SarahAli Roll35 Thesis TOC
SarahAli Roll35 Thesis TOC
SarahAli Roll35 Thesis TOC
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1 author:
Sarah Ali
All content following this page was uploaded by Sarah Ali on 14 September 2018.
Lahore - Pakistan
Table of Contents
DECLARATION ....................................................................................................i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................iv
........................................................................................................................................... 11
Secondary Hypotheses......................................................................................... 35
SNGPL .............................................................................................................................. 40
3.3 Procedure........................................................................................................ 43
Hypotheses........................................................................................................................ 66
Chapter 5- Conclusion......................................................................................... 83
References............................................................................................................. 86
APPENDIX-A ...................................................................................................... 93
APPENDIX-B ...................................................................................................... 99
The aim of the study was to discover the impact of change management initiatives
was developed for the purpose. Respondents were selected through convenience sampling.
The study was conducted with all users of ERP at SNGPL (143 responses received and
after cleansing 141 were selected). The factor analysis of dependent, independent and
moderator variables has been carried out. Cronbach Alpha of the scale is 0.87. Moderation
analysis through AMOS 20 was conducted. It is found out that resistance towards ERP
well as user acceptance. While it is also revealed that the inverse relation between
well as user acceptance is minimized when change management initiatives are higher. The
analysis carried out on each dimension of change management one by one and it was
divulged that each domain of change management minimizes the inverse relationship of
5.1 Conclusion
performance. The rapid growth of technology has forced the organizations to adapt the
latest state of the art automated solutions for performing business operations in smooth,
fast and accurate manner. In a country like Pakistan where literacy rate is low, the
resistance towards computerized based enterprise application is a common thing. This all
depends on managing to implement the change by adapting good measures. The study was
SNGPL was taken as case study. The study has followed the model of (Ahmed et al.
(2006)) and proposed a slight change in the model for investigating the moderating role of
First objective of the study was to find out the effect of resistance on ERP
implementation objectives. Both hypotheses are accepted and hence fulfill the
higher. Both hypotheses are accepted. The secondary hypotheses (H5, H6, H7
and H8) stated the inverse relationship of resistance and user acceptance is
H10, H11 and H12) stated the inverse relationship of resistance and
The study showed that the change management initiatives taken by management at
SNGPL played a key role in reducing the resistance towards ERP implementation and lead
5.2 Implications
The research will be helpful for SNGPL to take better decisions regarding process
automations and huge investments in automated solutions for business processes. The
research is specifically conducted for SNGPL but can be helpful for any organization
specifically public sector organizations that is either planning to implement enterprise
The model presented in the research will be helpful for identifying the impact of
5.3 Limitations
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All users’ participation is not possible due to time constraint. As well as the
The same study can be carried out against multiple public sector organizations
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