Mini Project
Mini Project
Mini Project
1. You will need to use a recent vrsion of Matlab, along with Simulink and
the Control System toolbox. You may download and install these from using your UKM email to login.
2. Download the four simulink models L1, L2, L3a and L3b from the
>Matlab & Simulink Files>Models folder.
3. From the >Matlab & Simulink Files>Initialisation Files folder,
download initialise.xlsx and the *.m file corresponding to your
group number. For example, if you are in Group 7, you should download
the file P07.m. Place both files in the same folder on your computer.
4. Before starting your work, you must run the initialisation file first.
5. The main objective is to design a proportional (P) controller that regulates
the behaviour of the angular velocity of the motor such that
(a) the given specifications are met, and
(b) it remains constant at the setpoint value despite the presence of un-
modelled dynamics, noise and disturbances.
6. In order to achieve this main objective, you are to follow the steps given
in the Laboratory Manual.
(a) Model L1 is to be used for the tasks in Section 3 (Tachogenerator
Calibration) and Section 4 (Estimation of the DC Motor Transfer
Function Model) of the Lab Manual.
i. Design experiments to obtain the correlation between the tacho-
generator voltage output and the motor shaft angular velocity
(tachogenerator calibration) and to obtain the motor open loop
transfer function, G (s).
ii. Double click on the Voltage block to input suitable input volt-
age values.
iii. Run the model as many times as required by the experiments
that you have designed.
(b) Model L2 is to be used for the task in Section 5 (Closed Loop Feed-
back Control of the DC Motor).
i. Double click on the Voltage block and input the voltage value
that corresponds to the setpoint (desired) reference angular ve-
locity given in the Lab Manual. Use your results from (6a) for
this. Please be sure that the units you use are consistent.
ii. Double click on the Proportional controller gain block
to input suitable resistance values for R5 and Rf such that the
controller gain value required to meet the performance specifica-
tions is obtained.
iii. You may only use standard resistor values for R5 and Rf . Please
refer to the file stdresistors.pdf which is available in UKM-
iv. Run the model and check if the specifications given in the Lab
Manual have been met.
(c) Model L3a is used to show the plant response without feedback con-
trol when subjected to a disturbance at t ≥ 10 seconds.
i. Calculate the required voltage input that produces the target
steady state angular velocity. You may use the final value theo-
rem here.
ii. Double click on the Voltage block and input this value.
iii. Run the model and then discuss the result shown by the Actual
angular velocity time response block.
(d) Model L3b is used to show the plant response with feedback control
when subjected to a disturbance at t ≥ 10 seconds.
i. Double click on the Voltage block and input the voltage value
that corresponds to the setpoint (desired) reference angular ve-
locity given in the Lab Manual. Use your results from (6a) for
this. Please be sure that the units you use are consistent.
ii. Double click on the Proportional controller gain block
to input suitable resistance values for R5 and Rf such that the
controller gain value required to meet the performance specifica-
tions is obtained.
iii. You may only use standard resistor values for R5 and Rf . Please
refer to the file stdresistors.pdf which is available in UKM-
iv. Run the model and then discuss the result shown by the Actual
angular velocity time response block, comparing it with
the result obtained from model L3a.
7. Note:
(a) There exist unknown dynamics in the plant and noise signals in the
tachogenerator that will affect the accuracy of the measurements
taken by the tachogenerator. A best fit line for tachogenerator read-
ings taken for several values of motor speeds will give the calibration
(b) You must show your analysis/calculations in obtaining the designed
proportional gain value. Marks will be deducted if there is no anal-
ysis, or if the design is made through trial and error.
(c) If you are unable to meet these specifications, what are the best
values that you can get?
(d) A maximum of 10 bonus marks will be given if you can propose an
alternative controller type (for example PI, PD, PID or lead-lag) with
appropriate controller parameter values.
8. Assessment:
(a) You are to work in the same groups as your laboratory sessions.
(b) A final report in pdf form must be submitted via UKMFolio (one
report for each group group) on or before the due date.
(c) Due date: July 8, 2022