The SYSLIN Procedure Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation
The SYSLIN Procedure Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation
The SYSLIN Procedure Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation
0.76783 0.72686
Analysis of Variance Source Model Error Corrected Total Sum of Mean DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
3 17 20 1.18726 0.31893 1.50619 0.39575 0.01876 21.10 <.0001
0.7883 0.7509
1 1 1 1
Variables in the Model Endogenous Manifest Latent Exogenous Manifest Latent Error
E1 E2 inf logexported_top10_pjc logpop logimport logprice_pjc
Initial Estimates for Variances of Exogenous Variables Variable Type Error Variable E1 E2 Observed logpop Parameter
eps1 eps2 _Add1
. . .
logexported_top10_pjc _Add3 NOTE: Parameters with prefix '_Add' are added by PROC CALIS.
Initial Estimates for Covariances Among Exogenous Variables Var1 E1 inf Var2 E2 Parameter
. . . .
logpop _Add4
. . .
logexported_top10_pjc _Add9 NOTE: Parameters with prefix '_Add' are added by PROC CALIS.
Optimization Start Parameter Estimates N Parameter 1 betanull 2 betalogprice_pjc 3 betalogpop 4 betainf 5 alphanull 6 alphalogpop 7 alphainf 8 alphatop10 9 eps1 10 eps2 11 _Add1 12 _Add2 13 _Add3 14 eps3 15 _Add4 16 _Add5 17 _Add6 18 _Add7 19 _Add8 20 _Add9 Estimate Gradient Lower Bound Upper Bound
. . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.03509 3.2526E-15 -3.91261 0.30780 -0.03355 0.35519 0.01784 0.01462 0.02261 1.21386 0.53341 0.00867 -4.248E-14 -3.716E-15 -1.147E-13 -4.585E-13 -1.44E-14 -8.866E-16 -2.31E-28 -1.561E-31 -5.352E-30 -5.842E-14
Estimates for Variances of Exogenous Variables Variable Type Error Variable E1 E2 Observed logpop inf Parameter Estimate
eps1 eps2 _Add1 _Add2 0.01784 0.01462 0.02261 1.21386 0.53341
logexported_top10_pjc _Add3
Standard Error
0.00541 0.03835
t Value
1.60183 1.52842
logpop _Add4
Standard Error
t Value
logexported_top10_pjc _Add9
Squared Multiple Correlations Variable logimport logprice_pjc Error Total Variance Variance R-Square
0.01784 0.01462 0.07172 0.06936 0.7512 0.7892
Standardized Results for Variances of Exogenous Variables Variable Type Error Variable E1 E2 Observed logpop inf Parameter Estimate
eps1 eps2 _Add1 _Add2 0.24877 0.21076 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
logexported_top10_pjc _Add3
Standardized Results for Covariances Among Exogenous Variables Var1 E1 inf Var2 E2 Parameter Estimate
eps3 0.12289 0.35379 -0.89220 -0.34287
Standard Error
0.08233 0.19090 0.04451 0.19256
t Value
1.49266 1.85322 -20.04374 -1.78054
logpop _Add4