3 Question Bank
3 Question Bank
3 Question Bank
Question Bank
Chapter – 1: General
Sr.No Questions
1. Enlist the major sea ports in India and in Gujarat. Also discuss any two in detail.
2. What is the significance of water transportation? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of
water transportation.
3. State advantages of water transport
4. List major ports in India
5. Explain about various navigational aids for waterway transportation.
6. What is the significance of water transportation?
7. Discuss airport master planning process as per ICAO recommendation
8. Explain in detail advantages and disadvantages of air transport
9. Enlist the constituents of harbour. Draw the sketch of a typical artificial harbor
10. Discuss classification of harbour based on different criteria
11. Draw the typical layout of a harbour showing all components.
12. Write short notes on ICAO and AAI.
13. What facilities are necessary for a major port? Describe each in detail.
Sr.No Questions
1. Discuss harbour maintenance
2. What are the site selection criteria for harbour planning?
3. Sketch neat layout of harbour showing various components.
4. What is the need of harbour maintenance? What are the methods of maintenance of harbour?
5. Discuss harbour maintenance
6. What are the site selection criteria for harbour planning?
7. What are the requirements of a good harbour?
Chapter-3 : Natural Phenomenon
Sr.No Questions
1. How the water waves are generated? Explain by drawing sketch shallow waves and deep waves.
2. Discuss about study of natural phenomena for harbour planning.
3. Explain Wave breaking & Wave reflection with neat sketches
4. Explain Wave breaking & Wave reflection with neat sketches
5. Explain littoral drift
6. Explain by drawing sketch shallow waves and deep waves.
7. Compare mound type and wall type breakwaters.
8. Enlist different types of dolphins. Explain any one
9. Discuss about study of natural phenomena for harbour planning
10. What do you mean by tides? Which are the types of tides?
11. Enlist various causes of beach erosion
12. What is dredging? Which are the objectives of dredging?
Sr.No Questions
1. Why fenders are provided on docking platform? Draw the sketch of wooden and rubber.
2. Differentiate between dry dock and wet dock
3. Compare Mound type and Vertical wall breakwater
4. Why fenders are provided on docking platform? Draw the sketch of wooden and rubber fenders.
5. Enlist different types of locks and explain any one.
6. What is floating dock? Give its advantages and disadvantages.
7. Differentiate between wharf and jetty.
8. Explain floating dock with figure.
9. What are the different types of lock gates? Explain with sketch the mitre type gate and
sector gate with a sketch of closed sector gate
Sr.No Questions
1. Define the terms: (i) Turning Basin (ii) Draft (iii) Break water.
2. Discuss buoys, beacons and light house
3. Distinguish between Jetty and Wharves.
4. Enlist different types of breakwater and describe composite breakwater with figure
5. Explain floating landing stages.
6. Draw the typical layouts of transit shade and warehouse shade
Sr.No Questions
1. How the water waves are generated? Explain by drawing sketch shallow waves and deep waves.
2. Write a note on Airport Capacity
3. Draw typical Layout of Airport Terminal Building
4. Describe airplane component parts with neat sketch
5. Discuss basic patterns or configuration of the runways with neat sketches.
6. Explain wind rose diagram showing direction, duration and intensity of wind.
7. What are the facilities provided in terminal building? Also draw typical layout
of airport terminal building
8. Which facilities are provided in terminal area
Sr.No Questions
1. Draw the neat sketches for different aircraft parking system.
2. Describe various components of air traffic control network
3. Define: Airport, Runway, Taxiway and Apron
4. What is function of taxiway in airports? Draw cross sections of taxiway
showing all components.
5. Write a note on site selection for Hangers
6. Draw sketch showing parts of Aeroplane
7. Enlist and explain corrections to be applied to basic runway length
8. Explain in brief: (1) Exit taxiway (2) Holding apron.
9. Draw the typical layout of airport for single runway, two parallel runways,
three non-intersecting runways and tangential runways.
10. What is the function of a hanger? Explain the Nose hangers and T hangers with neat sketch.
11. How runway orientation is decided?
12. Discuss parking system of aircraft on airfield. Draw neat sketches of various
parking configuration of aircraft
13. Sketch various orientation of runway with label.
14. Determine the turning radius of taxiway for an aircraft with a wheel base of 30m.
Tread of main loading gear is 6m. Design turning speed is 50kmph. Width of taxiway
pavement is 22.5m.Assume coefficient of friction
between tyre and pavement surface as 0.13m.
15. Determine the design length of runway required if the length under standard
atmospheric conditions is 2000m,the actual elevation of the site is 1000m above MSL
and the airport reference temperature is 16°C. Maximum effective gradient is 0.5%.
16. Determine turning radius of taxiway if the speed of aircraft is 93km/hour and
Co- efficient of friction is 0.13.
17. Draw a typical layout of a small domestic terminal building
Sr.No Questions
1. How the water waves are generated? Explain by drawing sketch shallow waves and deep waves.
2. Explain different wheel configuration of aircraft with neat sketch.
3. The length of runway at sea level under standard condition at zero gradient is 1500m.
The airport site is at an elevation of 900m. The reference temperature is 20oC.proposed
runway permits ascending gradient of 0.5%..Determine final runway length
Sr.No Questions
1. Explain briefly requirement of an airport drainage system
2. Discuss importance of grading and drainage in airport
3. Write in brief about airport drainage system.
Sr.No Questions
1. Write a note on Instrument Landing System
2. Explain LORAN and RADAR
3. Write a note on visual aids and runway lighting.
4. Write in brief about types of airport lightings with their purpose of provision.
5. Write in brief about types of airport markings with their function
Prof. Dr.
Subject Coordinator HOD