Apeco Business Processes Improvement in Aris Software: Ardo Perm
Apeco Business Processes Improvement in Aris Software: Ardo Perm
Apeco Business Processes Improvement in Aris Software: Ardo Perm
Ardo Perm
Tallinn 2015
Author's Declaration
“.......”....................201… .
............................. signature
TUT Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Defence application submitted to deanery not later than …....… Deadline ……...........
Student ……………………. /signature/ ………..…………. date …..........………
Supervisor……………………… /signature/ ……….…….……. date …..........………
Phone ……………… E-mail: ………………………
Figure 32. Comparison of Engineering Hours .................................................................... 74
3.5.4 Unified Modelling Language ....................................................................... 32
3.6 ARIS Software.................................................................................................. 33
3.7 Rules of Using the EPC in ARIS ...................................................................... 35
3.8 Business Process Improvement ........................................................................ 39
3.9 Organizations as Socio-Technical Systems ...................................................... 41
4. ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH QUESTION ........................................ 43
4.1 AS-IS Apeco Model ......................................................................................... 44
4.1.1 Apeco Value Added Chain Process Description ......................................... 44
4.1.2 Apeco Sales Process .................................................................................... 45
4.1.3 Apeco Planning Process ............................................................................... 47
4.1.4 Apeco Engineering Process ......................................................................... 48
4.1.5 Apeco Procurement Process ........................................................................ 50
4.1.6 Apeco Warehousing Process........................................................................ 52
4.1.7 Apeco Assembly Process ............................................................................. 53
4.1.8 Apeco Transport Process ............................................................................. 55
4.1.9 Apeco Commissioning Process.................................................................... 57
5. PERFORMANZE ANALYZE .................................................................... 58
5.1 ARIS Simulation .............................................................................................. 59
5.2 Apeco TO-BE Model ....................................................................................... 65
6. FINANCIAL PART..................................................................................... 72
6.1 Costs in Apeco .................................................................................................. 72
6.2 Costs in EETT .................................................................................................. 75
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................. 78
KOKKUVÕTE ............................................................................................................... 80
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 83
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 85
Appendix 1. ARIS Cloud Basic Quotation ..................................................................... 85
Appendix 2. ARIS Cloud Advanced Quotation .............................................................. 86
Firstly, I would emphasize knowledge base what I have obtained during master
program. All studied materials gave input for current thesis.
Secondly, thesis needs help of various persons who contributed their time and
knowledge into topic. Especially, I would thank the supervisor who assistance and
encourage to complete the work Mr. Eduard Ševtšenko – Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology. As well, I would thank colleagues from
Apeco who provided support from organization side and Mr. Taivo Kangilaski who
supported during usage of software.
Finally, I appreciate all people who make it all possible. I hope to give my
contribution into Business Process Management development in Estonia as a whole.
Efficiency as a target for organizations is one of the key objectives. Situation where
costs are increasing with market, influence one or another way everyday operations in
SMEs. As a result organization must analyse their internal and external processes and
understand what part of it is reasonable to maintain and what should be improved.
Moreover, approach should be cycle according to need.
It is common to all small organizations that environment behind them is constantly
changing. Logically, change is an opportunity for organization to find improvement
possibilities. Besides that, should be one of the objective dynamical approaches for
processes what help to map and analyse more faster way.
The work is based on organization Apeco who provides input data about research
problem. The organization is focused on industrial solution in order to provide following
product groups:
• conveyor solutions;
• belt scales and dosing systems;
• components and spares.
Apeco represent normal SME who aiming market growth and sustainability. As
organization want to be knowledge based in his all operations.
Unfortunately today most of small organizations are using static processes. What
means that process has set as needed and change is hard to implement. As well, members
of organization are interacted badly due to bad system. New approach suggests using ARIS
software with dynamic processes what will constantly changing during time.
The research problem topic interacts with SME management issues. As a fact, today
about 99% of all European business are SMEs [23]. This is a large number and evidence
that SMEs a truly important for Europe as a whole. These are the organizations that
employ most of people in Europe. It means that nine out of ten SMEs are micro enterprises
with less than 10 workers. Although, these are the organizations that need to be effective in
order to expand their market. Business Process Management could be one tool to increase
SMEs competitiveness.
Current paper main objective is to provide sufficient research about Business Process
Management in Apeco. Topic is strongly related with ARIS software and applications what
provide improvement under EPC modelling language. According to basis of the set
objective are related followings tasks:
Following thesis consist of six main chapters. First chapter is focusing on organization
description and structure. In second chapter author define main problems to be solved from
organization point of view. Third chapter give overview about theory and frameworks
what are used later in problem solving part. Fourth chapter highlights problem solving
parts where firstly is described AS-IS model with current status. After analysis, author
suggest improved TO-BE model under fifth chapter. Based on TO-BE model are new
parameters used for future steps. After modelling, author calculates financial results in
order to understand future opportunities for the organization. Calculations should give
indications for implementation.
The primary research question is basis for business process management and quality
management. The paper also describes possible approaches what can be implemented by
other SMEs.
1.1 Organizations Structure
Source: Author
All tasks are allocated according to work instructions (Table 1). Each role has to own
clear overview about his or her tasks. Task allocation is subject to change after certain time
of period.
Role Tasks
CEO • Overall strategy;
• Sales assistance:
• Vison;
• Policy;
• Goals;
• Business process management.
Accountant • Accounting;
• Reporting;
• Report creation.
Source: Author
1.2 Communication
1.3 IT Systems
As one of key process inside organization is sales then suitable CRM systems is used
and linked with organization needs. Currently Apeco is using Estonian cloud based
software Erply. All major modules inside CRM IS system are:
• Customers
• Sales
• Warehousing
• Purchase
• Reports
• Other smaller modules (calendar, settings, etc.)
Additional needed documents e.g. project charter, lessons learned, BOM etc. are made
by using MS Office package. All documents are archived in main server.
Product development will be carried out by Siemens CAD software Solid Edge ST7.
Main environments are part, sheet metal and assembly. Each product has unique number
which will be base for numbering. Same number will be used for tracking.
1.4 Products and Services
Organizations need products in order to earn profit. Products should be linked with
organizations overall strategy and help increase operations. Apeco have three main product
groups – Conveyor solutions, belt scale and dosing systems and components and spares
(Figure 2).
Source: Author
According to authors study, most of sales revenue is generated by conveyor solutions.
Most profitable product range is belt scales and dosing systems. Components and spares
are supporting before mentioned product groups as mentioned before.
Industrial project solutions need service after commissioning. Therefore, have Apeco
three main service areas (Figure 3). Following thesis do not focus on service activities in
content because of volume of work.
Source: Author
Normal SME facing various difficulties daily basis. Difficulties could start with finding
customer as sales problem and end with business processes as problem in operations level.
These problems are uncommon for larger organizations, because of available resources.
Therefore, should SME allocate resources more effective way, in order to stay competitive.
All below mentioned problems vary according to product produced or service offered.
Combination off all problems is most relevant to whole process. In fact, normally these
problems occur one or another way. From this viewpoint, organization managers should
understand and realize how to manage problems in order to achieve future improvements.
The size of the problem can be monetary smaller or bigger.
As mentioned before problems in small organization are common. Current thesis
author emphasize by experiences major problems like:
Above mentioned problem list is just a on part of whole iceberg. Usually problems are
connected with each other and affect system in a different way. Most commonly in small
organizations solving methods are base on founder’s knowledge and experiences. Usually
these experiences are not efficient enough and knowledge should be obtained from
somewhere else. It means that external help is needed.
Thankfully, today we have rich data platform and all kind information can be easily
followed. BPM could be one of the tools what is forth of implementing. Good overview
about processes guarantees better probability to succeed.
Even in a small organization business processes play important role. It is huge threat if
managers do not value process as tool for clearing everyday operations for everyone inside
organization. On the other hand, environment in small organization is very intensive and
all kind of changes comes up fast. This constraint means mainly lack of resources for
perform tasks. As a fact, human error may increase it unpredictable way.
As mentioned before, process management plays important role in every organization
and all kind of documentation come with it. As a fact, today most organization use digital
documents instead of paper documents. Therefore, is danger to produce too much
documentation what has no needed value. Huge amount of different instructions could
mislead and not clear operations for the people who are working in organization. When
people are dealing more with instructions and less with their main work then something
has to change. On the other hand, this is not the rule. Different work description in
different field could need special documentation and higher safety.
Small organization can run all kind of improvements very fast and get needed
information from customers, suppliers and personnel very fast. In contrast, big
corporation’s improvement measurements take longer time. Usually it will lead to situation
where decisions take also longer time with improvement cycle. When we consider all this
then we understand how important is for small organizations to be dynamic.
Apeco have situations where products or project delay mainly because of huge work
load. Capacity is limited and is hard to allocated resources effectively. With worse-case
scenario organization is not capable to allocate more resources and manage them if needed.
It is a problem what affects all other processes as well.
For better overview selected author randomly 6 different orders and compared
planned delivery date with actual delivery date (Table 2). Result shows that only 1/6 of
orders where fulfilled according to schedule. Average delay in days where approx. 5. It
means one working week delay with almost every order.
Table 2. Planned Delivery Date VS Actual Delivery Date
Order No. Planned delivery date Actual delivery date Delay in days
1 6.5.15 11.5.15 -5
2 9.4.15 10.4.15 -1
3 27.3.15 8.4.15 -12
4 14.4.15 17.4.15 -3
5 16.4.15 30.4.15 -14
6 3.6.15 28.5.15 6
Avarage delay in days -4,83
Source: Author
Organization does have flow charts about all processes which are internal and
involving departments. However, for a small organization it is very hard to maintain all
processes routing as needed. Described problem is connected strongly with processes
For instance, new market opportunities drive organization to another path. With
movement change the process and organization must used to it. In that sense organization
is static and need more dynamic approach.
Under unstable partnership term is meant situation where outsourcing partner’s capacity is
full and delivery time gets critical. Appearance of that kind of situation is possible
nevertheless, purchase order or contract are in place. Situations like that could affect
customer relationship seriously and overall organization reputation. Normally, wrong
timing during production mean compromises on quality and cost structure.
Big projects need funding and huge amount of working capital. As well conditions are
complex and died strongly with main contract. It even could mean that third parties can
influence transaction between buyer and seller, e.g. bank. Small organization need to
understand nature of risk and analyze how contract conditions impact everyday operations.
Good financial planning help to minimize risks which are related with bad working
capital ratio. As baseline, must project managers perform certain procedures according to
project charter.
When speaking about project closure and after sales activities, then expenditures are
not always predictable and crossing limits what has been set before. There may be many
factors what allow to make such expenditures:
• need for giving over the project to customer according to lead time;
• default or missing capability what have occurred during process;
• internal organization default.
Possibly there may be more factors but previously mentioned ones are the main.
Generally sales revenue tends to change according to sales activity. For instance, low
sales activity during certain periods could create instability in cash flow. As a result,
suffers working capital ratio and work in progress (WIP).
Reason for such kind of situation may be caused by responsible person overload of
work for other purpose than sales. Mentioned problems can happen when project have
difficulties and some part of it need extra help or even work. It includes various
conversations with customer where different aspects are confirmed.
The flow of information can be found from every organization. In small organizations
information flow is fast and moves easily between different roles. However, it will not
guarantee value to a user of that information. When certain role is asking information from
another role in order to perform task, then data could not produce value to end user.
Another side of those problems are related with IT systems. Firstly, small organization
does not have special IT personnel and secondly, there could have problems with discipline
of filling in needed information into IT systems. IT generally, plays crucial role in today’s
organizations. Most of the systems are linked somehow with IT systems, e.g. transport
Following part is describing theory of current paper. All covered topics are relevant to
“If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're
W. Edwards Deming
Industries around globe have developed over the decade’s involving people and
organizations. The idea that work can be viewed as a process, and then improved, is hardly
new [2]. Although, modeling of business processes is related with all the major
management tools e.g. lean, TQM, etc. Competition and globalizations set new standards
to organizations where speed and dynamic approach are one of the key elements. Markets
can be unstable and all kind of external factor could affect business seriously. On the other
hand, organizations can deal with their internal processes and prepare best for hard times
by playing through all scenarios.
First of all, process modeling helps to understand what is going on. What are the weak
and strong points? What people are doing and what they are not doing? Therefore, process
modeling is widely used within organizations as a method to increase awareness and
knowledge of business processes, and to deconstruct organizational complexity [ 3]. It is
an approach for describing how businesses conduct their operations and typically includes
graphical description of at least the activities, events/states, and control flow logic that
constitute a business process [4].
Before starting any modeling project is important to be clear about why you are
modeling and who the user of that model is. Rob Davis highlights surprising fact that
people start modeling without any idea of what the models are for [16;9]. As well he point
out that process model is not a replica of real world; it is merely a representation – a
Indeed, objectives of modeling may change during life of organization. The change may
come due to a changing requirements, discovery of new opportunities or planned
enhancement of the model [16;9]. Model hierarchy depends on organization structure and
operations. Usually smaller organizations have less levels and bigger organizations more
levels. Although, we must distinguish functional level and operational level. Where last
term mean bigger view of process and normally it will take more process time thanks to
many other functions inside.
Below is a list of key questions what modeler should ask himself before modeling [16;9]:
Normally models consist of many different processes where each process describes
each department work. In order to create the most efficient and cost-effective business we
want to use a common approach wherever possible, only creating different specific
processes when absolutely necessary [16; 141]. In practice, people inside organization are
not communicate and could happen that they do not own big picture about functions inside
whole organization. This kind of narrow thinking could lead to situation what is called
"stovepipes" [16; 141]. New designs of process are often called that way because instead
of the processes fitting within an existing process hierarchy, each product has its own,
narrowly focused and distinct process hierarchy or stack.
Instead of creating stovepipe solutions, we want to create a process hierarchy that
promotes reuse, allows flexibility, but manages and contains that flexibility [16; 141]. Each
department must understand that kind of problems and look broader view of whole
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are linked strongly with business processes and help
organization to define and measure perspective goals. KPI should set common goal to all
members in organization and they should define value for them. For instance, organization
could measure overall "delivery delay value" by analyzing it from perspective. Each
department could own their own KPI or organization as a whole could use more general
KPIs. KPIs are set up by keeping in mind general strategy.
In context of small business, should KPI be realistic and possible to use as a tool. From
author own experience in smaller organizations could be highlighted the fact that usually
activities are complex and hard to follow. Major reason for this is ongoing and main
activities which earn profit for the organization. Other activities are hard to noticed and
arise upon problems which affect everyday business performance. Realistic KPI´s could be
3 main parameters what are crucial in terms of existence. It is easy to follow and use in
activities as an indicator. In future, is reasonable to look over all the KPIs and make
corrections if needed.
Following chapter describe different business process methods and give general
overview about them. Listed methods are widely used around world with sufficient load of
information about them. Current thesis describes more detail following standards: EPC,
Each organization should understand and research for them best suitable standard.
Selection may depend on managing person competence or experiences. It could be quite
time consuming implementation, however right objectives should be describe before any
implementation phase.
Event-driven process chains (EPC) are used by many well known organizations for
modeling, analyzing and redesigning business processes. The resulting EPC models are
used as a starting point for the development of information systems and for the definition
of workflows [5]. EPC is a widely used as a tool for documenting various business
EPC provides comprehensive means for modeling different aspects of a business
process. It is mainly used for [5]:
Figure 4. Example of an EPC Model
Source: [14]
EPC enables to all stakeholders different views on to the overall system. This kind of
holistic approach helps to understand all levels inside organizations. Internal connections
are active and produce value, as well as so called users can trace all kind on data and use it
for needed purpose.
The different types of diagrams are all mutually related. They provide different views
on the overall system: the organizational view, the functions view, the product view, the
data view, and – integrating the other views – the control view. This structure of integrated
views is part of the ARIS [5, 5].
More than 25 years ago the US Air Force adopted Integration Definition Function
Modeling (IDEFØ), as a part of its Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM)
architecture. The IDEFØ modeling languages provide a useful structured graphical
framework for describing and improving business processes [7, 62].
Figure 5. IDEFØ Box and Arrow Graphics
Source: [8]
The IDEFØ methodology includes procedures for developing and critiquing process
models by a group of team of people. The creation of an IDEFØ process model provides
discipline teamwork procedures for process understanding and improvements [7, 63].
The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a standard notation for capturing
business processes, especially at the level of domain analysis and high-level systems
design. [11]
BPMN process models are composed of: (i) activity nodes, denoting business events or
items of work performed by humans or by software applications and (ii) control nodes
capturing the flow of control between activities. Activity nodes and control nodes can be
connected by means of a flow relation in almost arbitrary ways. [11]
Figure 6. BPMN Process Model
Source: [12]
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) as the new standard for object-oriented
modeling combines the most important existing object-oriented approaches [5; 3]. Unified
Modeling Language (UML) is a family of graphical notations, backed by single
metamodel, that help in describing and designing software systems, particularly software
systems built using the object-oriented (OO) style [10; 14].
Figure 7. Diagrams of the Unified Modeling Language and Their Connections
Source: [5;2]
The ARIS software is made for Business Process Management (BPM) [16; 1].
Software finds application in smaller and bigger organizations with various packages.
ARIS consist of four main platforms [16; 1]:
documentation of existing business process types, blueprint for analyzing and designing
business processes, and support for the design of information systems. The tool is intended
for system designers [6;37].
Good way to describe ARIS concept is description of ARIS house framework, a model
where organization, data, control, functions and product interact together like Figure 8 is
showing. Important component in ARIS house is information and data what is moving
between different departments. Every activity has a task what should be performed for
certain purpose. It means clear description for workers who are performing these tasks.
Source: [5;4]
The ARIS Toolset includes various editors that can be used to design and edit several
types of diagrams. The most important are value-added chain diagrams, organizational
charts, interaction diagrams, function trees, and EPCs (Event-Driven Process Chains) [6;
To model a process we need to create rules and follow them. It helps process engineers
and users generally to understand process and create common sense. As all processes about
Apeco has been done by ARIS 9 software then basic rules are followed for a solid
We can extend the basic rules of using the EPC to cover modeling process flows [13;
• every model must have at least one start Event and one end Event;
• functions and Events always alternate;
• functions and Events only have a single incoming and outgoing connections;
• process path always separate and combine using a Rule;
• multiple Event triggering a Function combine using a Rule;
• decisions are taken by Functions;
• functions that take decisions are always followed by Rules,
• rules show the valid combination of paths that follow the decision;
• events following Rules indicated the actual outcomes of decisions;
• rules cannot have multiple input and multiple outputs.
All mentioned general rules are guidelines for modelers. Modeling guidelines help to
create common thinking for people who are responsible modelers in organization. Thus,
have most organizations own modified guidelines for all modelers (e.g. under another
domain, CAD engineers use guidelines for drawings).
For better overview author describe all the main symbol types in process model.
Symbols are divided into two categories:
All the main EPC models consist of logical connections which drive events and
functions. Mentioned main symbols are described below showed Table 3.
OR OR decision OR Trigger
One or many possible paths will Any one Event, or
be followed as a result of the combination of Events, will
decision trigger the function.
Source: [13,119]
EPC logical connections are strongly related with other ARIS symbols which are
described below in Table 4.
Event An Event describes, in accordance
with DIN 69900, an occurred defined
condition that causes a sequence of
activities. Therefore the event is a
passive component and may have no
function in contrast to the decision-
making authority. Events can trigger
functions. Functions are triggered by
events. Events describe an occurring
condition [17].
Value- Value-added chain symbol is one part
added chain of main process landscape. They
enable all parties involved to better
understand how the company works
as a whole and how a specific work
area fits in [18].
Process Process interface connects different
Interface process parts with each other. In
models, they are normally locate first
or last symbol.
Electronic Electronic document is a information
document carrier in order to store information
in electronics means.
Description of the symbols is more versatile than showed below. However, most
relevant symbols are listed in current paper.
Figure 9. TQM Process Hierarchy
• Deming Circle;
• Simulation;
• Process Mapping;
• Statistical Process Control (SPC).
Source: [9]
From SMEs point of view, help simulation receive fast and appropriate information
about processes. Showing particularly dynamic behavior of all possible applications. For
process designer point of view is easy to understand what should be maintained and what
should be changed. This kind of approach is useful for learning and tracking. Each process
need output and output creates value what can be measured. All kind of animations and
graphics help users of that data understand what the core processes are.
Process designer in SME often tend to be CEO. Due to a small size of organization is
problem with resources. However, resources should be divided and task allocated as
motioned before. ARIS process mapping tool help to do them works dynamically and
offers flexibility.
Figure 11. Virtual Organization
Source: [26]
FP selects the required domain, defines the project steps and describes the production
route (as in the case of manufacturing domain). After the FP described the routing
operation the suitable partners are selected based on the resources specifications and
resource availability data. [20]
PN initiative helps to increase SMEs competitiveness under on common goal. It is
way how smaller organization could unite operations and increase productivity with help
of IT systems. Especially when SMEs are active in project based production where time,
cost and quality plays crucial role. If there is fast dynamic feedback under previously
agreed conditions then adaptively is easy to maintain.
One of the main objective of the following paper is business processes improvement
based on organization named Apeco. Whole idea is linked strongly with sustainability in
terms of business development and operations. As it is one of the major challenges for the
organization under current state. Moreover, overall performance should be improved with
help of different methodologies. All decisions are based on facts and authors own
experiences and theory.
Organization on which following thesis is based does not had enough sufficient
Business Process Management (BPM). Although, organization does not had key metrics in
place for process evaluations. In more detail, all main problems are described in the
beginning of paper. Previously where all main processes described, however functional
level description where insufficient. Another missing component where roles without link
in functional level. All of these constraints where removed as first step in improvement
process (AS-IS model). BPM served solid foundation for other tools such as TQM, KPI,
Before modeling where compared different modeling tools. Author selected ARIS
software which has enough functionality to meet requirements. Another important fact is
load of information and available study materials which help to learn faster particular
software. As all processes are modeled with help of ARIS 9 then in future organization is
planning to use ARIS Cloud which is rather simpler for cost savings.
As more than 50% of Apeco revenue is coming from project sales then effective
operations and holistic view in project management is needed. One way to ensure these
conditions is PN methodology [20]. It is a framework what triggers all SMEs into another
viewpoint by making all partners inside cluster more competitive.
Due to a feedback where described all processes to major team members and discussed
strong and weak points together as teamwork. It is important, because viewpoint could be
different from each individual perspective.
Author starts with AS-IS model and based on that suggest improvements. TO-BE
model will be with needed improvements.
4.1 AS-IS Apeco Model
AS-IS model represents current situation of process. It reflects base for TO-BE model
for analyze of whole process. As well, help to understand organization weak and strong
areas. Whole process should be described with relevant input and output data.
Effective organizations use help of IT systems and provide fully dynamic approach. As
it mean that all process filling has been done by help of special software, e.g. ARIS.
Moreover, model is most effective if process information spreads among all the people in
organization. AS-IS model ensures that people can view process if ever they need it.
Main process consists of other sub processes where all are adding value. All these
processes are linked together and consist of functions. Each process and function has
logical sequence according to operations based on organization. Main reason for process
landscape is overview about all processes inside organization where all workers understand
highest level.
Source: Author
VAC shows main process with input and output product / service (Figure 12). All
main processes have department who carried out operations according to description. In
fact, most important KPIs are added in order to receive feedback about process.
Apeco VAC process starts with sales and end with commissioning. Longest process is
engineering what takes up to 3 months period. Least process in duration is planning and
takes about 1 to 2 days.
Main process starts with sales where customer gives input with requirements. Input
data is described by customer enquiry. Customer send enquiry via e-mail or call and
describe what is needed in order to fulfill order (Figure 13). Customer enquiry will be
baseline for future calculations and agreement draft. Output of the process will be product
what will be ready for consuming by the customer.
All tasks are performed by sales department where main role is carried out by Sales
Engineer. All commercial issues must be consulate by the CEO.
Figure 13. Apeco Sales Process AS-IS
Source: Author
4.1.3 Apeco Planning Process
Planning activities includes resource allocation for organization with all available
resources. It could be organized as a way that extra resources will be outsourced from
various vendors. One of the main objectives is delivery on date with customer satisfaction.
Planning process engage all member who are related with particular project or product. All
should give input for it and describe their viewpoints as showed in Figure 14.
Source: Author
4.1.4 Apeco Engineering Process
After planning comes engineering where creation of machine design have been made
(Figure 15). Apeco is using Siemens CAD software Solid Edge ST7 as major tool for this
process. Engineer responsible for doing all technical calculations and ensure correct
readings for production.
All starts with planning where next event is product or project description. This phase
includes mainly guide for engineering where all important issues will be emphasized.
Following document includes:
• Main parameters;
• Project or product description;
• Time frames;
• Documentation info.
When engineering department is reading all that information as a input data it will be
easier to carry out operations. These documents will be written by Project Manager. On the
basis of the documentation next task will be 3D modeling where customer gets first visual
insight about product. Although product change can be done quite easily compeer to next
steps where change request could affect seriously process (e.g. finalization of 2D). Because
of that, all main functions should be approved by someone who is responsible of final
result. All phases need to be clear and dynamic.
When all previous events and functions are carried out then direct value is created with
package. It is called that way because it includes number of different documents what are
consumable for next processes. Normally package consists of following documents:
• 2D drawings;
• 3D model;
• laser cutting trajectory files;
• BOM;
o list of steel parts;
o list of fasteners;
o list of purchase products.
Figure 15. Apeco Engineering Process AS-IS
Source: Author
4.1.5 Apeco Procurement Process
After engineering comes procurement what receives major input from engineering
package (Figure 16). The engineering package provides information for procurement main
activities. Organization has due to an experience and history list of possible vendors. Some
of them are major partners; however there could be organizations who procure their
products not so often. When possible vendors for particular order are selected then next
step will be final selection among final round vendors. Then will be selected the vendor
who will supply needed service or product. After final selection comes issue final
documentation functions. It includes from organization side contract and purchase order.
Purchase order is processed by software Erply. Contract will be made only when order is
bigger than 10 000 Euros. All lower deals are covered juridical with general agreement.
When all documents are correct and approved as needed then next step is order waiting
according to lead time. For example, during this process Project Manager may ask how far
production is and avoid possible problems for assembly. In fact, all steel constructions and
parts are outsourced.
When goods arrive in warehouse, then next step is documentation check and
confirmation. All received products will pass visual quality control. However, there is risk
that some components are missing or poor quality of products. In this case vendor will be
informed about problems via official complaint. Complaint will be removed according to
Final stage in following process will be a comparison of PO and invoice. When there
were no problems with quality or invoice, then accounting will get input for invoice
processing. Each product or project has unique number and this will be added on invoice in
order to receive data about expenditures with context of product or project.
Figure 16. Apeco Procurement Process AS-IS
Source: Author
4.1.6 Apeco Warehousing Process
Apeco have warehouse where all ordered and produced goods are stored. Warehousing
process starts with goods which are arriving into a building (Figure 17). Then worker who
is responsible of receiving goods (e.g. technician) will take delivery note from truck driver.
Products are stored in designated area. Most products are placed on standard ISO pallets.
After that should responsible person type into a system that needed goods are ready and it
is possible to use them (it means that they are available). If there are no goods which are
related with project sales, then Sales Engineer is informing customer and make invoice.
Source: Author
4.1.7 Apeco Assembly Process
Assembly process starts with prepare assembly function where all needed assembly
components are prepared (Figure 18). During preparation phase are carried out checks that
control compliance according to process. However, there could happens a situation that
some component or steel structure is missing. If this happens, then it is important to
identify missing element and order new one. Ordering process should be as fast as possible
because delivery date could seriously be affected.
With more complex products assembly, workers are supported by engineers in order to
guide and help them. In addition to that, they may help to make them special drawings with
explosion views. Normally, assembly workers have drawings with information on it and
they do not need extra help. However, everybody is informed about these situations and if
they have something to ask, then they must ask. Previously planned work changes are
When preparation works are done then next step will be sub-assemblies preparation for
production of assemblies. All operations under these functions are carried out by product
based layout. It means continuous flow for those products with certain sequence of
operation. Assembly procedures are complete when all needed components are in place.
After that will come inspection for assembly before first test run. If test run where
successful, technician will grease and label accordingly. All ready products are packed
carefully for transport. Finally, package will get labeled delivery note and invoice.
Figure 18. Apeco Assembly Process AS-IS
Source: Author
4.1.8 Apeco Transport Process
Transport process main objective is to carry items from one place to another. There are
two possible ordering scenarios that normally occur (Figure 19). Customer will order
transport by himself under delivery term EXW, or transport will be arranged by Apeco.
First scenario will simplify whole process; on the other hand, Apeco does not have control
over the process. Second possibility where transport is arranged by the Apeco, needs more
resources but control over the process is achievable.
Information about transport will come from order confirmation and printed out for
warehouse worker under packing list. Mentioned list is necessary in order to pick up right
products for order fulfillment. As this is the process what comes after transport order.
Selected items should be checked and packed in a way that they do not get damaged
during transport. Materials for that purpose are provided and selected according to item.
When packing is done, then product will be labeled with packing list sticker where all
needed information for all parties are showed (e.g. customer, product name, quantity,
weight, etc.) After all these procedures comes transport company and pick pallet or
package from stocking are. Final function will be signing of transport papers.
Figure 19. Apeco Transport Process AS-IS
Source: Author
4.1.9 Apeco Commissioning Process
Commissioning process includes activities during erection period (Figure 20). It will
provide set-up of the product in a stage where it could be ready for the work. As a first step
in whole process, machine which is a product will be adjusted. When everything is in
order, then will be performed final test and if it succeed all expectation then training for the
customer worker will be carried out.
Commissioning will be provided mainly under situations when customer order turn-key
project which includes erection works on site. On the other hand, customer could decide
not to order erection works and install all system by himself. Last scenario is a rather rare
Source: Author
The core logic behind performance analyze is understanding of processes and creating
base for measures and management. In order to make objective decisions, process
engineers must carried out in first place business performance analyze, because process
graphical description is limited and do not provide enough information for decisions.
Beginning of the paper author stated problems for Apeco, what are affecting
organization performance. Author suggests using these problems as a baseline for Critical
Success Factors (CSFs). The framework of performance analyze will be applied into TQM
methodology. All CSFs are stated in a following way:
When all CSFs are clarified and agreed among team members in organization then next
step is measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPI). The KPIs will be used to monitor
progress and as evidence of success for the organization, in every direction, internally and
externally [7; 248].
Author suggests choosing all important KPIs according to CSFs in a following way:
Selected KPIs cannot be too complicated. Vice versa, they should be easy to maintain
and follow. Team members have to ensure appropriate data what should be collected and
recorded. Helpful tools in this case could be, e.g. information systems. For instance,
various accounting software’s enables to export meaningful data about financial figures.
Organizations must do decisions based on facts rather than feelings. All decisions need
input in order to find best practice for processes. ARIS simulation software enables to
analyze processes and see if processes are executable. As a result, ARIS help to find
process weaknesses and bottlenecks.
Simulation is based on Apeco and has carried out on author’s average measurements
inside organization. All input parameters are given based on Apeco conveyor solutions
product group which make most of operations inside organization. Main input data
attributes are given through avg. wait time and avg. processing time. Wait time means time
before process, e.g. preparation for production assembly. Processing time means time
during specific process. Mentioned parameters are most relevant due to measured KPIs.
Inserted numbers are average because results are base on more than one product.
When functions have needed values then next step is probability attribute under Events.
Probability defines the probability of an object being processed or a relationship being run
through. If the attribute is not specified, a probability of occurrences of 1 is assumed [24].
Probability value will be given from 0 to 1. Zero as no probability and 1 as absolutely
probable. Such values are especially important if process includes two different Event
scenarios after XOR and according to measurement, one of event has bigger probability.
After inserted parameters under function and events should be determined simulation
period. Author determine simulation period as 30 days (April, 2015). Such period represent
results approx. 1/12 of whole year. After that is reasonable to simulate each process and
export all data about results. Finally, results must be converted into readable figures. For
better overview all numbers are represented as cumulative results. It enables general view
to all processes for better understanding.
Output of data processing will be figures about Processing time SUM among different
departments. Based on Figure 21 findings is possible to see engineering part domination.
Following results indicates too high process utilization. However, processing time can vary
because of seasonality, project scope, etc. Although, simple products need less time for
engineering and more time for assembly. During analyze is important to understand that
how results depend on various factors.
Graph represents processing time SUM during 30 days what includes one entity:
Planning Procurement Assembly Commisioning
Sales Engineering Warehousing Transport
Source: Author
Bottle neck theory from Theory of Constraints (TOC) emphasizes eliminating of all
bottle necks and local optimizations in process. In that sense, should engineering be more
effective in terms of processing time. Procurement cannot perform task if engineering have
not provide them appropriate input data and vice versa. Final goal should be minimization
of processing times under each process. High peaks should be leveled, because they do not
allow moving fast and a stable way.
As each process inside organization have functions in order to perform tasks should be
analyze processed functions. From Figure 22 is possible to see how processing time is
linked e.g. with processed functions. Correlation between two separate indicators show that
the number of engineering process functions are relatively low compare to assembly. On
the other hand, assembly processing time is lower than procurement and sales.
Planning Procurement Assembly Commisioning
Sales Engineering Warehousing Transport
Source: Author
Planning Procurement Assembly Commisioning
Sales Engineering Warehousing Transport
Source: Author
As engineering is currently weakest process from all other processes. Then deeper
analyze of the process is needed. ARIS enable to analyze processes from events and
functions. Engineering have 4 different events and 3 different functions on a first EPC
level. ARIS simulation tool provide for both graphs about process. Totally, have process
more functions because of sub-processes under 2 level EPC functions.
Process folders received specifies the number of process folders that have arrived at
an event in the current simulation run. The simulations specify this attribute for all events
that are not start events. [24]
Process folders processed specify the number of complete functions executions based
on the last simulation run. [24]
Activations specify how often an event or a rule was activated during the last
simulation run. An event was activated if a process folder left the event i.e., if the event has
occurred and assumed the value True. A rule was activated if a process folder left the rule
during the last simulation run. Process folders with identical process number arriving at the
rule from different paths are counted only once. [24]
Figure 24. Event Process Folders Received and Activations AS-IS
Source: Author
Above showed Figure 24 describes how many process folders received and activations
have done during 30 days for 1 entity. Product or project description shows most
activations and engineering process complete least activations. According to sequence,
events starts from the beginning lower numbers of activations and end, where will be more
activations. Based on graph is relevant linear increase of activations.
Figure 25. Functions Process Folders Received and Process Folders Processed AS-IS
Source: Author
Functions are improved with function allocation diagrams. It means that most
functions include other functions and main objective of such approach is to optimize
graphical view of information user. The load of information should be adequate rather than
spreading. From process folders received view is relevant linear increase as events in
engineering process (Figure 25). On the other hand, process folders processed shows non-
linear graphic with more stable bars. It indicates to a more stable process flow.
Make 3D concept receives more process folders than actually are able to process. This
is first function what must be completed before heading to next one which is finalization of
3D and 2D. High number of process folders received indicates on large input rather than
capacity to perform task on given time period. According to that should be reasonable to
level a process folders received more down.
Processes where dependence of external factor is highest are hard to manage. Hence,
controlling of process plays a crucial role. It is organization responsibility to control and
receive feedback about process development. Simulation is only one step of whole process.
TO-BE model represents outcome of analysis which will be the base for improvement.
It shows the concept how process should become from AS-IS concept. In fact, AS-IS
model quality must be determined by organization policy for better understanding. Same
approach should be common with TO-BE model.
As results of simulation showed – main improvements are needed with engineering
what affect process EPC level most. According to analyze other processes need minor
improvements and, therefore they are not described in details. However, final results on
improvement occur after implementation period.
Organization can improve process by many ways. For instance, increasing the number
of employees would be the one solution. Hence, this kind of solution increases cost and
responsibility. Organization must avoid simple and fast solutions what are not scalable
before decision. Fact based decisions with appropriate analyze help to fulfill objectives of
the improvement.
Current TO-BE scenario increase engineering department efficiency by combination of
PN concept with other smaller internal improvements like web based input form filled by
partner, process guide, etc. In contrast, procurement, engineering and sales have less
complete processes and are one with the most processed functions percentage. The
importance of complete processes express in process efficiency. Mentioned Figure 23
shows that sales process does not complete processes. It indicates that process is inefficient
due to a combination of long processing time and complete processes.
Figure 26. Apeco Engineering EPC Level TO-BE Process
Source: Author
First of all, previously have organization gathered input data through regular e-mail.
For instance, Project Manager will send out enquiry and ask quotation with base
documentation. Documentation normally include following information:
• Technical parameters;
• Due date;
• Needed documentation;
• etc.
Valid quotation is needed in order to avoid misunderstandings in future. Preventive
action can be achieved by price list what bound different parties to agree on pricing. In
order to avoid mess is important to use systematic approach what ensures certain
flexibility. Author highlights possibility to use web based filling forms what input all
needed data by vendor for order fulfillment. For example, today all major logistics
organization are using web forms for order fulfillment. We can call it "pull" type of
information exchange.
Previous approach was very slow due to quotation waiting time. Partner long time for
quotation was caused normally by overload of work. Another problem was selective
approach by possible vendor who constantly seek bigger orders. Smaller orders were not
interesting due to low volume.
Apeco engineering process starts right after they have received initial working task. If
Apeco is focal player in PN then is possible to interact procurement process before
purchase department action. It enables to save time in procurement process. Paralleling
will get partner who is in PN order from Project Manager by filled web-based form.
Required data fields are specified by the partner.
When partner has been selected then feedback about order process are required by
partner, who is offering product or service. Previously Project Manager have asked
progress information by e-mail. Suggested new approach assume that partner give
feedback about progress by himself more convenient way, e.g. inform about progress in
percentages with help of web. (e.g. how many percentages of 100 have been done so far) .
Suggested feedback period will be about 1 week.
Selected partner in PN network provide goods and services according to "black box"
principle (Figure 27). Partner will receive input and should provide output as agreed. All
costs are covered by product or service provider.
PN imitative requires partner who have needed background for deliverable service or
product (Figure 26). Current paper has chosen for main engineering partner Eesti Energia
Tehnoloogiatööstus AS (EETT). The main idea behind PN imitative is own engineering
department engineering efficiency increase. Chosen organization is offering engineering
service under engineering department. Base numbers for partner cost calculations are given
based on EETT general price policy.
After simulation with new TO-BE model in ARIS, EETT help to decrease engineering
department processing time as theoretically was planned (Figure 28). Totally new concept
reduced engineering time 4 days. Although, Apeco gained process where their
responsibility is not any more so high and same time available resources can perform more
Planning Procurement Assembly Commisioning
Sales Engineering Warehousing Transport
Source: Author
Apeco engineering process has dropped from 315 to 294 days. Another important
aspect is numbers of complete processes in TO-BE model (Figure 29). When previously
none of processes under engineering where complete, then with new model, engineering
complete process. For example, new concept allows completing 12 such engineering
projects in a year.
Planning Procurement Assembly Commisioning
Sales Engineering Warehousing Transport
Source: Author
When going more deeply into process then TO-BE process under "event process
folder received and activations" have improved number of approved 3D and 2D event
(Figure 30). It has been caused by PN imitative. EETT reduced time for that specific event
and overall result are better.
Figure 30. Event Process Folders Received and Activations TO-BE
Source: Author
The analyzes shown above only describe events. Thus, to see full overview about
process we must identify changes under functions. Overall all functions are more leveled
especially process folders processed. From Figure 31 is possible to note that "Finalize 3D
and 2D" have changed with "EETT Engineering" according to Figure 26.
Figure 31. Functions Process Folders Received and Process Folders Processed TO-BE
Source: Author
Currently Apeco does have 2 CAD Engineers who cover all needed operations under
engineering department. All calculations are made based on Estonian law what state that
average number of working hours in one month is 167 hours [22]. It makes in total with
two engineers 334 hours. Based on Apeco internal hour rate policy, sell organization
engineering with price 25 EUR/hour. The rate is base for all budgets which need
engineering service. Totally organization can sell engineering hours in one month 8350
EUR what makes in one year 100 200 EUR. It will be maximum potential what
organization is capable to sell. Normally, organization does not exceed 100% of utilization
rate. Fulfillment rate varies due to work description and mainly engineering period what
extend longer than planned. And this is the major root problem for engineering.
For good overview about ratio between incomes and expenses, author calculates break-
even point (BEP) under engineering. Break-even point describe situation where total costs
and revenues are equal. Under the point, all sold hour are loss and below that point, all sold
hours are profit. Based on Apeco engineering department cost structure will total costs
consist of following items:
• labor cost;
• CAD software cost;
• CAD software service pack cost;
• other costs.
Month Year
Labour Costs 3 710 € 44 520 €
CAD Software + service packs 567 € 6 804 €
Other costs 100 € 1 200 €
SUM : 4 377 € 52 524 €
Source: Author
Apeco products are often unique and project based. It will set certain limitations to
budgeting, e.g. difficulties to see actual costs due to poor knowledge base. As organization
internal policy defines, Sales Manager is responsible for project budget creation. Budget
must include planned engineering cost what means cost for all components which affect
one or another way whole cost structure. According to that, plan will set certain limits to
resources. Although plan is made based on organization experience from previous times.
As a fact, normally utilization rate does not exceed target. In real life, that kind of situation
means costs under target budget and that way real loss for organization will occur.
Root cause under engineering is ration between planned time VS actual time. For
instance, Sales Manager planned for engineering 100 hour, but actually engineering spend
130 hours. From organization point of view, it means 30% of unplanned time. Moreover,
engineer cannot perform next task before previous work has been done. If this pattern
occurs regularly, it will affect financial result seriously. Today, based on organization
experiences engineers perform tasks more than 25%...50% than actually was planned. It
will make approx. 1/4...2/4 from their working time.
For better analyze author finds following working hours in one month:
For BEP in units (working hours) author perform equation where total costs are divided
with sold unit price. Calculation has been done as following:
Source: Author
As a result from Figure 32 is easy to note that AVG hours are slightly bigger than
BEP hours. All in all, organization make profit surprisingly approx. (209x25) – (175x25) =
850 EUR. Potential maximum profit will be about (334x25) – (175x25) = 3975 EUR.
6.2 Costs in EETT
Partner cost calculations are made based on regular Apeco Belt Conveyor product
series. EETT receive from Apeco initial data with technical calculations and 3D Models.
According to that provide partner following input data:
For Apeco will be cost of engineering 3080 EUR + VAT. This cost does not include
time for technical calculations and 3D Models.
Technical calculations and basic 3D model will be made by Apeco. In contrast, Apeco
have lower engineering hour price, but longer process time. For instance, EETT generate
whole package with 11 days, but Apeco could do same amount of work with 15 to 18 days.
For better overview about work allocation and price differences will give following table:
Table 6. Engineering Process Comparison With EETT
Source: Author
The comparison shown on Table 6 emphasizes differences between two possible ways
to solve engineering. First scenario is only based on Apeco, where total cost for
engineering is 6800 EUR. Second scenario use help of EETT, where total cost of engineer
is 6480 EUR. Differences are 5%. Main differences are cost and process time.
Surprisingly, always not all internal operations are economically profitable compare to
outsourced services.
Author assume that ARIS Cloud software will help to arrange process more effective
way by setting up systematic approach. As current paper focus on Apeco process
improvement cycle and tools what should be implemented in order to gain objectives. Then
all investment calculations are based on ARIS Cloud software because it is easy to
integrate it into Apeco business operations. Produced data by ARIS will be stored in cloud
and responsible members of organization can make changes if needed.
Author suggest firstly to use 2 designer licenses and 5 viewer licenses. Comparable
software packages from ARIS are basic and advanced version. As name of software
package indicates have advanced version more capabilities, e.g. customized reports,
permission management, etc. Therefore, in reasonable to compare mentioned packages.
Indeed, there are one package more called ARIS Cloud Enterprise, but author finds it will
be too expensive for SMEs. Based on ARIS local representative quotation are prices of
software as showed in appendix 1 and 2.
One year of Basic software license cost in total 3242,76 EUR and for Advanced
software 4864,56 EUR. According to monthly based costing cost software for Basic
270,23 EUR and Advanced 405, 38 EUR. The cost of software acquisition is not the only
component. ARIS Implementation cost structure includes:
From organization point of view have ARIS software only value then when it have
economical outcome. Ideally, it should increase effectiveness. Earned value should be
bigger than invested money. To analyze real effect of investment, we should understand
how much is possible to gain with EETT and ARIS. ROI calculations are based on one
year period and shows following results:
Above made calculations shows that in 1 year period organization manage to hold
almost same level. Author assumes that second year will earn back investment and make
economical effect.
management. Applying obtained result from future perspective is possible to establish solid
foundation for quality management system. As one of the organization future plans are ISO
9000 obtainment. Topics covered in paper create input for implementation. All this serves
one of the main target to increase overall customer satisfaction.
Another important topic covered in study where CSFs what are closely related with
TQM. The factors what are essential for the organization in order to improve operations.
All CSFs were created based on problems in organization. All set CSFs are strong input for
Apeco in future. As they are factors what organization members must follow and
understand. As a result increases problems awareness inside organization.
Process approach needs efforts towards implementation. By structuring gradually
author uses combination of TQM, BPM and ARIS. That kind of approach should be
applicable to other SMEs as well. The implementation process itself need right mindset by
organization personnel and management. Possible investments into people and software
need reasonable time and result can be achievable after certain time of period. The
organization who is implementing it has to follow systematic and continuous approach in
order to be successful.
Future opportunities related with paper in case of SMEs are structuring issues and
implementation after improvement. Future improvements gets input after implementation
where is possible to analyze results.
To conclude, process variations are common for any organization and reflect problems
what must be solved. Calculations in thesis showed sufficiently good results in order to
encourage organization to continue to use framework. Objectives of work where
Üks osa tööst keskendub koostööprojekti juhtimise raamistikule partner võrgustiku
alusatmiseks. Projekteerimise protsessi lähemalt analüüsides selgus, et antud protsessi
puhul on tegemist kõige aeganõudvama tegevusega kogu protsesside ahelas, mistõttu
kasutas Apeco oma projekteerimise protsessis TO BE mudelis Eesti Energia
Tehnoloogiatööstust (EETT). Koostööd on planeeritud teha mainitud ettevõtte
projekteerimise osakonnaga. Uus raamistik võimaldab mitte ainult saata ja saada
tagasisidet protsesside kohta, vaid ka kiiremini suurendada tootlikkust organisatsiooni sees.
Antud raamistikku plaanitakse rakendada tulevikus aset leidvates projektides, eriti
projektide müügis, kus võimalike variatsioonide arv toodetes on keskmisest suurem.
Käesolevas magistritöös on Apeco puhul tegemist juba töötava väikeettevõttega, mis
omab kasvupotentsiaali ning seetõttu on äärmiselt oluline leida tegevusi toetavaid
raamistikke, et kasvu toetada ning jätkata. Partnerite koostöövõrgustik võimaldab
suurendada üleüldist konkurentsivõimet viisil, mis omab positiivset mõju kogu
tarneahelale. Autori eesmärgiks on võrrelda uurimustöös erinevaid protsesse EPC tasemel
ning jõuda tulemusteni, mis toetuksid teooriale. Äriprotsesside juhtimise ja ARIS tarkvara
kombineerimise tulemusena vähenevad nii kulud konstureerimisele kui ka kumulatiivse
protsessi aeg.
Uuringus loodi äriprotsesside mudelid, mis seostuvad kvaliteedijuhtimisega.
Dünaamilised protsessid võimaldavad efektiivselt kasutada protsessi lähenemist, et
saavutada paremaid tulemusi kvaliteedijuhtimises. Saadud tulemusi tulevikus rakendades
on võimalik luua kindel vundament kvaliteedijuhtimise süsteemile. Ühtlasi on magistritöös
käsitletud teemad heaks lähtepunktiks ISO 9000 taotlemisele, mis on ettevõttel tulevikus
kindlasti plaanis. Kõik see teenib ühte peamist eesmärki, milleks on kliendi rahulolu
Ühe olulise teemana on magistritöös käsitletud kriitilisi edutegureid (KE), mis on
tihedalt seotud tervikliku kvaliteedijuhtimisega (TQM). Need on tegurid, mis on olulised
organisatsioonile tervikuna, et parandada kvaliteediprotsessi. Kõik loodud KE baseeruvad
Apecos esinevatel probleemidel. Need on tegurid, mida organisatsiooni liikmed peavad
probleemide ennetamiseks ja lahendamiseks mõistma ja järgima.
Lõputöö on üles ehitatud järk järgult kasutades erinevaid raamistikke nagu TQM, BPM
ja ARIS. Tehtud arvutused näitasid, et eelnevalt käsitletud raamistikku on võimalik
kasutada, kuid selle rakendamisel peab Apeco tulevikus vaeva nägema. Antud lähenemist
on võimalik kasutada ka teistel väikestel ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetel. Protsess vajab
eelkõige õiget mõttelaadi organisatsiooni juhtkonna poolt ning üleüldist valmisolekut
meeskonnalt. Investeerides inimestesse ja tarkvarasse tuleb arvestada sellega, et tulemused
on kättesaadavad alles mõne aja möödudes. Selleks, et olla edukas on oluline, et
organisatsioon, mis juurutab antud lähenemist, teeks seda süstemaatiliselt ja järjepidevalt.
Kokkuvõttes on protsesside sisene varieeruvus, mis aitab peegeldada probleeme,
millega tuleb tegeleda, ühine kõikidele organisatsioonidele. Tekkivaid pudelikaelu ning
kitsaskohti tuleb käsitleda kui loomulikult esile kerkivaid nähtusi. Organisatsiooni
ülesanne on antud protsessidega toime tulla ning suurendada kohanemisvõimet. Tehtud
kalkulatsioonid lõputöös näitasid piisavalt häid tulemusi, et julgustada organisatsiooni
liikuma edasi antud raamistiku juurutamisel. Töös seatud eesmärgid said täidetud.
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Appendix 2. ARIS Cloud Advanced Quotation