Chapter V Transportation and Assignment Problems
Chapter V Transportation and Assignment Problems
Chapter V Transportation and Assignment Problems
One important application of linear programming has been in the area of the
physical distribution (transportation) of resources, from one place to another, to
meet a specific set of requirement.
Distribution cost consists of mainly the transportation cost of items from its
production (manufacturing) center to the warehouses. Transportation techniques
are designed to minimize the distribution costs. In order to identify products, it is
necessary to workout per unit distribution cost of each product. We also know
the production capacity of each product in each factory is not fixed. The holding
capacity of a warehouse or potential sales in each marketing center is again a
fixed quality which cannot be exceeded.
5.1.1. The Transportation Method
The solution algorithm to a transportation problem may be summarized into the
following steps:
Step 1:
Formulate the problem and set up in the matrix form
The formulation of the problem is similar to the linear programming. Here the
objective function is the total transportation cost and the constraints are the
supply and demand available at each source and destination respectively.
Step 2:
Obtain an initial basic feasible solution
There are 3 methods to find the initial feasible solution.
1. North-West Corner Method (NWCM)
2. Least Cost Method (LCM)
3. Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)
The initial solution obtained by any of the three methods must satisfy the
following condition:
m=3 origins and n=4 destinations ==>m+n-1=3+4 -1=6 (i.e. the transportation
model should have 6 occupied cells).
If the number of occupied cells < m+n-1==> degenerate solution will result in.
5.1.2. Linear programming formulation of the transportation problem
Suppose that a firm has three factories /sources of supply/ & four warehouses
/point of demand/. The firm's production capacity at the three factories, the
demand for the four distribution centers located at various regions & the cost of
shipping each unit from the factories to the warehouses through each route is
given as follows:
Destinations (dd) =j
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
F1 3 2 7 6 5000
7 5 2 6000
F3 2 5 4 5 2500
Requirements of
Warehouses 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500
( Units of
x21 + x22 + x23 +x24 =6000 F2 supply constraint
x31 +x32 +x33+x34 = 2500 F3 supply constraint
b. Demand constraints:
x11 + x21 + x31 = 6000 W1 demand constraint
x12 + x22 + x32 = 4000 W2 demand constraint
x13 + x23 +x33 = 2000 W3 demand constraint
x14 +x24 + x34 = 1500 W4 demand constraint
xij > 0 for all i& j
In the above LPP, there are m x n = 3x4 =12 decision variables & m + n = 3+4 =7
constraints. Thus, if this problem is solved by the simplex method, then it may
take considerable computational time.
ii. The network representation of the transportation LPP is called Net work flow
Origin Destination centers
(Sources of Supply) (Point of demand centers)
F1 50000 3 W1 6000
6 7
F2 6000 5 W2 4000
W3 2000
2 5
F3 2500 5 W4 1500
This LPP has 12 shipping routes. The objective is to identify the minimum cost
route (Least cost route).
This method does not take into account the cost of transportation on any route
of transportation.
The NWCM gets its name because the starting point for the allocation process is
the Upper Left-hand (Northwest) corner of the transportation table. Therefore,
allocate to the Northwest corner as many units as possible.
1. Begin with the upper left hand cell (Left, upper most in the table), & allocate as
many units as possible to that cell. This will be the smaller amount of either
the row supply or the column demand. Adjust the row & column quantities to
reflect the allocation.
2. Subtract from the row supply & from the column demand the amount
3. If the column demand is now zero, move to the cell next to the right, if the row
supply is zero, move down to the cell in the next row.
If both are zero, move first to the next cell on the right then down one cell.
4. Once a cell is identified as per step (3), it becomes a northwest cell. Allocate to
it an amount as per step (1)
5. Repeat, the above steps (1) - (4) until all the remaining supply and demand is
1) Consider the following transportation problem:
Plant 3 40 8 70 20 18
8 7 14 34
Demand 5
a. Develop an initial feasible solution using the NWCM
b. Compute the total cost for this solution.
a. Table: Initial feasible solution
Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4 Supply
Plant 1 19 30 50 10
5 2
70 30 40 60
Plant 2 9
6 3
40 8 70 20
Plant 3 18
4 14
8 7 14 34
Demand 5
Note: NWCM does not consider the cost factor for allocation.
1. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem using NWCM. Compute the total cost for this solution
A B C Supply
S1 2 7 14 5
S2 3 3 1 8
S3 5 4 7 7
S4 1 6 2 14
Demand 7 9 18
Answer: X11=5, X21=2, X22=6, X32=3, X33=4, X43=4, and Total cost =$102
1. Total Supply= Total demand ===> Balanced TP
2. Total Supply ≠ total demand ===> Unbalanced TP
3. Convert the unbalanced TP into a balanced TP by using dummy
destination/dummy source.
* If total Supply > Total demand, then create a fictitious or artificial
destination called dummy destination
i.e: total Supply > Total demand===> Add dummy column
* Excess demand (Supply < demand)
- Add a dummy source
- Add a dummy row
Note: the cost of “shipments” to the dummy is usually set at zero ==> No real
Develop an initial feasible solution using NWCM
R S T Supply
1 2 3
A 100
80 20
4 1 5
B 110
100 10
0 0 0
Dummy 50
Demand 80 120 60 260
Farm C 7 6 3
Develop the initial feasible solution using NWCM & compute the total cost for
this solution.
The Least- Cost Method yields not only an initial feasible solution but also one
that is close to optimal in small problems.
1.Suppose that a firm has three factories / sources of supply /& four
warehouses/point of demand/ .The firm's production capacity at the three
factories, the demand for the four destination centers located at various regions
& the cost of shipping each unit from the factories to the warehouses through
each route is given as follows:
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
F1 3 2 7 6 5000
F2 7 5 2 3 6000
F3 2 5 4 5 2500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500
a. Develop an initial feasible solution using NWCM & Compute the total cost
b. Develop an initial feasible solution using least-cost method & compute the
total cost.
Initial feasible solution
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
F1 3 2 7 6
Factory 5000
F2 7 5 2 3 6000
1000 4000 1000
2 5 4 5
F3 2500
1000 1500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
3 2 7 6
F1 5000
1000 4000
F2 7 5 2 3
2500 2000 1500
2 5 4 5
F3 2500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500
F3 W1 2500 2 5000
Total transportation cost =$42,000
The 1st allocation should be made to the cell with the least-cost. Cells AD & CD
both have the lowest cost f $1. Cell AD is selected 1 st because more units can be
allocated to it (70) than to cell CE (50).
Cell CF is filled in 1st since a larger quantity (120-50-70) can be placed there.
Then, the remaining requirement of 30 for column F is allocated to cell BF &
source B's supply is reduced to 30.
The initial solution by the least -cost method
D E F G Supply
A Destination 1 5 3 4 100
B 4 2 2 5 60
30 30
C 3 1 2 4 120
50 70
70 50 100 60 280
Routes Units Unit Total
From To Shipped Cost =Cost
A D X 1 $ 70
B F 70 2 60
B G 30 5 150
C E 30 1 50
C F 50 2 140
70 Total transportation =$470
R S T Supply
A 1 2 3 100
80 10 10
B 4 1 5 110
Dummy 0 0 0 50
Demand 80 120 60
Total transportation cost=80x1+10x2+10x3+110x1+50x0=$240
Three garment plants are available for monthly education of four styles of men's
shirts. The capacities of the three plants are 45,000, 93,000 and 60,000 shirts. The
number of shirts required in style "a" through "d" are 28,000, 65,000, 35,000 &
70,000, respectively. The profits, in $ per shirt, at each plant for each style are
shown below.
Table: The garment plants' profit.
STYLE a b c d
1 8 12 -2 6
2 13 4 3 10
3 0 7 11 8
How many shirts of each type to produce in each plant so that profit is
Answers: Total profit= $2,119,000
(Hint: Select the largest per unit profit, first & use largest-profit method)
A B C D Supply
S1 1 5 3 3 34
S2 3 3 1 2 15
S3 0 2 2 4 12
S4 2 7 2 4 19
demand 21 25 17 17
VAM is preferred to the other two methods described above. In this method each
allocation is made on the basis of the opportunity (or penalty or extra) cost that
would have incurred if allocation in certain cells with minimum unit
transportation cost were missed.
In this method allocation are made so that the penalty cost is minimized. The
advantage of this method is that it gives an initial solution which is nearer to an
optimal solution or is the optimal solution itself.
VAM determines the penalty for not using the minimum cost routes, where the
objective is to avoid large penalties so that the penalty from not using the routes
is minimized.
1. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem using VAM.
Row difference or Row penalty
A B C D Supply or opportunity cost
Factory F1 2 2 0 4
25 2 0 - - -
5 20
F2 5 9 8 3 2 2 2 2 5
15 5 5
1 2 2 - -
F3 6 4 3 2
Demand 20 15 20 5 60
Column difference 3 2 3 1
or Column penalty
or opportunity cost 3 2 - 1
1 5 - 1
5 9 - -
5 - - -
m= 3, n=4 ==> 3+4-1 =6 Occupied cells (feasible)
The transportation cost associated with this solution is:
Total cost= 5x2 + 20x0+15x5x9 =+95x3+10x4= $185
2. A dairy firm has three plants located in different regions. The daily milk
production at each plant is as follows:
Plant 1: 6 million liters.
Plant 2: 1 million liters, &
Plant 3: 10 million liters
Each day the firm must fulfill the needs of its four distribution centers.
Minimum requirement at each center is as follows.
Distribution center 1: 7 million liters
" " 2: 5 " "
" " 3: 3 " "
" " 4: 2 " "
Cost of shipping one million liters form each plant to each distribution center
is given in the following table in hundreds of dollar.
Distribution Center
D1 D2 D3 D4
P1 2 3 11 7
P2 1 0 6 1
Find P3 5 8 15 9 the initial basic feasible
solution by:
a. North-west corners method
b. LCM
c. VAM if the object is to minimize the total transportation cost
a. Total cost = $11, 600
b. Total cost= $11,200
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply Row Penalty
P1 2 3 11 7 6 1 1 5 -
P2 1 0 6 1 1 1 - - -
P3 5 8 15 9 10 3 3 4 4
Demand 7 5 3 2
Column Penalty
7 5 3 2
1 3 5 6
3 5 4 2
3 - 4 2
5 - 15 9
1. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem by VAM
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 21 16 15 3 11
Source S2 17 18 14 13 13
S3 32 27 18 41 19
Demand 6 10 12 15
b. LCM, &
c. VAM
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
A 11 13 17 14 250
Source B 16 18 14 10 300
C 21 24 13 10 400
Demand 200 225 275 250
Once an initial solution is available, the next step is to check its optimality. An
optimal solution is one in which there is no opportunity cost. That is, there is no
other set of transportation routes (allocations) that will reduce the total
opportunity cost. Thus we have to evaluate each unoccupied cell (represents
unused route) in the transportation table in terms of opportunity cost.
The purpose of the optimality test is to see if the proposed solution just
generated can be improved or not. The solution to be checked for optimality
must be non-degenerate i.e the no of occupied cells must be m+n-1.
The Procedure for testing optimality is analogous to that of the simplex method.
A distinction is made between basic variables, those associated with occupied
cells & non-basic variables, those associated with the empty cells.
For each empty cell, the effect of changing it to an occupied cell is examined. If
any of these changes are favorable, the solution is not optimal & a new solution
must be designed. A favorable change means an increase in the value of the
objective function in maximization problems or a decrease in minimization
A. Stepping stone Method
B. Modified Distribution method (MODI Method)
A. Stepping-stone method
The Stepping-stone method is an iterative technique for moving from an initial
feasible solution to an optimal solution in transportation problems.
“The No of occupied routes (or squares) must always be equal to one less than
the sum of the no of rows plus the no of columns."
solution has been reached (for minimization problems). If not, it is possible to improve
the current solution and decrease total shipping costs.
In a non-degenerate problem, there is only one possible way of drawing the loop
for each empty cell.
How to find the value of a cell evaluator
The value of a cell evaluator is the sum of the per unit shipping costs in the
gaining cells less the sum of the per unit shipping costs in the losing cells of the
closed loop. This evaluation process must be extended to all unoccupied cells.
Analysis of test:
Check all the empty cells and select for improvement the one with the
largest improvement potential.
If the solution is not optimal, the next step in the transportation method
is to find a better solution. The operations in this step are:
a. Identify the “incoming" cell (the empty cell to be occupied)
In a minimization case, the incoming cell is located by identifying
the most negative cell evaluator.
b. Design an improved solution
-By shifting units form cell to cell
2. The test of optimality for a maximization (profit) case:
: Is the reversed of minimization case
-If one or more of the cell evaluators is positive, the existing solution is
not optimal.
i.e: for a maximization (profit) case, all the cell evaluators must be
negative for optimality. If any cell evaluation is positive, the solution is not
A cell evaluator of 0 indicates the existence of another solution just as
good as the current solution. Thus, in the final solution, if cell evaluators
of 0 exist, this indicates the existence of multiple optimal solutions.
If two or more cells have the same value, then either may be selected.
If two or more of the "losing" cells contain the same no of units, both will
become empty simultaneously and a “degenerate" solution will result.
For the minimization case; when one or more cell evaluators are negatives,
the cell with the largest negative should be brought into solution because
that route has the largest potential for improvement per unit.
The loop starts and ends at the selected unoccupied cell. Every corner
element of the loop must be an occupied cell.
1. Use NWCM to find initial feasible solution and test the solution for optimality.
Project Project Project ss
F1 4 2 8 100
F2 5 1 9 200
F3 7 6 3 200
dd 50 150 300 500
Project Project Project ss Initial feasible solution
F1 4 2 8 100
50 50
F2 5 1 9 200
100 100
F3 7 6 3 200 21
dd 50 150 300 500
m=3, n=3==> 3+3-1=5(Non-degenerate solution)
Total transportation cost = $[50x4+50x2+100x1+100x9+200x3] = $1900
The negative value for cell (F1, C) indicates an improved solution is possible. For
each unit we can shift into that cell, the total cost will decrease by $2. The next
question is how many units can be reallocated into that cell while retaining the
balance of supply and demand for that table?
With each iteration (new solution), it is necessary to evaluate the empty cells to
see if further improvements is possible.
F2 50 5 1 50 9 200
150 50
F3 7 6 200
dd 50 150 300 500
(F2 ,A) +5 -4+8-9 =0
dd 80 120 60 0
a. Obtain the basic feasible solution using VAM
b. Obtain the optimal solution
c. What is the optimal shipping cost?
a. Initial feasible solution
R S T ss Opportunity cost
1 2 3 100
A 1 1 1 1
80 10 10
3 3 - -
B 4 1 5 110
0 - - -
Dummy 0 1100 0 50
dd 80 120 60 260
Opportunity 1 1 3
3 1 2
cost 1 2 3
1 2 -
Note: Include the dummy cells to select the opportunity cost under VAM
b. Test of optimality.
Table: Test of optimality
Since none of the cell evaluators is negative, the above feasible solution is
Thus, accordingly the distribution is as follows
A Supplies 80 units to warehouse R
B Supplies 10 units to warehouse S
C Supplies 10 units to warehouse T
B Supplies 110 units to warehouse S
Consider the following transportation problem
B 9 11 4 15
C 20 14 8 55
Dema 25 50 45 120
a. Develop an initial feasible solution using the NWCM. And compute the
total cost for this solution.
b. Evaluate the solution using the stepping-stone method. Is the solution
optimal? Explain.
c. What is the total cost for the optimal solution?
MODI provides a new means of finding the unused route with the largest
negative improvement index. Once the largest index is identified, we are
required to trace only one closed path. Just as with the stepping-stone approach,
this path helps to determine the maximum No of units that can be shipped via the
best unused route.
ii. If Kij = 0, then the current basic feasible solution will remain be
unaffected but an alternative solution exists.
iii. If one or more Kij < 0, then an improved solution be obtained
entering unoccupied cell (i, j), in the basis. An unoccupied cell
having the largest negative value of Kij is chosen for entering into
the solution mix (new transportation schedule)
4. Solve the problem as you did using the stepping-stone method.
i.e. construct a closed path (or loop) for the unoccupied cell with
largest negative opportunity cost. Start the close path with the selected
unoccupied cell and mark a plus sign (+) and in this cell, trace a path
along the rows (or columns) to an occupied cell, mark the corner with
minus sign (-) and continue down the column (or row) to an occupied
cell and mark the corner with plus sign (+) and minus sign (-)
alternatively. Close the path back to the selected unoccupied call.
Locate the smallest quantity allocated to a cell marked with a minus
sign. Allocate this value to the selected unoccupied cell and add it to
other occupied cells marked with plus signs and subtract it from the
occupied cells marked with minus signs.
5. Obtain a new improved solution by allocating units to the unoccupied
call and calculate the new transportation cost.
6. Test the revised solution for optimality.
Any initial feasible solution will do: NWCM, VAM Solution, or any
arbitrary assignment.
The stepping- stone method is efficient for small sized transportation
problems. For larger problems, however, the MODI method is recommended.
1. Obtain an optimal solution to the transportation problem by MODI method
given below:
Project Projec Projec Supp
N 1
t t ly
Farm 4 2 8 100
Farm 5 1 9 200
Farm 7 6 3 200 27
3 50 150 300 500
Both the MODI and the stepping - stone method will yields the same values.
Conventionally, we begin by assigning a value of zero as the index for row 1
(U1=0). Once row index has been established, it will enable us to compute
column index numbers for all occupied cells in that row. Similarly, once a
column index number has been determined, index numbers for all rows
corresponding to occupied cells in that column can be determined.
Consider the initial feasible solution of the given example by NWCM as shown
Initial solution, NWCM
==>C12= U1 +V2==>2=0 +V2==> V1=2
==>C22= U2 +V2==>1= U2+ 0==> U2=-1
==>C23= U2 +V3==>9= -1+V3==> V3=10
==>C33= U3 +V3==>3= U3+10 ==> U3= -7
Cij≠ Ui + Vj (For unoccupied cells)
For instance, from the above information, C32 ≠ U3 + V2==>6≠-7+2
Table: Test of optimality
Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators
Kij = Cij– (Ui + Vj)
(1,3) C13 – (U1 +V3)=8-(0+10)= -2
(2,1) C21 – (U2 +V1)=5-(-1+4)=+2
(3,1) C31– (U3 +V1)=7-(-7+4)=10
(3,2) C32– (U3 +V2)=6-(-7+2)=+11
In this case, we found hat cell (1, 3) had an evaluation of -2, which represented an
improvement potential of and $ 2 per unit. Hence, an improved solution is
The stepping-stone path for call (1, 3) is:
Farm 3 7 6 3 200
Dema 150 300 500
nd 50
1. Obtain an optimal solution to the transportation problem by MODI method
given below.
D1 D2 D3 Sup
Farm 19 30 50 10 7
Farm 70 30 40 60 9
Farm 40 8 70 20 18
Dem 8 7 34
and 5 14 30
2. A company has four ware houses a, b, c and d. It is required to deliver a
product from these warehouses to three customers A, B and C. The
warehouses have the following amounts in stock:
Ware house: a b c d
No of units: 15 16 12 13
And the customer’s requirements are:
Customer: A B C
No of units: 18 20 18
The table below shows the costs of transporting one unit from warehouse to
A b c d
8 9 6 3
6 11 5 10
C 3 8 7 9
Determine the optimal distribution to minimize the cost of transportation.
39 38 40 43
5.4.1. Degeneracy
A condition that occurs when the N o of occupied cells in any solutions less than
the No of rows plus the No of columns minus 1 in a transportation table.
empty cells may be unsuitable if they do not enable evaluations of remaining
empty cells. Not all choices would be acceptable.
Actually, the No of epsilon/deltas needed will equal the difference between the
No of completed cells and m+n-1.Howerver; you will only be exposed to the most
common case in which one more completed cell is needed.
1. Solve the following transportation problem.
1 2 Sup
1 3 3 ply
2 4 6 30
50 30 80
Using NWCM and MODI, the initial solution is:
1 2 Supp Ui
1 3 3 50 U1
50 =0
4 6 U2
2 30
30 =3
50 30 80
Vj V2=3
Cij= Ui + Vj
==>C11= U1 +V1==>3=0+ V1==> V1=3, U1=0 by convention
==>C12= U1 +V2==>3=0 +V2==> V2=3
==>C22= U2 +V2==>6= U2+3==> U2= 3
==>C33= U3 +V3==>3= U3+8 ==> U3= -5
Note: m=2 and n=2==>2+2-1=3==>Occupied cells=2< 3 (Degeneracy)
1 2 Supp Ui
Cij= Ui + Vj
3 3 U1 ==>C11=U1+V1==>3=0+V1==>V1=3, U1=0 by
1 50
50 30 =0 convention
4 6 U2 ==>C21= U2+V1==>4= U2+3==> U2=3
2 30
30 =1 ==>C12= U1 +V2==>3= 0+ V2==> V2= 3
50 30 80
Vj V2=3
optimal solution has opportunity cost of zero, then an alternative optimal
solution can be formed with another set of allocations without increasing the
total transportation cost.
XYZ Tobacco Company purchases tobacco and stores in warehouses located in
the following four cities.
The warehouses supply tobacco to cigarette companies in three cities that have the
following demand:
The following railroad shipping costs per tone (in hundred dollars) have been
Warehouse L p Q
A 7 10 5
B 12 9 4
C 7 3 11
D 9 5 7
Because of rail road construction, shipments are temporarily from warehouse at
city A to L Cigarette Company.
A. Find the optimum distribution for XYZ Tobacco Company.
B. Are there multiple optimum solutions? If there are alternative optimum
solutions, identify them.
5.4.3. Prohibited Transportation Routes.
The situation may arise such as road hazards (snow, foods, etc), traffic regulation
etc, when it is not possible to transport goods from certain sources to certain
destinations. In this case, the appropriate cell may either be completely crossed out
or a very large per unit transportation cost assign to it (M)
The Assignment Problem(AP) refers to the class of LPPs that involves
determining the most efficient assignment of people to projects, salespeople to
territories, contracts to bidders ,jobs to machines, and so on. The objective is to
assign a number of resources to an equal number of activities so as to minimize
total costs or total time or maximize total profit of allocation.
The AP is a special case of TP under the condition that the number of origins is
equal to the number of destinations. Viz. m=n .Hence assignment is made on the
basis of 1:1.
The AP is considered as a special TP in which the supply at each source and the
demand at each destination are always one unit.
Since the supply and demand are always equal to one unit in each row and column,
there is no need to write them in the assignment table.
Service costs of different team assignment ($ in thousands)
Table: The assignment table
Z1 Z2 Z3 Zone
Team Service
20 15 31 ====> Team Z1 Z2 Z3
S2 17 16 33 20 15 31 1
S3 18 19 27 S2 17 16 33 1
S3 18 19 27 1
DD 1 1 1
As in the transportation problem, assignment problems can be balanced or not.
In a balanced case, the number of objects to be assigned equals the number of
objects to which they are assigned. Unbalanced problem can be balanced by
adding a dummy (dummies) with zero cost coefficients.
Opportunity costs show the relative penalties associated with assigning resource
to an activity as opposed to making the best or least-cost assignment. If we can
reduce the cost matrix to the extent of having at least one zero in each row and
column, then it will be possible to make optimal assignments.
The transformation of the cost matrix to what is termed as a total-opportunity
cost matrix. It involves two operations:
a. Perform row operation
I.e. locate the smallest element in each row of the given cost table
and then subtract that the given cost table and then subtract that
from each element of that row
b. Perform column operation
I.e. in the reduced matrix obtained from 2(a), locate the smallest
element in each column and then subtract that from each element
of that column. Notice that each row and column, now have at least
one zero value.
Step 3.Test for an optimal assignment
I.e. test the table resulting from step 2 to see whether an optimal assignment can
be made. The procedure is:
a. Draw the minimum number of Horizontal and /or Vertical lines necessary to
cover all zeros costs.
Draw the lines by trial and error but always try to cover two or
more zeros with one line.
b. Count the number of the lines
If the number of lines equals either the number of rows or columns
in the table, an optimal assignment can be made.
If the number of lines is less than the number of rows or columns,
an improvement is possible (we proceed to step 4).
Step 4.Improve the present opportunity cost table (matrix)
This is done by the following operations:
a. Find the smallest entry in the uncovered cells (cells with no lines through them) and
subtract it from all entries in the uncovered cells.
b. Add the same smallest entry to those cells in which the lines intersect (cells with two
lines them)
c. Cells with one line through them are transferred (i.e. unchanged to the improved table).
In those problems where the first improvement does not yield an optimal
solution, we keep on improving the solution by repeating step 4 until an optimal
solution is achieved.
Step 5: Make an optimal assignment
An optimal assignment should be made to cells with a zero entery, maintaining
the one-to-one requirement
If more than one optimal solution exists, a trial-and –error approach can be used
to find all possible combination assignments in the zero cells.
1. A computer center has three programmers. The center wants three application
programs to be developed. The head of the computer center, after studying
carefully the programs to be developed, estimate the computer time in minutes
required by the experts for the application programs as follows:
(Estimated time in
1 120 minute)
100 80
2 80 90 110
3 110 140 120
Assign the programmers to the programs in such a way that the total computer
time is minimum.
Steps 1 and 2:
a. Perform row reduction
The minimum time element in row 1, 2, and 3 is 80, 80 and 110 respectively.
Subtract those elements from all elements in there respective row.
Table: After row reduction
-80 1 C40 20 0
-80 2 0 10 30
-110 3 0 30 10
b. Column reduction
Since column B has no one ‘0’, perform also column reduction. The minimum
time element in columns A, B and C is 0, 10 and 0 respectively. Subtract these
elements from all elements in their respective column to get the reduced time
Table: After column reduction
1 40 A 10 B0
2 0 0 30
3 0 20 10
Step 3: Test for an optimal
a. Draw the minimum number of horizontal and /or vertical lines necessary to
cover all zero times (costs).
Table: Test of optimal assignment
1 40 A 10 B0
2 0 0 30
3 0 20 10
1 40A 10 B
2 3 30
3 1 0 010
In optimal assignment, start with row/column having one zero and cancel the
alternative zeros(x)
A 10 I 5 II13 IV
15 V16
B 3 9 18 13 6
C 10 7 2 2 2
D 7 11 9 7 12
E 7 9 10 4 12
How should the jobs be allocated, one per employees, so as to minimize the total
Table: After row reduction
-5 A 5I 0II III
8 IV
10 V
-3 B 0 6 15 10 3
-2 C 8 5 0 0 0
-7 D 0 5 2 0 5
E 3 5 6 0 8
Since the number of lines less than the number of rows/columns, an
improvement is possible.
Step 4. Improve the present opportunity cost table
This is done by the following operations;
a. Select the smallest entry (element) among all uncovered elements by the lines
and subtract it from all entries in the uncovered cells.
b. Add the same smallest entry to those cells in which lines intersect (cells with
two lines them).
c. Cells with one line through them are unchanged to the improved table.
Table: After improvement
8 IV
12 V
B 0 4 13 10 1
C 10 5 0 2 0
D 0 2 0 0 2
E 3 3 4 0 6
Since the number of lines equals to the number of rows/columns, the solution is
Table: Optimal assignments
A 7 8 12 11
B 4 13 10 1
10 5 0 0
D 00 2 2
E 3 3 4 6
E IV 4
3. A manager has prepared the following table, which shows the costs for various
combinations of job-machine assignments:
(Cost in ’000s))
1 20 A 15 B 31
Job 2 17 16 33
3 18 19 27
a. What is the optimal (minimum-cost) assignment for this problem?
b. What is the total cost for the optimum assignment?
Table: After row reduction Table: After
column reduction
1 5A 0 B7
2 1 0 8
3 0 1 0
1 4A 0 B6
2 0 0 7
Table: Optimal 3 0 2 0 Assignment
1 4 6
2 7
0 0
A. Multiple Optimal Solutions
While making an assignment in the reduced assignment matrix, it is possible to
have two or more ways to strike off a number of zeros. Such situation indicates
multiple optimal solutions with the same optimal value of objective function. In
such cases the more suitable solution may be considered by the decision-maker.
1. Given this final assignment table, identify two optimal solutions.
(Estimated time in
A 4 minute) 0 0
Job B 0 3 2
C 1 0 0
The first assignment must be B-1, because B-1 is the only 0 that appears in a
single row or column. Having made that assignment, there are two choices for
the remaining two rows, and two choices for the remaining two columns. This
results in two possible solutions, as shown:
(Estimated time in
A 4 minute)
Job B 0 3 2
C 1
2. The foreman of a machine shop wants to determine a minimum cost matching for
operators and machines. The foreman has determined hourly cost for of four operators for
the four machines, as shown in the following cost table.
(Estimated cost
1 70 in80
$) 75 D
2 55 52 58 54
3 58 56 64 68
4 62 60 67 70
a. Determine the minimum-cost assignment for this problem
b. What is the total cost for the optimal assignment?
c. Is there an alternative optimal assignment? What is it? Calculate the total cost
for the alternate optimal assignment.
Table: After row reduction Table: After column
1 6 A 16 B11 D
2 3 0 6 2
3 2 0 8 12
4 2 0 7 10
1 4 A 16 B5 D
2 1 20
3 0 20 12
4 0 0 1 10
a. Optimal Assignment b.
0 0
Operator Machine Cost(in $)
4 A 62
3 B 56
2 C 58
1 D 64
Total cost =$240
c. Yes!
Operator Machine Cost(in $)
1 D 64
2 C 58
3 A 58
4 B 60
Total cost=$240
Alternative optimal assignment
There may arise situations when the assignment problem calls for maximization
of profit, revenue, etc as the objective function. Such problem may be solved by
converting the given maximization problem into a minimization problem by the
following procedure:
1. A company has four territories open, and four salesmen available for an
assignment. The territories are not equally rich in their sales potential. Based on
the past performance, the following table shows the annual sales (in $) that can
be generated by each salesman in each territory. Find the optimal assignment
and the maximum expected total sales.
A 42 35 28 21
B 30 25 20 15
C 30 25 20 15
D 24 20 16 12
Convert maximization problem into minimization problem by subtracting all
elements from the highest element (i.e 42)
Thus, the equivalent cost table is:
A 0 3 6 9
B 0 1 2 3
C 0 1 2 3
D 0 0 0 0
Five salesmen are to be assigned to five territories. Based on the past
performance, the following table shows the annual sales man in each territory.
Find the optional assignment.
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
S1 26 14 10 12 9
S2 31 27 30 14 16
S3 15 18 16 25 30
S4 17 12 21 30 25
S5 20 19 25 16 10
C. Unbalanced Assignment problem
The Hungarian method of assignment requires that the number of columns and
rows in the assignment matrix be equal. However, when the given cost matrix is
not a square matrix, the assignment problem is called an unbalanced problem. In
such cases a dummy row(s) or column(s) are added in the matrix (with zeros as
the cost elements) to make it a square matrix. After making the given cost matrix
a square matrix, the Hungarian method may be used to solve the problem.
MEGA printing press, a publisher headquartered in Addis Ababa, wants to
assign three recently hired college graduates, Marta, Bakcha and Hirut to
regional sales districts in Mekelle, Bahir Dare, and DireDawa. But the firm also
has an opening in Gambela and would send one of the three there if it were more
economical than a move to Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa. It will cost Br.
1,000 to relocate Marta to Gambela, Br. 800 to relocate Baklcha there, and Br.
1,500 to move Hirut. What is the optimal assignment of personnel to offices?
Bahir Dire
ce Mekelle
Dare Dawa
Marta Br.800 Br 1,100 Br 1,200
Bekcha Br. 500 Br 1,600 Br 1,300
Hirut Br. 500 Br 1,000 Br 2,300
To balance the problem, we add a dummy row (person) with a zero relocation
cost to each city.
C1 C2 C3 C4(Gambela)
P1 800 1,100 1,200 1,000
Person P2 500 1,600 1,300 800
P3 500 1,000 2,300 1,500
Dummy 0 0 0 0
Cost =Br.(0+500+800+1,100)=Br.2,400
D. Restrictions on Assignments
In certain instances, it may happen that a particular match or pairing may be
either undesirable or otherwise unacceptable. For example, an employee may not
have the skills necessary to perform a particular job or a machine may not be
equipped to handle a particular operation. In such cases, the cost of performing
that particular activity by a particular resource is considered to be very large
(written as M or ) so as to prohibit the entry of this pair of employee-job into
the final solution. When such a restriction is present, a letter (M) is often placed
in the table in the position that would represent a paring. Analysis is performed
as usual except the M is ignored throughout the analysis. That is, M is not used
in any reductions, nor is any value added to it or subtracted from it during the
course of the analysis.
1. In the modification of a plant layout of a factory four new machines M1,
M2, M3 and M4 are to be installed in a machine shop. There are five vacant
places A, B, C, D and E available. Because of limited space, machine M2 can not
be placed at C and M3 cannot be placed at A. the cost of placing of machine at
place i (in $) is shown below.
2. Location
M1 9 11 15 10 11
Machine M2 12 9 - 10 9
M3 - 11 14 11 7
M4 14 8 12 7 8
Find the optimal assignment schedule.
As the cost matrix is not balanced, add one dummy row (machine) with a
zero cost element in that row. Also assign a high cost, denoted by M, to the
pair (M2, C) and (M3, A).
M1 9 11 15 10 11 M1 0 2 6 1 2
M2 12 9 M 10 9
M3 M 11 14 11 7
0 0
M4 14 8 12 7 8 3 M 1
M5 0 0 0 0 0
M3 M 4 7 4
M4 0 0 0 0 0
7 5 1
The total minimum cost ($) and optimal assignments made are as follows:
1. A car rental company has one car at each of five depots a, b, c, d and e. A
customer in each of the five towns A, B, C, D and E requires a car. The distance
in (in kilometers) between the depots and towns where the customers are, is
given in the following distance matrix:
a b c d e
A 160 130 175 190 200
B 135 120 130 160 175
B c
C b
D d
Minimum distance = 570 km
Flight number
a b c d e
A 8 2 X 5 4
B 10 9 2 8 4
C 5 4 9 6 X
D 3 6 2 8 7
E 5 6 10 4 3
What should be the allocation of the pilots to flights in order to meet as many
performances as possible?
(Hint: The problem is to maximize the total preference score)