B.COM. (HONS.) : 2016
(a) Define HRM and explain the strategic role of HRM in the'2 1st century. 8
(b) What do you mean by workforce diversity ? Why is it posing as a challenge
to various organisations ? 7
(a) Discuss the main functions, duties and responsibilities ofa human resource ,
manager In a modern organisation, &
(b) ost hglsaplanned elimination of positions nan organisation: Critically
examine this statement, 7
(a) Define HR policies and discuss their nature and Importance.
(b) Critically examine the evolution of HRM in India,
or 7
(a) What are the important aspects of Human Resource Planning? Explain. | 8
(6) What Is Job Analysis ? Describe the process involved in conducting a
job analysis. : 7
Q3. ‘i
(a) Briefly explain the significance of providing training to employees.
What criterla would you use to evaluate the effectivenpsy of a training
programme ? 8
(b) Differentiate between performance appraisal and job evaluation, Briefly
discuss any two methods of performance appraisal. F 7
(a) What is management development? Describe any four important techniques
; .of management development. 8
384. 385
R.COM. (HONS): 2016
(b) What do you understand by fringe benefits 7 What types of fringe benefits
can a company provide for it's employees ? 7
Q4 ‘ :
(a) What should be the basis of promotion - merit or seniority? Elaborate. 4
(b) The need for employee counselling in industry arises due to the problem of ,
. conflict, frustration and stress. Enumerate. 7
: : or '
(a) Explain base compensation and supplementary compensation. What is the
difference betweent the two ? 8
(b) Why is employee counselling required ? State the various types of counselling
. used in an organisation to deal-with problems of employees.
(a) What do you mean by labour wel
fare facilities to workers.
(b) Define social security. Explain it’
industry. :
fare ? Bring out the need for providing wel-
s scope and importance in Indian
us Or
Write short notes on any three of the following :- 5x3
(a) URIS :
(b) Employee Stock Option Plan
{c) Retention ,
(d) HRaudit
(e) EmpowermentCRAM SYM TOE 2
B.COM. (HONS.) : 2017
Liat eatantatiien amenities nanan
(a) Define HRM and discuss its features and objectives, 8
(4) HRM involves all management decisions and practices that directly affect or
influence the people who work for the organisation. Explain. 1,7
Or .
(a) “The Human Resource Manager performs managerial as well as operative
functions.” In the light of this statement explain the role of HR manager. @
(8) Critically discuss the various sources of recruitment. 2
(a) Discuss the significance of employment ‘tests, Discuss any three types of
employment tests commonly used in an industry. :
(6) What do you understand by placement? Distinguish between placement and
induction. 7
or \
(a) Define Human Resource Planning. Describe its characteristics, objectives and
limitations. . 8
(6) “The human resource of a firm can be a source of competitive advantage.”
Explain the statement with examples. 7
(a) Briefly explain the significance of training to both employers and employees.
Why is on-the-job training method preferred over off-the-job training? 8
(b) Differentiate between sensitivity training androle- playing. How1s role playing
useful in management development in the present era of globalisation and
liberalisation ? ,
(a) Distinguish between performance appralsal and potential appraisal. Critically
examine the MBO approach In modern organisations. 8
382) |F.COM, (HONS): 2017 1
(b) Explain with an example the concept of pay band compensation system. Whar +
are its merits ? 7
(@) Job evaluation determines the worth of the Job and not the job-holder. Cor
ment. Explain any two techniques of Job-evaluation.
(b) Whatis the rationale behind offering financial Incentives to employees ? How
will you formulate a good incentive scheme ? 7
: : or : :
(a) Wby'ts it important for an organisation to care for employees health?
(b) What do you mean by HR audit ? Explain Its objectives, benefits and limita-
tions, 7
Q.5. Briefly explain the emerging issues and challenges in HRM In the 21st century.
: or
Mr. Swamlisa senior Supervisor inan electric department ofa company. He served
the company for nearly 25 years with flawless career record. Unfortunately there
was an accident In the department causing death of one attendant. Management
investigated the incidence and found Mr. Swami responsible for accident. His
services were terminated holding payment of his gratuity and otherbenefits. Mr.
Swaml feels that he is unjustly treated and Union agrees with him,
Answer the followirig questions on the basis of the above case study:
(1) Would such action on the part of management be justified ? .
(2) What woult! be your opinion and advice on this matter?QUESTION PAPERS
B.COM. (HONS.) : 2018
TN ao
(a) Explain the concept of “Human Resource Management”. How Is it importa
to both individuals and or
(b) Define "Workforce Diversity
effectively manage workforc
Skee Or
(a) Discussthe tole of HRmanager in building up core competencies and creating
. competitive advantage. . : 7
(b) Define ‘empowerment’ and'e
barrier’s to employee empowerment in business
Qz- ,
(a) What are the major
terview bé made more effective™\_
(b) Explain the, concept of job evaluation. How is job evaluation different from
job analysis?
” What steps or measures would you suggest
e diversity in an organization?
mpowering organization: Explain the common
organizations. 8
problems of interview as a selection tool? How can i
and qualitative aspects of human resource
planning. 7
(b) Define orientation and discuss Its Importance for the organization and the
employees, 8
(a) Briefly explain the quantitative
Qa. .
(a) Distinguish between training and development. How will you determine the
training needs of a manufacturing enterprise?
(b) Write an explanatory note on any two techniques of Management Develop-
What do you understand by Potential appratsal? Hows ta tt diff
Performance appraisal?
(6) “Counsellingote
ant from
mployoos resulta in veducing conflict, frystratloniand stress
Do you agreo? Give reasons In support of your answer 8
(2) Discuss the merits and limitations of senlority based proqiotion and m it
based promotion, 7
(¥) Define xoctal security and oxpluin its significance in the eintoxt of Indl an
working egnditions, 8
: or
What does the concept of compensation Imply? What factors should be con-
sidered while determining the, financial com,
pensation of employees of an
ce Information System (HRIS) in a
(®) Explain the applications of Human Resour
modern organization,
5. Write detailed ntes on any two of the following:
(a) HR Audit
(6) Importance of collective bargaining :
() Employee Stock Option Plan
= -(@) 360 degree appraisal
(e) On the job training methods.
Last year, Mr. Manohar had received promotion to the
Engineering Department of Madras Manutacturing Comps
producing numerous household products, M
degree and had been working with the
graduating from a reputed institute of tech
Manohar’s record asa design en,
products that were being marke
rid and was widely respected for
his innovative contributions to th
le company recognized for its reputation as the
industry leader in new product research ai
nd development. Throughout his seven
years with the Madras ManufacturingSgmpany, Manohar had kept himself up-to-
date in his field by reading engineering journals and by attending conferences and
workshops. Because of his technical/engineering experience-with the company
and his ability to get along with People, top management felt very confident in
promoting Manohar to the position of manager of engineering.department.
position of Manager of
any, a medium sized firm
anohar had an electrical engineering
company for years after
hnology.B.COM. (HONS,) + 2018 381
Manohar’s early experience in coordinating the working of eighteen engineers inthe
department proved to be a real challenge. He experienced considerable difficulties
being a manager as compared to an engineer. He continued to be very involved with
rokearch aid product design and worked very long hours (sometimes upto twelve
hotirs a day) in order to keep up his design engineering.
Recently, Mayohar was told by his boss that he was not providing the leadership
to the department that top management believed was necessary in order to
achieve maximum effectiveness. Manohar also began to feel pressure from some
of the engineers who likewise believed that he was involved in performing routine
engineering jobs and not managing the department.
Answer the following questions.on the basis of the above case study:
(q) What is the basic problem confronting Manohar as a manager?
(2) Did the management make a mistake in promoting Manohar tothe position
of a manager?
(c) Whatsuggestions would youliketo make toimprove Bet See
as a manager?”