FS2 Ep4
FS2 Ep4
FS2 Ep4
Matching Problematic Learning Situation with probable Action Participate and Assist
What five problems have you identified from the words that you have encircled? Make a
statement. Write in the space below.
5. Modular learning
The Action is: Move or find a spot in your area that has strong connection
The Action is: Search an activity that focused on collaboration and teamwork.
The Problem: New Learning Platform
What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one
solution to the problem? Yes. Explain.
The problems that I gave happened in every school. Those problems have more than one
solution. There is no problem that doesn’t have solution but those solution is depends on the
availability in the location or the appropriateness in a certain situation. There can be more than
one solution to those problems just for example the connectivity, aside from finding a good spot,
students can ask for the soft copy of the lesson or they can switch to modular mode. Some
solutions are not appropriate on other location just for example the problem is the new normal
the solution might be webinar for the students to become aware, those students that live far in the
area that has a connection. There are situation that when the problems occur the solution seems
Let us try to look into the following scenario in the daily life of a teacher. This scenario
might also be similar to the class you have observed and noticed.
Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and
invertebrates. She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no
progress was observed. This situation has been bothering Miss Fely.
Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem? I think the problem was the way Miss Fely teach
the subject. She may not have made the subject interesting, relatable, or relevant.
Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners
come from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians
who stand only as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.
• Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir
Ryan? a. The time that supposedly for learning but consumed by the time travel of the
students. b. The availability of the students to come to school because they will prioritize
their daily needs.
• Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified? If
I am to suggest, I would tell that teacher Ryan should be more patient and understand the
situation of his students. If the students can’t go to school, the teacher can go to their
house. We, as a teacher, it is our duty to cure ignorance. It is our duty to teach. We can do
it not only inside the classroom, but anywhere we wanted to be.
After identifying problems and finding its solutions it helped me to become a better future
teacher because it made me realize that in education it is not all smooth and straight path. There
are situations that are hard for the teachers and for the students as well. There are times that we
need to prioritize our students because their future depends on us. Being a teacher is not just a
job it is more than that, and I thought that being a teacher is the hardest part but now I realize that
being a student is much harder especially when there is a battle between their future or their food
for daily living.
1. What problematic situation prevails in the classroom? The problem that mostly happened in
the classroom was the absenteeism and students got not interested in the subject or in the topic.
2. What changes do you want to achieve? The changes that I want to achieve are that the
students will find the subject interesting, relatable and relevant and come to my class daily.
3. What strategies will you use to improve the situation? I will use different approach in
teaching. I will use some strategies that will gain their interest like game-based learning,
encourages different learning styles, changes in classroom set up and their siting arrangement.
And transition from time to time.
4. What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study? “Teacher on
the move; Earning Students’ Interest using Different Strategies”
Here are some problematic situations in the teaching-learning environment as observed and
experienced by the teachers. Match the problems listed in Column A with corresponding
probable solutions in Column B. You may use the letter once, more than once or not at all.
I. Title of Action Research Engaging All Students: Strategies to Promote Meaningful Learning
and Increase Academic Performance
II. Author/s
III. Abstract
This action research project studied the impact specific engagement strategies had on student
academic performance. We conducted this project in two ninth-grade English classes in a
suburban high school and two eighth-grade Spanish classes in a suburban middle school both of
which were located in a Midwestern metropolitan area. During the study, students participated in
a variety of engagement strategies aimed at promoting academic excellence: 1) challenge and
competition, 2) cooperation and connection, 3) curiosity and controversy, and 4) choice and
creativity. The data- provided by course grades, student feedback, students observations, and
teacher reflections- showed students were more engaged after implementing specific strategies.
Students enjoyed their classes more, paid more attention, tried harder, wanted to learn more, and
found the class more meaningful. Future research regarding specific strategies, student profiles,
time of day, subject content, and difficulty of the curriculum is recommended to provide
additional insight on learning. IV. Identify the Problem of the Study The problem of the study
was the engagement of the students in learning enable for them to have a high or excellent
academic performance.
Teacher must include a variety of instructional strategies to encourage high levels of student
engagement. By providing variety in the different types of engagement strategies, teachers allow
students the opportunity to invest in their learning and connect with the material.