Global Atlas of Medical Devices: A1B2 C3D4
Global Atlas of Medical Devices: A1B2 C3D4
Global Atlas of Medical Devices: A1B2 C3D4
Global atlas of
medical devices
A1B2 2022
Global atlas of
medical devices
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Acknowledgements .. .. .. .. .. vii
Acronyms and abbreviations .. .. .. viii
Preface .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ix
Methodology .. .. .. .. .. .. x
Sources of the country profile’s indicators .. xi
Country profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Afghanistan - - - - - - 2 Burkina Faso - - - - - - 54
Albania - - - - - - - 4 Burundi - - - - - - - 56
Algeria - - - - - - - 6 Cambodia - - - - - - - 58
Andorra - - - - - - - 8 Cameroon - - - - - - 60
Angola - - - - - - - 10 Canada - - - - - - - 62
Antigua and Barbuda - - - - - 12 Cabo Verde - - - - - - 64
Argentina - - - - - - - 14 Central African Republic - - - - 66
Armenia - - - - - - - 16 Chad - - - - - - - 68
Australia - - - - - - - 18 Chile - - - - - - - 70
Austria - - - - - - - 20 China - - - - - - - 72
Azerbaijan - - - - - - - 22 Colombia - - - - - - - 74
Bahamas - - - - - - - 24 Comoros - - - - - - - 76
Bahrain - - - - - - - 26 Congo - - - - - - - 78
Bangladesh - - - - - - 28 Cook Islands - - - - - - 80
Barbados - - - - - - - 30 Costa Rica - - - - - - - 82
Belarus - - - - - - - 32 Côte d’Ivoire - - - - - - 84
Belgium - - - - - - - 34 Croatia - - - - - - - 86
Belize - - - - - - - 36 Cuba - - - - - - - 88
Benin - - - - - - - 38 Cyprus - - - - - - - 90
Bhutan - - - - - - - 40 Czechia - - - - - - - 92
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - - - 42 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea - - 94
Bosnia and Herzegovina - - - - 44 Democratic Republic of the Congo - - 96
Botswana - - - - - - - 46 Denmark - - - - - - - 98
Brazil - - - - - - - 48 Djibouti - - - - - - - 100
Brunei Darussalam - - - - - 50 Dominica - - - - - - - 102
Bulgaria - - - - - - - 52 Dominican Republic - - - - - 104
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
In order to respond to the World Health Assembly resolution 60.26 on health technologies, particularly medical
devices, WHO secretariat, Adriana Velazquez Berumen, Team lead for medical devices and in vitro diagnostics,
coordinated the work on the first Baseline country survey on medical devices (under the Global Initiative on
Health Technologies) as well as the resulting Global Atlas of medical devices in 2010. Since then, to keep the data
up-to-date, she coordinated various re-launches of the survey whose results were published as country profiles in
book form and/or digital form on the WHO website in 2015 and 2017 and this present publication on 2022. The
statistics are also found in the Global Health Observatory, where data has been updated after every edition. She
worked in 2021, under the guidance from Dr Clive Ondari director of the Health Product Policy and Standards
Department, and the leadership of Dr Mariangela Simao, Assistant Director General of the Access to Medicines
and Health Products Division.
WHO acknowledges and is most grateful to the consultants, country focal points in the Ministries of Health and
WHO staff at regional and country offices who dedicated their time and expertise to provide country data on
medical devices. The survey was managed by Ricardo X. Martínez with the support of Heike Hufnagel and Valeria
Montant. The analysis, evaluation, compilation, and verification of response data was coordinated and implemented
by Ricardo X. Martínez with the assistance of Heike Hufnagel, Lucero López, Lucia Jiménez, Juan J. López, David
López, Artiom Schepilov and Sebastián Losada.
The search for and retrieval of the answers to the survey in Member States was a collaborative effort of the appointed
health technology focal points and/or the the medical device country focal points. The update of the country focal
point contacts was possible thanks to the WHO regional advisers on health technologies, WHO health products
focal points, and WHO representatives and liaison officers.
Three desk-reviews in the medical device areas “health technology assessment“(HTA), “nomenclature system”, and
“regulatory agency” were accomplished in order to verify and complete the country data. They were coordinated by
Ricardo X. Martínez and executed by Lucia Jiménez, Juan J. López, David López, Artiom Schepilov, and Lucero López.
Jani Müller, senior researcher and board director of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), contributed
in the HTA-related survey 2021 answer verification as well as in the corresponding HTA desk-review. Thanks also to
the Economic Evaluation and Analysis, unit of WHO headquarters, specially to Andrew Mirelman, Kratu Goel, and
Tessa Edejer for their support in the HTA section.
Two country-consultations in September–November 2021 and April–May 2022, were done in order to verify the
validity of the collected data. The outcome of these consultations was collected and updated by Olga Pineda,
Daniela Rodriguez, and Lucia Jiménez.
Thanks to Riad F. Farah, Maurice Page, and Artiom Schepilov for their support in translating survey responses,
emails and other communication in Arabic, French, and Russian language respectively.
Thanks to WHO technical officers in the regional officers, as follows: Edith Annan, Diana Taguembou and Aissatou
Sarassa, Regional Office for Africa; Alexandre Lemgruber, Nilda Enriquez, Regional Office for the Americas/Pan
American Health Organization; Tifenn Lucile Humbert, Regional Office for Europe; Mohamad Wehbi, Regional Office
for the Eastern Mediterranean; Stephen Himley, Regional Office for South-East Asia; Jinho Shin, Regional Office for
the Western Pacific.
Thanks to Daniela Rodriguez for her support in publishing this document by helping with the clearance, website
creation, validation of indicator metadata and Jillian Reichenbach Ott for the data management.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
MOR mortality
POP population
UN United Nations
UN POP United Nations Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs
WB World Bank
Health technologies are essential for a functioning health system. Medical devices in particular are crucial in the
prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease as well as patient monitoring. Recognizing this important role of
health technologies, the World Health Assembly adopted resolution WHA60.29 in May 2007.
To determine the key areas that require support for the development or improvement of health technology programs
in countries and regions, the first WHO Baseline country survey on medical devices was launched in February 2010
by the WHO Department of Essential Health Technologies and resulted in the first set of country profiles conveying
the situation of medical devices globally. The country profiles were updated with a re-launch of the survey in
November 2013 and since then, every 3 years, updates of the global medical device data have been published. In
2017 the Global Atlas of medical devices1 book was published containing 177 country profiles, an introduction to
the medical device topics covered by the survey, and the corresponding facts, figures, and maps. From November
2020 until March 2021, and then from September 2021 to May 2022, the latest complete re-launch of the survey was
carried out and its results are presented in this publication containing all 194 country profiles. It should be noted that
the COVID-19 situation alerted the challenges presented by lack of priority or basic medical devices.
This publication is intended for use as a reference by decision-makers in ministries of health, nongovernmental
organizations and academic institutions involved in health technology at the district, national, regional or global
levels. For a deeper understanding of the importance and standing in the health care domain of each of the survey’s
topics please refer to the document Global Atlas of medical devices - WHO medical devices technical series 2017
that addresses these in separate chapters.
1 Global atlas of medical devices - WHO medical devices technical series”, ISBN 978 -92 -4 -151231 -2 © World Health Organization 2017.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
The 2020 re-launch of the 2010 Baseline country survey on medical devices was conceptualized and realized by
the medical devices team. The appointed health technology focal points of 177 Member States2 and more than 500
country contacts, as well as WHO contacts and related contacts in the 17 countries without appointed focal points,
were contacted by email in 4 different languages with a request to support and coordinate either the update of the
information already available in the previous atlas data or - in case of countries that had not answered the previous
surveys - their first participation in the survey. Additionally, the medical devices team with the help of consultants,
performed a web-based desk review of all countries to verify, update or newly include valid links to national websites
regarding regulation, health technology assessment, and nomenclature.
These efforts resulted in the final collection of all countries, either directly via nominated official health technology
focal points i.e. 179 countries or indirectly via specific medical device country focal points. Results were analyzed,
evaluated, compiled, and are now presented in this document in country profiles, together with additional information
regarding the global and national medical device situations. The country profiles incorporate facts indicating
the national status of medical devices in areas such as: medical device policies, regulations, incorporation, lists,
inventories, nomenclature, health technology assessment, management, and biomedical engineering resources.
The focus of the 2021 edition of the Global Atlas is to point out how the status of medical device topics supports or
hinders the accomplishment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and supports the increased access to
priority medical devices (including in vitro diagnostics) for emergencies, well being and universal health coverage
During the Information sessions on nomenclature of medical devices, Member States requested to extend the open
consultation to review the Global Atlas . Therefore, consultations took place in 2021 and 2022 by posting in the
WHO medical devices newsletter and in the nomenclature page.
2 The countries‘ health technology focal points were nominated and their roles established in a two year effort upon the initiative of the WHO medical devices
team in 2010.
World Bank Income group classification: (WB Income Classification) The World Bank assigns the world’s economies
to four income groups: low, lower-middle, upper-middle, and high-income countries. The classifications are updated
each year on July 1 and are based on GNI per capita in current USD (using the Atlas method exchange rates) of
the previous year (i.e. 2021 in this case). In this publication the classification used corresponds to the Fiscal Year
of 2023: WB: FY23 (data year: 2021). . Accessed October 2022. (The link provided updates the year classification
each 1st of July, If it is the case you must refer to the historical WB income classification to find the fiscal year of
2023: FY23).
Life expectancy at birth (years): The average number of years of life expected by a hypothetical cohort of individuals
who would be subject during all their lives to the mortality rates of a given period. It is expressed as years. UN: WPP
2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020). Accessed June 2022.
Under-five mortality rate (per 1000 live births) (SDG 3.2.1): Probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live births.
WHO Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020). Accessed October 2022.
Probability of dying 30-70 of NCDs (SDG 3.4.1): probability of dying between age 30 and exact age 70 years from
any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease. WHO Global Health Observatory
(GHO) data. WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019). Accessed October 2022.
Human Development Index (HDI): This a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human
development: a long and healthy life (life expectancy at birth), being knowledgeable (education dimension measured
by mean of years of schooling for adults aged years and more and expected years of schooling for children of school
entering age), and have a decent standard of living (measured by gross national income per capita). Inequality
adjusted HDI (IHDI): adjusts the HDI for inequality in the distribution of each of the three dimensions across the
population. UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019).Accessed June 2022. HDI and IHDI technical notes
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Information, communication technology (ICT) Development Index (IDI): is a composite index combining eleven
indicators into one benchmark measure that serves to monitor and compare developments in ICT between countries
and over time. It is composed by 3 ICT related components: readiness (infrastructure, access), use (intensity), and
capability (skills). ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017). Accessed June 2022. IDI methodology.
Service coverage Index (SDG 3.8.1): average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that
include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and
service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population. WHO Global Health
Observatory (GHO) data. WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019). Accessed June 2022.
Percentage of the population with out-of-pocket health spending exceeding 10% or 25% of the household
expenditure/budget/income: (SDG 3.8.2). WHO Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2,
10% (data year: latest 2010-18) and WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 25% (data year: latest 2010-18). Both accessed June 2022.
Global Innovation Index (GII): Is an annual ranking of countries by their capacity for, and success in, innovation. It
is computed by taking a simple average of the scores in two sub-indices, the Innovation Input Index and Innovation
Output Index, which are composed of five and two pillars respectively. Each of these pillars describes an attribute
of innovation. Each pillar is divided into three sub-pillars, each of which is composed of individual indicators, a total
of 80 indicators are in GII 2020 exploring a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education,
infrastructure and business sophistication. WIPO: GII (data year: 2020). Accessed June 2022. GII Conceptual
High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports): Are products with high R&D intensity, such as in aerospace,
computers, pharmaceuticals, scientific instruments, and electrical machinery. UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-
19). Accessed June 2022.
National health technology assessment unit section
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA): states if the country country has a
systematic formal process by which information is gathered to support healthcare decision-making at a national
level (options: Yes or No). Latest country data during the period 2015 to 2021 from one of the following sources:
WHO: HTA&HBP 2021 survey, WHO: HTA 2015 survey; and WHO CSoMD21. Both accessed June 2022.
Official nomenclature system for medical devices: states if the country has reported having an official nomenclature
system for medical devices (options: Yes or No).
Type of nomenclature system for medical devices: states the reported type of official nomenclature system by the
country. The following seven nomenclature categories were taken into account: 1: Based on GMDN (Global Medical
Device Nomenclature); 2: Based on UMDNS (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System); 3: Based on EMDN
(European Medical Device Nomenclature System) 4: Nationally developed 5: Based on more than one system; 6:
Other; 7: None.
“Based on” wording should be interpreted as includes original dataset or modified version.
Use of nomenclature system for medical devices states: the reported specific use of the official nomenclature
system by the country. The following five categories of specific uses were taken into account: 1: For regulatory
purposes; 2: For procurement purposes; 3: For regulatory and procurement purposes; 4: For various purposes;
5: Not specified.
The first version of data collection related to medical devices, the Country Survey of Medical Devices (CSoMD),
was carried out during the 2010–2013 period. Thereafter, in the 2014–2017 and 2020–2021 periods, data relating to
medical devices was collected in what has now been referred to as the Country Survey (2020). The Global Atlas of
Medical Devices 2022 data collection was reviewed and updated if necessary, at the request of the Member States,
in an open consultation that lasted from September 2021 to May 2022, referred to as Nomenclature and Global
Atlas consultations (2021–2022).
Density of computed tomography units (per million population): number of Computed tomography (CT) scan
units from the public and private sectors, per million population (UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020)). Latest
country data during the period 2013 to 2021 from one of the following sources: WHO CSoMD21, WHO: GHO, MD: CT,
and OECD, HE database (2017-19). Both accessed June 2022.
Density of positron emission tomography units (per million population): number of Positron emission tomography
(PET) units from the public and private sectors, per million population (UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020).Latest
country data during the period 2013 to 2021 from one of the following sources: WHO CSoMD21, WHO: GHO, MD:
PET, and OECD, HE database (2017-19). Both accessed June 2022.
Density of gamma camera or nuclear medicine units (per million population): number of Gamma camera or
Nuclear medicine units from the public and private sectors, per million population (UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year:
2020)). Latest country data during the period 2013 to 2021 from one of the following sources: CSoMD21, WHO: GHO,
MD: GC-NC, and OECD, HE database (2017-19). Both accessed June 2022.
Density of mammographs (per million females aged between 50 and 69 years old): Number of mammographs
units from the public and private sectors, per million population (UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020). Latest
country data during the period 2013 to 2021 from one of the following sources: WHO CSoMD21 and WHO: GHO, MD:
MAM, and OECD, HE database (2017-19). Both accessed June 2022.
Density of radiotherapy units (per million population): number of radiotherapy units (RU) including the following:
circular and linear accelerators (LINAC), Radionuclide teletherapy units, Brachytherapy units, proton ion therapy or
particle accelerators, and X-Ray generators (as defined by IAEA); per million population (UN: WPP 2019, POP (data
year: 2020)). Latest country data during the period 2013 to 2021 from the latest available of the following sources:
WHO CSoMD21; WHO: GHO, RU and IAEA: DIRAC database (2017-21). Both accessed June 2022.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The National HTA unit is not yet
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No established.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 3 0.1
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Asheq Khan Sadaty Name: Dr. Dapeng Luo
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Mirza Said Hashimi Name: Dr. Najibullah Safi
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy, it can be found the following document,
within the provided website: ley-18211-dec-5-2007 SNIS.pdf.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 3
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is not yet an HTA national unit but it
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No has been acknowledged at a political level
Unit/department: — by the MoH. There is a centralized system
for managing health products pricing and
Website(s): — reimbursement via the Ministry of Health,
Contact: — Email: — the National Agency for Drugs and Device,
and the Drug Price Commission.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed This italian nomenclature system CIVAB
Use: For procurement purposes comes with the Inventory system called
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 5 1.58
Mammograph:α,* 18 54.4
Radiotherapy:β 6 2.08
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The inventory system is called CLINGO.
The National Biomedical Centre manages
Website: — the system. Each hospital (13 regional
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Clingo. hospitals are involved) is in charge of
adding their own data. It doesn’t cover
all the hospitals and other public health
Medical devices workforce
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Gerald Rockenschaub
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Ledina Picari Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy, the following document was provided:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 5
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Adopted EMA (European Medicines
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No Agency) and ICH (International Council
Unit/department: — for Harmonisation for Pharmaceuticals)
guidelines. Inspector General Office
Website(s): — performs health economics HTA. Within
Contact: — Email: — the MoH HTA is focused on pharmaceutics
but not in medical devices.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 49 1.12
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Bla François Nguessan
Email: — Email:
Name: Dr. Soumia Yahiaoui Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 7
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 9
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.05
Mammograph:α,* 5 6.33
Radiotherapy:β 4 0.12
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Elisio de Carvalho Name: Dr. Djamila Khady Cabral
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 11
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Antigua and Barbuda
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 11.11
Mammograph:α,* 2 272.15
Radiotherapy:β 1 10.2
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. St. Clair A. Soleyn Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Cecilia Acuna
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 13
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
In 2018, by Ministerial Resolution of Health
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes No. 623, the National Commission for
Unit/department: Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y the Evaluation of Health Technologies
(CONETEC) was created within the scope
Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) - Instituto Nacional de Productos Médicos of the Ministry of Health, dependent on its
Website(s): General Coordination Unit.
Contact: Manuel Donato Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS The Administración Nacional de
Use: For regulatory purposes Medicamentos Alimentos y Tecnología
Médica (ANMAT), reported the use of the
Website: — Universal Medical Device Nomenclature
System (UMDNS) for regulatory purposes
of the medical devices in this country
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
medicos/recomendaciones_compraprod.medicos.asp Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: Yes Website:
For procurement of medical devices at
productos_medicos/ dicos.asp national level we use the: “lista licitaciones”.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dra. Analia del Carmen Amarilla Name: Dr. Eva Jané Llopis
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dra. Sonia Quezada
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): The MoH wants to push awareness/surveillance about health technology quality,
technical specifications, etc.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 15
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Informing decisions of the cited institutions
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes are not specifically HTA. Alternative email:
Unit/department: Health Project Implementation Unit and Scientific Centre of Drug info@healthpiu.arm.
and Medical Technology Expertise.
Contact: Mr. Armen Madantsyan Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 7 2.35
Mammograph:α,* 7 22.5
Radiotherapy:β 5 1.69
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Armen Madantsyan Name: Dr. Jihane F. Tawilah
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 17
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The Therapeutic Goods Administration
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes (TGA), the Medical Services Advisory
Unit/department: Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee / Medical Committee (MSAC), the Pharmaceutical
Advisory Committee (PBAC), and the
Services Advisory Committee / Prostheses List Advisory Prostheses List Advisory Committee
Committee / Therapeutic Goods Administration. Committees including the (PLAC) perform Health Technology
Advisory Committee on Medical Devices (ACMD) Assessment (HTA) processes to provide
advice to the Australian Government
Website(s): Department of Health.
Contact: — Email:;
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN The use of GMDN is a legal mandatory
Use: Therapeutic goods regulation (market authorisation) and procurement purposes requirement for devices supplied in
Australia, including IVDs.
by Government and non-Government entities and hospitals
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 375 14.71
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — The National Product Catalogue provides
an inventory input to a number of
Website: — hospital procurement and equipment
Use of management software: — Software name: — managements systems. Also, various
systems are used by public and private
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 320
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Chris Bedford Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Australia’s health system policy and delivery is at both a national and state/
territory level. All medical devices must be included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 19
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The procurement is done with internal
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: — guidelines of the Hauptverband, insurance
funds, hospitals, Bundesbeschaffungs
Technical specifications GmbH, etc.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 208 23.1
Radiotherapy:β 76 8.44
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies There are various software for the
maintenance and inspection of medical
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) devices in the hospital. Additionally,
Website: there is the implementation of a National
Plan for high-cost technologies called:
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Various: MTECS, Visual FM, SAP, “Großgeräteplan”.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Martin Renhardt Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 21
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The HTA activities in pharmaceutics are
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes not specifically for medical devices.
Unit/department: —
Contact: Mr. Kerimov Ramiz Talat Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 14 1.38
Mammograph:α,* 25 22.5
Radiotherapy:β 12 1.18
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Kerimov Ramiz Talat Name: Dr. Fatos Hande Harmanci
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Ramiz Kerimov Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 23
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 2.54
Mammograph:α,* 4 95.1
Radiotherapy:β 2 5.09
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Anthone Ward Name: Dr. Eldonna Boisson
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Gabriel Vivas
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 25
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: More than one system It is needed the GMDN code for
Use: For regulatory and procurement purposes registration of medical devices, as well as
the HS code.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 2 1.18
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Tasnim Atatrah
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 27
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 80 0.49
Mammograph:α,* 12 1.12
Radiotherapy:β 43 0.26
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — Central Medical Stores Depot, Tejgaon,
Dhaka-1208. Dhaka has all the data in this
Website: — regards.
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Salah Uddin Name: Dr. Bardan Jung Rana
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 29
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified, but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 28.96
Radiotherapy:β 2 6.97
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — There is not a national inventory
but the Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Website: — Engineering Services maintains an
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Equipment Management inventory of high-cost technologies
and medical equipment; thus, there is
Software. an institutional inventory there. Also,
all the polyclinics keep institutional
inventory for medical equipment only.
Medical devices workforce The institutional inventories at the hospital
and the polyclinics are audited annually.
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10 Additionally, the Equipment management
software is currently being installed at the
Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Dwayne Smith Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Joy St. John Name: Dr. Cecilia Acuna
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Healthcare Infrastructure section: there are many single and
grouped medical centres and general practice clinics/offices which perform primary care that includes emergency
services. Some medical centres of the private sector perform secondary care services as well.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 31
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
In BELCMT there are not informing
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes decisions specifically for medical devices.
Unit/department: The Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Medical
Technologies, Informatization, Administration and Management of Health (BELC__)
and Center for expertise and tests in healthcare (RCETH).
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed State register of medical equipment and
Use: Not specified medical supplies of Belarus.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 24 2.57
Mammograph:α,* 23 17.48
Radiotherapy:β 61 6.46
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Go to website (first link) and find the
document titled “mfindr”.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. V. A. Hodzhaev Name: Dr. Viatcheslav Grankov AI
Email: Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The assestment includes pre-market
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes clinical evaluation of innovative high-risk
Unit/department: Health Care Knowledge Center (KCE). medical devices.
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: No Website:
Dans chaque Arrêté royal d’application se trouvent des exigences par rapport
Donations à la distribution et/ou la délivrance
des dispositifs médicaux (docs:
Policy or guideline: No Website: — coord_tcm291-26685.pdf and tcm291-
27069.pdf).|Décision de la Commission
Technical specifications 2002/364/EC portant spécifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes techniques communes des dispositifs
médicaux de diagnostique in vitro.
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 133 11.48
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Frédérique Meulders Name: —
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Tom Clarijs Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): L’Agence fédérale de Contrôle nucléaire (AFCN) est en train de réviser
les inventaires des dispositifs médicaux émettant des rayonnements ionisants présents en Belgique. Cet inventiare
provient en partie de données fournies par les Organismes Agréés (AV Controlatom, TechniTest, ….). COCIR (European
Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Medical IT Industries) peut également fournir des
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 35
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified, but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a specific national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 3.01
Mammograph:α,* 4 258
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The NEMC is in the process of updating
the Inventory, only for the public health
Website: — facilities. The Karl Heusner Memorial
Use of management software: No Software name: — Hospital (KHMH) has its own Inventory
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Tony Nijssen Name: Dr. Jack Noreen
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Edwin Bolastig
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 37
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Ilya la Direction de la programmation
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes et de la prospective (DPP) et Direction
Unit/department: Direction de la programmation et de la prospective (DPP) des hôpitaux (fait HTA), mais n’est pas
specifiquement pour des dispositifs
Website(s): médicaux.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified La nomenclature CNEH: Centre National
d’Expertise Hospitalière Nomenclature
Website: (from France) est utilisée de façon
informelle dans certains de nos hôpitaux.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 7 16.09
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Le fichier excel est utilisé
dans certains cas. En outre, le logiciel G-MAINT, développé au Bénin, est en cours
d’expérimentation dans certains hôpitaux.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Mamoudou Harouna Djingarey
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Laurent Houndeton Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 39
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: Adapted nomenclature from GMDN
Not specified
Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 1.33
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The Biomedical Engineering Division under
the Department of Medical Services has
Website: — maintained an Inventory of equipment
Use of management software: No Software name: — above 25,000 rupees only.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Karma Lhazeen Name: Dr. Rui Paulo de Jesus
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Soira Sonam Tamang Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: there is 1 National Referral Hospital with
350 beds, 2 Regional referral hospitals with 150 beds each, 10 district hospitals with 60 to 40 beds. 12 district hospitals
with 20 beds. Out of 192 health posts, 18 are Basic Health Unit grade I with 10 beds, and the remaining 174 health centres
with 2 to 5 beds are Basic Health Unit grade II.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 41
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Unidad de Medicamentos y Tecnología en Salud.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 13 1.11
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment El inventario de equipos y la aplicación del
plan para la adquisición de equipo médico
Website: solo se realizó para los departamentos de
Use of management software: No Software name: — Oruro, Beni y Pando.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Ms. Alma Fabiola Morales Salinas.
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Dante Ergueta and Ms. Mari Tejerina Name: Dr. Julio Pedroza
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 43
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National list for different types of healthcare facilities Health care facilities lists comments
(hospitals, laboratories, etc) (...Annex 1):
Lists available: Yes The Rulebook on Normative Standards for
Establishment of Health Institutions.
Website - hospitals:
Website - laboratories:
Specific lists comments (...Annex 1):
Nomenclature systems used for devices and tests: —
There are documents that regulate the
National list for specific clinical interventions/emergencies: necessary knowledge, skills, procedures
Lists available: Yes and equipment (definition of medical
technology) which are used by those
Website: group of diseases. Also, there are Guides
for specific medical conditions, and
there are adequate contingency plans
National health technology assessment unit for responding for public health threats
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The HTA is acknowledged in decentralized
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No legislation, and present at a national level.
Unit/department: —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Responsible authority in both entities.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: — Ministry of Health of Republika Srpska is
responsible for the procurement of high-
Technical specifications cost technologies while the Health Care
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No Institutions can provide procurement of
other medical equipment.
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 21 5.48
Mammograph:α,* 88 182.72
Radiotherapy:β 13 3.96
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Sabina Sahman Name: Dr. Erwin Aime Willy D. Cooreman
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Tanja Savanovi_ Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 45
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It is needed to strengthen the research to
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No improve the HTA capacity.
Unit/department: Clinical Services.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
For procurement purposes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.49
Mammograph:α,* 2 19.1
Radiotherapy:β 3 1.28
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment There is the Medical Equipment Asset
Register which was completed in
Website: — December 2009. The Custom Solution
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Customized Solution. is being implemented; the contract was
signed on May 19th 2010.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Ndwapi Ndwapi Name: Dr. Josephine Namboze
Email: Email:
Name: Spencer Sibanda Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: there are 800 clinics, healthposts and
mobile clinics.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 47
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Units within the Brazilian HTA Network
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes (Rebrats) support CONETEC
Unit/department: Departamento de Gestão e Incorporação de Tecnologias em
Contact: Dr. Vania Canuto Santos Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: Anvisa started working to internalize the
For regulatory purposes GMDN. So far, 100 of Anvisa’s technical
names are compatible with GMDN. Anvisa
Website: also works in the implementation of the
Unique Device Identification (UDI) in
Brazil. Anvisa is currently preparing a draft
Medical device incorporation proposal in a working group with the
participation of the private sector, which
Procurement was sent to the Public Consultation (2021).
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes
comments (...Annex 1):
In the given website search for the
Donations corresponding documents in procurement
field. There are Lists of OPM, Procedures
Policy or guideline: No Website: — and Protocols.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Even though there is no standardized
software for the medical equipment
Website: — management in Brazil, some hospitals
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Locally developed. and other health facilities have developed
and implemented their own. Besides that,
the Post Market Surveillance of Medical
Medical devices workforce
Devices Unit of ANVISA, the Brazilian
Regulatory Authority, intends to develop
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 600 a software to address the main needs
related to medical electrical equipment
management (information related to the
Contacts history of the medical equipment).
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 49
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Brunei Darussalam
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It is a established system for setting
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No healthcare priorities, which involves HTA.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Brunei Darussalam
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 2.39
Mammograph:α,* 3 91.93
Radiotherapy:β 2 4.58
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Abidin Bin Haji Othman Name: —
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 51
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It exists a limited number of trained
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No HTA experts. Relevant health economic
Unit/department: — education is available at several universities
in the region, and HTA experts or health
Website(s): economists work as consultants for the government (more info see third link).
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
category available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Medical device incorporation
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
acts/201910_MEDICAL%20DEVICES%20ACT.pdf Medical device incorporation comments (...Annex 1):
Only for the devices which are supplied
National level procurement: Yes Website: through a centralized procedure
Donations accomplished by the Ministry of Health.
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 54 7.77
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Todor Darakchiev Name: Dr. Skender Syla.
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 53
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Burkina Faso
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Burkina Faso
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Mammograph:α,* 13 15.49
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Inventaire technique au niveau national
a été fait par la DGIEM en 2003 avec
Website: — l’appui de la GTZ; un inventaire non
Use of management software: Yes Software name: PLAMAHS (Heart Consultancy). technique a été fait par la DAF en 2007
suivant une procédure du Ministère de
l’Economie et des Finances. La mise à
Medical devices workforce
jour de ces inventaires n’est pas effective.
Il y a les deux types d’inventaire: national
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10 fonctionnel pour certain équipement
médicale et non-fonctionnel pour d’autres.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. O. Emmanuel Zida Name: Dr. Alimata J. Diarra-Nama
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Micheline Ouédraogo Name: Dr. Daogo Sosthène Zombre
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy, a 2010 version was provided. Concerning the
Section Infrastructure: There are 3 CHU and 1 Hôpital national.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 55
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: Département des Infrastructures sanitaires et des équipements
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 2.69
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Déo Niyonkuru Name: Dr. Xavier Crespin
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Eugène Mujambere Name: Dr. Donatien Bigirimana
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 57
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has been started the development
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No of HTA systems by establishing nodal
Unit/department: Department of Hospital Service. agencies and conducting ad-hoc activities.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed The Hospital Service Bureau has
Use: For procurement purposes developed standard medical equipment
nomenclature for public hospitals in
Website: — Cambodia and it has been utilized for
medical equipment management and
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Procurement: Health Sector Support
Policy or guideline: No Website: — Program (HSSP2) is the implementation
project team under the direction of
Technical specifications Health Sector Strategic Plan (HSP2) of
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes the Ministry of Health. Medical Equipment
standard list for CPA1,2,3 referral hospitals.
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.07
Radiotherapy:β 3 0.18
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment The software was originally developed
by the Ministry of Health (MoH). The
Website: — Department of Hospital service is
Use of management software: Yes Software name: MEDEMIS. managing inventories for medical
equipment of four National hospitals and
18 CPA3 level hospitals. The Controlled
Medical devices workforce
medical equipment requires management
(monitoring), maintenance and repair.
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Cheu Sivuthy Name: Dr. Ailan Li
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 59
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.04
Mammograph:α,* 15 17.4
Radiotherapy:β 1 0.04
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Les bailleurs de fonds réalisent des
inventaires dans leurs zones d’intervention,
Website: — mais il n’existe pas d’inventaire national.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Vincent Ngaleu Toko Name: Dr. Phanuel Habimana
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Samuel Besong
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): L’étude devrait inclure la formation dans le domaine. Le Cameroun dispose
d’un cycle de formation de techniciens en maintenance hospitalière qui fonctionne depuis deux ans dans trois lycées
techniques, le diplôme de sortie délivré au bout de trois ans est l’équivalent du bacccalauréat. Il existe également des
cycles de formation dans le domaine en enseignement supérieur.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 61
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are several HTA agencies, mainly
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes regional.
Unit/department: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH).
Contact: Dr. Lesley Dunfield Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: Canada uses both: Preferred Name Codes
For regulatory purposes (based on US FDA Panel Codes) and
GMDN. Not publicly available.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 389 10.31
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: CADTH maintains a Canadian Medical Imaging Given the nature of the Canadian
Constitution, these are of provincial
Inventory for medical imaging equipment. jurisdiction and not at the federal or
Website: — national jurisdictional level. While there
are no national inventories, the Canadian
Use of management software: — Software name: — Institute for Health Information produces
regular reports on selected imaging
technologies in Canada. The most recent
Medical devices workforce report is available at: https://www.cihi.
ca/en .
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 642
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. David Boudreau Name: Ms. Mary Lou Valdez
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Lesley Dunfield Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): In several survey’s sections (e.g. section health policy), we were not able to
reflect the shared governance approach that Canada has evolved towards as several as the key organisations, namely, the
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health are neither national nor provincial but entities whose governance
and financing is shared among the Deputy Minister of Health of Canada’s 14 jurisdictions (e.g. Federal, 10 provinces and 3
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 63
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Cabo Verde
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA is focused on pharmaceutics but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No in medical devices.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Cabo Verde
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 3 5.4
Mammograph:α,* 5 124.25
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None There is no national inventory of medical
equipment. There’s a plan to do it soon.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Daniel A. Kertesz
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Margarida Cardoso Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): In conclusion, there is a need to organize the park of medical devices. We
would like to make a national inventory for medical equipment, assess the needs, and organizing technical guidelines
for procurement to elaborate a clear plan of medical devices management. We think it is time to develop legislation for
medical devices.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 65
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Central African Republic
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO African Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 4.68
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Réalisée par la direction des infrastructures
sanitaires. Il y a les deux types d’inventaire:
Website: — national fonctionnel pour certain
Use of management software: No Software name: — équipement médicale et non- fonctionnel
pour d’autres.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Ngoy Nsenga
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Leppa Name: Dr. Florentine Sylvie Mberyo Yaah
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy it is stated in the following document
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 67
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: Direction des infrastructures, équipements et maintenance
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.06
Mammograph:α,* 2 3.57
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: Periodic —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: G-Stock/MSPSN (2014-2015)
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Ngardibaye Madjimbaye Name: Dr. Jean-Bosco Ndihokubwayo
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Djémian Mongbe Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): The lack of a national policy in matters of health technology does not allow
access to information on medical devices that could support the action plan with regards to training of users, specialists
and maintenance technicians.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 69
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Institute of Public Health and MoH.
Contact: Dino Seplveda Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 226 11.82
Mammograph:α,* 58 32.18
Radiotherapy:β 56 2.93
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Luis Vera Benavides Name: Dr. Luis Fernando Leanes
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Luis Ampuero Velásquez Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: Los 21 centros de salud están incorporados
en los 100 hospitales distritales/rurales. Los Centros de Referencia de Salud (CRS) = 7 considera a los Hospitales de Chile
denominados de Mediana Complejidad y que se ubican en la región metropolitana y demás regiones del país. Tambien
existen también los hospitales de Chile denominados de Alta Complejidad. Se ubican en la región metropolitana y demás
regiones del país. Estos hospitales tienen la calidad de “Establecimientos Auto-gestionados en red”, incluyendo los base
de regiones y los Institutos de especialidades, que se concentran en la Región Metropolitana. En lo que concierne a
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 71
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Department of planning and finance MoH; China National Health
Development Research Center (CNHDRC); Fudan University (Key Lab of Health
Technology Assessment: KLHTA).
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
Not specified
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Gauden Galea
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: Ms. Jianrong Qiao
Email: — Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The INVIMA (Instituto Nacional de
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes Vigilancia en Medicamentos y alimentos)
Unit/department: IETS centralizes HTA and the IETS (Instituto de Evaluación
Tecnológica en Salud) perform HTA.
Contact: Adriana Robayo Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Nationally developed. It is in the phase of
Use: For regulatory and procurement purposes implementation.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 12 0.24
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Actualmente no hay inventario nacional, se
ha intentado elaborar mediante el catastro
Website: — de equipamiento físico. En la normatividad
Use of management software: No Software name: — vigente, el Decreto 4725 de 2005,
establece que los equipos biomédicos
de tecnología controlada deben contar
Medical devices workforce con registro sanitario o con permiso de
comercialización en Colombia.
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 2000
General comments (...Annex 1): Actualmente se tiene reglamentado y en fase de implementación el Programa
Nacional de Tecnovigilancia Post-mercado liderado por el Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 75
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 24.28
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Ahamada Said Fazul Name: Dr. Abdoulaye Diarra
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Ahamada Said Fazul, Ministère de la santé Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 77
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: More than one system La Nomenclature officiel n’existe pas. Mais
Use: Not specified sinon, on utilise ce qui peut etre à la portée
de la main et selon les circonstances.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Arthur Ngolet Name: Dr. Lucien Alexis Manga
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Ray Mankele
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 79
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Cook Islands
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Cook Islands
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 81
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Costa Rica
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Two entities perform HTA: Caja
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS)
Unit/department: Dirección de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico en Salud and DDCTS. The extension of the HTA
entities is at subnational level, not at
(DDCTS) MoH and Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS). national level.
Contact: Gabriela Murillo Jenkins Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Costa Rica
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed The GMDN has been adapted to the
Use: For regulatory and procurement purposes national needs.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 0.82
Mammograph:α,* 60 150.26
Radiotherapy:β 7 1.37
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment El Ministerio de Salud cuenta con la base
de datos de los productos de equipo y
Website: material biomédico registrados para el
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Visual Basic 6.0, Base de datos país. Para cualquier adquisición dentro del
país es necesario contar con su registro,
SQL Server 2005 and Access. pero no es del tipo inventario pues no se
contabiliza; el registro tiene cinco años
de vigencia. En el caso de la CCSS (ver
Medical devices workforce ) se tiene un
inventario por establecimiento (en los
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 85 tres niveles de atención) tanto a nivel
hospitalario como en clínicas y áreas de
salud. Del sector privado se ha reportado
Contacts que cuentan con inventarios de equipos
por institución, sin embargo no se tiene
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. María Dolores Perez-Rosales
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Ana Eduviges Sancho Jiménez Name: Dr. Gustavo Mery
Email: Email:
WHO African Region
Côte d’Ivoire
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 3 0.15
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 2 0.08
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None La base nationale de données n’est pas
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Tra Bi Yrié Name: Dr. Jean-Marie Vianny Yameogo
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Théodore Yao Kouadio
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 85
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
Proizvodnja-medicinskih-proizvoda/ national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Policy or guideline: Yes currently conducts joined procurement
of several groups of medical devices for
Website: more than 20 hospitals in the Republic
Technical specifications of Croatia. The procurement procedure
is managed by the expert divisions
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No within the Ministry in collaboration with
Publically available: — all hospitals included in the Procurement
Plan and top medical experts for
Website: — every group of the equipment. Due to
continuous advancement in medical
devices technology, a special commission
Density per
Medical equipment
is formed before every procurement
Total 1,000,000 procedure. The commission defines the
population required technical specifications of the
device based on the most recent available
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 31 7.23 data.
Radiotherapy:β 24 5.85
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
has a national informal and internal
Website: — inventory for medical devices in all public
Use of management software: No Software name: — health institutions. This inventory is
used mainly for analytical purposes and
planning strategies within the Ministry. In
Medical devices workforce
2008 Croatian National Institute of Public
Health, as part of a pilot project under
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 250 EUROSTAT guidelines, made an inventory
of 10 most expensive medical devices
(MRI, Computed Tomography, Linear
Contacts Accelerator, etc.).
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 87
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: More than one system It is use the SUCNEM, a nationally
Use: For procurement purposes developed nomenclature, based on the
Universal Medical Device Nomenclature
Website: System (UMDNS) and the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
Mammograph:α,* 30 18.49
Radiotherapy:β 33 2.91
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment El Programa de Informatización de la
Salud se encuentra en fase de desarrollo.
Website: There are 3 types of inventory for medical
Use of management software: Yes Software name: SIGICEM (Sistema de Gestión equipment: National for high cost
technologies (such as MRI, CT or PET
para la Ingeniería Clínica y Electromedicina) scanners), National for medical equipment
and National functional for medical
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 550
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. José Gerardo Moya
Email: — Email:
Name: Dr. Mario César Muñiz Ferrer Name: Dra. Lizette Perez
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): En términos de aclaración general indicamos que en Cuba, como es conocido,
el Sistema de Salud tiene características de ser único, centralizado, público, gratuito y universal, refrendado en la
Constitución de la República. La demanda de equipos médicos se realiza sobre la base de requirimientos acorde al
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 89
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Pharmaceutical Services within the Ministry
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No of Health performs HTA evaluation of
Unit/department: — pharmaceutics.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
en?OpenDocument national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Procurement guidelines apply to the Public
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: — Sector only.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 16 14.02
Mammograph:α,* 40 329.64
Radiotherapy:β 10 8.29
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Andoulla Stylianou Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 91
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are HTA activities in pharmaceutics,
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No not specifically for medical devices.
Unit/department: —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: — of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 110 10.27
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Karolina Pestova Name: Dr. Srdan Matic
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Jan Zofka Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 93
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: National Evidence-based healthcare Collaborating Agency
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr Mohamed Jamsheed
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 95
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 2 0.74
Radiotherapy:β 1 0.01
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment On est dans le processus de creér de
pool de maintenance avec des ingenieurs
Website: — sanitaires et de rehabiliter les ateliers qui
Use of management software: No Software name: — existent . Il y a un programme de formation
des ingenieurs et des utilisateurs.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Malaba Munyyanji Cleophas If Name: Dr. Yokouidé Allarangar
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Ngilo Eagbali Name: Dr. Anastasie Mulumba M.
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): En tant pays post-conflit, dans le processus de l’organisation de son système
national de santé, le gouvernement dispose dejà d’une strategie de renforcement du système de santé qui est une
strategie sectorielle. Ensuite, le pays vient de se doter d’un plan stragegique de développement sanitaire pour 5 ans avec
un cadre des dépenses à moyen terme ou toutes ces technologies sont planifiées.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 97
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: HTA unit within the Danish Health Authority.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 77 13.7
Mammograph:α,* 88 119.43
Radiotherapy:β 71 12.26
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The National Institute of Radiation
Protection is in charge. The inventory
Website: covers all x-ray equipment, equipment for
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Several systems: MEDUSA, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Nina Moss Name: Dr. Hans Kluge
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Mads Frellsen Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): The National Board of Health is issuing some Health Technolgy Assessments,
including but not limited to medical devices. Only a minority of technologies are handled, so this is regarded as being
outside the scope of the Policy section.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 99
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The development of the HTA unit is in
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No progress, as well as the human resources
Unit/department: — to fill the workforce gap within the MoH.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Reinhilde Therese Van De Weerdt
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 101
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified, but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a specific national unit.
Unit/department: Biomedical Department, PMH.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 2 206.69
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None The Software is currently awaiting for the
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Ruby Josephine Blanc Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: Mrs. Theresa Shillingford Name: Dr. Cecilia Acuna
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): A manual exists in draft form to govern issues related to medical devices. It is still
supposed to have a final review to begin the process of it’s adoption and implementation.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 103
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Dominican Republic
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Superintendencia de Salud y Riesgos Laborales (SISALRIL) y
Electromedicina MoH.
Contact: Madeline Melissa Martínez García Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Dominican Republic
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified No existe una nomenclatura oficial. Sin
embargo, existe una propuesta que data
Website: — del año 2006 que respondió a un proyecto
de mantenimiento preventivo de equipos
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations En cuanto a la adquisión solo existen
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: — recomendaciones dadas en fichas
técnicas y de acuerdo a la complejidad del
Technical specifications establecimiento.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 27 2.49
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Olivier Ronveaux
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Juan del Rosario Name: Dr. Roger Montes
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 105
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: More than one system For MD traceability purposes will be
Use: For regulatory and procurement purposes taken as a reference the Universal Medical
Devices Nomenclature System (UMDNS)
Website: developed by Emergency Care Research
Resoluci%C3%B3n_ARCSA-026-YMIH-Dispositivos-M%C3%A9dicos.pdf Institute (ECRI). In case that UMDNS does
not have a specific code for a MD, it will
be taken as an alternative nomenclature,
Medical device incorporation the Global Medical Devices Nomenclature
developed by GMDN Agency.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Las políticas de adquisición están en
Donations proceso de implementación por la
Dirección de Inteligencia y Economía de
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: la salud.
medicamentos-y-dispositivos-medicos/ Programa Mi hospital: Adquisición de
equipos para 8 hospitales declarados en
Technical specifications emergencia sanitaria.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 0.13
Radiotherapy:β 28 1.59
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Se está actualizando el inventario de los
Hospitales declarados en emergencia.
Website: — Hay “National inventory only for high cost
Use of management software: No Software name: — technologies (such as MRI, CT or PET
scanners)” tambien.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Betzabé Tello Name: Dr. Oscar Martin Barreneche
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Luis Paredes Name: Dr. Javier Uribe
Email: Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
A pharmacoeconomics unit was officially
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No established in 2011 under the Central
Unit/department: — Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs
within the Ministry of Health, but HTA is not
Website(s): obligatory for pricing or reimbursement.
Contact: — Email: — However, the recent universal health
insurance law from 2018 mandates the
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — representation of health economists in the
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Used in the database of geographical
Use: Not specified information system health.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Database of geographical information
system health.
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Sohier Saad Botrous Attalla Name: Dr. Naeema Al Gasseer
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: the proposed names are not totally
compatible with ours. Thus, the number of units is under the Ministry of Health only and is not confined to Tfsalia to the
private sector in 2010.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 109
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
El Salvador
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO Region of the Americas
El Salvador
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified El catálogo desarrollado es de equipo
médico en general y sólo es para fines de
Website: — compra. No existe distinción o clasificación
de equipos de tecnología médica por
su aplicación o incidencia en la salud del
Medical device incorporation paciente.
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 7 1.1
Mammograph:α,* 30 69.99
Radiotherapy:β 11 1.7
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies Para el control de equipos con fuente
de radiaciones ionizantes, la Dirección
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) de Regulación a través de la Unidad
Website: Reguladora de Radiaciones Ionizantes (UNRA) tiene el inventario de los equipos
como TC, Rayos X, Angiografía, Gamma
Use of management software: No Software name: — Cámara, etc. Autorizados a nivel nacional
en la actualidad, se remitirá el listado
actualizado a la fecha a la OMS.
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 231
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Lic. Sulay Stefanni Mejía Campos Name: Dr. Giovanni Escalante Guzman
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Carolina de Rivera Name: Dr. Laura Ramirez
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Las respuestas proporcionadas corresponden exclusivamente a la información
disponible en la Unidad de Proyectos del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social. Agradecemos permitirnos
participar de tan importante encuesta que nos permite establecer un enlace que estamos seguros contribuirá a mejorar
nuestra gestión en la planificación, evaluación, adquisición y mantenimiento de los dispositivos médicos de nuestro
sistema nacional de salud; así como a contribuir en el desarrollo de una política nacional de tecnología sanitaria en El
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 111
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Equatorial Guinea
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Equatorial Guinea
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. George Fom Ameh
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 113
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified Official nomenclature system for medical
devices is currently on the process of
Website: development.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.16
Mammograph:α,* 4 16.56
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment National medical devices inventory on
the six zones has started in 2008 and,
Website: — currently, it is in the process of finalization
Use of management software: No Software name: — (only one zone is partially remaining).
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Gherezghier Habtu Name: Dr. Martins Ovberedjo
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Brhane Debru Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 115
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
devices national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The procurement of medical devices is
Policy or guideline: No Website: — regulated by the Public procurement
law, as well as all other commodities (see
Technical specifications specified website: riigiteataja).
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 18 13.56
Mammograph:α,* 14 76.94
Radiotherapy:β 9 6.78
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Tairi Välinurm Name: Ms. Kristina Köhler
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 117
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is no HTA national unit per se.
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: — However, and adaptive HTA has been used
Unit/department: — to inform in areas such as benefits package
in health interventions prioritisations
Website(s): — packages.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 2 33.62
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Though this inventory is still under
development, we have only covered
Website: — hospitals and health centres and will
Use of management software: No Software name: — proceed to clinics (health posts for
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Samuel Vusi Magagula Name: Dr. Cornelia Atsyor
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Leornad Zwane Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: In Swaziland Health Centres may have
more than 20 beds. The referral levels are being defined by the ongoing essential health care package that is being
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 119
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
An HTA unit is not yet established. Within
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No the FMoH the Pharmaceutical and Medical
Unit/department: Pharmaceutical and medical equipment directorate Device Directorate and HEFA team are
primary driving forces to generate and
Website(s): — promote HTA based evidence. The HEFA
Contact: Mr. Regasa Bayisa Email: team is tasked with spearheading the
application of evidence-based health
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: No care decision making by organizing
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Nationally developed and adapted
Use: For various purposes from both UMDN and GMDN. This
nomenclature is done by EPSA, ESDA and
Website: FMoH in collaboration with skateholders. The nomenclature is mainly use for
procurement and regulatory purposes.
Established the Public Infrastructure
Medical device incorporation Directorate are now started inventory to
identify the type, source and status of the
Procurement devices.
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The Plan, Monitoring and Evaluation
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: Directorate (PMED), within Federal Ministry
ofHealth (FMOH) is in charge of the
Technical specifications procurement.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 18 0.16
Mammograph:α,* 1 0.2
Radiotherapy:β 10 0.09
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment AAU, Tikur Anbesa specialized Hospital
update medical Inventory and Equipment
Website: — history file in 2013.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: MEMIS (Medical Equipment
Management Information System).
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Regasa Bayisa Name: Dr. Boureima Hama Sambo
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Mekonnen Engida Name: Mr. Mulugeta Mideksa
Email: Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 1.13
Mammograph:α,* 2 28.83
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment BME Equipment Inventory. The inventory
has more than 8,600 items.
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: EMS, EPICOR.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Virendra Deo Singh Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Mohammed Ifraz Name: Dr. Wendy Snowdon
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 123
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: FinCCHTA.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: Finland CA will implement the European
For regulatory purposes Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
used by manufacturers/ARs when
Website: registering their medical devices in
the EUDAMED database. The EMDN
system will be based on the Italian CND
Medical device incorporation nomenclature system. This will be the
only official nomenclature system for
Procurement medical devices in Finland. Also, some
Policy or guideline: No Website: — other commercial nomenclature systems
are used in healthcare organizations and
National level procurement: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
Donations comments (...Annex 1):
Policy or guideline: No Website: — —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 159 28.7
Radiotherapy:β 57 10.29
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Mari Laurén-Häussler Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Mrs. Ritva Bly Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 125
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are three commissions: La
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes commission de la transparence (CT); la
Unit/department: Haute Autorité de Santé. commission nationale d’évaluation des
dispositifs médicaux et des technologies
Website(s): de santé (CNEDIMTS), and la commission
sante-a-la-has-place-de-la-qualite-de-vie évaluation économique et de santé publique (CEESP).
Contact: Mr. Jean-Patrick Sales Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For various purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website:; of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1034 15.84
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Geraldine Bonnin Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Mr. Jean-Claude Ghislain Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Dans cette enquete, nous avons mentionnées la HAS et l’ANSM qui sont deux
agences qui sont chargées: HAS: Agence d’évaluation des dispositifs médicaux ANSM : Agence nationale de sécurité du
médicament qui est chargée de la sécurité sanitaire des dispositifs médicaux.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 127
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified, but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a specific national unit per
Unit/department: — se. Currently, the HTA unit is in progress
towards the Universal Health Care (UHC)
Website(s): — country goal.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 1.2
Mammograph:α,* 6 73.12
Radiotherapy:β 2 0.9
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Martin Essono Name: Dr. Magaran Monzon Bagayoko
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Martin Essono Name: Dr. Aboubacar Inoua
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 129
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified,
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No but there is not a specific National unit.
Unit/department: — Currently, the HTA unit is in progress
towards the Universal Health Care (UHC)
Website(s): — country goal.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: The Medical Research Council (UK) unit
Not specified “the Gambia” (refer to specified link) uses
the UMDNS system via the ECRI Health
Website: Devices Sourcebook (ECRI website). Note
that this is not used by the Ministry of
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.54
Mammograph:α,* 4 43.89
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Recently inventories have been compiled
for the National Laboratory Services.
Website: — However, those for Hospital/Clinical
Use of management software: Yes Software name: AIMS Program. equipment are not available yet. The
Medical Research Council (UK) the Gambia
has a full inventory of its biomedical
Medical devices workforce
equipment. It is comprised of 1,500 devices
including minor clinical equipment, high-
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10 cost diagnostic and research laboratory
equipment. We use a proprietary
equipment management program from
Contacts Phoenix Data Systems Inc. called AIMS
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Andrew Demba Name: Dr. Desta Alamerew Tiruneh
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Michael Gomez Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: the private sector section correspond
to the responses for the Medical Research Council (UK) the Gambia; Concerning HT nactional policy we provide the
following doc.: Medical Equipment and Devices Policy 2010 March.doc. Concerning Section Infrastructure: We have 3 CHU
and 1 Hôpital national.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 131
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
State Regulation Agency for Medical
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No Activities is in charge of HTA but not for
Unit/department: — medical devices.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified According to Georgian legislation, Georgia
recognizes international or national
Website: (according on a list of certain countries)
certficates of medical devices there.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 23 40.74
Radiotherapy:β 21 5.26
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies Nuclear and Radiation Safety Service,
Ministry of Environment and Natural
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) Resources.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Eka Paatashvili Name: Dr. Silviu Domente
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Nikoloz Pruidze Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 133
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (BfArM) and
DAHTA (previous DIMDI).
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: — Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: —
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2869 34.24
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Germany does not complete the whole survey because of their federal system,
which will imply to make the whole survey in their 16 states. Regarding the Regulations section: they follow the EU system,
other matters are state´s competency.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 135
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a national unit per se. HTA
Unit/department: — structures (Steering Committee, Technical
Working Group and Secretariat) in the
Website(s): — MOH have been set up and a national
Contact: — Email: — HTA strategy developed and yet to
be launched. In progress towards the
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — Universal Health Care country goal.
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 7 0.23
Radiotherapy:β 8 0.26
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies Most inventories are held at a regional and
an institutional level. We are yet to acquire
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) the software for the management of the
Website: — inventory at the national level.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Nicholas Adjabu Name: Dr. Francis Chisaka Kasolo
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Nichodemus Kafui Gebe Name: Ms. Edith Andrews Annan
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): There is no written nor published national health technology policy yet but there
are policies available that have been established by the systems and structures unit for health technology in Ghana. Ghana
Health Service has drafted its operational policy for healthcare equipment and needs to be finalized.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 137
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Various HTA institutions are performing
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes a variety of domains including medical
Unit/department: National Evaluation Center of Quality and Technology in Health devices.
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The EU Directive for public procurement
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: and national specific legislation for health
procurement (law 3580/2007). A part
Technical specifications of procurement of medical devices is
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes carried out at a national level, by the Health
Procurement Committee.
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 315 30.22
Radiotherapy:β 69 6.62
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies “Praxis”, was developed by the Institute
of Biomedical Technology (INBIT), and it
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) is a specific one. Also, it is used the Asset
Website: — Management Software.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Various such as Praxis.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Tarsi Giannouli Name: Dr. Jaana Marianna Trias
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 139
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed A system was develop but it was not
Use: For procurement purposes supported by management. There is no
URL because this software was locally
Website: — developed.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 9.44
Mammograph:α,* 1 134.61
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The inventory for all medical equipment in
the island can be found in the Biomedical
Website: — Engineering Department, General Hospital.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Medical device Management The system was locally developed,
installed and called The Medical Device
System Software. Management System Software.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Stephen Prince Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Cecilia Acuña
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 141
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified,
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No but there is not a specific national unit.
Unit/department: Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguro Social is part of RedETSA Currently, the HTA unit is in progress
towards the Universal Health Care (UHC)
Website(s): country goal. There are the following units: Planificación Estratégica (SIGSA),
Observatorio en Salud Reproductiva
Contact: Florencia Garcia Email: (OPSOMS/OSAR) y Sistema Informático
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed La Clasificación In Vivo y según Clase se
Use: Not specified encuentra contemplada en el Anexo de la
Norma Técnica No. 37.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 14 0.78
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None No se utiliza ninguno.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Elizabeth Recinos de Posadas Name: Dr. Gerardo Alfaro
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Silvana Figueroa Name: Dra. Caroline Chang
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 143
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit disponibles pour toutes les unités
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment L’inventaire disponible n’est pas exhaustif
en ce qui concerne tous les dispositifs
Website: — medicaux actuallement utilisés
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Amadou Timbi Bah Name: Dr. Georges Alfred Ki-Zerbo
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Mamadouba Camara Engagé Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 145
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — Inventário Nacional de Equipamentos
Médicos: Trabalho curso e dados parciais
Website: — para o sul do País.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Fodé Carambá Sanhá Name: Dr. Georges Alfred Ki-Zerbo
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Hamilton Ferreira Name: Mr. Inácio Alvarenga
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 147
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 1.25
Mammograph:α,* 3 69.98
Radiotherapy:β 2 2.54
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment There are inventories for X-ray equipment.
One public corporation uses an assets
Website: — software to carry out the same function.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Donna Bowman Name: Dr. Luis Felipe Codina
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Donna Bowman Name: Dr. Daniel Albretch
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 149
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Mammograph:α,* 11 19.47
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — Il n’existe pas encore une liste d’inventaire
technique national pour les equipements
Website: — medicaux.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: GMAO.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Roland Palme Name: Dr. Maureen Birmingham
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Duperval Mona Name: Dr. Pedro Lopez
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: les centres de santé sont dotés de 10 lits.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 151
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified, but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a specific national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed El Reglamento para el Control Sanitario de
Use: For various purposes Productos, Servicios y Establecimientos
de Interés Sanitario, establece una
Website: nomenclatura con fines de Registro.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 9 0.91
Mammograph:α,* 20 34.41
Radiotherapy:β 9 0.91
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment El inventario es por Objeto de Gasto. Existe
el SIAFI que es un sistema informático para
Website: — fines de presupuesto, el cual actualmente
Use of management software: Yes Software name: SIAFI. se encuentra en proceso de ampliación ya
que permitirá la gestión del equipamiento
en todas sus fases.
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Francis Contreras Name: MSc. Piedad Huerta Arneros
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Ritza Lizardo Name: Dra. Ana Gabriela Ramirez
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 153
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are HTA activities for health
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes products, rarely for medical devices.
Unit/department: National Institute for Strategic Health Research - Office of Health
Technology Assessment.
Contact: Dr. Marta Pekli Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: — of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
cgi?docid=99300009.NM Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: Yes Website:
For procurement guidelines see the
Donations “Decree of the Minister of Welfare” (No.
9/1993 NM) on the specific aspects of the
Policy or guideline: No Website: — financing of healthcare insurance services.
Technical specifications In respect of certain medical devices
procured at a national level over a certain
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No amount, procurement is carried out by the
Publically available: — Central Services Directorate General of the
Prime Minister’s Office. In the remaining
Website: — cases, hospitals procure medical devices
subject to itemized accounting individually
and the National Health Insurance fund
Density per
Medical equipment
reimburses a certain level of the costs
Total 1,000,000 (see the list in the corresponding website,
population but with exception of pacemakers, heart
valves, cochlear implants).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 48 4.97
Radiotherapy:β 59 6.11
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies Under high-cost (amounts exceeding EUR
400). Unfortunately, the real state is not
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) a public registry. The access is ensured
Website: only for data providers, manufacturers
and conformity assessment bodies. Most
Use of management software: Yes Software name: CT-EcoSTAT. of the public institutions use the software
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Ledia Lazeri
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT policies: “Safety and Partnership Program” -the health
program adopted by the Hungarian government on July 9th, 2008 - the acceptance of medical devices and health
technologies into the social insurance scheme was defined in the context of improvement of insurance tasks until 2010.
Concerning the HT units section: it has been listed units that are subordinated bodies but not within the Ministry of
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 155
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 7 20.53
Mammograph:α,* 6 149.7
Radiotherapy:β 3 8.8
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mrs. Áslaug Einarsdóttir Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 157
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTAIN performs the evaluation and
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes appropriateness and the cost-effectiveness
Unit/department: Department of Health Research (MoH). of the available and new health
technologies. It includes interventions,
Website(s): drugs, and medical equipment. It has 12 research regional hubs and several
technical partners around the country.
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Roderico Ofrin
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 159
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has been started the development
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes of HTA systems by establishing nodal
Unit/department: Directorate of Basic Medical Services (DG of Medical Services, agencies and conducting ad-hoc activities.
Social Security Management Agency for
MoH). the Health Sector (BPJS) is focus on HTA
Website(s): for health products. Komite Penilaian
Teknologi Kesehatan (Komite PTK)
Contact: Dr. Anwarul Amin Email: performs economic HTA (not for medical
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — equipment). HTA for medical equipment is
rarely performed.
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes It is used a Harmonization System code
Type: More than one system Use: Not specified (HS) at the moment. After harmonization
GMDN will be used.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 81 0.3
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Inventories are still ongoing.
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. T. Bahdar Johan Hamid Name: Dr. Navaratnasamy Paranietharan
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 161
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The HTA office under the umbrella of
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes the Ministry of Health and Education
Unit/department: HTA Office under supervision of Health Technology Assessment, (MOHME) was established in 2008, it
produces HTA over health products and
Standardization and Tariffs Office (MOHME’s HTA Office). medical equipment.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Syed Jaffar Hussain
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 163
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has been adopted the EMA (European
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No Medicines Agency) and the ICH
Unit/department: — (International Council for Harmonisation
for Pharmaceuticals) guidelines. Inspector
Website(s): — General Office performs health economics
Contact: Dr. Iman M. Hussein Email: HTA. Within the MoH, HTA is focused on
pharmaceutics not in medical devices.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified The MoH is working on adapting a national
nomenclature system and linking it to the
Website: UMDNS.
Mammograph:α,* 49 35.43
Radiotherapy:β 19 0.47
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The Ministry of Health at a central level
keeps updated records on monthly basis
Website: — for the functional status of the high-cost
Use of management software: Yes Software name: MS Excel. technologies. 2- World Health Organization
is supporting the procurement of 3 CMMS
(from GE - Asset Plus) for three Central
Medical devices workforce
Maintenance Repair shops in Baghdad,
Erbil and AL-Muthanna Provinces. 3-
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ — The Inventories for 6 provinces out of
18 are completed and 6 provinces will
be supported to carry out a functional
Contacts inventory for their medical equipment
during the current biennium 2010/11.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Ahmed Zouiten
Email: — Email:
Name: Eng. Kadhim D. Sharz Name: Dr. Ezechiel Bisalinkumi
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Data were obtained from the annual report from 2010, issued by the Department
of Planning and Human Resource Development at the MoH Iraq.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 165
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: The National Patient Safety Office, Department of Health.
Contact: Dr. Laura Dooley Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: No
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
healthbusinessservices/procurement/ Medical device incorporation comments (...Annex 1):
Portfolio & Category Management
National level procurement: Yes Website: Health Service Executive (HSE) approach involves the development of medical devices/equipment procurement strategies at a national level and the
facilitation of regional and local decision
Donations making consistent with these strategies
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: and accompanying procedures. Go to
the website and search for: services/
Technical specifications Publications/corporate/procurementpolicy.
pdf. Health Service Executive (HSE).
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 78 15.8
Mammograph:α,* 82 149.96
Radiotherapy:β 55 11.14
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — There are no national inventories available
to date. Inventories of medical equipment
Website: — (including functional inventories) are
Use of management software: Yes Software name: No common software but a maintained at a local level. Often there are
separate asset management and medical
variery of systems including: HEX, SAP, MS Access,... equipment management inventories. There
is an initiative to compile this data into
Medical devices workforce regional/national inventories in the near
future. There is no common software but a
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 330 variety of systems are employed including
HEX, SAP, MS Access.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Karen McNamara Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Mr. Ger Flynn - National Clinical Head of Medical Name: —
Devices, HSE
Email: —
Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: the breakdown of infrastructures does not
match to our public sector. We have 7 Hospital Groups.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 167
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The HTA within the MoH, as well as
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes research centers such as the Israeli Center
Unit/department: Medical Devices Department and Medical Technology Division. for Technology Assessment in Health Care
Contact: Dr. Nadav Sheffer Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
Not specified
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 46 5.31
Mammograph:α,* 80 112.27
Radiotherapy:β 44 5.08
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Locally developed.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Nadav Sheffer Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Mr. Liron Zohar Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): All the divisions and departments mentioned in this survey are part of the
Medical Technology Administration of the Ministry of Health in Israel. The Administration is in charge of the regulation,
licencing and policy making regarding all medical technologies in Israel (including medical devices).
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 169
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes Sanitari Regionali (AGENAS) performs
Unit/department: Directorate General for Medical Devices. HTA for medical devices, and Italian
medicines agency (AIFA) mainly in
Website(s): pharmaceutics and related. HTA is also performed in research institutes such as PoliclinicoGemelli (last link).
Contact: Dr. Giuseppe Ruocco Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: CND Classificazione Nazionale dei
For various purposes Dispositivi Medici (correlated with GMDN).
CND was nationally developped, and
Website: it is the base for EMDN. As mentioned
pdf on several occasions in the past, a
map of correspondence between the GMDN nomenclature and the Italian
CND classification has been created
Medical device incorporation
since 2007 to allow manufacturers
to register in the Italian database of
medical devices. This map is subject to
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Go to the website and look for: dispositivi/
Policy or guideline: No Website: — dispomed.jsp documents.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1736 28.71
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: More than one.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Giuseppe Ruocco Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 171
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
At the moment, the country does not have
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No an official process for collecting evidence
Unit/department: — and preparing HTA reports as an input
for making health coverage decisions, but
Website(s): they are interested in working towards it.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 1.44
Mammograph:α,* 11 51.27
Radiotherapy:β 7 2.36
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Garfield Prescod Name: Mr. Ian Stein
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Marlon Jones Name: Dr. Casimiro Canha
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy is stated in the document Ritza 04.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 173
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are a medical technology evaluation
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes team, an expert committee for insurance
Unit/department: Medical Device Evaluation Division, PSEHB, MHLW care materials, an expert committee on
drug prices (within the MoH: first link).
Website(s): Also, the National Institute of Public Health
Contact: — Email: — performs economic health evaluation
(second link).
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: Japanese Medical Device Nomenclature
For regulatory purposes was developed from the GMDN 2003
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 6996 55.31
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 175
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes This country will support the WHO
Type: More than one system Use: For various purposes standard nomenclature for medical
devices. Until now, its nomenclature is
Website: based on UMDNS for management in
the CMMS system, and the government
procurement department uses UNSPSC
Medical device incorporation nomenclature for procurement purposes.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: Yes Website:
The procurement is done at a national level
Donations by Ministry of Health. Some manufacturers
have guidelines and technical specificatios
Policy or guideline: No Website: — such as: ECRI, AAMI, HTM (See: http://
Technical specifications Although the list is not
published neither available online, it’s
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes within the updated document of the study
Publically available: No department.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 40 3.92
Mammograph:α,* 85 129.07
Radiotherapy:β 14 1.37
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: CMMS.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Firas Abu Dalou Name: Dr. Jamela Saleh Mohamed Al-Raiby
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Adi Nuseirat
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning medical equipment management section: we have around 700 type
medical equipment tech., spec., updated only in tenders are published; and we have 30 medical equipment, workshops
MOH Hospitals.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 177
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Additional HTA contact: Zaid Zholdassov:
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes The HTA is
Unit/department: Republican Center for Health Development of the MoH: HTA focused on pharmaceutics, sometimes
deparment. performed for medical devices.
Contact: Ms. Tulegalieva A. G. Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Medical State Register of lekarstennyh.
Use: Not specified
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 18 1.09
Mammograph:α,* 34 22.1
Radiotherapy:β 83 4.42
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — Medical State Register of lekarstennyh.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: AIS-TEP Program.
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: the division for 20 beds on health centres
is not applicable for the Kazakhstan centres network.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 179
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The development of HTA framework for
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No health products is in progress.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: The GMDN is used for regulatory purposes
For regulatory purposes
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 7 0.16
Mammograph:α,* 12 6.82
Radiotherapy:β 17 0.32
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Locally developed.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Martin Owino Name: Dr. Rudi Eggers
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Regina Mbindyo
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): The corresponding technical specifications, as well as donation guidelines are
available upon request in soft copy (not pdf versions).
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 181
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment We have the inventory record and
monitoring system with medical stores/
Website: — clinical wards/community health centres. In
Use of management software: No Software name: — the case there is no inventory for specific
medical equipment we refer to overseas
medical supplier for assistance and good
Medical devices workforce
advices. In some cases there is inventory
only for high cost technologies (such as
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10 MRI, CT or PET scanners).
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Akineti Bauro Name: Dr. Wendy Dawn Snowdon
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Teatao Tiira Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Medical devices components such as tools, knowledge, skills, repair and
maintenance are very crucial and essential therefore Kiribati is very fortunate to be part of this surveillance thus is the only
way to maintain our QA/QI (quality assurance and quality improvement) to achieve MoH objectives (utilization of quality
medical/nursing care to all Kiribati individual patient/client to provide patient’s safety, quality health care services and
patient’ satisfaction). We would appreciate being advised in ongoing training especially for nurses.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 183
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has been started the institutionalizing of
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No HTA within the MoH, with activities such as
Unit/department: — the building capacity.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 6 1.4
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Assad Hafeez
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 185
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Department of Medicines and Medical Devices under Ministry of
Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Contact: Ms. Ainura Abalieva Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: The nomenclature is used for various
For various purposes purposes: regulation, procurement, in-vitro
diagnostics lists and inventory.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 5 0.77
Mammograph:α,* 6 11.72
Radiotherapy:β 3 0.46
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The National Register for Medical
Equipment and the National Functional
Website: Register for Medical Equipment. The
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Nationally developed database National Functional Register for the
Medical Equipment is a database for
for material and technical facilities/medical facilities of public health institutions. medical facilities of the public health
institutions; meanwhile, the National
Medical devices workforce Register of the Medical Equipment is
a national list of pharmaceuticals and
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10 medical equipment authorized and
registered for utilization in the Kyrgyz
Republic. A database is employed for
Contacts material and technical facilities and medical
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Ainura Abalieva Name: Dr. Nazira Poolatovna Artykova.
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Larisa Kachybekova Name: Ms. Saltanat Moldoisaeva
Email: — Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has been started the development
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No of HTA systems by establishing nodal
Unit/department: — agencies and conducting ad-hoc activities.
There are identified HTA activities but not
Website(s): — national unit. The creation of a national
Contact: — Email: — health insurance authority towards the
UHC goal is in progress.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 2 0.27
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment In the whole country, the inventories are
ongoing .
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: PLAMAHS.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Thanom Insal Name: Dr. Ying-Ru Jacqueline Lo
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Chanhphomma Vongsamphanh Name: Ms. Sengphet Phongphachanh
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 189
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: State Agency of Medicines.
Contact: Ms. Daiga Behmane Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The procurement of national devices at a
Policy or guideline: No Website: — national level started from the year 2010.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 26 13.79
Mammograph:α,* 51 177.83
Radiotherapy:β 12 6.36
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Uldis Mitenbergs
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Iveta Gavare Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 191
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The HTA is at initial stages to inform health
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No policy and products. National strategy will
Unit/department: Projects and Health Programs. incorporate several actors: MoH, National
Social Security Funds, General Security,
Website(s): — etc.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified The Ministry of Health is planning to
acquire the Global Medical Devices
Website: Nomenclature system to adopt it and use it
Technology/Laws%20and%20Regulations/karar%201506-2014.pdf for regulatory and procurement purposes.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 40 8.3
Radiotherapy:β 24 3.52
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies The Ministry of Health has acquired
a GIS licence to establish a database
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners). which will include the available high-cost
Website: — technologies.
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Sizar Akoum Name: Dr. Iman Shankiti
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Alissar Rady
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 193
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Richard Banda
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 195
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
Contact: — Email: —
Name(s) of other regulatory agency eg. for radiation equipment etc.: —
Other agency’s website: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified No comments as the nomenclature does
not exist.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment The functional inventory of medical
equipment is ongoing. The focus is to take
Website: — inventory of all equipment in the Public
Use of management software: No Software name: — Health facilties.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Thomas K. Nagbe Name: Dr. Lugala Peter Lasuba Clement
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Louise Kpoto Name: Mr. Eric Johnson
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 197
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: For the medical equipment list, it is used
For various purposes a nomenclature based on the UMDNS.
The nomenclature is used for inventory
Website: systems of healthcare facilities and lists.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 32 5.16
Radiotherapy:β 8 1.16
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The last version is from 2006.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Ezzedin S. Z. Durar Name: Dr. Elizabeth Hoff
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Nasereddin Emhemed Alriyani Name: Ms. Najwa El-Emam
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): This is the first time for us to participate in this survey. Our standards and policies
are under development and/or being updated. Many issues in this survey are available but still not documented.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 199
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Health Technology Division of State Health Care Accreditation
Agency under the Ministry of Health.
Contact: Ms. Neringa Puidokiene Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
id=448409&p_query=&p_tr2=2 Medical device incorporation comments (...Annex 1):
Guidelines for procurement of expensive
National level procurement: Yes Website: health technologies (i.e. MRI, CT etc.).
Donations Guidelines are in the Lithuanian language
only. There are basic requirements for
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: technical specification of medical devices
id=228695&p_query=&p_tr2= that are procured in a public centralized
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 40 14.7
Mammograph:α,* 35 81.34
Radiotherapy:β 24 8.82
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies The State Health Care Accreditation
Agency, under the Ministry of Health,
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners) is responsible for the management of
Website: — national data regarding expensive health
technologies (i.e. MRI, CT, etc.).
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Nora Ribokien_ Name: Ms. Ingrida Zurlytè
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Mr. Robertas Petkevicius
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 201
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Cellule d’expertise Médicale (CEM).
Contact: Dr. Isabelle Rolland Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
html national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 9 14.38
Mammograph:α,* 7 94.39
Radiotherapy:β 6 9.58
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies Software choisi par chaque hôpital
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Le Software est choisi par
chaque hôpital individuellement.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Françoise Berthet Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Mr. Carlo Back Name: —
Email: Email: —
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Nomenclature nationale pour la
Use: Not specified comptabilité matière du patrimoine
de l’Etat (codification pour l’inventaire
Website: technique).
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 6 6.23
Radiotherapy:β 2 0.07
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Inventaire effectué en 2007 avec le projet
CRESAN 2 (55 Centre Hospitalier de
Website: — District de niveau 1 (CHD1), 29 Centres
Use of management software: No Software name: — hospitalier de Districts de niveau 2 (CHD2),
18 Centres Hospitalier de Référence
Régionale (CHRR), 10 Centre Hospitalier
Medical devices workforce
Universitaire (CHU) et Etablissements
Sanitaires. Mise à jour en cours.
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Marcellin Nimpa Mengouo
Email: — Email:
Name: Chef de Service Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Formation en maintenance biomedicale a Madagascar: Depuis 1980, la
multiplication des établissements hospitaliers et l’avenement des nouvelles technologies au service de santé ont induit une
arrivée massive et diversifiée d’appareillages biomédicaux et ont fait apparaître le problème crucial de leur maintenance.
La dernière action de recyclage (formation continue) des techniciens date de 2001.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 205
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.06
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The inventory is in a database known as
“Planning and Management of Assests in
Website: — Health Sector (PLAMAHS)” and is not yet
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Planning and Management of online.
Assets in Health Sector (PLAMAHS).
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Nonhlanhla Dlamini
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: Mr. Wilfred Dodoli
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 207
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Malaysian Health Technology Assessment
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes Section (MaHTAS) of the MoH performs
Unit/department: Health Technology Assessment Unit, Medical Development HTA for health products including medical
Contact: Dr. Izzuna Mudla Ghazali Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: —
Not specified
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 86 2.89
Radiotherapy:β 73 2.26
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Central Management
Information System.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email:
Name: Dr. Asmah Samat Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 209
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 2.9
Mammograph:α,* 1 57.09
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Nazneen Anwar
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Aishath Mohamed Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 211
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Il existe dans le document de la
Use: Not specified comptabilité matière une rubrique
nomenclature sommaire ou les différents
Website: — produits sont classés par catégories, mais
c’est un domaine très important qui mérite
une action.
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Guidelines for procurement: existe
Policy or guideline: No Website: — un document de projet de politique
nationale en matière d’équipements et
Technical specifications d’infrastructures sanitaires qui traite ces
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes cas , mais il reste à être validé. Jusqu’à
l’adoption de la loi hospitalière. La DFM
Publically available: No était le seul organe d’achat de dispositifs
médicaux. Vue que cette loi accorde un
Website: — statut particulier à certaines structures
sanitaires notamment l’autonomie de
Density per gestion, mais aussi dans le cadre de
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000 la décentralisation il y a le transfert de
compétences entre le Ministère de la
population Santé et les collectivités territoriales, de
sorte que ces structures peuvent acheter
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0 indépendamment
Mammograph:α,* 3 5.42
Radiotherapy:β 1 0.05
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Chaque année le Ministère de la santé à
travers la DFM organise des inventaires
Website: — mixtes dans lesquels participent
Use of management software: No Software name: — comptables matières et techniciens
biomédicaux, dans toutes les structures
sanitaires du pays [centres de santé
Medical devices workforce
communautaire (cscom) , centre de santé
de référence (csréf) et hôpitaux régionaux
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ — (HR).Ensuite les differentes fiches sont
compilées et informatisés au niveau de la
division comptabilité matières.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Jean-Pierre Baptiste
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Alamir Touré Name: Mr. Alioune Ibnou Abytalib Diouf
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: nous n’avons pas encore une politique
nationale pour les équipements mais nous y travaillons, nous avons tenu deux ateliers: l’un pour l’élaboration des élements
de la politique et l’autre pour la rédaction du document de politique. Le document attend sa validation lors d’un atelier
national pour être soumis à l’Assemblée Nationale. Concerning the Section Infrastructure: la Division établissements
sanitaires et réglementation (DESR) à la Direction Nationale de la Santé s’occupe également des établissements privés de
santé mais ne dispose pas de données à jour (2010) sur leur nombre exact.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 213
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Office of the Chief Medical Officer is
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No in charge to perform HTA, mainly in
Unit/department: — pharmaceutics.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Procurement at national level: there is a
Donations strong collaboration between the two. For
capital expenditure for new technologies
Policy or guideline: No Website: — it is usually the department, for others it is
Technical specifications usually coordinated by the hospital itself.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 9.32
Mammograph:α,* 6 99.69
Radiotherapy:β 4 9.05
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The name of the Software is Clingo from
the company Carestream Health Italia SRL.
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Clingo.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Renzo Pace Asciak Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): The Ministry of Health has started to provide emphasis on new health technology
and its assessment. Over the last 2 years, it has been developed a short form and guidelines for the completion of all the
requests for the implementation of new health technologies and services. Together, the Director Generals for Strategy &
Sustainability, and Healthcare Services have met three times a year to evaluate the proposals received. It is envisaged that
a health technology evaluation unit will be developed in the short term.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 215
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Marshall Islands
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Marshall Islands
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 142.73
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Inventory is not available.
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Mary Hicking Name: Dr. Palvin Boris
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 217
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 3 0.77
Mammograph:α,* 4 22.41
Radiotherapy:β 3 0.65
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Un inventaire technique national
etait diponible dans une base de
Website: — donnée informatisée (GMAO) qui est
Use of management software: No Software name: — malheusement deectueuse depuis 2004,
et qui n’a jamais été actualisé au niveau
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Roughaya Habott Name: Dr. Charlotte Faty Ndiaye
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Mme. Aminata Sakho Kelly
Email: — Email:
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified We import all our devices.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 6 4.82
Mammograph:α,* 7 49.68
Radiotherapy:β 4 3.14
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Each hospital has a separate inventory.
Concerning Software there is one
Website: — developed locally which is currently on
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Locally developed. trial. E-health is in preparation.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Laurent Musango
Email: — Email:
Name: Dr. Bissoondoyal Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national police it is stated in following document: politique
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 221
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Centro Nacional de Excelencia Tecnológica en Salud.
Contact: Dr. Esteban Hernández San Román Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed The nomenclature system is established
and organized in charts for health
Use: For various purposes technologies that can be used in
Website: — public/social health services. As for the
government administration for 2018-
Medical device incorporation 2024, the charts will be organized as a
compendium and it is in the process of
Procurement depuration.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
enestablecimientos; Medical device incorporation
necesidad-de-equipo-medico-278658; comments (...Annex 1):
IB_Actualizacion_CDNEM_12dic2020.pdf;; www.csg.gob. There are some recommendations for
this topic, but they are not policies. The
mx/GuiaBioeticaTriaje_30_Abril_2020_7pm.pdf specifications are only recomendations.
National level procurement: Yes Website:
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 316 2.45
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: Other Subsistema de Información de
Equipamiento, Recursos Humanos e
Website: Infraestructura para la Atención a la
Use of management software: Yes Software name: There are not only one, in Salud (Subsystem of Equipment, Human
Resources and Infraestructure in Health).
general these are made in each one of the units for their particular needs. There are not only one, in general these
are made in each one of the units for their
Medical devices workforce particular needs.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mtra. Dafne Ruiz Vargas Name: Dr. Miguel Malo Serrano
Email: Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The unit of Budget and Planning with the
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No department of finance and administration
Unit/department: — (DOFA) performs economic analysis,
however, there is no HTA for medical
Website(s): — products.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The National Department of Health and
Social Affairs, as well as state health
Website: — services, keep assets registries for fixed
Use of management software: No Software name: — assets over $1,000. Medical Devices will
be included on these registers. Individual
units (e.g. state laboratory) should have a
Medical devices workforce
functional inventory of devices/equipment.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Lisa Barrow Kohler Name: Dr. Momoe Takeuchi
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Andy Wilson Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): There is limited expertise in the country. There are no qualified radiographers nor
pathologists. Only 3 over 30 laboratory technicians have a bachelors degree in medical laboratory science.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 225
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
La Direction de l’Action Sanitaire pourrait
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No commander évaluations des technologies
Unit/department: — de Santé.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Directive 93/42/CEE.
Use: For regulatory purposes
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 5 132.17
Mammograph:α,* 2 599.3
Radiotherapy:β 2 51.28
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Pas d’inventaire.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Anne Negre Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Ms. Anne Eastwood. Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 227
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 1.41
Mammograph:α,* 6 33.26
Radiotherapy:β 6 1.83
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Bulgansuren Name: Dr. Sergey Diorditsa
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 229
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit on Protection of Population against
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is no HTA framework yet, but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No positive political will.
Unit/department: —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed “Register (notification) of medical
Use: For regulatory purposes devices” that contains information on
medical devices which are available
Website: for use in Montenegro has just recently
and+Classification¶mRender=2¶mS=70&_adf.ctrl-state=wn7tyvskh_894 been set up. As it is at the start of its
operations, it will use GMDN as a referent
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 3.22
Mammograph:α,* 15 196.48
Radiotherapy:β 4 6.37
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologyes There are no specific national inventories
but every year the Government of
(such as MRI, CT, or PET scanners) Montenegro provides a specific amount of
Website: — money that can be used in special cases
(public health emergency etc.).
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Erna Sehovic Name: Ms. Mina Brajovic
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Majda Sahman
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: We would like to inform you that we have
specialized hospitals for only one speciality as psychiatric, orthopaedic and lungs diseases. We have 3 institutions like this.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 231
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Adopted EMA (European Medicines
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No Agency) and ICH (International Council
Unit/department: — for Harmonisation for Pharmaceuticals)
guidelines. Inspector General Office
Website(s): — performs health economics HTA. Within
Contact: — Email: — the MoH, HTA is focused on pharmaceutics
but not in medical devices.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: Nomenclature basée sur l’ECRI et le CNEH.
Not specified
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 12 0.36
Mammograph:α,* 44 18.46
Radiotherapy:β 52 1.41
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment La majorité des inventaires des régions
sont sur support papier et non encore
Website: — informatisé. L’alimentation de la base
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Up Manager Praxis. de données du progiciel de gestion des
dispositifs médicaux est en cours.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Nadia Gaagouch Name: Ms. Maryam Bigdeli
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 233
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The Department of Health Information
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No (DIS), Ministry of Health (MISAU), performs
Unit/department: No HTA for technologies related to prevention
and control of diseases, but no specifically
Website(s): — for medical devices.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed —
Use: Not specified
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 1 0.03
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Simorganizer.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Amisse Momade Name: Dr. Severin Ritter Von Xylander
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Ernesto Mazivilla Name: Dr. Ana Fernandes
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 235
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has started the development of HTA
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes systems by establishing nodal agencies
Unit/department: Department of Food and Drug Administration, Department of and conducting ad-hoc activities.
Medical services.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 13 0.24
Mammograph:α,* 11 2.16
Radiotherapy:β 29 0.53
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment In some cases, there is an inventory only
for high cost technologies (such as MRI, CT
Website: — or PET scanners).
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. NweOo Name: Dr. Stephan Paul Jost
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Soe Aung Name: Dr Thushara Eraj Indranath Fernando
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 237
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
MoH uses HTA for both regulatory and
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No coverage purposes. Not performed for
Unit/department: — medical devices. However, an HTA has
yet to be elevated to the national agenda.
Website(s): There is a written HTA. guideline, and
Contact: — Email: — formal identification of technologies for
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 0.87
Mammograph:α,* 5 42.3
Radiotherapy:β 3 1.18
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Medical Equipment Management System
Software (MEMS).
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Medical Equipment
Management System Software (MEMS).
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Belinda Woelbling Name: Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. A. Tibinyane Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 239
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment We keep an asset register at the
Administration Office and the
Website: — Pharmaceutical Store which include all the
Use of management software: No Software name: — medical equipment in the hospital.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Alani Tangitau Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Jiosese Mailulu Name: Dr. Subhash Yadav
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 241
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No not national unit per se. However, there is
Unit/department: — research in the health unit within the MoH.
The HTA under the government umbrella is
Website(s): — in progress and a requirement to reach the
Contact: — Email: — Universal Health Care country goal.
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No —
Type: More than one system Use: For various purposes
Website: —
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 11 0.38
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Working on to develop national
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Web-based LMIS web based
equipment/instrument, Inventory Management System.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Mingmar G. Sherpa Name: Dr. Rajesh Pandav
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 243
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: — of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations There is the Commission decision of 7 May
Policy or guideline: No Website: — 2002 on common technical specifications
for in vitro-diagnostic medical devices.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 203 11.85
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None The Netherlands has no national inventory
for medical devices.
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Jan van Ginneken Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: Mr. J. A. C. van Ginneken Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 245
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
New Zealand
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
National Health Committee performs
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No HTA in several areas, but not for medical
Unit/department: — devices.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
New Zealand
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN —
Use: Not specified
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 76 15.76
Mammograph:α,* 97 162.36
Radiotherapy:β 36 7.47
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Hardcat, Tektrak and Beims.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Corinne Reisinger Capuano
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): The definition of medical device used in NZ law (the Medicines Act 1981) is not
currently aligned with the GHTF approach. Consequently, some products that are regarded as devices in other countries
are currently regulated as medicines in NZ. Examples include pregnancy tests, condoms with spermicide, IUCDs with
copper and nasal irrigation solutions.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 247
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: For various reasons, there is not an official
For regulatory purposes nomenclature system used for medical
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.16
Radiotherapy:β 6 0.91
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment This inventory was carried out for the
maintenance unit (CEMED). The last
Website: — update was in 2009.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Tatiana Valdez García Name: Ing. Ana Solis-Ortega Treasure
Email: Email:
Name: Lic. Luz María Torrez Name: Dr. Alexandre Florencio
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 249
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Il ya plusieurs types de codification testés.
Type: More than one system Use: Not specified Les premières se sont inspirées du code
CNEH (code national pour l’équipement
Website: — hospitalier) français. Il n’ya pas de
codification unique retenue au niveau
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations Toutes les acquisitions réalisées dans le
Policy or guideline: No Website: — cadre des projets et programmes passent
par la DIES. Mais certaines (ONG et
Technical specifications associations caritaives) ne passent pas.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 7 10.94
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Il ya eu plusieurs tentatives d’installation
de logiciel de GMAO (Gestion de la
Website: — Maintenance Assistée par Ordinateur) dont
Use of management software: No Software name: — Gestmat (par la Société Deloitte et Touch
Consulting) et OPTIM (par le Bureau BEEM
Engineering France). Aucun logiciel n’est
Medical devices workforce
totalement fonctionnel en ce moment.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Maman Kiassa Adamou Name: Dr. Blanche-Philomene Melanga Anya
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Moumouni Alhassane Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Le Niger dispose d’une stratégie nationale de maintenance adoptée depuis avril
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 251
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Three organisms perform HTA at a national
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes level: The Agency for Food and Drugs
Unit/department: Nigeria Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Administration and Control (NAFDAC),
Nigeria Institute for Pharmaceutical
Development (NIPRD). Research and Development (NIPRD) and
Website(s): the National Health Insurance Scheme. (NHIS). The action plan 2018-2021 of the
MoH states the progress to a National Quality Review & Health Technology Assessment Systems to determine which
health interventions are cost effective
Contact: — Email: including medical devices (see fourth link).
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — HTA is a pliar for UHC’s goal.
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 9 0.04
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Esan Bukola Emmanuel Name: Dr. Walter Kazadi Mulombo
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 253
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 255
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
North Macedonia
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is not an HTA national unit yet per se
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No but it has been acknowledged at a political
Unit/department: — level by the MoH. There are HTA activities
for the selection of specific medicines. It
Website(s): — exists a Centralized System for external
Contact: — Email: — price referencing and decentralized
procurement prices of non-prescription
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — medicines and devices.
WHO European Region
Nor th Macedonia
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified The GMDN code is being recognized.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 7 3.32
Mammograph:α,* 20 79.81
Radiotherapy:β 5 2.4
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 257
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The system has two levels; a national level
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes where decisions based on HTAs are made
Unit/department: Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services within by the four regional health authorities in
concert, and a local/”hospital-level” where
Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIH). decisions are made based on the mini-
Website(s): HTAs performed locally in each hospital.
Pharmaceutics have to pass always by the national level. The Norwegian Knowledge
Contact: — Email: Centre for the Health Services (member of
the NIPH since 2016) do HTAs on selected
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: The use of GMDN is not imposed by law.
For regulatory purposes
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 55 10.15
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
Name: Ms. Gro Jamtvedt and Ms. Inger Norderhaug Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy, it was provided the following document: plan
van aanpak patientveiligheid medische technologie.pdf. Concerning the infrastructure section: As of 01.01.2009: 11 885
beds in specialised healthcare. 117 of these are in the private sector.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 259
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed —
Use: Not specified
Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 16 4.4
Mammograph:α,* 15 149.75
Radiotherapy:β 3 0.59
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Available at the Directorate of Medical
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Al Shifa.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Rashid Bin Hamdan Al Hajri Name: Mr. Jean Yaacoub Jabbour
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Mrs. Reem Bou-Kamel
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 261
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 40 0.22
Mammograph:α,* 15 1.61
Radiotherapy:β 77 0.35
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — A national inventory was previously
maintained but now is at a province/region
Website: — level, it is in pipeline.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Ayaz Ali khan Name: Dr. Palitha Gunarathna Mahipala
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): After the 18th amendment and devolution of the MoH, no person nor authority
can provide information, the WHO as convening body of health systems in Pakistan collected the information separately
from all regions/provinces then the information was compiled by the WHO focal person of health technologies.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 263
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 265
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities are performed in the
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No MoH, Caja de Seguro Social (CSS),
Unit/department: — and institutions such as the Instituto
Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios
Website(s): de la Salud (1928) (GORGAS). HTA is performed in several areas: pharmaceutics, interventions, cost-effectiveness, etc.
In the ministry of health, they perform
Contact: Rusbel Batista Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed El sistema UMDNS ha sido adoptado en la
Use: Not specified legislación. Su implementación está aún en
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 11 2.85
Mammograph:α,* 79 278.54
Radiotherapy:β 10 2.32
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: ECRI.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Lic. Sousa Name: Dra. Ana Rivière Cinnamond
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Alejandro Martinez Name: Dra. Didia Sagastume
Email: Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The 2011 initiative undertaken to establish
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national e-health strategic framework
Unit/department: — and committee, as first steps. There are
identified HTA activities but not national
Website(s): — unit. The Universal Health Care country
Contact: — Email: — goal is in progress.
WHO Western Pacific Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 3 8.51
Radiotherapy:β 1 0.14
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National Inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Ms. Anna Alexandra S. Maalsen
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 269
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities identified, but not proven at
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No national or subnational level.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: Mr. Adolfo Maldonado Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified Se está elaborando un plan para proceder
con la instalación de un sistema de
Website: — nomenclatura.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 0.29
Mammograph:α,* 3 7.33
Radiotherapy:β 11 1.54
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Julio Borba Name: Dr. Marcelo Korc
Email: Email:
Name: Mirta Morán Name: Dra. Alejandra Carrillo
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy, it was provided the following document:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 271
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Three institutions perform HTA: Ministry
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes of Health-DIGEMID; National Institute of
Unit/department: National Network for Health Technology Assessment (RENETSA) Health (INS) and the Institute of Health
Technology Assessment and Research
Website(s): (IETSI-ESSALUD). Besides this 3 institutions, there is one
more: INEN-Instituto Nacional de
Contact: INS Nora Reyes Puma Email: Enfermedades Neoplásicas, that perform
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Ley Nº29459-D.S and the D.S. Nº 016-2011-
Use: Not specified SA.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 73 2.21
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None There are any kind of inventories for
medical devices available in the country.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Carlos Garzon Becerra
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Miguel Davila
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 273
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTAC has one biomedical engineer and
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes one medical physicist.
Unit/department: HTA Department of Health.
Contact: Dr. Anna Melissa S. Guerrero Email:;
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified The Philippines will be using the
Nomenclature that will be decided by the
Website: — member states of the ASEAN who are
working on the harmonization of medical
device regulation in the region, where
Medical device incorporation medical device nomenclature is one of the
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
app/APP20-DOH_CO.pdf Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: No Website:
The procurement for a medical device
Donations is part of the National Procurements
system of the Philippine Government
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: (see website). Procurement of medical
Technical specifications devices can be done at a national level, at a
regional level and local government units.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 30 0.3
Mammograph:α,* 79 13.12
Radiotherapy:β 67 0.61
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Rabindra Romuald Abeyasinghe
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Gladys Cabrera Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 275
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
eudamed_nomenclature_en.pdf national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
available, accessible and transparent
Medical device incorporation nomenclature named European Medical
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 350 9.25
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Anna Rychert Name: Dr. Paloma Cuchi
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Wojciech Marciszko Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 277
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Functions of Infarmed: Research,
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes assessment, registration, monitoring and
Unit/department: National Authority of Medicines and Health Products supervision of health products. Clinical
research evaluation, assessment and
(INFARMED). registration of CE marked medical devices,
Website(s):; notification of health care products and
dispositivos-medicos/avaliacao-de-tecnologias-de-saude/comparticipacao-de-dispositivos- market supervision activities.
Contact: Helena Monteiro Email:;
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
Por tugal
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: The Directorate-General of Health/
For regulatory purposes Ministry of Health of this country pointed
out that the official nomenclature system
Website: for medical devices and IVDs for registry
purposes is based on the European
Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Go to the website and search for the “contratoseaquisicoes” documents.
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: —
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 105 9.9
Radiotherapy:β 73 7.16
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Luisa Taveira Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: This is used for planning of medical
Not specified equipment for new / upcoming projects.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 20 9.22
Mammograph:α,* 9 225.1
Radiotherapy:β 4 1.39
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Maintained GE AssetPlus for the functional
inventory of Medical equipment for the
Website: — Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC),
Use of management software: Yes Software name: AssetPlus (by GE). hospitals and Public Health Care Centers.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Rayana Ahmad Bou Haka
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): List of accredited HMC hospitals: Hamad General Hospital, Women’s Hospital,
Rumailah Hospital, Al Amal Hospital, and Al Khor Hospital. Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Pediatric Emergency,
Trauma Centers, Orthopedic Center, Dental and School Health, Home Healthcare, Primary Health Centers, Skilled Nursing
Facility. Upcoming projects: Qatar Heart Center, New Children’s Hospital, Al-Wakra Hospital. Please visit the Hamad
Medical Corporation website ( and the Qatar Supreme Council of Health website (
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 281
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Republic of Korea
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA is performed in a variety of health
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes areas including medical technologies,
Unit/department: National Evidence-based healthcare Collaborating Agency devices, interventions, etc.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Republic of Korea
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed —
Use: Not specified
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1553 30.29
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — The inventories for medical devices are not
managed by the government.
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Jae Lee Kwang Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: Korea Health Center is down to 29 beds.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 283
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Republic of Moldova
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit per se.
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
Republic of Moldova
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 5 1.43
Mammograph:α,* 19 40.95
Radiotherapy:β 4 0.99
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None It is not developed. A project to support
management of medical equipment is
Website: being developed: openMedis.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: OpenMedis.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Miljana Grbic
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): The strategy to develop Health System during the period 2005-2017 as well as
the Plan of Action contains specific goals on strengthening the bases of technical material for healthcare.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 285
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Several national entities are in charge of
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes performing HTA activities, each one focus
Unit/department: National Drugs Agency. in various areas (see corresponding links).
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: — of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
programul-anual-al-achizitiilor-publice/ Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: Yes Website:
The procurement of high technologies
public/bugetul-cu-sursa-de-finantare/ devices is carried out at anational level. Go to the website and search for the corresponding documents.
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 43 1.98
Radiotherapy:β 69 3.59
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Andreea-Cassandra Butu
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Ioana Pertache Name: —
Email: Email: —
Country indicators
Population 000s (rank):a 145,934 (9) Under-five mortality UHC - Service coverage
5.8 75
(per 1000 live births):d index (1-100):h
World Bank income group: b
UHC - Population with
Life expectancy at birth (years):c Probability of dying household spending
aged 30-70 yrs of 25.40% >10% (>25%) of
NCDs (%):e corresponding
income (%):i
Human Development
Index (inequality Global innovation
(0.74): 35.6 (47)
adjusted HDI): index (rank):j
very high
ICT Development
7.1 (45) exports (% of 13.00%
Index (rank):g
manufacture exports):k
National health technology assessment unit HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes
The HTA system development is inserted
National unit/department that includes HTA for medical devices: Yes, Department in the Russian Federation healthcare
of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Market Development. legislation. Currently, the procedure for a
comprehensive assessment of drugs has
Website(s): been approved and is constantly being
Contact: — Email: — improved. However it is still at their start
phase for medical devices and biomedical
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — products.
Russian Federation
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed —
Use: Not specified
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: Yes
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
MOH focal point WHO health products focal point:
Name: — Name: —
Department: — Email: —
Email: — WHO Representative/WHO Liason Officer:
Other country focal point Name: Dr. Melita Vujnovic
Name: Ms. Olga Krivonos Vladimirovna Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): —
a UN POP WPP 2019 (2020 POP) f UN POP 2019 δ Latest (2015-21): WHO HTA/HBP 2021 β Latest (2013-21): WHO GHO/2021
b WB FY21 2019 g ITU 2017 survey or WHO HTA 2015 survey or survey or IAEA (2017-21)
c UN POP WPP 2019 (1990-20 MOR) h WHO GHO 2017 WHO 2021 survey γ Latest (2014-21): WHO
d WHO GHO 2019 i WHO GHO 2010-18 α Latest (2013-21): WHO GHO/2021 GHO/2021 survey
e WHO GHO 2016 j WIPO 2020 survey or OECD (2017-19) ε WHO GHO 2010-18
k UN and WB 2017-19 n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities which
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No are specifically done in pharmaceutics
Unit/department: — for pricing and reimbursements as well
as health economics; however, there is no
Website(s): — national unit.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: More than one system Rwanda has started to use Online Public
Use: For various purposes Procurement, each device should have an
unique identification code (mainly based
Website: — on UMDNS). But it is challenging when
dealing with different code nomenclature
such as the sterilizer, autoclave or medical
Medical device incorporation gases. Rwanda uses UMDNS for inventory
and maintenance of medical equipment.
Policy or guideline: — Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: — Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: — Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: —
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 2 0.15
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Brian Clever Chirombo
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 291
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 149.44
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Patrick Martin Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Cecilia Acuñ
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 293
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Saint Lucia
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Saint Lucia
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 10.97
Mammograph:α,* 2 131.06
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None The medical equipment inventories of
public hospitals exist. The functional status
Website: — of such equipment is reflected in these
Use of management software: No Software name: — lists. No PET scanners are available on the
island. CT and MRI are available only in one
private hospital facility.
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Protus Angus Jean Baptiste Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Cecilia Acuñ
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 295
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit. The development of one is
Unit/department: — in progress.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 2 229.86
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None No national inventory exists.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Fitzroy T. Jones Name: Dra. Amalia Del Riego
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Pedro Richards Name: Dr. Cecilia Acuña
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 297
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit. MoH together with National
Unit/department: — Health Services (NHS) intend to develop
one, but it is still on progress.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed —
Use: For procurement purposes
Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: No
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 1 91.16
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: — Email:
Name: Ms. Kristy. T. Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the Infrastructure section: there are 18 General Practicioner Clinics in
the Private sector.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 299
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
San Marino
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but not
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No a national unit.
Unit/department: —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
San Marino
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 63.6
Mammograph:α,* 1 229.11
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Andrea Gualtieri Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): For specialized care and diagnostics, patients can be treated in italian hospitals
that have agreements with San Marino.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 301
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Sao Tome and Principe
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None L’inventaire des equipments medicaux
existant est caduque (2002) Apres
Website: — cette date un nombre considerable des
Use of management software: No Software name: — equipaments ont rentres en charge.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Florentino Fernandes Dos Ramos Name: Dr. Anne Marie F. J. Ancia
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Claudina Augusto da Cruz
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 303
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Saudi Arabia
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes The Ministry of Health supports the
creation of a national entity for HTA
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes in healthcare as part of the National
Unit/department: Saudi Food and Drug Authority. Transformation Program. The new HTA
entity will deal mainly with pharmaceutics
Website(s): but is intended to extends to other health
Contact: — Email: products such as devices. Informed HTA
decisions were rarely identified for medical
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — devices.
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
Saudi Arabia
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed A committee inside NUPCO has been
Use: For regulatory and procurement purposes established for that purpose and the work
is in progress.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 28 0.97
Mammograph:α,* 50 40.62
Radiotherapy:β 43 1.24
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment For every hospital and health centre there
is a maintenance-specialized company
Website: — contracted to make the inventory and
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Bank Maintennace. perform necessary maintenance activities
for all medical devices within the facility.
Also, there is a National inventory for high
Medical devices workforce
cost technologies (such as MRI, CT or PET
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 300
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Mohamed Bani Al-Harthi Name: Dr. Ibrahim Jawdat El-Ziq
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Zamel Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy it is stated on the Medical Egypt Management
Plan (Corporate).
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 305
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit Maintenance. Voir aussi les spécifications
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed —
Use: For procurement purposes
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 0.24
Mammograph:α,* 17 22.36
Radiotherapy:β 3 0.18
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment On a une inventaire national des
équipements médicaux (2009).
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Système de gestion de la
maintenance assistée par ordinateur (GMAO).
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Amad Diouf Name: Dr. Lucile Imboua-Niava
Email: Email:
Name: Mme. Awa Ndiaye Diouf Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 307
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed National nomenclature is in the process of
Use: Not specified updating and amendment.
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 59 6.2
Radiotherapy:β 36 4.12
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The inventory was made, in 2000,
according to methodology. In 2003,
Website: — European Agency for Reconstruction
Use of management software: Yes Software name: — commissioned a project performed by
IPH Serbia, but the methodology was not
included in the national Law on Health
Medical devices workforce
Records and Statistics and has not been
adopted, so the inventory continued to
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 300 be performed on annual basis based
on the existing Law on Health Records
and classification of medical equipment
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Fabio Scano
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): The Institute of Public Health of Serbia has a department for health technology
assessment mainly responsible for updating nomenclature and type of technology.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 309
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 10.77
Mammograph:α,* 1 127.73
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Teniin Gakuruh
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 311
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Sierra Leone
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Sierra Leone
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: The document is not available for the
For procurement purposes Facilities and Maintenance Unit.
Website: —
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The last inventory was done twelve years
ago. Looking forward to start another one.
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Evans Majani Liyosi
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Mohamed Kallon Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): There is a limited number of technical personnel to meet the service demand.
Most of the equipment supplied by donors are obsolete and out of order.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 313
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes
Unit/department: Health Technology Assessment Branch, and Agency for care
effectiveness (ACE).
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified The Global Medical Device Nomenclature
(GMDN) is used as an internal reference
Website: and it is not required for medical device
product registration
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 42 7.76
Mammograph:α,* 85 127.65
Radiotherapy:β 30 5.13
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email:
Name: Dr. Pwee Keng Ho Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 315
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The Working Group for
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No Pharmacoeconomics, Clinical Outcomes
Unit/department: — and Health Technology Assessment of the
Slovak Ministry of Health perform HTA, but
Website(s): not specifically for medical devices.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 52 9.52
Radiotherapy:β 37 6.78
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Branislav Jadud Name: Dr. Tatul Hakobyan
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 317
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit Currently, recommendations are under
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA framework is not done yet, but HTA
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: — processes are in an existing framework.
Unit/department: — HTA decision-taking is done by the
following institutions: MoH, National
Website(s): — Institute of Public Health, and the Agency
Contact: — Email: — for Medicinal Products and Medical
Devices of the Republic of Slovenia
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — (JAZMP).
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Medical device incorporation
Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO7086 Medical device incorporation
comments (...Annex 1):
National level procurement: Yes Website:
The name of the procurement policy is:
ministrstva/ministrstvoza-zdravje/o-ministrstvu/direktorat-za-zdravstveno-ekonomiko/ Zakon o javnem naro_anj (ZJN-3)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 26 12.51
Mammograph:α,* 31 106.03
Radiotherapy:β 17 8.18
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment The inventories website is still in
development and is not yet available to the
Website: — public.
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Smiljan Mekicar Name: Dr. Aiga Rurane
Email: Email:
Name: Momir Radulovi_ Name: —
Email: Email: —
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is no formalized HTA available
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No and it relies heavily on other institutions
Unit/department: — assessment mechanisms, such as the
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Solomon Islands
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified There is virtually none of this currently in
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Tenneth Dalipanda Name: Dr. Sevil Huseynova
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 321
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes National Medicines Regulatory Authority
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes (NMRA) under Department of Medical
Services has an HTA role. However, even
Unit/department: National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA): Department if the designated unit is present in the
Medical Services. organigram is not yet well established.
There are scarce HTA activities, but
Website(s): — the plans are to expand, specially in
pharmaceutics. The UHC country goal is in
Contact: Mr. Saed Nuh Ahmed Email: progress.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: No
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed The definition of medical devices is
Use: For regulatory purposes included in the national medicines law
which is not yet ratified.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Saed Nuh Ahmed Name: Dr. Mamunur Md Sk Malik
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Hassan Elmi Name: Dr. Hassan Mohamed Elmi
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 323
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
South Africa
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The institutionalization of a national HTA
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes as part of the ongoing National Health
Unit/department: National Health Technology Committee. Insurance (NHI) is in the process towards
the National Department of Health (NDoH)
Website(s): and the Universal Health Care (UHC) goal.
Contact: Mr. Sam Bakhane Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
South Africa
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: The regulator has adopted the use of
For regulatory purposes GMDN which will be a nationally accepted
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 12 0.2
Mammograph:α,* 32 7.34
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None There are no national inventory nor
management systems but some hospitals
Website: — do have. Currently, we are compiling a
Use of management software: Yes Software name: — national inventory and acquiring a system
to be implemented at a national level. Thus,
we are progressing to acquire the national
Medical devices workforce
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Sam Setlhare Bakhane Name: Dr. Owen Laws Kaluwa
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. S. du Plessis Name: Dr. Habib Somanje
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 325
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
South Sudan
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
South Sudan
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Olushayo Olu
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 327
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is a network of Agencies for HTA
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes and services of the National Health System.
Unit/department: AETS-ISCIII. The HTA is for decision-making within
the health system, as well as for medical
Website(s): products, including medical devices.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: — of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 805 17.22
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Antonio Sarria-Santamera Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 329
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Sri Lanka
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The institutionalizing of an HTA as a
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No mechanism for promoting health system
Unit/department: — integrity is in early stages.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
Sri Lanka
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
Not specified
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 9 0.42
Mammograph:α,* 6 2.81
Radiotherapy:β 23 1.07
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: VH Temp.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. J.M.L.K. Jayathilake Name: Dr. Alaka Singh
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Terance Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 331
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
A Health Technology Management system
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No (HTM) has been developed. However, there
Unit/department: — is not current HTA system in place, but it
is a goal to pursue towards the Universal
Website(s): — Health Care country goal.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
For procurement purposes
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 12 0.32
Mammograph:α,* 20 12.18
Radiotherapy:β 12 0.27
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Mohamed Osman Hamid Name: Dr. Nima Saeed Abid
Email: Email:
Name: Eng. Fatima Mohamed Fadol Name: Dr. Nahid Idris Salih Khalid
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 333
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 2 3.71
Mammograph:α,* 4 93.6
Radiotherapy:β 3 5.11
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mrs. Mellenie Kasanredjo Name: Dr. Karen Lewis-Bell
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Rosmond Adams
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 335
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Network of HTA agencies such as: the
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits
Unit/department: The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency. Agency (TLV); Agency for the HTA and
Assessment of Social Services (SBU), and
Website(s): Medical Products Agency. Alternative email:
Contact: Ms. Karin Melén Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on EMDN Use: As per regulation 2017/45 on medical
For regulatory purposes devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the
EU Member States Competent Authorities
Website: — of MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly
Medical device incorporation available, accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European Medical
Procurement Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Policy or guideline: No Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The national law for procurement is
Policy or guideline: No Website: — based on the EU directive. Concerning
procurement, it can be done at a country
Technical specifications level or within a single hospital.
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 337
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is the swiss network of HTA entities
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes focusing in various areas. Some institutions
Unit/department: Health and Accident Insurance Directorate. are: Health Insurance Benefits, State
Secretariat for Education, Research and
Website(s): Innovation, etc.
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: More than one system Swissmedic uses GMDN (no country
Use: Not specified specific nomenclature), if manufacturers
do not know the GMDN number, a UMDNS
Website: — code may be given.
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies Go to the gdk website and search for the
291.0.html documentation.
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. André Breisinger Name: —
Email: Email: —
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 339
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Syrian Arab Republic
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It exists the Planning and International
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: — Collaboration Directorate which performed
Unit/department: — HTA activities, but it is not specifically for
medical devices.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 12 0.69
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Akjemal Magtymova
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 341
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: Medical Devices Unit.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on GMDN Use: —
For procurement purposes
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 3 0.37
Mammograph:α,* 5 12.59
Radiotherapy:β 2 0.21
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Salim Abdulazizov Name: Dr. Victor Stefan Olsavszky
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 343
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA is focused on several health
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes technologies and programs, including
Unit/department: Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP) pharmaceuticals, medical devices,
interventions, and disease prevention as
Website(s): well as to inform policy decisions.
Contact: Dr. Pongpan Vongmanee Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: RMC2005.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Chapon Ratanapan Name: Dr. Jos Vandelaer
Email: Email:
Name: Dr. Orasa Kovindha Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 345
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO South-East Asia Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The Inventory is from 2002-2009.
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Arvind Mathur
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Herculano da Silva Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): The Health Technology of medical equipment does not have standards for
Medical Equipment yet.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 347
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified Le niveau du sous service chargé chargé
des équipements est trop bas pour être
Website: — lisible. Les supérieurs hiérarchique ne
portent pas l’intérêt nécessaire pour la
mise en oeuvre de la gestion qui s’impose
Medical device incorporation pour les dispositifs médicaux.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations La politique suivi en terme d’achat de
Policy or guideline: No Website: — dispositif est celle du code des marchés
publiques. L’achat ne se fait au niveau
Technical specifications central que si l’Etat définit ponctuellement
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No un programme d’intervention suite à une
urgence nationale.
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.15
Mammograph:α,* 3 10.39
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None Bien que cela soit le point de départ de
toute gestion en terme de maintenance
Website: — des parcs biomédicaux, cette opération
Use of management software: No Software name: — n’existe pas au plan national sauf par
endroit mais aussi de façon sommaire . Les
données ainsi consignées ne permettent
Medical devices workforce
pas de l’exploiter pour proposer des plans
de renouvellement ou de developpement
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ — de parcs biomédicaux. En bref aucun
inventaire digne de ce nom n’existe pas sur
le plan national.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Fatoumata Binta T. Diallo
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Komlan Jean Edoh-kossi Name: Dr. Minzah Pekele
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): Compte tenue des difficultés que nous rencontrons pour la prise en compte
adéquate des plateaux techniques dans nos formations sanitaires malgré les recommandations régionales pour une
politique commune en matière de maintenance et la gestion durable des infrastructures sociales je veux bien croire que
cette enquète nous ouvrira l’ horizon de nouvelles politiques adptées à nos réalités.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 349
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: —
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: Equipment Management
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Yutaro Setoya
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Feleti Eke Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 351
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Trinidad and Tobago
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit inhouse Hospital Biomedical Department
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities at a
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No national level. Furthermore a consultant
Unit/department: is to be engaged to assists in the
development of an HTA framework.
Website(s): — Alternative contact for the Health
Contact: Mr. Kyron Lopez Email: Technology Management unit: pmu@
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO Region of the Americas
Mammograph:α,* 6 37.37
Radiotherapy:β 11 7.86
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies The inventories of other medical devices
exist at each respective Regional Health
(Diagnostic Imaging) Authorities (RHA) and for high-cost
Website: — technologies such as diagnostic imaging.
Use of management software: Yes Software name: WebTMA.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Ronald Koylass Name: Dr. Erica Lynette Wheeler
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Rusell Sooknanan Name: Dr. Paul Edwards
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): It is noted that several medical devices systems exist at the respective Regional
Health Authorities (RHA) level. The MoH is currently working towards standardising these and in particular concerning the
procurement guidelines for medical devices.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 353
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit critères et normes fixés par les arrêtés
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
INEAS is under the auspices of the
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes MoH. It evaluates health technologies
Unit/department: — and provide rigorous evidence-based
recommendations to decision-makers on
Website(s): pharmaceuticals and other technologies’
Contact: — Email: — uptake and use. As one internal policy
trains it’ s own staff, as well as HTA user’s.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed La nomenclature des dispositifs médicaux
Use: Not specified fait partie intégrante du Manuel des
procédures de gestion de la maintenance
Website: — biomédicale et hospitalière élaboré en
1996 et amélioré en 2007 par le Ministère
de la santé publique qui a fait l’objet d’un
Medical device incorporation arrêté.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: —
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations L’achat des dispositifs médicaux obéit
Policy or guideline: No Website: — en plus des procédures réglementaires
(Reglément des marchés publics)
Technical specifications d’unepart et passe par des commissions
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes techniques spécialisés (commissions
d’elaboration des cahiers des clauses
Publically available: No techniques particulieres, fiches
techniques, commissions de sélection, des
Website: — commissions de réception provisoire et
définitifs du matériel fiches techniques).
Density per Il n’ya pas de fiches techniques standard
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000 mais elles sont préparés au cas par cas
en fonction du besoin (caractéristiques
population opérationnelles).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 22 2
Mammograph:α,* 21 22.58
Radiotherapy:β 29 2.45
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — Conformément au manuel des procédures
de gestion de la maintenance chaque
Website: — établissement de santé est dans
Use of management software: Yes Software name: G.M.B.H. l’obligation de tenir un inventaire technique
des équipements et des infrastructures
techniques, remplir la fiche d’identification
Medical devices workforce
et une fiche de santé (maintenance) par
appareil. Un applicatif informatique dédiée
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 20 a été développé à cet effet. Management
Software: G.M.B.H. développé en local par
le cetembh et le centre informatique du
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Fathi Amous Name: Dr. Yves Souteyrand
Email: Email:
Name: Dir. General Name: Dr. Ramzi Ouhichi
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): La structure publique de santé en Tunisie est composé de établissements
publics de santé (CHU,H. Spécialisés) dans les sièges de faculté de médecine des hôpitaux régionaux des hôpitaux de
circonscription des groupements de santé de base des centres de santé de base et des centres régionaux de médecine
scolaire et universitaire en plus des trois hôpitaux militaires et un hôpital des forces de sécurité intérieure publics et six
centres de d’hémodialyse et six polycliniques para-publique ne relevant pas du ministère de la santé le secteur privé
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 355
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Generic email of the HTA department
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes .
Unit/department: General Directorate of Curative Services.
Contact: Mr. Irfan Sencan Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed Huab is the Turkish registry system for
Use: Not specified medical devices. Both GMDN and UNSPSC
are used in this system. For reimbursement
Website: purposes another nomenclature
mentioned in the corresponding link is also
Medical device incorporation
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: No Website: —
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations —
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Technical specifications
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: No
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 915 10.85
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment Go to the previous website and search for
sbhbt. However, the full online inventory
Website: databank, with restricted use to the
Use of management software: — Software name: — authorities, is on the following site: http://
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Batyr Berdyklychev
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Saim Kerman Name: —
Email: Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the medical equipment and structure section: there is a draft
document (Health Statistics Yearbook) at the link: , but it is not appropiate to use it as a
reference since the original document will be available in the future. Some numbers can be variable because of the
dynamic situation in Turkey. Especially for the last 5-7 years, the health technology situation is changing and developing
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 357
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There is no systematic programme of
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No health technology assessment, but an
Unit/department: — informed decision is mainly used for
pharmaceutics but no for medical devices.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: — Type: — Use: — —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 11 1.82
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr Egor Zaitsev
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 359
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
National Drug and Therapeutic Committee
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No (NDTC) has done HTA activities mainly
Unit/department: — in pharmaceutics; however, there is no a
national HTA unit.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
Not specified
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Nelson Morikao Vaguna Name: Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Natano Elisala Name: —
Email: Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 361
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
There are identified HTA activities but
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No there is not a national unit.
Unit/department: Health Infrastructure Division.
Contact: Eng. George Otim Odongcoo Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed See the list of medical equipment by level,
Use: For various purposes and the Standard Medical Equipment Lists
and Specifications by healthcare level
Website: are under review (as in sample formats in
the corresponding websites). The main
uses of the nomenclature system are for
Medical device incorporation procurement purposes, and inventory
systems in healthcare facilities.
Policy or guideline: Yes Website:
Medical device incorporation
National level procurement: Yes Website:
comments (...Annex 1):
Donations The Ministry acquires resources and
Policy or guideline: Yes Website: procures in bulk; although for the last 2
years development funds for infrastructure
Technical specifications have been directly allocated to regional
Technical specifications to support procurement or donations: Yes referral hospitals which procure
equipment with the guidance of the
Publically available: No health infrastructure division and national
advisory committee on medical equipment
Website: — (NACME). The Public Procurement and
Disposal of Public Assets Authority (within
Density per the MoH, specified website).
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 6 0.13
Mammograph:α,* 5 3.3
Radiotherapy:β 4 0.09
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Currently, is being updated.
Website: —
Use of management software: Yes Software name: New order for managing
anything data (NOMAD) software.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Sitra Mulepo C. S. Name: Dr. Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam
Email: Email:
Name: Eng. Sitra Mulepo Name: Mr. Joseph N. Mwoga
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): The policy guidelines on donations is at Chapter 5.1.5 of the medical equipment
policy (see documentations). The Medical Equipment Policy is under review.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 363
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
In 2019 was established the national HTA
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes within the MoH to power the National
Unit/department: HTA Department State Expert Center (SEC), MoH. Essential Medicines List and to inform the
National Benefits Package towards the
Website(s): Universal Health Care. The HTA is focused on a wide range of health products,
interventions, but till now is rarely focused
Contact: Ms Oresta Pinyazhko Email: in medical devices.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Sergei Danilov Name: Dr. Jarno Habicht
Email: Email:
Name: Ms. Svetlana Zgonnik Name: Dr. Svitlana Pakhnutova
Email: Email:
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities have been identified within
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No the MoH. It exists the Health Authority Abu
Unit/department: — Dhabi, the Dubai Health Authority and the
Department of Health (DoH) but there is
Website(s): not a national unit. The main activities of the HTA are in health products pricing and reimbursement decisions. Also, the private
sector is playing an increasing role in health
Contact: — Email: — care coverage.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 7 0.71
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Rayana Ahmad Bou Haka
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 367
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Evidence-based recommendations
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes are developed in a wide range of
Unit/department: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). areas: clinical guidelines, diagnostic
technologies, interventional procedures,
Website(s): cost effectiveness, highly specialised, and medical technologies guidance.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None A recent amendment of the Medical
Devices Directive has lifted the
Website: — confidentiality requirement on information
Use of management software: — Software name: — supplied by manufacturers to Competent
Authorities under their obligation to
register certain types of medical devices.
Medical devices workforce
The devices include low-risk class I, devices
CE marked based on a self-declaration of
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 3500 conformity by the manufacturer, custom-
made devices made according to a
prescription from a healthcare professional
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Concerning the HT national policy, it was provided the following document: http://; The UK comprises 4 devolved administrations:
England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Each Administration is responsible for the delivery of its own healthcare
system as well as collating and maintaining its own data. Therefore, there is no centrally held data that covers the whole of
the UK. A range of initiatives around the more widespread use of clinically and cost-effective medical devices is underway.
The work is in early stages but once fully operational should improve patients’ access to the latest health technologies.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 369
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
United Republic of Tanzania
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The institutionalizing of HTA for decision
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No making and priority setting for guidelines,
Unit/department: — essential medicines list, and cost-effective
treatments is in progress. The Tanzania
Website(s): — HTA committee (THTAC) is essential in the
Contact: — Email: — progress towards the Universal Health Care
country goal.
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 0.07
Mammograph:α,* 8 3.38
Radiotherapy:β 9 0.15
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory only for high cost technologies —
(such as MRI, CT or PET scanners)
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Valentino Mvanga Name: Dr. Tigest Ketsela Mengestu
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: Ms. Rose Shija Muhangwa
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 371
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
United States of America
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No There is not a single body nor a national
institution to evaluate health technologies.
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No However, there is an extensive network
of HTA institutions such as the Advisory
Unit/department: — Committee on Immunization Practices
Website(s): (ACIP), the Preventive Services Task
Force (USPSTF), the Medicare Evidence
Contact: — Email: — Development & Coverage Advisory
Committee (MedCAC), the Agency for
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),
WHO Region of the Americas
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 13275 40.11
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None —
Website: —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Ms. Tammie Bell Name: Ms. Mary Lou Valdez
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. David E. Hohman Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Unfortunately, we are only able to respond to numeric country statistics. As is
often the case, they are too much difficulty for Federal States to answer; furthermore, is largely irrelevant for a system like
ours that is so based on private sector.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 373
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA is performed by the department
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes of Health Assessment (MOH), and the
Unit/department: Departamento de Evaluación de Tecnología, MoH. National Resources Fund (FNR) in several
areas concerning health products, and
Website(s): healthcare, including medical devices.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Region of the Americas
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
For procurement purposes
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 10 2.94
Mammograph:α,* 62 172.42
Radiotherapy:β 24 6.91
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National functional inventory for medical equipment Realizado en 2008 y actualizado en 2010
para Tomógrafos y Equipos de Resonancia
Website: — Magnética. El detalle de la información
Use of management software: — Software name: — individual aún no se encuentra disponible
en formato electrónico.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Juan Manuel Jones Name: Dr. Hernan J. Montenegro
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Juan Manuel Jones Name: Dr. Wilson Benia
Email: Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 375
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA activities are carried out mainly by the
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No MoH, and the Evidence-Based Medicine
Unit/department: — Centre within the Tashkent Institute for
Advanced Medical Education. HTA is done
Website(s): for various health topics: pharmaceutics,
Contact: — Email: — medical devices, and also the in
pharmaceutics field but not specifically
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: — for medical devices, guidelines, etc.
WHO European Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: More than one system —
Use: Not specified
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 9 0.27
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Lianne Kuppens
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 377
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
WHO Western Pacific Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Nationally developed When there is a plan to procure a
Use: For procurement purposes medical device, only then is the technical
nomenclature required.
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 0 0
Mammograph:α,* 0 0
Radiotherapy:β 0 0
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment An updated complete list of medical
equipment does not exist at national level;
Website: — but at subnational levels and at facility
Use of management software: No Software name: — level, health managers maintain their
own inventory for various commodities
including medical devices.
Medical devices workforce
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ <10
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Willie Tokon Name: Dr. Eunyoung Ko
Email: Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): Vanuatu is a small island country in the Pacific region with a population of less
than 350,000: this explains the low level of health facilities available.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 379
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Las actividades de evaluación de
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes tecnologías médicas se han desarrollado
Unit/department: Comisión Nacional de Evaluación de Tecnología en Salud en el marco de la Comisión Nacional
de Evaluación de Tecnología en Salud
(CONETS). (CONETS) dentro del Ministerio del Poder
Website(s): — Popular de la Salud.
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: Yes
WHO Region of the Americas
Publically available: —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 61 2.15
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Use of management software: — Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Eco. Cristián Morales
Email: — Email:
Name: — Name: Dr. Joel Caraballo
Email: — Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): The most important problems of the hospitals in Venezuela were: the electrical
system, the air conditioning and the vertical system (for 2001). In 2019 the most serious problems were water, sanitation
and hygiene: 79% of hospitals reported failures in the drinking water service; most had the service intermittently, only
two or three days a week. By 2011 there were 1,366 intensive care units. By 2019 there were 36 intensive care beds in
Venezuela. Currently, MRI, CT, and Gamma Camera specialized service is not performed in Venezuelan hospitals. We
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 381
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Viet Nam
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
The HTA system has been developed by
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: Yes establishing nodal agencies within MoH,
Unit/department: Health Strategy and Policy Institute (HSPI). moving towards the Universal Health Care
country goal. Priority-setting mechanisms
Website(s): and HTA processes are at a nascent stage. HTA is rarely applied to medical devices.
Contact: — Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Western Pacific Region
Viet Nam
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α n/a n/a
Radiotherapy:β 47 0.48
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: — —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: — Name: Dr. Kidong Park
Email: — Email:
Name: Mr. Nguyen Minh Tuan - General director Name: Dr. Socorro Escalante
Email: — Email:
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 383
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit no existing lists; MOPH must do that by
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ — HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No
Unit/department: —
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 28 1.15
Mammograph:α,* 18 17.62
Radiotherapy:β 1 0.03
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: None The MOPH is working in its action plan
state to complete the database for medical
Website: — equipment. In the case of some hospitals,
Use of management software: No Software name: — the inventory is done directly by them.
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Faisal Ali Mujamal Name: Dr. Adham Rashad Ismail Abdel Moneim
Email: eng- Email:
Name: — Name: —
Email: — Email: —
General comments (...Annex 1): There was a deficiency about maintenance and calibrations of medical devices.
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 385
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ Yes HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
Evidence-informed healthcare priority
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No setting via HTA is at early stages. Currently,
Unit/department: — HTA is being used by the MoH to build the
Health Benefits Package.
Website(s): —
Contact: — Email: —
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: Yes Type: Based on UMDNS Use: —
For regulatory and procurement purposes
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 1 0.07
Mammograph:α,* 2 4.56
Radiotherapy:β 5 0.27
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment The national data bank for equipment is
in its infancy; the data was collected three
Website: — years ago during a project that was funded
Use of management software: Yes Software name: ECRI and other nationally by the Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA). Currently, this data will
developed. be upgraded this year. The information
captured includes Equipment Description,
Model, Maker, Serial Number, Location,
Medical devices workforce Functional Status, Age of Equipment.
There are however hard copies at the
Number of biomedical/clinical engineers professionals in the country:γ 18 facility level which maintenance units
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Mr. Fales Mwamba Name: Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Chipalo Kaliki Name: —
Email: Email: —
National health technology assessment unit
Designated unit/department for health technology assessment (HTA):δ No HTA unit comments (...Annex 1):
It has been started the building capacity
HTA unit/department includes the assessment of medical devices: No and the HTA will be a fundamental tool to
Unit/department: — achieve the Universal Health Care goal.
Website(s): —
Contact: Mr. Martin Nhorivo Email:
Committee includes a biomedical or clinical engineer: —
WHO African Region
A1B2 Medical device nomenclature system Nomenclature comments (...Annex 1):
C3D4 Official nomenclature system for medical devices: No Type: None Use: Not specified —
Website: —
Density per
Medical equipment Total 1,000,000
Magnetic Resonance Imaging:α 4 0.28
Mammograph:α,* 4 6.89
Radiotherapy:β 10 0.67
* Density per 1,000,000 females aged from 50-69 old.
Inventories and medical equipment management software Software comments (...Annex 1):
Type of inventories available: National inventory for medical equipment —
Website: —
Use of management software: No Software name: —
National officer(s): WHO Country officer(s):
Name: Dr. Christopher Tapfumaneyi Name: Dr. Alex Gasasira
Email: Email:
Name: Mr. Martin Nhorivo Name: Dr. Stanley M. Midzi
Email: Email:
General comments (...Annex 1): The country health technology policy document was initiated in 2007 with
funding from the US. This is currently being formulated into a policy document for diagnostic imaging and medical
a UN: WPP 2019, POP (data year: 2020) h WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.1 (data year: 2019) α WHO: GHO, ME; OECD, HE; CSoMD21
b WB: FY23 (data year: 2021) i WHO: GHO, SDG 3.8.2, 10% or 25% (data (data year: latest 2013-21)
c UN:WPP 2019, MORT (data year: 1990-2020) year: latest 2010-18) β WHO: GHO, RU; IAEA: DIRAC; CSoMD21
d UN-IGME, SDG 3.2.1 (data year: 2020) j WIPO: GII (data year: 2020) (data year: latest 2013-21)
e WHO: GHO, SDG 3.4.1 (data year: 2019) k UN-WB: HtE (data year: latest 2017-19) γ WHO: GHO, HW; CSoMD21 (data
f UNDP: HDR 2019/20, HDI and IHDI (data year: 2019) δ WHO: HTA&HBP 20/21 survey, HTA 2015, year: latest 2017-2021) 389
g ITU: IDI 2017 (data year: 2017) CSoMD21 (data year: latest 2015 or 2021) n/a not applicable/not available
Annex 1
Additional comments
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Andorra — — — — —
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Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Austria — As per regulation 2017/45 on The procurement is done There are various software —
medical devices and Regulation with internal guidelines of the for the maintenance and
(EU) 2017/746, the EU Member Hauptverband, insurance funds, inspection of medical devices
States Competent Authorities of hospitals, Bundesbeschaffungs in the hospital. Additionally,
MD representatives (of both the GmbH, etc. there is the implementation
national MoH and the national of a National Plan for high-
agencies) of the MDCG, have cost technologies called:
opted for the publicly available, "Großgeräteplan".
accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European
Medical Device Nomenclature
Azerbaijan — — The Procurement guidelines — —
are under development. For
donations guidelines the
WHO are the ones used.
The corresponding technical
specifications are under the
responsibility of the Innovation
and Supply Centre.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Bangladesh SEAR — — — ▬
Belarus EUR Documents: N° "2007 ” and N° — — In BELCMT there are not informing
"458" in the specified website. decisions specifically for medical
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Belize AMR — Policy Analysis & Planning Unit, There is no information about which HTA activities have been identified,
Ministry of Health. lists are available. but there is not a specific national
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Bolivia AMR There is a national medical devices Norma de caracterización de Ver el Manual para la aplicacion —
(Plurination- list (LINADIME) and it is not establecimientos de salud de de las prestaciones de seguros
al State of) based in any of the internationally primer nivel, La Paz, Bolivia, públicos de salud, La Paz, Bolivia.
recognized nomenclature. 2008.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Brazil AMR Lists for diseases are Health — Competencia de la Health Attention HTA for medical devices, medicines,
Attention Secretariat (SAS) unit Secretariat (SAS). interventions, etc. There exist several
competence. Other lists are not agencies (see third link).
available for the moment.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Burundi AFR Nous avons des listes préétablies Nous avons également de Lists available for communicable —
suivant le type de catégories la documentation sur la and non communicable diseases,
conformes aux normes en vigueur normalisation des équipements injuries, and public health |
au MoH. par structures de soins. emergency situations.
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Cameroon AFR — — — —
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China WPR — — — —
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Comoros AFR — — — —
Congo AFR — — — —
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Côte d'Ivoire AFR Les listes d'acquisition provient du Document de travail de la Les procédures et directives sont —
Plan National de développement Direction des Infraestructures, dans le mannuel de directives à
Sanitaire PNDS. de l'Equipement et de l'attention du personnel des des
la Maintenance (DIEM): établissemnts de soins. il n'existe
ListeTypeEquip CHR_HG_CSU_ pas de liste spécifique à un domaine
CSR . ou un programme de santé.
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Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Democratic SEAR — — — —
Republic of
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Dominican AMR — — — —
Ecuador AMR — Estatuto del MSP; Licenciamiento Reglamento para el registro y There are HTA activities for health
por Area en el I y II nivel. control sanitario de dispositivos products, not specified for medical
médicos; reactivos bioquímicos y de devices.
diagnóstico y productos dentales.
Reg. Oficial 573 del 20 de abril de
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Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Estonia EUR The list about reimbursed medical — Recommended medical devices for The HTA for medical products, mainly
devices used in outpatient specific procedures are described pharmaceutics, and treatments. There
conditions is available on web-site in diagnostic (and treatment) is mention of medical equipment too.
(second link) Medical devices used guidelines. They are composed
in inpatient conditions are financed and/or approved by specialists
though the prices of healthcare organizations.
services (these prices include also
costs of workforce, area, etc). List
of healthcare sevices is available on
web-site (third link).
Eswatini AFR — — The list is still being developed There is no HTA national unit per
by the Emergency Preparedness se. However, and adaptive HTA
Group. has been used to inform in areas
such as benefits package in health
interventions prioritisations packages.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Fiji WPR The biomedical catalogue for CSN & CSP lists can be obtained CSN & CSP. Can be obtained from —
procurement can be obtained by from ministry of health, HQ. Ministry of Health, HQ.
the Fiji Health Sector Improvement
Program (FHSIP).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
France EUR La liste des dispositifs médicaux — — There are three commissions: La
et prestations pris en charge par commission de la transparence (CT);
l'assurance maladie est accessible à la commission nationale d'évaluation
l'adresse donnée en ameli (chercher des dispositifs médicaux et des
fournisseurs-de-biens-medicaux/ technologies de santé (CNEDIMTS),
exercer-au-quotidien/liste-des- and la commission évaluation
produits-et-prestations-lpp/liste- économique et de santé publique
des-produits-et-prestations-lpp/). (CEESP).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Georgia EUR — — Governmental decree #153, 2007. State Regulation Agency for Medical
Activities is in charge of HTA but not
for medical devices.
Germany EUR — — — —
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Guyana AMR — — — —
Haïti AMR — — — —
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Indonesia — It is used a Harmonization We follow the Presidential Inventories are still ongoing. —
System code (HS) at the Decree No. 80 for general
moment. After harmonization procurement. Both, yes and no.
GMDN will be used. Yes, for vertical public hospitals,
procurement conducted at
national level. No, since re-
centralization, procurement of
medical devices at province/
district’s hospital conducted at
local level (province and district
level); see yanmed on the
Iran (Islamic — — — — —
Republic of)
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Ireland EUR There are also several National — — Additional HTA contact: laura_
Framework Agreement contracts
for the supply of medical devices
and equipment. List of reimbursable
devices from Primary Care
Reimbursement Service (PCRS).
List of reimbursable devices from
PCRS is available at pcrs website
under -> online services -> list of
reimbursable items.
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Jamaica AMR — — Not available at present. At the moment, the country does
not have an official process for
collecting evidence and preparing
HTA reports as an input for making
health coverage decisions, but they
are interested in working towards it..
Japan WPR New medical devices which begin to — — There are a medical technology
be reimbursed have been published evaluation team, an expert committee
by the Central Social Insurance for insurance care materials, an
Medical Council. expert committee on drug prices
(within the MoH: first link). Also, the
National Institute of Public Health
performs economic health evaluation
(second link).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Kenya AFR Lists are developed locally and — It only covers surgical procedures The development of HTA framework
available in hard copy only. Lists which are locally developed. No for health products is in progress.
for procedures only cover surgical available.
Kazakhstan National center of Medical State Register of The procurement is done at a Medical State Register of Concerning the
examination of drugs lekarstennyh. national level with the register lekarstennyh. Infrastructure section:
(RGP), medical devices of procurement of medical the division for 20 beds
and medical equipment equipment. We have the on health centres is
nazancheniya (MH RK). National Register of medical not applicable for the
devices. Kazakhstan centres network.
Kenya Kenya has demonstrated The GMDN is used for regulatory The procurement at a national Locally developed. The corresponding technical
its commitment to improve purposes level is specifically done at the specifications, as well as
the national legal and Ministry of Health. Guidelines donation guidelines are
regulatory framework for for donations: IEC 60601, ISO available upon request in
radiation safety. Currenty, 13485, Directive 93/42/EEC. soft copy (not pdf versions).
The Radiation Protection
Board (RPB) regulates
such activities in Kenya,
including those with sealed
and unsealed radioactive
sources as well as X-ray and
other radiation-emitting
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Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Lesotho AFR — — — —
Liberia AFR Lists of standards and lists — The list of equipment can be —
are: "Basic Package of Health found in the index of the following
Services" which contains a list of document Basic Package of Health
the equipment at the "annexe". Services. However, the list is subject
However, the list is subject to to revision.
revision. The WHO guidelines are
being used for donations. The
process has been initiated for the
adaptation of the guidelines.
Libya EMR There are national standards — There are national standards —
lists but they are not written. lists but are not written. It exists
There are lists for Sundries also lists for interventions, and
Hospital consumable- Diagnostics emergencies. See the following file:
Laboratory 37/3. General_terms_and_conditions_
Libya The Medical Supply For the medical equipment list, it In regards to the technical The last version is from 2006. This is the first time for us to
Organization (MSO) is used a nomenclature based on specifications of medical participate in this survey. Our
is responsible for the the UMDNS. The nomenclature devices, we depend mainly on standards and policies are
procurement of medical is used for inventory systems of the technical committees which under development and/or
appliances for the public healthcare facilities and lists. consist of experts in medicine, being updated. Many issues
sector. pharmacy and biomedical in this survey are available
engineer. These committees but still not documented.
set up decrees issued by the “General_terms_and_
Secretariat of Health. conditions_for_medicines_
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Maldives SEAR — — — —
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Marshall WPR — — — —
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Mexico AMR See "cuadro básico". The list is The lists are updated constantly. — —
under new policies.
Micronesia WPR — — There are no lists available. The unit of Budget and Planning
(Federated with the department of finance and
States of) administration (DOFA) performs
economic analysis, however, there is
no HTA for medical products.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Mongolia — — — — —
Montenegro — “Register (notification) of The procurements of There are no specific national Concerning the
medical devices” that contains medical devices for public inventories but every year the Infrastructure section: We
information on medical health institutions are in Government of Montenegro would like to inform you that
devices which are available conformity with Law on public provides a specific amount we have specialized hospitals
for use in Montenegro has just procurements. We recognize of money that can be used in for only one speciality as
recently been set up. As it is international standards in special cases (public health psychiatric, orthopaedic and
at the start of its operations, accordance with a law on emergency etc.). lungs diseases. We have 3
it will use GMDN as a referent medical devices. institutions like this.
nomenclature system and based
on this, it will be developed
a system that will be in
Montenegrin language so that
all users can use it properly and
they will have information what
is on Montenegrin market as well.
Morocco — Nomenclature basée sur l'ECRI et Un projet de mise en place La majorité des inventaires —
le CNEH. d'une stratégie Nationale en des régions sont sur support
matière de gestion des T.S est papier et non encore
en cours. Les spécifications informatisé. L'alimentation
techniques sont établies selon de la base de données du
les besoins des utilisateurs progiciel de gestion des
(grands projets de CHUs) et dispositifs médicaux est en
standardisées pour chaque type cours.
d'établissement de soins.
Mozambique — — — — —
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Netherlands EUR The health insurance scheme takes — In the Netherlands, the professional —
care of the reimbursement of has to decide, recommend or
extramural medical devices in the indicate a medical device. The
Netherlands. The reimbursement cupola of the professionals can
of medical devices is function publish a guideline for specific
orientated. procedures. There is no national
policy on diseases or situations.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Nicaragua AMR — — The Ministry of Health does not There are identified HTA activities but
have lists recommending health not a national unit.
technology for different diseases or
Niger AFR — — — —
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Niue — — — — —
North — The GMDN code is being — — —
Macedonia recognized.
Norway The Directorate of Health, The use of GMDN is not imposed Only procurement of devices — Concerning the HT national
Department of medical by law. being reimbursed via the blue policy, it was provided the
devices and medicinal prescription system is carried following document: plan
products is the Competent out at a national level, by The van aanpak patientveiligheid
Authority for medical Norwegian Labour and Welfare medische technologie.
devices in Norway, it has Administration. pdf.|Concerning the
the tasks of the competent infrastructure section: As of
authority as they are given 01.01.2009: 11 885 beds in
in the European directives specialised healthcare. 117
for medical devices. These of these are in the private
tasks, however, are not sector.
identical with those listed
under the corresponding
ones of this survey.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Palau WPR — — — —
Panama AMR Available at the specified website. — — HTA activities are performed in the
MoH, Caja de Seguro Social (CSS),
and institutions such as the Instituto
Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios
de la Salud (1928) (GORGAS).
HTA is performed in several areas:
pharmaceutics, interventions, cost-
effectiveness, etc.
In the ministry of health, they perform
some kind of HTA processes for the
List of Essentials Medicines, in the
CONAMEP (Comisión Nacional de
Medicamentos de Panamá)
Papua New WPR — — — The 2011 initiative undertaken to
Guinea establish a national e-health strategic
framework and committee, as first
steps. There are identified HTA
activities but not national unit. The
Universal Health Care country goal is
in progress.
Pakistan The WHO country team — The procurement service A national inventory was After the 18th amendment
helped the Ministry of rules 2003 (KPK) issued by previously maintained but now and devolution of the MoH,
Health in drafting rules the finance department. The is at a province/region level, it no person nor authority can
for regulations of medical procurement is carried out at is in pipeline. provide information, the
devices, but they are not a provincial level and identified WHO as convening body of
applicable after the 18th by SPRA etc. There is a health systems in Pakistan
amendment. National inventory for medical collected the information
equipment. separately from all regions/
provinces then the
information was compiled
by the WHO focal person of
health technologies.
Palau — — — — —
Panama — El sistema UMDNS ha sido La Caja de Seguro Social hace — —
adoptado en la legislación. Su sus procesos de adquisición
implementación está aún en de forma independiente del
proceso. Ministerio de Salud pero
sujeto al sistema de Fichas
Técnicas Nacionales en cuyas
confecciones también participa.
Papua New — — — — —
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Peru AMR — — There are National Standards or list Three institutions perform HTA:
of recommended medical devices Ministry of Health-DIGEMID; National
for specific procedures but it is Institute of Health (INS) and the
managed by protocolos of care Institute of Health Technology
at the Hospital, Health Center or Assessment and Research (IETSI-
Specialty Hospital. For a), b) and c) ESSALUD).
there are protocolos of care at level Besides this 3 institutions, there is
of hospitals. d) No. There aren´t one more: INEN-
. There are contingency plans at Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades
levels of hospitals. Public health Neoplásicas, that perform HTA too.
emergency situations (pandemic,
Moreover, in 2020, by Ministerial
acts of terrorism, natural disasters,
Resolution No. 190-2020, the National
contamination, etc.).
Network for Health Technology
Assessment (RENETSA) was formed,
made up of:
- The Social Health Insurance
(ESSALUD), through the Institute
for the Evaluation of Technologies in
Health and Research (IETSI)
The INS, through the CETS, will lead
the National Network for Health
Technology Assessment – RENETSA,
which brings together public entities
and academic institutions that carry
out health technology assessment in
the country.
Contact: INS Nora Reyes Puma
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Poland EUR The polish competent authority for There are no lists, but basic There are no lists, but basic AOTMiT evaluates pharmaceutical
medical devices is the Office for (minimal) requirements regarding (minimal) requirements regarding and non-pharmaceutical technologies
Registration of Medicinal products, the necessary medical devices the necessary medical devices that including medical devices
Medical devices and Biocidal that are a part of the health are a part of the health benefit assessment. The Agency for Health
products, which keeps the register benefit package regulations package regulations and are Technology Assessment and Tariff
of medical devices in a database; it and are created concerning created concerning the type of System evaluates pharmaceutical and
is only used for market surveillance the type of facility (including facility (including specialisation) non-pharmaceutical technologies
and vigilance purposes. On polish specialisation) and with clear- and with clear-cut requirements on including medical devices
market can be placed all CE - cut requirements on specialised specialised health care services. assessment.
marked medical devices according health care services.
to current EU regulatory framework
and directives (90/385/EEC; 93/42/
EC; 98/79/EC).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Republic of WPR The Health Insurance and Review — — HTA is performed in a variety of
Korea Assessment (HIRA) is responsible health areas including medical
for listing treatment materials for technologies, devices, interventions,
public insurance. etc.
Republic of EUR A special group of Agency of — Medical standards on diagnostic There are identified HTA activities but
Moldova Medicines and Medical Devices and treatment for pathological not a national unit per se.
organise the procurement of conditions in surgery, therapeutic
medical equipment from the state profile for adults and children,
budget. have been developed. Also,
development of guidelines is based
on international recommendations
for family physicians and blood
transfusion agencies.
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Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Saudi Arabia EMR — — Food and Drug Adminstration - The Ministry of Health supports the
Specification and Measurement creation of a national entity for HTA
Administration. in healthcare as part of the National
Transformation Program. The new
HTA entity will deal mainly with
pharmaceutics but is intended to
extends to other health products
such as devices. Informed HTA
decisions were rarely identified for
medical devices.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Seychelles AFR — — — —
Serbia — National nomenclature is in Go to the website and The inventory was made, The Institute of Public Health
the process of updating and search for the corresponding in 2000, according to of Serbia has a department
amendment. documents. methodology. In 2003, for health technology
European Agency for assessment mainly
Reconstruction commissioned responsible for updating
a project performed by IPH nomenclature and type of
Serbia, but the methodology technology.
was not included in the
national Law on Health
Records and Statistics and
has not been adopted, so
the inventory continued to
be performed on annual
basis based on the existing
Law on Health Records and
classification of medical
equipment (1980's). The
inventory is not available.
Seychelles — — "It is a small committee that " —
meets to discuss equipment
request by the various units
within the Ministry of Health.
Please note that Seychelles has
a small population and we do
not purchase equipment on a
big scale.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Slovenia EUR — — There are many boards (Slovenian HTA framework is not done yet, but
Collegiate Boards) each responsible HTA processes are in an existing
for one area of medicine. Those framework. HTA decision-taking is
bodies produce recommendations done by the following institutions:
on specific procedures where MoH, National Institute of Public
deemed necessary. Currently, Health, and the Agency for Medicinal
recommendations are under Products and Medical Devices of the
development at the Ministry of Republic of Slovenia (JAZMP).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
South Africa The radiation control is The regulator has adopted The Office of the Chief There are no national —
now part of the tasks of the use of GMDN which will Procurement Officer is in inventory nor management
the South African Health be a nationally accepted charge of the procurement of systems but some hospitals
Products Regulatory nomenclature. medical devices. do have. Currently, we are
Authority (SAHPRA). compiling a national inventory
and acquiring a system to be
implemented at a national
level. Thus, we are progressing
to acquire the national system.
South Sudan — — — — —
Spain — As per regulation 2017/45 on — — —
medical devices and Regulation
(EU) 2017/746, the EU Member
States Competent Authorities of
MD representatives (of both the
national MoH and the national
agencies) of the MDCG, have
opted for the publicly available,
accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European
Medical Device Nomenclature
Sri Lanka — — — — —
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Switzerland EUR Reimbursement list for medical — — There is the swiss network of HTA
devices used by the patients entities focusing in various areas.
themselves, and Reimbursement list Some institutions are: Health
for medical analyses are available Insurance Benefits, State Secretariat
on the corresponding website (see for Education, Research and
link). Innovation, etc.
Suriname — — — — —
Sweden — As per regulation 2017/45 on The national law for — —
medical devices and Regulation procurement is based on
(EU) 2017/746, the EU Member the EU directive. Concerning
States Competent Authorities of procurement, it can be done
MD representatives (of both the at a country level or within a
national MoH and the national single hospital.
agencies) of the MDCG, have
opted for the publicly available,
accessible and transparent
nomenclature named European
Medical Device Nomenclature
Switzerland — Swissmedic uses GMDN (no The medical devices must fulfil Go to the gdk website and —
country specific nomenclature), the requirements described search for the 291.0.html
if manufacturers do not know the in the European medical documentation.
GMDN number, a UMDNS code device directives. Legal
may be given. basis (Swiss Medical devices
ch/ch/d/sr/c812_213.html. The
hospital / high cost technology
planning is done at a national
level. Coordinated planning of
certain highly specialized areas
of health care is in progress
Syrian Arab — — — — —
Tajikistan — — — — —
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Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Uganda — See the list of medical equipment The Ministry acquires resources Currently, is being updated. The policy guidelines on
by level, and the Standard and procures in bulk; although donations is at Chapter 5.1.5
Medical Equipment Lists and for the last 2 years development of the medical equipment
Specifications by healthcare level funds for infrastructure have policy (see documentations).
are under review (as in sample been directly allocated to The Medical Equipment
formats in the corresponding regional referral hospitals Policy is under review.
websites). The main uses of which procure equipment with
the nomenclature system are the guidance of the health
for procurement purposes, and infrastructure division and
inventory systems in healthcare national advisory committee on
facilities. medical equipment (NACME).
The Public Procurement and
Disposal of Public Assets
Authority (within the MoH,
specified website).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
United Arab — — — — —
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
United AFR Lists recommending health — Lists recommending health The institutionalizing of HTA for
Republic of techonology for different categories techonology for different categories decision making and priority setting
Tanzania of diseases is not available. The of diseases are not available. for guidelines, essential medicines
Ministry is however planning to However, the Ministry is planning to list, and cost-effective treatments
develop it. Registration of medical develop it. is in progress. The Tanzania HTA
devices in Tanzania has started committee (THTAC) is essential in
in January 2010. Registration will the progress towards the Universal
be carried out phasewise and 1st Health Care country goal.
phase involves single use devices.
The first phase involves limited
number of devices in particular
single use devices. Prior to the
start of first phase of registration
applicants were requested to notify
they are dealing with and the list of
notified devices is used as a basis
for approval during the transition
period. The guideline for registration
can be accessed at the tfda website.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Vanuatu — When there is a plan to procure — An updated complete list of Vanuatu is a small island
a medical device, only then is the medical equipment does not country in the Pacific region
technical nomenclature required. exist at national level; but with a population of less
at subnational levels and at than 350,000: this explains
facility level, health managers the low level of health
maintain their own inventory facilities available.
for various commodities
including medical devices.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Viet Nam WPR — — There are for all general procedures The HTA system has been developed
but they are not complete. We have by establishing nodal agencies
enacted medical device list for within MoH, moving towards the
procedures which shall be covered Universal Health Care country goal.
by medical insurance only. Priority-setting mechanisms and HTA
processes are at a nascent stage. HTA
is rarely applied to medical devices.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022 e
Annex 2
Overview of nomenclature
A1B2systems for medical devices in
C3D4 WHO member states
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Contents - Annex 2
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Analysis of the Nomenclature Systems .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. B5
Desk Review .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. B7
Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B7
World Health Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B7
International and regional agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8
Comparison of desk review (2021) versus the Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations
(2021-2022) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B10
Conclusion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. B52
Acknowledgements .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. B52
References .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. B53
For a long time, the need of a common Medical Devices nomenclature available for all WHO member
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
countries has been acknowledged and recently during the COVID-19 pandemic its absence has been
painfully felt.
The objective of this work is to present and summarize the information available concerning the existence
and use of nomenclatures in the world.
More than a half of the responding member states, i.e., 99 (51%) have an official nomenclature system for
medical devices, and 81 (42%) did not have an official one. A total of 14 countries (7%) did not participate
in the survey (see Fig. 1).
Do not have
81 an official one 99
(42%) (51%)
Data not
Figure 1. Existence of an official nomenclature system for medical devices (data from the 2020 Country survey and
the 2021-2022 Nomenclature consultations)
In addition, 105 member states use, at least, one nomenclature system with the following types: 18% a
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Nationally developed nomenclature system, 9% use the Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System
(UMDNS), 8% use the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN), 5% use more than one system and
15% uses the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) (see Fig. 2).
32 (18%)
None officially
Based (do not have)
on EMDN 81 (45%)
27 (15%)
15 (8%)
Based More than
on UMDNS one system
16 (9%) 9 (5%) n=180
Figure 2. Type of an official nomenclature system for medical devices (data from the 2020 Country survey and the
2021-2022 Nomenclature consultations)
The majority of countries that reported having an official nomenclature for their medical devices did not
specify a purpose of use, i.e., 34 (34%). While regulatory purposes, in particular 28 of 42 countries from
the European Region (EUR), was the most reported purpose of use. To a lesser extent, procurement
purposes and various purposes were reported i.e. 12 (12%) and 11 (11%), respectively, for all countries in
all regions (see Fig. 3).
50 3
For various purposes
40 3 For regulatory purposes
For procurement
28 For regulatory and
procurement purposes
2 Not specified
4 4
10 2 3 1
3 3 2
1 9 7
4 5 5 4
0 n = 99
Figure 3. Nomenclature system purpose of use by WHO regions
12 (data from the 2020 Country survey and the 2021-
2022 Nomenclature consultations)
Desk Review
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
We collected and compared information about whether state members of the WHO had a nomenclature
system in place and publicly available through the web, as well as the type and use of the nomenclature.
There were three main sources of information:
• C
ountry answers, comments and websites shared by the member countries (explained in the Sources
• Desk Review
» Search for webpages
» Search for studies such as journal articles, reports, and thesis using Medline and Google scholar
The Desk Review search was conducted during the months of February, March and April 2021, with a
final update made in December 2021. The following search string was used in Google and Medline search
If no relevant hits were found in English, a reviewer would translate to the country’s official language.
When reviewers did not yet find an answer, they tried synonyms, and then proceeded by searching and
reading anything related to laws and commercial sites on medical devices in order to find the appropriate
wording for the search terms in the target language and adjust the search accordingly. In many cases,
they also looked for clues into the Ministry of Health website, searched for dedicated agencies and
eventually for procedures regarding import of medical equipment.
International and regional agreements
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
European Union
The member states of the European Union use different nomenclature systems of medical devices (for
more details by country, please, consult Annex 2 - Findings by country), however, the EU has currently
adopted a common nomenclature system - the European Medical Device Nomenclature - (FAQ on
EMDN) that will be based primarily on Classificazione Nazionale Dispositivi medici (CND).
As a Regulatory requirement in the European Union, set by the publication to the Regulation (EU)
2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices
(IVDR), the EMDN3 (European Medical Device Nomenclature) is the nomenclature that manufacturers
shall use for the registration of medical devices in EUDAMED4, where it is associated to each Unique
Device Identifier - Device Identifier (UDI-DI)5.
According to the Global Atlas of Medical Devices 2022, all 27 countries of the European Union reported
the use of EMDN i.e., around 15% of the countries in the world.
3 EMDN - Article 26 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and Article 23 of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in
vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR).
4 EUDAMED - Article 33 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and Article 30 of Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on
in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR).
5 UDI System - Article 27 of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR) and Article 24 of Regulation (EU) 2017/746
on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR).
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Although the USA, Canada, Mexico within the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)
are advancing towards more integrated environment in terms of regulatory framework convergence
(the USITC document), in particular developing the same risk-based classification of medical devices,
countries do not use a common nomenclature system of medical devices.
Comparison of desk review (2021) versus the Country survey
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Concerning specific purposes of nomenclature systems, all WHO Regions showed a comparable number
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
of countries using their nomenclature for procurement purposes and both regulatory and procurement
purposes, respectively 18 from the Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-
2022) and 19 from the desk review. However, in comparison to the preceding, a greater number of the
member countries stated the various purposes of use for their nomenclature system, at least in the case
of the desk review (23 versus the 11 from the Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations
In comparison to other specific uses, most of the WHO regions have been found to mainly use three
specific purposes of use for their medical devices: regulatory, procurement, or both regulatory and
procurement purposes: 54% from the Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-
2022) and 32% from the desk review, for example: the African Region Country survey (2020) and the
Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022): 6 countries and the desk review: 4 countries; the European
Region (EUR) Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022): 30 countries
and the desk review: 8 countries; the WPR Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations
(2021-2022): 4 countries and the desk review: 5 countries; the Americas Region (AMR) and the Eastern
Mediterranean Region (EMR) Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
and desk review, with 10 and 4 countries, respectively. The SEAR Country survey (2020) and the
Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022), as well as the desk review, found no evidence of any of the
nomenclature-specified purposes mentioned above.
If contrasted to what was identified in the desk review, the regulatory purpose for medical devices has
been enlarged and specified as the number of country members in the EUR adopting the EMDN has
grown, i.e., 36 (36%) from the Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
versus 12 (13%) found in the desk review.
Many of the differences can be explained by the following:
• It is important to note that the Country survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
responses, despite being from different time periods, had a recent and significant participation from
the responding member states during the 2021–2022 period. This participation derived, particularly, in
the Executive Board, and World health assembly discussion and information sessions on nomenclature
of medical devices.
• The existence of a nomenclature system, type, and use is a continuous and rapidly evolving area of
medical devices that depends on many factors, such as legislation, commerce, management, political
will, economy, etc.
• As previously shown the specific purposes for the use of the nomenclature system, if any, are
rarely mentioned such as the following: for reimbursement purposes; for national essential lists; for
inventory systems in healthcare facilities. This may be explained due to lack of visibility of any or
specific purposes within the Health system and the absence of centralized information concerning the
different areas involved in Health technology.
Findings by country
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
The desk review (2021) findings by country concern qualitative national information. And, as stated in the
Methodology, the medical devices surveys, from previous years until now, included comments related to
the nomenclature system of the member states. Although, some of them have been updated with the latest
Country Survey (2020) and the Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022) data and its qualitative analysis.
Concerning regional nomenclature agreements, the information can be found in the dedicated
International Agreements section.
Below, please find the list of member states with no comments about nomenclature type or use, and a
section with the countries that provided the corresponding comments (including them).
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
The following section includes the corresponding information from 143 member states that have
submitted comments to Country Survey (2020) and/or the Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022), as
well as the information retrieved in the 2021 desk review consultation.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
This Italian nomenclature system CIVAB comes with the Inventory system called CLINGO.
Desk review up to December 2021
Access to the information is restricted since user accounts and passwords are required to access the
website of the Ministry of Health.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Administración Nacional de Medicamentos Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT), reported the
use of the Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System (UMDNS) for regulatory purposes of the
medical devices in this country6.
6 Answered to the September 2021 Survey for the GAMD 2021 Update.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The use of GMDN is a legally mandatory requirement for devices supplied in Australia, including IVDs.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
The Austrian Medical Devices Register uses the UMDNS and the EDMA Code.
Desk review up to December 2021
The Austrian Medical Devices Register uses the UMDNS, GMDN and EDMA Code for IVDs. In the future,
the CND/EMDN will be used as part of the European Commission Standard.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
State registration of medical devices is not carried out by the government. For import of medical products
and medical equipment, it is necessary to obtain a confirmation letter regarding the classification of an
imported product, and then obtain a hygienic certificate from the Republican Center for Hygiene and
Epidemiology of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The GMDN code is required for registration of medical devices, as well as the HS code.
Desk review up to December 2021
According to the 19 sub-section of the Registration Guideline for medical devices (from the National
Health Regulatory Authority), for registration purposes, it is needed the GMDN and the HS code. In
some cases, it might be required to fulfil the classification criteria issued by the NHRA Medical Devices
Regulations department (it should be provided).
Desk review up to December 2021
A medical equipment price list can be found on the website of the Directorate General of Drug
Administration, but naming systems are not provided.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
State register of medical equipment and medical supplies of Belarus.
Desk review up to December 2021
Country uses the EEU’s nomenclature system alongside the nationally developed one. The Eurasian
Economic Commission (EEC) and the GMDN Agency signed the Memorandum of Understanding (2nd
link) to support the harmonization of Eurasian Economic Union’s (EAEU) medical device nomenclature
with the GMDN.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The CNEH nomenclature is used informally in some of the country’s hospitals.
(Original in French) La nomenclature CNEH est utilisée de façon informelle dans certains de nos hôpitaux.
Desk review up to December 2021
The adoption of national and / or international nomenclatures for the identification of infrastructure,
biomedical equipment and care structures is an important prerequisite for the establishment of
harmonized management of health assets across the country.
(Original in French) L’adoption de nomenclatures nationales et/ou internationales pour l’identification
des infrastructures, des équipements biomédicaux et des structures de soins est un préalable important
pour la mise en place d’une gestion harmonisée du patrimoine sanitaire à travers le pays.
http ://
https ://
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Adapted nomenclature from the GMDN.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
Country uses the UMDNS as well as the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (MCN).
There is a national medical devices list (LINADIME) and it is not based in any of the internationally recognized
Desk review up to December 2021
Country uses the UMDNS.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Anvisa started working to internalize the GMDN. So far, 100 of Anvisa’s technical names are compatible
with GMDN. Anvisa also works in the implementation of the Unique Device Identification (UDI) in Brazil.
Anvisa is currently preparing a draft proposal in a working group with the participation of the private
sector, which was sent to the Public Consultation (2021).
Desk review up to December 2021
Brazil’s regulatory agency uses the GMDN system. For importation the Mercosur Common Nomenclature
is used.
Brunei Darussalam
Desk review up to December 2021
The UMDNS is used for regulatory purposes (see second link). Country is a Member of the Asian
Harmonization Working Party (AHWP). Within the AHWP efforts are being made to start developing a
unified medical devices nomenclature system for regulatory purposes.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Hospital Service Bureau has developed standard medical equipment nomenclature for public
hospitals in Cambodia and it has been utilized for medical equipment management and maintenance.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Not publically available. Used internally for coding products in the database. Preferred Name Codes are
based on US FDA Panel Codes.
Desk review up to December 2021
Health Canada is initiating the transition from its current medical device categorization method to
the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN) to improve the availability, access to, and quality of
information available on medical devices in Canada (see first link).
After the publication of the first draft of this Overview, the Directorate of Medical Devices/Health Canada
specified that two types of nomenclatures for medical devices coexist in this country: the Global Medical
Device Nomenclature System (GMDN) and preferred name codes. In addition, it was clarified that
although Canada continues to accept PNC and encourage manufacturers to use the GMDN, it has never
been the intention to use any other nomenclature other than those mentioned above, nor to develop a
national one.8
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
Based on the UMDNS (China has plans to develop a uniquely identifiable database for medical equipment).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Nationally developed. It is in the phase of implementation.
Desk review up to December 2021
Currently, the country is in resolutions to generate a interoperable semantic standard.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Via the “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers” survey, the private HTM-Consulting pointed out
the coexistence of many nomenclature systems within this country, as there is not a specific one in official
use. As reported by the private agency, this situation has caused errors and mismatches regarding the
purchase of specific medical devices.9
Cook Islands
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by MOH
9 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers”
Costa Rica
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos, Equipos y Dispositivos Médicos (CECMED)
reported the coexistence and use for procurement purposes of two nomenclature systems: the SUCNEM,
a nationally developed nomenclature, based on the Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System
(UMDNS) and the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)10.
Desk review up to December 2021
Cuba has its system for classifying medical equipment: SUCNEM, which is based on the UMDNS.
Additionally, the country uses the GMDN.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
10 Answered to the September 2021 Survey for the GAMD 2021 Update.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN)
The GMDN and UMDNS remain the historically used nomenclatures. Three national specific systems
(categorizations) of medical devices are used for reimbursement and statistical purposes. The GMDN
remains a comprehensively recognized system for the registration and notification of medical devices
in the Czechia. GMDN codes are used in the Register of Medical Devices (RZPRO) administered by
the State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) for regulatory purposes, adverse events reporting, safety
corrective measures, and information on clinical trials.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by MOH
Desk review up to December 2021
No change. Neither in the web portal of the government nor the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New
Health Investment (the latest is in development) there’s no information about nomenclature of medical
Dominican Republic
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
For MD traceability purposes will be taken as a reference the Universal Medical Devices Nomenclature
System (UMDNS) developed by Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI). In case that UMDNS does not
have a specific code for a MD, it will be taken as an alternative nomenclature, the Global Medical Devices
Nomenclature developed by GMDN Agency.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Used in the database of geographical information system health.
Desk review up to December 2021
Medical devices registration requires use of a nomenclature (not specified, link 2).
El Salvador
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The catalog developed is for medical equipment in general and is for purchase purposes only. There is
no distinction or classification of medical technology equipment based on its application or impact on
the health of the patient
(Original in Spanish) El catálogo desarrollado es de equipo médico en general y sólo es para fines
de compra. No existe distinción o clasificación de equipos de tecnología médica por su aplicación o
incidencia en la salud del paciente.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
In the Dirección Nacional de Medicamentos is available the guide for medical devices registration. It
includes the classification of medical devices (see link).
Equatorial Guinea
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by MOH
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Official nomenclature system for medical devices is currently in the process of development.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Nationally developed and based on both the UMDN and the GMDN. This nomenclature was developed
by EPSA, ESDA and FMoH in collaboration with stakeholders. The nomenclature is mainly used for
procurement and regulatory purposes. The Established Public Infrastructure Directorate is now starting
an inventory to identify the type, source and status of the devices.
Desk review up to December 2021
The Guideline for Registration of Medical Devices includes the medical devices’ essential safety and
performance requirements, and risk classification I to IV. As well as a nationally developed nomenclature
as stated in the Ethiopian Food and Drug Administration (first link and third link). The second link shows
the registration form for medical devices.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Finland CA will implement the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) used by manufacturers/
ARs when registering their medical devices in the EUDAMED database. The EMDN system will be based
on the Italian CND nomenclature system. This will be the only official nomenclature system for medical
devices in Finland.
Desk review up to December 2021
The EMDN system will be based on the Italian CND nomenclature system. This will be the only official
nomenclature system for medical devices in Finland.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
The classification of the provisions of medical devices is provided for in Article R. 5211-7 of the Public
Health Code. The rules are specified in the order of March 15, 2010 amending the order of April 20, 2006
setting the classification rules for medical devices.
(Original in French) La classification des dispositions des dispositifs médicaux est prévue à l’article R.
5211-7 du code de la santé publique. Les règles sont précisées dans l’arrêté du 15 mars 2010 modifiant
l’arrêté du 20 avril 2006 fixant les règles de classification des dispositifs médicaux.;jsessionid=3DA99E555F0AB933E0B91227088DB46C.
Desk review up to December 2021
It is used as a nomenclature based on the GMDN (for procurement and commercialization), and as it is
in the EU it will be used in parallel with the EMDN (for different purposes such as regulation, registration,
procurement, surveillance, etc.).
After publication of the first draft of this Overview, the Hôpitaux de Haute-Savoie/AFIB have expresed
the use, for more than 30 years, of the CNEH code nomenclature system (developed by the Center
National d’Expertise Hospitalière) for the identification and management of any biomedical devices and
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
medical infrastructures in this country. This nomenclature in French language, is publicly available. In
addition, the inventory and management software system for medical devices (CMMS) uses the CNEH
codes to identify any medical device. It has also been specified that the Agence Nationale de Sécurité du
Médicament et des Produits de Santé (ANSM), formerly the AFSSAPS, is the agency in charge of giving
marketing authorizations for CE-marked medical devices, which in no case takes into consideration the
use of the GMDN nor the UMDN for classifying or identifying any medical device.11
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Medical Research Council (UK) in Gambia (refer to specific link) uses the UMDNS system via the
ECRI Health Devices Sourcebook (ECRI website). Note that this is not used by the Ministry of Health.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
According to Georgian legislation, Georgia recognizes international or national (according to a list of
certain countries) certificates of medical devices there.
Desk review up to December 2021
The Law of Medicines and Pharmaceutical Activities (which includes the regulation of medical goods
or medical devices) proposes three groups on the classification of pharmaceutical products (article 11,
superindex 2) for advertising and retailing purposes. But there is no nomenclature system for medical
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
At the German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) German manufacturers or
an authorised representative of non-EU manufacturers have to register their products themselves. The
database is served by DIMDI and today uses UMDNS.
11 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers” and commented by email
to the publication of the first Draft Nomenclature Overview.
Desk review up to December 2021
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
According to the information of the regulatory agency of Medical devices (BfARM) and the Ministry of
Health two systems are used: UMDS (for medical devices in general) and EMDN for IVD. Although it is
announced that both of them will be replaced (in May 2021) with the EMDN (European Nomenclature
system for medical devices) which itself is based on the Italian CND system.
Desk review up to December 2021
According to the “Guideline for registration of medical devices”, the GMDN will be required for registration
just in case it is previously coded. The nomenclature is used for registration purposes.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
A specific technical committee is responsible for the correlation of Nomenclature, Classification and
Codification of Medical Devices.
Desk review up to December 2021
A specific technical committee is responsible for the correlation of the nomenclature, the classification
and codification of medical devices.s The novel EMDN which is based on CND nomenclature will be
introduced soon as the official EU’s system. The National regulatory authority is the National Organization
for Medicines in charge of medical products and devices.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
A system was developed but was not supported by management. There is no URL because this software
was locally developed.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The In Vivo Classification, according to class, is contemplated in the Annex of the Technical Norm No. 37.
(Original in Spanish) La Clasificación In Vivo y según Clase se encuentra contemplada en el Anexo de la
Norma Técnica No. 37.
Desk review up to December 2021
In accordance to the “Norma Técnica 37 versión 5-2016 Para la inscripción sanitaria de dispositivos
médicos” the nomenclature system use for regulation, surveillance and control of medical devices has
been nationally developed.
Desk review up to December 2021
In the Medicines and Cosmetics Regulation 2002 Act it is indicated that medicinal products for
importation, manufacture, processing or packing should be done with the generic, official or approved
non-proprietary name found in official pharmacopoeias or formularies alongside the brand name.
Desk review up to December 2021
There is no official nomenclature for medical devices. The Regulation Agency (GAFDD) is in charge of
the registration of devices.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Regulation for the Sanitary Control of Products, Services and Establishments of Sanitary Interest,
establishes a nomenclature for registration purposes.
(Original in Spanish) El Reglamento para el Control Sanitario de Productos, Servicios y Establecimientos
de Interés Sanitario, establece una nomenclatura con fines de Registro.
Desk review up to December 2021
The ‘Reglamento de control sanitario 2005’ proposes a nomenclature system for sanitary license (art.
133/ unidad III) and for registration (art. 159, unidad V).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses a nomenclature system for registration (see link). Although, as part of the EC it will use the EMDN
(European Nomenclature system for medical devices) too.
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization: CDSCO.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
It uses a Harmonization System code (HS) at the moment. After harmonization, GMDN will be used.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by IMDR (first link). For its registration, any medical device needs a declaration of conformity
as stated in GHTF STED which is accepted in the report in one of the following nomenclatures: National
developed classification (IRC Code: Iran Registration Code); EU classification or US-FDA classification.
However, in order to fulfil the whole documentation, the UMDNS classification is used.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The MoH is working on adapting a national nomenclature system and linking it to the UMDNS.
Desk review up to December 2021
No official nomenclature system, but several such as UMDNS are accepted. The State Company for
Provision of Medicines and Medical Appliances (KIMADIA) oversees imported medical devices. oversees
imported medical devices. Tecmoh registers all medical devices in Iraq.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
CND Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici (correlated with GMDN). CND was nationally
developped, and it is the base for EMDN. As mentioned on several occasions in the past, a map of
correspondence between the GMDN nomenclature and the Italian CND classification has been created
since 2007 to allow manufacturers to register in the Italian database of medical devices. This map is
subject to ongoing maintenance even today at the request of manufacturers. This map was introduced at
the beginning because the GMDN code was originally the mandatory registration key in the Italian system.
Subsequently, the mandatory use of the GMND code was removed at the request of the manufacturers,
due to the difficulty of using it and, in many cases, due to its unavailability. In any case, the possibility of
using the GMDN code and its connection with the CND is still allowed, but it appears that, despite this
possibility of use, the GMDN code is rarely used in the registration in the Italian system. A new version
of the Italian medical device nomenclature (CND) will be published within the next months. Because the
CND has been chosen as the basis of the EMDN nomenclature, a huge update has been done to create
the European nomenclature. All the updates have been acquired in the new version of the CND, that has
been approved by the Italian Technical Committee on 21st December 2020.|One of the most important
inputs for the CND update was the comparison with GMDN and so an alignment between the first level of
the CND 2018 version and GMDN (dataset 01/05/2019) has been done. A list of GMDN codes not covered
by CND has been defined and then used to create some new codes in CND. In the Meeting of the Medical
Device Nomenclature Working Group-04, OCTOBER 2019 of the European Commission, the state of the
art of mapping between CND and GMDN was a point of the agenda. Any further other mapping activities
must be agreed upon with the European Commission in line with the provisions of the project itself.
Desk review up to December 2021
The Italian classification system (CND Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici) has been correlated
to the GMDN nomenclature, as well as it will be the basis for the future EMDN (European Nomenclature
system for medical devices) too, that will be the one used soon for EC states.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
There is the Standards & Regulations Division within the MoH. However, there is not mentioned a specific
nomenclature for registration of medical devices, nor for risk classification.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Japanese Medical Device Nomenclature was developed from the GMDN 2003 version.
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses a national nomenclature system called Japanese Medical device nomenclature (JMDN) - see
PMDA regulatory agency link for more details
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
This country will support the WHO standard nomenclature for medical devices. Until now, its nomenclature
is based on UMDNS for management in the CMMS system, and the government procurement department
uses UNSPSC nomenclature for procurement purposes.
Desk review up to December 2021
Jordan relies on the EU directives to classify its devices, namely, the Medical Devices Directives 93/42/
EEC and the Active Implantable MDD 90/385/EEC and the Medical Devices Importation Directives, Art.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Medical State Register of lekarstennyh.
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses a nationally developed nomenclature system that is harmonized with the GMDN.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Desk review up to December 2021
The Medical Equipment Management Committee within the MoH is in charge of the registration of
medical equipment. There is no specific nomenclature used nor a risk classification system.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The nomenclature is used for various purposes: regulation, procurement, in-vitro diagnostics lists and
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
According to art. 119,3. from “Procedimientos de registro, evaluación de la conformidad, distribución,
operación y supervisión técnica de dispositivos médicos”: the GMDN is accepted for registration
purposes. However, this country is not registered as a member of GMND agency.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Ministry of Health is planning to acquire the Global Medical Devices Nomenclature system to adopt
it and use it for regulatory and procurement purposes.
Desk review up to December 2021
There is no official nomenclature for medical devices, but GMND is accepted as stated in the “Minister
Decision No. 1506 date 1/9/2014” page 1 (see link).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
For the medical equipment list it is used a nomenclature based on UMDNS. Nomenclature is used for
inventory systems in healthcare facilities and lists.
Desk review up to December 2021
It is accepted the use of various nomenclature systems of medical devices for procurement and donations
(see link 2).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
National nomenclature for the material accounting of State assets (codification for the technical
(Original in French) Nomenclature nationale pour la comptabilité matière du patrimoine de l’Etat
(codification pour l’inventaire technique).
Desk review up to December 2021
There is a nationally developed nomenclature. The regulation is in charge of L’Agence du Médicament de
Madagascar (AGMED).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
For medical devices registration it is used the HS Code (Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature and Coding
System) as well as the GMDN code (see link).
Desk review up to December 2021
There is a project to develop a national nomenclature system based on the UMDNS (see: Situation analysis
report, Link 3).
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
There is a summary nomenclature section in the stock accounting document where the different products
are classified by category, but this is a very important area that deserves action.
(Original in French) Il existe dans le document de la comptabilité matière une rubrique nomenclature
sommaire ou les différents produits sont classés par catégories, mais c’est un domaine très important
qui mérite une action.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The nomenclature system is established and organized in charts for health technologies that can be used
in public/social health services. As for the government administration for 2018-2024, the charts will be
organized as a compendium and it is in the process of depuration.
The nomenclature system is established and organized in charts for health technologies that can be used in
public/social health services. As for the government administration for 2018-2024, the charts will be organized
now as a compendium and it is in the process of depuration.
Desk review up to December 2021
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
“Register (notification) of medical devices” that contains information on medical devices which are
available for use in Montenegro has just recently been set up. As it is at the start of its operations, it will
use GMDN as a referent nomenclature system and based on this, it will be developed a system that will
be in Montenegrin language so that all users can use it properly and they will have information what is
on Montenegrin market as well.¶mPut=+%3E+Medical+
Desk review up to December 2021
It has recently developed a nomenclature system of medical devices based on GMDN.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Nomenclature based on ECRI and CNEH.
(Original in French) Nomenclature basée sur l’ECRI et le CNEH.
Desk review up to December 2021
It is based on the UMDNS.
Desk review up to December 2021
Many nomenclatures are accepted as stated in the second link
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
A national nomenclature system is based on the GMDN and the UMDNS.
Via the “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers” survey, the IFMBE-Clinical Engineering Division
(CED) explained that the lack of mandatory guidelines or official documents demanding the use of
one specific nomenclature system, as well as the coexistence of many nomenclatures in different
government health facilities in Nepal, has led to wrong procurements and mismanagement of medical
device inventories.12
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
New Zealand
Desk review up to December 2021
New Zealand uses a nomenclature based on the GMDN. The Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN)
codes are required to identify types of medical devices notified to the WAND database.
12 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers”
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
There are several types of codification tested. The first were inspired by the French CNEH code (national
code for hospital equipment). There is not a single codification adopted at the national level.
(Original in French) Il y a plusieurs types de codification testés. Les premières se sont inspirées du code
CNEH (code national pour l’équipement hospitalier) français. Il n’y a pas de codification unique retenue
au niveau national.
Desk review up to December 2021
There is no official nomenclature system. Medical devices are regulated by the National Agency for
Food and Drug, Administration and Control (NAFDAC). Compliance with the classification of the country
where the device is manufactured (link 2).
North Macedonia
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The GMDN code is being recognized.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The use of GMDN is not imposed by law.
Desk review up to December 2021
The GMDN is used for regulatory purposes. However, UMDNS and GMDN are both accepted nomenclature
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The UMDNS system has been adopted into legislation. Its implementation is still in process.
(Original in Spanish) El sistema UMDNS ha sido adoptado en la legislación. Su implementación está aún
en proceso.
Desk review up to December 2021
Panama is now in the process of adopting both the GMDN and the UMDNS for regulation purposes.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
A plan is being developed to proceed with the installation of a nomenclature system.
(Original in Spanish) Se está elaborando un plan para proceder con la instalación de un sistema de
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Philippines will be using the Nomenclature that will be decided by the member states of the ASEAN
who are working on the harmonization of medical device regulation in the region, where medical device
nomenclature is one of the concerns.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
The GMDN code is mentioned as a basic medical device nomenclature system in Polish legislation: Act
of 20 May 2010 on Medical Devices; however, the use of other nomenclatures is allowed. Poland is part
of the EU medical device regulatory framework so a new obligation from the European Commission in
the area of medical device nomenclature and Eudamed will be implemented, e.g. adopting the European
Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) when available.
Nevertheless, according to the EC statement, this nomenclature will still share some features with the
GMDN code.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
In the private sector, Poland uses a nomenclature system of medical devices based on the GMDN. Although,
as part of the EC it will use the EMDN (European Nomenclature system for medical devices) too. The
national regulatory authority is the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices, and
Biocidal Products.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The Directorate-General of Health/Ministry of Health of this country pointed out that the official
nomenclature system for medical devices and IVDs for registry purposes is based on the European
Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).13
Desk review up to December 2021
In the private sector Portugal uses a nomenclature system of medical devices based on GMDN. Although,
as part of the EC it will use the EMDN (European Nomenclature system for medical devices) too. The
national regulatory authority is the National Authority of Medicines and Health Products (INFARMEDC,
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
This is used for planning medical equipment for new / upcoming projects.
Desk review up to December 2021
Medical devices are regulated by the MOHP but registered by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce
(MEC). It uses the UMDNS for planning for new/upcoming projects, but the GMDN is also accepted. The
national regulatory authority is the Medical Device Registration Unit, Pharmacy & Drug Control, Supreme
Council of Health.
Republic of Korea
Desk review up to December 2021
Undefined nomenclature but uses medical devices classification and medical devices are regulated by
the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA).
13 Answered to the September 2021 Survey for the GAMD 2021 Update
Republic of Moldova
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Russian Federation
Desk review up to December 2021
There is an own developed nomenclature system but according to the fact that the state is a member of
the EEU, which signed an agreement with the GMDN about nomenclature systems harmonization. The
common market of medical products within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) begins to function in
full in 2022.
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses the GMDN to register medical devices (see first link page 24).
Via the “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers” survey, the Nabel HealthCare Engineering Ltd.
pointed out the main use of the Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System (UMDNS) for Rwanda’s
medical devices, as well as the coexistence of many nomenclatures for specific procedures. Also, it has
been expressed that even with the progress that this country has made in collaboration with the ECRI
Institute, there are major challenges caused by the many identification codes used for medical devices.14
14 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers”
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by the Central de Aprovisionamiento de Medicamentos:CAME (see link).
Saudi Arabia
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
A committee inside NUPCO has been established for that purpose and the work is in progress.
Desk review up to December 2021
Medical devices are regulated by the MOH (first link) via the unit NUPCO (second link) which manages
tenders for medical devices. Medical devices are Regulated by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (third
link). Private industry uses the GMDN.
Desk review up to December 2021
Private industry uses the GMDN. The national regulatory authority is the Direction des Infrastructures,
d’équipement et de la Maintenance.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
National nomenclature is in the process of updating and amendment.
Desk review up to December 2021
The national regulatory authority is the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (ALIMS) which assures
the use of the official nomenclature.
Sierra Leone
Desk review up to December 2021
Medical devices are regulated by a national regulatory authority which is the Pharmacy Board (PBSL).
The GMDN is used for registration of medical devices, and it is regularly used by the private industry.
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
When medical devices are being produced by the manufacturers of medical devices with their registered
place of business in the Republic of Slovenia, are notified to the national competent authority, GMDN
code should be submitted, if available.
Desk review up to December 2021
No changes. The official information is regulated by the JAZMP. The private industry uses the GMDN. The
national regulatory authority is the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic
of Slovenia.
South Africa
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The regulator has adopted the use of GMDN which will be a nationally accepted nomenclature.
South Sudan
Desk review up to December 2021
There is no official nomenclature system in South Sudan (first link 1st paragraph from the beginning of
page 6: The South Sudanese Drug and Food Control Authority Act, 2012). One of the nomenclatures
that may be used for the registration of medical devices is the one developed by US-FDA (second link:
registration requirement’s section).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
The code UMDNS has been used, but will be replaced by GMDN when the Spanish version is available.
(Original in Spanish) Se ha utilizado el código UMDNS, pero se sustituirá por GMDN cuando esté
disponible la versión en español.
Sri Lanka
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses the UMDNS system, and since 2011 it has officially recommended the use of the GMDN. There is a
risk-based classification system (link 4).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
As per regulation 2017/45 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746, the EU Member States
Competent Authorities of MD representatives (of both the national MoH and the national agencies)
of the MDCG, have opted for the publicly available, accessible and transparent nomenclature named
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).
The change from GMDN to EMDN will take place with regards to the implementation of the new EU
regulation on medical devices that shall be applied from the 26th of May, 2021.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Swissmedic uses GMDN (no country specific nomenclature); if manufacturers do not know the GMDN
number, a UMDNS code may be given.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Both UMDNS and GMDN are used (the preference is given to GMDN, however, if manufacturers do not
know GMDN, then UMDNS is used). Currently, there is a transition to EMDN (based on CND), as well as
the corresponding mapping with the GMDN. The national regulatory authority is the Swiss Agency for
Therapeutic Products, Swissmedic.
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses the EAEU nomenclature, and the GMDN nomenclature, as well as others. The nomenclature of the
manufactured drugs and medical products is determined by the manufacturers themselves as the official
website states. The national regulatory authority is the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the
Population of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Desk review up to December 2021
In Thailand, the sphere of medical devices is regulated by the Thai-FDA in cooperation with the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that works together with the AHWP Asian on the harmonization
of medical devices regulation. The GMDN is used for the regulation of medical devices in the private
Desk review up to December 2021
There is an ongoing project for a nomenclature for MD, however there is scarce information.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The level of the sub-service responsible for the equipment is too low to be read. The hierarchical superiors
do not show the necessary interest for the implementation of the management which is essential for
medical devices.
(Original in French): Le niveau du sous service chargé chargé des équipements est trop bas pour être
lisible. Les supérieurs hiérarchique ne portent pas l’intérêt nécessaire pour la mise en oeuvre de la gestion
qui s’impose pour les dispositifs médicaux.
Trinidad and Tobago
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
The nomenclature of medical devices is an integral part of the Manual of biomedical and hospital
maintenance management procedures drawn up in 1996 and improved in 2007 by the Ministry of Public
Health, which was the subject of an order.
(Original in French) La nomenclature des dispositifs médicaux fait partie intégrante du Manuel des
procédures de gestion de la maintenance biomédicale et hospitalière élaboré en 1996 et amélioré en
2007 par le Ministère de la santé publique qui a fait l’objet d’un arrêté.
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Huab (see second link) is the Turkish registry system for medical devices. Both GMDN and UNSPSC are
used in this system. For reimbursement purposes another nomenclature mentioned in the corresponding
link is also used.
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses a nomenclature system that is based on the UNSPSC and GMDN, however, they are adapted to
national needs. Türkiye y is in the process of using the EU regulation. The national regulatory authority is
the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Ministry of Health.
15 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers”
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
See the list of medical equipment by level, and the Standard Medical Equipment Lists and Specifications
by healthcare level are under review (as in sample formats in the corresponding websites). The main uses
of the nomenclature system are for procurement purposes, and inventory systems in healthcare facilities.
Desk review up to December 2021
There exists a regulatory framework for medical devices registration, importation and use (link 3).
However, Risk-based classification does not exist, and the application of the MD regulation is still limited
(link 4).
Country survey (2020) and Nomenclature consultations (2021-2022)
Desk review up to December 2021
The incorporation of the GMDN is in progress. The national regulatory authority is the State Administration
of Ukraine on Medicinal Products (SMDC).
16 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers”
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
Desk review up to December 2021
UMDN is commonly used in the Mercosur bloc.
Desk review up to December 2021
It uses its own nomenclature system (see first link). Used nomenclature correlates with one used by the
EU (second link).
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by the Supreme Board for Medicines & Medical Appliances (SBDMA)/ MoPHP.
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA).
Desk review up to December 2021
Regulated by the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ).
17 Answered to the August 2021 Survey “Questions for Biomedical / Clinical Engineers”
Global atlas of medical devices 2022
As presented in this report, there are various nomenclature systems (EMDN, GMDN, nationally developed,
and UMDNS) used around the world for different purposes. Nevertheless, less than one-half of the world
does not have an official nomenclature to manage medical devices, and more than half have at least one
of the four types mentioned above. This situation has been continuously evolving in the past ten years,
with promising signals of more countries acquiring an official nomenclature and also signals of multiple
nomenclatures being used for different purposes around the world. Several efforts are currently in place
to harmonize not only the heterogeneous regulatory framework worldwide, but more specifically a
international nomenclature system. Until now, these efforts have not been achieved due mainly to a lack
of agreement between the main stakeholders and member states. As indicated before, the nomenclature
system of medical devices is a cross-cutting issue that interrelates the national health system with other
areas such as the economy, commerce, and health service provision within a country as well as with other
countries due to globalization and regional agreements between countries.
However, we observe a positive trend of countries strengthening their regulatory frameworks, harmonizing
their procedures, and adopting an official medical device nomenclature. To the extent that the health
system is strengthened, it will facilitate the provision of services to achieve faster a universal health
Other limitations: More often than not, several regulations and agreements may be in use in a country
for different purposes but also for a single purpose. For instance, it is possible to have more than one
agreement regarding imports and exports depending on the destination or origin of merchandise. As a
consequence, sometimes there may be more than one answer to the questions we ask.
It is a milestone achivement that the World health assembly approved In May 2022, the co-existance of
various nomenclature systems in WHO platforms for reference to be available, accessible to all Member
States, towards standardization.
This overview was commissioned by WHO and conducted by Ricardo X. Martinez Martinez, Lucero López
Pérez, Lucía Jiménez Martínez, Juan J. López Pérez, Artem A. Shchepilov, Sebastián Losada Espinosa,
David López Pérez. Many thanks to Eunice Lourenço Nobre da Conceição for her valuable comments
and additions.
Annex 2. Overview of nomenclature systems for medical devices in WHO member states
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