MCT Report 1 Mahra
MCT Report 1 Mahra
MCT Report 1 Mahra
The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally
observe the pre-service teacher’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected
teaching competencies.
Professional Dispositions
Focus Area: Developmentally and culturally appropriate unit and lesson planning
• Engages in day-to-day and long-range planning
• Develops focused lessons
• Identifies appropriate flexible grouping strategies based on instructional goals
• Identifies and selects activities/strategies that engage students
• Applies knowledge of diverse ways of knowing and prior experiences to design culturally responsive
• Integrates and effectively responds to issues of diversity (e.g., stereotypes, prejudices, institutional
barriers, discriminatory policies, privilege, power) in planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating
responsive practices
Focus Area: Learner-centred teaching strategies and techniques, and use of appropriate learning
• Demonstrates knowledge of a variety of student-centred teaching strategies and techniques,
and learning technologies appropriate for the Early Childhood context
• Uses student-centred strategies and techniques to promote learning
• Uses a wide variety of appropriate learning technologies, resources and activities to promote learning
You used all the resources available to you. You gave children enough instructions to do their activities (you
also demonstrated to them what they need to do).
Areas for improvement:
Always check the resources in your classroom and see what you can do to use them. You don’t always have
to outsource your materials when you already have tons of these in the classroom.