Project Test Cases
Project Test Cases
Project Test Cases
1. Go to Registration
User should be able page.
to register 2. Fill in valid details. A success message should appear, and the
TC-001 successfully Application is running 3. Submit the form. user should be redirected to the login page. Passed
1. Navigate to Login
2. Enter valid
User should log in credentials. User should be logged in and redirected to
TC-002 with valid credentials User is registered 3. Click on Login. the dashboard. Passed
User should see 1. Log in.
homepage content 2. Check the Homepage content (e.g., menu, items)
TC-003 after login User is logged in homepage. should be displayed. Passed
1. Navigate to the
Cart should reflect Cart page.
correct total price Items added to the 2. Verify total price Cart should display correct item count and
TC-006 and items cart and items listed. total price. Passed
1. Go to Profile page.
2. Click "Change
User should be able 3. Enter current and
to change the User is logged in and new passwords. Password should be updated, and a success
TC-007 password on the Profile page 4. Click "Save". message should be displayed. Passed
User should be able 1. Enter a keyword in
to search for the search bar. Search results relevant to the keyword
TC-008 products User is logged in 2. Click Search. should be displayed. Passed
1. Navigate to
User should see Checkout.
payment 2. Complete
confirmation after User has items in the payment. Payment confirmation should be displayed,
TC-009 checkout cart 3. Confirm payment. and the order should be created. Passed
1. Go to Checkout.
2. Verify the final
User should be able User has added items 3. Ensure taxes and
to view final price to the cart and is on shipping fees are Final price should be displayed, inclusive of
TC-010 during checkout the Checkout page included. all additional fees. Passed
User should be able
to log out 1. Click on Logout User should be logged out and redirected
TC-011 successfully User is logged in button. to the Login page. Passed
1. Navigate to the
Admin should be able Admin Panel.
to approve new 2. Approve a product Product should be approved and visible on
TC-012 product listings Admin is logged in listing. the user end. Passed
1. Proceed to
2. Enter invalid
System should User has incorrect payment
display error for payment details information. User should receive an error message
TC-013 invalid payments entered 3. Submit payment. indicating payment failure. Passed
System should 1. Try to add an out- The system should show a message
prevent adding out- Product is out of of-stock item to the indicating the item is out of stock and
TC-014 of-stock items stock cart. prevent it from being added. Passed
1. Complete the
2. Wait for
User should receive confirmation.
order confirmation 3. Check for on- A confirmation message should appear on
on website after User has successfully screen confirmation the website after placing the order, without
TC-015 checkout placed an order message. email notifications. Passed