2 Creating A Hex-Penta Mesh Using Surfaces
2 Creating A Hex-Penta Mesh Using Surfaces
2 Creating A Hex-Penta Mesh Using Surfaces
HyperWorks Tutorials
Step 2: Mesh the top surface of the base, including the L-shaped surface.
1. Set the active component collector to base using the HyperMesh Model Browser. In the Model Browser right-click base
and select Make Current.
2. While in the HyperMesh Model Browser, hide all components except the base component.
3. Access the Automesh panel from the menu bar by selecting Mesh > Create > 2D Automesh.
4. Select the surfaces on the top of the base, including the L-shaped surface at the intersection of the base and the arm.
For this part of the exercise it might be easier to view the geometry in a shaded mode by clicking Shaded Geometry and
Surface Edges ( ).
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Step 4: Prepare the display for meshing the arm’s curved segment.
1. Turn on the display of the arm_curve component using the HyperMesh Model Browser.
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• Once over the line, the cursor will change to a square with a dot in the center, , and the line will be highlighted.
Release your mouse button.
4. Click three locations along the selected line. The active selector advances from N1 to N2 to N3, and the locations will be
selected as though there was a node there.
5. Click circle center to create the node at the center.
This node will be used in the next step when you mesh the arm.
Step 6: Create hexa elements in the curved portion of the arm using spin.
1. Set arm_curve as the current component using the HyperMesh Model Browser.
2. Go to the Spin panel by selecting Mesh > Create > 3D Elements > Spin from the menu bar.
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2. With the entity selector set to comps, select the arm_curve component.
3. Click find faces.
2-D shell elements are created on the free faces of every 3-D solid element in the component. They are placed in a new
component named ^faces.
The ^faces component is created with its visualization set to wireframe, so you will not be able to see the new elements
right away if the arm_curve component is displayed and in shaded mode.
4. On the toolbar click Shaded Elements & Mesh Lines ( ) to shade the elements.
You will now see the elements in the ^faces component.
Step 8: Prepare the display for meshing the second arm segment.
1. Use the Model Browser to turn on the display for the arm_straight and ^faces components.
Step 9: Mesh the L-shaped set of surfaces between the arm_straight and boss components.
1. Set the current component collector to arm_straight.
2. Go to the Automesh panel.
3. Select the three surfaces lying on the intersection between the arm_straight and boss components.
These surfaces are in the arm_straight component.
4. Set the meshing mode to interactive.
5. Click mesh to go to the meshing module.
6. From the Density subpanel, adjust the densities to obtain a mesh that matches the following image.
This mesh pattern matches the mesh pattern at the intersection of the two arm segments. This is necessary for the next
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Step 10: Use linear solid to build the mesh between the two sets of shell elements.
1. Access the Linear Solid panel through the menu bar by selecting Mesh > Create > 3D Elements > Linear 3D.
2. With the from: elems selector active, select the ^faces elements lying on the intersection between the first and second
arm segments.
You can select one of the elements and then select elems >> by face to select the rest of the necessary elements.
3. Click the to: elems selector to make it active. Then select the shell elements between the arm and boss, which you
created using the Automesh panel in the last step.
4. Click the from: alignment: N1 selector to make it active. Then select three nodes on one of the "from elements" you
selected in sub-step 10.2.
5. Click the to: alignment: N1 selector to make it active. Then select three nodes on the "to element" corresponding to the
"from element" with the three "from nodes" you selected in sub-step 10.4. Refer to the following image.
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Step 14: Generate hexas for the boss using the Solid Map panel.
1. Go to the Solid Map panel by selecting Mesh > Create > Solid Map Mesh from the menu bar.
2. Go to the general subpanel.
3. Select source geom: (none).
4. Select dest geom: surf and select the top surface of the boss.
5. Select along geom: mixed.
6. Under along geom: mixed, click lines to make it the active selector.
7. Select the line indicated in the following image.
8. Click node path to make it the active selector.
9. Select nodes to define the exact location of the solid element layers, as indicated in the following image.
A total of 13 nodes should be selected, starting at the boss mesh, and then using all of the nodes along the edge of the
arm_straight component, ending with the node projected to the top of the boss.
10. For elems to drag:, select elems >> by collector and select the boss component.
11. Click mesh.
The elements are created and the mesh on this part is completed.
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Go to HyperMesh Tutorials
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