Coursework 2022-23
Coursework 2022-23
Coursework 2022-23
Aim: To analyse and simulate the operation of three phase induction motors to specifically assess the benefits of using
a drive system for starting.
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you reduce the setting until 0%. Reflect on the change in the starting current as the setting is dropped, and what
does a 0% represent.
- Undertake a sensible analysis of the effects of the time of switching and the dwell-time (the period of time taken
in practice by the circuit-breaker to transit from star to delta) on the current response. The effect of the dwell
time may be modelled by using a switch and a delay. Your simulation will show the dwell time (this can be easily
seen as a gap in the current response because zero current flows). Note that, with the little friction, the dwell
time effect is minimal in the simulation, however this is not the case in reality so explain why.
- In your star-delta starting analysis, reflect on the effect of the inertia as well.
- Compare DOL method of starting to the star-delta starting and reflect on the difference in their starting currents
values and the rate of their acceleration to reach the rated speed.
Make changes to the new model and the script file, as necessary, to reflect the changes to the motor. These changes
will include, but not limited to, the following:
1. You will need to change the DC Voltage Source on the main model page.
2. Inside the Control block you will need to change:
a. The demand speed Step input
b. The Scalar controller voltage
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1. You need to submit your two assignments (literature research and simulation work) in a single professional report
that includes a table of contents, an abstract, introduction, a section on phase-controlled DC motor drives, a
section on Matlab/Simulink modelling exercises with analysis of the simulation results, conclusion, and references.
2. All your working/modelling that is part of the assignment should be shown.
3. Modelling results need to be captioned and discussed within the report main text.
4. Ensure using proper Referencing in your report.
5. This coursework has a weighting of 30% of the overall module grade.
6. Coursework submission is 12.00 noon on Friday 25th of November 2022 and submission must be .doc or .docx
7. The coursework should be attempted in no more than 14 pages.
8. Ensure to refer to the rubric for details of the grading given below.
9. Note that the university regulations on plagiarism applies
10. Submissions after the due date will be scored as “Zero”. Any extenuating circumstances should be brought to the
notice of module coordinator, tutors, or administrative staff before the due date
11. Ensure using the “EN4562 Coversheet 2022” found on Campus Moodle as the template for your report.
• Critically evaluate your results while comparing and contrasting the motor performance in the various modes of
operation. [20]
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Excellent 70 - 100 A highly detailed, professional-level, comprehensive section, fully meeting the
(A) coursework requirements with relevant technical equations as necessary.
There are only very minor issues. It is fully referenced.
Very Good 60 - 69 A very well detailed section, fully meeting the requirements with the relevant
(B) technical equations - as necessary. There are only minor issues. It is fully
Good 50 - 59 A well detailed section, mostly meeting the requirements with reasonable
(C) technical equations included. Some minor issues. It is fully referenced.
Satisfactory 40 - 49 A good section, mostly meeting the coursework requirements. Some technical
(D) equations included. Some issues. Generally well referenced.
Borderline fail 35 - 39 A populated section, reasonably meeting the coursework requirements.
(E) Generally there are issues. It is lightly referenced.
Fail 0 - 34 A section that does not generally meet the requirements, lacking in detail.
(F) Many issues. It is poorly referenced
Element Description Structure Weight 10
Definitions Range Criteria
Excellent 70 - 100
The content is completely, logically, concisely, and clearly structured
Very Good 60 - 69 The content is logically and clearly structured with perhaps a few
(B) inconsistencies.
Good 50 - 59 The content is mostly logically and clearly structured with occasional
(C) inconsistencies.
Satisfactory 40 - 49
The content has structure but lacks a degree of logic or consistency.
Borderline fail 35 - 39
The content lacks structure with little logic and often inconsistent
Fail (F) 0 - 34 The content has little or no structure.
Element Description Presentation / clarity Weight 5
Definitions Range Criteria
Excellent 70 - 100 The section is professionally presented and has complete clarity - very minor
(A) issues only.
Very Good 60 - 69 The section is mostly professionally presented and has complete clarity -
(B) occasional minor issues.
Good 50 - 59 The section is well presented and clear - many issues, but nonmajor.
Satisfactory 40 - 49 The section is acceptably presented and generally clear - a few issues, one or
(D) more major ones.
Borderline fail 35 - 39 The section is unacceptably presented and often lacking in clarity - frequent
(E) issues, some major.
Fail 0 - 34 The section is very poorly presented with little clarity - often major issues.
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Element Description The star-delta starting and DOL starting Weight 20
Excellent 70 - 100 A professional, fully detailed but concise discussion on the elements of the
(A) Simulink model and the comparisons including all appropriate screenshots of the
Very Good 60 - 69 A very good concise discussion on the elements of the Simulink model and the
(B) comparisons including mostly appropriate screenshots of the model.
Good 50 - 59 A good, generally concise discussion on the elements of the Simulink model and
(C) the comparisons including usually appropriate screenshots of the model, some
minor lapses.
Satisfactory 40 - 49 A reasonable discussion on the elements of the Simulink model and the
(D) comparisons including some appropriate screenshots of the model, occasional
Borderline fail 35 - 39 The discussion on the elements of the Simulink model and the comparisons is
(E) generally lacking in clarity and depth. Includes screenshots of the model, but
many lapses.
Fail 0 - 34 The discussion on the elements of the Simulink model and the comparisons is
(F) lacking in clarity and depth. Includes few, perhaps inappropriate screenshots of
the model, with many lapses.
Excellent 70 - 100 Changes made to scale control model fully described appropriately with no issues,
(A) or only very minor ones.
Very Good 60 - 69 Changes made to scale control model fully described appropriately with perhaps
(B) one main issue or some minor ones.
Good 50 - 59 Changes made to scale control model well described appropriately with
(C) occasional issues, mostly minor ones.
Satisfactory 40 - 49 Changes made to scale control model described appropriately with occasional
(D) issues, some significant.
Borderline fail 35 - 39 Changes made to scale control model not well described, perhaps not using an
(E) appropriate method or with significant issues.
Fail 0 - 34 Changes made to scale control model not described, or not using an appropriate
(F) method, or with major issues.
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Element Description Displaying simulation results – pro-rata per item Weight 20
Excellent 70 - 100 Results are accurately and appropriately displayed, with few very minor issues
Very Good 60 - 69 Results are accurately and appropriately displayed, with one significant issue or
(B) some minor ones
Good 50 - 59 Results are mostly accurately and appropriately displayed, with occasional
(C) significant issues, or many minor ones.
Satisfactory 40 - 49 Results are generally accurately and appropriately displayed, with significant
(D) issues and many minor ones.
Borderline fail 35 - 39 Results are not accurately and appropriately displayed but attempts have been
(E) made to present them as such.
Fail 0 - 34 Results are not accurately and appropriately displayed with no attempt to process
(F) them to do so.
Excellent 70 - 100 A highly professional critical comprehensive evaluation of the motor performance
(A) between the modes of operation
Very Good 60 - 69 A professional critical evaluation of the motor performance between the two
(B) modes of operation
Good 50 - 59 A good critical evaluation of the motor performance between the modes of
(C) operation - occasional lapses
Satisfactory 40 - 49 A critical evaluation of the motor performance between the modes of operation -
(D) some good comments but also with occasional lapses
Borderline fail 35 - 39 An evaluation of the motor performance between the modes of operation but
(E) lacking in depth and missing key elements
Fail 0 - 34 A poor evaluation of the motor performance between the modes of operation
(F) with no depth and missing all key elements
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Download the coversheet and observe the grading criteria contained there.
The rubric in Campus Moodle will be used to grade your work and matches the coversheet.
What is meant by “replace the motor and all of its mechanical model”?
In order to ensure a fair comparison between the simulations, it is necessary to use the same motor and
mechanical model in all the simulations. Hence, the motor and mechanical model from the star-delta model is
to be used in all your simulations.
Therefore, the scalar model motor (with all of its mechanical parts) has to be deleted and replaced with the
star-delta motor and all its mechanical parts.
No. These are not generally “accessible” although it is possible to manipulate the scope properties to improve
their look.
A better method is to plot the Simulink data in a MATLAB figure (or otherwise). Ensure that graphs are titled,
axes labelled, and where applicable have a legend. Ensure the background is not dark.
The coursework has been developed on MATLAB 2019a and the examples used are based on this version –
other versions may not provide the examples in the same way. If you find the same examples in the same way
in another MATLAB version, then you can use it.
Yes, if this provides the same version of MATLAB, or at least the same Simulink examples.
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