Cec 208 Theory
Cec 208 Theory
Cec 208 Theory
Soils is that thin layer of the earth made up of a mixture of mineral and organic materials,
water and air formed from the underlying rocks plant and animal material by various
Most soil begins to form when big rocks break up. The breaking up of rocks is called
weathering. Weathering makes pieces of rocks smaller and smaller. There are two types
Most physical weathering is caused by ice. Ice is frost water, and water expands when it
Freezing water makes a powerful force. When water seeps into cracks in rocks and
freezes, it can split the rock apart; strong winds and growing tree roots can also break up
Water causes most chemical Weathering .Chemical weathering changes the materials that
make up rocks. Rain pours down on rocks, rivers flow over rocks, and waves
pound rocks along beaches. The water takes certain minerals out of rocks. For example,
grains of sand form after water takes mineral called feldspar out of granite rock. Erosion
also makes soil. Erosion can help break up rocks. Water, wind and glaciers cause erosion.
It acts as an abode of flora and fauna which suitably transform nutrients for up
It provides space for air and aeration which create a healthy environment for the
Soil classification.
a. Soil physics – is that branch of soil science which deals with the mechanical
behaviours of soil mass, i.e. the physical properties of soils as well as the
b. Soil chemistry – deals with chemical opposition and properties of soil and
c. Soil biology – deals with ecology the organism and their role in biological
d. Soil mineralogy – deals with the minerals, (primary rock mineral and
physics and biology and also fertility of soil in relation to the genesis of soil.
e. Soil fertility – deals with the nutrient status or ability of soil to supply
g. Soil survey – I the systematic examination of soil in the field and laboratories,
their descriptions and classification, the mapping of kinds of an area and also
h. plants and their productivity under different management systems.
i. Soil technology – is an applied science and deal with the principles and
Although soils are mainly formed from rocks, they differ from rocks in three main ways.
Unlike rocks, soil are made up mostly of secondary minerals which are
Unlike rocks, soils contain active organic matter in the form of humus,
Unlike rocks, soils are distributed in regular fashion over the earth’s
The soil body may be thought of as consisting of two main components; Solid materials
and pore spaces. The solid material fall into two main categories, that is mineral matter
There are two types of pore space, the macro pores or large open space which are
normally occupied by air and the micro pore or small spaces which normally contain
(a) Mineral matter (b) Organic matter (c) Water and (d) Air
The mineral matter consists of all solid in organic material in the soil and they include:-
(i) Rock fragments which are un decomposed reminants of the original rock material
ii. Sand
iii. Silt
iv. Clay
Physically, soils are composed of mineral and organic particle of varying sizes. The
particles are arranged in a matrix that results in about 50% pore space. The pore space
and filled with water and air. The physical properties include: - texture, structure,
The soil texture:- The physical and chemical weathering of rocks and minerals results
in a wide range in size of particles from stones, to gravel, to sand, to silt, and to very
small day particles. The particle size distribution determines the soils coarseness or
fineness, or the soil’s texture. Texture is therefore the relative proportions of sand, silt
and clay in soil. Texture is designated by using the names of predominant size fraction
and the word “loam” when ever all three major size fractions occur in sizable
proportions. Thus the term “siltyclay describes a soil in which the day characteristics are
outstanding and which also contains a substantial quantity of silt. A silty clay loam is
similar to silty cl ay except that it contains sand in a sizable proportion sandy. Soils are
classified as coarse – textured, loam soils are medium. Textured and day soils are fine
textured. The least complex textured group is sand which contains less than 15% silt and
day sandy soils are relatively inert chemically, are loose and non cohesive, and has a low
water holding
capacity. The textural classification has only on approximate relation ship to the behavior
The textural properties may be modified appreciably by organic matter content. The kind
of day minerals present and kinds of iron associated with them. Example, aggregation
effects of organic matter tend to give a fine textured soil high in days some of the pore
space properties of a coarser – textured soil. Similarly, colloid all effect of organic
additions to coarse textured sandy soil give it some of the moisture and cation retention
characteristic of a fine – textured soil. The figure below shows the textured triangle of the
Percentage silt
Percentage clay
Sandy loam
Clay loam Silty Clay
Sandy clay loam Loam
Problem: - calculate the percentage sand
of sand; day and silt when the 40 second and 8 hour
by diameter reading are 30 and 12 respectively assume a 50 gram oil sample is used.
8hr reading x 100 = % day
Sample weight
Texture is used in reference to the size of soil particle, where as structure is used in
reference to arrangement of the oil particles, and silt and day particles are typically
arranged into secondary particles called peds or aggregate. The shape and size of the peds
The structure modifies the influence of texture with regard to water and air relationships
and the ease of root penetration. The macroscopic size of most peds results in the
existence of interped pace that much larger than the spaces existing between adjacent
sand, silt, and day particles. Grouping of particles into structural units occurs in all soils.
However, the strength of the bond, the size and shape of the structural units and the
proportion of the soil particles involved in the unit differ considerably among soils.
the cohesive and adhesive properties of the entire soil mass. Where as structure deals
with the shape, size and distinctiveness of natural soil aggregate, consistence deals with
the strength and nature of the forces consistence is important for tillage and traffic
Consistence is described for three moisture levels wet, moist, and dry. A given soil may
be sticky when wet, firm when moist, and hard when dry. A partial list of term used to
Friable soils readily break apart and are not sticky when moist. Two additional
Colour is about the most obvious and easily determined soil property. Soil colour is
important because it is an indirect measure of other important characteristics such as
water drainage, elevation, and the organic matter content. Thus colour is used with other
characteristics to make many important references regarding soil formation and land use.
The soil colours are determined by matching the colour of a soil sample with colour chip
in a munsells oil colour Brok. The books consist of pages, each having colour chip
arranged systematically according to their hue, value and chroma. The three variables that
combine to give colours. Hue refers to wave length or colour of the light. Value refers to
Chroma- refers to the relative purity of the dominant wave length of the light. The three
properties are always given in the order of hue, value and chroma. In the notation, 10
year before, 10 year the hue, 6 is the value and 4 is the chroma. This colour is light-
yellowish brown. This colour system enables a person to communicate accurately the
1. Organic Matter- is a major clouring agent that affect soil colour, depending on
2. Iron compounds- The major colouring agents of most horizons are non
The constituent of the oil are the solids, liquids (water) and air. The diagram below show
The diagram above shows the presence of the three phases in relative proportion
both in masses and volume. Density of solids of soil is the ratio of mass of solid to it
ρs =Ms
The ratio of mass of solid to its volume in which ρw= density of water @ 40c. Soil density
is the mass per unit volume of the soil particles. Dry bulk density ρb is the ratio of the
mass of dried particles to the total volume of solid (including particles and pores).
ρb = Mt = Ms
Vt Vs + Vw + Va
Total (wet) bulk density I the mass of moist soil per unit volume
ρt = Mt = M + Mw
Vt Vs + Vw + Va
Porosity – is the ratio of the volume of pores (voids) to the total oil volume.
n = Vf = Va + Vw
Vt V a + Va + Vw
Porosity is an index of the relative volume of pores. It is influenced by the textural and
structural characteristic of the oil. The more finely divided are the individual soil particle,
Void ratio- The quantity expressing the ratio of the volume of pores to the volume of
e = Vf = Va + Vw
Vf Vs
This index has certain advantages over porosity. In the case of void ratio. Total volume
changes with volume change of voids, where as in case of porosity the volume of pores
may change without change in the volume of solids. The term is commonly used in
following relationships exit between porosity and volume ratio to apparent and true
specific gravity.
ρb = ρs (1 – n)
Where ρs = ρb (1 + e)
Moisture content – Degree of saturation should not be confused with moisture content,
which is the ratio of the weight of water in the sample to weight of solids. Moisture
= m = Ww
Volume of wetness;- is the relative water content of soil expressed on volume basis of
water and soil volume of wetness in the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of
total soil.
Vwt = Vw = Vw
Vt Vs + Vf
Degree of saturation: – refers to the volume of water, present in the total pore volume.
Degree of saturation = Vw = Vw
Vf V a + Vw.
Question 1:- A 500 m3 oven dry core has a bulk density of 1.1g/ cm3. The soil core is
placed in a pan of water and becomes water saturated. The oven dry soil and water at
= 550g
= 275g
275m3 pore space x 100 = 55%
500m3 soil volume
Questions 2: A sample of soil weighing 30.6kg had a volume of 0.0183m3, when dried
out in an oven its weight was reduced to 27.2kg. The specific gravity of the solids was
found to be 2.65. Determine the dry density, Bulk density, percentage of moisture cont.
Vs = Ws = 27.2 = 0.0103m3
GsVw 2.65x1000
VV = V-Vs
If soil is saturated then voids will be all water
Saturated density = Ws + Vv αw
= 1923kg/m3
The following data were obtained in determining the soil moisture content at successive
The bulk density of the soil in the root zones was 1.50gm/c. The available moisture
(i) The moisture content at the different depth in the root zone.
Field capacity.
Efficiency of 70%.
The constituent of the oil are the solids, liquids (water) and air. The diagram below show
The diagram above shows the presence of the three phases in relative proportion
both in masses and volume. Density of solids of soil is the ratio of mass of solid to it
ρs =Ms
The ratio of mass of solid to its volume in which ρw= density of water @ 40c. Soil density
is the mass per unit volume of the soil particles. Dry bulk density ρb is the ratio of the
mass of dried particles to the total volume of solid (including particles and pores).
ρb = Mt = Ms
Vt Vs + Vw + Va
Total (wet) bulk density I the mass of moist soil per unit volume
ρt = Mt = M + Mw
Vt Vs + Vw + Va
Porosity – is the ratio of the volume of pores (voids) to the total oil volume.
n = Vf = Va + Vw
Vt V a + Va + Vw
Porosity is an index of the relative volume of pores. It is influenced by the textural and
structural characteristic of the oil. The more finely divided are the individual soil particle,
Void ratio- The quantity expressing the ratio of the volume of pores to the volume of
e = Vf = Va + Vw
Vf Vs
This index has certain advantages over porosity. In the case of void ratio. Total volume
changes with volume change of voids, where as in case of porosity the volume of pores
may change without change in the volume of solids. The term is commonly used in
following relationships exit between porosity and volume ratio to apparent and true
specific gravity.
ρb = ρs (1 – n)
Where ρs = ρb (1 + e)
content, which is the ratio of the weight of water in the sample to weight of solids.
Moisture content
= m = Ww
Volume of wetness;- is the relative water content of soil expressed on volume basis of
water and soil volume of wetness in the ratio of the volume of water to the volume of
total soil.
Vwt = Vw = Vw
Vt Vs + Vf
Degree of saturation: – refers to the volume of water, present in the total pore volume.
Degree of saturation = Vw = Vw
Vf V a + Vw.
Question 1:- A 500 m3 oven dry core has a bulk density of 1.1g/ cm3. The soil core is
placed in a pan of water and becomes water saturated. The oven dry soil and water at
= 550g
= 275g
dried out in an oven its weight was reduced to 27.2kg. The specific gravity of the solids
was found to be 2.65. Determine the dry density, Bulk density, percentage of moisture
Vs = Ws = 27.2 = 0.0103m3
GsVw 2.65x1000
VV = V-Vs
Saturated density = Ws + Vv αw
= 27.2 + 0.008 x 1000
= 1923kg/m3
The following data were obtained in determining the soil moisture content at successive
The bulk density of the soil in the root zones was 1.50gm/c. The available moisture
(i) The moisture content at the different depth in the root zone.
Field capacity.
Efficiency of 70%.
Most of sources of irrigation water are from surface water or ground water which can
All the sources of water contain some soluble salt which always dissolved in them.
i. Rainfall
v. Snow
The main soluble constituents in water are calcium, magnesium, sodium and sometimes
potassium as cat ions and chloride, soleplates, bicarbonate and sometimes carbonate as
anions. However, ions of some other elements such as lithium, silicon, bromide, iodine,
copper, nickel etc. and organic matters are present in minor quantities. These elements
usually do not affect the quality of irrigation water as far as the total salt concentration is
Irrigation water maybe said to be unsatisfactory for its intended use if it contain:-
Bacteria injurious to persons or animal eating plant irrigated with the water.
The following are the most common problems that result from using poor quality
irrigation water.
i. Salinity: - A salinity problem related to water quality occurs if the total quantity
of salts in the irrigation water is high enough for the salts to accumulate in the
If excessive quantities of soluble salts accumulate in the root zone, the crop has
ii. Permeability:- A permeability problem related water quality occur when the
rate of water infiltration into and through the soil is reduced by the effect of
specific salts or lack of salts in the water to such an extent that the crop is not
adequately supplied with water and yield is reduced. The poor soil
permeability makes it more difficult to supply the crop with water and may
iii. logging of surface soil and accompanying disease, salinity, weed, oxygen and
nutritional problems.
iii. Toxicity: - A toxicity problem occurs when certain constituent in the water are
taken up by the crop and accumulate in amounts that result in reduced yield. This
is usually related to one or more specific ions in water, namely, boron, chloride
and sodium.
excessive vegetative growth, lodging and delayed crop maturity resulting from
excessive nitrogen in the water quality, white deposited on fruit or leaves due
The term quality as applied to water, embraces its combined physical, chemical and
Good quality water improves the soil because of it calcium content, conversely, if water
applied for irrigation is not of suitability quality soil deteriorate and crop yield decreases
the suitability of water for irrigating a particular crop grown on a particular soil require
consideration of
i. Sodium and calcium salt dissolved in it
ii. Its pH
Water in streams in humid areas is generally suitable for irrigation. Streams in industrial
locations are, however, polluted with industrial waste rendering it unsuitable for
irrigation. Irrigation water is generally obtained from rivers, canals, reservoirs, ground
Reservoirs yield better quality water than rivers because of beneficial effects of
impoundment. However, water quality characteristic depends on the source and storage.
Based on the source of the irrigation water the chemical and salts content it can be
classified as follows:-
Total dissolved solids in water are related to the specific conductance. Salts of
calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium present in irrigation water may prove
moderate is okay. Is: 11624 – 1986 has specified classification on the basis of hazardous
2. Electrical Conductivity-
Medium saline© Good 250-750 Normal salt tolerant
plants with
moderate leaching
Saline (c3) Permissible 750-2000 Only high salt
tolerant plants,
drainage is required.
Highly saline (c4) Doubtful 2000-3000 Bad water for
Very highly saline Unsuitable Over 3000 Unsuitable.
There are several other standards of salts contents that have to be analysis and compare
before selecting the required quality of irrigation water such as the sodium, Boron etc.
The irrigation water with PH value more than 8.5 will cause sodium hazard.
Suitability of ground water for irrigation depends upon the effect of mineral
constituents of water on both plants and soils as also on the piping system of the
tube well. Quality of ground water varies from place to place, from stratum to
stratum and fro season to season. The suitability of ground water for irrigation is
etc. Bacterial analysis is done to determine the presence of coli form organisms.
The movement of water in the soil controls not only the rate of infiltration but also the
supply of moisture to plants roots and the rate of underground flow to springs and
streams and recharge of ground water. Water in the liquid phase flows through the soil
In the films of surrounding soil particles (under unsaturated conditions, it moves under
the influence of surface tension forces). Water also diffuses as vapour through air-filled
pore spaces along gradients of decreasing vapour pressure. In all cases, the movement is
In dealing with the movement of the water into the soils, the following terminologies are
1. Water Intake
The movement of irrigation water from the soil surface into and through the soil.
synonymous with infiltration rate with the qualitative provision of saturated or
nearly conditions.
The water intake differs from the soil type and different soils absorb water at
Infiltration rate
mm/ hr
t Time
Fo = Initial infiltration
Fc = Infiltration capacity
K = Constant
t = time.
Seepage – is the infiltration (vertically) down ward and lateral movement of water into
Such water may reappear at the surface as wet spots or seeps or may percolate to join
ground water or may join the sub surface flow to springs or streams. Seepage rate
depends on the wetted perimeter of the reservoir or the canal and the capacity of the soil
The importance of the moisture content in the soil in relation to plant growth has resulted
Soil moisture measurements are important in the suitable scheduling of irrigation and
soil moisture storage with time is important in estimating evapo-transpiration. There are
b. The stress of tension under which the water is held by the soil. The
c. relationship between these two properties through out the entire moisture
range gives a good deal of insight into the physical properties of a soil.
Expressing the amount of soil moisture, the amount of moisture that is held by a certain
Expression of moisture content as a percentage of dry weight may not indicate the
amount of water, available to plants, unless the moisture characteristics curve or field
Field capacity: This is the moisture content of an initially saturated soil after all the
gravitational water has drain out. It is regarded as the storage capacity of the soil for
irrigation purposes.
Wilting point- This is the maximum moisture content of the soil at which roots of
plants can no longer extract water from the soil and the plant “wilts” and may die if water
Available water = (Fc – wp) % - soil moisture between field capacity and permanent
wilting point, and it is also referred to as readily available moisture. It is the moisture
Out flow
Fc = field capacity
Wp = wilting point
Aw = Available water.
Water present in the soil may be classified under three heads, because some moisture is
Hygroscopic water
Capillary water
Gravitational water
This occupies the larger pores of the soil and drains away under the influence of
gravity. The upper limit of gravitational water is when the soil is saturated, that is,
The saturation capacity is then equal to the porosity of the soil which may be
expressed as P = 100(s-v)
Where P = Porosity %
If the porosity of the soil is 50% by volume, then the saturated capacity can be
expressed as 500mm of water per meter of soil. In other words, the amount of
Gravitational water drains from the root zone unless prevented by a barrier such
as head – pan or a high water table. This process takes less than one day for
coarse sandy and three to four days for a heavy clay soil. Because of the relatively
cycle should be allowed for the time taken for the soil to drain to the gravity limit.
Capillary water is that held by surface tension in the pores between the particles.
The upper limit is when all the gravitational water has drained away: Soil in this
state is said to be at field capacity, which is normally taken as the upper limit to
This water is held as a very thin film round the soil particle, and is held so firmly
Gravitational water
Capillary water
Wilting coefficient
Hygroscopic water.
It acts as a solvent for the nutrients. Water forms the solution of the
The irrigation water supplies moisture which is essential for the life of
Some salts present in soil react to produce nourishing food products only
Water cools the soil and the atmosphere, and thus makes more favourable
Irrigation water, with controlled supplies, washes out or dilutes salts in the
Having established the suitability of an area for irrigation, the next step is the
determination of water requirement. Knowledge of the rate of water use by crops and the
water retention characteristic of soils is fundamental in the design of the water supply
system and scheduling of the irrigation scheme. The pattern of crop water use, allowing
for rainfall and operational losses, determines the canal, pipeline, storage and pumping
The total water requirement consists of the water needed by the crop, the losses
associated with the delivery and application of the water. The best source of information
on over all water requirements is often the experience of a good irrigators operating under
conditions similar to those of the project area. Such information must be selected with
care since it is a common practice to use excessive amounts of water if abundant supply
is available.
use (CU) plus the losses during the application of irrigation of water (un avoidable losses)
and quantity of water required for special operations such as land preparation,
“demand” and the “supply” would consist of contributions from any of the sources of
water, the major source being the irrigation water (IR), effective Rainfall (ER) and soil
WR = IR + ER +S.
The field irrigation requirement of a crop, therefore refers to the water requirement of
crops, exclusive of effective rainfall and contribution from soil profile, and is given as IR
= WR – (ER + s)
The farm irrigation requirement depends on the irrigation need of individual crops their
area and the losses in the farm water distribution systems, mainly by the seepage.
The water balance of a field is an itemed statement of all gains, losses and changes of
storage of water occurring in a given field with in specified boundaries during a specified
period of time. The task of monitoring and controlling the field water balance is vital to
the efficient management of water and soil. Knowledge of the water balance is necessary
to evaluate the possible methods to minimize loss and maximize gain and utilization of
P + - (R + D + E + T) = DS +DV
Where p is precipitation, I is irrigation, R is run off from the field, D is down ward
drainage out of the root zone, E evaporation from the soil, T transpiration by the crop
canopy, Ds the change in soil water content of the root zone and Dv the charge in plant
water content.
In the simplest sense, effective rain fall means useful or utilizable rainfall. Rainfall is not
necessarily useful or desirable at time rate or amount in which it is received. The useful
portion of rainfall is stored and supplied to the user, the unwanted parts need to be
portion of the total rainfall which directly satisfies crop water needs and also the surface
run off which can be used for crop production on their farms by being pumped from
ponds or wells.
There are so any factors influencing the proportion of the effective rain fall but only very
Rain Fall Characteristic: – a soil has a definite and limited infiltration and
Hence greater quantities as well as intensities of rain fall normally reduce the
Land Slope: - The slope of the land has profound influence on the time available
Crop Characteristics: - Crops with high water consumption create greater deficit
of moisture in soil. The effective rain fall is directly proportional to the rate of
water up take by the plant. Crop characteristics influencing the rate of water up
take are the degree of ground cover, rooting depth and stage of growth.
Irrigation may be defined as the artificially supplying water to soil for raising crops.
It is the engineering of controlling and harnessing the various natural sources of water, by
the construction of dams and reservoirs, canals and head works; and finally distributing
the water to the agricultural fields. Irrigation engineering includes the study and design
of works in connection with river control, drainage of water logged areas, and generation
Less Rainfall: - When the total rainfall is less than needed for crop, artificial
Non – Uniform: - The rainfall in a particular area may not be uniform one the
crop period. During the early stage rain may be more, but no water may be
Commercial Crops with Additional Water:- The rain fall in particular area may
be sufficient to raise the usual crops, but more water may be necessary for raising
employment is carried to the people and this relief famine, and after the
Cultivation of cash crops: - Irrigation makes it possible to grow cash crops such
Addition to the wealth of the country: - The water tax obtained from farmer, the
bumper crops produced due to irrigation makes country self – sufficient in food
requirements and this serves the foreign exchange and therefore increases
increased. The increase in the yield of the crop, the growing of cash crops makes
Generation of Hydro Electric Power; - majesty of large river valley projects are
usually planned to provide hydro – electric power together with irrigation. Also,
falls on the irrigation channels can be vitalized to generate electricity which may
Domestic and industrial water supply: – They can be use for domestic and for
Inland navigation: – It can be use a means of transporting the people and
agricultural products.
seepage of water, the ground water table is raised in the area where irrigation
General development of the country: – Due to the increased yield and value of
the crop, means of communication such as wad – ways, rail ways and post and
telegraph facilities are introduced. Due to the living standards, of the people,
Irrigation water may be applied to crops by flooding it on the field surface, by applying it
is not the soil surface, by spraying it under pressure or by applying it in crops. The
Irrigation methods
In the surface methods of irrigation, water is applied directly to the soil surface from a
channel located at the upper reach of the field, water may be distributed to the crops in
border strips check basin or furrow. Two general requirements of prime importance to
obtain high efficiency in surface methods of irrigation are properly constructed water
distribution systems to provide adequate control of water to the fields and proper land
In the border strip flooding method, the farm is divided into a series of strips 10 to 20
These strips are separated by low levees or border (low flat dillies) and run down the
predominant or any other desired slope. To irrigate, water is turned from the supply ditch
on to the head of the border. Water advances – confined and guided by two borders in a
thin sheet towards the lower end of the strip. The surface is essentially level between two
borders so that the advancing sheet of water over the entire width of the strip. The length
wise slope varies from 0.5 to 1.5%. This method is especially suited to forage crops, its
advantage being that for a relatively low investment a system can be developed which
can afford the highest irrigation efficiency and lowest labour requirement. With highly
mechanized farming, large area and be irrigated within a short time by border strip
method. The length of border strip depends upon how quickly it can be wetted over its
iii. Clay loam or clay soil 150 to 300m.
The first 6 to 12m length of the strip should be made level to ensure uniform
spreading of water.
a. Earth or concrete ditches (canals): These run at a flat longitudinal grade. The
water is discharge into the trip via border gates, aluminum siphon or plastic
b. Under-ground concrete pipes through risers: In this method, water is let into the
Border ridges can be constructed economically with simple farm implements like
a bullock-drawn
Uniform distribution and high water application efficiencies are possible if the
This is the simplest in principle of all methods of irrigation. There are many variations in
its use, but all involve dividing the field into smaller unit areas so that each has a nearly
Levelled Flot
Check or levee
Bunds or ridges are constructed around the areas forming basins within which the
irrigation water can be controlled. The basins are filled to the desired depth and the water
is retained until it infiltrates into the soil, the depth of water maybe maintained for
The distinguishing feature of the various uses of the check basin method of irrigation
involve the size and shape of the basins and whether irrigation is accomplished by
intermittent or continues ponding of water in the basins. The ridges or bunds may be
temporary for a single irrigation as in the pre-sowing irrigation of seasonal crops or semi-
permanent for repeated use as in the case of paddy fields. The size of the ridge will
depend on the depth of water to be impounded as well as on the stability of the oil when
As the infiltration rate of the soil increases, the stream size must be increased or the size
of the basins reduced in order to cover the area within a short period of time.
It is suited to smooth gentle and uniform land slope and for soils having moderate
Both row crops and close-growing crops are adapted to be used with basin as long
It is also suitable in very permeable soils which must be covered with water
The method is especially adapted to very slowly and is required to stand for a
The method enables the conservation of rainfall and reduction in soil erosion by
retaining a large part of the rain in the basin to be infiltrated gradually with out
Considerable land is occupied by ridges and lateral field channel and crop yields
other methods.
The method is not suitable for irrigated crops which are sensitive to wet soil
The furrow method of irrigation is used in the irrigation of row crops with furrows
developed between the crop rows in the planting and cultivating process.
The size and shape of the furrow depends on the crop grown, equipment used and spacing
between crop rows. Water I applied by running small streams in furrows between the
crop rows. Water infiltrates into the soil and spreads laterally to irrigate the areas between
Row Furrow
The length of time the water is to blow in the furrows depends on the amount of the water
required to replenish the root zone and the infiltration rate of the soil and the rate of
and small irrigation streams can be used by adjusting the number of furrows irrigated at
spacing length and slope of furrows and suitable size of the irrigation stream and the
j. Furrow spacing – Furrows can be spaced to fit the crops grown and the type
of machines used for planting and cultivation. Furrows should be spaced close
enough to ensure that water spreads to the sides into the ridge and root zone of
the crop to replenish the soil moisture uniformly. The spacing depends on the
type of crops e.g. potatoes, maize and cotton are planted 60 to 90cm apart and
have furrows between all rows. The lateral movement of water depends on
ii Furrow length – The optimum length of a furrow in usually the longest
furrow that can be safely and efficiently irrigated. Long furrows are an
deep at the head of the furrow by the time the stream reaches the lower end.
lower end.
Short furrows require field supply channels to be spaced too close with consequent
loss of land and increase in labour requirement. Proper furrow length depends
iii Furrow slope – The slope or grade of the furrow is important because it controls
the speeds at which water flows down the furrow. A minimum furrow grade of
0.05 percent is needed to ensure surface drainage. In general, the ranges in slope
recommended for borders apply to furrows also. As the furrow grade increase, the
rate of infiltration slows down and the side spread of water into the crop ridge
decrease, so that, wastage may occur at the end of the furrows. With highly
permeable soils, these factors may not be limiting. However, steeper grades lead
iv. Furrows stream- The size of the furrow stream is the one factor which can be
varied after the furrow irrigation system has been installed. The size of the
furrow usually varies from 0.5 to 2.5 litres per second. To obtain the most
uniform irrigation, the largest stream of water that will not cause erosion is
used in each furrow at the beginning of irrigation. Its purpose is to wet the
entire length of each furrow as quickly as possible, thus enabling the soil to
absorb water evenly through the entire furrow length. After the water reached
the lower end of a furrow, the stream is reduced or cut back so that it will just
keep the furrow wet through out its length with a minimum waste at the end.
Water in the furrows contacts only ½ to 1/5 of the land surface there by reducing
Labour requirements in land preparation and irrigation are very much reduced.
It is especially suitable for those crops (like maze etc) that are injured by contact
with water.
It is irrigated by water movement upward from a water table located some distance
attractive proportion to the irrigate if he can device the means of execution. The
advantages are the avoidance of the evaporative losses of open water or wet soil
surfaces and the elimination of the impedance caused to cultivation by pipes and
i. Natural sub- Surface irrigation is so called because the conditions which make
it possible are geological and topographical. These are near level terrain, and a
deep top soil of very high lateral permeability under laid at 2m to 7 depth by an
impermeable stratum. If the area with this soil profile is sufficiently expansive,
spreader ditchers and wells. A constant heck is kept on the water table at
Since all water movement in the process of supply to the plant is upwards
from the water table, there is also an upward movement of unwanted salts
In arid climates where there is no significant rainfall to countered this, there is
the case, provision is made for periodic leaching of the soil by heavy
application of water to the surface. There must be drainage for the removal of
summer but drainage is needed during the winter, and where the soil is a
highly permeable sand or peat, water table control can be affected by parallel
and part is stored in reservoirs to be fed back to the field via the dither during
perforated pipes through which water is passed at pressure to percolate into the
This method will only function effectively if the soil has high horizontal and low
450mm and depths in the region of 500mm. There are expensive and liable to be
Ditch Ditch
Water Table
Impermeable clay
The sprinkler method consists of applying the water in the form of spray,
some what as in ordinary rain, as is done in the garden lawn sprinkling. The
conditions where surface irrigation methods are not efficient. This method is
In this system, the cost of land preparation and permanent water delivery system of
channels or conduct is less. However, there is large initial investment in the purchase of
Sprinkler system can be classified under three heads:-
i. Permanent system
Earlier, stationary over- head perforated pipe installations were used. However, with the
introduction of light weight steel pipes and quick couplers, portable sprinkler system was
developed. In the permanent system, pipes are permanently buried in such a way that they
do not interfere with tillage operations. In the semi-permanent system, the main lines are
buried while the laterals are portable. Portable system has both portable main lines and
laterals. These systems are designed to be moved from around the farm from field to
A pump usually lifts the water from the source, pushes it through the distribution system
and through the sprinkler nozzle on the sprinkler heads mounted on rising pipes attached
to the laterals. Turbine and horizontal centrifugal pumps are usually used. Sprinkler
system usually is opposed of perforated pipes or revolving head sprinklers and may be
Generally, perforated pipe system operates on the low pressure where as the resolving
head sprinklers operate in both ranges depending on the type of rotary head used.
iii. Irrigation is better controlled; light irrigation is possible for seedling and
iv. Land preparation is not required, labour cost is reduced more land is available
In drip irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, water is applied in the form of drops
directly near the base of the plant. Water is conveyed through a system of flexible pipe
lines, operating at low pressure, and is applied to the plant through drip nozzles. This
technique is also known as “feeding bottle” technique where by the soil is maintained in
the most congenital form by keeping the soil – water – air proportion in the optimum
range. Drip irrigation limits the water supplied for consumptive use of the plant by
maintaining minimum soil moisture, equal to the field capacity, there by maximizing the
Figure above showing Drip irrigation.
The system permits the fine control on the application of moisture and nutrients at stated
The method of drip irrigation was first introduced is Israel but is now practiced in many
countries of the world. Along with irrigation water, nutrients (fertilizer solutions) are also
fed to the system. Water is first filtered so that the impurities may not clog the fine holes
of the drippers.
Water source OVERHEAD TANK
Fertilizer Tank.
Filter Unit
Pressure Regulator.
The choice of irrigation methods is based on technical feasibility and economics. Surface
methods are generally the cheapest to install, and where conditions are suitable there is
However, where high value cash crop is to be grown there may be economic justification
for considering other types of irrigation, especially where conditions are not ideal for
surface irrigation.
a. Land preparation – Surface irrigation requires uniform slope which are too
The uniformity of the land surface is also important. For efficient irrigation by a
surface method, slopes must be uniform with no high or low spots. To accomplish
this, land grading is required, the extend of which depends on the natural
topography. Land grading reduced top-soil, neither of which aid crop production.
It should be noted that land grading may be an expensive operation, and therefore
in some cases, it may be cheaper to install sprinkler irrigation at the out set.
b. Variability of soil type: - The soil types in the irrigation area also affect the
choice of method. Soils with low available water require frequent light irrigation
which is difficult with surface methods. Soils with a high infiltration rate tend to
waste water because of percolation below the rooting range unless surface
irrigation run are very short. The short runs increase labour costs, waste land
over than one type of soil I present in one field. Therefore in this type of condition
sprinkler and trickle irrigation designs can easily be adapted to suit areas of
c. Water quantity and quality: - The amount, quality and cost of the water supply
also have some bearing on the irrigation method. Where the flow of water is
effective flow can be increase by providing farm storage during periods when
irrigation is not being practiced e.g. at night. If the total quantity of the water is
small, then it must be used with the highest efficiency. High efficiencies are not
generally attained with surface methods unless design, operation and management
are of a high standard and distribution canal are lined. Sprinklers and trickle
Where sediment is in water and the water contains objectionable matter, for
example sewage, then sprinkler and trickle irrigation can not be choused.
the smaller droplet are blown away and the water application pattern is distorted
resulting in
low efficiencies. High temperatures and low humidity reduce sprinkling efficiencies, but
sprays; by lowering the atmospheric water demand, can alleviate water stress in
the plant and increase growth. Heavy rain after irrigation by surface method can
result in flooding.
e. Crop: - The type of crop being irrigated has little effect technically on the choice
of a surface or sprinkler method. Tall crops are difficult to work in and thus the
Surface irrigation, by its nature, has relatively long irrigation cycles, and in
extreme circumstance will cause the plants to lose more growth than they would
Efficient use of irrigation water is an obligation of each user as well as of the planners.
Even under the best method of irrigation, not all the water applied during irrigation is
shored in the roof zone. In general, efficiency in the ratio of water out put to the water in
The objective of efficiency concepts is to show when improvements can be made which
will result in more efficient irrigation. The following are the various types of irrigation
water conveyance systems associated with the canal network, water courses and field
channels. It is also applicable where the water is conveyed in channel from the well to
It is expressed as Ec = Wf x 100
Where Ec = water conveyance efficiency %
Wf = water delivered to the irrigated plot (at the field supply Channel).
2. Water Application Efficiency: - After the water reached the field supply
channel, it I measure of how efficiently this I done I the water application
efficiency. And it is defined as Ea = Ws x 100
Water application efficiencies decreases due to seepage, percolation and run off
3. Water use efficiency – It is the ratio of water beneficially use, inducing leaching
water, to the quantity of water delivered, and is determined from the following
Eu = Wu = 100
Wa = Water delivered
Water storage efficiency becomes important when water supplies are limited or
when excessive time is required to secure adequate penetration of water into the
uniformly distributed along the run. Not only the application of the right
amount of water to the field but also its uniform distribution over the field is
by the uniformity of water distribution which is possible for given soil and
Ed = (1 – y) x 100
The efficiency, therefore, evaluates the loss of water by deep percolation and by
1. A stream of 135 liters per second was delivered from a canal and 100 litr per
second were delivered to the field. An area of 1.6 hectares was irrigated in eight
hrs. The effective depth of root zone was 1.8m. The run off lose in the field was
432m3. The depth of water penetration varied linearly from 1.8m at the head end
of the field to 1.2m at the tail end. Available moisture holding capacity of the soil
is 20cm per metre depth of soil. Determine the water conveyance efficiency,
available moisture.
Moisture required in the root zone = 36 – 36 x 50 = 18cm
= 80%
available moisture holding capacity of the soil is 16cm/m and the depth of root
the root zone is depleted. Water application efficiency is 70%. Peak rate of
conveyance are negligible. Determine the irrigation period, net depth of water
use by the corps is 4mm (weighted average). Losses in water conveyance are
negligible. Determine the irrigation period, net depth of water application, depth
of water pumped per application, and the required capacity of the irrigation
= 26.4 litres/sec
An agricultural land is said to be waterlogged when its productivity or fertility is affected
by high water table. At which it tends to make the soil waterlogged and harmful to the
growth and subsistence of plants life. Depends upon the height of capillary fringe, which
is the height to which water will rise due to capillary action. The normal height of the
capillary fringe met within agricultural soils varies from 0.5m to 1.60m.the land will
therefore, be waterlogged when the water table is within 1.5m below the ground surface.
The adverse effects of high water table upon the yield of crops also depend upon the
nature of crop grown. The dept of water table which adversely affects the growth of
different crop is given below
Wheat 0.9m to 1.2m
Cotton 1.5m to 1.8m
Rice 0.6m
Sugar cane 0.3m
Folder crop 1.2m
of the plants are confined to the top layers of the soil above the water table while if
the water table is low, the roots of plants have more room for growth.
Fall in soil temperature
A waterlogged soil warms up slowly and due to lower temperature, action of soil
bacteria is sluggish and plant food available is less.
Defective air circulation
When the water table is high, the drainage becomes impossible and the Rise of salt
The rate of water table also causes accumulation of alkali salt in the surface soil by
the upward flow of water which is established in waterlogged lands. If the underlying
layers contains alkali salt in solution. They are brought up with water which
evaporates having the salt on the surface. The alkaline deposits change the PH value
of soil. Soils with PH value 7.0 to 8.5 gives normal yields, with PH value 8.0 and 9.0.
The yield decreases when PH value rises to 11.0. The soil becomes infertile.
Water logging in any particular area is normally the result of several contributory
factors. The main factors causing water logging areas are giving below
In adequate surface drainage
When the surface drainage is not adequate the heavy precipitations in the area is not
drained off quickly and the rain water remains stagnant over the area for considerable
time. This gives rise to heavy percolation and water table rises in the area.
Natural obstruction to the flow of ground water
Sometimes subsoil does not permit free flow of sub soil water due to some natural
obstruction. This may accentuate the process of raising the water table. The creation
of a high false water table or parched water table also leads to water logging.
Construction of water reservoir
Similar to the seepage from a canal, the seepage from the reservoir augments the
water table and may cause water logging.
Obliteration of natural drainage
Sometimes the cultivator plough up and obliterates an existing natural drainage. This
results in stoppage of storm water flow, consequent flooding and water logging.
Inadequate capacity for arterial drainage
This arterial drainage or nadi may not have adequate capacity to pass the
heaviest floods in the entire catchments. As such the function of all the drains
connected to the arterial drain is seriously hampered. The flood water of local
drains thus spreads over the country side for clays and heavy percolations into
the sub soil causes alarming rise in water table.
Over irrigation of fields
When the irrigation water applied to the field is in excess of the requirement of
the crop, deep percolation takes place which is retained in the intermediate zone
augmenting the ground water storage.
Obstruction of natural drainage
If a natural drainage is obstructed by irrigation channel, rail or road embankments,
it will not be able to pass the rain water of catchments. There will thus be flooding
of land and consequent water logging.
Carbon dioxide liberated by the plant root can not be dissolved and taken away.
Adverse effect on community health
The climate of a waterlogged area becomes damp. Formation of stagnant pools
may become breeding places for mosquitoes. The climate does become extremely
detrimental to the health of community.
In devising anti-water logging measures, the nature and magnitude of various factors,
enumerated in previous article should be correctly assessed and allow for, various
remedial measures adopted for prevention of water logging are discussed below
Efficient surface drainage
An efficient drainage system which permits a quick flow of rain water in short period
helps to reduce the water logging.
Under-drained by tile drains
The drainage of agricultural lands is done more satisfactorily by the drains. A suitable
tile drain can hold the water table at a pre-determined level which will be most
beneficent to the crops.
Restriction of irrigation
a. The cultivators should be educated for economic use of water and induce
to divide his field into "Kiaries" to avoid wastage. He should also be
encouraged to supplement his water requirement from open wells and tube
b.Area with critical water table may be allowed only for kharif irrigation and
during Rabi the cultivators may irrigate from open wells and tube wells.
Removing obstruction in natural drainage
Drainage crossing with road, railways and canals should be remodeled to
make it more efficient.
Prevention of seepage from water reservoir
Adequate and suitably designed toe filters are provided so that seepage
ultimately fines its way into the natural stream.
Change in crop pattern
A change in crop pattern may minimize the damage to plant line.
Adoption of sprinkler for irrigation
This reduces the percolation losses from water causes as only predetermined
amount of water is applied to the land.
For design, we are normally given,
1) Design capacity Qm³/s
2) Slope [longitudinal]
3) Channel section type [rectangular /trapezium]
We are required to obtain the actual size of the channel.
Example: Design a trapezoidal canal to convey, 10m³/s of water across a land slopping at
3.5m over 3000m. Take marnings n=0.015
Soln Assume Z, M and estimate B
Maximum velocity =1.75m/s
.: Area =10/1.75 =5.7m²
Normally for maximum efficiency, the depth is about half of the width (or top width for
Assuming side slope of 1:1 (i.e. 45°), Z=1, M=1
.: A=By +y²
5.7=By +y²
5.7=By +y² Try B=2, y=1
Area (A) =2x1+1²=3
Try B=2, y=2, =A=2x2+2²=8
B=2, y=1.5, A=2x1.5+1.5²=5.25
Use B=2m (Z=1/m and m=1/2)
Depth=y A=2y+y² P=2+2√2×Y R=A/P V=1/nR2/3 Q=AV
1.5 5.25 6.245 0.840 1.983 10.408
1.45 5.003 6.104 0.820 1.995 9.981
The capacity of the drainage is determined from the velocity of flow and sectional area of
the canal and its bank/ sides are not eroded by the water, also deposition of salt or
suspension solids should be avoided.
To obtain velocity of flow, we use the manning equation
: V=1/n R2/3 √S
Concrete 0.015
Wood 0.012
Earth 0.032
Metal 0.011
Corrugated metal 0.024
Channel section Area of flow Welted perimeter
By B +2y
------- B-------
By +Zy B+Zy²√1+Z²
1 y m
Z 1 By +y²/m B +y²√1+1/m²
The term drainage is applied to systems for dealing with excess water. The three primary
drainage tasks are urban storm drainage, land drainage (agriculture drainage) and high
way drainage. Our primary concern is the agricultural drainage so far we are dealing with
irrigation engineering.
Agricultural drainage is the removal of excess water from agricultural
lands by means of open or covered drains, shallow surface drains, bedding and land
grading or smoothing are measures use to collect and remove surface water from fields.
The essential requirements to be satisfied by a drain are:-
Admit all the flood discharge from the catchments
Quick and unobstructed flow towards the drain from the catchments
Capacity to carry away the received water to the out fall
Seepage and or low discharge does not spread thin over the entire section
Low maintenance cost
Low initial cost
Stable section with non-silting tendency and capable of avoiding sloughing of
side slopes.
| |
According to construction According to functions
_________|_________ _________|_________
| | | Natural
artificial open drains closed drains
I. Surface drains: - surface drains are normally used for removal of excess
surface irrigation water or for the disposal of storm water. They remove
water before it has entered the soil.
II. Seepage: - Cater for the sub soil water. They are made deep enough to allow
water table to drop in the drain and seepage water is carried away. They are
of smaller section compared to surface drains. They help maintain aeration
of root zone depths.
III. Surface-cum-seepage drains: - They are the dual purpose of seepage and
storm water drain. During rainy season they carry storm water and seepage
water in non-monsoon months.
2. CLOSED DRAIN: - The sub-surface drains remove water which has entered the
soil. They are usually laid 1 to 1.5m below the ground surface and at a suitable spacing
and grade to lower water table to greater depths.
Sub surface drainage water in arid region is likely to be saline and disposal should be
considered with care. Return to the natural drainage channels can lead in time to serious
river water salinity. Some irrigation areas are under laid by extensive highly permeable,
volcanic deposits which if they have a suitable zone of discharge, can be used as a cheap
and convenient medium for the disposal o drainage water.
Another geological asset to drainage is a buried historical river bed. This may be a course
of very permeable sands and gravels, sealed from the surface by over laying clay layers,
which if penetrated forms an excellent and cheap drainage disposal channel. Depending
on the extent and depth of the quiver, it can be reached by a system of small ‘down’ wells
each draining its immediate vicinity, or by a small number of main wells into which the
out flow from a system of surface and under drains can be discharged.
While it is generally inadvisable for sub surface drainage water to be returned to the
irrigation supply unless monitored for undesirable solutes, excess storm rain and surface
irrigation run off are unlikely to be contaminated and can safely be re-used. Re-use of
irrigation run off in particular is practiced widely where economically justified
Figure shows down well.
Drainage channel
Impermeable stratum
15.0 FLOOD
Flood is terms used to describe the inundation of an area by water for a certain period of
time, leading to disruption of normal activities and possible lose of properties and life.
The flood could be caused by any of the following: -
i. Excessive rainfall leading to extra ordinary run off.
ii. Poor drainage system and drains of inadequate capacity.
iii. Silting up of natural drains and river beds with sediments due to erosion in the
catchments area.
iv. Encroachment of flood plain by human settlement.
v. Construction of structures on river banks and beds.
vi. Highly meandering streams.
vii. Sudden failure of water retaining structures.
can do little to prevent a major flood, but he may be able to minimize damage to crops
and properly with in the flood plains of the river.
The commonly accepted measures for reducing flood damage are: -
Reduction of peak flow by reservoirs
Confinement of the flow with in a pre-determined channel by levees, flood walls
or a closed conduit
Reduction of peak stage by increased velocities resulting from channel
Diversion of flood water through by passes or flood ways to other channel or even
another water shed.
Reduction of flood run off by land management
Temporary evaluation of flood threatened areas on the basis of flood warnings.
In general, levees and flood walls must satisfy the same structural criteria as regular
dams. Levees are most frequently used for flood mitigation because they can be built at
relatively low cost of materials available at the site. Levees are usually built of excavated
material from borrow pits paralleling the levee line. The material should be placed in
layers and compacted, with the least pervious material along the river side of the levee.
Usually there is no suitable material for a core, and most levees are homogeneous