SR Tutorial Anatomy
SR Tutorial Anatomy
SR Tutorial Anatomy
and Physiology
of the Retina
Relevant to Inherited Retinal Disease
a tutorial from
The retina has a second distinct blood supply that lies between the retinal pigment epithelium
and the sclera. The fine capillaries adjacent to the RPE are known as the choriocapillaris and
these vessels provide the tremendous amount of oxygen needed by the photoreceptor cells.
Here is an artist’s conception of the most important retinal layers that makes the relationships
of these cells a little easier to visualize.
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It is important to note that there are 20 times more rod photoreceptors than cones in the
human retina, and that the short wavelength sensitive cones are the least numerous of all.
The very high density of cone photoreceptors in the fovea helps explain why cone-selective
diseases are often associated with decreased acuity.
The rods’ peak density occurs more than 3 millimeters from the foveal center and is likely the
explanation for the ring scotomas that are characteristic of the rod-selective disease retinitis
The ganglion cells are the most numerous in the central 5 millimeters of the retina. One of the
reasons that our initial photoreceptor precursor transplants will be placed in this region is
because of the greater chance these transplants will have to establish synaptic connection with
the relatively numerous inner retinal neurons of this region.
If we take a immunohistochemical section through the fovea of a human donor eye we can see
the absence of rhodopsin-containing rods near the foveal center as well as the way in which the
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ganglion cells that are synaptically related to the foveal
cones are displaced laterally. You can tell that this
section does not pass through the absolute center of
the fovea because if it did, the inner nuclear layer
would also be displaced laterally.
One other type of regional specialization we should touch on briefly involves the innermost
layers of the retina – the ganglion cells and their axons.
Because of the low ratio of photoreceptors to ganglion cells in the macula, there are a large
number of axons that originate there and go directly to the optic nerve. These axons are
required for high acuity vision and are known as the papillomacular bundle.
Now, let’s spend a few minutes reviewing some of the physiology of the more important cell
types in the retina. The basic wiring of the retina consists of just three neurons the
photoreceptor cell the bipolar cell and the ganglion cell. The axons of the photoreceptors and
bipolar cells travel only a few dozen microns before synapsing on the next cell but the axons of
the ganglion cells travel over 90 millimeters – three and a half inches -- to get to the lateral
geniculate nucleus of the thalamus.
Some people wonder why evolution placed the light detecting photoreceptors closest to the
sclera and all of the other neurons between them and the incoming light .
The reason is because of the essential functions performed by the retinal pigment epithelium.
The RPE is the retina’s primary source of the light sensitive chromophore 11-cis retinal.
As we’ll see in more detail in just a minute, the process that recycles 11-cis-retinal from the all-
trans-retinal released from the photoreceptors is known as the visual cycle and it takes place
over a period of tens of minutes. This is the process that you experience when your eyes “get
used to the dark” in a movie theatre or walking on a trail at night on a camping trip.
This process is four orders of magnitude faster than the visual cycle – less than 1/30th of a
second in cone photoreceptors.
So to review the main proteins in the phototransduction cascade: light falling on the 11-cis
retinal bound to rhodopsin causes it to change conformation, this releases alpha transducin
which activates phosphodiesterase, lowering cyclic GMP, closing the cation channel, elevating
the membrane potential, and reducing neurotransmitter release.
The evolutionary purpose of this elaborate cascade is low-noise amplification – a single photon
falling on a rod photoreceptor can increase its membrane potential by a millivolt – this
represents at least a one million fold amplification of the input signal.
There, the all trans retinal is met by a dehydrogenase -- RDH8 -- that removes it from the
phospholipid and converts it to a less reactive alcohol.
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It is this all -trans-retinol form of vitamin A that leaves the photoreceptor for transport to the
retinal pigment epithelium or Mueller cells bound to a protein known as the interphotoreceptor
retinoid binding protein or IRBP.
The 11-cis retinol is then oxidized to 11-cis retinal by membrane bound retinol
dehydrogenases such as RDH5. The 11-cis-retinal then moves to the cell surface, crosses the
plasma membrane and is returned to the photoreceptor cell by IRBP.
The visual cycle is complete when the 11-cis retinal returns to the binding pocket of rhodopsin,
forms a covalent bond with lysine 296, and restores rhodopsin to the light sensitive state.
Light isomerizes 11-cis retinal to all-trans-retinal, which then binds to the disk membrane
as N-ret PE.
ABCA4 flips the N-ret PE to the cytoplasmic leaflet of the disk membrane.
IRBP carries all-trans-retinol to the retinal pigment epithelium where RPE65 re-isomerizes
it to 11-cis-retinol and RHD5 oxidizes it to 11-cis-retinal.