School Contingency Plan
School Contingency Plan
School Contingency Plan
Department of Education
In the event that an individual in the school shows symptoms, becomes a close contact of a
confirmed case, or tests positive for COVID-19, it is critical to have a timely initial response to
ensure little to no spread of the virus among other members of the school community. There
are 3C’s that stakeholders must remember in responding to any school situation related to
Coordinate Tasks
Other members of the school community may feel worried and become uneasy if any situation
related to COVID-19 arises in the school. As a means of preparation, the school head must
clearly identify the role of each teaching and non-teaching personnel, and provide the
necessary training for their actions to be well-coordinated. The following are the tasks for
Response that must be delegated by the school head:
Collect Information
To assist health authorities and the local government unit in contact tracing, the immediate
responding health personnel er designated clinic teacher must collect the following
information of the individual who shows symptoms or is reported to be: a close contact of a
confirmed case:
a. Who: name of individual gender, age, grade level or occupation, the section included in or
b. When: date, if in school (i) time of entry to school, (ii) time of isolation in the clinic if at
home (i) time of report
c. Where: school name, school address, the home address of the individual (if at home during
the time of the report)
d. What: symptoms experienced by the individual (if any)
e. How: details on where or how the individual was infected, or who is the confirmed case to
whom the individual became a close Contact
a. Contact the identified health authority (e.g. barangay health station, rural health unit) to
cooperate regarding the appropriate measures such as tracing and quarantine, or referral to a
hospital if needed.
b. Contact other school personnel (from the different set of classes per week) in case there will
be a need to shift to a distance learning modality. A teacher must also be informed and guided
if he/she shall be a substitute teacher in case a fellow teacher becomes unable to physically
report to school for a long period due to being infected with COVID-19 or other acceptable
c. Contact the family of the individual who showed symptoms or identified to be a close
contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19. The family must also be informed regarding the
actions that will be undertaken by the school, as well as the protocols that must be observed
at home as advised by health authorities.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
d. Contact the families of individuals from the same class as the person who showed
symptoms of COVID-19 and inform them of the protocols that must be observed, as well as the
possible shift to distance learning modality.
e. Contact families from other classes from the set of classes in the same week as the person
who showed symptoms of COVID-19, as well as those from the set of classes in the other week
to inform them of the current school situation.
Specific Scenarios
The scenarios specify those that may affect the school setting. Recognizing the shared
responsibility of each stakeholder in preventing the transmission of the virus, the actions that
must be undertaken by the school to coordinate with each stakeholder are listed in each
A learner or school personnel who has symptoms tests negative for COVID-19 and
Scenario 6
is not known to be in close contact with a confirmed case.
A learner or school personnel who has symptoms tests negative for COVID-19 but
Scenario 7
is known to be in close contact with a confirmed case.
There are confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside the school. There are no known
Scenario 9 close contacts in the school. A granular lockdown in the barangay was announced
by the LGU.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Learners or personnel Provided that there is no confirmed case or close contact in the school,
in the same class and the school shall still allow other learners and personnel to attend face-
week as the exposed to-face classes.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
If the identified close contact is a teacher, only the class that the
teacher is handling will be temporarily shifted back to distance learning
until the teacher is allowed to return to school. The school shall inform
parents/guardians of learners in the class regarding the situation and
the temporary shift in learning modality.
If the close contact in the school is a learner, the school shall engage
other household members regarding the home-school arrangement,
including the time of pick-up of the learner (if in school at the time the
Other household information was communicated).
Note: They shall be informed by the LGU to self-monitor at home until
the results of the available COVID-19 test have been released. The
school is not required to give advice to other household members.
If the household
member tests positive
and the exposed
learner or personnel
does not show
symptoms, refer to
Scenario 2.
If the household
member tests negative
and the exposed
learners or personnel
shows symptoms, refer
to Scenario 4.
If the household
member tests positive
and the exposed
learner or personnel
shows symptoms, refer
to Scenario 5.
Record the actions the school has undertaken (for reference to the
contact tracing team of the LGU).
Since there is a close contact but no confirmed case in the school, the
school shall allow them to attend face-to-face classes after a 24-hour
lockdown for disinfection of the school premises.
If the identified close contact is a teacher, only the class that the
Learners or personnel
teacher is handling will be shifted back to distance learning until the
in the same class and
teacher completes the quarantine period. The school shall inform
week as the exposed
parents/guardians of learners in the class regarding the situation and
the shift in learning modality for fourteen (14) weeks.
If the close contact in the school is a learner, the school shall engage
Other household other household members regarding the home-school arrangement,
members including the time of pick-up of the learner (if in school at the time the
information was communicated).
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Note: They shall be informed by the LGU to complete the fourteen (14)-
day quarantine, regardless of negative test result and vaccination
status, before being allowed to return to school or workplace. The
school is not required to give advice to other household members.
Record the actions the school has undertaken (for reference to the
contact tracing team of the LGU).
Learners or personnel Since there is a close contact but no confirmed case in the school, the
in the same class and school shall allow them to attend face-to-face classes after a 24-hour
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
If the identified close contact is a teacher, only the class that the
teacher is handling will be shifted back to distance learning until the
teacher completes the quarantine period. The school shall inform
week as the exposed
parents/guardians of learners in the class regarding the situation and
the shift in learning modality for two (2) weeks.
If the close contact in the school is a learner, the school shall engage
other household members regarding the home-school arrangement,
including the time of pick-up of the learner (if in school at the time the
information was communicated).
Note: The LGU shall inform them if they are also identified as close
Household members contacts. If not a close contact, they may continue attending school or
going to their workplace without a need for quarantine. If they are also
identified as close contact, they shall be informed by the LGU to
complete the fourteen (14)-day quarantine, regardless of negative test
result and vaccination status, before being allowed to return to school
or workplace. The school is not required to give advice to other
household members.
Ensure that the learner or personnel strictly follows the advice of local
health authorities, especially on the required number of days of
For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation has passed from the first viral
diagnostic test and remained asymptomatic throughout their infection.
Medical certification or repeat testing is not necessary for the safe return
to the school of immunocompetent individuals, provided that a licensed
medical doctor certifies or clears the patient. He/she shall be advised to
isolate at home or in an isolation facility until the COVID-19 test results
have been released.
Local health authority Coordinate with local health authorities for evaluation of the person
showing symptoms, contact tracing activities, and referral to a health
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Ensure that the learner or personnel has completed the fourteen (14)-
day quarantine, regardless of negative test result and vaccination status,
before allowing him/her to return to school.
If the person showing symptoms tests negative for COVID-19, the school
Other learners and shall allow other learners or personnel from the week to attend face-to-
personnel face classes without completing the required quarantine period provided
that school premises have been disinfected.
If the learner or
personnel showing
symptoms tests
negative for COVID-19
refer to Scenario 6.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
If the learner or
personnel showing
symptoms tests
positive for COVID-19
refer to Scenario 8.
Ensure that the learner or personnel strictly follows the advice of local
health authorities, especially on the required number of days of
For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation has passed from the first viral
diagnostic test and remained asymptomatic throughout their infection.
Medical certification or repeat testing is not necessary for the safe return
to the school of immunocompetent individuals, provided that a licensed
medical doctor certifies or clears the patient. He/she shall be advised to
isolate at home or in an isolation facility until the COVID-19 test results
have been released.
All other learners and Closely monitor the condition of all learners and school personnel.
personnel (including
those from the other Advise the asymptomatic close contact of the suspect, probable, or
week) confirmed cases to immediately quarantine and complete it for 14 days,
regardless if testing has not been done, or resulted negative.
Ensure that the learner or personnel has completed the fourteen (14)-
day quarantine, regardless of negative test result and vaccination status,
before allowing him/her to return to school.
If the learner or
personnel showing
symptoms tests
negative for COVID-19
refer to Scenario 7.
If the learner or
personnel showing
symptoms tests
positive for COVID-19
refer to Scenario 8.
Scenario 6. A learner or school personnel who has symptoms tests negative for COVID-
19 and is not known to Mite a close contact with a confirmed case.
Person showing Continue providing the appropriate support and monitoring the
symptoms condition of the learner or personnel while he/she is completing the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation has passed from the first viral
diagnostic test and remained asymptomatic throughout their infection.
Medical certification or repeat testing is not necessary for the safe return
to the school of immunocompetent individuals, provided that a licensed
medical doctor certifies or clears the patient.
Exposed learners or Continue providing the appropriate support and monitoring their
personnel (from the condition while they are completing the required fourteen (14)-day
same class as the quarantine. Ensure that they complete the quarantine period, regardless
person showing of negative test results and vaccination status, before allowing them to
symptoms) return to school.
Other learners and If the person showing symptoms tests negative for COVID-19, other
personnel learners or personnel shall be allowed to attend face-to-face classes
without completing the required quarantine period provided that school
premises have been disinfected.
Scenario 7. A learner or school personnel who has symptoms tests negative for COVID-
19 but is known to be a close contact with a confirmed case.
Even if there is no confirmed case, the school shall still complete the
All Stakeholders fourteen (14)-day lockdown as a precautionary measure since the
person showing symptoms is in close contact with a confirmed case.
Person showing Continue providing the appropriate support and monitoring the
symptoms condition of the learner or personnel while he/she is completing the
required isolation period.
For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation has passed from the first viral
diagnostic test and remained asymptomatic throughout their infection.
The school shall remain under lockdown until the required quarantine
All stakeholders period of all close contacts has been completed. The lockdown may be
extended if other learners show symptoms of COVID-19.
Person confirmed to Continue providing the appropriate support and monitoring the
have COVID-19 condition of the learner or personnel while they are completing the
required isolation period.
For asymptomatic: Ten (10)-day isolation has passed from the first
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
showing symptoms of
COVID-19, refer to
Scenario 5.
Scenario 9. There are confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside the school. There is no
known close contact in the school. A granular lockdown in the barangay was announced
by the LGU.
Required Action
Closely coordinate with the local government unit to know if there will be a
need for a granular lockdown if there is an observed resurgence of COVID-
Local Government 19 cases in the barangay.
Unit (barangay)
Coordinate with the local government unit to ensure that learners and
personnel are at home during the scheduled lockdown.
Required Action
Closely coordinate with the local government unit to know if there will be a
need for a granular lockdown if there is an observed resurgence of COVID-
Local Government 19 cases in adjacent barangays.
Unit (barangay)
Coordinate with the local government unit to ensure that learners and
personnel are at home during the scheduled lockdown.
Provide the necessary support to learners and personnel for the transition
to the distance learning modality.
Required Action
Although there are no known cases in the barangay where the school is
Local Government
located, the school must strictly follow the recommendation of authorities
Unit (municipal or
to temporarily shift to a distance learning modality. This is to avoid the
possible exposure of the community due to the high mobility of people.
Ensure that health and safety protocols will still be observed in school.
If the lockdown was declared after school hours or during the weekend:
Provide the necessary support to learners and personnel for the transition
to the distance learning modality.
1. The school local hotline/help desk shall remain open for parents/guardians in
need of assistance in the distance learning of their child/ren. Teachers may
utilize this platform to encourage parents/ guardians in their role as learning
facilitators at home and to provide additional support to learners in their
independent study.
2. The school shall establish a cleaning and maintenance routine to ensure that all
school facilities are organized and functional until the resumption of face-to-face
3. The school may perform critical administrative tasks on-site provided that they
are given permission by the LGU.
4. The school shall provide the required personal protective equipment to non-
teaching personnel who shall weekly conduct the cleaning and maintenance
routine of the school, and those who will need to perform administrative duties
whenever necessary. The school shall ensure that they will be properly
compensated for physically reporting to school during the school lockdown.
5. The guidance office shall remain operational to ensure that psychosocial support
and services shall be made available for all the members of the school
community. In the absence of a guidance office, affected learners and school
personnel shall be provided with Psychological First Aid (PFA) by trained teaching
ang nonteaching personnel in schools. They shall also be assisted for referral to
the counselling services provided by the Schools Division Office, if further
interventions are needed.
6. The school shall provide the appropriate support needed by the non-teaching
personnel while they are unable to physically report to school on a daily basis.
7. After tlU school lockdown, the school shall seek the consent of
parents/guardians through a written form for the participation of their child/ren
in the resumption of face-to-face classes.
8. For th© first five school days, the first hour shall be devoted to
discussion/facilitation of modules related to mental: health, facilitated by their
respective classroom advisers or designated teachers.