ICU One Pager Chest Tubes
ICU One Pager Chest Tubes
ICU One Pager Chest Tubes
10-20 cm
TIDALING (RESPIRATORY VARIATION) 0.3 mm). Recommended size varies by
Tidaling indicates that the chest drain is within the indication:
pleura and transducing the pleural pressures. Look • 14-22 Fr stable pneumothorax
for movement of the indicator ball in the chest • 24-28 Fr tension pneumothorax PRESSURE
drain. Also look for cyclic movement of fluid in • 28-32 Fr hemothorax/empyema Allows air to escape from REGULATOR
Collects and
dependent loops of tubing. • Smaller pigtail drains placed by
quantifies fluid the thorax if the pressure Determines how
• You can temporarily disconnect suction (bend Seldinger technique may have
draining from the rises above +2cmH2o. much suction is
the suction tubing to occlude it) to make it equivalent outcomes. Bubbles indicate the
thorax. applied.
easier to evaluate tidaling. Ideal direction where tube is placed: presence of air leak.
• For air ! anterior superiorly
• For fluid ! posterior inferior A modern chest drain looks different but has the same functions:
Air leak is the presence of bubbles in the WATER
SEAL chamber indicating that air is present within the WEANING A CHEST TUBE
chest (or a leak is present in the drainage system). • Generally, chest tubes are initially
Intermittent air leak occurring with the respiratory placed on suction. This facilitates Accordion indicates
cycle (typically at end inspiration) indicates an injury air/fluid removal from the thorax. if suction is applied.
to the lung or airways. Have the patient cough to see • Upon resolution of the pneumothorax When deflated (not
if air leak occurs with higher pressures. or drainage of an effusion, suction can visible) no suction is
Continuous air leak – throughout the respiratory be discontinued (this is called “being connected.
cycle suggests either a large injury to lung or airways on water seal”)
or a leak in the tubing. • Clamping a chest tube simulates
removal. Though usually unnecessary, Indicator Ball moves up
this is done prior to removal to and down transducing the
SUCTION intra-thoracic pressure.
ensure a pneumothorax does not
v1.0 (2020-07-04)
Is the drain connected to suction? How much recur. This can be useful if considering
suction is applied? Be cautious about applying -20 removing a chest tube while on Column markings
suction to large effusions as rapid drainage can positive pressure ventilation. quantify the degree of
precipitate re-expansion pulmonary edema.
air leak: scored 1-7.