Guide To Aesthetics
Guide To Aesthetics
Guide To Aesthetics
Supplementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Lifestyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
The Guide to Aesthetics
If you are new to the world of Jeff Seid –
At the heart of all this information is my personal practice of the branch of philosophy
concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty and artistic taste, especially in
the human body. For me, this is the most basic statement about aesthetics.
My commitment to
develop my body also
extends to developing
myself as a person.
Why else would you be reading a book about me unless you are
curious about where I came from and the choices I’ve made to
get where I am today? How is it possible to go from an average
teenager, to my life today? Well, this is it, my story, in words and
pictures, which I have personally written for you.
My mom and dad made sure the basics of good sportsmanship came
first. But my father, particularly and especially, taught me how to play
competitively as well. His favorite saying that he instilled in me was “no
regrets”. For a young boy, to understand good sportsmanship and also
develop the drive to compete was a crucial lesson, and one I was lucky to
get early on. Thanks, Dad.
During the summer everyone would hang around the field watching the
team practice. All the neighborhood kids were there, outside, running
around, being active. Just having fun, goofing off. Some of my strongest
friendships were formed during those baseball seasons and they are
especially sweet because our teams were undefeated for multiple
seasons. Whatever team I was on, I had fun but I always played very com-
petitively. I’ve often wondered why some people participate in sports
but don’t have a desire to win or even do their best. So there are two
things you now know about me for sure – I play to win (and did even back
then) and I try my best. No matter what, I try my very best.
To me, if you don’t play to win, you have the wrong mentality.
In my mind, if I ever sense any doubt, I tell that voice in my
If you grow up with this mind set for sports, you can use it very
successfully in your day-to-day life, too. It works especially well with
career challenges and reflects on your life in general. So always try
your best and go for the win.
The Beginning
As I said, I was athletic, very early on,
so when I started running track at
age 9, I had already played on teams
in various sports for six years. When I
was 11, however, two events
changed my life forever.
As my wrestling commitments
became integrated into every part of
our family life; old friends, neighbors,
strangers, pretty much everybody in
town had something to say about
how I was a natural at the sport and
keep up with it. Having the support
of your hometown means everything
to an up and coming young man
because those are the people who
know where you come from and the
real you.
You might think I’d be rebellious at Mostl though, it was my need to
this predictable age. But the truth is, I improve, to be the best version of
knew I had “it”. Whatever it takes to myself that enabled me to transform
win – and win big – I knew even then into a true champion. For that to
I could compete and not just hold my happen, I had to dedicate myself to
own, but dominate. this goal and train and train and train
to become the best.
I’ll always be thankful for the
opportunities my parents helped It took only a couple of years of wres-
create for me. They were by my side tling before I was one of the best
at every practice, every tournament: wrestlers in the country. My sheer
my family was always there with me, dedication: the blood, the sweat and,
supporting me. yes, even some tears were all worth
One great benefit from all this
support was that my dad would I was a champion. It feels great to say
record every single wrestling match, I transformed myself. If you are read-
throughout my entire life. Our ing this, it is also within your power.
tradition was to go back home (or You just have to want it and work for
back in the bleachers), and figure out it. Every day.
how to improve my technique.
Hundreds and hundreds of matches
Hund By the time I was ready to enter high
recorded, each match studied to school, I could look back at all my
figure out how to perfect my accomplishments. They were reflect-
technique. ed in the team records and school
championships from my middle
We watched the tapes together, school, Meeker, where I had broken
critiqued myself, and practiced what multiple individual school records.
I needed to do to become the best. It Football, wrestling, and track – I ate
wasn’t long before I was winning breathed and lived sports. As I was
every match, becoming the dark getting attention for my sports abili-
horse in every tournament and ties, it was also tough to stay out of
stunning the crowds with dramatic trouble. The usual stuff – always get-
upsets ting suspended for fighting, vandal-
izing schools, spray-painting build
My father and I went to so many ing, drug dealing, shoplifting, etc.
tournaments, every weekend Probably just like most high school
another tournament, and with all that boys across America, you name it, my
traveling and competing, I felt it was friends and I did it. I’m not proud of
in my blood to win. myself but I knew I was a good kid at
heart and we were just messing
around, more bored than bad.
The only reason you are reading this,
however, is because I was very lucky
to have parents who pushed me back
onto the path to success whenever I
staggered off or in another direction.
You might be saying – enough
already about the parents – yet many
young adults who also have a talent
or a potential for greatness, don’t
have adults to guide them.
Life - Unexpected
As I started high school I had
already built one of the most aes-
thetic physiques in the state and
was a force to be reckoned with on
any playing field. It may sound arro-
gant but I figured high school would
be a cakewalk. I was excited, ecstat
ic even.
By now, I was following a solid 5-day As a 14 year old freshman! Also, I
split and was developing a basic was team captain and the only player
understanding of mind muscle con- to make it to State that year. The
nection and realizing what was following year as a sophomore I
needed for muscle hypertrophy. went on to nationals as a cadet.
Weight lifting wise, my knowledge
was a hundred times what it had Then, track. Breaking multiple
been. My nutrition was also good
been school records and making it to state
and my training was the best it had every year.
ever been at that point. Everything
was on track; all that hard work was Wrestling, football and track kept me
paying off. busy freshman, sophomore, and
junior year. Each sport, every season,
Like all high school athletes, my eye it seemed to go by in a blur, right up
was always on the prize – athletic until beginning of senior year. I can
scholarships to cover college tuition sit down and list all of the many
and playing at the next level. It was awards from those years, show all of
the next step and everything during my trophies and medals but to sum it
those following four years had been all up I was a fierce competitor as
planned out in my head, I had a well as a team player and leader.
game plan of what I needed to do to
present myself to the best colleges As I started senior year, I was already
and earn myself a scholarship to a talking to a couple D-1 schools about
top D-1 school. potential scholarships for a position
on the teams as outside linebacker. It
Freshman year started off great. I was felt like I couldn’t lose. As I said, my
captain of the football team, playing entire future was based on getting
running back and outside linebacker college paid for by a sports scholar-
and we had a winning season. Foot- ship. Clearly I was on the right path
ball has always been one of my to accomplishing this far-reaching
favorite sports and it was especially goal.
fun (not to mention challenging) to
match up against a whole new divi-
sion of kids and compete against a
whole new level of talent.
(You live and learn from mistakes,
definitely wouldn’t recommend this
style of prepping to anyone now).
Two pretty hot chicks walked out with my trophy and sword and
awarded them to me. I held the sword up… high up… in
celebration. Finally, after so many months of falling into
depression, I felt like myself again.
Going Forward
Using Florida as my base, I started posting vids regularly. Then, I
was able to elevate my image by working with photographer Luis
Rafael. This was the time I did my infamous Spartan shoot. Once
these pictures flooded the Internet, my name grew and immedi-
ately I was the talk of the fitness industry.
The other thing that happened during this Florida stay was I
found a great mentor, John Daly. He showed me the ins and outs
of the fitness business and by the time I left Florida, I was ready to
conquer the fitness industry.
Getting Down to Business
After the bad experience in Vegas, I just kept going. I got a job as
a personal trainer at David Barton Gym in Bellevue and
continued to post YouTube videos while my following kept
growing exponentially. Everything was right on track.
All too soon I was back in Washington, with one week to prepare
for Nationals. My dad and I flew to Chicago on my 19th birthday
– June 12, 2013. It had been just over a year since I had finished
high school and gone to Miami.
Nationals have 6 different height classes and this year there were
approximately 120 competitors. Although this was the biggest
show in men’s physique history and it was going to be my
toughest competition yet, I was ready.
I nailed my prep, my posing was on point and because I ended
up winning my height class, I became the youngest IFBB profes-
sional. Ever. Then it was like the previous shows all over again –
on stage, the six champions battling it out for the Overall. Step-
ping on stage, I checked out my fellow competitors, then moved
to my mark, looking out into the huge crowd.
It’s a lot of grind for short time glory. But, oh, the glory!!! Like
before, once comparisons were complete, the judges whispering
quietly, we all waited for the final decision. My heart was racing
and seconds felt like minutes.
The master of ceremonies took the mic and began reading the
names of each competitor on stage, telling everyone (and us) we
were the best in the nation and should be proud for how far we
had come.
Then it was time, the moment of truth: “Please take the trophy
and check to this years 2013 Nationals Overall winner, and
youngest IFBB pro of all time, JEFF SEID!”
The first thing that popped into my head as soon as I won Junior
Nationals was the Mr. Olympia.
There are two ways to qualify for the Mr. Olympia: place often
enough in the top 5 in the IFBB Pro shows of the year to earn the
sufficient amount of points and be top 5 in the point stands or;
win a pro show. We decided the latter was my best option. The
Olympia deadline was in a few months and there were only a few
shows left to qualify. I ended up flying all across the country,
hitting three shows during the month of July. It wasn’t until the
final show of the season – the Valenti Gold Cup in Florida – that I
finally made the cut.
The year after the Mr. Olympia contest, my career really took off
– literally. I was now flying around the world for various expos
and appearances monthly. I haven’t really had a chance to stop,
take it all in and breathe out. But staying hungry right now is the
key to my success.
I really can’t stress enough how important understanding TIME can
be when striving to be a bodybuilder. I have seen people train for a
couple months, get discouraged by their slow progress, and quit
before really ever seeing what they’re truly capable of achieving. If
you want to be a bodybuilder, you start down a thousand mile road,
and you have begun a marathon, not a foot race. But if you consist-
ently train/eat correctly you’ll maximize your potential and drasti-
cally speed up your journey.
It’s essential that your body have an anabolic diet to build and grow
muscle. That’s why it’s so important to have proper nutrition. This is
the foundation of any great bodybuilder. It doesn’t matter if you
track your macros, follow a meal plan, guesstimate or whatever
method you choose to follow - all that matters is that you get the
food you need into your body. Period.
The average gym goer does not realize how important nutrition is in
when trying to build muscle. You need to train very intensely, of
course, but training hard will not be enough. When you tear down
your muscle fibers, your body rebuilds to be stronger and to do so,
it must be well nourished.”
Mind-Muscle Connection
Maybe you’ve been training for a couple years now but you
aren’t seeing much growth in a certain body part. You hit it just as
frequently as every other muscle group, but it just doesn’t seem
to grow. Typically the biggest problem is you aren’t consciously
contracting the working muscle.
Next time you enter the gym, take a minute and look around at
other people. Do you see guys doing set after set, simply "going
through the motions," so to speak? If momentum gets the weight
from point A to point B, the lift will be much easier.
Form > Weight
When you tear muscle fibers, your body rebuilds the fibers to be
stronger/bigger. This process is called hypertrophy – a fancy
word for how we grow bigger. By contracting the muscles
efficiently you stimulate hypertrophy and make the muscles
My experience has been that the more I hit a muscle group, the
more opportunity my body has to rebuild. Training every muscle
group twice each week has been, for me, the best foundation to
building muscle.
In the past, I would hit chest three times a week. It would work
out something like this: I’d hit chest on Monday; then
Chest/Shoulders on Thursday; and again chest on Saturday. This
resulted in huge muscle growth in my pecs and my chest grew
very noticeably in the 12 months on this schedule. But rest is
crucial in growth and recovery. I recommend at least 48-72 hours
of rest before training the same muscle group. It’s key to listen to
your body. If your chest is still very sore, it’s pretty much saying
you need more time to recover. There’s a big difference between
soreness and pain. Know the difference, and always listen to your
Progressive Overload
Here is the basic concept – Muscles and CNS get torn down in
order to be built back up. You can improve muscle size, strength,
and endurance by increasing the demands on your musculoskel-
etal system. I want to be clear, though, I‘m not saying progressive
overload is essential in building muscle, but it is essential in
building strength.”
For instance, lets say you can currently bench 185lbs for 10 reps.
The next week start implementing Progressive Overload into
your training regime by adding 5lbs to the bench, so you will be
pressing 190lbs for the same 10 reps. As you progressively add
weight each week, your strength will increase.
Train to Failure
Ok… so imagine you’re at the gym, with earphones in; you’re in the
zone… ready to hit your next set… and in your mind you have deter-
mined a goal of 8 reps. After the set of 8 reps though, you actually
aren’t that fatigued and if you were to be completely honest with
yourself, you probably had 3-4 more reps in you. So why did you
stop at 8? The last three or four reps are what makes the muscle
grow. It can be hard and it can be painful but this level of pain and
pain tolerance is what divides the champion from someone else
who is not and will not be a champion. That’s why I train to failure
every set.
First thing I do as I enter the gym is I attack the weights. Every prob-
lem is pushed to the back of my head and my sole focus is on each
rep. Most of the time, when I workout, I don’t go into a set with a
number in mind. Absolute failure is my goal.
Training Partner
Now this isn’t necessarily a necessity.
As you train, your level of intensity increases and this is what
makes for overall growth.
Same Muscle Super Set
Stack two exercises together that work the same muscle group,
e.g. Alt. DB Curls w/ Hanging Curls.
Antagonistic Super Setting
Pyramid sets are when you perform a set, then raise the weight,
and then lower the weight back down. There is always the same
amount of reps for every set (no rest breaks). My favorite way to
incorporate this into my training is on squats. I‘ll start at 135lbs
and do 6 reps, then 185lbs for 6 reps, then 225lbs for 6, and at
the top of the pyramid I’ll do 275lbs for 6 reps. Then I work my
way back down the pyramid to 225lbs for 6, 185 for 6 and at the
bottom of the pyramid do the final 6 reps. Usually I will do 10
pulsating reps to finish off.
275 lbs
6 reps
225 lbs
6 reps
185 lbs
6 reps
135 lbs
6 reps
Cleaning the Rack
This pretty much is performing multiple drop sets until you can’t
do another rep with any weight. This is a great way to finish off
your workout with a huge pump.
I’ll do this from time to time with dumbbell shrugs for traps. I start
with 100lbs and do 5 reps, drop 10lbs to 90s and do another 5
reps, then 80s for 5, etc. until I get to 40lbs. Then I’ll hold each
rep at the top and squeeze for 5 seconds. You’ll feel a massive
Pulsating Reps
Push / Pull
One of the most basic weight lifting splits is called the push/pull
split. Push is for all pushing movements, while pull for all pulling
Push targets chest and triceps, while pull is back and biceps.
Retract Shoulder Blades
Bicep Growth 101
Whenever I’m at the gym, the one body part I always see people
training incorrectly is biceps. They’re either rocking back and
forth using momentum to get the weight up; using horrible range
of motion; gripping the bar with a vice grip; or just not efficiently
targeting the biceps.
At the end of each rep, lock out and fully flex your triceps. This will
help you engage the full bicep muscle belly by squeezing the
muscle at the longest point of flexion. Do a 4 second negative,
flex triceps, then 1-second concentric rep, and repeat for the full
One thing that has worked well for me is not squeezing the bar as
I curl. By not squeezing, it takes away any emphasis on the fore-
arms, which then places greater stress on the biceps. Try holding
the weight in your fingertips: you’ll be able to activate your
biceps to a much greater extent by using a more relaxed grip.
For dumbbell curls, at the top of the curl, rotate the pinky side of
your hand so it is higher then your fleshy thumb part. This will
allow you to get full flexion of your biceps, hitting it at all angles.
At the top of the curl, hold the weight in your pinky/ring/middle
finger, bring in your elbow, and at the top of the rep your pinky
should now be above thumb level.
Upper Chest
A cool training style for upper chest that I’ve incorporated into my
training works by positioning the bench at a slight incline, hit two
sets, raise the notch and hit another 2 sets. Then raise the notch
again and hit another two sets, and so fully targeting the pecs.
This works best on a Smith machine or dumbbells.
Proportion and balance are always the main target when striving
for aesthetics, so at least once or twice a month (depending on
how often you train chest), start with a flat bench. Usually I’ll do
this once or twice a month.
Treat Calves like Biceps
The biggest concept in building big calves is to literally pump blood into them. Try
flexing your calves throughout the day. Also daily, using your body weight, perform
single leg calf raises for multiple sets until failure. If you also stretch frequently you’ll
be amazed to see your calves growing literally in the first couple days of training like
During bicep training, some people can take an hour to work out
this one small muscle group. So, when you hit calves, training
should roughly be 30-45 minutes a session. Always perform full
range of motion with a big stretch at the bottom and a good
squeeze on top. One method I’ve found useful is the double flex.
Stretch all the way down at the bottom, come up then come up
even higher with a huge squeeze at the top.
This can be a great way to get blood flow into your calves and
pump them up. The method I’ve found most useful in training
calves has been Priority Training.
Priority Training
When striving for aesthetics, the top focus is always balance and
symmetry. It’s your obligation as the artist to correct these flaws
in your masterpiece. This is where priority training comes into
play because you make your weak link your priority. If calves are
your struggling muscle group, start doing them at the beginning
of your workout so you hit them fresh and 100%. If triceps are a
weak point, always do them after chest.
HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
Before I go any further on this topic, I must stress the most impor-
tant thing regarding abs. If a layer of fat covers an 8 pack, that 8
pack will never show. It’s hidden beneath a layer of fat! No
matter how many crunches you do, the layer of fat will be there
unless you lower your body fat. Just remember: the true key to
abs is your level of body fat. There is even an old saying “abs are
made in the kitchen”.
You can hit abs every day if you want, but I recommend 3 times a
week. A typical ab routine for me uses all body weight move-
ments in a circuit based training style. My personal ab routine is
in the workout section of this book.
Let me explain.
Squat Jumps: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat
down and jump as high as possible. Upon landing, squat and
immediately jump up again.
Lateral Jumps: Stand next to an object that you can jump over
(like a cone). Jump sideways to the opposite side of the cone.
Upon landing, immediately jump to the other side. Remember to
make the jumps as quickly as possible.
Power Skipping: Perform a regular skip, but jump and lift your
knee as high as you can. EXPLODE UP.
Tuck Jumps: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Explode
and jump as high as you can. As you rise, pull your knees into your
chest. As soon as your feet touch the ground, jump again to per-
form another tuck jump.
Box Jumps: Stand in front of a box. Jump onto the box and
immediately back down to the same starting position. Keep legs
straight. Immediately repeat. Perform the jumps as quickly as
possible and increase the height of the box as strength increases
(Try to find a box that’s at least 18w off the ground to start.)
Functional Strength
As you build your aesthetic physique it is equally important to
develop your athletic ability. One thing that has always made
zero sense to me is when someone builds a monstrously muscu-
lar body but can’t even run 60 meters without gassing out. Or do
anything athletic for that matter. Sure they look aesthetic and
impressive, but what’s the point of having an aesthetic physique
if you can’t do anything with it? It’s like being trapped in a shell.
Some bodybuilders can’t even tie their shoes properly.
Single Set:
Single Set:
Single Set:
Single Set:
Tuesday: Back / Abs
Single Sets:
• Deadlifts: 4 sets of 15 , 10 , 8 , 8
Single Set:
Single Sets:
Single Set:
• Squats: 3 sets of 15 , 12 , 10
Single Set:
Single Sets:
Super Set:
Thursday: Shoulders / Abs
Single Set:
Super Set:
Single Set:
Friday: Arms , Calves, HIIT
Super Sets:
Super Set:
• Kickbacks: 3 sets of 10 - 12
Super Set:
Single Set:
Saturday and Sunday
Single Sets:
Single Sets:
Single Sets:
Tuesday: Back / Abs
Single Sets:
• Deadlifts: 4 sets of 15 , 10 , 8 , 6
Single Set:
Single Sets:
Wednesday: Legs
Single Set:
Single Set:
Super Sets:
Super Set:
Thursday: Shoulders / Abs
Single Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Single Sets:
Friday: Arms , Calves, HIIT
Super Sets:
• 21’s: 3 sets
• Pushdowns: 3 sets of 15 , 12 , 10
Super Set:
• Kickbacks: 3 sets of 10 - 12
Super Set:
Single Set:
Saturday and Sunday
Advanced Workout Routine
Single Set:
• Deadlifts: 4 x 15 , 10 , 8 , 6
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Single Sets:
Single Sets:
• Squats: 5 sets of 15 , 10 , 8 , 6 , 4
Single Sets:
Super Sets:
Single Set:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
• Kickbacks: 4 sets of 8 - 10
Super Sets:
Single Sets:
Super Set:
Super Sets:
Single Sets:
Single Set:
• Squats: 5 sets of 10 , 8 , 8 , 6 , 4
Super Set:
Single Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Single Sets:
Weeks 2 , 4 , 6 , etc. Workout
Single Set:
• Deadlifts: 4 x 15 , 10 , 8 , 6
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
• Pull-Overs: 5 sets of 15
Single Sets:
Single Sets:
• Squats: 5 sets of 15 , 10 , 8 , 6 , 4
Single Set:
Super Set:
Super Sets:
Super Sets:
Single Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Super Sets:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Single Sets:
• DB Shrugs: 4 sets of 12 , 10 , 8 , 8
Single Set:
Super Set:
Super Set:
Six Pack Attack
Set one:
Super Set:
Ab Roller on knee’s x 15
V Ups x 15
Set two:
Super Set:
Ab Roller on knee’s x 15
V Ups x 15
Supplementation / Nutrition
Protein Powder
Your muscles will absorb extra water, which makes them bigger
and harder, and you can experience as a result an increase in
bodyweight up to 3%.
Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) are useful for gaining muscle
and I believe especially helpful for maintaining muscle mass
while on a calorie-deficit diet. They're particularly useful for
bodybuilding competitors who take their physiques to extremely
low body fat levels via low carb diets
Take your vitamin of choice first thing in the morning with meal 1.
The purpose of multi vitamins is improving your health, longevity
and overall body wellness so it’s best to go with an organic prod-
uct. Vitamins improve your skin, hair, energy levels, full body
function and much, much more. This is one supplement I com-
pletely stand by.
Fish oil is a form of fatty acid that is derived from the tissues of
oily fish. It contains omega-3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA).
There are countless benefits in taking fish oil pills: good for your
skin/hair; bone health; lowers your blood pressure and choles-
terol; and reduces your risk of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids
fundamentally support your overall health and well-being. If
you’re a bodybuilder or a grandmother, this is one supplement
you should always take.
Vitamin D-3
Thermogenic fat burners are hands down number one. The ther-
mogenic pills raise your internal core temperature, which makes
your body burn fat. This is the only fat burner that will actually
make you burn fat.
Flexible dieting follows the belief that there are no miracle
weight loss foods. No good or bad foods, just macros. This
may be tough to comprehend at first, so let me first explain
the whole foundation of flexible dieting.
Macros stand for macronutrients – the protein, carbohy-
drates, fats and calories you need for the day. So, instead of
following a meal plan every single day for multiple months,
you can instead ‘track’ your macros throughout the day and
eat flexibly instead of having to eat clean every single day.
The concept that this form of dieting follows is calories in vs.
calories out. Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is an estimate
of how many calories you'd burn if you were to do nothing
but rest for 24 hours. It represents the minimum amount of
energy needed to keep your body functioning, including
breathing and keeping your heart beating.
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Then it is time to calculate your macros. You need to track
every calorie; every gram of Protein/Fat/Carbohydrate and
calories consumed for the day and put it into your daily ‘log’.
There are plenty of apps on the market for just this purpose.
As you follow this way of eating, you will need to weigh all
your foods and track everything if you want to be precise.
Me, personally, I’ve reached a point where I can just eyeball
a piece of chicken and know exactly how many ounces it is.
Experience has taught me to know when my body needs to
eat and what to eat. When I’m dieting for a competition obvi-
ously I weigh foods and track everything to be more precise.
(I’m currently in lifestyle mode so not very concerned with
being exact on my macros.)
Below we have two meals - McGrilled Chicken sandwich and
some brown rice with tuna. If I were to ask you which is the
healthier meal, the answer is obvious. Rice and tuna any day
over processed fast food.
• 25g Protein
McGrilled Chicken Sandwich • 33g Carbohydrate
• 15g Fat
OR ...
• 25g Protein
Brown Rice and Tuna • 33g Carbohydrate
• 15g Fat
Flexible dieting - for me - is a leisurely, lifestyle-based pro-
gram of dieting. If prepping for a high level competing like
the Mr. Olympia, I wouldn’t recommend this style of dieting.
I’ve found processed foods have a large impact on my phy-
sique with the amount of water it makes me retain. At the
end of the day it is your body and ultimately your decision.
Enjoy the moment
Fear of social judgment also makes Rather than not caring at all what
people think small. In order to accom- others think of you, start by just caring
plish anything big in life, be ready for less. Care what the important people
any kind of risk, you’re going to have in your life think, but only those
to step on a few toes. So never let whose opinions you truly value.
others control your life. If you want Strangers should never get a say in
something, go get it. To really have an how you live your life.
impact, you can’t let anyone get in
your way. Practice persistence. Don’t
look to others for guidance on how to
behave. And don’t wait for permis- Stay Functionally Fit
sion from others. It’s easier to ask for
forgiveness than for permission.
The majority of bodybuilders nowa-
When you stop trying to impress days are one-dimensional. They look
others, you can express your true self like a Greek God, but are stiff as a
more fully and connect with people, board. What’s the point of looking
more genuinely, openly. The less time badass if you’re not able to PER-
and energy you spend on making FORM like a bad ass? This is one con-
your life presentable to others, the cept that has never made sense to
more time you can spend on things me.
that really matter.
I’ve always believed that a
This is the strength that gets us well-rounded, proportionate phy-
through life and daily situations. No sique, able to move and perform is
mater what the circumstance is, you the highest, most elite level of aes-
never want to be one-dimensional. thetics. So don’t be afraid to play
Look at the bigger picture in life and sports, perform cardio, try out calis-
don’t be afraid to try new things. thenics, practice yoga, etc. This will
Many in life deem success and wealth all result in a much more balanced
as measures of happiness. When in well-rounded functional physique.
truth, some of the richest individuals
are the loneliest unhappiest people
on earth. If you live your day’s content
with your life, and die content with
your life, this is when you achieve true