The Black Hole Merger Crop Circle
The Black Hole Merger Crop Circle
The Black Hole Merger Crop Circle
On May 21, 2019, scientists reported a strange event observed by the
gigantic LIGO gravity-wave telescope located in Washington State and its
cousin in Louisiana. They thought it looked like a merger of two black holes,
but it wasn’t until six months later that articles were published about how
massive, eccentric, and unique the event was—and that they thought it was a
genuine black hole merger not a false alarm.
There have been 44 such mergers discovered, but his one was called “the
most massive gravitational wave binary every observed. 1According to one
astronomer, it “shook the universe!”2
The merger occurred 7 billion years ago and was first detected by humans
on May 21.
Here is a picture of the crop circle next to an artist’s rendering of the black
hole merger. 3 4 Look similar to you?
Why this black hole merger is so important
We will return to the crop circle, and try to decode it in due course, but
there is something to note about this particular cosmic event. We begin with
The merger was extremely rare, compelling, weird, and not one of those 44
run-of-the-mill black hole mergers. It was stunning, and according to
astronomer Christian Ready, “the most massive black hole collision ever
detected.” 5
In actual fact, on May 21, no one knew immediately if this was a black hole
merger. They just suspected that it might have been.
In fact, he says, the amount of energy released by this colossal merger was
greater in a tenth of a second than the most luminous quasar known in the
One observation, though, and that is that the black holes were estimated to
be different sizes. The smaller was measured at 66 solar masses, and the
larger at 85. They merged into one stupendous black hole measuring 142
solar masses. It was called the heaviest black hole measured to date. 9 10
You may think that a team of astronomy geeks went out after the LIGO
announcement and made a crop circle the next day, but astronomers really
didn’t know what they were seeing on May 21. It could have been a black
hole merger, a false alarm, or some other kind of cosmic explosion that
generated gravitational waves.
“After more than a year studying this atypical new signal, scientists think they know what
caused the heftiest black-hole merger seen to date.” 13 14
So if you are insisting that someone heard about the merger on May 21 and
quickly gathered a team to go out and make a crop circle on May 22, good
luck to you. No one knew then what they were seeing, and, any review of
the literature shows that this is quite obvious.
First Impressions
My first impression was that it was “roughly similar” to a black hole merger,
but upon closer examination of the crop circle I noticed an important detail:
the left and right circles seemed to “penetrate” the inner circle.
That suggested movement to me. Each of the smaller circles was infringing on
the perimeter of the larger circle
If you grant this initial impression, it intimates two bodies moving toward the
center. I’ve indicated that with arrows.
If you will entertain that thought, then we have two bodies moving into a
merger, which is the third larger circle in the center of the crop circle.
If you measure the size of the two outer circles and compare them to the
larger inner circle, the inner circle is 84 percent larger. I’m speaking of this
Out there in the real world of the cosmos, if we average the two black holes,
one of 66 and the other of 85, their average is 75.5 solar masses, and if we
then compare it with the final “titanic” sized black hole of 142 solar masses,
that is an 88% increase in size.
The crop circle is showing us a large center circle 84% larger than the
smaller outside circles. The astronomers are saying that the new black hole
was 88% larger than the average of the earlier black holes
So, if our crop circle measurements seem slightly imprecise, maybe the final
black hole is only 84% larger than the two black holes that merged to make
it. Conversely, if aliens, hooligans, or whoever made this crop circle, they
were off by 4 percent in estimating the size of the final merged product.
Black holes are usually associated with a stream or jet of plasma shooting
out from the center as in the following diagram.
The central circle of the crop circle would, by default, then have to be some
kind of jet or plasma stream shooting out into space. It was incumbent on
me to find out if GW190521 had any kind of jet associated with it because I
was thinking that is what the central circle in the crop circle was referring
I tried to decipher what that meant, ‘an optical counterpart,’ and I quote
from the article-link he sent, “The electromagnetic flare is consistent with
expectations for a kicked binary black hole merger in the accretion disk of
an active galactic nucleus.” 18
I take that to mean, yes there was at least some flash of light.
Thus we know from 3 sources that a huge flare did emerge from this black
hole, and so we seem to have an explanation for the central ball in this crop
circle—and that was my the last remaining loose end.
So, let us put it all together. This is how far we have come. Here is a
summary graphic of everything we are theorizing about this crop circle:
In other words, the similarities between the crop circle and reality, or
between the crop circle and GW190521, are actually amazing. Here is a
verbal summary of that:
• In reality, two black holes merged on May 21, 2020. In the crop
circle, the next day, we see two black holes penetrating a barrier and
• In reality, the new black hole is 142 solar masses, which is 88% larger
than the median width of the two prior black holes. In the crop circle,
the new central circle is 84% larger than the two little circles on the
outskirts of the crop circle. Close indeed.
If one black hole was 66 solar masses and the other 85, then the new black
hole should have been 151 solar masses, but it was only 142. What happened to
the missing 9 solar masses? Astrophysicists obsessed over the missing 9 solar
Dr. Ready explains that Einstein’s E= mc2 comes into play. Mass converts
to energy so 9 solar masses disappeared as energy, which, to Ready, is more
massive a release of energy in one-tenth of a second “than the most
luminous quasar in the entire universe will give off in 72 days” 19
There are other elements that take us far beyond a layman’s grasp of this
subject. For example, one article argues that this black hole merger might
provide clues to the long sought after search for dark matter. In an article
entitled “Black Holes or Boson Stars: The Mystery of GW190521” the
author argues,
“Stellar models suggested that a black hole of that size should not
exist which led astronomers to look for other explanations of the
data, and one of the most exotic hypotheses to date could even
help us to find out more about dark matter.”20
And can we really ignore that a crop circle appeared the next day with a
very close description of these events in a barley field?
I think you have only two choices—that is, the intelligent, rational, and
open-minded person to whom I am writing—has only two choices.
The first is to dismiss this crop circle altogether and to say it has nothing to
do with a black hole merger. The fact that it occurred in a field of barley 24
hours after the black hole merger was nothing other than sheer coincidence.
This is just a design made by bored vandals in a village in England called
Norridge Woods which is a potpourri of circles with no connection to
anything. Just a design made by vandals in a farmer’s field. A joke. A
prank. Nothing more. Period. End of story.
I only became interested in this crop circle after I read a 2022 article on the
mystery of GW190521, and I wondered if there was a crop circle made
about that time. I was astonished to find one that happened the next day,
so that is how I began my research. But frankly, the idea it could all be
coincidental is worthy of merit. Since it happened 3 years, ago I had a hard
time finding the farmer or anyone who might have shed light on whether
humans made it, whether there were any witnesses, whether anyone was
prosecuted for trespass or vandalism, whether there were footprints, barking
dogs, etc.
I usually write to the underground crop circle makers that I know, but again
I didn’t come up with anything.
No human being knew there would be a flash of that magnitude for another 34 days.
That flash did not happen until over a month later. How in God’s name
could a human crop circle maker have known that a flash was coming in a
In my book Messages from the Gods: on the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles, I
attempt to translate the message of the crop circle into English. In that
book, 43 crop circles of extraterrestrial origin were translated. Most are
warnings or purely pedagogical advisories. This one I think falls into the
pedagogical advisory space.
“Twenty-four hours ago on your clocks, an important cosmic event occurred with
the merger of two black holes into a larger black hole. This is the largest such
event your species has encountered. By studying it, you will learn more pair
instability, gravity, gravitational waves, and what you currently refer to as ‘dark
Jerry Kroth, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor Emeritus from Santa Clara University in
California. He can be reached through his website,
Acknowledgments: The Crop Circle Connector, Mark Fussell and Stuart Dyke, The
Hampshire Flyer, Nick Bull, Drones and RC Flight
3 Norridge Wood, near Warminster, Wiltshire crop circle May 22, 2019,