Toy Trains

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Toy Trains

This problem gives you the chance to:

• find and use a number pattern
• find an algebraic expression for a number pattern

Brenda’s toy shop sells toy trains.

A size 1 set is just an engine, a size 2 has an engine and 1 carriage, a size 3 has an engine and 2
carriages and so on.

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3

The engine has 8 wheels, 4 on each side, and each carriage has 6 wheels, 3 on each side.

The table shows the number if wheels on each size of train set.

Size of train set 1 2 3 4 5

Number of wheels 8 14

1. Fill in the table to show how many wheels sets 3, 4 and 5 have.

2. The biggest set in the shop is size 12.

How many wheels does the size 12 set contain?

Show how you figured it out.

3. Mick says his train set has 42 wheels.

Can Mick be correct? __________________

Explain how you know.


4. The factory where the trains are made needs a rule for the number of wheels in any size set so
that it can use this in its computer.

Write an algebraic expression for the number of wheels in a size n set.


Grade 7 Toy Trains
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2009 Rubrics Grade 7

Toy Trains Rubric

The core elements of performance required by this task are:
• finding and using a number pattern
• finding an algebraic expression for a number pattern section
points points
Based on these, credit for specific aspects of performance should be assigned as follows

1. Gives correct answers:

Size of train set 1 2 3 4 5

Number of wheels 8 14 20 26 32 2
Partial credit
One error (1)
2. Gives correct answer: 74 1
Shows correct work such as: 8 + 11 x 6 or continues table. 1
3. Gives correct answer: No 1
Gives correct explanation such as:
42 – 8 = 34 is the number of wheels for the carriages and this does not
divide by 6. Accept: set 7 has 44 wheels and set 6 has 38 wheels. 1
4. Gives correct answer such as: 6n + 2 or equivalent 1
Total Points 7

Grade 7 5
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Toy Trains
Work the task and look at the rubric. What are the big mathematical ideas that a student
needs to understand to be successful on this task? _______________________________

Look at student work for part 2, finding the number of wheels in train set #12. How many
of your students:
• Solved the task correctly (74)?_________
• Gave a response of 80?_______ What misconception might be behind this
• Gave a response of 76?_________What misconception might be behind this
• What strategies did students use?
o Drawing and counting?________
o Continuing a table?__________
o Using a number sentence (e.g. 8+ 11 x 6 =)?________
o Other?___________
• Which strategies are more useful for helping a student move to an algebraic

Now look at student work for part 3, could Mick have 42 wheels. How many of your
students could:
• Make a convincing argument for why 42 was incorrect?________
• Did they back up their argument with other possibilities such as 38 or 44?
• Tried to explain that more were needed to make train #12? (still talking about part
2) ____________
• Thought all trains past #7 would have at more than 42? (Weren’t trying to get an
exact amount of wheels)_________
• What other errors do you see in student thinking?
How did students approach part 3. Did they continue the table?______ Write out a
number sentence?_______ Use inverse operations( - 8, then divide by 6)?_______

Finally, look at the algebraic expressions in part 4. How many of your students put:
6n +2 or 6n + 8 n=6 6n +86 n+6 No Other
6(n-1) +8 response

What are some of the misconceptions behind these errors?

What opportunities have students had to write algebraic expressions? What types of
experiences help students to be able to describe patterns algebraically? What do they
need to understand about operation?

Grade 7 6
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Looking at Student Work on Toy Trains
Student A uses a table to solve for part 2. But then the student plays around with
numbers to see how to get the numbers in the table. This experimenting helps the student
write a correct equation in part 5. The student makes a convincing argument for why 42
is not possible giving numbers near to 42 that are possible.
Student A

Grade 7 7
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Student B has a number rule to solve for the largest train size. The student then plays
with the rule to see if the results match the numbers in the table. Notice how the student
uses inverse operations to show why 42 does not work. Unlike many students, B is able
to see that the 6x used in part 2 is really the size number – 1. Noticing that there is 1 car
that is not exactly 6 is very important when writing the algebraic expression.
Student B

Grade 7 8
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Student C also notices that there are less cars with 6 than the total number of cars. The
student understands the process and the pattern, but is not yet comfortable with algebraic
Student C

Grade 7 9
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Student D uses repeated addition to solve for part 2. This takes away the necessity of
finding the number of times the 6 is used and leads to the error in writing the algebraic
expression in part 4. What prompts or questions might you pose to push the thinking of
this student to the next level?
Student D

Grade 7 10
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Student E knows that adding by 6 is like multiplying but fails to notice that the first car is
counted twice in part 2. The student does not translate the rule into algebraic notation
because the student doesn’t understand the difference between a constant (6 every time)
and another variable. How do we help students understand this distinction? Do we ever
push students with questions about how many variables are needed?
Student E

Grade 7 11
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Student F makes a drawing to help with the thinking in part 2. However by relying on
the picture the student seems to only count 3 wheels per train for 12 cars, not the 11
drawn. Drawing is time consuming. How can we help students move to more accurate
and efficient strategies? Notice that in part 4 the student multiplies by 4 instead of 6 or 3.
Also the student tries to solve for a specific case, interpreting any number as pick a
number. The student is not familiar with the idea of generalization.
Student F

Grade 7 12
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Student G is able to fill out the chart and find the wheels in a size 12 train set. The
student does not show work to support the claim in part 3. What might have improved this
student’s explanation? With so little work shown it is difficult to interpret n = y + x.
What might the student be thinking? Do you think this student understands the
multiplicative relationship in this pattern? What do you think the student knows about
how the pattern works?
Student G

Grade 7 13
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Student H does not understand the relationship of s to the number of carriages. What
prompts help students to notice the idea of a pattern not starting on the first term? How
do we help students learn to quantify a relationship that doesn’t include every item in the
Student H

Grade 7 14
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Student I is able to write a set of calculations that show understanding of the pattern in
part 2. This set of calculations should be easily translatable into algebraic notation if the
student had some familiarity with using symbols. What questions could help the student
think through writing the generalization? In part 3 the student is still thinking about size
12 train set rather than is there any number that will be exactly 42 wheels. How do we
help students to think more globally as they work on tasks? Do students get enough
opportunities to work with longer chains of reasoning? Where would you go next with
this student?
Student I

Grade 7 15
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Student J is able to use repeated addition or multiplication to extend the table. The
student misinterprets the question in part 3. The student thinks that if there can be 74
wheels, then there must be 42 wheels. The student doesn’t think is there some train set
with exactly 42 wheels. In part 4 the student makes a number sentence using numbers in
the given and the variable. But the expression does not relate to the calculations from
earlier parts of the task.
Student J

Grade 7 16
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7th Grade Task 1 Toy Trains

Student Task Finding and using a number pattern. Finding an algebraic expression for
a number pattern.
Core Idea 3 Understand relations and functions, analyze mathematical
Algebra and situations, and use models to solve problems involving quantity and
Functions change.
• Represent, analyze, and generalize a variety of functions
including linear relationships.
• Relate and compare different forms of representation for a
relationship including words, tables, graphs in coordinate plane,
and symbols.
• Express mathematical relationships using expressions and

Mathematics of this task:

• Recognizing and extending a pattern
• Using inverse operations to make a convincing argument about why 42 is not part
of the answer set
• Writing an algebraic expression to describe the pattern for any solution in the set
• Noting that the first term has a different pattern that the rest of the terms

Based on teacher observations, this is what seventh graders know and are able to do:
• Identify pattern and complete the table
• Explain why 42 wheels are not possible
• Use repeated addition and extending the table to find the number of wheels in a
size 12

Areas of difficulty for seventh graders:

• Writing an algebraic rule
• Recognizing that the 6 is multiplied by one less that the pattern number or double
counting the engine
• Working with inverse operations
• Using repeated addition rather than seeing the multiplicative relationship
• Writing expressions with too many variables, not understanding the role of the
Strategies used by successful students:
• Extending the table
• Using rules with multiplication
• Playing with number combinations and checking it with answers in their table

Grade 7 17
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The maximum score available for this task is 7 points.
The minimum score needed for a level 3 response, meeting standards, is 4 points.

Most students, 91%, could recognize the pattern and extend the table. Many students,
74%, could also explain why 42 wheels were not possible. Almost half the students, 47%
could recognize and extend the pattern using the table or the set number and explain why
42 was not possible. 12% could meet all the demands of the task including writing an
algebraic expression to represent the pattern. Almost 5% of the students scored no points
on this task. All the students in the sample with this score attempted the task.

Grade 7 18
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Toy Train

Points Understandings Misunderstandings

0 All the students in the sample Students made errors extending the pattern
with this score attempted the in the table.
2 Students could recognize and Students had difficulty explaining why 42
extend the pattern in the table. was not possible. 7% thought that lots of
trains had 42 or more wheels. They didn’t
think about exactly 42. Some students tried
to give a verbal explanation of train set
4 Students could use the table and Students had difficulty with train set #12.
explain why 42 was not a 8% counted the engine as both 8 and 6 (80
possible combination. wheels). Some students had answers of 74.
6 Students could recognize and Students struggled with putting together an
extend the pattern using the table algebraic expression. 20% wrote the
or the set number and explain expression 6n +8. 8% wrote the expression
why something wasn’t possible. n + 6. 4% wrote n=6. 12% did not attempt
to write an expression.
7 Students could recognize and
extend the pattern using the table
or the set number and explain
why something wasn’t possible.
Students could also describe the
pattern by writing an algebraic
expression. Students with this
score did not use drawing and
counting for parts 2 or 3. They
saw the multiplicative nature of
the pattern.

Grade 7 19
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Implications for Instruction
Students at this grade level need frequent opportunities to work with patterns and try to
describe them algebraically. When looking at patterns asking students questions, such as,
“How does the pattern grow? What stays the same? What changes? Is there anything
different in the first case?” helps students focus on the attributes of the pattern. Too often
students rush to getting an answer by drawing and counting or using repeated addition.
These strategies don’t serve to notice the multiplicative thinking or ideas about
calculation patterns that can then be translated into algebraic terms. They are counter -
productive to the new thinking we want students to develop at this grade level. Having
students create good verbal descriptions of what is happening and of their description of
the calculation process to extend the pattern helps them to create generalizable rules.
Ideas for Action Research
Often the focus is on the misconceptions of students. But for this exercise, you and your
colleagues should focus on the work of successful students. What strategies did they
use? How is their thinking process, even in the early parts of the problem, different than
less successful students?
Gather together the entire perfect papers, 7 points. Look through the work and see what
commonalities appear in the their strategies for part 2 extending the pattern beyond the
table to a size 12 train set. How does this work or way of tackling the problem show the
beginnings of algebraic habits of mind? How do their solution strategies in part 2 aid in
making the generalization in part 5? What are possible questions they are asking
themselves to help them with the calculations in part 2? What attributes of the pattern
help them with the calculations? How can you use those questions to help other students
develop a similar “self-talk”?

When you are done, look at the research from the sample on the next page.

Grade 7 20
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In the sample there were 4 strategies for solving question 2.
• 12-1 = 11, 11 x 6 = 66, 66 + 8 = 74 Used by 20%
• 12 x 6 = 72, 72 + 2 = 74 Used by 10%
• 8 + 11 x 6 Used by 70%
• 8 + 6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6=74 Used by 10%

Can you give a reason for each step?

How did you know what to multiply by 6 or how many 6’s to add?
Why did you add 2? Where did the 2 come from?
Why did you add 8? Where did the 8 come from?
One student wrote the algebraic expression 8 + 6n – 6. Why does this make sense?

These questions can help push students to really clarifying their thinking. These bare
arithmetic problems are good to share with the whole class to see if they can make sense
of the process.

Below are some examples from students with 7’s.

Student 1

Student 2

Grade 7 21
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Student 3

Student 4

Grade 7 22
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Performance Assessment Task 
Toy Trains 
Grade 7 
This task challenges a student to use algebra to represent, analyze, and generalize a variety of 
functions including linear relationships. A student must be able to relate and compare different forms 
of representation for a relationship including words, tables, graphs, and writing an equation to 
describe a functional pattern. A student must be able to use rules of operations to extend a pattern 
and use its inverse.  
Common Core State Standards Math ‐ Content Standards 
Expressions and Equations 
Solve real­life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and 
7.EE.3 Solve multi‐step real‐life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative 
rational numbers in any form (whole numbers, fractions, and decimals), using tools strategically.  
Apply properties of operations to calculate with numbers in any form; convert between forms as 
appropriate, and assess the reasonableness of answers, using mental computation and estimation 
strategies.  For example: If a woman making $25 an hour gets a 10% raise, she will make an additional 
1/10 of her salary an hour, or $2.50 for a new salary of $27.50.  If you want to place a towel bar 9 ¾ 
inches long in the center of a door that is 27 ½ inches wide, you will need to place the bar about 9 inches 
from each edge; this estimate can be used as a check on the exact computation. 
7.EE.4 Use variables to represent quantities in a real‐world or mathematical problem, and construct 
simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. 
a. Solve word problems leading to equations of the form px + q = r and p(x+q) = r, where p, q, 
and r are specific rational numbers. Solve equations of these forms fluently. Compare an 
algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution, identifying the sequence of operations used in 
each approach.  For example the perimeter of a rectangle is 54 cm. Its length is 6 cim. What is 
its width? 
Common Core State Standards Math – Standards of Mathematical Practice 
MP.4 Model with mathematics. 
Mathematically proficient students can apply the mathematics they know to solve problems arising 
in everyday life, society, and the workplace. In early grades this might be as simple as writing an 
addition equation to describe a situation.  In middle grades, a student might apply proportional 
reasoning to plan a school event or analyze a problem in the community.  By high school, a student 
might use geometry to solve a design problem or use a function to describe how one quantity of 
interest depends on another.  Mathematically proficient students who can apply what they know are 
comfortable making assumptions and approximations to simplify a complicated situation, realizing 
that these may need revision later.  They are able to identify important quantities in a practical 
situation and map their relationships using such tools as diagrams, two‐way tables, graphs, 
flowcharts, and formulas.  They can analyze those relationships mathematically to draw conclusions.  
They routinely interpret their mathematical results in the context of the situation and reflect on 
whether the results make sense, possibly improving the model if it has not served its purpose. 
MP.8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. 
Mathematically proficient students notice if calculations are repeated, and look both for general 
methods and for shortcuts.  Upper elementary students might notice when dividing 25 by 11 that 
they are repeating the same calculations over and over again, and conclude they have a repeating 
decimal.  By paying attention to the calculation of slope as they repeatedly check whether points are 
on the line through (1,2) with slope 3, middle school students might abstract the equation (y ‐2)/(x‐
1) = 3. Noticing the regularity in the way terms cancel when expanding (x‐1)(x+1), (x‐1)(x2 + x + 1), 
and (x‐1)(x3 + x2 + x + 1) might lead them to the general formula for the sum of a geometric series.  As 
they work to solve a problem, mathematically proficient students maintain oversight of the process, 

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while attending to the details.  They continually evaluate the reasonableness of their intermediate 
Assessment Results 
This task was developed by the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service and administered as part 
of a national, normed math assessment.  For comparison purposes, teachers may be interested in the 
results of the national assessment, including the total points possible for the task, the number of core 
points, and the percent of students that scored at standard on the task.  Related materials, including 
the scoring rubric, student work, and discussions of student understandings and misconceptions on 
the task, are included in the task packet.  
Grade Level  Year  Total Points  Core Points  % At Standard 
7  2009  7  4  74% 

© 2012 Noyce Foundation 

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