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1.prevalence War Related Mental Health Cpnditions Jaffna

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Prevalence of War-Related Mental Health

Conditions and Association
With Displacement Status
in Postwar Jaffna District, Sri Lanka
Farah Husain, DMD, MPH Context Nearly 2.7 million individuals worldwide are internally displaced (seeking
Mark Anderson, MD, MPH refuge in secure areas of their own country) annually by armed conflict. Although the
Barbara Lopes Cardozo, MD, MPH psychological impact of war has been well documented, less is known about the men-
tal health symptoms of forced displacement among internally displaced persons.
Kristin Becknell, MPH
Objectives To estimate the prevalence of the most common war-related mental health
Curtis Blanton, MS conditions, symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depres-
Diane Araki, MPH sion, and to assess the association between displacement status and these conditions
in postwar Jaffna District, Sri Lanka.
Eeshara Kottegoda Vithana, MBBS,
MSc, MD Design, Setting, and Participants Between July and September 2009, a cross-
sectional multistage cluster sample survey was conducted among 1517 Jaffna District

IVIL CONFLICT IN SRI LANKA households including 2 internally displaced persons camps. The response rate was 92%
started in 1983 between gov- (1448 respondents, 1409 eligible respondents). Two percent of participants (n=80)
ernment forces and the Lib- were currently displaced, 29.5% (n=539) were recently resettled, and 68.5% (n=790)
eration Tigers of Tamil Ee- were long-term residents. Bivariable analyses followed by multivariable logistic regres-
lam (LTTE), a militant organization sion models were performed to determine the association between displacement sta-
fighting to create an independent Tamil tus and mental health.
state in northern and eastern Sri Lanka.1 Main Outcome Measures Symptom criteria of PTSD, anxiety, and depression
The residents of Jaffna District, a pen- as measured by the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire and the Hopkins Symptom
insula in the far north of the country, Checklist–25.
experienced decades of intermittent Results The overall prevalences of symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression were
fighting and population displace- 7.0% (95% confidence interval [CI], 5.1%-9.7%), 32.6% (95% CI, 28.5%-36.9%),
ment. 2 Road access to Jaffna was and 22.2% (95% CI, 18.2%-26.5%), respectively. Currently displaced participants
blocked in April 2000, severely restrict- were more likely to report symptoms of PTSD (odds ratio [OR], 2.71; 95% CI, 1.28-
5.73), anxiety (OR, 2.91; 95% CI, 1.89-4.48), and depression (OR, 4.55; 95% CI,
ing movement into and out of Jaffna.3 2.47-8.39) compared with long-term residents. Recently resettled residents were more
Following several failed cease-fire at- likely to report symptoms of PTSD (OR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.11-3.47) compared with long-
tempts, government forces took con- term residents. However, displacement was no longer associated with mental health
trol of areas previously held by the symptoms after controlling for trauma exposure.
LTTE and declared victory in May Conclusion Among residents of Jaffna District in Sri Lanka, prevalence of symp-
2009.4 toms of war-related mental health conditions was substantial and significantly asso-
Armed conflict can result in pro- ciated with displacement status and underlying trauma exposure.
found health consequences including JAMA. 2011;306(5):522-531 www.jama.com
death, injury, infectious disease, and
malnutrition. It can result in destruc-
tion of social networks, family separa- Author Affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Pre- goda Vithana is now with the Department of Forensic
vention, Atlanta, Georgia (Drs Husain, Anderson, and Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
tion, human rights abuses, and socio- Lopes-Cardozo, Ms Becknell, and Mr Blanton); United Corresponding Author: Farah Husain, DMD, MPH, In-
political marginalization, which can Nations Children’s Fund, Jaffna, Sri Lanka (Ms Araki); ternational Emergency and Refugee Health Branch,
and Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition, Columbo, Sri Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Bu-
contribute to long-term physical and Lanka (Dr Kottegoda Vithana). Ms Araki is now with ford Hwy NE, MS F-60, Atlanta, GA 30341 (fhusain
psychological sequelae. the United Nations Children’s Fund in Gaza. Dr Kotte- @cdc.gov).

522 JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 ©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Armed conflicts also result in dis- unavailable. Assuming a design effect and assessed because of its underlying
placement of persons seeking refuge in of 2 and an 80% response rate, a sample premise for civil conflict. Individuals
neighboring countries or secure areas size of 1280 people (1 person per who did not consent, could not speak
of their own country. Nearly 2.7 mil- household) was calculated to achieve Tamil or English, did not reside in the
lion individuals worldwide are inter- a ± 4.4% precision around the esti- house during the scheduled days of the
nally displaced annually by armed con- mated prevalence with a 95% confi- survey, or were physically or mentally
flict.5 The Sri Lankan conflict resulted dence interval (CI). unable to complete the survey were ex-
in approximately 100 000 deaths and Jaffna District consists of 435 enu- cluded.
displacement of 800 000 people dur- meration areas. To obtain adequate
ing the 26-year war.6,7 By July 2009, 2% health data on displaced individuals, Survey Tools
of Sri Lankans were internally dis- enumeration areas with larger IDP Two standardized questionnaires were
placed. In Jaffna District, this estimate populations were divided into 4 strata adapted from mental health surveys
reached 23%.8 based on the percentage of IDPs and conducted in conflict-affected set-
Although overall patterns of psychi- were oversampled. Forty clusters (enu- tings: the Hopkins Symptoms Check-
atric morbidity among conflict- meration areas) were selected with the list–25 (HSCL-25)13,14 and the Har-
affected populations have been docu- probability of selection proportional to vard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ).15
mented, less is known about the population size (eTable; available at The HSCL-25 consists of 10 questions
psychological effect of forced displace- http://www.jama.com). Each selected about symptoms of anxiety and 15
ment among individuals who remain cluster was further divided into seg- questions about symptoms of depres-
within their national borders. Further- ments of 200 to 250 households using sion. A standardized scoring algo-
more, limited mental health re- maps and population data obtained rithm is used to determine symptoms
sources, cultural stigmatization of psy- from local officials. One segment per of anxiety and affective disorders. Each
chological problems, and poor access cluster was then chosen by probabil- answer receives a score between 1 and
to the Jaffna Peninsula have resulted in ity of selection proportional to size. Fol- 4.13 A mean cumulative score greater
few studies of mental health condi- lowing enumeration of all households than 1.75 for each category is consid-
tions in this area.9-11 To understand the in each segment, a systematic random ered valid for predicting clinical
relationship between mental health and sample of 40 households was gener- diagnosis of anxiety and affective
displacement, investigators with the US ated and 1 individual (aged ⱖ15 years) disorders.14
Centers for Disease Control and Pre- was randomly selected per household Parts I and IV of the HTQ were used
vention (CDC), the United Nations (Figure). to assess symptoms of posttraumatic
Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the Sri Interviews were conducted in pri- stress disorder (PTSD). Traumatic
Lanka Ministry of Healthcare and Nu- vate. Oral informed consent for adult events were adapted for Jaffna and
trition conducted a multicomponent participants or parental permission and PTSD symptoms were described ac-
health survey among residents of Jaffna oral assent for minor participants was cording to the Diagnostic and Statisti-
District between July and September obtained prior to each interview. Adult- cal Manual of Mental Disorders (Fourth
2009. hood was defined according to the le- Edition).16 Cases of PTSD were de-
gal definition in Sri Lanka (ⱖ18 years fined as reporting at least 1 reexperi-
METHODS or ⱖ16 years if married). If privacy encing symptom, at least 3 avoidance/
Survey Design could not be ensured or the interview numbing symptoms, and at least 2
The mental health survey was based on could not be rescheduled, the inter- arousal symptoms.17 Recall periods were
a 40⫻40 multistage cluster sample de- view was considered incomplete. This 10 years for questions related to trauma
sign (FIGURE). The study population mental health survey was part of a mul- events and 4 weeks for questions re-
comprised all Jaffna District residents ticomponent survey. Substitutes were lated to anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
aged 15 years or older. The sampling found for individuals only if they had Data on coping mechanisms and basic
frame was determined by the Sri Lanka previously participated in another sec- demographics were also collected.
2007 Special Census,12 and internally tion of the larger survey. Households Questionnaires were translated into
displaced persons (IDP) camp data were were not substituted. Participants re- Tamil and back-translated into Eng-
provided by the United Nations High questing assistance were referred for fol- lish by different translators to ensure
Commissioner for Refugees, Jaffna sub- low-up and monitored by UNICEF pro- accuracy. Translated questionnaires
office (D.A., written communication, tection staff. No identifying information were reviewed by UNICEF-Jaffna field
May 28, 2009). was recorded on the survey tools. The staff and were pretested.
Sample size was based on an esti- study was reviewed and approved by Interviewers were female recent uni-
mated prevalence of mental health the CDC Institutional Review Board. versity graduates or public health mid-
symptoms of 50% because prevalence Ethnicity was self-reported using cat- wives who were fluent in Tamil. Forty
data on these symptoms in Jaffna were egories provided by the investigators interviewers were divided into 8 teams
©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 523

comprising 1 team leader and 2 inter- data cleaning and analysis were con- vided into 3 groups: currently displaced
viewer pairs. ducted by CDC staff. To account for the (living in an IDP camp), recently re-
complex sampling design and differ- settled (displaced after April 2000 but
Data Analysis ential sampling weights, analyses were currently resettled within the commu-
Data were double-entered into an Epi conducted using the complex sam- nity), and long-term residents (dis-
Info (version 3.5.1)18 database and com- pling procedures in SPSS (version 17).19 placed before April 2000 or never
parison reports were generated to re- To examine the relationship be- displaced).
solve discrepancies. The updated mas- tween mental health symptoms and dis- Weighted percentages were calcu-
ter database was maintained and final placement, survey participants were di- lated for demographics, exposure vari-
ables, and mental health symptoms by
displacement group. Bivariable logistic
Figure. Sampling Scheme for Mental Health Survey, Jaffna District, Sri Lanka regression analyses were conducted to
test for the association between poten-
435 Enumeration areas (clusters) in Jaffna District
Estimated population of Jaffna: 595 099
tial explanatory variables and mental
health. To measure the association of dis-
34 Clusters inaccessible for security reasons placement status and mental health con-
ditions, multivariable logistic regres-
401 Clusters targeted
sion models were used to adjust for
Estimated population: 557 742
Mean population per cluster: 1391 (range, 36-4418)
variables that demonstrated a statisti-
cally significant bivariable association.
CLUSTER SELECTION 40 Clusters selected (including 2 IDP camps) using Demographic variables used in the
probability-proportionate-to-size method
analyses are known cofactors for anxi-
Estimated population of 40 clusters: 67 257
Mean population per cluster: 1694 (range, 547-3871) ety, depression, and PTSD based on pre-
Mean number of households: 375 (range,128-814) vious studies.20,21 P⬍.05 was consid-
1 Cluster inaccessible for security reasons
ered statistically significant.

39 Clusters targeted and divided into segments of RESULTS

200-250 households each
A total of 1517 households were vis-
Mean number of segments per cluster: 1.6
(range,1-3) ited; 1448 persons completed the men-
tal health survey and 1409 met the eli-
39 Segments (1 per cluster) selected using probability-
proportionate-to-size method
gibility criteria and were included in the
Mean number of households per segment: 273 analyses (Figure). One cluster was
(range,131-1679) omitted because of security concerns.
40 Households per segment selected using systematic
The overall response rate was 92%.
random sampling (1560 households targeted) Eighty (2%; 95% CI, 1.7%-2.2%) par-
Mean number of individuals per household: 4.5 ticipants were currently displaced, 539
(range, 4-6)
(29.5%; 95% CI, 21.0%-39.8%) were re-
43 Households did not participate/were cently resettled, and 790 (68.5%; 95%
unavailable CI, 58.6%-77.1%) were long-term resi-
1517 Households interviewed (1 individual per
dents (TABLE 1). The majority of par-
household randomly selected) ticipants were Tamil and female. The
mean age was 40 years, but currently
69 Individuals did not respond
displaced participants were signifi-
1448 Respondents completed survey cantly younger (mean, 32 years;
P ⬍ .001). More than 94% (95% CI,
14 Respondents excluded 92.5%-96.3%) received some grade
2 Aged <15 years
12 Missing age information school education, 64% (95% CI, 60.5%-
67.6%) were married, 98% (95% CI,
1434 Eligible respondents (aged ≥15 years)
97.0%-99.3%) reported no drug or al-
25 Respondents excluded
cohol use, and 20% (95% CI, 17.1%-
24 Missing displacement status 24.4%) reported regular income. Aside
1 Missing sampling information
from age, no statistically significant dif-
1409 Included in final sample ferences in demographic and social
characteristics were observed among
IDP indicates internally displaced persons. the 3 groups.
524 JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 ©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Trauma Exposure CI, 51.4%-64.2%) of displaced partici- ment would help their current state of
A total of 376 (31.8%; 95% CI, 26.0%- pants experienced 10 or more events mind most. No statistically significant
38.1%) participants experienced no compared with 4.0% (95% CI, 2.1%- differences in coping mechanisms were
trauma events; 578 (44.0%; 95% CI, 7.6%) of resettled and 2.5% (95% CI, observed (TABLE 2).
40.0%-48.1%) reported experiencing 1 1.2%-5.4%) of long-term residents,
to 4 events; 336 (20.2%; 95% CI, 14.7%- respectively (P ⬍ .001). There were Mental Health Outcomes
27.1%) experienced 5 to 9 events; and significant differences by displace- Overall, the prevalences of PTSD, anxi-
72 (4.0%; 95% CI, 2.6%-6.0%) experi- ment for all individual trauma ety, and depression symptoms were
enced 10 or more events. events except for being beaten by a 7.0% (95% CI, 5.1%-9.7%), 32.6% (95%
Participants reported experiencing combatant, being tortured, and being CI, 28.5%-36.9%), and 22.2% (95% CI,
a mean of 2.76 trauma events. Cur- imprisoned. 18.2%-26.5%), respectively. The preva-
rently displaced participants experi- The most common coping mecha- lence of symptoms for each of the 3
enced statistically significantly more nism was talking to family or friends. mental health conditions was highest
trauma than participants outside of Participants from all 3 groups re- among currently displaced persons
camps. More than half (57.9%; 95% ported that more income and employ- (TABLE 3).

Table 1. Demographic and Social Characteristics, Jaffna District (N = 1409)

No. (%) [95% Confidence Interval] a

Currently Displaced Resettled Residents Long-term Residents Pearson P

Characteristics (n = 80) (n = 539) (n = 790) ␹2 Value b
Tamil 80 (100) 537 (99.8) 788 (99.8) 0.119 .89
Male 40 (52.1) [51.9-52.4] 161 (27.8) [21.0-35.9] 247 (32.5) [28.9-36.2]
8.50 .09
Female 40 (47.9) [47.6-48.1] 378 (72.2) [64.2-79.0] 543 (67.5) [63.8-71.1]
Age, y
15-17 3 (4.2) [0.6-24.5] 31 (7.2) [4.2-12.3] 57 (10.7) [8.4-13.6]
18-34 48 (61.2) [53.5-68.4] 157 (32.4) [26.6-38.7] 238 (32.1) [27.9-36.8] 6.55 c .009
35-59 24 (32.4) [32.1-32.7] 243 (45.8) [39.9-51.9] 319 (39.2) [34.5-44.2]
ⱖ60 5 (2.1) [1.4-3.2] 108 (14.6) [10.5-19.9] 176 (17.9) [14.2-22.4]
Mean (SD) 32.74 (10.30) 40.13 (16.27) 40.24 (17.82)
Highest level of education
None/kindergarten 0 5 (0.9) [0.3-3.1] 10 (1.2) [0.42-3.5]
Grades 1-13 80 (100) 508 (96.1) [93-97.8] 738 (94.0) [91.0-96.1]
2.11 .23 d,e
Higher education (certificate/bachelor’s/ 0 26 (3.0) [1.6-5.56] 42 (4.7) [2.8-7.9]
Marital status (n = 1408)
Married 62 (80.3) [72.7-86.2] 367 (68.3) [62.4-73.8] 507 (61.8) [57-66.4]
Never married 14 (16.7) (11.2-24) 113 (22.9) (18.2-28.4) 197 (29.3) (25.5-33.4)
Widowed 4 (3.0) [2.7-3.4] 49 (7.6) [4.8-11.8] 70 (7.2) [5.2-1.1] 5.34 .09 d,f
Separated 0 8 (1.0) [0.4-2.6] 13 (1.5) [0.8-2.8]
Divorced 0 2 (0.1) [0-0.6] 2 (0.1) [0-0.6]
Regular income (n = 1396)
No 78 (97.6) [85.1-99.7] 432 (83.5) [77.5-88.2] 596 (77.2) [72.4-81.4]
6.76 .01 d
Yes 2 (2.4) [0.4-14.9] 104 (16.5) [11.8-22.5] 184 (22.8) [18.6-27.6]
Drug use (n = 1408)
No 79 (100) 527 (97.0) [94.7-98.3] 785 (99.2) [96.0-99.9]
9.81 .10 d
Yes 0 12 (3.0) [1.7-5.3] 5 (0.8) [0.1-4.0]
Alcohol use (n = 1407)
Never 73 (90.9) [89.1-95.8] 509 (95.0) [92-96.9] 755 (95.1) [92.9-96.8]
ⱕ1 drink/d 1 (0.3) [0-2.5] 16 (2.3) [1.3-4.2] 16 (2.0) [1.0-4.0] 0.381 .84 d,g
⬎1 drink/d 1 (2.1) [0.3-16.1] 13 (2.3) [1.2-4.6] 18 (2.8) [1.7-4.6]
No response 4 (4.2) [0.6-26] 1 (0.4) [0.1-2.6] 0
a Data are expressed as number (weighted percentage [adjusted for sampling]) [95% confidence interval] unless otherwise noted. Data may be missing for some participants.
b Test of significance was conducted for cells ⱖ5. Categories were collapsed or excluded where indicated.
c Adjusted F score.
d Test of significance was performed for resettled vs long-term residents only.
e Test of significance was performed for the collapsed group of none/kindergarten/grades 1 through 13 vs higher education.
f Test of significance was performed for the collapsed group of not married (never married, widowed, separated, or divorced) vs married.
g No response was excluded from test of significance.

©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 525

Bivariable Analysis mechanism), number of trauma Being female and not having regu-
The relationship between explanatory events, and displacement status are lar income were associated with
variables and mental health symptoms presented as independent variables. anxiety and depression symptoms
was examined. Sex, age, regular Symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and (TABLE 4). Being married, older age, and
income, marital status, talking to fam- depression are presented as depen- having greater trauma exposure were
ily or friends (the primary coping dent variables. associated with PTSD, anxiety, and de-

Table 2. Trauma Exposure and Coping Mechanisms by Displacement Status, Jaffna District (N = 1409)
No. (%) [95% Confidence Interval] a

Currently Displaced Resettled Residents Long-term Residents Pearson P

(n = 80) (n = 539) (n = 790) ␹2 Value b
Trauma events
Lack of shelter (n = 1396) 69 (86.4) [68.7-94.8] 319 (64.3) [57.3-70.8] 200 (25.9) [20.7-31.8] 207.79 ⬍.001
Loss or destruction of property 78 (97.6) [81.6-99.7] 348 (65.2) [58.1-71.7] 187 (24.6) [20.7-29] 143.19 ⬍.001
or belongings (n = 1395)
Lack of food or water (n = 1396) 63 (77.6) [76.6-78.5] 271 (57.3) [48-66.2] 177 (24.6) [19.5-30.6] 156.93 ⬍.001
Forced displacement (n = 1392) 78 (99.1) [94.2-99.9] 402 (71.5) [62.6-79] 95 (12.1) [8.9-16.4] 302.75 ⬍.001
Ill health without access to medical 65 (85.8) [79.8-90.3) 206 (40.9) [33.6-48.6) 129 (17.2) [12.9-22.6) 137.70 ⬍.001
care (n = 1393)
Attacks/bombardment 66 (80.0) [59.6-91.6) 133 (22.8) [18-28.5] 74 (9.2) [6.2-13.3] 43.58 ⬍.001
with shells/rockets (n = 1394)
Living in an internally displaced 79 (100) 99 (20.1) [14.2-27.8] 35 (5.8) [3.6-9.1] 131.15 ⬍.001
persons camp (n = 1396)
Caught in the crossfire of an 63 (76.9) [68-83.9] 114 (19.3) [13.3-27.2] 30 (4.7) [2.9-7.4] 76.30 ⬍.001
attack or battle (n = 1393)
Shot at with a gun (n = 1395) 48 (60.9) [43.8-75.7] 40 (8.5) [5.2-13.5] 56 (7.0) [4.1-11.6] 39.42 ⬍.001
Death of family member/friend due to 26 (31.7) [19.5-47] 66 (11.3) [7.5-16.8] 94 (12.2) [9-16.4] 3.47 .049
illness or lack of food (n = 1395)
Death of family member/friend due to 24 (28.8) [18.3-42.2] 53 (8.2) [5.2-12.7] 65 (8.3) [5.4-12.7] 6.72 .003
fighting, murder, or suicide
(n = 1395)
Death of acquaintance due to fighting, 24 (29.1) [21.2-38.5] 50 (6.9) [4.3-10.8] 62 (8.1) [5.3-12.2] 6.91 .006
murder, or suicide (n = 1395)
Missing or lost family members 24 (31.2) [23.9-39.5] 45 (7.8) [5.3-11.5] 42 (5.6) [3.1-9.8] 10.05 .001
(n = 1395)
Interrogation/harassment by 30 (37.3) [18.9-60.2] 43 (8.1) [5.8-11.2] 18 (2.9) [1.5-5.8] 19.95 ⬍.001
combatants and/or others
with threats to life (n = 1396)
Forced separation from family 39 (50.3) [30.5-70] 40 (7.3) [4.9-10.7] 21 (2.7) [1.2-5.8] 30.06 ⬍.001
(n = 1394)
Beatings by combatants or others 10 (11.2) [10.8-11.7] 25 (5.1) [2.7-9.3] 14 (2.4) [1.0-5.7] 3.67 .06
(n = 1394)
Torture (systematic infliction of intense 7 (6.7) [6.3-7.1] 17 (3.4) [1.5-7.8] 14 (2.7) [1.1-6.1] 0.49 .50
pain used to punish or coerce)
(n = 1394)
Injury from a knife, gun, or other 28 (32.7) [20.2-48.4] 15 (2.0) [0.8-5.1] 22 (2.1) [1.1-3.9] 41.57 ⬍.001
weapon (n = 1395)
Kidnapping or abduction (n = 1394) 8 (9.8) [6.9-13.9] 12 (2.8) [1.4-5.6] 7 (1.3) [0.5-3.5] 4.60 .03
Imprisonment (n = 1392) 5 (5.2) [1.2-19.8] 18 (3.4) [1.7-6.9] 9 (1.1) [0.4-3.4] 2.72 .09
Disability from an injury received during 10 (13.3) [2.6-46.7] 4 (0.5) [0.2-1.4] 2 (0.5) [0.1-3.0] NA c NA c
a battle or attack (n = 1394)
Injury from a land mine or unexploded 13 (15.8) [10-23.9] 8 (0.9) [0.4-2] 0 145.40 ⬍.001
ordnance (n = 1394)
Rape or sexual abuse (n = 1391) 0 4 (0.4) [0.1-1.2] 1 (0.1) [0-0.8] NA c NA c
Total No. of trauma events (n = 1362)
0 0 51 (9.5) [6.1-14.5] 325 (42.5) [37.2-48.0]
1-4 1 (1.0) [0.1-8.7] 225 (40.4) [35.2-45.9] 352 (46.8) [42.7-50.9]
177.40 d ⬍.001
5-9 29 (41.0) [36.9-45.3] 234 (46.0) [39.9-52.3] 73 (8.2) [5.5-12.0]
ⱖ10 42 (57.9) [51.4-64.2] 20 (4.0) [2.1-7.6] 10 (2.5) [1.2-5.4]
Mean (SD) 10.64 (3.17) 4.39 (2.89) 1.84 (2.65)

526 JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 ©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Table 2. Trauma Exposure and Coping Mechanisms by Displacement Status, Jaffna District (N = 1409) (continued)
No. (%) [95% Confidence Interval] a

Currently Displaced Resettled Residents Long-term Residents Pearson P

(n = 80) (n = 539) (n = 790) ␹2 Value b
Coping mechanisms (n = 1407)
Talking to family/friends 53 (68.2) [41.2-86.7] 369 (67.5) [60.9-73.4] 583 (75.4) [71.1-79.3] .
Prayer/religion 7 (7.9) [0.8-47.0] 78 (14.5) [10.0-20.4] 85 (8.7) [6.3-12.0]
Being alone/crying 8 (9.4) [3.0-26.0] 32 (6.6) [4.3-10.0] 30 (4.6) [3.6-5.9]
Other counseling (religious leader, 4 (4.5) [2.7-7.7] 31 (5.4) [3.0-9.5] 34 (3.9) [2.2-6.8]
traditional healer)
Medical assistance 1 (2.1) [0.3-13.2] 3 (0.6) [0.2-2.1] 1 (0.1) [0-0.7] 9.44 .08 e
Counseling from mental health care 2 (3.0) [1.0-8.8] 0 0
Music/television/films 0 5 (1.0) [0.2-3.8] 16 (1.9) [1.1-3.4]
Nothing/does not worry 3 (3.6) [2.9-4.5] 15 (3.6) [2.1-6.2] 29 (3.5) [2.3-5.2]
Other 2 (1.2) [0.1-9.8] 5 (1.0) [0.3-3.0] 11 (1.7) [1.0-3.1]
What would help current state of mind
the most? (n = 1406)
More income 17 (25.5) [18.3-34.3] 198 (37.8) [32.5-43.7] 270 (33.6) [29.8-37.9]
Employment 25 (30.9) [21.1-42.8] 111 (23.2) [18.4-28.9] 156 (21.0) [18.4-24.1]
Education/skills training 2 (2.1) [0.3-13.2] 52 (9.4) [6.7-13.2] 70 (12.0) [9.8-14.8]
Better housing 12 (14.8) [10.6-20.5] 53 (10.4) [7.7-13.9] 83 (9.8) [7.2-13.2]
Humanitarian assistance 14 (16.4) [14.5-18.5] 17 (2.7) [1.4-5.2] 34 (5.0) [3.3-7.6]
Better general health care 1 (0.9) [0.1-7.5] 24 (4.0) [2.1-7.4] 43 (4.5) [3.1-6.5]
Security 1 (1.2) [0.1-9.8] 17 (2.3) [0.9-5.6] 21 (1.9) [1-3.5] 3.36 .19 f
Better mental health care 0 7 (1.4) [0.5-4.1] 12 (1.4) [0.6-3.3]
Access to food 1 (0.9) [0.1-5.9] 6 (1.4) [0.4-5.1] 16 (1.4) [0.7-2.6]
Infrastructure 0 8 (1.0) [0.4-2.5] 7 (0.7) [0.3-1.7]
Clean water 0 6 (0.6) [0.3-1.3] 5 (0.5) [0.1-1.7]
Other (children’s education/future, 7 (7.3) [2.7-18.2] 39 (5.8) [3.3-10.1] 71 (8.1) [5.1-12.7]
a Data are expressed as number (weighted percentage [adjusted for sampling]) [95% confidence interval] unless otherwise noted. Data may be missing for some participants.
b Test of significance was conducted for cells ⱖ5. Categories were collapsed or excluded where indicated.
c NA indicates not applicable; no test of significance was conducted.
d Adjusted F score.
e Test of significance was performed for talking to family/friends vs the collapsed group of all other responses.
f Test of significance was performed for more income vs the collapsed group of all other responses.

pression symptoms. The association be- Multivariable Analysis sion (OR, 4.55; 95% CI, 2.47-8.39),
tween number of trauma events and Logistic regression analysis was used to anxiety (OR, 2.91; 95% CI, 1.89-
mental health symptoms also showed assess the association between each 4.48), and PTSD (OR, 2.71; 95% CI,
a dose-response relationship. Talking mental health symptom and displace- 1.28-5.73) were significantly higher
to family and friends was not signifi- ment status. Covariates were age, sex, among displaced camp-based individu-
cantly associated with any of the 3 men- regular income, marital status, and als compared with long-term resi-
tal health symptoms and was ex- trauma exposure. dents. The prevalence of PTSD symp-
cluded from further analysis. As shown in TABLE 5, female respon- toms among recently resettled
Currently displaced participants dents remained more likely to report participants was almost twice (OR, 1.96;
were more likely to report PTSD symptoms of anxiety (OR, 2.43; 95% CI, 95% CI, 1.11-3.47) that of long-term
(odds ratio [OR], 2.63; 95% CI, 1.63- 1.79-3.30) and depression (OR, 1.75; residents. However, when trauma ex-
4.23), anxiety (OR, 2.18; 95% CI, 95% CI, 1.25-2.43); having no regular posure was added to the model, the as-
1.72-2.77), and depression (OR, income was associated only with de- sociation between displacement sta-
2.87; 95% CI, 1.98-4.15) symptoms pression (OR, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.17- tus and mental health symptoms was
while resettled residents were more 2.68). Older age was associated with no longer significant (Table 5).
likely to report symptoms of PTSD PTSD, anxiety, and depression symp-
(OR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.19-3.63) and toms. Marital status was no longer a sig- COMMENT
anxiety (OR, 1.37; 95% CI, 1.02- nificant risk factor. This study found the overall preva-
1.84) compared with long-term resi- After adjusting for these covariates, lences of PTSD, anxiety, and depres-
dents (Table 4). the prevalences of symptoms of depres- sion symptoms among Jaffna resi-
©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 527

dents to be 7.0%, 32.6%, and 22.2%, in 1998, respectively; while 42% and to develop “survival skills.”10 The Sri
respectively. Prevalences of symp- 68% of Afghans reported PTSD and de- Lankan conflict lasted 26 years; thus,
toms of all 3 mental health conditions pression symptoms, respectively, in high-risk situations may have been
were highest among currently dis- 2001.20,21 normalized and residents may have
placed persons. The lower prevalence of mental learned to cope with continuous
Similar studies conducted in post- health conditions found in Jaffna may exposure to conflict-related events. A
war settings found higher prevalences be a reflection of the prolonged nature more appropriate measure of the
of symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and de- of the conflict. Studies have suggested effect of the conflict might be the
pression than found in our study. that the severity of mental health con- mental health status of those living in
Symptoms of PTSD and anxiety were ditions is reduced during protracted IDP camps because of their recent
reported in 17% and 72% of Kosovars war situations as communities learn experience with active armed conflict.

Table 3. Prevalence of PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression by Displacement Status, Jaffna District (N = 1409)
Prevalence, No. (%) [95% Confidence Interval] a

Mental Health Overall Currently Displaced Resettled Residents Long-term Residents Pearson P
Symptoms (n = 1409) (n = 80) (n = 539) (n = 790) ␹2 Value
PTSD 125 (7.0) [5.1-9.7] 13 (13.0) [10.6-16] 61 (10.6) [7.1-15.6] 50 (5.4) [3.6-8] 13.45 .007
Anxiety 497 (32.6) [28.5-36.9] 38 (48.5) [45.8-51.1] 205 (37.1) [30.8-43.9] 250 (30.1) [25.9-34.8] 9.71 .01
Depression 365 (22.2) [18.2-26.5] 34 (41.8) [36.0-47.8] 155 (25.4) [17.7-35.1] 172 (20.0) [16.0-24.9] 11.28 .09
Abbreviation: PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.
a Percentages are weighted (adjusted for sampling). Data may be missing for some participants.

Table 4. Bivariate Analysis: Association Between Demographic Variables, Coping Mechanisms, and Trauma Exposure and PTSD, Anxiety, and
Depression, Jaffna District (N = 1409)
PTSD Anxiety Depression

Crude OR Crude OR Crude OR

Characteristics No. (%) [95% CI] a (95% CI) No. (%) [95% CI] a (95% CI) No. (%) [95% CI] a (95% CI)
Male 32 (5.1) [2.9-9.0] 1 [Reference] 106 (19.9) [15.0-25.8] 1 [Reference] 89 (15.5) [11.1-21.1] 1 [Reference]
Female 93 (7.9) [5.6-11.2] 1.6 (0.8-3.0) 391 (38.4) [34.5-42.5] 2.5 (1.9-3.3) b 276 (25.2) [21.1-29.9] 1.8 (1.4-2.5) b
Marital status
Married 92 (8.8) [5.9-13.0] 2.4 (1.3-4.5) b 355 (37.7) [32.6-43.0] 2.0 (1.4-2.8) b 254 (24.1) [19.6-29.4] 1.4 (1.1-1.8) b
Not married 33 (3.9) [2.6-5.9] 1 [Reference] 142 (23.6) [18.8-29.3] 1 [Reference] 111 (18.8) [14.6-23.7] 1 [Reference]
Regular income
Yes 21 (5.5) [3.2-9.3] 1 [Reference] 72 (26.0) [19.5-34.4] 1 [Reference] 52 (15.5) [10.8-21.6] 1 [Reference]
No 104 (7.6) [5.3-10.7] 1.4 (0.7-2.7) 423 (34.4) [29.9-39.1] 1.5 (1.0-2.2) b 311 (23.8) [19.4-28.8] 1.7 (1.2-2.5) b
Age, y
15-17 4 (1.9) [0.6-5.3] 0.2 (0.1-0.5) b 10 (10.1) [5.0-19.4] 0.1 (0.1-0.3) b 3 (2.0) [0.4-8.8] 0.0 (0.0-0.2) b
18-34 29 (5.9) [3.1-10.7] 0.5 (0.3-0.9) b 114 (24.9) [18.4-32.9] 0.4 (0.2-0.6) b 75 (14.8) [10.5-20.5] 0.3 (0.2-0.4) b
35-59 52 (7.4) [5.2-10.5] 0.6 (0.4-1.1) 239 (38.1) [32.9-43.5] 0.7 (0.5-1.1) 171 (25.4) [19.4-32.5] 0.5 (0.3-0.7) b
ⱖ60 40 (11.4) [7.4-17.2] 1 [Reference] 134 (47.0) [37.5-56.7] 1 [Reference] 116 (40.5) [32.8-48.6] 1 [Reference]
Trauma events
0 14 (2.0) [1.0-4.0] 1 [Reference] 92 (21.2) [16.9-26.2] 1 [Reference] 55 (12.4) [8.9-17.0] 1 [Reference]
1-4 46 (7.1) [4.8-10.4] 3.7 (1.7-8.3) b 197 (35.5) [30.1-41.4] 2.1 (1.4-2.9) b 131 (22.6) [17.6-28.5] 2.1 (1.4-3.1) b
5-9 44 (11.2) [6.9-17.7] 6.1 (3.1-12.1) b 155 (41.6) [33.0-50.7] 2.7 (1.7-4.1) b 135 (33.4) [24.6-43.6] 3.6 (2.2-5.8) b
ⱖ10 15 (20.8) [9.2-40.6] 12.7 (4.2-38.7) b 35 (50.7) [25.9-75.1] 3.8 (1.2-12.4) b 30 (39.0) [18.2-64.7] 4.5 (1.5-13.8) b
Talking to family/friends
as coping mechanism
Yes 87 (6.5) [4.5-9.2] 1 [Reference] 338 (30.7) [26.6-35.2] 1 [Reference] 239 (20.7) [16.2-26.1] 1 [Reference]
No 38 (8.6) [5.4-13.5] 0.7 (0.4-1.2) 159 (37.6) [30.3-45.4] 0.7 (0.5-1.0) 126 (26.1) [19.9-33.3] 0.7 (0.5-1.1)
Displacement status
Currently displaced 13 (13.0) [10.6-16.0] 2.6 (1.6-4.2) b 38 (48.5) [45.8-51.1] 2.2 (1.7-2.8) b 34 (41.8) [36.0-47.8] 2.9 (2.0-4.2) b
Resettled resident 61 (10.6) [7.0-15.6] 2.1 (1.2-3.6) b 205 (37.1) [30.8-43.9] 1.4 (1.0-1.8) b 155 (25.4) [17.7-35.1] 1.4 (0.8-2.3)
Long-term resident 50 (5.4) [3.6-7.9] 1 [Reference] 250 (30.1) [25.9-34.8] 1 [Reference] 172 (20.0) [15.9-24.9] 1 [Reference]
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.
a Percentages are weighted (adjusted for sampling). Data may be missing for some participants.
b Statistically significant difference (P⬍.05) vs reference.

528 JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 ©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

The prevalence of PTSD (13%), placement affects women and men dif- common occupations. Displacement,
anxiety (48.5%), and depression ferently, altering family structures and land mines, and restricted access to
(41.8%) symptoms among currently gender roles. In Jaffna, men often left “high-security zones” left many with-
displaced Jaffna residents is more their homes to seek employment or to out jobs. This is more pronounced
comparable with postwar Kosovars join the conflict, either voluntarily or among IDPs, who often lack proper
and Afghans.20,21 by force. Abduction and recruitment of documentation and resort to the
Approximately 68% of Jaffna resi- men was widespread, leaving women informal job sector.
dents experienced at least 1 trauma to care for families and take on tradi- The association between age and
event and most individuals experi- tional male responsibilities. These mental health may be a reflection of the
enced multiple traumas (mean, 2.76 stressors, in addition to the gender- length of exposure to war trauma
trauma events). A dose-response rela- based violence often faced by women among various age groups, whereby
tionship between the number of trauma during wartime, make women more vul- older participants experienced longer
events and psychiatric morbidity was nerable to mental health problems.22 exposure periods. Older individuals
evident. Chronic exposures to trauma Protracted conflict also affects eco- may also be less resilient to negative
events corresponded with higher lev- nomic development. Decades of insta- mental health consequences of vio-
els of PTSD, anxiety, and depression bility and isolation have left Jaffna lent conflict.
symptoms and were significantly asso- with high unemployment and a lack There were several limitations to this
ciated with displacement status. of infrastructure, technology, and study. The study was cross-sectional,
We identified subpopulations at business development opportunities.23 making it impossible to establish tem-
higher risk of poor mental health. Financial difficulties were an underly- poral or causal relationships. It is un-
Higher prevalence of anxiety and ing problem facing most residents; certain whether the mental health
depression symptoms in women is not only 20% of participants reported symptoms were associated with being
surprising considering that women are regular income. Jaffna is primarily an in camps or with events prior to ar-
at higher risk of negative health con- agricultural community where farm- rival in camps, including exposure to
sequences in these settings.20-22 Dis- ing, fishing, and herding are the most trauma. No national baseline data on

Table 5. Multivariable Analysis: Association Between Demographic Variables and Displacement Status and PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression,
Jaffna District (N = 1409)
PTSD Anxiety Depression

Adjusted OR Adjusted OR Adjusted OR

Characteristics No. (95% CI) a No. (95% CI) a No. (95% CI) a
Male 32 1 [Reference] 106 1 [Reference] 89 1 [Reference]
Female 93 1.56 (0.8-3.2) 391 2.43 (1.8-3.3) c 276 1.75 (1.3-2.4) c
Marital status
Married 92 2.07 (0.9-5.0) b 355 1.37 (0.9-2.1) b 254 0.72 (0.5-1.1) b
Not married 33 1 [Reference] 142 1 [Reference] 111 1 [Reference]
Regular income
No 104 1.37 (0.7-2.6) 423 1.49 (0.9-2.4) b 311 1.77 (1.2-2.7) c
Yes 21 1 [Reference] 72 1 [Reference] 52 1 [Reference]
Age, y
15-17 4 0.24 (0.1-0.9) c 10 0.14 (0.1-0.4) c 3 0.02 (0-0.1) c
18-34 29 0.46 (0.2-0.9) c 114 0.33 (0.2-0.6) c 75 0.20 (0.1-0.3) c
35-59 52 0.48 (0.3-0.9) c,d 239 0.55 (0.4-0.8) c,d 171 0.47 (0.3-0.7) c
ⱖ60 40 1 [Reference] 134 1 [Reference] 116 1 [Reference]
Displacement status
Currently displaced 13 2.71 (1.3-5.7) c 38 2.91 (1.9-4.5) c 34 4.55 (2.5-8.4) c
Resettled resident 61 1.96 (1.1-3.5) c 205 1.26 (1.0-1.7) 155 1.34 (0.8-2.4)
Long-term resident 50 1 [Reference] 250 1 [Reference] 172 1 [Reference]
Displacement status (including trauma events)
Currently displaced 13 0.59 (0.19-1.78) 38 1.01 (0.4-2.4) 34 1.07 (0.5-2.5)
Resettled resident 61 1.41 0.77-2.58) 205 0.95 (0.7-1.3) 155 0.95 (0.5-1.8)
Long-term resident 50 1 [Reference] 250 1 [Reference] 172 1 [Reference]
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder.
a Adjusted for sex, marital status, regular income, and age.
b Change to not statistically significant vs in bivariable analysis.
c Statistically significant difference (P⬍.05) vs reference.
d Change to significant vs in bivariable analysis.

©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 529

these mental health symptoms were symptoms of PTSD, depression, and Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have com-
pleted and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure
available to compare findings. Al- anxiety was no longer significant after of Potential Conflicts of Interest and none were re-
though the survey tools were not vali- adjusting for trauma exposure in this ported.
Funding/Support: This study was supported by the
dated in Jaffna, they have shown inter- study, the act of being displaced and CDC and UNICEF.
nal consistency among other postwar the daily stressors associated with it Role of the Sponsors: The CDC and UNICEF assisted
populations. Without clinical inter- may be considered traumatic in them- in the design of the study, data collection, data man-
agement, analysis, interpretation, manuscript prepa-
views and a measure of psychosocial selves and may be an indicator or ration, manuscript review, and obtaining authoriza-
dysfunction, prevalence estimates from proxy for recent trauma as well. tion for publication from each author.
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this pub-
these survey instruments cannot rep- Therefore, the relationship between lication are those of the authors and do not necessar-
resent a clinical diagnosis. Addition- displacement status and mental health ily represent the official position of the CDC.
Online-Only Material: The eTable is available at http:
ally, self-reported data are subject to re- symptoms may be driven by the //www.jama.com.
call bias, especially given the 10-year underlying trauma events displaced Additional Contributions: We thank UNICEF and the
government of Sri Lanka for in-country operational
recall for trauma events. Lastly, women persons have experienced, events that support, International Emergency and Refugee Health
were overrepresented in our sample, likely caused them to leave their Branch for technical support, and the survey staff and
suggesting possible selection bias. Be- homes. team members in Jaffna for the implementation of the
cause of curfew enforcement, surveys The Sri Lankan Ministry of Health-
were conducted during the day, when care and Nutrition has recently formed
women were more likely to be home. the first national mental health policy.30
Our data suggest that interventions 1. South Asian Terrorism Portal, Institute for Con-
CONCLUSION flict Management. Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
should target the most vulnerable popu- (LTTE). http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries
Several studies have examined the men- lations, especially those living in dis- /shrilanka/terroristoutfits/LTTE.HTM. Accessed July 2,
tal health of Sri Lankan Tamils both placement camps. Internally dis- 2. TamilCanadian. Exodus of Tamils From Jaffna: The
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.tamilcanadian.com/~tamilcan/article/469. Ac-
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the first district-wide population- tal health needs, such as those devel- 3. Price S. Sri Lankan Army on the Ropes. May 3, 2000.
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.stm. Accessed July 2, 2010.
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statistics. December 2009. http://www.internal
of those living in IDP camps. Rather selors.10 Finally, a longitudinal study of -displacement.org/8025708F004CE90B/(httpPages)
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The heart and soul of all men being one, this bitter-
ness of His and Mine ceases. His is mine. I am my
brother, and my brother is me.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

©2011 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, August 3, 2011—Vol 306, No. 5 531

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pFad v3 Proxy

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