Testcase Template
Testcase Template
Testcase Template
TC_001 User is on the login screen Labels and controls 1. Open the
are as per the application.
requirement 2. Check for the
controls in login
TC_002 User is on the login screen Check if the user is 1. Open the
able to login if the application.
correct username 2. Enter the
and password is correct
entered username.
3. Enter the
correct password
4. Click the login
Expected Result Actual Result Testcase Result
The control names The control PASS
are as per the names are as
requirement per the
Forgot Password?
Testcase No Assumptions Testcase Criteria Testcase Steps
TC_001 User is accesing the Labels/colour 1. Open the
currency converter tool coding/Fonts are as currency
per user converter tool.
specification/requir 2. Check for the
ements controls.
On click of the
historic button,
the web page
opens and shows
the previous Working as per
conversions we the expected
have made result PASS
Testcase No Assumptions Testcase Criteria Testcase Steps
TC_001 School admission form is Check if the font, 1. Open the
available to test font style, colour, school admission
background,logo,i form.
mages, text are as 2. Check for font,
per the font style,
requirement colour,
1. Open the
school admission
2. Open the
obox/select box.
3. Check the
values in the
Expected Result Actual Result Testcase Result
The font, font The font, font
style, colour, style, colour,
background,logo,i background,log
mages,text should o,images,text
be as per the are as per the
requirement requirement PASS
Mobile app is
available for
TC_003 the user to test
1. Launch mobile
app .
Mobile app is Check if the email field 2. Enter the
available for accepts values without @ email address
TC_004 the user to test and . without @ or .
Check if on the click of 3 1. Launch mobile
Mobile app is bar opens the correct app.
available for screen as per the 2. Click on the 3
TC_005 the user to test specification bar on the left
TC_002 Taxi booking Check if the start, 1. Launch the The location
screen is via, end location is application. should be
available to suggested to the 2. Start writing a suggested to the
test end user through location in the end user
google app start via and end
text field
TC_003 Taxi booking Check if the click 1. Launch the The user should
screen is on add stop gives application. be given an option
available to the user another 2. Click on Add to add the location
test text field to enter stop button. of the halt/stop
the location
TC_002 Anti Virus software Check if the dashboard 1. Launch/open anti The dashboard should
is available for user is accesible if the virus software. be accesible by the end
to test dashboard link is clicked 2. Click on the user.
TC_003 Anti Virus software Check if the Protection 1. Launch/open The protection page
is available for user link is accesible if the antivirus software. should open for the end
to test Protection link is clicked 2. Click on protection user
TC_004 Anti Virus software Check if the privacy link 1. Launch/open The privacy page should
is available for user is accesible if the privacy antivirus software. open for the end user.
to test link is clicked 2. Click on privacy link
TC_005 Anti Virus software Check if the Utilities link 1. Launch/open The utilities page
is available for user is accesible if the antivirus software. should open for the end
to test Utilities link is clicked 2. Click on utilites link user.
TC_006 Anti Virus software Check if the Notifications 1. Launch/open The notifications page
is available for user link is accesible if the antivirus software. should open for the end
to test Notifications link is 2. Click on the user.
clicked notifications link
TC_007 Anti Virus software Check if the my account 1. Launch/open The My account page
is available for user link is accesible when antivirus software. should open on the
to test the my account link is 2. Click on the My click of My account
clicked account link
TC_008 Anti Virus software Check if the settings 1. Launch/open the The settings page
is available for user page is opened on click antivirus software. should open on click of
to test of the settingt link 2. Click on the the settings link
settings link
TC_009 Anti Virus software Check if the support 1. Launch /open the The support page
is available for user page is opened on the antivirus software. should open on the
to test click of the support page 2. Click on the click of the support link.
support page
TC_010 Anti Virus software Check if the start scan 1. Launch open the The start scan button
is available for user button is operational antivirus software. should help the user to
to test 2. Click on the start start a quick scan on
scan the application
TC_011 Anti Virus software Check if the open vpm 1. Launch open the The open vpn button
is available for user link button is operational antivirus software. help user access the
to test 2. Click on the open vpn page.
vpn scan
TC_012 Anti Virus software Check if the install on 1. Launch open the The install on another
is available for user another device works as antivirus software. page button should
to test per the exected result 2. Click on the install help user to open the
on another page page for install on
button another device.
TC_013 Anti Virus software Check if the safepay 1. Launch topen the The open button should
is available for user privacy open button is antivirus software. navigate the user to the
to test operational 2. Click on the open desired result.
TC_014 Anti Virus software Check if the add a quick 1. Launch open the The add a quick button
is available for user action button works as antivirus software. should navigate the
to test per the desired result 2. Click on the "Add a user to the desired
quick action " button page.
TestData Actual Result Testcase Result
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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