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Security plays a significant role in the preservation of peace and order in accord

with the progressive government. National interest pass through coordination of all

public-private governmental agencies. As a result, it promotes economic development of

the progressive bureaucracy.

With the existing law under RA 5487 states qualifications, thus setforth, Sction 2.

Basic requirements of private security personnel- a. Filipino citizen; b. Not be less than

eighteen [18] years of age; c. Must have taken a private security course / seminar and /or

must have adequate training experience in security business or rendering

security/detective services; d. of good moral character and must not have been convicted

of any crime or violation of these rules and regulations carrying a penalty of prohibition

to be licensed; and e. Must be physically and mentally fit.

According to Bautista (2008), In the Philippines, security is just as harmony and

request in both government and private foundations depends on such a significant amount

in utilizing security officers, usually assigned as security watches. The essential

destruction of the said work force whether be it private security, organization or

government security monitors, is make sure whoever is inside the structure, foundation or

office under their supervision is sheltered from any mischief, savagery or something else,

which might be malignantly arranged by another substance for monetary profit,

vengeance or terrorist motives.


Without an afterthought, the Private Security Industry Act or Republic Act No.

5487 was enacted into law on June 21, 1969 and was amended by Presidential Decree

No. 11 on October 3, 1972. This law seeks to protect the welfare of our country's

security guards and ensure that they receive no less than what is mandated by law.

Thus, the purpose of this study is to design an action plan to improve the

competence of security guards in Legazpi City.

Objective of the Study

This study aims to assess the requirements of security agencies in hiring security

guards in Legazpi City. Specifically, it will seek answer to the following sub-problems:

1. Identify the status of security agencies requirement in hiring security guard along


a. List of security guard

b. Gender

c. Training

2. Assess the requirements of security agencies in hiring security guard in terms of;

a. Pre-licensing exam

b. Education background

c. Physical and mentally fit


3. Determine the problem encountered by the security agencies in hiring security


4. Propose a resolution or amend an republic act 5487 to regulate the organization of

security agencies.


There is a significant difference between the requirements of security agencies

Literature Review

Over the past few decades, the security industry has experienced many national

strike actions. These strikes significantly affect the ability of security companies to

provide the levels of service that clients have become accustomed to, inter alias reliable

security officers who are present and actively on duty to provide access control to

premises, monitor and guard properties, render armed response services to client alarm

activations and panic activations from security officers. Most of the strike action has been

led by union activism for the betterment of their membership (Mail & Guardian, 2006).

Their demands have mostly been related to improved salaries and benefits such as

maternity leave, additional paternity leave days, increased allowances, such a cleaning

allowances and firearm allowances should a security officer be required to carry a


According to an article by (2018), the role of a security supervisor

is to oversee the security practices of a company by managing the security staff. This

includes ensuring that security officers comply with company standards and fulfil their

duties and examine the practices of the team in order to maximize effectiveness. This

may include examining the work site or area for potential security weaknesses or

problems, to report these risks and organizes a plan of action to manage any identified

risks. In addition, security supervisors must communicate with property managers on any

new developments or changes and distribute status reports. According to

(2018), security supervisors should typically have a high school diploma, although most

companies prefer some college education, and experience in managing a security team of

ten or more individuals.

According to an article by National Monitoring Centre (n.d.), the most important

requirements of a home security system include monitoring services which includes

residential and commercial security, commercial fire detection, environmental

monitoring, medical monitoring and video services. In the South African security arena,

which is viewed as the fourth largest private security industry in the world, this has

become an extremely competitive market. Thus, increasingly more security companies

strive to stand out as a company of choice with a reputation of serving and protecting

homes and commercial properties alike. To be considered one of the top security

companies, a company would depend on not only its product offering, technological

advancement, financial stability, community involvement, but also a competent


A study by Sefalafala and Webster (2013) highlighted the fact that most

companies pay security officers according to Sectoral Determination 6 (SD6), but there

were non-compliant companies who paid wages lower than those of the SD6. Despite the

general feeling on the ground of inadequate remuneration, security officers felt that their

wages were better than nothing. Security officers indicated that the contrast between the

expectations of work and actual reality was a disappointing experience. Some were of the

view that being unemployed was better because they expect to live in poverty, even

though the reality suggested otherwise. The study further revealed that shift work resulted

in a work-life imbalance. They felt that the long hours worked by security officers has a

negative impact on their health, job quality and family life. Bazana, Campbell and

Kabungaidze (2016) investigated the health and well-being of security officers. The study

revealed that shift work compromised the health and well-being of security officers. The

combination of shift and security work was shown to have several underlying factors:

disrupted family lives and religious gatherings; limited control leading to stress; working

conditions impacting on health; and disturbed sleeping patterns. All of these play a role in

decreasing employees’ job performance and ultimately affecting on organizational


Some of the common issues that may contribute to high labor turnover are few

advancement opportunities and being employed in a dead-end job without any

opportunities for promotion. Poor work/life balance because of shift work and shift

patterns make it difficult for guards to visit their families, mostly because they need to

travel to their place of residence, often a few hours travel time from their place of work.

Another factor is security officers’ negative view of management because they

feel that they have little recourse if their supervisor or manager is not informing or

communicating with them or providing proper performance management. One way to

ensure that security guards feel that they are working towards a common goal is to instill

in them a sense of loyalty and belonging. This may require rewarding loyal security

officers with monetary bonuses, increased responsibility, training opportunities and

development opportunities. The relationship between supervisors and security officers

needs to be open, with security officers feeling they can trust their supervisors.

Henceforth, for security officers to perform optimally their tasks need to be

communicated clearly, not only at the start of their employment, but continuously

throughout their careers. Ambiguous tasks will result in security officers showing a lack

of initiative and accountability which will lead to failures in executing their tasks. It is

imperative for security guards to have realistic job expectations because this will

positively impact on the outcome of goal achievement. Unrealistic job expectations, such

as job boredom, could result in demotivated employees. Hence, in the role as a security

officer, it is necessary to have clear and unambiguous job clarity to avoid disillusioned


Without an understanding of performance management as a security officer, there

will be no ownership in terms of individual or team performance or self-development.

What a security officer may perceive as performance management is significant in terms

of his/her own productivity and achieving organizational goals.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored by the theory of Armstrong and Baron (2005) which states

that the main link between organizational justice and performance management is based

on the value of latter to: communicate a shared vision of the purpose and values of the

organization; define expectations of what should be delivered and how this should be

done; ensure that people are aware of what constitutes high performance and how they

need to achieve it; enhance motivation, engagement and commitment by providing a

means of recognizing endeavors and achievement through feedback; and enable people to

monitor their own performance and encourage dialogue about what needs to be done to

improve performance.

Below is the theoretical paradigm of the study.


Relationship between performance management and organizational justice

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm


Conceptual Framework

According to Zhen et al. (2012, p. 3), OCB is defined as “performance that

supports the social and psychological environment in which task performance takes

place”. Organizational citizenship is behavior displayed by an employee that is

discretionary and not recognized by the formal reward system although it promotes the

effective functioning of the organization and is essential to its overall performance

(Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie, 2006).

Sukhada (2014) explains certain behaviors expected from employees during their

employment, whereby they must abide by the rules and regulations of the organization.

When employees display behaviors that go beyond the call of duty, this is referred to as

organizational citizenship behavior, also known as extra-role behavior. Organizations

cannot survive or prosper without. Several studies have shown that behavior can have a

positive impact on organizational success through improvements in productivity, better

utilization of resources, group activity coordination, performance enhancement and

stability, recruitment, and ability to adapt to environmental changes.

Below is the conceptual paradigm:


Profile of the Challenges encountered

Action plan to assess the
respondents in terms by security agencies in
of: hiring security guards requirements of security
agencies in hiring
a. age;
a. communication security guards in
b. gender;
skills; Legazpi City
c. educational b. investigative
background; skills; and
d. physical and c. decision making

mental fitness

Figure 2. Conceptual Paradigm


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to assess the requirements of security agencies in hiring security

guards in Legazpi City. This includes the profile of the respondents, challenges

encountered and action plan that may be proposed.

Others, such as supervision, bargaining agreement, and unfair labor practice are

excluded in this study.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

School Administrators. They are leading the schools who will utilize the

findings of the study to empower the faculty to enhance performance towards security


Curriculum Developers and Writers. They will have an opportune time to make

and apply changes during their planning of curriculum guides that will be addressed in

this study. Further, the result of this study can be used to enhance the curriculum.

Private Security Agency. This will help to improve organizational management

in accord with the policies and regulations set forth by the local government unit or

private and public agencies.

Parents. They will be given assurance that their children will learn a lot in school

and that their teachers will help and teach to the best of their abilities for the benefit of

their sons/daughters.

Future Researchers. The study will serve as reference to any similar future


Definition of Terms

For this study, the following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for

a better understanding of the discussion:

Realistic Work Expectations are the presumptive result from the various task

and use as platform to set mission and goals in achieving excellent work.

Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal.

Such administration activities include setting the organization's strategy and coordinating

the efforts of staff to accomplish these objectives through the application of available


Training/Mentoring is a process through which the institution can assess

whether the training is implemented as per the action plan or whether there is any

significant deviation as envisaged in the plan.

Policy/Procedures is a set of rules or guidelines for your organization and

employees to follow in or to achieve compliance. Policies answer questions about what

employees do and why they do it. A procedure is the instructions on how a policy is


Rewards/Recognition is a system where people are acknowledged for their

performance in intrinsic or extrinsic ways. Recognition & Reward is present in a work

environment where there is appropriate acknowledgement and appreciation of employees'

efforts in a fair and timely manner.


Interpersonal Relationships is a strong bond between two or more people refers

to interpersonal relationship. Attraction between individuals brings them close to each

other and eventually results in a strong interpersonal relationship.

Result-based are statements that illustrate substantial and important learning that

learners have achieved and can consistently demonstrate at the end of a course or

program. In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be

able to do by the end of a course or program.

Reflective Observation is a learning style that describes taking a time-out from

"doing" and stepping back from the task and evaluating what has been done and

experienced. At this stage, lots of questions are asked and communication channels are

opened to other members of the team.


Research Design

According to Babbie and Mouton (2001), a research design is a plan of how

research should be conducted. It is the strategic framework for the study and determines

the kind of study that is being planned and what type of results should be obtained.

Qualitative research methods are designed in a manner that helps reveal the

behavior and perception of a target audience regarding a particular topic. There are

various types of qualitative research methods like an in-depth interview, focus groups,

ethnographic research, content analysis, case study research that are usually used. The

results of qualitative methods are more descriptive, and therefore the interferences are

often draw quite easily from the information.

It came from direct observation and in-depth analysis of the interviews among

respondents of the study. The results will be analyzed as part of the quantitative analysis.

Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common qualitative research methods.

It is a personal interview that is carried out with one respondent at a time. This is purely a

conversational method and invites opportunities to get details in depth from the


More so, one of the advantages of this method provides a great opportunity to

gather precise data about what people believe and what their motivations are. Researchers

will ask questions that will help to collect meaningful data and proceed by asking follow-

up questions that will help to gather more information to be collated.

These interviews can be done face-to-face or on phone and normally can last

between half an hour to two hours or even more. When the in-depth interview is

conducted face to face it gives a better opportunity to read the body language of the

respondents and match the responses.

Research Instrument

The researcher will use different instruments to assess the requirements of

security agencies in hiring security guards in Legazpi City.

A questionnaire will be given to the respondents which will be in the form of a 3-

point Likert Scale to assess the requirements of security agencies in hiring security

guards and challenges encountered.


The self-made questionnaire design will be evaluated by resource persons

compose of three (3) for suggestions and refinement of the different items. The jurors

will be composed of three (3) members who have background in the field of research.

After which, the researcher will make a final draft of the questionnaire, and this will be

administered by the respondents of the study.

Then, the results will be determined, colated and analyzed. The core objective of

doing the pilot testing is to validate the items and the concepts that are included in the


A 3-point Likert Scale will be use below:

Range Description

2.50 – 3.00 Very Satisfactory

2.01 – 2.49 Satisfactory

1.00 – 2.00 Poor

Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will seek permission from the private security agencies within the

City of Legazpi to conduct the said undertaking. After approval, a letter will also send for

the conduct of the study.

The researcher will provide questionnaires to the respondents. Similarly, an

observation will be initiated in their actual field of work. Subsequently, an interview will

be conducted with the respondents to gather data and to validate and analyze the data


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be composed of three (3) security agencies and

thirty (30) private security guard-respondents. The needed data will be obtained from a

range of sources. The answer to the questionnaires will be the source in formulating the

objectives, content, and performance standards.

The private security guards will serve as the key respondents of the study. Their

answers to the questionnaire and responses in an interview will gauge to assess the

requirements of security agencies in hiring security guards in Legazpi City.

Observations coming from private security guard-respondents will also serve as

key sources of data.

Sampling Technique

The study will be composed of three (3) private security agencies and thirty (30)

private security guards. Respondents are purposively selected. The study will be

conducted within the City of Legazpi. Thus, the result will assess the requirements of

security agencies in hiring security guards in Legazpi City.

Research Locale/Study Site

The study will be conducted in Legazpi City. Furthermore, the site is composed of

three (3) private security agencies and thirty (30) private security guard.

Data Analysis Plan

In the analysis and interpretation of the data collected, the researcher will

use the following statistical tools:

The following statistical tools were used for the interpretation of results.

1. Ranking. This will be based on the percentage to assess the

requirements of private security agencies in hiring security guard.

2. Percentage. This will be used to determine the frequencies of the


The formula is


P = percentage of distribution

F = frequency of an item of response

N = total number of respondents

3. Weighted Mean. This will be used to get the average frequency of the

response in each weighted item.


Likert Scale

To assess the requirements of security agencies in hiring security guard a

3-Point Likert Scale will be used, and its interpretation as follows:

A 3-point Likert Scale will be use below:

Range Description

2.50 – 3.00 Very Satisfactory

2.01 – 2.49 Satisfactory

1.00 – 2.00 Poor



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Cor. J. P. Rizal & R. F. Tabuena Sts.
Daraga, Albay, Philippines 4501
E-mail address:



An Undergraduate Research Presented to the

Faculty of College of Criminal Justice
Education, Bicol College

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of
Science in Industrial Security Management (BSISM)







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