TRM02 Party Walls Rev 6
TRM02 Party Walls Rev 6
TRM02 Party Walls Rev 6
The Party Wall etc Act 1996 came into effect on 1 September 1997. The new Act imposes on the
whole of England and Wales the party wall procedures which have existed under the London
Building Acts since 1844. It provides building owners with certain rights and obligations in relation
to party walls and similar structures and – importantly - introduces new obligations on anyone
digging an excavation near (can be up to 6 m away, see below) another owner's building.
Notices must be served and procedures followed. There are provisions for compensation, for
rights of entry and for the safeguarding of some existing easements. The Act lays down strict
procedures for the resolution of disputes and it provides for the appointment of a surveyor or
surveyors who have the power to resolve problems.
Rights etc
Section 7 Compensation etc
Section 8 Rights of entry
Section 9 Easements
Resolution of disputes
Section 10 Resolution of disputes
Section 11 Expenses
Section 12 Security for expenses
Section 13 Account for work carried out
Section 14 Settlement of account
Section 15 Service of notices
Section 16 Offences
Section 17 Recovery of sums
Section 18 Exception in case of temples etc
Section 19 The Crown
Section 20 Interpretation
Section 21 Other statutory provisions
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Section 22 Short title, commencement and extent
A building owner may wish to demolish and/or develop the site which may change the height,
depth or load on a party wall. Under Section 7 of the Act, the building owner may exercise a right
to carry out this work but the building owner:
Under the Act, the building owner is required to serve a notice to the adjoining building owner if:
The building owner's surveyor should provide details of the works, including strengthening of
foundations, that are proposed in order to safeguard the adjacent buildings.
WSP Group
The Party Wall Award, drawn up by the appointed surveyors, is concerned with defining the
condition of the party wall and the adjacent building(s) prior to commencement of works and
defining the responsibilities of the building owner to the adjoining owner or occupier. This
document is best drawn up by experienced surveyors or building professionals. Surveyors will
test and police the technical proposals made by the building owner’s construction team. The
costs of professional advice and the surveyors’ fees are borne by the building owner.
The nature and construction of the party wall must be established before the building owner’s
proposals can proceed. This may require opening up or excavation of trial pits to establish:
thickness and construction of party wall
bonding between the party wall and the external and internal walls
flues within the thickness of the wall
decay, embedded timbers, fire damage
partially removed chimney breasts
bonding of chimney breasts to the party wall
verticality of the party wall
connection of the wall to the respective buildings
ability of the adjoining owner’s building to restrain the wall if demolition of adjacent
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structure is proposed
depth, projection and construction of footings
bearing stratum, type and strength
water-table level
underground services, tunnels etc
foundation decay
whether the foundation can carry extra load
Once the nature and condition of the party wall and supporting structures are known, the following
issues can be considered:
effect of vibrations
effect of loading/unloading (heave/settlement)
stability during and after construction
shoring anchorages and effectiveness
effect on skin walls, flues, overhangs etc
weather protection, during and after construction
damp penetration
air rights for cranes
access to adjoining land
rights of light
means of escape
stability of excavations
rights of support
method statement.
The adjoining owner’s surveyor may instruct an engineer to check the proposals. T he engineer
would be expected to:
visit site
establish how the proposals may affect the party wall or the adjoining owner’s building
comment on the adequacy of the proposals to minimise damage
make detailed checks and calculations of the proposals
visit site during the works to confirm general adherence with the agreed designs and
method statements.
A schedule of conditions covering all areas of the building likely to be affected by the proposed
works should be prepared by the building owner’s surveyor and should be submitted to the
adjoining owner for comment/approval.
Movement monitoring
It may be appropriate to monitor the party wall and adjoining buildings. The building owner’s
surveyor/engineer should submit proposals to the adjoining owner for comment/approval.
WSP involvement
As building professionals, we will need to ensure that clients, when they are the Building Owner,
are aware of the Act so that its implications can be considered at an early stage in the
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Fees and expenses incurred by the Adjoining Owner’s advisers are normally defrayed by the
Building Owner, but it is important for amounts to be shown in the Party Wall Award document or
similar written notices/agreement correspondence (this will normally be recognised as evidence in
a Magistrate’s Court).
The implications of Party Wall Works should be carefully described and detailed in the building
Although a Schedule of Conditions is not required by the Act, it would be unwise to proceed with
the works without such a document in place and also supported by photographs.
There are no special forms to be used under the Act, but suggested models that may be
photocopied and adapted to suit the specific situation are given in The Party Wall Act Explained
published by the Pyramus & Thisbe Club, these include:
Suggested Letters of Appointment of Surveyors
Line of Junction Notice
Party Wall Notice
Acknowledgement of Party Wall Notice
Three metre/ six metre notice
Acknowledgement of three metre/six metre notice.
The Party Wall etc Act 1996 – explanatory booklet, 36 pp, ODPM (free download from )
A readily accessible starting point.
The Party Wall Act Explained, The Pyramus & Thisbe Club (referred to as 'The Green Book').
Architect's Guide to Job Administration, Party Wall etc Act 1996, published by RIBA.
Engaging an Architect: Guidance for clients on party wall procedures, The Party Wall etc Act
1996, published by RIBA.
WSP Group
Revision record
11/97 Revision 5.
2/05 Revision 6, additional references.
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