Personal-Development - Chapter 1 To 5
Personal-Development - Chapter 1 To 5
Personal-Development - Chapter 1 To 5
Go shopping alone or a friend whose taste you trust.
Consider versatility
Do not overlook underclothing.
Pre-shopping or window shopping is recommended before the actual buying.
Determine what you need and make sure you try on clothes before buying them.
Avoid high-fashion fads, concentrate on conservative stylish clothes.
Avoid shopping out of loneliness
Don’t shop for bargains. Don’t judge merchandise by its price tags.
Vertical Line – It’s creates an illusion of height and makes the person look taller.
Horizontal Line – it cuts the height and add width. Contrasting two colors in two-piece
outfits create horizontal line and minimizes height.
The first principle in decorating yourself is understanding not only what colors are right for you,
but which shades and clarities of those colors you should wear.
Some attributes of colors are lightness, brightness, shades and clarity. Light colors transmit
more light. Brightness is that attribute by which an area to judge to emit more or less light.
Brightness varies from invisible to dazzling.
The primary colors are red, blue and yellow. Secondary and tertiary colors are combinations of
these. Red and blue make violet, red and yellow make orange and blue and yellow make green.
Combinations of colors are:
1. Monochromatic – this color combination results in the use of the same color, but different
shades. An example of this is brown, light brown and beige.
2. Complementary – this results in the use of two colors, opposite each other in the color
wheel. Examples are red and green, blue and yellow.
3. Analogous – this combination uses two colors beside each other in the color wheel.
Examples are blue and green, yellow and orange, red and purple.
4. Triadic – this combination is made up of three colors that form an equi-distant triangle on
the color wheel. These are purple, green and yellow; red, blue and green.
The necktie is like the first violin in an orchestra; it occupies center stage and when a
mistake is made, it is noticed. So select your tie with care.
1. Club – a tie repeating patterns of clubs is served to identify membership in certain clubs
2. Paisley – a tie with curved teardrops. In 1930, paisley pattern was first used to decorate ties.
Large paisley patterns are used for casual wear.
3. Plaid – of at least 3 colors, plaids is composed of lines or bars crossing at right angles. This
is also for casual wear.
4. Dots – small dots known as pin dots are considered among the more casual patterns.
5. The tie for formal wear has no patterns. It is plain of a color that match your outfit.
How to tie a knot
A Belt is appropriate as suspenders for wearing with a suit or sport jacket, although suspenders
remain the only choice for black tie or white tie. Aside from the advice that you should not wear belts
and suspenders together, there are only two additional aesthetic points to keep in mind;
First, don’t wear belt if you wear a vest: a belt creates a bulge, and a buckle ruins the look of simplicity
of a vest and trousers. Second, you should wear a tie if you wear suspenders because a four in hand
provides aesthetic balance by adding to the vertical suspender lines and helps creates the dressier look
that suspenders have come to convey.
1. There are two basic shoe styles that are appropriate for work;
2. The Laces – these are for more formal wear.
3. The more common ones for work are the loafers (moccasins) of the ones that look like driving
shoes but are of leather or leatherette.
4. Sandals or flip-flops are not worn at work.
5. Slippers are definitely out.
This chapter will help you identify different face shapes, especially yours and be able to
apply the correct make up on your face that will match with your hairstyle together with proper
hand and hair care to avoid face problems.
1. Oval - Stylist generally agree that you can wear any hairstyle than any other face shapes.
2. Round - if your face looks circular and you have full cheeks.
3. Square - if it is broadest at the forehead and jawline.
4. Oblong - an oblong face is about one and a half times longer than it is wide.
5. Diamond - is fullest at the center.
6. Heart - widest at the forehead and cheeks and narrow at the chin.
1. Normal skin- which has neither too much oil or too little. It is firm and fairly elastic.
2. Dry skin - tends to appear flat and flaky. It feels stretched and somewhat dry to the touch.
3. Oily skin - is easy recognizable. Tiny beads of moisture cling to the surface giving the skin a
greasy look.
4. Combination skin - a little bit harder to identify. This is the skin that is oily across the
forehead and down the nose to the chin.
To avoid acne,
1. Wash the skin three or four times a day.
2. Shampoo the hair every day. If possible, wear the hair away from the face.
3. Eat a well-balance diet.
4. Get out into the sun but don't burn.
5. Do not wear greasy, heavy make-up to conceal the condition.
6. Do not lean your face on your hands.
1. The cleansing- A thorough cleansing with a facial cleansing bar, lotion, and or cream.
2. The rinsing - Moisturizer or day cream, as needed and only where needed, applied to warm,
moist skin.
3. The preparation - A touch of under-eye Concealer one shade paler than foundation or same
shade of foundation.
4. The powder - A thorough dusting with loose translucent powder in a color to complement
foundation and skin tone and to refine the skin and set the foundation.
5. The brow shape
6. The eye accent- Only matte eye colors are suitable for day. Frosted colors must be saved for
7. The cheek accent-Placement of the magic powders for blush, contour, and highlights can
visually alter the shape of the face.
8. The lip accent- The more naturally liplike the color and pencil accent line, the more
believable the mouth. The more vivid the color, the more made-up lips appear.
9. The finished face- finally frame the finish face with the perfect hairstyle.
EYESHADOWS- There is several types – the powders, creams, cream ticks, gels, pencils, and
liquids. It is impossible to say that one is better than the other.
THE EYELINER- The purpose of the eyeliner is to define the eye and give it greater clarity and
THE LASHES- by making the lashes look darker, longer, and thicker mascara defines the eye.
6. Effectively shape up your face- The face contours are usually a brownish red powder or
cream; a shade of foundation one tone darker than that applied to the face. The face
highlighters should be broken down into two categories, cheek highlighters- to emphasize the
cheekbones. And skin highlighters- to accentuate and better define the face.
THE NOSE- the most popular corrective make-up tips is those which alter the nose.
THE LIPS- the lip color should be selected to heighten one's attractiveness. The second
consideration is the dress. The basic guide is that a fair-skinned person looks best in light tones.
Take final peek as you ponder your finished portrait, remembering that make up is not a
facade behind which to hide. It is not worn as a mask, nor is it to be used to make a
social statement. Makeup is solely to protect your facial skin and enhance your features.
To be good taste, makeup must be just as appropriate to the time, place and event as
clothing must be.
Let your makeup play up your well-care-for skin, accentuate the positive, and minimize
the negative among your features.
Always remember that makeup is at its most beautiful when worn with a sincere smile
and a sparkle in your eyes.
Much as a frame for a handsome portrait gives the work background and form, lovely
hair provides shape and identity to your features, skin and facial expressions. It is also
contributes to self-confidence
Serious care is for every day, and there are some "don'ts" to remember. The
appearance of your hair is dependent on its natural characteristics, affected by:
The elements
Every healthy effort you make on behalf of your face and figure will also benefit your
As is the case with skin, the sun is one of your hair's worst enemies.
Salt water and chlorinated water are extremely drying and breakdown the outer layer,
leaving the hair damaged and brittle.
Manageability should be a major consideration.
The perfect hairstyle should suit and flatter your face and it should be created by you
and a hair stylist you trust.
Altering the natural color of your hair is a mistake.
Once your hair is comfortable styled and in good condition, you should forget about it.
CARE OF THE HANDS AND FEET YOUR HANDS - Hands are among the most expressive
parts of the body.
Manicure and nail polish- should be callus-free
Keep the hands smooth and the
nails well-manicured. When the
hands feel fry after washing the
dishes for doing household chores,
use a hand lotion.
If you want to look and sound sincere,
maintain eye contact with the person you
are speaking to.
The most valuable message of eye contact
SOCIAL GRACES IN THE FAMILY have with others. Many of these
problems can be avoided if we:
Many times the home is the place Don't tease
we "let go" so to speak. We are Don't be sarcastic
careless with the way we act or with Don't tattle
what we say, mainly because we are Showed love
confident that we will be forgiven Helped one another
It is of paramount importance that
we should respect the privacy of SOCIAL GRACES IN PUBLIC
each member of the family. From
this will emanate an atmosphere of This includes behaviour in the
mutual respect, trust and love. streets, on the bus, in restaurants, in
church, in theaters, and movie
Family Manners houses and in school.
In the streets - Have you ever felt
Where there is life, there should be frustrated when in a hurry and you
love. Especially family love. Love could not walk past a group of
makes a house a home. people walking across the sidewalk?
A family and its manners are shaped When crossing the streets the
by the quality of the spirit they share. gentleman stands on the side of
Second in importance to love in a oncoming vehicles.
family is communication. On the bus - Time was when men
Honesty is always the best policy had to give up their seats for the
and the best manners especially at ladies. Today, times have changed.
home. This is no longer the rule. .
Actually, there is no such thing as "a In the restaurants - Dining out is
little white lie". Little white lies grow one of the "musts" in today's society.
into big black habits. If you are able to dine out graciously,
people will find it a joy to eat with
Honor your Parents you.
Fathers and mothers deserve respect. When entering the restaurants, the
They don't need to qualify for it. They man precedes the woman and leads
learned it when they gave us life. How do her to a convenient place.
we honor our parents? We... When there is group of four, the
Ask for their advice women are seated on wall seats and
Look at the things from their the men on the aisle seats: the men
perspective opposite the women.
Try to please them Calling the Waiter
Show respect
Thanks them The usual way is to catch his eye
Compliment them then raise your hand as if to say
Obey them "Come here." If he does not look
your way, you may call "waiter" or
"waitress" quietly.
Sisters and Brothers
We often spend more time with our Paying the Check
sisters and brothers than we do with
anyone else. We also may have When everyone has finished, the
more problems with them than we host catches the eye of the waiter
and says "Check, please." The
check is presented face down on a know (however slightly) joins a group in
small plate. which you are a participant and obviously
uncomfortable. Even if you do not
Tipping remember his or her name, turn to the
newcomer and say, “How nice to see you
It is difficult to give definite rules for again. I’m Maria Cruz. We met at Suzy’s
tipping. In the Greater Manila area, a party.” The newcomer, grateful to be
service charge of 10% is already recognized, will then give his or her name,
added to the bill. and the rest easy, Never ask, “You don’t
It is indicated as "SC". If this is done, remember me, do you?” Should you bring a
then just a small amount is left for friend to a gathering or meeting, it is your
the waiter of you was satisfied with responsibility to introduce him or her at the
his service. door to the host or hostess and to see that
your guest is comfortably introduced
throughout the event.
In the Church - The church is a
place of worship. it is a formal, quiet RULES FOR INTRODUCTION
place. It is not the place for
socializing, meeting one's friends, 1. Mentioning name of person you are
boisterous behaviour and honoring first
unnecessary chatting. 2. Business reversal of ordinary
At the Theater - With a revival of introduction
cultural presentation in the Greater 3. Acknowledging an introduction
Manila area, it is imperative that a 4. Shaking hands
person who is studying to have 5. Rising for an introduction
improved social graces, learn how to 6. Introduction oneself
behave and what to wear to these 7. When you incorrectly introduced
On arriving at the theater, the host or
hostess holds the tickets in his hand, MANNERS AT THE TABLE
so that the usher may see them but
he allows his guests to pass in Table manners, just like manners in
ahead of him. other social situations. Have changed
significantly over the last 15-20 years. The
uncompromising social code has gone
At the Movies - Unless you are forever and times demand that a fresh
attending a movie premier, "casual" approach to etiquette and good manners
attire is in order. The kind of casual be adopted.
to wear is determined by the location .
of the movie houses.
Talking, coughing, rattling
cellophane and candy wrappers, Cocktail parties have become the
crackling of nuts, etc - are annoying most common form of entertaining. And
and disturbing to everyone in the they are the most popular form of business
audience. entertaining. They require less preparation
and are less expensive than a dinner party.
Are an important part of good TABLE ETIQUETTE
manners and you must accept the
responsibility and perfect skill of performing 1. Hold knife and fork correctly.
them with a natural ease. Act someone you
2. The fork is slipped under the food, Cultural Courtesy - show appreciation and
and morsel lifted up and conveyed to respect for the differences between our
the mouth. country and someone else’s.
3. Get conservatively-sized bites. Do
not stuff your out with food by taking Five Key Words - remember five words
bite after bite without chewing. that are too often neglected in business.
4. Sit erect at the table. Please, Thank You, and Well Done.
5. Things eaten with a fork.
6. Things eaten with a fingers. THE ART OF CONVERSATION
7. Never used your bread to mop your Auditory impressions are as
plate, nor do you “dunk” your food important as visual ones. The tones
your bread in coffee or cocoa. of a lilting voice are as appealing as
8. Take soup with a spoon, spooning dramatic coloring.
away from you. Your conversation should be
9. If you drop your silver ware, leave I exciting, indicative of interesting
there. Apologize briefly; do not make thoughts and opinions.
a scene. The best conversation has sincerity
and kindness.
BUSINESS ETIQUETTE Bea good listener –it is the first
requisite for becoming a good
A good point to remember in
business etiquette is everyone should be
The three things you can talk about
treated with equal courtesy and respect.
are: people, things, and ideas.
Times have changed and some of Your main aim is to make others feel
the old standards no longer apply. Business at ease.
etiquette should be a give and take, to help Selflessness is conversation’s
each other when help is needed and have cardinal rule.
consideration for others. Good manners and Offer compliments and always
business etiquette have always been based accept one graciously.
on common sense and thoughtfulness. TIPS FOR DINING AND BUSINESS
Punctuality - Be on time – no one wants to
be kept waiting. Etiquette is defined as “the forms,
manners, and ceremonies established by
Greeting - when meeting someone, rise if
convention as acceptable or required in
you are seated, smile, extend your hand
social relations, in a profession, or in official
and repeat the others person’s name in your
greeting. A good handshake is important.
Times change and his affects the
Telephone Manners - have a definite
guidelines of etiquette. Common sense will
purpose for calling someone because
typically be your best guide, but it is helpful
telephone calls are an intrusion into their
to have some general ideas regarding
busy day. Voicemail is most efficient if you
dining and business etiquette.
leave a concise but detailed message.
Smoking - be aware of smoking policies.
It is important to know how to
Office Parties - are good opportunities to
conduct oneself properly at the table. The
improve morale and build good will.
rules of dining etiquette are fairly
straightforward and mostly require common
Table Setting – It can be very confusing to Do not order alcoholic beverages.
be presented with a variety of eating Do not smoke while dining out.
utensils. Remember the guideline “to start at Sit up straight at the table. It makes
the outside and work your way in.” a good impression.
When you are not eating, keep your
Napkin – When dining with others, place
hands on your lap or resting on the
your napkin on your lap after everyone at
your table has been seated. Do not open
Do not season your food before you
your napkin in a mid-air. As you remove
have tasted it.
your napkin from the table begin to open
below the table level and place on your lap. Never chew with your mouth open or
make loud noises when you eat.
Served – Wait for everyone at your table to Do not slurp soap from a soup from
be served before beginning to eat. a spoon.
If foods get caught between your
Dessert – Dessert utensils may be found teeth and you can’t remove it with
placed across the top of the place setting. your tongue, leave the table and go
Slide the utensils down for use after the to a mirror where you can remove
main course is removed. the food from your teeth private.
Engage in table conversation that is
Passing – Pass “community food” such as
the breadbasket, salt and pepper, and salad
You should not leave the table
dressing to the right. When passing item
during the meal except in an
such as creamer, syrup pitcher or gravy
boat, pass it with the handle pointing toward
If you need something that you
the recipient.
cannot reach easily, politely ask the
Bread – Bread/rolls should never be eaten person closest to the item you need
whole. Break into smaller, more to pass it to you.
manageable pieces. Buttering only a few
bites at a time. Table manner plays an important
part in making a favorable impression. They
Glasses – A variety of types and sizes of are visible signals of the state of our
glasses can be used throughout the meal. manners and therefore are essential to
professional success.
Finished – When finished with a course
leave your plates in the same position that Napkin use – The meal begin when the
they were presented to you. host unfolds his or her napkin. This is your
signal to do the same. Place your napkin on
Guest – If you are someone’s guest at a your lap, completely unfolded if it’s a small
meal, ask the person what he/she luncheon napkin, or in half, lengthwise, if it
recommends. By doing this, you will learn is a large dinner napkin.
price range guidelines and have an idea of
what to order. Ordering – If, after looking over the menu,
there are items you are uncertain about, ask
you server any questions is part of the
server’s job.
“Reading” the Table Setting – Should you
It is inappropriate to ask for the be attending a formal dinner or banquet with
doggy bag when you are the guest. a pre-set place setting, it is possible to gain
It is best to order foods that can be clues about what may be served by
eaten with a knife and fork. “reading” the place setting.
Use of Silverware – Choosing the correct
silverware from the variety in front of you is
not as difficult as it may first appear.
Starting with the knife, fork, or spoon that is
farthest from your plate, work your way in,
using one utensil for each course.