Voice of GSB Jan Mar 2022

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MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT The Annual Report giving the Notice of the AGM and all
necessary details, will reach you soon. We will be glad to receive
Dear Members : you at the AGM.
Namaskaru, This issue has an announcement of a very special Cancer
Trust you all are safe and healthy. Screening Camp for Women above 40 conducted by our very own
GSBS Medical Trust, on 14th March, 2022. Do register and avail
While we reach out to you with this issue,
the benefit.
the country is grappling with the third wave
of Covid. Just when we thought that things are getting back to Please continue to stay safe and healthy and wish you a very
normal, we are again back to tracking daily case counts and happy 2022.
worrying about the next variant that could hit us.
Apart from the health angle, Covid also had an adverse Dev baren koro
economic impact for many. In the Sabha, we understood that
our disadvantaged Samaj Bandhavas were affected in greater
measure by this pandemic. We wanted to do our bit to Laxmikant Prabhu
alleviate their economic stress and, with the generous support of our President
donors, could do the following :
1. We started an initiative in June 2021 to home deliver a INDEX
grocery kit, containing 16 items of daily use, to our senior
citizen beneficiaries. This initiative has struck a chord with Table of Contents Page No.
our donors, whose generosity has made it possible for us to
think of continuing this initiative, which was initially planned Message from the President 1
for 3 months, on a long term basis. Initiatives/Events organized by GSB Sabha, Mumbai
and its Mahila Shakha in the recent past 2,3
2. During Diwali 2020, a fund raise was done by us to
strengthen our GSB Senior Citizen Adhaar Fund, from Articles / Poems
which we provide a monthly sustenance allowance to our a. History of Centuries old GSB Temples of historical
senior citizen beneficiaries. Generous support from our importance in Alappuzha Dist., Kerala
donors strengthened the Fund and this enabled us to raise by Divakara Shenoy 6,7,8
the quarterly benefit extended from Rs. 1,500/- per quarter to b. Gift by Veena Shenoy 8
Rs. 3,000/- per quarter w.e.f. October 2020. c. Pancha Tattva by Ajita Kini 12,13
d. Indians are Nature Lovers by Dr.Veena Adige 14,15
3. We relaxed our disbursement criteria while processing e. Vasanth’s Poetry corner - Xeno Transplants
our Higher Education Assistance applications so that by Konchadi Vasanth Pai 15
we could disburse a higher amount of assistance to them. f. Meaning of life - Poem by Smt. Kalpana Kamath 16
18 beneficiaries were disbursed an amount of Rs. 6.56 lakhs g. Book review by Madhuri Pai -
for Academic Year 2020-2021. The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak 17
h. Recipes - Winter Dishes by Smt. Anuradha Prabhu 18
We would also like to bring to the attention of our members
i. Origin of the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival:
the following measures taken by us during the pandemic: One Possible Scenario by Ashok Prabhu 22,23
1. Three Vaccination Camps were held in collaboration j. The Science of Lung-Gut-Brain Axis in
with Dahisar Sri Kashi Math. 1425 people have benefitted Fighting Covid-19 by Dr.Ajoy Prabhu 24,25
from these Camps which were held at Sri Vithal Rakhumai k. The Abhijeet Kini Section 25
Mandir and were free of charge for the recipients. We were News from Sister Organizations
financially supported for these Camps by Konkani Charitable a. GSB V Sisters 16
Fund, USA, for which we remain eternally grateful.
2. In view of the shutdown of printing presses, we released a. Mahila Shakha selects a new President 2
digital issues of VoG, including a Lockdown Special b. Cancer Screening Camp for Women above age
Issue. These issues are available on our website 40 conducted by GSBS Medical Trust 4
www.gsbsabhamumbai.org. c. Classifieds in Voice of GSB 13
d. I.M.Pai Hall – An ideal hall for small gatherings 26
3. We hosted several online talks, workshops, contests and
tutorials. Obituary
In my message in the Oct to Dec 2021 issue of VoG, I had a. Dr. Basti Vaman Shenoy 26
expressed the hope that full normalcy will be achieved soon b. Shri Ramdas Kamat 27
and we will be able to connect in physical programs as before. c. Dr. S Giridhar Bhat 28
However, it seems we will have to wait a bit longer to do that. List of Important Dates in the quarter Jan to Mar 2022 17
Our Sabha’s 82nd AGM will be held on Sunday, 13th February, 2022 Art Gallery Inside Back Cover
at I.M. Pai Hall, Sujir Gopal Nayak Memorial Kreeda Mandir.

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 1 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
News Pertaining To G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai

As updated in the October to December 2021 issue of Voice The Sabha has completed the disbursement of educational
assistance from its Vidyanidhi Fund for A Y 2021-2022.
of GSB, G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai, has collaborated with
As in the previous year, an on-line form was launched for
Dahisar Sri Kashi Math (DSKM) to conduct Covid Vaccina-
receiving applications. Total educational assistance of
tion Drive. Rs. 7.80 lakhs was disbursed to 244 students as under :
Approx. 1300 people were vaccinated with the Covishield School Students 116 students : Rs. 2,90,000
vaccine in the first two camps held on 11th July and College Students
29th August, 2021 under the aegis of Shri Madhavendra (upto graduate level) 114 students : Rs. 3,99,000
Charitable Trust (a project of Dahisar Sri Kashi Math) in Post Graduate and
collaboration with the Sabha. professional students 14 students : Rs. 91,000
____________ ____________
The 3rd Vaccination Camp was held as a half day Camp on Total 244 students : Rs. 7,80,000
Sunday, 28th November, 2021. As earlier, this Camp was
also offered free of charge and held at Sri Vithal Rakhumai
The Sabha has a separate Higher Education Aid Fund from
Mandir, Dahisar (E).
which educational assistance is disbursed to economically
G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai, and Dahisar Sri Kashi Math are needy meritorious GSB students pursuing graduate
grateful to Konkani Charitable Fund and its donors for the professional courses anywhere in India. The processing of
financial support extended to this cause. Volunteers from these applications will now be taken up and disbursements
from this Fund will be done by March, 2022.
both organizations offered their services for the successful
conduct of the Camps. D) ANNUAL PUJA AT WALKESHWAR
B) DISTRIBUTION OF GROCERY KIT TO OUR The Annual Puja of G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai, at Shri Kashi
SENIOR CITIZEN BENEFICIARIES Math Samsthan, Walkeshwar, was held on Sunday,
2nd January, 2022. Bhat maam prayed for the all-round
From June 2021, the Sabha has started an additional initiative wellness of the Sabha and its members.
of distribution of a grocery kit to the senior citizens who are
beneficiaries under our senior citizen welfare schemes.

A kit containing 16 items is finalized every month. The list

includes rice, atta, cooking oil, dals, pohas, jaggery, salt,
sugar and spices. Some of the essential items such as 5 kg
rice, 1 kg sugar, 1 ltr cooking oil are included.

We are grateful to our donors whose generosity has enabled

the Sabha to start this initiative. If you wish to know more
about this initiative or support us in the same, please send an
email to gsbsabha@gmail.com and we will be glad to get in
touch with you.

Mahila Shakha selects a New President

GSB Sabha Mumbai’s Mahila Shakha welcomes its new President

Smt. Amita Kini. We wish her great success and look forward to her
leadership in taking the Mahila Shakha to greater heights.
We also thank Smt. Prafula Rau, the outgoing President, under
whose leadership the Mahila Shakha team initiated on-line
workshops, competitions and tutorials.
Smt. Amita Kini Smt. Prafula Rau

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 2 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
News pertaining to GSB Sabha’s Mahila Shakha
DEVI STUTHI Trivikram Acharyamaam by our Mahila Shakha Vice President
On October 9, 2021 Mahila Shakha Smt. Maya Nayak. This episode was a Diwali special, released on
organised 4th episode of Parampara the auspicious occasion of Diwali. GSB Sabha Mumbai’s Mahila
Hastantaran series ‘’ Devi Stuthi’’ a Shakha had begun a tutorial series on explaining of important days
virtual recitation of Stotras and singing (Tithis) in our Hindu Calendar Month and their importance and
bhajans of Devi on the occasion of Significance.
Program started with a brief introduction
of Navaratri festival. 42 children all
over India participated in 3 different age
Participants were categorised on the basis
of age.
Group A – participants were 3-7 years of age, Group B -
participants were 8-12 years of age and Group C – participants
were 13-17 years of age.
Each participants recited either Stotras or sang beautiful
On 13th November, 2021, MS bhajan Team enthusiastically
bhajans of Ma Saraswati, Lakshmi and Durga with great
celebrated Kartik Ekadashi at our Sabha office.
enthusiasm and devotion.
This online event was live on our Sabha’s Facebook page Mahila Shakha extends their thanks to Vedamurthy Shri Trivikram
and received good response and encouraging messages to the Acharya.
Mahila Shakha gifted each participant e-certificates and books AND GIRLS
of stories, Illustrated History of India, and World’s Greatest
Books on Growth, Wealth and Success depending on the age Mahila Shakha held its 76th ‘PARICHAY’, its Get-together of
group they belonged to. eligible boys and girls, along with their parents on Saturday,
11th December, 2021 at I. M. Pai Hall, Sujir Gopal Nayak
This was possible due to the funds contributed by Shri. Sadanand
Memorial Kreeda Mandir. Different time slots were allotted
Pai (USA).
Mahila Shakha thanks our contributors and welcomes continued
support in future too. This online event can be viewed on our
Sabha’s fb page.
It was our pleasure to resume and release the next episode of our
much awaited “Achaar Vichaar” Series after a gap of few months
caused due to 2nd lockdown. In conversation with Vedmurthi

according to the age of the participants. There was also a

separate slot for those staying abroad and for those seeking
alliance for second marriage. There was an overwhelming
response for all the slots. Many had attended this PARICHAY
for the first time. The event was appreciated by all.
This event was first physical event after a gap of 22 months.
To maintain Covid appropriate behaviour the participants had to
pre-register online and very limited number of registrations were
All the necessary precautions and BMC regulations were followed.
This event was chaired by Mahila Shakha’s Vice President,
Smt. Maya Nayak. She welcomed the members and gave a brief
On 14th December, 2021, Mahila Shakha bhajan team introduction of PARICHAY.
participated in Ekka Bhajan at Kurla Balaji Mandir, The MS comt. expresses our gratitude to Smt. Prafula Rau,
Kurla on the occasion of Gita Jayanti. MS President for sponsoring the event ..

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 3 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai
101, Shree Nidhi CHS, Opp. Bank of Baroda, 76, Bhau Daji Road, Matunga (C.R.), Mumbai – 400 019.
Tel. 2408 1499. Office Timings – Monday to Saturday 2 to 7 p.m.
It is always truly said that, Cancer early detected can be cured This is a very expensive camp. Super Specialist Doctors are
earliest. GSBS Medical Trust has organized a very special Cancer involved in this. Similar tests In good hospitals are charged at a
Screening Camp for ladies above the age of 40 only. This Camp minimum of Rs. 5,000/-. As a community service, participants in
will be held on Monday, 14th March, 2022, at its Health Rakshak this Camp have to pay a nominal registration fee of Rs. 500/- only.
Centre, Opp. Pritam Hotel, Station Road, Dadar (E). Prior registration is compulsory so that we can be sure about the
number of participants and doctors can block their timings.
This Camp is sponsored by Sabha President, Shri Laxmikant T.
Prabhu, in memory of his mother, Smt. Kishori Prabhu. Only 24 persons will be registered for this Camp as it involves a
lot of procedures. Registrations will be accepted on “First Come
Women who register for the Camp will be examined by specialists First Served” basis.
on Medical Trust Panel. Mammography (for Breast Cancer) and
PAP Smear (for Cancer of the Cervix) will be performed on all. We hope that the current situation arising out of the Covid-19
The mammography will be reported by Trust panel radiologist. pandemic is resolved by the above date and we are able to conduct
Dental check up is a prominent part of this process. The entire the camp as planned. However, In case we are unable to conduct
process of FOUR stages, will take about 3 hours. the Camp, registration fees paid remain with the Medical Trust
and the enrolled person will be informed to join the future camps
Once the reports are ready in 5-6 days, they will be compiled and according to their convenience.
sent to all those who participated in the Camp. Depending on the
reports, further advice will be given.

Procedure for Registration :

Last date for Registration is Monday, 7th March, 2022.
For registering, you have to fill the below form
Name : ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Address : ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Mobile No. : ___________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail id : ___________________________________________________________________________________________

and either a) submit the same at Sabha office of which address is given above with registration fees of Rs. 500/- in cash or b) scan the
same and send it to Sabha email id, gsbsabha@gmail.com and send the registration fees by NEFT to the following account :
Name of Account : Gowd Saraswat Brahman Sabha, Mumbai
Bank and Branch : Saraswat Co-op Bank, Matunga Branch
IFSC Code : SRCB0000266
Account No. : 266200100003364
Nature of Account : Savings
While doing NEFT transfer, in the comments, do mention your name.

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 4 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 5 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
by Divakara Shenoy, Kochi

Glimpses of history:
In 1791 the GSB community known as “MAHAJANA” of
Cochin heavily suffered including massacre & looting at the hands
of Raja Ravi Varma known as Shaktan Thampuran in Kerala
History. Temple at Gosripuram was looted taking away gold,
diamonds, precious jewellery and cash. The Konkani’s fled to the
nearby old Travancore state carrying with them the Chief Idol of
Lord Venkatachalapathy and idol of Mahalaksmi of the Temple.
The idols were then installed in the Old Thirumala Temple in
Alappuzha where they remained for about 60 years. The idol of
Venktachalapathy was then shifted to the New Thirumala Temple
by the Raja of Travancore who refused to give back the idols
to Mahajana of Cochin. Subsequently the idol of Gosripuram Venkatachalapathy with Laksmi Devi and Bhoomi Devi
Venkatachalapathy with the cooperation of the chief priest was
hidden in a basket full of fruits & Neyvedyam and brought with beaches, house boats, lakes, lagoons and fresh water rivers.
back to Cochin in a boat by Gosripuram Mahajana in 1853 A.D. The “Punnamada Lake” where the annual Nehru Trophy Boat
The idol of Mahalakhmi was not possible to be brought back to Race is held, is situated near Alappuzha, the place is considered
Cochin. to be the oldest planned city in this region with lighthouse built on
the coast of the city. Alappuzha was described by George Curzon,
Another importance is that it is here in this Old Thirumala Temple Viceroy of India at the start of the 20th century, as the “Venice of
the Samadhis of Kashi Math erstwhile heads H.H. SUREENDRA the East” Hence, it is also known to be the “Venetian Capital” of
SAWAMIJI are situated.
AS VENICE OF THE EAST. The Temple was built in 1625 by a group of Goud Saraswat
Brahmin families migrated to Kerala from Goa. The Temple is
Two of the GSB community administered Temples of Kerala are dedicated to the Lord Venkatachalapathy (Lord Vishnu). It is said
situated in Alappuzha (formerly known as Alleppey) a former to be the third oldest Temple belonging to the GSB community
coastal village of Kerala turned to be a metropolitan city at present. in Kerala. As per temple records the main idol of Lord
Alappuzha is one of the districts of Kerala with its district Vekatachalapathy was brought to the place of worship by a sage
headquarters situated here. The historical importance of this named Purohit Kashi Ram Bhat who installed the idol in this
place is that it was here the first post office and first telegraphs Temple. In memory of Sri Kashi Ram Bhat his image was
office in the erstwhile Travancore, were established. Also, the first installed at a designated place in the west Agrasala of this Temple
modern factory for the manufacture of coir mats and matting was to commemorate the founding of the Temple. The Old Thirumala
also established in 1859 at Alappuzha. GSB Temple has great importance in the history of Alappuzha.
The erstwhile city of The erstwhile Maharaja of Travancore welcomed the GSB
Alappuzha has several community landed in his state from Goa. His highness assisted
historical events relevant the community granting free land and facilities for their stay,
to its importance. Like the carryout their trade and business and also to build their Temple.
European city of Venice, The Maharaja encouraged the Temple administrators financially
Alappuzha is a city of and otherwise. The Temple enjoyed Government patronage and
canals, beaches and back- honor.
waters. Alappuzha is a port
city situated about 55 km HISTORY
from Kochi, the commercial
capital of Kerala. A nature
Utsava Murthies of the Lord Gosripuram, Cochin (Kochi) that was plundered several
blessed town and a
And Lakshmi Devi times and rebuilt in 1599, was again destroyed in 1622 by the
world-famous tourist centre
Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 6 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Portuguese. In 1791 the GSB community in Cochin heavily are situated at the South East corner and South west corner of the
suffered at the hands of Raja Ravi Varma popularly known as Temple. It is said that Shree Sudheendra Thirtha Swamiji of Kashi
Shaktan Thampuran in Kerala History. Temple at Gosripuram Math paid visit to this Temple in the year 1970 AD. During his
was looted taking away gold, diamonds, precious jewellery and stay there Swamiji experienced severe pain in his shoulder. In a
cash. Several Konkanis & elites were massacred, their shops were Devaprasnam held the Hanuman statue installed in the Brindavana
plundered, wealth and jewellery looted, Konkani merchants were of Sree Sumateendra Thirtha Swamiji revealed to be with its right
imprisoned. The Konkanis of Cochin known as “MAHAJANA” shoulder broken. Subsequently arrangements were made to build
fled to the nearby old Travancore state carrying with them the a new statue and the same was installed by Swamiji in place of
Chief Idol of Lord Venkatachalapathy and idol of Laksmi Devi. old statue.
The idols were then installed in the Old Thirumala Temple in
Alappuzha where same remained for about 60 years. During ANNUAL FESTIVAL
this period trade and commerce flourished and economy of Annual festival of this Temple is
Alappuzha prospered year by year and the people believed the celebrated in a similar way as they
same was due to the presence of the Gosripuram Idol of Lord are conducted in other GSB Temples
Venkatachalapathy in Alappuzha. The Maharaja of Travancore in the state. The annuial festival is
also believed this and wanted to keep the idols permanently in known as ARRATTU is an eight days
Alappuzha. Therefore, several requests from Konkani Mahajana long celebration. The festival falls
of Gosripuram made through the Maharaja of Cochin to give back between middle of January and
the idol was refused by the Travancore state Maharaja. A Temple February every year. Shivelli, an
for the idol was constructed at Anantha Narayana Puram in extremely beautiful ritual and part
Alappuza by the Mahajana of Travancore and the idol of of the festival celebration unique in
Sri Venkatachalapathy was shifted to the New Thirumala Iravatam
Kerala is conducted with participation
Temple. Gosripuram Konkani Mahajana very fond off the idol did of an |elephant or more elephants accompanied by percussion
not want to part with it and planned strategies to bring back the instrumental music called Chenda Melam moving in a
idol to Cochin. With the help of the chief priest of the Temple procession. In the absence of a live elephant, what is called
the idol was hidden in a basket full of fruits and neyvedyam one IRAVATHA, a white extremely beautiful elephant built in
midnight and brought back by boat to Gosripuram in Cochin in wood and mounted on a vehicle is used to conduct the ritual.
1853 by the Konkani Mahajanas. Subsequent to the event a new A representative image of the main deity “UTSAVA Murthy” meant
idol of Lord Venkatachalapathy was made and installed in place especially for the occasion is place on top of the elephant’s head
of the old image. The idol of Laksmi Devi was not possible to be and held safe in position by a priest of the Temple. The elephant
brought back to Gosripuram, Kochi. carrying the image is taken in around the Temple court yard in
TEMPLE SRUCTURE a procession accompanied by percussion and instrumental music.
As per Hindu mythology IRAVATHA is a white beautiful elephant
The Temple is dedicated to the Lord Vekatachalapathy (Lord in heaven belonging to God Indra.
Vishnu). The main idol installed in the sanctum sanctorum is of
Lord Venkatachalapathy with Bhoomi Devi and Lakshmi Devi on There is no festival held in Kerala Temples without an elephant
his either side. or many elephants. The world-famous festival known as
Thrissur Pooram, a mind-blowing celebration unique of its kind
The structure of the Temple is unique in its marvelous architecture. is conducted every year in Trichur, the cultural capital of Kerala.
The Temple is situated at the commercial centre of the city near to A unique festival of its kind celebrated every year. The beautiful
the Kerala State Transport Bus Stand of Alappuzha. Basic features sight of several groups of large number of elephants robed
of this Temple are more or less similar to other GSB Temples in with decorated golden face masks and mounted with beautiful
the state of Kerala. umbrellas on them, especially the process of changing of the
umbrellas of different forms and colors every minute,
The Temple has its sanctum sanctorum built at the main central accompanied by percussion and instrumental music is a feast
place of the Temple structure. Surrounded this is the inner to the eyes of the viewers.
courtyard with inner boundary structures called Nalambalam
or four upa-deavalayas, dedicated to Lord Hanuman, Lord NEW THIRUMALA TEMPLE BUILT IN 1852. (Now Shree
Ganapathy, Goddess Lakshmi Devi and Lord Garuda. Outer Lakshmi Narasimha Temple)
portico having Parshwa Mandapams and Agrasala structures
around the outer court yard of the Temple. Entrance to the Temple
is through the main Gopuram on the Eastern front.
There are Brindavanas of H.H. SUREENDRA THIRTHA Image of Idols of Lord Venkatachlapathy and
SWAMIJI AND H.H. SUMATEENDRA THIRTHA SAWAMIJI Sree Lakshmi Narasimha Lord Lakshmi Narasimha

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 7 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
The new Temple is presently known as Shree Anantha Narayana TEMPLE FESTIVALS ( ARRATU )
Puram Temple. The Maharaja of Travancore refused to send back
the Gosripuram idol to Cochin . His highness wanted to keep the Originally there were two festivals each conducted with eight day
idols permanently in Alappuzha . Therefore the New Thirumala long celebrations. Later it was found that Lord Narasimha was not
Temple was constructed by the then Maharaja of Old Travancore pleased with this system. Therefore a third festival did begin to
in 1852 A.D. in order to install the idol of Lord Venkatachalapathy be celebrated from 1913.A. D. The annual festival of the temple
of Gosripuram shifted from the Old Thirumala Temple. in Alappuzha coincide with the festivals of Gosripuram temple in
The present chief deity of this Temple is Lord Ugra Narasimha
Murthy. The Simhasanam or the seat of the idols in the Garbhagriha One should not miss to visit the GSB temples of Kerala that are
(shrine ) has three levels one below the other .On its top level standing monuments of our tradition and culture gifted to us by
the Idol of Lord Venkatachalapathy at the centre with Laksmi our forefathers despite the atrocities including massacre suffered
Devi and Bhoomi Devi on either side. On the next step is Shree at the hands of various governments and rules in India and Goa.
Narasimha Murthy with Mahalakshmi seated on Lord’s left lap.
The Utsava Murthties are placed on the third step.

by Veena Shenoy

Sometimes, while travelling by long distance trains we chat with was over, the uncle opened the pouch and to this
our co-passengers and share views and experiences. Sometimes astonishment found a small foreign chocolate
co-passengers become our good friends also. This article is based in the pouch. The uncle added, that although
on a co-passenger’s experience which he had narrated. he believed in the saying “never look a gift
The co-passenger (let us call him uncle) was sharing his experience horse in the mouth”, he was a bit disappointed
which he had encountered during his daughter’s wedding ceremony. looking at the rich relative’s gift for his daughter.
He told us that one of his rich relatives had attended his daughter’s When the uncle narrated this incident, I started
wedding. This uncle was extremely happy because the relative had thinking about status/wealth/gifts and relations.
come all the way from Dubai to attend the wedding. Of course, I remembered an incident when as a young
attending the wedding of uncle’s daughter was not his sole purpose lady I knitted a sweater (it was my first work) for a relative’s new
of coming to India, as he had other business meetings to attend as born baby and was told that the baby has got many sweaters, thus
well. Many a times, I feel that people try to maintain close relations belittling my efforts.
with distant relatives who are wealthy, at the cost of close relatives
who are not economically well off/rich. Of course, this is my opin- Many a times it so happens that people give importance to status/
ion and readers may have different opinions. wealth of a person and take pride in rubbing shoulders with them.
This is sometimes done at the cost of close relatives and their
Coming back to the uncle’s experience, the uncle said that many
sentiments. It is pertinent to mention here that, rich people do not
people tried to rub shoulders with this rich relative. After the
mean that they have golden hearts. Many a times relatives who are
wedding rituals, it was the time for reception, when the assembled
not rich in terms of wealth but have golden hearts walk an extra mile
guests climbed the stage to wish the newly wed. The rich relative
was given special attention/priority as he had to leave for a business to buy/make gifts for their near and dear ones but people tend to look
meeting. He wished the newlywed and gave a small pouch to the down upon them. They are neither cared nor given any importance
bride as a token of affection. The rich relative was given special during family functions and get together functions.
treatment in all the ceremonies/rituals of the wedding and he was When wealth and status are given more importance, relations
served lunch also well before the schedule time, so that he could are spoiled and barriers are created in families/society. Wealth
leave early to attend his business meeting. and status should not create barriers in relations/relatives/families.
Many of the relatives and the uncle’s family members were In a happy family/society, values and ethics are respected and given
curious to know what was inside the pouch as everyone was priority. Wealth and status are temporary but family bondings, love,
expecting a costly/valuable gift from the relative. After the ceremony ethics and values are eternal.

Smt. Veena Shenoy regularly writes for newspapers. Till date, 600 of her articles and letters have been printed in the newspapers


Voice of GSB, the quarterly newsletter of G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai, is your newsletter. It is a
platform for you to share your thoughts, experiences and creativity. We welcome your articles/
essays and drawings, age no bar. Printing will be subject to discretion of the editorial team.
Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 8 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 9 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Voice ofofGSB,
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Jan-Mar 2020,2022,
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July - September No.
No. 18
2016, 10 18 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org
Page www.gsbsabhamumbai.org/ /gsbsabha@gmail.com
gsbvog@gmail.com Vol.XIII,
Vol. XV, Issue
X Issue
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Voice ofofGSB,
Voice ofGSB, Jan-Mar
GSB, Page
- March No.No.
2017, 21 11
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gsbvog@gmail.com Vol.
Vol. Issue
by Ajita Kini

The Vedā say everything in nature is created only 50% elemental earth; 12.5% of the soil beneath our feet is
out of the pancha tattva (five elements) – pṛthvī water.
(earth), āp (water), tej (fire), vāyu (air) and
Elemental fire refers to the attribute of temperature – it is what
ākāśa (space). Every living and non-living
makes everything either hot or cold. So, the fire element within us
thing, including we ourselves, is made up of
maintains our temperature by heating and cooling us, as required.
these five elements. When I first read this,
It is also the digestive fire within us. The fire is stoked to fight
I was taken aback – I could not relate the soil
infections, which is why we develop a fever when we’re fighting
beneath my feet, the river in which I dipped my
an infection. It rushes to our core body to sustain vital functions
toes etc. to my own body, leave alone the mind and the intellect.
when we go swimming on a cold day. When we experience a
It took much studying for my mind to wrap itself around the idea.
blush on seeing our beloved or are embarrassed by something we
My studies told me that when the Vedā speak of earth, they refer did – that is the fire element within us. When we experience cold
to elemental earth. Elemental earth is not the soil beneath our feet. feet just before a stage performance, or a shiver runs down our
The planet earth is only 50% elemental earth and the remaining back, that too is the fire element within us
50% is equally divided between elemental water, elemental fire, When we touch the soil or water, we experience it to be hot or
elemental air, and elemental space. Similarly, elemental water is cool. That is again because of the elemental fire within the soil and
distinct from the water we drink – the latter being 50% elemental water. Thus, the earlier statement that planet earth is 50%
water and the rest being equal ratios of elemental earth-fire-air- elemental earth and 12.5% elemental fire. The predominant
space. And so on for all the remaining elements. Hence, there is a sensation when experiencing planet earth is that of hardness,
clear distinction between the elemental tattva and the earth, water, roughness, heaviness, hence it is 50% (predominantly) elemental
fire, air, and space, as we perceive them earth, while the other four tattva (elemental water, elemental fire,
So, then the question arises – what is elemental earth, elemental elemental air, elemental space) are 12.5% each.
water etc.? I found some answers in a Buddhist studies class Elemental air has the property of pushing and supporting. Anyone
I attended in 2017 and further answers in Yogāsana, An Adhyātmik who has flown a kite or gone parasailing / paragliding can relate
Academy, by Prashant S Iyengar. to these properties of air. How often have we felt a pressure in the
chest, that is relieved after a huge belch? Or intestinal pressure
Elemental earth refers to matter that has the attributes of hardness
that is relieved after passing wind? This is the air element
– softness, roughness – smoothness, heaviness – lightness (3 pairs
pushing against the flesh and skin to get out. A diagnostic aid used
of opposites). Hence, if you feel your bones / teeth to be hard
in Ayurveda is the observation of bumps and protrusions on the
– that is because of the elemental earth within you. If you feel
surface of the body. These are understood to be indicative of vāyu
your skin / hair to be smooth, it is because of the elemental earth
trapped in the flesh and under the skin. Ayurveda, and in more
within you. If you feel your body to be weighed down when you recent times, allopathy as well, has identified that joint pains are
wake from deep sleep, it is because of the elemental earth within connected to vāyu – relieve the vāyu by setting right the digestion
you. Equally, if joy makes your body light and you feel like skipping (digestive fire), the pain will reduce, if not disappear. The vāyu
and dancing – that too is the elemental earth within you. trapped in the joints, creates the pushing pressure within the bones
The lightness you experience after finding a solution to a of the joints giving rise to pain sensation
particularly challenging problem, the melting in your heart when
you look upon a newborn baby – all is due to the elemental earth The ability of planet earth to support all of us (and the structures
within you that we have created on it) comes from the elemental air within it.
The ability of water to support us when we swim (the buoyancy
The nature of elemental water is flow; and the opposite of flow, that we feel) comes from elemental air within the water.
which is cohesion. So, when your blood flows and subsequently The flickering of the flames come from the elemental air within the
clots – that is the element of water within you that makes it so. fire that pushes the fire hither and thither
If one applies the mind, there are many flows and cohesion within
the self – the digestive juices, the lymphatic fluid, the excreted Elemental space is represented by colour, taste, smell, and sound.
liquids (urine, sweat) etc. Even the flowing movements in dance Whenever we sense any of these, what we are experiencing is the
come from the elemental water within us, as does the ability to grip element of space. You only need to lift a handful of rich, dark,
the muscles around the bone or the skin around the flesh loamy potting soil or compost to see how planet earth has not only
elemental earth-water-fire-air qualities, but also the quality of
Elemental water is also what binds elemental earth. The reason colour, smell and taste (touching the tip of your tongue to a handful
why the soil beneath our feet remains beneath our feet is because of potting soil will not kill you with an army of germs despite what
there is moisture in the soil that binds it and holds it down. western education may have led many of us to believe). If you
Otherwise, it might have been a fine dust that was perennially lie down on the ground and place your ear to the earth (do ensure
suspended in the atmosphere and our planet would not have been there are no insects in the spot you have chosen!), you will hear
habitable for us. Hence the earlier statement that planet earth is a low humming sound. As science has discovered in more recent

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 12 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
times, everything in the universe vibrates. And when something
vibrates, it creates a sound, though the sound may be inaudible to
human ears
Thus, when the Vedā speak of everything in nature being made of
pṛthvī, āp, teja, vāyu and ākāśa, for purposes of our understanding,
we can identify that everything (tangible and intangible, physical
or mental) has some or many of the qualities of:
Pṛthvī – hard – soft; rough – smooth; heavy – light Whatever be your last thoughts as you die, that is what will
Āp – Flow – cohesion determine your next birth. Therefore, let your last thoughts be
Tēja – Hot – cold of Me (says the Lord) that you may come and be merged in Me
Vāyu – pushing – supporting (and be released from the cycle of life and death).
Ᾱkāśa – colour, smell, taste, sound And when those last thoughts (not visible to us mortals around the
There is a clear hierarchy in the tattva. Over time, water wins over dying person) dissolve, that is when final death has taken place.
earth. Canyons carved by rivers out of mountains over centuries This is the reason why, when a person is dying, and immediately
are a clear demonstration of this. Fire wins over water. after the person dies (i.e., the air element has dissolved so medical
The drying up of rivers in the heat of the summer sun is a clear death is declared; but the space element may not yet have dissolved
example. Vāyu wins over fire – experience the coolness brought by – so the subtle body, mind, thoughts are still present in the vicinity
the monsoon winds (or the ceiling fan), even though the sun may of the body), it is recommended that one should chant prayers, or
remain as strong as ever. And ākāśa wins over vāyu – when all is from the Bhāgwad Gītā or some other appropriate holy scripture
still, only the sound of silence remains dear to the departed person, so that the departing subtle body’s last
thoughts be of the Lord. And certainly, it is most important that no
Not only do we see this in the external realm, our ṛṣi and Buddhist unpleasant or unkind words be spoken, so that the subtle body is
teachings describe it as the process of death as well. This process not pained by them as the space element finally dissolves.
can last for months or happen in minutes from start to finish. When
death approaches, the earth element is the first to dissolve and the Extensive documentation about Near Death Experiences
person experiences a heaviness of the body. The person may feel (NDEs) corroborate that even after the person has been declared
like they are sliding off the pillow / falling off the bed and ask to be dead, the entity is still able to see and hear everything that is
lifted back onto it. We occasionally experience this as we’re falling happening around the body, but it is unable to make its presence
asleep. Next the water element dissolves, and the dying person known through speech or touch. The entire gross and subtle
may experience leakage of bodily fluids from the eyes, nostrils, body is completely dissolved only when the space element finally
mouth, lower orifices etc. Then the fire element dissolves, and dissolves. This is believed to take as long as 3 days sometimes,
the person begins to feel cold, the body extremities lose heat. but it can even happen in an instance, depending on the manner of
Finally, the air element dissolves and respiration ceases with death.
what is known as the death rattle in the throat – the sound of the This article is by way of an introduction to the concept of the
last breath escaping. This is clinical death as pronounced by pancha tattva (also known as pancha mahābhuta). In a subsequent
doctors. Dissolution of the space element happens after the breath article, we will explore how the pancha tattva influence our yoga
has stopped and is when gross and subtle thought states and practice.
emotions dissolve. Hence the significance of the Bhagwat Gita
Verses (Chapter 8):
Ajita Kini has been a student of Iyengar Yoga since 2007. This is the 5th in a series of articles on yoga.


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Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 13 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
by Dr Veena Adige

Indians are basically nature lovers. Not only do we love and admire him into restoring her husband’s life.
nature, we also worship it. Our Gods and Goddesses are closely She is revered by women and vata
associated with nature and have their own vahanas which are birds or Savirtri puja is performed in her honour,
animals. Almost round the year there are festivals and celebrations especially in Maharashtra state.
where nature is revered. India being a large country with diverse
Trees, flowers, fruits, the sun, moon,
traditions, there are different methods of paying tributes to nature
stars, snakes, and even rats are
according to the region and the community.
worshipped. There is a city in North
Monsoon time is the period of torrential rains when nature smiles India where rats are not killed but
and produces lush green leaves, lovely beautiful coloured flowers, nurtured. Oxen used by farmers to till
the waters in the rivers and seas are gurgling, swishing and the land are washed, decorated and pampered with delicacies
sometimes over powering. This is the period we respect the around this time of the year.
breeding time of fishes and refrain from eating them, the fishermen Coins are worshipped during the main festival of Diwali, leaves
docking their boats till the full moon when the sea is worshiped of a certain tree are offered as ‘gold’ during Dasera, another
and fishing starts anew. Wild flowers growing by the roadside are important festival. Leaves of mango trees, banana trees, and the
picked up, tied into bunches called chudis and offered to God. tulsi plant are all sacred to Indians. A rich tradition of nature love
This is also the time when snakes are worshipped and given milk is our heritage.
to drink in a ritual called Nagpanchami.
Our Ramayana and Mahabharat are full of instances regarding
The sacred tulsi plant is worshipped by women all over India. nature. Hanuman and Bhima are born from Vaayu or air. Karna is
This plant has a specially created place in most households the son of surya or sun. Sita came out of mother earth when King
where people worship every day. Scientifically, the leaves of tulsi Janaka was tilling the land as part of a ritual and she disappeared
produce high amount of oxygen from the carbon dioxide around, back into the bosom of mother earth when her role in Ramayan
hence the importance. The leaves are also medicinal and are used was over, when her twin sons Luv and Kush were reunited with
in many homemade medicines. Tulsi puja is an integral part of a their father Ram. River Ganga came down from the heavens and
Hindu’s life. Shiva caught her in his locks and released her slowly on earth.
Ganga, wife of King Shantanu and mother of Bheeshma Pitamaha
Indians have festivals throughout the year when nature is is a river who drowns her first seven sons in her waters. Hanuman,
revered. In the first part of the year when it is cold, food made of Sugriva, Neel, Vaali, Angad and others are monkeys while
sesame seeds are consumed. Carrots and other vegetable are ripe Jambavant is a bear. But all are treated like human beings by Ram
at this time and delightful food is made using them. In South India and Lakshman.
a three day festival called pongal is celebrated where the first crop
We see divinity in all living creatures also. For us, Ganga is not
of sugarcane, gram and other edible items are cooked to produce a
just a river but a mother, a goddess, and much more. Peepul,
mouthwatering dish.
Banyan and Neem are not just trees but they are regarded as the
Harvesting time sees pujas performed and the first crop of jowar embodiment of deities and we worship them. The Bel leaves
being offered to God and then consumed by human beings. These and fruits, Mango leaves, Tulsi leaves and Coconuts are offered
are called hurda parties where groups of people go to the fields, to God during worship. The Lotus is a sacred flower for Indians.
offer the first crop to God and then have a lavish tasty party. The banana plant and leaves are used for decorating the temple
and worship. Ayurveda tells us that all plants and flowers have
Praying to the sun, moon and stars form various festivals in medicinal value.
different parts of India. Early mornings will see people standing
The bond between Indian people and trees is very strong. Ramayana
in rivers or seas with folded hands and closed eyes welcoming the
and Mahabharata have innumerable descriptions of trees and
rising sun. Sighting the new moon during a month in the latter part
forests. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna compares the world to the
of the year is a matter of cheer for married women (and nowadays
Banyan tree because it is so large and provides a home to many
men also) who do not eat any food during the day, and now break
different creatures. The Mahabharata says that ‘even if there is
their fast. Grand parties are thrown and the first morsel is fed by only one tree full of flowers and fruits in the village, that place
the partner after puja is done of the moon. This festival called becomes worthy of worship and respect.’
karva chowth is a special significant one and is performed mainly
in North India. In Indian iconography, there is a close relationship between
the various deities and their animal or bird mounts. Each God or
Women worship the banyan tree, offer fruits, and kumkum and Goddess is associated with a particular animal or bird, and this
bow before it. A story is told of a queen Savithri whose husband lends a special dimension to the animal kingdom. Krishna is
dies and she follows the God of Death, pressurising and tricking worshipped along with his cow who gives us so much. Shiva is

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 14 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
worshipped along with his bull Nandi. Vishnu flies on Garuda the Also among the ten avataars of God, He incarnated himself first in
Vulture. Saraswati is worshipped with her swan and peacock and the form of a fish(matsya avatar) and then a tortoise(kurma avatar),
Laxmi is worshipped with her owl. When you seek blessings from and a boar. His fifth incarnation was a man-lion (Narasimha).
Ganesha, you seek blessings from his companion –mouse - too.
Ganesha, the son of Shiva, is a combination of elephant and man; The Atharva-Vedic concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam includes
the elephant is worshipped in this country and even today forms an human beings, animals, and all living creatures. It says that
integral part of many temples and festivals. human beings cannot command or demand mastery over other
creatures and are forbidden from abusing and damaging nature.
We do not look upon cattle as mere beasts of burden, but treat them Man evolved out of the lesser forms of living beings and is
with dignity and gratitude; on the harvest festival in many parts integrally linked with them. They live in harmony with Nature.
of the country, bullocks, which are an integral part of the village
economy, are honoured, decorated and taken out in processions Ahimsa does not only mean no violence to human beings. It also
across the village. means no violence to air, rivers, oceans, plants, trees, forests,
mountains, birds and animals.
Dr Veena Adige is a journalist and author of six books. She is involved in Vsisters, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, WE and
Zoroashtrian College. She is a representative to the United Nations. She is Mohan Adige’s wife, mother of two and a
grandmother of three children

Xeno Transplants
VA S A N Y by Konchadi Vasanth Pai

All ye patients who on dialysis depend

And wait for a donor, his kidney to lend
Take heart from the latest news
Yes, pigs kidneys are now in use
A transplant Institute in New York has shown
A genetically engineered pig’s kidney they had grown
By knocking out a gene which causes human rejection
So now the patients can no longer feel dejection
The kidney attached to blood vessels in upper leg
Worked normally producing urine and creatinine
Surgeons envision hearts, liver and other organs
To. be tried soon as xenotransplant in humans
Millions waiting for donors can forget their strife
They can now get porcine organs and live a normal life
But I am assailed by a nagging doubt why
Such patients may not prefer to live in a sty

( based on a News report in Times of India dated October 21 , 2021 )

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 15 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
News From Sister Organizations
Meaning of Life Gsb Vsisters
by Smt. Kakpana Kamath

Does life mean eating and drinking

Enjoying and sleeping
Till one’s heart keep beating?
Or The eleven year old GSB Vsisters of Navi Mumbai organised a
Diwali Dhamaka on October 31 which began with a beautiful
Is there some divine hidden meaning? Ganpati and Devi vandana by Shantala Bhat and was followed
Life is like a water bubble by Poornima Shenoy’s lovely rendition of Bhagyada Lakshmi
Fragile and beautiful, Delicate and colourful. baramma. Mughdha Nadkarni performed a lavni while Durga
Shenoy, Jaya Shenoy and Savitha H Nayak spoke of Diwali in
Life is God’s greatest gift to man, their childhood. Anjani Pai sang a Konkani song, Vidya Bhat,
So let us live life as wisely as we can. Prabha Prabhu and Aishwarya Bhat also sang songs. All had
Each passing day, brought home made Diwali delicacies which were shared by all.

Love all, forgive all and do not spread hate Vsisters also organised a funfilled day picnic to Shrishti farms at
Vasind, between Shahapur and Titwala on November 30.
Because we are all born with an unknown expiry date
Save happy memories & delete those which are unpleasant After the 10th annual day function in march, Vsisters had
organized a samuhik chudi program in the month of shravan where
Over minor issues, tulsi puja and exchange of chudis was done.
Do not be angry or greedy
Jealous or arrogant.
Life is precious like an expensive diamond
So be grateful to God and enjoy every second.
Remember time passes very fast
And before you realize
Your present will be your past,
And to enjoy, love or forgive
Your life will not last.
Smt. Kakpana Kamath is a retired bank employee. Reading
& writing poetry is her passion.She likes reading ‘Speaking
Tree’ in Times of India & Economic Times.

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 16 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafak
by Madhuri Pai
(a GSB based in London, a reader most prolific)

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, the draft of a book called “Sweet
There is a field. I’ll meet you there ~ RUMI Blasphemy” to the publishing
house. That book tells the story of
An American woman living in a wonderful Shams and Rumi and the 40 rules
house with 3 children, a dog and a rich of love that Shams has written. Yes,
Doctor for a husband. She must be happy, a book within a book!
As Ella’s exchanges with Aziz
A respected Muslim cleric with a loving become deeper, she experiences
family and tens of thousands of followers a combination of a spiritual
who come from far and wide to listen to his awakening and a stirring of
sermons. He must be happy, right? romance. Her dormant inner self is
awakened by her reading of Aziz’s
draft book and through his emails
Separated by 700 years, the housewife in America and the cleric in to her. The parallels between
Turkey have the same problem. A deep awareness that something Ella and Rumi and also between
is missing in their life. A true, spiritually awakening love. A love Shams and Aziz seem laughable at first. But then you see how
that is so pure that it opens the windows of your soul and helps you transformative a spiritual partnership can be. It is possible at any
do things you never thought possible. time. Where you live and when you live makes no difference.
The Muslim cleric is none other than Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad The expertly written book takes you back and forth across a span
Rūmī, more popularly known simply as Rumi, a 13th century of 700 years and from Turkey to America. The taut narrative leaves
Persian poet, who lived the life of a respected cleric, preaching you with 40 different “rules” of love that help you get a glimpse
in Konya, Turkey. Until a force of nature – a Sufi wandering of Sufi philosophy and what love means in the truest sense of the
“dervish” called Shams of Tabriz, entered his life. The powerful word.
philosophical influence of Shams converts Rumi into one of
Shams transformed Rumi and met a tragic end himself, at the
the most profound philosopher poets ever. In the process, Rumi
hands of jealous members of the community. That is a well known
gives up his profession, loses touch with his family and immerses
story. But what happens to our 21st century Ella and Aziz? Does
himself totally in his deep friendship with Shams. Clearly, this
their story have a happy ending? You will have to read the book
does not go down well with Rumi’s family.
and decide for yourself.
Elif Shafak, the celebrated Turkish author of “The Forty Rules of
Love” introduces us to Ella, the middle aged American housewife
“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and
who knows she “should” be happy but isn’t. During the course find all the barriers within yourself that you have built
of her job as an editor at a publishing house, she begins an email against it.”~RUMI
exchange with Aziz Zahara, a new author who has submitted

Madhuri Pai, a GSB based in London, is a prolific reader. She lives in London and is the co-founder of Turning Pages, a social
entrepreneurship that works on building strong reading habits in under privileged children. She is an IIM Bangalore alumnus
and loves good Aamchi food and great books.


Dates Day Festival Dates Day Festival
14th January 2022 Friday Makar Sankranti 1st March 2022 Tuesday Maha Shivratri
21 January 2022
Friday Sankastha Chaturthi 17 March 2022
Thursday Holi Poornima
26 January 2022
Wednesday Republic Day 18 March 2022
Friday Holi Dhoolivandana
4th February 2022 Friday Shree Ganesh Jayanti 21st March 2022 Monday Sankastha Chaturthi
21 February 2022
Monday Sankastha Chaturthi 2 April 2022
Saturday Gudi Paadva
(Chaitra Navaratri Aarambh)

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 17 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
c i p e s
Re Winter dishes
by Smt. Anuradha Prabhu
Come winter and its time for amchies to savour matti gulla, kooka, tarni tori, jeevo vatano etc.
So presenting a few seasonal dishes to enjoy in the winter season.

• 1 cup scraped and cleaned • 5-6 dry red chillies • 1 tsp mustard seeds
kooka(chinese potato) • A marble sized ball of tamarind • 1 tbsp oil
• 1 cup grated coconut • 1 tsp dry coriander seeds • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
• 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds • Salt to taste
1) Cut the kooka into halves and soak in water. Drain and keep aside.
2) Heat 1 tsp oil and roast the dry coriander seeds and fenugreek lightly. Also roast the red chillies lightly.
3) Grind the roasted ingredients along with grated coconut, turmeric and tamarind to a smooth paste. Keep aside.
4) In a vessel cook the kooka by adding a cup of water till soft. Add salt and the ground masala, add water if required to get a
curry consistency.
5) Bring the curry to a boil, lower the flame and let it simmer. In a karahi heat the remaining oil and add the mustard seeds, once
they splutter pour it over the curry.
6) Serve hot with rice.


Ingredients • 1 tsp chopped green chillies
• 2 medium sized matti gulla • 2-3 dry red chillies
• 1/2 cup grated coconut • A marble sized ball of tamarind
• 1 medium onion, chopped • 1 tbsp coconut oil
• 1 tsp finely chopped ginger • Salt to taste
1) Apply a few drops of oil on the gulla and roast it on a direct flame. Roasting has to be done on a slow
flame so the gulla gets charred evenly and also gets cooked inside.
2) Once roasted, let it cool. Remove the charred skin gently and remove the flesh and mash it into a pulp.
3) Grind together grated coconut along with dry red chillies and tamarind to a smooth paste with the help
of a little water.
4) Remove the ground paste, mix the pulp in it, add salt, chopped onions, chopped green chillies and
5) Mix gently and pour coconut oil in the mixture . Mix and serve as a side dish with rice and curry.


• 1/2 tsp asafoetida powder
• 1cup shelled tarni tori • 1/2 cup grated coconut
• 1tsp mustard seeds • 1 tbsp oil
• 2-3 dry red chillies • Salt to taste
1) Add 1/2 cup water to tori and pressure cook till tender. It should be little firm and not
very mushy.
2) Heat oil in a karahi, add mustard seeds, as they splutter add broken red chillies and
asafoetida powder. Stir for a few seconds.
3) Add the boiled tori and salt. Mix well and let it cook till dry.
4) Add the grated coconut, mix and serve with poories or as an accompaniment with

Voice of GSB, October-December

January-March 2022,
No. No.
18 18 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 34
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!

Thank you!

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Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 21 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Origin of the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival: One Possible Scenario
by Ashok Prabhu

A scenario is proposed regarding how 1,000 years ago. If this is the case, the celebration of Ganesh
Saraswats* in the Goa/Konkan region may Chaturthi may have started over 1,000 years ago. Who may have
have been the first community to start the started this celebration?
practice of Ganesh Chaturthi festival, and
how it then propagated to other parts of Saraswats have lived in the Goa/Konkan area for about 2,200
India over the past several centuries. It is years. They began settling in this area during the days of the
also shown how some of the processes that Shatavahanas. It is known that Saraswat families, while
are presently followed in Ganesh pooja migrating to the Goa/Konkan region, had brought with them
were cultivated. their family deities. They installed these deities and continued
performing Vedic rituals. Saraswats had good knowledge of
Curiosity regarding the origin of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival different Vedic scriptures, including the Vedas, Upanishads,
Brahmanas, and epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata, and
My memories of the Ganesh Chaturthi Pooja celebration in our various Puranas. They were familiar with stories about Lord
family home in our native village, Kadneer, in Uttar Kannada Ganesh from Rigveda, Upanishads, epics, and Puranas like
district of Karnataka go back to my childhood days. It was a Matsya Purana, Skanda Purana, and Narada Purana. They would
three-day affair, and clearly the biggest at-home pooja celebration have known from Matsya Purana and other Puranas about
starting with the Gauri pooja, the first day, followed by bringing how Goddess Parvati created an idol of Ganesh and gave life to
the Ganesh idol on the second day, conducting the elaborate it. Having a high level of interest in learning and seeking new
pooja process and then conducting the idol visarjan in a nearby knowledge, they must have developed great reverence towards
creek in the evening of the third day. Same pooja processes are Ganesh, who is credited with taking dictation from Rishi Vyasa
conducted today. However, during all these years, I do not recall any and scribing it to formulate the epic, Mahabharata. Saraswats also
discussions regarding origin of the Ganesh Chaturthi Pooja knew about the great importance given to Lord Ganesh as the
celebration. The schools also did not deal with the history of this remover of obstacles. By about 1,200 years ago, Ganesh was
important event other than contributions by Chhatrapati Shivaji already a popular god. Adi Shankaracharya had stressed the
and Lokmanya Tilak. importance of including Ganesh among Vishnu, Shiva, Devi,
My curiosity regarding the origin of the Ganesh Chaturthi Pooja and Surya, and performing their pooja daily. Saraswats in the
celebration started only recently. The questions were straight Goa/Konkan region installed Ganesh idols in their temples and
forward: Who started it? Where did it start? When did it start? began worshipping Lord Ganesh.
How did it become so popular? My limited search of the existing A question arises as to why Saraswats started the Ganesh
literature did not lead me to the answers to these questions. It was Chaturthi festival, and why they chose the month of Bhadrapada
quite surprising given the popularity of this event in many parts of for the Ganesh Chaturthi festival instead of the Ganesh Jayanti
India, and also outside India. day which falls in the month of Maagha. Saraswats were skilled in
Historians generally rely on provable facts to describe historical agriculture, and knew how to prepare land for cultivation.
events and their significance. Even if they approach these Agriculture was important to their livelihood. The Goa/Konkan
historical descriptions from their vantage point, they construct region was the right place with fertile land and plenty of water
scenarios based upon facts. They also tend to shy away from areas for growing grains, fruits, and vegetables. One problem they may
where there is little evidence. This may be the case for the lack of have faced could be the damage to property and crops due to heavy
adequate historical information regarding the origin of the Ganesh monsoons during the month of Bhadrapada. It is also possible that
Chaturthi Pooja celebration. lack of rains during this period would have harmed the crops.
Since Lord Ganesh is known for removing obstacles, Saraswats
Given this, and my curiosity regarding the origin of the Ganesh may have started the Ganesh Chaturthi festival during the month
Chaturthi celebration, I thought I will come up with a plausible of Bhadrapada to pray to Lord Ganesh to remove any obstacles
scenario for this great event based upon the information I was that would damage their crops and property and harm the people.
exposed to. The devotees may find such a scenario interesting and
discuss it during the annual celebrations. Also, may be that some Saraswats likely picked up the idea of preparing idols of Lord
historians and intellectuals will modify my scenario based upon Ganesh for worshipping during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival
their knowledge base. from the puranic story regarding His birth. They knew from the
Puranas how Goddess Parvati created an idol of young Ganesh
One possible scenario for the origin of the Ganesh Chaturthi using sandalwood paste and oil and ointments that were on her
festival skin, and then gave life to this idol thus giving birth to Lord
It is reported that the Ganesh Chaturthi festival may have been Ganesh. Given the abundance of clay in Goa/Konkan region,
celebrated in the Goa region prior to the Kadamabas of Goa who Saraswats started using clay for creating lord Ganesh idols.
ruled the territory of Goa for a few centuries starting from about They based the pooja rituals involved in the Ganesh Chaturthi
festival on the Puranic descriptions, as well as their knowledge
Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 22 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
of the Vedic worshipping processes. Given the special Chhatrapati Shivaji and Lokmanya Tilak promoted the public
circumstances of Ganesh’s birth by Goddess Parvati, Saraswats celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi festival. Chhatrapati Shivaji
may also have included Parvati or Gauri worship as part of the celebrated Ganesh Chaturthi publicly in Pune during the
Ganesh Chaturthi festival. 17th century. Later, this practice was stopped during the British
Rule and the celebration was limited to the privacy of individual
Popularizing Ganesh Chaturthi Festival outside Goa homes. Towards the end of the 19th century, Lokmanya Tilak
With time, the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi spread to places promoted Sarvajanik Ganesh Utsav in Pune through his
outside the Goa/Konkan region. Saraswats from the Goa/Konkan newspaper, Kesari. Being a religious celebration, this approach
area moved to other places in the north and south. Groups of avoided the restriction imposed by the British on other types
Saraswats migrated to Thane district about 1,000 years ago. of public gatherings. Since then, both public and private
They served the kings in important positions for more than a celebrations of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival have increased in
century. of his childhood.
Thereafter, having He was
learnt thea master storyteller
Portuguese language, popularity
He was aimmensely.
religious Certain
man and restrictions
revered on the
Ganesh Chaturthi
Kashi Mutt
they we were
helped withnever bored.between the Portuguese and the
negotiations festival
Samsthan and Gokarna Mutt Samsthan. Hepart
in Goa disappeared after the Goa territory became wasof
have always known
They also my under
served fatherChhatrapati
to be a loving
Shivaji, and
and India in1961.
also a philanthropist and did not flinch from giving a
caring over the Peshwa
I have interests
never seen in him
Gwalior. A large
getting number
angry or helping hand for any good purpose.
of Saraswats
irritated noalso moved
matter as farstress
what north heas Indore and in
is facing served
officethe At the age of 82, my beloved father departed for the
or state.He
outside. They
wasmust have calm
always taken andthe practice
it gave aoffeeling
Ganesh One scenarioabode
heavenly for theonorigin of Ganesh
26.01,21. MyChaturthi
father wasfestival is that
a loving
of celebration
security andwithbalance
them duringinthese migrations.
life. He always it was caring
son, started inhusband
the Goa/Konkan region by
and father and Saraswats
encouraged and motivated us to do well in life and prior and todidabout
good 1,000
to years
others.ago. He
The always
practice then
a kind from the
Saraswats in Kanara and parts of Kerala appear to have started
was a good guide whenever we took our problems. Goa/Konkan and patient region
ear toto the northern, who
everyone southern, and eastern him.
approached parts
settling there about 500 to 600 years ago. After the Portuguese
No problem was big or small and he heard us with a of ToIndia,
the during
worldthehe subsequent
was many migrations of Saraswats
things from thisa
– a banker,
conquests, Saraswats flocked again to centers along the Karnataka
patient ear. I am the eldest daughter and I have region, writer,and during the reign ofa several
a philanthropist, friend,rulers
a wellwhowisher
had control
and Kerala coasts. They carried with them the practice of Ganesh
three younger sisters and he always treated us over to me larger
as aparts of India he
daughter along
was with
I shallregion.
Chaturthi celebration during these migrations. The practice of
fairly. Being daughters he never put restrictions and Chhatrapati him a lot. MayShivajihisand
soulLokmanya Tilak were instrumental in
rest in peace.
Ganesh Chaturthi celebration spread to various parts of Andhra
always gave us the freedom to do anything (of increasing Om shanti theshanti!!!!
popularity of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival.
We are saddened by the passing away of
Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu, during the reigns of the Chalukyas and
course within limits). He allowed
Hoysalas, and the Vijayanagar Empire.
us to pursue our *TheShriword
Kinnigoli Ganesh
“Saraswat” Mallya
includes all on 26th January,
branches 2021.
of the Saraswat
dreams, and I am grateful that he allowed me to community. Shri K G Mallya was a regular contributor of articles to
pursue law which in my time was not pursued much VoG. He would promptly respond to our requests and
byAshokwomen and
Prabhu has the degree
a B.Tech profession being
from IIT Mumbai and male
a Ph.D. fromsend
interesting USA. Since retiring
articles on templesfrom his
dominated. My sisters
career in the electronics pursued
industry, in the
he has been field
studying Vedicofhistory and scriptures, synergies between Vedic thought and recent
which were always appreciated by the readers.
scientificand established
discoveries, and thewell in their
history careers,
and accomplishments of the Saraswat community. We will miss him dearly.

Y/3, Dadar Sai Kirti CHS. Ltd., Anant Patil Road, Dadar (W), Mumbai - 400 028.

Voice of
Voice of GSB,
GSB, April
January-March 2022,
-June 2021, PagePage
No. No.
21 23 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org
www.gsbsabhamumbai.org // gsbvog@gmail.com
gsbvog@gmail.com Vol.
Issue4 1
The Science of Lung-Gut-Brain Axis in Fighting Covid-19
by Dr. Ajoy Prabhu

Most of our immunity building doesn’t come from physically noticed something strange – she
keeping the lungs moving, but taking care of what truly runs our became overweight and even obese
entire body smoothly. – just like her daughter was! The gut
microbes were not only more effective
at digesting and absorbing fat, but they
were also perhaps even making her
think about eating more often. There
was no other change in her lifestyle
other than the FMT. This is not an
isolated case. Similar phenomena have
been observed many times in cases
following FMT. Therefore, it is
reasonable to conclude that her
daughter’s gut microbes were now responsible for the weight
gain in both mother and daughter!
This is just one example (of weight gain), but there have been
numerous documented cases of the gut bacteria changing the
mood of individuals (in one case of even making the person
suicidal!). The very same type of FMT has even shown to reduce
type 2 diabetes in individuals.
Consider this – our gut harbors 99% of the bacteria in our body.
Until recently, the thought was that we obtain our gut bacteria from
the mother during childbirth. Recent evidence has emerged that
Covid-19 has, rightfully so, brought a lot of attention to the health this is not the case. We now know that much before birth, these
of our lungs. We are thinking of increasing – even if not practising bacteria (and other microorganisms) start their interaction with the
regularly – pranayam, yog, neti. We are even taking in zinc and human “host” (fetus) and “teach” the fetus their way of signalling.
vitamin D to try and stave of any viral infections. It might surprise As they signal, we respond – way before birth.
you to know that most of our immunity building doesn’t come There is strong proof from the fact that prematurely born children
from physically keeping the lungs moving, but taking care of what have a disrupted “lesson” learned from these microbes. This can
truly runs our entire body smoothly. Before you read on, try to lead to many immunological issues including in the lung, in the
guess what that could possibly be. form of allergies. This phenomenon has also been replicated
Did you know that we humans are actually a bunch of human cells in germ-free (GF) mice. They too suffer the consequences of
carefully being controlled by microbes that outnumber our own diminished immunity towards infections, and even behavioral
cells? For every 100 human cells we have within us, there are 130 traits!
microbial cells! Does that sound fantastic and outlandish? Wait! It is now known that bacterial by-products that come in
It gets even more ridiculous- human cells have about 20,000 genes, contact with the inner gut surface, stimulate special types of cells
but the gut microbes in-total have about 20,000,000 genes! Tell me lining the gut (called the enteroendocrine cells) to produce several
now, who controls whom? neuropeptides – small molecules that alter the brain function.
First let me convince you that this (the fact that we are being Therefore, it follows that these neuropeptides control, in real-time,
controlled) is true, before talking about the health of our brain, the brain’s reaction to the condition of the gut.
and finally, our lungs. If the gut is full and food is being digested, one set of signals
Consider a case reported in 2015 of a lady that had a major are received by the brain, if not, then another set is received.
colon infection. No matter what her doctors tried, her infection For example, a type of bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus
just wouldn’t go away. Decades before the infection, she was of stimulates brain receptors for opioids (opium-like compound),
normal weight. During the infection, of course, she lost some thereby reducing the perception of pain in the gut.
weight. Finally, as a last resort, the doctors suggested fecal Other neuropeptides function to regulate blood flow into, and
microbiota transplantation (FMT). motility of, the gut lining. In fact, in a study of over 4,000
An FMT is exactly what it sounds like – the process involves patients, scientists at the famous Cleveland Clinic showed that they
taking feces from a donor (usually a close relative), scrubbing can predict strokes in the brain a full 3 years ahead simply by
it of wastes, and depositing the rest (mostly microbes) in the looking at the production of a compound called TMSO, by certain
recipient’s colon. In this case, the donor was her sixteen gut microbes when the subjects digested meat. Until a few months
year-old daughter. In due course, the lady got better, but ago, this was only thought to be a coincidence. A few months ago,

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 24 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
the same scientists then re-created the phenomenon in mice and types of cells and compounds (such as antibodies and antiviral
showed that increased TMSO causes strokes. compounds, called interferons) to produce for defense, and when
to do so.
Think of gut microbes as a well-manicured lawn. In that, densely
growing grass does not allow other weeds to proliferate. However, By far the strongest link that has been established between
when the make-up of gut microbes is altered significantly – such the lung and gut is by way of compounds called short-chain
as when a person takes antibiotics – it is known as dysbiosis. fatty acids (SCFAs). These are the main byproduct of the gut
This phenomenon turns the gut microbes and the brain to microbiota. Evidence suggests that SCFAs play a role in the control
foes- they start to send wrong signals to each other, and an already of infections both through direct action on microorganisms
disrupted lawn gets clogged with weeds – in this case, infection. attempting to infect the lung, as well as in “teaching” the
human cells and other aforementioned compounds how to kill or
To add to this, 90% of the main nerve that connects the gut to the neutralize the attacking microorganism such as Covid-19.
brain (called the vagus nerve) goes towards the brain, not from it!
What does that tell us? The nerve takes information (commands) The natural next question in your mind should be, about
to the brain and not the other way around. Multiple sclerosis, production of these SCFAs. These natural anti-Covid-19
a devastating autoimmune disease that leads to progressive compounds are best produced when complex carbohydrates and
deterioration of neurologic function, has been shown to be greatly Obers are being digested (more accurately, fermented) in the gut
influenced by the gut microbiome. by certain bacteria. The best “fertilizer” for these bacteria are
vegetables, fruits and nuts.
Just as the gut alters brain function, it does the same with many
other organs. Of particular interest is its influence on the lungs. Bacterial digestion of plant-matter in the gut is like a booster shot
Lungs are by far one of the most vasculated organs in the body. of immunity to the body. Therefore, it should come as no surprise
By that, I mean there are literally hundreds of thousands of blood that a 2021 study in the British Medical Journal of about 3,000
vessels that supply deoxygenated blood and remove oxygenated frontline healthcare workers documented that those that ate a
blood from the organ. whole food plant-based diet were 73% better protected from
severe Covid-19 infection. This is even better than some of the
As mentioned earlier, the gut bacteria is responsible for “teaching” anti-Covid-19 vaccines that are being marketed!
the organs, particularly the lungs about keeping good house-
compounds produced in the gut bacteria directly affect how the So, eat your vegetables, fruits and nuts to feed your gut bacteria.
tissues within the lungs respond to inhaled foreign objects - be it A healthy set of gut microbes will automatically lead to strong,
a particle of soot, or a bacteria. It teaches the lungs exactly what immune-boosted lungs and a healthy brain!

Ajoy Prabhu co-founder of Circee Health - an initiative for disease reversal and prevention. He worked with the Obama White
House as Director of Marketing for US NIH. He was the fourth highest ranking official in the US govt. He has authored 3 patents
and established 5 companies.

The Abhijeet Kini


Instagram: @abhikini and @kinistudios

Twitter: @abhikini
Facebook: Abhijeet Kini Studios

Abhijeet Kini, founder of Abhijeet Kini Studios, is a Mumbai based illustrator, animator and independent comics publisher,
known for his comic series “Angry Maushi” and “Fanboys”.

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 25 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
‘Vishwa Konkani Sardar’
Basti Vaman Shenoy passes away
Basti Vaman Shenoy, the Konkani Convention in Mangaluru and in 1996, he
founder and co-chairman inauguarated the first North American Konkani Convention
emeritus of Konkani Bhas at New Jersey, USA. In 1998, the Karnataka Konkani
ani Sanskriti Pratishtan, Sahitya Academy organised a 3 day “Konkani Kala Utsav” in
World Konkani Centre in New Delhi.
Mangaluru, passed away
on 2nd January, 2022 at the
age of 88 years. The mortal
remains were kept for
public homage at World
Konkani Centre on 3rd January,
2022, before the cremation
at his birth-place, Bantwal.
Basti maam is revered as
the doyen of the Konkani
language movement. He founded the World Konkani
Centre in 2009 under the auspices of Konkani Bhas ani
Sanskriti Pratishtan, of which he was the President since its
inception in 1996 till 2021 and co-chairman emeritus
thereafter. Under his leadership, the World Konkani Centre spearheaded
several programmes for the preservation of Konkani language,
He was also instrumental in the formation of the Karnataka culture and welfare of Konkani speaking communities.
Konkani Sahitya Academy , of which he served as the He strived for the recognition of Konkani language and its
President from 1997 to 2001. During his tenure, the Academy inclusion in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution of India.
produced “Konkani Samanthar Shabdakosh”, a series of
books on stalwarts of Konkani Community “Konkani He was conferred the title of Vishwa Konkani Sardar for
Mahamanest Pustakmala” and a volume on showcasing the his various contributions made. He was conferred with the
rich Konkani art form of Kavi Murals “Konkanyali Kavikala”. Karnataka Rajyothsava Award in 2010 and several other
accolades for his relentless work for Konkani language and
He was also instrumental in founding Saraswathi Kala Prasarak culture.
Sangh and Saraswathi Sangeeth Shala Bhawan, Bantwal in
1958. He is survived by his two sons, a daughter and grand-children.
He also left behind a legacy of followers, well-wishers and
In 1995, under the aupices of Konkani Bhasha Mandal, thousands of scholars who have been beneficiaries of the
Karnataka, as Chief Convenor, he organized the first World Vishwa Konkani Student Scholarships Programme.

!!!An Ideal Hall for Small Gatherings!!!

The COVID pandemic has resulted in
restrictions being placed on the number of
people who can be invited to any function.

The renovated air-conditioned I. M. Pai Hall of

Sujir Gopal Nayak Memorial Kreeda Mandir,
King’s Circle, Mumbai is an ideal hall for
limited gatherings.

Hall capacity 150 people. Attractive Discounts for GSB’s. l For booking enquiries, please send an email to gsbsabha@gmail.com
Articles contributed by various members, published in VoG, do not necessarily reflect the views of G.S.B. Sabha & its editorial team.
Printed, Published, Edited by Shri Laxmikant T. Prabhu for G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai at 101, Shreenidhi, 76, Bhau Daji Road, Opp. Bank of Baroda, Matunga (C.R.),
Mumbai 400019. Tel.: 2408 1499. Printed at Shree Ganesh Graphics, A-2/51, Shah & Nahar Indl. Estate, S. J. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. Tel.: 2497 9326/27

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 26 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Obituary – Shri Ramdas Shantaram Kamat
(18th February, 1931 to 8th January, 2022)

Noted theatre-actor and in ‘Manapman’, ‘Sanvshaykallol’, ‘Ekech Pyala’ were

singer, Shri Ramdas Kamat, appreciated by theatre lovers.
who straddled the Marathi His songs like ‘Nako Visru Sanket Meelanache’, ‘Devgharache
theatre stage during its Dynat Kunala’, ‘Saad Deti Himshikhare’, ‘Guntata Hriday
Golden Era, passed away He’ were were extremely popular.
on 8th January, 2022.
Kamat ventured into playback singing in films and carved
As a child he took a niche for himself. The ‘Bhavgeets’ sung by him like
Hindustani Classical Music ‘Ambaratlya Nilya Ghanachi’, ‘Sakhi Saanj Ugavali’ became
lessons from elder brother popular.
Upendra. He learnt Natya
Sangeet under the guidance Kamat, who originally hails from Goa, graduated in Economics.
of Pt. Govind Buwa Agni, During his initial days, he juggled with his job to sing for AIR
Pt. Jitendra Abhisheki, Mumbai. He got his first break in 1964 as a singer-actor in
Shri. Prabhakar Pendharkar, Vasant Kanetkar’s ‘Matsyagandha’ after which he never looked
Shri. Bhalachandra Pendharkar back.
& Pt. Bhimsen Joshi. He was conferred with several awards in his lifetime,
He acted under direction of Gopinath Savkar, Mo. Ga. including New Delhi’s Sangeet Natak Akademi Award,
Rangnekar, Master Dattaram, Nandkumar Raote, Bhalachandra Maharashtra Government Akheel Bharatiya Marathi Natya
Pendharkar & Madhukar Todarmal Parishad’s Bal Gandharva Puraskar, Manipal T M A Pai
Foundation’s outstanding Konkani Puraskar and Vishnudas
The growing popularity of Marathi cinema in the 1950s and Bhave Puraskar, Sangli.
1960s had literally paled musical plays into oblivion, but
Kamat is credited with playing a pioneering role in reviving it. Ramdas Kamat and G.S.B. Sabha, Mumbai
At the Gudi Padva Sneh Milan
programme of the Sabha held on
10th April, 2016, Shri Ramdas
Kamat was felicitated with the
GSB Talent Recognition Award, an
award annually presented by the
Sabha to honour personalities from our
Community who have excelled in the
fields of performing arts, fine arts and
It was a moment of privilege for the
Sabha when Shri Ramdas Kamat
acceded to our request to perform at our
first Bhakti Natya Tarang programme
held on 16th July, 2016. He sang
the 1950s and 60s classics, in a
resounding voice which belied his age.
The in-between chirpy chats on how
the Natya Sangeet was composed with
Pt Jitendra Abhisheki, had great round
of applause. Shri Ramdas Kamat was
accompanied for this performance by
He acted in 18 plays in his lifetime. His popular musical plays Shri Sudhir Nayak (harmonium), Shri Manoj Acharya (tabla),
included ‘Matsyagandha’, ‘Yayatiani Devyani’, ‘Madanchi Shri Raghavendra Mallya (pakhavaj) and Shri Ravindra
Manjiri’, ‘He Bandh Reshamache’. At the same time, Shenoy (side rhythms).
Kamat’s performances as Krishna in ‘Subhadhra’, Dharyadhar

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 27 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4

Dr. S. Giridhar Bhat

(28-07-1928 - 5-12-2021)

It is with deep sorrow we report the demise of Dr. S. Giridhar Bhat or “Girimam” as he was known
to all, after a brief illness. He was 93 years old and is survived by his wife, two daughters, Anita and
Sunita, their families, extended family and friends.
Giribhatmam was born on July 28, 1928 in Kasargod, Kerala. He migrated to Bombay from Mangalore
in the year 1947 and completed his B.Sc. (Hon.) from St. Xavier’s college. He did his M.Sc. Tech. and
Ph.D. (Oils & Fats) both from ICT (then UDCT).
After ICT he joined Caltex India Ltd as Chief Chemist in 1958, then worked as Production Manager
with Lakme Ltd and Tata Oil Mills in R&D for 20 years.
He retired in 1988 after which he helped the needy in his own ways. He worked for NGO’s like
Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI) Mumbai, Shanti Kunj Sevaashram – a home for the
aged and Ram Krishnaa academy’s English Medium School where rural children are admitted without
capitation fees, at Harigram, New Panvel. He was also associated with Zoroastrian College located in
Sanjan and was a guide for Ph.D candidates.
Dr Meher Master-Moos, President of Zoroashtrian college visited him often and recently his family as
he was closely associated with the organisation.
He was loved by all and was dedicated to helping the poor and needy throughout his life.
-V S Bhat

Voice of GSB, January-March 2022, Page No. 28 www.gsbsabhamumbai.org / gsbvog@gmail.com Vol. XV, Issue 4
Diwali Celebrations

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