Asa3 OPMC41747
Asa3 OPMC41747
Asa3 OPMC41747
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Table of Contents
1.0 SCOPE OF AUDIT .................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Location (Address, GPS, and Map) of Palm Oil Mill ............................................................................................ 4
1.3 Other Certifications Held and Use of RSPO Trademarks & Logos ...................................................................... 4
1.4 Organizational Information / Contact Person ....................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Tonnages Verified for Certification ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Abbreviations Used.............................................................................................................................................. 7
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1.1 Introduction
This Surveillance Audit (ASA-03) was conducted on Masai POM on 26 to 29 October 2021, to assess the organization’s
operations of the palm oil mill are in compliance against the MSPO Part 4 (MS 2530-4: 2013) General Principles for Palm
Oil Mills.
Table 1-1: Registered Name of Palm Oil Mill and MPOB License
Registered Company
Designated Mill Name MPOB License No. MPOB License Validity
Mill Name
Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad Masai Palm Oil Mill 500026504000 01/04/2021 – 31/03/2022
1.3 Other Certifications Held and Use of RSPO Trademarks & Logos
Currently, the other certification held by Masai POM of Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad are RSPO P&C, MSPO SCCS, and
Food Safety Management System (ISO 22001) Certifications which are still valid.
The MSPO’s trademarks and logo are not being used by the POM / Estates audited. Instructions for use were provided and
acknowledged by the POM / Estates through a signed Memorandum of commitment agreeing to adhere to the latest “MSPO
Rules on Use of Logos and Trademarks”, provided prior to the Audit.
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Note: No FFB supplied from Tong Hing Estate as they are in replanting phase.
1.5.2 Total annual volumes / tonnages of FFB supplied from the supply base to Masai POM & Estates Grouping during
the previous, current, and projected period are as follows:
1.5.3 The annual certifiable tonnages of CPO and PK production by Masai POM & Estates Grouping from the supply
base/ suppliers as assessed and verified during the current assessment and projected for next 12 months are detailed as
CHRA Chemical Health & Risk Assessment IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
CSDS Chemical Safety Data Sheets JKKP Jabatan Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerja
DOSH Department of Occupational Safety and Health MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets
FASSB Felda Agricultural Services Sdn Bhd OER Oil Extraction Rate
FELDA Federal Land Development Authority OHS Occupational Health & Safety
FFB Fresh Fruit Bunch PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
FGVPISB FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd UOC Plantation Management Unit
FGVPM FGV Plantations (M) Sdn Bhd POM Palm Oil Mill
FTPSB Felda Tekno Plant Sdn Bhd POME Palm Oil Mill Effluent
Intertek Intertek Certification International Sdn Bhd SOP Standard Operating Procedures
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Issue Description
1 Feedback:
The Village Representatives of Kg. Kong Kong Laut was appointed about 1 year ago. Due to Covid-19
outbreak, he said he never had the chance to get to know the Keck Seng’s Management better. As for
stakeholder’s consultation, Keck Seng had submitted to him a letter containing information about Keck Seng
such as policy and grievance channel and a letter of response for him to reply. As of now, there is no issue
between them, but the villagers did informed him to be aware of their boundary with Keck Seng to avoid
disputes and to ensure there are no pollution to the river. He hopes that this good relationship could be
maintained, and Stakeholder’s Consultation can be made face-to-face.
Management Response:
Noted all the comments.
Audit Team Comment:
No further action.
2 Feedback:
Hup Seng and Co. runs sundry shops at labour quarters. They sell basic groceries items such as sugar,
milk, cooking oil, rice etc. The owner mentioned that the price of items is slightly higher than those sold
outside because of the distance in bringing the goods in. The workers too have option to buy their daily
needs at “Kedai Aceh” located at neighbouring village. The sundry shop also allows workers to buy goods in
advance and will only pay once they get their salary without extra charges. This were confirmed with
workers during interview.
Management’s response:
Noted the comments.
Audit team’s comments:
No further issue.
3 Feedbacks:
Contractors confirmed good business relationship with the UoC. Tender process was transparent, and terms
of contracts are fair. However, in the contract agreement, there is no specified date mentioned for payment
to be made by the UoC to Contractor. During interview, contractors mentioned that payments they received
are usually late. The work done for previous month will only be paid at the end of next month. This cause
unease for them to conduct business. They hope that the management would be able to revise the terms
and conditions for payment to obtain a win-win situation. Other than that, they do not have any issue.
Complaint and grievance procedure were known, and their workers were provided with valid contract
agreement, payslip and wages meets minimum wage, socso and epf contribution where necessary.
Management Responses:
Management was noted with the payment issue and will consult the contractors for improvement.
4 Feedbacks:
FFB Suppliers contacted were independent smallholders. They mentioned good relationship with the mill
and Masai POM manage to give them a better price compare to other. Although the payment are quite late
these past 2 months but still acceptable. The ISH also have good understanding of the FFB price calculation
and all receipts specifying price for the particular month, weight, deductions, penalty if any, were clearly
stated in the receipts and understood by them. As of now, they do not have any issue or complaint towards
management and satisfied with current practice.
Management Responses:
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(188296-W) The company should Action plans for continual improvement at the POM were Complied
establish a system to improve documented, implemented and monitored.
practices in line with new ▪ Installation of one unit of Electrostatic Precipitator System
information and techniques; and (ESP) to reduce dust emission limit to < 150 mg/Nm3 under the
for disseminating this Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulation 2014.
information throughout the ▪ Construction and commissioning a tertiary polishing plant to
workforce. achieve BOD level < 20 ppm as per DOE requirement.
▪ Effluent treatment plant upgrading.
▪ Replace air preheater at boiler 6.
Principle 2: Transparency
4.2.1: Transparency of Information and Documents Relevant to MSPO Requirements The management shall The management has adopted an open and transparent method of Complied
communicate adequate communication and consultation when dealing with relevant parties
information to other e.g., its workers, government agencies, contractors, neighbouring
stakeholders on environmental, plantations by personal invitation to attend the internal and external
social and legal issues relevant stakeholders’ consultation meetings.
to sustainable practices in the Languages used in written communications are in Bahasa Malaysia
relevant languages and forms. and English, coupled with verbal native dialects.
Information related to Keck Seng (M) Sdn Bhd. was communicated
during external stakeholder’s consultation on 7 October 2021 as
sighted in “Maklumbalas Stakeholder” and “Akuan Penerimaan Dasar
Polisi Syarikat” by Head of Villagers Kg. Kong Kong Laut. Management Management documents such as Policies, Stakeholder consultation Complied
documents shall be publicly processes, Financial Annual Reports are available upon request and
available, except where this is at the Keck Seng (M) Berhad website:
prevented by commercial
confidentiality or where
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disclosure of information would Any commercially confidential information will need special request
result in negative environmental before being provided.
or social outcomes.
4.2.2: Transparent Method of Communication and Consultation Procedures shall be Procedures for consultation and communication with the relevant Complied
established for consultation and stakeholders were documented as follows:
communication with the ▪ Procedures to Handle and Response the Request/Enquiries
relevant stakeholders. from Stakeholders” (RSPO-CRI-1.1.2)
▪ Stakeholders Consultation and Communication Procedures
▪ Handling of Social Dispute (RSPO-CRI-6.3.1A) The management shall The Mill Manager are responsible for issues raised by local Complied
nominate management officials communities and other affected or interested parties. Sustainability
at the operating unit responsible Manager nominated to coordinate activities of the stakeholders, GCC,
for issues related to Indicator 1 HC, SHC, etc. Sighted appointment letter issued for Ms. Wong Kit
( Ying dated 1st February 2021. A list of stakeholders, The list of stakeholders (Doc. No.: RSPO-CRI-1.1.1) was made 20211029-N1
records of all consultation and available during the audit with latest revision on 15th September 2021. (Minor)
communication and records of The stakeholders comprise government agencies such as the Labour
action taken in response to Department, Immigration Department, Safety and Health Department
input from stakeholders shall be etc. Neighbouring estates and smallholders, neighbouring villages,
properly maintained. schools, canteen/shop operators, suppliers, contractors, etc were
also included. The lists provided were used for selection of
stakeholder’s consultation. Stakeholder’s consultation for this audit
was conducted via phone call since the audit was conducted remotely
and to curb the spread of Covid-19. However, it was noted that the
lists were not sufficiently included all relevant stakeholders such as
neighbouring village, and construction site. Some email and phone
numbers provided in the list were also invalid. Therefore, a minor non-
conformance was raised under this indicator.
4.2.3: Traceability The management shall The organisation has established Product Identification and Complied
commit itself to implement and Traceability Procedure (SOP-PRO-02, Rev.03, Date: 13/09/12)
maintain the requirements for related to traceability matters. All information such as the name and
traceability and shall establish a address of the seller/buyer, product(s) identification including the
standard operation procedure applicable supply chain models (mass balance, segregation), the
for traceability. quantity of the products delivered, the loading or delivery date, related
transportation documentation with a unique identification number are
includes into transactions documents between the customer and the
organisation. The management shall The management has conducted regular inspections on compliance Complied
conduct regular inspections on with the established traceability system via internal and external
compliance with the established audits. Sighted group Annual Report 2020 dated 27 April 2021. In
traceability system. addition, sighted Corporate Governance Report submitted to KLSE
dated 31 December 2019 received with no negative responds. The management shall The Palm Oil Mill Organization Charts and job responsibilities of Complied
identify and assign suitable employees (Mill Manager, Engineers, Assistant Engineers,
employees to implement and Technicians, Security Officer, Weighbridge Operator, Laboratory
maintain the traceability system. Chemist, and Clerks) have been suitably defined for the
implementation and maintenance of the traceability procedure.
Interviews of the relevant staff confirmed their knowledge of the
traceability requirements for their respective areas of operations. Records of storage, All records of CPO and PK produced and delivered out, on a daily Complied
sales, delivery or transportation basis, were maintained and verified to be traceable via the Delivery
of crude palm oil and palm Note and Weighbridge Ticket which were maintained at the POM
kernel shall be maintained. office. The POM monitors the stock volumes of CPO in the storage
tanks and PK in the silo on a daily basis and recorded in the Daily
Progress Report.
All PK are supplied to a Kernel crushing plant nearby i.e., Ragamo
Sdn Bhd which is also a subsidiary under the Keck Seng Group.
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(188296-W) The management shall The organization has listed all local and international laws applicable Complied
list all relevant laws related to to their operations in a Legal Requirements Register (LRR) in
their operations in a legal softcopies and its Intranet. The list was updated in October 2021.
requirement register. The legal requirements The organization has placed soft copies of the local and international Complied
register shall be updated as and laws applicable to their operations and maintain a list of laws in a
when there are any new Legal Requirements Register (LRR) in its intranet. This legal register
includes Minimum Wages Order 2020, OSH (Noise Exposure)
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amendments or any new Regulations 2019, Workers Minimum Standard of Housing and
regulations coming into force. Amenities (Nurseries) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, Prevention
and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected
Local Areas) Regulations 2020, and Prevention and Control of
Infectious Diseases (Measures within the Infected Local Areas)
(Movement Control) (Amendment) Regulations 2021. Thus, previous
year non-conformance has been closed. The management Tracking of regulatory requirements and communication of changes Complied
should assign a person is performed by the KM Leong (HR Executive).
responsible to monitor The documents are available to all levels of management.
compliance and to track and
update the changes in
regulatory requirements.
4.3.2: Land Use Rights The management shall Communities surrounding the company POM and plantation areas Complied
ensure that their oil palm milling are able to move freely without any issues or problems. Verified
activities do not diminish the during site inspection that no such limitations had occurred.
land use rights of other users. The management shall The POM is located within Keck Seng Estate. Copies of the land titles Complied
provide documents showing of Keck Seng Estate were maintained and noted to be legally owned
legal ownership or lease, by the Keck Seng (M) Berhad.
history of land tenure and the
actual legal use of the land. Legal perimeter Locations of several boundary stones and markers were visited and Complied
boundary markers should be verified to be within the boundary perimeter of the POM.
clearly demarcated and visibly
maintained on the ground,
where practicable. Where there are, or Verified that there was no dispute on the land occupied by the POM. Complied
have been disputes, As such, the process of fair compensation and FPIC is currently not
documented proof of legal required to be applied.
acquisition of land title and fair
compensation that have been
or are being made to previous
owners and occupants; shall be
made available and that these
should have been accepted
with free prior informed consent
4.3.3: Customary Rights Where lands are Not applicable as this is titled land which are not encumbered by Not
encumbered by customary customary rights. Applicable
rights, the company shall
demonstrate that these rights
are understood and are not
being threatened or reduced. Maps of an appropriate Not applicable as this is titled land which are not encumbered by Not
scale showing extent of customary rights. Applicable
recognized customary rights
shall be made available. Negotiation and FPIC Not applicable as this is titled land which are not encumbered by Not
shall be recorded, and copies of customary rights. Applicable
the relevant agreements should
be made available.
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b) The risks of all operations implement control measures. Significant hazards determined and
shall be assessed and documented include noise exposure, pesticides/chemicals, accident,
documented. fire, fuel spillage, working at heights, working in enclosed space, hot
c) An awareness and training work, lightning, electrocution, machinery, etc. Control measures
programme which includes include the use of PPE, fire drill training, first aid training, etc. and
the following requirements “permit to work system” for the mill.
for employees exposed to SOP for coronavirus disease of 2019 (Covid-19) was established by
chemicals used at the palm the management of Keck Seng (Malaysia) Bhd in March 2020. This
oil mill: procedure was identified all the requirement to handle this issue
i) all employees involved (Covid-19), including personal hygiene, social distancing, quarantine
are adequately trained procedure, estate operations and mill operations. MITI approval to
on safe working operate the business for Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad has been
practices; and granted on 19/6/2020 for all complex.
ii) all precautions SOP for HIRARC is based on DOSH guidelines. Revision was done
attached to products on accordingly for mill activity which include FFB grading, loading
should be properly ramp, capstan, sterilization, crane, threshing press station, kernel
observed and applied. crusher plant, oil room, boiler/powerhouse, effluent, workshop etc.
d) The management shall Verified that additional HIRARC reviews also made by the Safety &
provide the appropriate Health team upon occurrence of incidences or accidents.
personal protective CHRA was conducted on 14/9/2015 until 24/11/2015 by NM
equipment (PPE) at the Laboratory Sdn Bhd. Based on the report (CHRA(J)/15-09/02), the
place of work to cover all work unit for production, laboratory, store, water treatment plant,
potentially hazardous boiler. The action plan based on recommendation by the assessor
operations as identified in was established and monitored accordingly.
the risk Audit and control Medical surveillance for POM was conducted 19-22/7/2020 by Klinik
such as Hazard Malaysia (HQ/08/DOC/00/567) for respective workers. Based on the
Identification, Risk Audit reports, all workers were found fit to work.
and Risk Control Airborne contamination for chemicals hazardous to health monitoring
(HIRARC). was conducted on 21/5/2020 by Eurofins NM Laboratory Sdn Bhd
e) The management shall (HQ/17/JHI/00/00011). Based on the report, the monitoring exercise
establish Standard has indicated that the exposure level of airborne contaminants for the
Operating Procedure for selecte workers did not exceed the permissible exposure limit as
handling of chemicals to stipulated under the Schedule I of Occupational Safety and Health
ensure proper and safe (USECHH) Regulations 2000.
handling and storage in Inspection, Testing and Assessment of LEV System was conducted
accordance to on 4/12/2019 by Tekun EOSH Sdn Bhd (HQ/11/JHII/00/178). Based
Occupational Safety Health on the report, face velocity and duct velocity of fume hood cupboard
(Classification Packaging are accepted for their operation activities.
and Labeling) Regulation Monthly LEV monitoring was conducted accordingly by the
1997 and Occupational management to check on the cleanliness, lighting, and fan system by
Safety Health (Use and Lab Operator.
Standard of Exposure of
Chemical Hazardous to Baseline Noise Risk Assessment for Masai POM was conducted on
Health) Regulation 2000. 15/11/2019 by OSH Safety & Health Services (HQ/14/PEB/00/38).
Work areas with high noise levels had been identified, viz., boiler
f) The management shall station, engine room, sterilization unit and kernel press where noise
appoint responsible level exceeded 82 db. Mill management have taken steps to reduce
person(s) for workers' the noise levels by more frequent lubrication of machinery, reducing
safety and health. The the exposure time to high noise and mandatory use of ear plugs and
appointed person(s) of trust ear mufflers. Warning signs sighted at high noise areas and ear plugs
shall have knowledge and and ear mufflers to be worn. There are also warning signs to use other
access to latest national PPE such as helmet and safety boots.
regulations and collective
agreements. Audiometry is an important part of Industrial Code of Practice (ICOP),
under the ICOP Management of Occupational Noise Exposure and
g) The management shall Hearing Conservation Program 2019. The purpose of this screening
conduct regular two-way audiometry is to detect the presence of Occupational Noise Related
communication with their Hearing Disorders (ONRHD) which is reportable under the ICOP. All
employees where issues suspected ONRHD cases will be recommended to undergo medical
that affect their business examination (ME) by the same Occupational Health Doctor (OHD).
such as those related to Annual and baseline audiometric test was conducted on
employees’ safety, health 13/27/11/2019 for 207 workers by Central Clinic
and welfare are discussed (HQ/15/DOC/00416). Based on the report there was no workers
openly. Records from such found with hearing impairment and standard threshold shift. The
meetings shall be kept and employees exposed to high noise levels were interviewed. The
the concerns of the workers are aware of the danger of hearing loss due to prolonged
employees and any
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remedial actions taken exposure to high noise. The workers knew about the complaints
shall be recorded. process and mechanism available.
h) Accident and emergency
procedures shall exist and A formal training programme on all aspects of OSH and MSPO has
instructions shall be clearly been established and implemented. Training for various categories of
understood by all operators, including all field and office staff, with regards to individual
employees. duties and training needs had been reviewed and found to be
i) Employees trained in First complied. The records of training were available at estate office.
Aid shall be present at all
mill operations. First Aid Suitable PPE has been provided to the workers based on the
equipment should be information in the SDS, CHRA recommendation, and outcome of
available at each worksite. HIRARC assessments. During site visit, it is noted that all workers are
using appropriate PPE that has been issued to them, according to
j) Records shall be kept of all their assigned job e.g.: Sterilizer Station, Press Station, loading ramp,
accidents and be reviewed oil room, and boiler. According to the interviewed workers, the PPE
periodically at quarterly issued to them are provided free of charge. Management maintaining
intervals. the PPE issuance record by individual workers.
The first aid kits available at worksites, such as boiler station, mill
workshop, mill loading ramp, FFB grading station, sterilizer station,
and office.
First aiders competency certificate available. Workers trained in First
Aid were present in the mill and field operations. Training for workers
in First Aid was carried out in the mill and records maintained.
However, the number of First-aiders available at POM is inadequate
compared to the Number of First-aiders Required under the
Guidelines on First-Aid in Workplace (2nd Edition) by the Department
of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia. Therefore, a
major non-conformance has been raised under this indicator.
harmony. The policy shall be gender, caste, national origin etc, prohibit retaliation against Human
signed by the top management Rights Defenders (HRD), respect formation of trade unions etc. The
and communicated to the employees are informed through briefing during muster, or during
employees. Gender Committee (GC) and Joint Consultative Committee (JCC)
meetings. The policy is also displayed at notice boards in the office.
Evidences that the workers understood the policies regarding human
rights were observed in the estates through their actions and
explained in different parts of this report, examples.
• Rights for equal treatment – all workers understood that they
must be paid based on the minimum wages set by the
government, they are provided with and have been utilising their
medical coverage, they are entitled for paid annual leave, public
holidays and sick leave, etc.
• Right for freedom to practice religious obligations – All Muslim
workers understood they are allowed to perform Friday pray
every week and non-Muslim workers understood they are
allowed to stay in their belief.
• Rights for freedom of speech –workers understood they are
represented by the Joint Consultative and have been
participating in meetings to express their concerns on their well
Rights to freedom of movement – All foreign workers understood they
are to keep their own travelling documents safe while in their custody.
They also understood they must comply that their passport must be
returned to the office for work permit renewal purposes. The management shall In dealing with non-discriminatory practices, the Social Policy Complied
not engage in or support statements adopted by the PMU as mentioned above recognises
discriminatory practices and equal opportunity. The first point of the policy mentioned as follows:
shall provide equal opportunity “To treat our people fairly in term of recruitment, progression, terms
and treatment regardless of and conditions of work and representation, irrespective of race, ethnic
race, colour, sex, religion, origin, caste, national origin, gender, colour, disability, sexual
political opinion, nationality, orientation, gender identity, union membership, political affiliation,
social origin, or any other religion and /or age.“
distinguishing characteristics. Management shall Employment contract with all benefit provided to workers were briefed Complied
ensure that employees’ pay, accordingly for better understanding. Briefing on minimum wages
and conditions meet legal or were also given accordingly. The employment contracts are all signed
industry minimum standards as by both parties, estates management and workers The employment
per Collective Agreements. The contract verifies RM1,200 per month and RM46.15 per day under
living wage should be sufficient Order 4 MWO for areas in any City Council or Municipal Counsel and
to meet basic needs and under Order 5 MWO 2020 for piece rated workers. Payslip review
provide some discretionary and verify there are no wages paid below the Minimum Wages Order
income based on minimum 2020. Overtime rate (during normal overtime, rest day overtime and
wage. public holiday overtime) was paid accordingly. This were verified
through sample payslip for February, May and September 2021. Management should At the POM, no incident where workers received less than stipulated Complied
ensure employees of minimum wages due to allowable and approved deductions, e.g.,
contractors are paid based on SOCSO, EPF, payments for personal loans or insurances. All
legal or industry minimum workers are paid on monthly basis and workers non-attendances are
standards according to the either covered with annual or medical leaves applications. Sample
employment contract agreed contractors Hoh Boon Hock Construction paid his workers
between the contractor and his accordingly.
employee. The management shall The management had maintained a site-specific list that provide an Complied
establish records that provide accurate record of employees. This includes their full names,
an accurate overview of all Employee ID, Nationality, IC or Passport No., Gender, Date of Birth,
employees (including seasonal Date Joined, Age, Job Description and Wages Payable. A brief
workers and subcontracted information on job description was contained in the employment
workers on the premises). The contract signed by both parties.
records should contain full
names, gender, date of birth,
date of entry, a job description,
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harassment and violence at the Managing Director. The policy spells out the Company’s commitment
workplace. as follows:
“To prevent sexual harassment and all other forms of violence against
women and to protect their reproductive rights. This commitment shall
not only apply in workplaces but also in society at large. We are
committed to our employees, visitors, clients, customers and
contractors entering our premises to ensure their safety and
preventing from any sexual harassments.”
It was noted that policy was communicated to all level of workforce. The management The published statement recognising right of all employees to form or Complied
shall respect the right of all join trade union is available in the Social Policy. The implementation
employees to form and join of this can be seen through formation of Joint Consultative Committee
trade union and allow workers’ (JCC) where workers are free to elect their own representatives and
own representative(s) to to represent themselves in JCC Meeting. Results of meetings were
facilitate collective bargain in recorded, and the minutes are available for verification. Workers’
accordance with applicable representatives are from different job description such as general
laws and regulations. workers, drivers, laboratory, workshops, etc. Sampled JCC meeting
Employees shall be given minutes was dated 20/10/2021. Workers managed to raised their
freedom to join trade unions concerns accordingly and evident of action taken.
relevant to the industry or
organize themselves for
collective bargaining.
Employees shall have the right
to organize and negotiate their
work conditions. Employees
exercising this right should not
be discriminated against or
suffer repercussions. Children and young In the 7th Point of Social Policy states that the Company would never Complied
persons shall not be employed engage forced labour or trafficked labour or child labour who is less
or exploited. The minimum age than 16 years. This policy is widely available at the office estates and
shall comply with local, state at the workers quarters and verified to acknowledge by workers
and national legislation. during interview. There was no evidence of any child labour being
used at the estates audited. Inspection of the employment records
including site visit to the estate fields confirmed that this requirement
has been complied with. Training needs of A formal training programme on all aspects of MSPO requirements Complied
individual employees shall be have been established and implemented.
identified prior to the planning Training for various categories of operators, including all operation
and implementation of the and office staff, with regards to their duties and training needs had
training programmes in order to been reviewed and found acceptable.
provide the specific skill and
competency required to all
employees based on their job
description. A continuous training Training programme planned for year 2021 includes training for all Complied
programme shall be planned categories of workers. Trainings were conducted based on categories
and implemented to ensure that of workstations.
all employees are well trained in
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their job function and The training programme included the various types of training such
responsibility in accordance to as firefighting and fire drill, exposure to high noise levels and control
the documented training measures for protection of hearing and audiometric tests,
procedure. understanding SDS and first aid training as well as social aspects,
environmental aspects, sustainability aspects, and company’s
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concerns about environmental The latest meeting was conducted on 7/10/2021 and found to be
quality are discussed. effective.
4.5.2: Efficiency of Energy Use and Use of Renewable Energy Consumption of non- Usage of non-renewable energy is monitored monthly. Record on the Complied
renewable energy shall be usage of diesel and electricity is available for review. Monthly records
optimized and closely on the consumption were maintained for comparison to optimize the
monitored by establishing use of the non-renewable energy at the POM.
baseline values and trends shall
be observed within an
appropriate timeframe. There
should be a plan to assess the
usage of non-renewable energy
including fossil fuel, electricity,
and energy efficiency in the
operations over the base
period. The oil palm premises Records on the usage of non-renewable energy for machineries Complied
shall estimate the direct usage involved in the mill operations were maintained and available. Diesel
of non-renewable energy for usage for office vehicle was also recorded and monitored. Data is
their operations, including fossil being compiled for comparison and monitored to optimize efficiency
fuel, and electricity to determine on the use of non-renewable energy. Records maintained had
energy efficiency of their showed proper control of the fuel usage.
operations. This shall include
fuel use by contractors,
including all transport and
machinery operations. The use of renewable At the POM, use of renewable energy is mainly in the use fibre and Complied
energy should be applied where shell as fuel for the boiler.
4.5.3: Waste Management and Disposal All waste products and All waste products and sources of pollution were identified and Complied
sources of pollution shall be documented.
identified and documented. The documentation and identification of all the waste products such
as scheduled waste, domestic waste, clinical waste and recyclable
waste such as metal, plastic, mill waste and polluting materials e g.
EFB, POME, stack emissions and boiler ashes were maintained and
Scheduled Waste identified included spent lubricant oil (SW 305),
spent hydraulic oil (SW 306), used chemical containers/drums (SW
409), used filters (SW 410), clinical waste (SW 404) and used
batteries (SW 102), amongst others. All Scheduled Waste identified
were labelled accordingly. A waste management A waste management and disposal plan has been documented and Complied
plan to avoid or reduce pollution implemented. Segregation of wastes, i.e., general wastes and
shall be developed and scheduled wastes was verified to be satisfactory carried out in the
implemented. POM. Proper storage areas were identified for the storage of the
The waste management plan recyclable wastes at the POM.
should include measures for: Schedule waste disposal was done by an appointed contractor that is
a) Identifying and monitoring licensed by the Department of Environment.
sources of waste and The solid waste management and disposal plan for household waste
pollution. is subcontracted to Urus Kekal Enterprise and disposal was to sites
b) Improving the efficiency of approved by local authority. Disposal chit to the site was made
resource utilization and available during the audit. Recycling of crop residues / biomass i.e.,
recycling of potential EFB, kernel shell, and POME (decanter cake) had been
wastes as nutrients or implemented. It was also verified previous year non-conformance has
converting them into value- been satisfactorily closed and no occurrence of the same issue in
added by-products. current audit. The management shall Standard operating procedure for the handling of used chemicals Complied
establish Standard Operating classified as Scheduled Waste has been developed and adhered to
Procedure for handling of used accordingly. No changes made to the procedure. Record on the
chemicals that are classified usage and disposal were well recorded and documented at the POM.
Page 23 of 41
under Environment Quality Schedule waste was disposed of by a DOE license contractor,
Regulations (Scheduled Waste) Modern Energy Sdn Bhd in accordance with the EQA requirement.
2005, Environmental Quality
Act, 1974 to ensure proper and
safe handling, storage, and
disposal. Domestic waste should The disposal of household waste was contracted out to third party Complied
be disposed as such to handlers and the disposal is in accordance to the rules and regulation
minimize the risk of of the local authority. No landfill practise being conducted here.
contamination of the
environment and watercourses.
4.5.4: Reduction of Pollution and Emission An assessment of all All polluting activities were assessed through the aspect and impact Complied
polluting activities shall be method and are documented. The activities are inclusive of green gas
conducted, including emissions, chemicals, fertilizer, scheduled waste, solid waste, and
greenhouse gas emissions, household waste.
scheduled wastes, solid wastes Data relating to such activities were collected and analysed. GHG
and effluent. emissions calculation is up to date and has been compiled for Jan-
Dec 2020. An action plan to The action plan has been established and implementation is ongoing. Complied
reduce identified significant Improvement such as on consumption of diesel, stack sampling
pollutants and emissions shall monitoring, ambient air quality monitoring is regularly conducted as
be established and required by the DOE.
implemented. Palm oil mill effluent Significant pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were Complied
(POME) shall be treated to identified, e.g., POME, diesel / fuel usage have been documented at
ensure compliance with the POM.
standards as stipulated in the Monitoring and reporting of the significant pollutants to water,
relevant Environmental Quality gaseous emissions to air and contamination on land are available and
(Prescribed Premises) (Crude adhered to and is within the Malaysian Environmental Air Quality
Palm Oil) Regulations 1977. Regulations, 1978 Standard and Limits.
POME discharge limits and Tools and systems used include the DOE online CEMS monitoring
method should be in for air emissions, water quality at discharge points as per DID
accordance with the respective regulations and SW disposal were adhering to DOE requirements.
state and national policies and
regulations. It was verified that the POME is treated using aerobic and anaerobic
ponds, tank digester and tertiary filtration membrane, before the final
discharge. Water samples were regularly taken monthly and tested
by POM environment officer in charge and analysed to ensure
compliance to DOE requirements at the final discharge point. The
discharged water is 100% used for land application into the nearby
estate, Lim & Lim, before going into Sungai Serai.
Water quality analysis of Sungai Serai was conducted monthly.
Records are maintained and verified on-site to have met the
permissible regulatory limits (e.g., BOD < 100 ppm). For the mill, the
reading has always been less than 20 ppm. This was conducted by
Lotus Laboratory Services Sdn Bhd. Records are maintained and
verified on-site to have met the permissible regulatory limits.
Water samples collected and analysis carried out at twice a year for
treated water. The treated water for domestic use meets all the
required parameters, including that of bacterium count (WHO
Specification for Drinking Water Quality).
Ambient air monitoring report was conducted quarterly and the result
complied to the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Monthly report on the environmental monitoring was also done and
submitted to DOE.
4.5.5: Natural Water Resources The management shall A water management plan was reviewed in 2021. There is no named Complied
establish a water management river crossing the estates. There are only small streams that later
plan to maintain the quality and lead to the main river outside the estate boundary, i.e Sungai Serai
availability of natural water and Sungai Johor.
resources (surface and ground
Page 24 of 41
water). The water management The Water Quality Index of these natural small streams was
plan may include: monitored twice a year. Record on the water quality was made
a) Assessment of water available during the audit. No rainwater harvesting being conducted
usage and sources of at the housing site for other alternative uses.
b) Monitoring of outgoing
water which may have
negative impacts into the
natural waterways at a
frequency that reflects the
estate’s current activities.
c) Ways to optimize water
and nutrient usage to
reduce wastage (e.g.,
having in place systems for
re-use, night application,
maintenance of equipment
to reduce leakage,
collection of rainwater,
etc.). Where open discharge The POME was discharged for land irrigation at the nearest estate Complied
of POME into water course is i.e., Lim & Lim Estate, and not directly into any water courses.
practiced, mills should
undertake to gradually phase it
out in accordance to the
applicable state or national
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through a physical inspection, if MSPO approved auditors. Therefore, a minor non-conformance has
required. been raised under this indicator.
3.2 Status of Identified Noncompliance and Corrective Actions, Observations and Positive Elements.
The status of the Noncompliance (NC) and Observation (OBS) identified against the MSPO Part 3 Compliance Indicators is
as per the details below:
Audit Type Year OBS Follow Up Status
Major Minor
Annual Surveillance Audit 2021 1 2 1 ▪ 1 Major NC was closed on 27/01/2022 by off-site
(ASA-03) verification due to Covid-19 unsafe condition.
▪ 2 Minor NCs will be verified during next audit
Annual Surveillance Audit 2020 1 3 2 ▪ 1 Major NC was closed on 12/01/2021 by off-site
(ASA-02) verification due to travel restriction as the
implementation of Conditional Movement Control
Order (CMCO)
▪ 3 Minor NCs were closed 29/10/2021.
To source for training provider to conduct in house training to estate and mill staff/worker.
Minimum 20pax.
Corrective Action(s):
Basic First Aid Training was conducted by CERT Academy on 19 and 20 January 2022. Total
4 pax from Factory and 16 pax from Estate attended the training.
CA Implementation timeline:
26th January 2022. Please refer to Appendix no.2 Basic First Aid Training.
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Further verification was done through phone interview with Management and Sustainability
Executives to verify the effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
Based on the evidence, documents, and phone interview with selected personnel, it can
conclude that the corrective action was implemented accordingly. Thus, the Major finding was
closed. The continuous implementation shall be verified again in the next assessment.
The actions taken and implementation needed were found to have satisfactorily addressed
the issue and accepted for closure.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: NEA & MAS Date Closed: 27/01/2022
Verification of Effectiveness:
NC Status Verified by Auditor: Date Verified:
To update the contact and details.
Corrective Action(s):
To review & update the contact and details of the list by 1 month before conduct yearly
stakeholders meeting.
CA Implementation timeline:
4th Dec 2021. Please refer to Appendix no.3 LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS REV15.
Verification on Corrective Action(s): by Lead Auditor / Auditor
The CAP was accepted. The effective implementation of the corrective action will be verified
during next audit. Status “Open”.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: Date Closed:
Verification of Effectiveness:
NC Status Verified by Auditor: Date Verified:
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NC# Details of Non-Conformance (NC)
20211029-N2 Date issued: 29 October 2021
(Minor) Requirement:
The management shall accept MSPO approved auditors to verify assessments through a
physical inspection if required.
Statement of Non-conformance:
There is no evidence that contractor agreed to be assessed by auditors.
Evidence of Non-conformance:
Contract agreement between the mill management and their contractors were reviewed
during the audit. However, there is no evidence that contractors performing task agreed to
be assessed by MSPO approved auditors.
Root Cause Analysis, Correction(s) & Corrective Action(s) by Auditee Representative
Root Cause Analysis (RCA):
Overlook the clause on the acceptance of assessment by MSPO approved auditors.
To include additional clause on the acceptance of assessment by MSPO approved
auditors in the new contractor’s agreement.
Corrective Action(s):
Additional clause on the acceptance of assessment by MSPO approved auditors has been
included in the contractor’s agreement.
CA Implementation timeline:
26th January 2022. Please refer to Appendix no.1 Estate Contractor Agreement.
Verification on Corrective Action(s): by Lead Auditor / Auditor
The CAP was accepted. The effective implementation of the corrective action will be
verified during next audit. Status “Open”.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: Date Closed:
Verification of Effectiveness:
NC Status Verified by Auditor: Date Verified:
OBS # Details of Observation Opened Closed Remark,
Date Date (if any)
20211029-O1 Location: Masai POM 29 Oct 2021 - Next Audit
(Observation) (1) The monitoring of Recommendation from
Assessor of CHRA Report could be further
enhance by tabulating the recommendation
and update the status of each
recommendation when necessary.
(2) The monitoring of Recommendation from
Assessor of NRA Report could be further
enhance by tabulating the recommendation
and update the status of each
recommendation when necessary.
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(1) To install clear signage and barricades for identified the area of metal scrap, plant
equipment and recycled material storage area.
(2) To generate a general risk assessment for workers during walking into main gate
towards to palm oil mill working stations.
(3) To repair the malfunction reverse signal of shovel.
(4) To install the flash back arrestor at all the oxyacetylene and acetylene tanks.
(5) To refill incomplete items in the first aid kit
(6) To update the chemical registration.
Page 30 of 41
Corrective Action(s):
(1) To assign a PIC for always monitor the storage area.
(2) Safety Officer ensure that risk assessment is cover all activities of the mill and to review
all the risk assessment when necessary.
(3) To include the reverse signal into the shovel driver checklist.
(4) To include the flash back arrestor into the workshop safety checklist.
(5) To train the importance of safety feature of equipment or machineries at the mill to the
person-in-charge of that particular equipment or machinery, i.e., shovel and
oxyacetylene and acetylene tanks
(6) To generate a checklist for first aid box monitoring
(7) The new lab manager will be assigned to be PIC for updating the chemical registration
in the future.
(8) To give refresher briefing to the administration staff regarding reporting system related
to JKKP, especially for any accident case MC is more than 4 days using JKKP 6 Form.
CA Implementation Timeline:
November 2020
Verification on Corrective Action(s): by Lead Auditor / Auditor
Off-site verification was done due to travel restriction as Malaysian Government announced
the implementation of Movement Control Order (MCO).
Following supporting evidence and documents were verified:
(1) Sighted pictorial of metal scrap area which was barricades, and the management has
erected the identification signage of designated area.
(2) Sighted HIRARC – General Risk, which was conducted by Mill Safety & Health Officer
and Mill Engineer on 31 Oct 2020 and approved by Senior Mill Manager on 02 Nov
(3) Viewed the video of shovel operated which verified from the video that the reverse
sensor of the shovel is functioning.
(4) Sighted record of amended shovel driver checklist which was incorporated reverse
sensor as part of it.
(5) Sighted Register of Chemicals Hazardous to Health of Laboratory which was prepared
by Lab Chemist and approved by Lab Manager on 11 Nov 2020.
(6) Sighted pictorial of oxyacetylene tanks at mill and estate, which was equipped with
safety equipment, i.e., flashback arrestor device, and guide chain.
(7) Sighted training records for foreman and shovel driver regarding SOP for handling
oxyacetylene tanks and shovel. Both trainings were done in Nov 2020.
(8) Sighted pictorial of complete first aid kit at the weighbridge room and steriliser station.
(9) Sighted checklist for first aid kit monitoring, latest on 14 Dec 2020.
Further verification was done through phone interview with Senior Mill Manager, Safety &
Health Officer, Mill Engineer, Lab Manager, Shovel Driver of Masai POM and Sustainability
Manager, to verify the effectiveness of the corrective action taken.
Based on the evidence, documents, and phone interview with selected personnel, it can
conclude that the corrective action was implemented effectively. Thus, the Major finding
was closed. The continuous implementation shall be verified again in the next assessment.
The actions taken and implementation needed were found to have satisfactorily addressed
the issue and accepted for closure.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: MAS & MH Date Closed: 12 Jan 2021
Verification of Effectiveness:
The corrective action taken found to be sufficient and effective. It is implemented
accordingly. No similar non-compliance found during the audit. Thus, the Major NC raised
during previous assessment was remain closed.
NC Status Verified by Auditor: MAS Date Verified: 29/10/2021
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The legal requirements register shall be updated as and when there are any new
amendments or any new regulations coming into force.
Statement of Nonconformance:
Legal Requirements Register is not updated.
Evidence of Nonconformance:
The management has established Legal Requirements Register as a list of all relevant and
applicable laws and regulations to its operation. However, the list is not inclusive of new
amendments and new regulations that is already in force.
Root Cause Analysis, Correction(s) & Corrective Action(s) by Auditee Representative:
Root Cause Analysis (RCA):
Personnel in charge of is not aware on list of all relevant and applicable laws and
regulations to mill and estates operation.
Corrective Action(s):
To revise and update a list annually to ensure all new law and regulation is updated in a list.
CA Implementation Timeline:
August 2021
Verification on Corrective Action(s): by Lead Auditor / Auditor
Evidences submitted as above for the corrective actions done with attached evidences at
the audited sites were verified on-site. The actions taken and implementation were found to
have satisfactorily addressed the issue and acceptable for closure.
Based on the evidence, documents, and phone interview with selected personnel, it can
conclude that the corrective action was implemented accordingly and found to have
satisfactorily addressed the issue and accepted for closure. The continuous implementation
shall be verified again in the next audit.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: MAS Date Closed: 29/10/2021
Verification of Effectiveness:
NC Status Verified by Auditor: Date Verified:
NC# Details of Non-Conformance (NC)
202010-N2 Date Issued: 14 October 2020
Minor Requirement:
A waste management plan shall be developed and implemented, to avoid or reduce
pollution. The waste management plan should include measure for:
a) Identifying and monitoring sources of waste and pollution.
b) Improving the efficiency and recycling potential of mill by-products by converting them
into value-added products.
Statement of Nonconformance:
The implementation of waste management plan is inadequate.
Evidence of Nonconformance:
1) At the Boiler ash storage area, it was observed that the leachate had stayed stagnant
at the area and not properly directed to the drain that lead to the effluent pond.
2) At the FFB washing area, wastewater was seen clogged and stayed stagnant. It was
not properly directed to the drain for proper disposal.
3) At Designated Metal Scrap / collection area:
▪ Various type of scrap material including rubber tyres, tubes, wood, and plastic
materials were noted mixed and dump at the location.
▪ No separate designated location was identified for the other types of domestic and
recyclable waste materials.
Root Cause Analysis, Correction(s) & Corrective Action(s) by Auditee Representative
Root Cause Analysis (RCA):
Negligence for monitor the area of boiler ash storage area and FFB washing area.
Page 32 of 41
Corrective Action(s):
(1) To build a new perimeter drain at the boiler ash storage area to direct the leachate go
into effluent treatment system.
(2) To include boiler ash storage area into the environmental checklist.
(3) To build a new drain at FFB washing area to direct the water to proper disposal.
(4) To include FFB washing area into the environmental checklist.
(5) To clearly separate the scrap material and recyclable material c/w proper signage.
(6) To assign a PIC for manage the area.
CA Implementation Timeline:
August 2021
Verification on Corrective Action(s): by Lead Auditor / Auditor
Evidences submitted as above for the corrective actions done with attached evidences at
the audited sites were verified on-site. The actions taken and implementation were found to
have satisfactorily addressed the issue and acceptable for closure.
Based on the evidence, documents, and phone interview with selected personnel, it can
conclude that the corrective action was implemented accordingly and found to have
satisfactorily addressed the issue and accepted for closure. The continuous implementation
shall be verified again in the next audit.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: MH Date Closed: 29/10/2021
Verification of Effectiveness:
NC Status Verified by Auditor: Date Verified:
NC# Details of Non-Conformance (NC)
202010-N3 Date Issued: 14 October 2020
Minor Requirement:
The management shall provide evidence of agreed contracts with the contractor.
Statement of Nonconformance:
Specific clauses meeting applicable legal requirement, disallowing child, forced and
trafficked labour are not available in contract document with contracted third party.
Evidence of Nonconformance:
Contract with Agensi Pekerjaan Cosmo Sdn. Bhd. did not specify the clauses on meeting
applicable legal requirement, disallowing child, forced and trafficked labour.
Root Cause Analysis, Correction(s) & Corrective Action(s) by Auditee Representative
Root Cause Analysis (RCA):
Administration executive is not aware the contract with Agensi Pekerjaan Cosmo Sdn Bhd
did not specify the clause on meeting applicable legal requirements, disallowing child,
forced and trafficked labour.
Corrective Action(s):
(1) To renew the Cosmo contract with the additional clauses which are meeting applicable
legal requirement, disallowing child, forced and trafficked labour.
(2) To review all third-party contract and ensure all of them are including the clauses of
meeting applicable legal requirement, disallowing child, forced and trafficked labour.
CA Implementation Timeline:
August 2021
Verification on Corrective Action(s): by Lead Auditor / Auditor
Evidences submitted as above for the corrective actions done with attached evidences at
the audited sites were verified on-site. The actions taken and implementation were found to
have satisfactorily addressed the issue and acceptable for closure.
Based on the evidence, documents, and phone interview with selected personnel, it can
conclude that the corrective action was implemented accordingly and found to have
Page 33 of 41
satisfactorily addressed the issue and accepted for closure. The continuous implementation
shall be verified again in the next audit.
NC Status Closed by Auditor: NEA Date Closed: 29/10/2021
Verification of Effectiveness:
NC Status Verified by Auditor: Date Verified:
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Therefore, it is recommended that the certification of Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad – Masai Palm Oil Mill be approved and
Lead Auditor
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4.2 INTERTEK – MSPO Certificate Details for Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad – Masai Palm Oil Mill
Certificate No MSPO 008A
Start Date: 10 Dec 2018
Expiry Date: 09 Dec 2023
Organisation Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad
Address of Head Office 9 Miles, Kong Kong Road, 81757 Masai, Johor, Malaysia.
Name of Estates Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad – Masai Palm Oil Mill
Address of Estates 9 Miles, Kong Kong Road, 81757 Masai, Johor, Malaysia.
MPOB License No. 500026504000
GPS Coordinate Latitude: 1.540346O N
Longitude: 103.964895O E
Standard MSPO Part 4 (MS 2530–4: 2013) General Principles for Palm Oil Mills
Certification Scope Sustainable Management of Palm Oil Mill with Capacity of 60 MT per Hour.
The annual certified tonnages / volumes at the mill are detailed as follows:
Masai Palm Oil Mill Annual Tonnages (MT)
Certified CPO 8985.41
Certified PK 2763.11
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Mr. Mohamad Amirul Saifullah Mohamad Senan (MAS) – Lead Auditor / Team Leader / Technical Expert
(Palm Oil Mill, GAP, Integrated Pest Management, Safety and Health, and Supply Chain)
– Bachelor of Agricultural Science (UPM)
Mr. Mohamad Amirul has more than 6 years working experience in the oil palm plantation operations, agriculture, safety, and health related
field. He was attached to a large publicly listed plantation organisation since 2012. His job responsibilities include supervision and monitoring
to ensure that all estate operations are complying to the RSPO, ISCC and MSPO requirements and regulations, Good Agricultural Practice,
and other standard operation procedures. He was involved in the Internal Audits of plantation operations for compliance with the RSPO,
ISCC and MSPO requirements. He has successfully completed and passed RSPO Principles & Criteria Lead Auditor Course and the RSPO
Supply Chain Certification Lead Assessor Course in Jan 2019, ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Quality Management Systems Training Course,
Lead Auditor Occupational Health & Safety Management System (ISO 45001:2018) Training Course, and the MSPO Lead Auditor for
OPMC and Supply Chain Course in 2018. He had been involved in ISO 9001, RSPO P&C, RSPO SCC, MSPO Part 3, MSPO Part 4 and
MSPO SCC auditing since December 2018 within Malaysia. He has good on-field knowledge in the Palm Oil sector such as industry
fundamentals on good agricultural practices (GAP), best management practices (BMP), sustainability, social and OHS issues (e.g., worker
welfare issues and social matters such as employment terms, gender issues, worker welfare etc.) environmental matters (e.g., pollution
control, conservation of resources). He is a qualified Lead Auditor for both the RSPO, MSPO, and ISO 9001:2015 certification audits, and
qualified Auditor for ISO 45001:2018 certification audits.
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Method for Remote Audit – Document Review and Audit, including Site Visit:
• Through Interview & Site Audit, get objective evidence with the use of ICT, such as:
WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Voice Call/Video
• Documented Information submitted/shared screen during interview through ICT, such
as: Email, WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Voice Call/Video
Call/ Messaging
▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1
▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2
▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3
▪ Principle 4 ▪ Principle 5 ▪ Principle 4
▪ Principle 5 ▪ Principle 6 ▪ Principle 6
▪ Principle 6
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Continue Remote Audit at Masai Palm Oil Mill
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Team Meeting and Discussion
Day 2 Method for Remote Audit – Document Review and Audit, including Site Visit:
• Through Interview & Site Audit, get objective evidence with the use of ICT, such as:
WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Voice Call/Video
• Documented Information submitted/shared screen during interview through ICT, such
as: Email, WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Voice
Call/Video Call/ Messaging
▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1
▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2
▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3
▪ Principle 4 ▪ Principle 5 ▪ Principle 4
▪ Principle 5 ▪ Principle 6 ▪ Principle 6
▪ Principle 6 ▪ Principle 7 ▪ Principle 7
▪ Principle 7 (if applicable) (if applicable)
(if applicable)
11:00 am – 1:00 pm NEA
Stakeholders’ Consultation on the following categories (see Notes 1 and 2 below):
• Contractors
• Suppliers
• Transporters
Page 38 of 41
• NGOs
• Government Department / Agencies
• Local Community
1. It is mandatory for the UOC to inform Intertek and provide the information (as a
minimum the no. of stakeholders in each applicable category and contact number) on
the stakeholders prior to the audit.
2. This will facilitate the random and impartial selection of stakeholders (including
independent and organized smallholders, where applicable) and to meet the sample size
Lunch Break
Continue Remote Audit at Lian Huap Oil Palm Plantations
Team Meeting and Discussion
Day 3 Method for Remote Audit – Document Review and Audit, including Site Visit:
• Through Interview & Site Audit, get objective evidence with the use of ICT, such as:
WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Voice Call/Video
• Documented Information submitted/shared screen during interview through ICT, such as:
Email, WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Voice Call/Video
Call/ Messaging
▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1
▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2
▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3
▪ Principle 4 ▪ Principle 5 ▪ Principle 4
▪ Principle 5 ▪ Principle 6 ▪ Principle 6
▪ Principle 6 ▪ Principle 7 ▪ Principle 7
▪ Principle 7 (if applicable) (if applicable)
(if applicable)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 6:00 pm Continue Remote Audit at Lim & Lim Plantations
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Team Meeting and Discussion
Day 4 Method for Remote Audit – Document Review and Audit, including Site Visit:
• Through Interview & Site Audit, get objective evidence with the use of ICT, such as:
WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Video Call/Messaging
• Documented Information submitted/shared screen during interview through ICT, such as:
Email, WhatsApp Voice Call/Video Call/Messaging, Microsoft Teams Video Call/ Messaging
▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1 ▪ Principle 1
▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2 ▪ Principle 2
▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3 ▪ Principle 3
Page 39 of 41
Page 40 of 41
APPENDIX C: Location Map of Keck Seng (Malaysia) Berhad – Masai Palm Oil Mill
Appendix C-1:
GPS Coordinate:
Latitude: 1.540346O N
Longitude: 103.964895O E
-End of Report-
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