Supplier Diversity Program
Supplier Diversity Program
Supplier Diversity Program
group. Experts have long acknowledged the boost to profits, reputation, and
innovation that accompanies a diverse staff. But for companies looking to further
increase both their social capital and their bottom line, a supplier diversity
program is a gateway to even greater success.
And while diversity might seem like a hard sell to “old guard” upper management
concerned about the capabilities or reliability of diverse suppliers, ignoring
diversity can put a business significantly behind the curve set by both
governments and corporate leaders such as Disney, Walmart, and Proctor &
Gamble. Organizations like these pour billions into supply chain diversity in
search of reputational and financial gain.
The more investment is made in supply chain diversity, the greater the
return on investment (ROI). Companies allocating 20% (or more) of their
spend to diverse suppliers could connect between 10 and 15 percent of
their annual sales to their supplier diversity programs, while those
spending less than 20% only saw a 5% return on average.
Supply chains built by world-class procurement teams dedicate 33%
more of their spend to diverse suppliers as compared to average and
trillion each year for the U.S. economy alone.
The NMSDC connects buyers with more than 12,000 registered
businesses owned by African-American, Asian, Hispanic, and Native
American entrepreneurs.
Experts have long acknowledged the boost to profits, reputation, and innovation
that accompanies a diverse staff. But for companies looking to further increase
both their social capital and their bottom line, a supplier diversity program is a
gateway to even greater success.
of documentation for potential suppliers such as the criteria, guidelines,
and code of conduct for diverse enterprises established by the College
Leverage social media intelligently to connect with new potential
customers, diversity organizations, and diverse suppliers.
Familiarize yourself with the supplier diversity program(s) established by
your local, state, and federal governments, as well as programs from the
SBA and other small business-focused organizations. If your business is
seeking to land lucrative government contracts in the United States, the
federal government requires that a contractors for projects exceeding
specific dollar amounts must achieve government-mandated levels for
diversity spend and demonstrate a commitment to diversity in their
operations, hiring, and corporate citizenship practices.
Include technology such as a dedicated, cloud-based procurement solution
in your overall procurement plan. In addition to process improvements
from automation and artificial intelligence (AI), supplier management is
greatly improved with detailed and process-driven supplier registration
and evaluation.
In addition, managing your supply chain database with advanced AI
makes it much easier to find and connect with those suppliers (both Tier I
and Tier II) who meet diversity requirements for government contracts.
Finding, for example, a woman-owned business located in rural Georgia is
much easier with centralized, on-demand data management that
incorporates critical diversity-related data such as government
certifications, membership in minority business organizations, and third-
party certifications from the start.
A diverse supply chain is a healthy, productive, and responsible source of lasting
social and financial value for your business. Focus on adding diversity to your
procurement, and build stronger relationships, a glowing reputation, and greater
profits while supporting economic success for all.
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