Benlac 2022 LP
Benlac 2022 LP
Benlac 2022 LP
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Learning Objectives:
1. describe the parts of the male and female reproductive system and their
2. explain the roles of hormones in the male and female reproductive system.
3. explain the role of the nervous system in coordinating and regulating
feedback mechanisms in light with the maintenance of homeostasis.
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the following activities are expected to be accomplished;
1. Given a reproductive system model, the student will explain 3 parts of the
male or female reproductive system and its function through a graded
2. Given a video presentation about hormones, the student will perform a short
skit that explains the roles of hormones in our reproductive system.
3. Given a concept map, the student will create a slogan that explains the
importance of taking good care of the nervous system
Subject Matter:
Good day, class! Good day, Ma’am/Sir! It’s nice to see you!
Let us start our meeting with a prayer (One student will lead the class to a prayer)
May I ask someone to please lead the
(Attendance will be checked. Students will raise
You may now be seated. Let me first their hands once their name is called)
check your attendance. As I call your
name, kindly say “present”.
(Students will check the cleanliness and
Kindly check the vicinity of our orderliness of the classroom)
classroom. Please pick up the pieces of
paper under your chair and check its
alignment. At the same time, please go
back to your proper seats. “Everything is fine, Ma’am/Sir! I had so much
fun at the last day of the semestral break!”
Before we formally begin our discussion
for today, let me first ask you, how was
your day yesterday? “Well, Ma’am/Sir, I have to be honest. I used all
of my semestral break to accomplish my
It’s good to hear that! How about the pending performance tasks and activities. I’m
others? so tired right now, Ma’am/Sir, even though we
came from a supposedly short pause from
Good! Now, today marks our first day of “Our last lesson from the previous quarter was
class for the third quarter. We are now Electricity and Magnetism.”
about to change gears as we will now
enter the field of Biology. However, let us
first have a recapitulation of the last topic
we had for Physics last second quarter.
What was our last lesson, class?
“Electricity is the movement of electrons or
Nice! May I ask someone to please electric charge. On the other hand, magnetism
differentiate electricity and magnetism? is an interaction between moving charges.”
B. Lesson Proper
Okay, class Let us now start our “At the end of the lesson, the learners should be
discussion. For today’s meeting, we will able to;
discuss concepts that are related to our
Reproductive, Endocrine, and Nervous 1. describe the parts of the male and female
System. Furthermore, here are the reproductive system and their functions.
learning objectves that will guide us all 2. explain the roles of hormones in the male
throughout the discussion. May I ask and female reproductive system.
someone to please read our objectives? 3. explain the role of the nervous system in
coordinating and regulating feedback
mechanisms in light with the maintenance of
(discussion of hormones)