set by parameter

F1005 (Voltage during Synchronous Motor Start Running):

When door operator is the system driven by permanent magnet synchronous motor, and controller is electrified to

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open/close the door for the first time, it will run at the set voltage in this parameter.

F1006 (Maximum Voltage of Torque Ring)

This parameter sets the maximum voltage of torque ring.
F1007 (Maximum Voltage of Excitation Ring):
This parameter sets the maximum voltage of excitation ring.

F1008 (Closing Overload Current during Stable Operation):

During closing, if door runs in the phase of stable speed (except the acceleration and deceleration phases), and the current
of motor is detected to exceed the set datum in this parameter, controller performs the treatment for closing

F1009 (Opening/Closing Overload Protection Current):

When door operator opens/closes the door, if the current of motor is detected to exceed the set datum in this parameter,
controller will perform the treatment for opening/closing overload.

F1010 (Closing Overload Current during Acceleration and Deceleration):

During closing, if door runs in the phase of acceleration or deceleration, and the current of motor is detected to exceed
F1008+F1010, controller performs the treatment for closing overload.

Attention: Closing overload detections include motor over-current detection and motor allowed
tolerance frequency detection. If the excess exists in any of such detections, it will be considered to
have overload during closing by door operator, and the overload treatment will be performed
(overload relay Y1 action).
8.11 Motor Parameter Setting

F1101 (Maximum Torque):
This parameter sets the maximum torque of motor and the set datum is a multiple of rated torque.

F1102 (Current Decrease during Over-current):

This parameter is the value of decrease in the closing overload current (F1008) when door operator closes
the door. The overload current of door operator will decrease by the value shown in this parameter at every
distance that door is closing (128 pulse distances). This function is applicable to car door that adopts the
door operator system with swing self-closing device. For other door operator systems, this parameter must
be set to 0.

F1103 (Closing Hold Torque 1):

When door is fully closed (when door locates between the closing limit position F0904 and the deceleration position for
closing low speed 1 F0919), closing hold torque is set by this parameter. The closing hold torque for any
other position is set by the parameter F1004.

F1104 (Current Sensor U-phase Zero Current Offset):

This parameter sets the U-phase zero current offset in the method as specified in 6.2.

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F1105 (Current Sensor V-phase Zero Current Offset):
This parameter sets the V-phase zero current offset in the method as specified in 6.2.

F1106 (Current Proportion of Current Sensor):

This parameter sets the current proportion of current sensor. It has been set before delivery and does not need to change.

F1107 (Speed Ring P Parameter):

This parameter sets the parameter of speed ring P. It can be increased to improve the traceability of system. If it is
increased too much, it may increase the vibration of system.

F1108 (Speed Ring I Parameter):

This parameter sets the parameter of speed ring I (integral constant). It has been set before ex-factory and does not need to

F1109 (Excitation Current Ring P Parameter):

This parameter sets the parameter of excitation current ring P. It has been set before delivery and does not need to change.

F1110 (Excitation Current Ring I Parameter):

This parameter sets the parameter of excitation current ring I. It has been set before delivery and does not need to change.

F1111 (Torque Current Ring P Parameter):

This parameter sets the parameter of torque current ring P. It has been set before delivery and does not need to change.

F1112 (Torque Current Ring I Parameter):

This parameter sets the parameter of torque current ring I. It has been set before delivery and does not need to change.

F1113 (Torque Coefficient of 2/3 Door Width Position):

This parameter sets the torque of 2/3 door width position.

1114 (No-load Current):

This parameter sets the no-load current of motor. It has been set before delivery and does not need to change.

F1115 (Synchronous Motor Magnetic Pole Position):

This parameter sets the synchronous motor magnetic pole position. Its data record is pasted on the wiring nameplate of

F1116 (Encoder Pulse per Revolution):

This parameter sets the number of pulses for encoder. The set datum in this parameter should match with the encoder in
8.12 Function Setting

F1201 (Synchronous Door Selection Setting):

When door operator drives synchronous door, this parameter is set to 1, or it is set to 0.

F1202 (Protection Torque Setting):

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This parameter sets the protection torque within the 2/3 door width, and its default value is 140. If overload
protection cannot be output, it means that it exceeds the limited torque, so this parameter must be reduced.

F1203 (Door Operator Test Run Setting):

When this parameter is set to 1, door operator can be tested for opening/closing. This function is mainly used to check
door operator before delivery. During actual service, this parameter should be set to 0.

F1204 (Door Width Self-determination Setting):

This parameter sets the operation of door width self-determination. When door operator is mounted onto the elevator car
and it is put into test, it is necessary to perform the operation of door width self-determination once. Its
operating procedure is shown in 5.5.

F1205 (Data Initialization Setting):

When the control software of controller is downloaded, it is necessary to perform the operation of parameter initialization.
Its operating procedure is shown in 6.1.

F1206 (Magnetic Pole Position Test Operation):

After the encoder of permanent magnet synchronous motor is installed, it is necessary to perform the operation of
magnetic pole position determination. Its operating procedure is shown in 6.5.

F1207 (Data Write-protected Setting):

When this parameter is set to 1, the menu parameter can be changed.

F1208 (Selection of Opening Brake-timing/Long-term Brake):

When this parameter is set to 1, if the time of stopping at the opening limit position exceeds the set time in parameter
F0811, controller will cut off the output of motor to keep motor at the state of free rotation; when this
parameter is set to 0, if door stops at the opening limit position, the door operator will always generate the
torque in the direction of opening.

F1209 (Selection of Closing Brake-timing/Long-term Brake):

When this parameter is set to 1, if the time of stopping at the closing limit position exceeds the set time in parameter
F0811, controller will cut off the output of motor to keep motor at the state of free rotation; when this parameter is set to 0,
if door stops at the closing limit position, the door operator will always generate the torque in the direction of closing.

F1210 (Encoder Direction Setting):

This parameter sets the direction of encoder. The set datum is pasted on the wiring nameplate of motor.

F1211 (Closing Overload Reverse Opening Motion Setting):

When door operator detects the closing overload during opening, controller will trigger the action of closing overload
relay Y1. If the parameter is set to 1, controller will make door operator reverse automatically. However, it is
recommended that user does not use this function during the actual use of door operator (Set the parameter to 0), since the
order of reverse motion during closing overload should be sent from upper elevator controller to door operator.

F1212 (Control Mode Setting):

This parameter is used to set the control mode of controller. The corresponding control modes of the set data in this

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parameter are as follows:
0: Asynchronous Motor Vector Control (IM_VECT).
1: Speed Opened-loop V/F Control (O_V).
2: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Vector Control (SM_VECT).

F1213 (Encoder On/Off Selection Setting):

When this parameter is set to 0, door operator system does not use encoder (Available in the open-loop V/F control mode).
The set distance parameters in F09 menu are invalid.

F1214 (Opening Limit Output Relay Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity of opening limit output relay in the method as shown in 5.4.

F1215 (Closing Limit Output Relay Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity of closing limit output relay in the method as shown in 5.4.

F1216 (Multifunctional Relay Y0 Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity off multifunctional relay Y0. When this parameter is set to 0 ([NO]), if Yo acts, there is
short circuit between outgoing lines Y0-1 and Y0-2. When this parameter is set to 1 ([NC]), if Y0 acts,
there is open circuit between outgoing lines Y0-1 and Y0-2.

F1217 (Multifunctional Relay Y1 Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity off multifunctional relay Y1. When this parameter is set to 0 ([NO]), if Y1 acts, there is
short circuit between outgoing lines Y1-1 and Y1-2. When this parameter is set to 1 ([NC]), if Y1 acts,
there is open circuit between outgoing lines Y1-1 and Y1-2.

F1218 (Opening Limit Switch Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity of opening limit switch.

F1219 (Closing Limit Switch Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity of closing limit switch.

F1220 (Opening Deceleration Switch Polarity Setting):

This parameter sets the polarity of opening deceleration switch. This function is available to the door operator system
without encoder.

F1221 (Closing Deceleration Switch Polarity Setting):
This parameter sets the polarity of closing deceleration switch. This function is available to the door operator system
without encoder.

F1222 (Motor Pole Number Setting):

This parameter sets the pole number of door operator. The corresponding pole numbers of motor of the set data are as
0: 6-pole motor.
1: 16-pole motor.

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2: 4-pole motor.

F1223 (Relay Y0 Function Setting):

This parameter sets the output function of relay Y0. The set data in this parameter are corresponding to the output
functions of relay as follows:
0: Safety Touch Pad Limit Signal Output (refer to 8.9.7).
1: Closing Overload Signal Output.
2: Controller Fault Signal Output.
3: Opening In Place Output.
4: Closing In Place Output.
F1224 (Relay Y1 Function Setting):
This parameter sets the output function of relay Y1. The set data in this parameter are corresponding to the output
functions of relay as follows:
0: Safety Touch Pad Limit Signal Output (refer to 8.9.7).
1: Closing Overload Signal Output.
2: Controller Fault Signal Output.
3: Opening In Place Output.
4: Closing In Place Output.
5: Exceeding 150N Protective Force Output within 2/3 Door Width, see 8.12.2.

F1225 (Opening Input Signal Terminal Selection):

The opening input signal terminal can be selected by this parameter. The set data in this parameter are corresponding to
the selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

F1225 (Closing Input Signal Terminal Selection):

The closing input signal terminal is selected by this parameter. The set data in this parameter are corresponding to the
selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

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F1227 (Opening Limit Input Signal Terminal Selection):

The opening limit input signal terminal can be selected by this parameter. The set data in this parameter are corresponding
to the selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

F1228 (Closing Limit Input Signal Terminal Selection):

The closing limit input signal terminal can be selected by this parameter. The set data in this parameter are corresponding
to the selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

F1229 (Opening Deceleration Input Signal Terminal Selection):

The opening deceleration input signal terminal can be selected by this parameter (available for the door operator system
without encoder). The set data in this parameter are corresponding to the selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

F1230 (Closing Deceleration Input Signal Terminal Selection):

The closing deceleration input signal terminal can be selected by this parameter (available for the door operator system
without encoder). The set data in this parameter are corresponding to the selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.

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NSFC01-02 型控制器使用手册
User Manual for NSFC01-02 Model Controller
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

F1231 (Fire-fighting Input Signal Terminal Selection)

Fire-fighting input signal terminal can be selected by this parameter. The set data in this parameter are corresponding to
the selected terminals as follows:
0: select terminal OP.
1: select terminal CL.
2: select terminal OPI.
3: select terminal CLI.
4: select terminal DECO.
5: select terminal DECC.
6: select terminal ENI.
7: Unused.

F1233 (Closing Auto Detection Stop Position Setting):

When this parameter is set to a datum other than 0 (normally 2), controller will automatically detect the closing limit
position of door and perform the calculation for next opening/closing. When this parameter is set to 0, this
function is invalid. The closing limit position is determined by parameter F0904. When door operator
drives synchronous door, this parameter is set to 0. When door operator drives asynchronous door and car
door has self-closing device, this parameter is set to 2.

Ningbo Shenling Elevator Accessories Co., Ltd.

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Zip Code: 315731
Tel: 0574-65983333
Hotline: 0574-65963333
Fax: 0574-65982222
Website: http://www.nbsldt.com
E-mail: shenling@nbsldt.com
Printing Date: February 2011/3/18
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