Mechatronics Foundational Technical Skills

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The document discusses foundational skills needed for mechatronic engineering education divided into three tiers with topics such as sensing, actuation, embedded computing etc.

The three foundational tiers discussed are Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 focusing on different skill levels.

Tier 1 focuses on introductory topics like sensing, actuation, software development, embedded computing, system dynamics analysis, control etc.

Mechatronic Engineering

Foundational Technical Skills

National Committee on

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................5
A Definition of Mechatronics...........................................................................................................5
Mechatronics vs. Robotics .............................................................................................................6
Foundational Tiers..........................................................................................................................6
Realisation of Education Outcomes ...............................................................................................7
Tier 1 ..................................................................................................................................................8
Suggested Teaching Modalities .....................................................................................................9
Example Teaching Content ............................................................................................................9
Introduction to sensing................................................................................................................9
Introduction to actuation .............................................................................................................9
Introduction to computer software development .........................................................................9
Introduction to embedded computing .......................................................................................10
Introduction to system dynamics analysis and design ..............................................................10
Introduction to control ...............................................................................................................11
Tier 2 ................................................................................................................................................12
Suggested Teaching Modalities ...................................................................................................13
Sample Teaching Content ............................................................................................................13
Structural design .......................................................................................................................13
Thermofluid systems.................................................................................................................14
Electrical devices ......................................................................................................................14
Advanced embedded software design......................................................................................15
Advanced system dynamics .....................................................................................................15
Classical control........................................................................................................................16
Tier 3 ................................................................................................................................................17
Core Objectives ............................................................................................................................17
Suggested Teaching Modalities ...................................................................................................18
Sample Teaching Content ............................................................................................................18

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Introduction to mechatronic data bus systems .........................................................................18

Introduction to distributed real-time software design ................................................................18
MIMO control systems ..............................................................................................................19
Reasoning under uncertainty ....................................................................................................19
Example Mechatronics Application Domains ...............................................................................20
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................21

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I would like to first and foremost acknowledge the assistance and feedback of my colleagues on
the Engineers Australia National Committee for Mechatronics for their valuable advice and
feedback during the many iterations of my development of this document. In particular, I would like
to single out Prof. Tristan Perez from QUT and Prof. James Trevelyan from UWA for their editing
and very useful additions. This document has benefited greatly from their input.
Francis Valentinis, PhD
Chair, National Committee on Mechatronics
September 2015

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It takes many years for an Engineer to achieve a level of true professional competency. The
completion of a four or five year degree level course in Engineering is only the start of this learning
journey. Engineers Australia recognises this, and the Chartered Professional Engineer process is
designed to facilitate the learning pathways that, with the aid of suitable mentors in the workplace,
will allow a graduate to grow into a true competent professional.
On graduation from a degree program, a solid education in the foundational technical skills of a
discipline are essential in order for a graduate to meet the requirements of stage 1 competency
under Engineers Australia requirements. Given that true professional competency takes years to
develop, it is worth asking whether it makes sense to talk about graduate level competency at all.
The answer to this question is simple. A competent graduate is one that is able to both be
productive and sufficiently competent to continue to learn in the workplace under a typical level of
professional supervision.
The intent of this document is to describe the areas of technical expertise that are required and
therefore expected for a graduate to be technically competent in Mechatronic Engineering. There
are many ways to realise these foundational skills. As a result, this document is not a syllabus
description, indeed different universities will have very different ways of facilitating the delivery of
the foundation.
This document does not replace the stage 1 competencies documentation from Engineers
Australia. It should be seen as a complementary document which specifies the specialised
technical foundational skills for graduates of Mechatronic Engineering programs.

A Definition of Mechatronics
Mechatronic Engineering is concerned with the design of systems whose desired behaviour relies
on a combination of mechanical, electrical, electronic and information processing elements. Such
systems incorporate sensors that collect data encoding information. They often feature one or
more computer systems that make decisions on how to react to this information. For example, an
actuator may generate force in order to achieve a desired motion, and consequently achieve the
desired system response.
The IEEE defines Mechatronic Engineering as The Synergistic Combination of Mechanical,
Electrical and Electronic Systems. The key word in this definition is synergistic. The process of
designing a mechatronic system that operates as a synergistic whole involves more than design of
mechanical, electrical and software systems. It involves an intimate understanding of how these
things work together to achieve the desired results.
The world view of the mechatronic engineer is very different to that of the electrical, software or
mechanical engineer in that they are forced to think very holistically about an entire machine. A
good example of this thinking can be found in the way mechatronic engineers model sophisticated
systems. Mechanical engineers think in terms of quantities such as forces and velocities,
pressures and volumetric flows, and temperatures and heat flow. Likewise, electrical engineers
think in terms of voltages and currents. Mechatronic engineers can (and frequently do) also work
with these quantities; however they are also able to work more abstractly, reasoning in terms of
information and power flow through a system. This is a paradigm that makes modelling
mechatronic systems holistically simpler and more effective. Thinking of systems in terms of
information and energy brings a unique level of abstraction and much simplification.

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Mechatronic Engineering is not merely the study of sensors and actuators, although the study of
these elements is essential to competency in the field. Likewise, Mechatronic Engineers are
experts at automation; however, this is not their exclusive focus. A competent mechatronics
engineer is able to design a machine that incorporates a high level of automation, however the
focus of their education should not be the automation exclusively, but rather the design of the
entire system and its software.
The multidisciplinary education in mechatronics enables an engineer to perform initial design work
in mechanical, electrical engineering and information technology and to communicate effectively
with specialised design engineers in different disciplines (mechanical, electrical, software,
fluidpower, etc.) Some Engineers will choose to develop deep knowledge in at least one of the
three disciplines, and yet be able to apply knowledge from the other disciplines. In other cases,
their careers will develop as they continue to focus their learning and experience on the
mechatronic system as a whole.

Mechatronics vs. Robotics

Mechatronics and Robotics are two specializations that lead to engineering graduates with different
discipline-specific attributes. Mechatronic engineers require skills and knowledge from mechanical,
electrical, and computer engineering plus a distinctive ability to deal with system designs because
experience has demonstrated that these are essential for designing, developing and maintaining
mechatronic devices and systems.
Robotics, on the other hand, requires a stronger and specific focus on robot dynamics and motion
control with special skills and knowledge in computer science. The latter incorporates aspects such
as perception, navigation, probabilistic reasoning, planning, optimisation, machine learning,
artificial intelligence, multi-agent design, and computer vision. The study of robotics is often
augmented with studies related to industrial automation.
A holistic education in robotics should incorporate a rigorous education in mechatronics; however
the opposite is not necessarily true. In this sense, a robotics education program could be viewed
as an extension (or specialization) of mechatronic engineering.

Foundational Tiers
Every program of engineering education is structured to present material at different levels of
expertise. Similarly, this document provides guidelines that structure the development of
competency across tiers. A tier in this sense refers to an aggregate of expertise at a particular
level of professional development. Different programs may address the requirements for these tiers
in different ways. Some programs may, for example, distribute the teaching related to tier 1 across
multiple years.
This discipline-specific technical foundation description describes the development of the graduate
professional engineer across three tiers. To achieve competency at tier 1, the student must be able
to demonstrate an understanding and proficiency of the different building blocks of modern
mechatronic systems, and how to combine them in simple ways. An example of such a
combination is the connection of a motor with a gearbox controlled by a proportional control law.
To achieve tier 2 competency, the student must be able to show that they can model, design and
implement practical systems combining multiple building blocks in a more advanced way. An
example of this is a system using a computer, microcontroller or PLC to control a system with
multiple sensors and actuators. At this level of competency, it would be expected that the student
will have some understanding of uncertainty present in mechatronic systems, and would be able to

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treat sensors, actuators and mechanical systems as non-ideal entities. An understanding of

parasitics present in a mechatronic system is fundamental to this tier.
To achieve a tier 3 level competency, the student would have to demonstrate an understanding of
how to exploit tier two competency in an application domain. Fundamental to the majority of
applications is the need to connect multiple computers to multiple sensors and actuators using
real-time networking. For the class of application domains of interest to this tier, coupling between
subsystems is typically fundamental. For this tier, the student would need to understand how to
model and control plants where complex multivariable interactions are present. Example
application domains include but are not limited to such areas as robotics, appliance design,
automotive design, avionics, mining systems automation and biomedical instrumentation design.
Typically, this level of competency will be achieved through successful completion of a final year
project. Some universities may, however, choose to offer subjects designed to train students in
these application areas, and some programs may be designed to have a focus on one specific
area, such as robotics or factory floor automation.

Realisation of Education Outcomes

The university program accreditation process administered by Engineers Australia is outcome
based. Therefore, it focuses on attributes of graduate engineers rather than a prescription of topics
and teaching modalities, so the universities have freedom in how to ensure these attributes are
attained by their graduates.
It is difficult to comprehensively describe outcomes however, without examples of topic areas that
need to be understood by graduates. This document lists suggested teaching topics in this spirit
In this vein, the suggested teaching modalities and topics incorporated in this document serve only
as a guide aimed at assisting universities in the development of Mechatronic Engineering
programs. It is expected that universities will adapt their programs to the needs of their student
population, their strategic direction and their institutional drive to excel.

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Tier 1
Tier 1 comprises knowledge and skills needed to design, model and test simple ideal
mechatronic systems. A simple mechatronic system is one that consists of a small number of
mechanical and electrical components connected to a single microcontroller or PLC. An example
of such a system is a DC motor connected to a gearbox and a mechanical load of some kind, with
a sensor permitting feedback of shaft speed for a simple proportional controller.
For this tier, students will not be expected to achieve an understanding of all of the practical
considerations required to make a real system design work. All mechanical members will be
assumed rigid, sensors are largely ideal, thermal effects are minor (or negligible), electrical
interference is not present. Aspects such as these will be dealt with in later studies of
mechatronics, mechanical or electronics engineering.
Whilst the focus of this competency is on the design of very simple ideal mechatronic systems, the
process of mastering this tier should seek to give students insight into how larger scale systems
may be constructed though application of the skills they are learning.
The teaching of thinking and analysis skills are central to this theme. For example, the concept of
structuring thoughts and design alternatives following a systematic approach is of central
relevance. Likewise is the application of listening and questioning skills in the elaboration of
Another aspect central to this theme is the understanding of correctness of function for a particular
purpose (and cost). In this vein, the generation of test plans and the appreciation of a culture of
testing rigor should be encouraged throughout the educational process.

The objectives described herein can be met either with a single focussed mechatronics teaching
course, or by elements of a series of courses that are leveraged in single courses that consolidate
the various lessons learnt in a design project.


Students should be able to write specifications (functional, operational & technical) of a simple
mechatronic system in terms of power and information requirements.
Students should be able to design a simple mechatronic system, using pen and paper
approaches to model and derive the state equations for a very simple electromechanical
Students should be able to use a simulation package to simulate the system, tune a controller
gain, and evaluate overall behaviour with a view to optimise their pen-and-paper design.
Students should be able to build and test their design.

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Suggested Teaching Modalities

The mechatronics components of the syllabus should have analytical (pen and paper),
computational (computer simulation) and tactile (lab) components. Lab components should
incorporate work in teams and have an emphasis on testing principles.

Example Teaching Content

Introduction to sensing
The knowledge of how to use sensors is essential in Mechatronic Engineering practice. Sensors
provide data encoding information that is used by control systems, and are fundamental to
automated systems. In addition to the understanding of what sensors are, it is essential that they
can be calibrated to achieve accurate results. It should be possible to model them sufficiently well
to allow for simulation based control system design and testing.
Suggested topic include:

Concept of a sensor
Examples of sensors typically used in mechatronics, and how they are applied
Physical principles of sensing for common effort variables (e.g. force, torque, pressure and
voltage) flow variables (e.g. velocity, current, volumetric flow) and displacement variables
(linear and angular position, volume) used in mechatronics.
Simple sensor models (static-nonlinearities and first and second order dynamics, pure
derivatives, integrators.)
Methods for calibrating sensors and interfacing them with microcontrollers.

Introduction to actuation
Similarly to sensing, the knowledge of how to use actuators is essential in Mechatronic
Engineering practice. Actuators facilitate movement for mechanical systems, and are fundamental
to automated systems. In addition to the understanding of what actuators are, it is essential that
they can be modelled sufficiently well to allow for simulation based control system design and
Suggested topics include:

Concept of an actuator
Examples of typically used actuators in mechatronics
Simple actuator models
Methods for interfacing actuators with power electronics and microcontrollers

Introduction to computer software development

The design of computer software is an important foundational skill for Mechatronic Engineers. In
the process of achieving competency at tier 1, it is essential for students to develop proficiency in
software design, coding and testing in at least one procedural programming language. Some
programs will also teach object oriented design using such languages as C++. This is
commendable, but not essential.

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The objectives of teaching this topic should include the definition of functional requirements, design
of modular software structure with appropriate data storage (including selection and specification of
appropriate data structures) and module interface specifications. The generation of test cases and
functional testing code should be introduced as early as possible.
Suggested topics are:

Finite state machines and sequential logic design

Fundamentals of computer programming
Data structures, algorithm design and performance analysis
Testing strategies and creation of test programs
Modular and Object Oriented approaches to design

Introduction to embedded computing

In most modern mechatronic systems, control software will be implemented on one or more
embedded computers. Different industries and application domains use different devices and
programming approaches, however the fundamental principles underlying how they work is
generally similar.
The focus for the teaching of this topic should be embedded computers that are required to run
under real-time constraints. The hardware, software and operating systems for these devices are
different to those used with conventional computers, so it is important to offer students concrete
experience with these.
It is imperative that these computers are not seen as an island onto themselves. They should be
used in context as soon as possible. Students should be given an understanding of device
interface programming, how to program low-level input and output interfaces, for example setting
an output 1 or 0 on a digital output line, or reading an input from an A/D converter.
Suggested topics are:

Concept of the embedded computer & PLC

Examples of typically used embedded computers and PLCs
Concept of embedded software (differences with conventional software)
Concept of a real-time operating systems
Concept of time management in real-time software (interrupts, delays, basic principles of timing
Basic device interface programming

Introduction to system dynamics analysis and design

The concept of system dynamics [2] should be central to the study of Mechatronic Systems
Design. The objectives of systems dynamics analysis is the study of the dynamics of a whole
mechatronic system, incorporating its mechanical, electrical and control law elements.
Any technician (or indeed talented child) can link together a series of sensors, actuators and
mechanisms, and use an ad hoc controller tuning method to realise a mechatronics system.
Graduates in Engineering should have a deeper understanding of the mechatronic systems they

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design, founded on a mathematical model of a systems dynamical performance that can be

simulated. Such an understanding is essential to optimising performance, guaranteeing safety and
establishing that a design is fit for purpose.
Unlike Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Mechatronic Engineers need to be able to model a
complete system holistically. This means the engineer must be familiar with approaches where
mechanical and electrical system components can be mixed within a single modelling paradigm.
Modelling electrical and mechanical components separately does not result in a complete
combined understanding of the system dynamics, and should be avoided in the context of
mechatronics system analysis and design.
It is essential that all fundamental building blocks of a Mechatronic system be introduced as part of
the teaching of this topic. All fundamental electrical elements (e.g. resistors, capacitors, inductors,
sources) should be introduced. Likewise for mechanical elements (e.g. dampers, springs, masses.)
This should be done by introducing the elements from analytical, simulation and
experimental/practical perspectives. At all times, during the education process, the
correspondences between the electrical domain and the mechanical domain should be reinforced.
The analysis and design of mechanisms used in mechatronic systems is fundamental to this goal.
At this elementary level, it is not expected that students be able to model very sophisticated
systems. It is essential, however that the basic principles of system dynamics be taught.
Suggested topics are:

The concept of system dynamics and mathematical models

Modelling, analysis and design of simple multi-domain physical systems: electrical (i.e.
circuits), mechanical (machines and their their mechanisms), fluid power (hydraulic networks),
thermal (processes), using energy, power and information flow principles
Analysis of system dynamics: stability and time response of low order systems. Link between
system parameters and stability and time response
Relationship between time and frequency domain response

Introduction to control
Feedback control is fundamental to mechatronics, and as a result it should be introduced in the
teaching process as early as possible. Initially, it is essential that the concept of feedback be
introduced and that students are able to understand how the dynamics of a plant is affected when
a proportional feedback loop is applied to a system. In later tiers, this understanding will be
expanded to allow students to understand more complex control design methodologies.
Suggested topics are:

The concept of closed-loop control and feedback

The feedback equation, and how state equations (or a transfer function) are modified to
incorporate feedback control
Sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions in a loop.
Trade-offs and fundamental limitations

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Tier 2
Tier 2 comprises knowledge and skills needed to design, model and test realistic (i.e. non-ideal)
mechatronic systems. A realistic mechatronic system is one that does not break under typical
operation, has reliable electrical and electronic systems, and consists of a non-trivial number of
mechanical and electrical components connected to one microcontroller or PLC.
For this tier, students will be expected to achieve an understanding of the major practical
considerations required to make a real system work. They will be expected to understand flexibility,
vibration, and the sources of heat. Thermal drift and other sources of noise in sensors should be
understood, and electrical interference should also be dealt with. Students should also understand
the how to deal with timing jitter due to software design and bus operation. A deeper understanding
of control is essential at this tier of competency. Students should be able to understand how to
design more complex control laws with derivative and integral action. Student should understand
how to implement and test their control laws as real-time software systems.
The focus of this competency is on the design of mechatronic systems, and not on specific
applications. Nonetheless, the process of achieving competency in this tier should seek to give
students insight into how larger scale systems in typical applications may be constructed though
use of the skills they are learning.
This competency also includes basic understanding of uncertainty and how to deal with it in modelbased design, measurements, interactions between the system and its environment (i.e.
The continued teaching of thinking and analysis skills are central to this tier. The design of larger
scale systems necessitates structured, systematic thinking. Likewise is the application of listening
and questioning skills in the elaboration of requirements. Students should be given the opportunity
to apply and extend the skills gained through the tier 1 competency in these areas.
With the expansion of complexity in design comes a proportional increase in difficulty in testing.
Development of test strategies and test plans should be fundamental to the teaching at this tier,
and every opportunity should be taken in the laboratory to create opportunities for students to
develop these skills.

The objectives described herein can be met either with a single focussed mechatronics teaching
course, or by elements of a series of courses that are leveraged in single courses that consolidate
the various lessons learnt in a design project.


Students should understand how to design and analyse realistic mechatronic systems taking
into account typical parasitic and uncertainty effects. Important mechanical parasitics include

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heat, friction, flexibility and vibration. Important electrical parasitics include sensor and actuator
imperfections, electrical noise, and both local processor and network induced timing latency
and jitter.
They should be able to use analytical approaches to derive state equations for the systems
they design, and adopt structuring techniques to decompose their models into manageable
They should be able to design control laws, and implement these laws as a real-time software
They should be able to use a simulation package to simulate the system, tune a series of
controller gains, and evaluate overall behaviour with a view to optimise their pen-and-paper
They should be able to apply basic system identification techniques.
They should be able to write comprehensive test plans, and test their design.
They should be able to document the assumptions made in models and designs and their

Suggested Teaching Modalities

The mechatronics components of the syllabus should have analytical (pen and paper),
computational (computer simulation) and tactile (lab) components. Lab components should
incorporate work in teams and have an emphasis on testing principles. For this tier, the focus of
laboratory work should be an understanding the parasitic effects present in the mechatronic
system. The test plans authored by students should focus on the characterisation of these effects,
and optimising performance in the presence of these effects.

Sample Teaching Content

Structural design
It is essential that a graduate be able to understand how to design a mechatronic system that will
not break in regular usage, and moreover will have the mechanical reliability that will make them fit
for purpose. It is unrealistic to expect a Mechatronic Engineer to be as competent as a specialist
structural mechanics engineer. It is essential, however that a graduate should know enough about
stress, strain, fatigue and material properties to enable him to work at least on conceptual
structural designs. Moreover, it is essential that there be sufficient knowledge in this area to allow
the engineer to work along side a structural specialist, should the need arise.
Suggested topics are:

Stress and strain

Basic principles of structural design
Materials science

Within most modern lightweight mechatronic systems, structural vibration will accompany any
automatic control action. Excessive vibration will lead, at a minimum, to poor performance, and at
worst will shorten operational life through fatigue. In tier 2, it is essential that engineers understand

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the vibration implications of their control actions, and be able to assess the impact of that vibration
on a design. Moreover, they should understand how to minimise such vibrations either through
revision of control system designs, or mechanical design intervention.
Suggested topics are:

Flexibility and design of flexible structures

Modal analysis of flexible structure
Passive vibration suppression
Active vibration suppression

Thermofluid systems
Most mechatronic systems involve combinations of electronic circuitry and electrical machines in
close quarters. Often, in order to provide protection from their environment, these devices need to
be housed in containers where heat can quickly accumulate. Heat can result in sensor drift but can
also lead to premature failure (or even combustion) of components. For this reason it is essential
that Mechatronic Engineers understand how heat builds up, how it is vented and how it affects
electronic components.
Some Mechatronic Engineers will work in industries where it is essential to design devices that
function in a high temperature environment.
In other industries, designing systems that operate either with or within fluid flows is important. It is
also important to understand the assumptions that lead to fluid-static systems and their dynamics
this is the basis of basic fluid-power systems. A general introduction to thermo-fluidic systems
allows graduates to work in these domains and most importantly to communicate with specialised
mechanical engineers.
Suggested topics are:

Basic concepts of fluid dynamics: pressure, velocity, compressibility, viscosity, friction, drag,
flow in pipes
Navier-stokes, Euler, Bernoulli models, potential flows, hydrostatic systems
Basic laws of thermodynamics, the heat equation, passive and active heat sink design
Characterisation of friction and heat resulting from friction
Heat in confined spaces: design of venting architectures

Electrical devices
In Tier 1, the concept of sensors and actuators was introduced. At that level, the focus is the basic
nature of what sensors and actuators are, and how they are used. In Tier 2, the range of sensors
and actuators that students are exposed to should be increased. More importantly, it is essential
that sensors and actuators be treated as non-ideal devices. The study of such phenomena as
thermal drift, and the effects of electromagnetic interference are of central importance here.
Likewise, it is here that it is useful to explore how parasitics accumulate and spread.
Suggested topics are:

Realistic electrical devices: resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage and current sources

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Design of interfacing electronics for sensors and actuators: amplifiers, filters

Electromagnetic interference
Effect of electromagnetic interference on motors, busses and sensors
Motor parasitics
Fundamentals of hydraulics and pneumatics
Piezo gyroscopes, accelerometers (fundamental concepts and parasitics)
Flow sensors, strain gauges, encoders (fundamental concepts and parasitics)

Advanced embedded software design

Whilst it is important to introduce embedded computing at Tier 1, at tier 2 it is essential to deepen
this understanding. The software on all mechatronic systems is typically highly concurrent. Signals
are received from multiple sensors at once, and often actuators must be commanded
simultaneously. Likewise, supervisory software and interfaces used for human-computer
interaction operate concurrently with low level control functions. An understanding of how
concurrent software is constructed is essential for Mechatronic Engineering.
The time dependency of control laws should be central to the education of engineers in this topic
area. Moreover, the understanding of how timing imperfections such as latency and jitter manifest
themselves and affect control law performance is critical.
Suggested topics are:

Design of multi-process and multi-threaded embedded software

Concurrency control, signals, mutexes & semaphores
Timing analysis, latency and jitter calculation
Real Time Operating System (RTOS) configuration and deployment

Advanced system dynamics

System Dynamics was introduced in Tier 1, but in Tier 2 its use should be extended so that it
becomes a tool not just for understanding system performance but also for designing more
complex systems, and correspondingly more complex control laws.
Often system parameters are uncertain, and there is a need to refine a system dynamics model
after a system is constructed. Parameter estimation approaches are important when this is true.
Suggested topics are:

Modelling of practical multi-domain physical systems (electrical, mechanical, fluid power,

Model conversion: state-space, transfer function, block diagrams
Analysis of system dynamics: stability and time response of low order systems. Link between
system parameters and stability and time response
Analysis of simple non-linear systems determination of equilibrium points and analysis of its
stability via linearization and Lyapunov methods. Limit cycles
Basic experimental modelling of simple systems based on step and frequency responses.
Determination of model structure based on response characteristics and basic parameter
estimation based on a few characteristics of the response and least squares

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Classical control
In tier 1, basic proportional control was introduced. In this tier, this elementary knowledge needs to
be extended in some specific ways. The student should understand the use of integral and
derivative action, and should understand the concept of the transfer function. It is in this tier that all
of the fundamental tools of classical control should be introduced. In keeping with the character of
this tier, it is imperative that robustness analysis be discussed as a means to allow a design to
function in the presence of parasitic uncertainty.
It is imperative that study for this tier be focussed on design of real functional control systems. It is
critical that all graduates understand not only how to design control systems but also how to
implement them on a digital computer. In this vein, it is critical that graduates understand
mechanisms to convert continuous systems to discrete (Z) representations, and then to difference
equations that are implementable in software. Graduates should understand how to model the
effect of software implementation latencies in the Z domain, with a view to understand the impact
their software implementation will have on the stability and robustness of an implemented system.
Suggested topics are:

PID control
Bode and root locus analysis, compensator design
Design in continuous time vs design in discrete time
The Z transform
Stability analysis in the s and z domains
Realisation of control systems, conversion of transfer functions into difference equations (e.g.
the bilinear transform)
Basic filter design, use of filters with electrical and mechanical noise, the controller as a filter
Basic fundamental limitations in control system design (overshoot, undershoot, water-bed
effect, non-minimum phase dynamics)

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Tier 3
The focus of the advanced tier is the understanding of how to design a complex system including
uncertainty and failure modes. This focus can be specialised in a particular application domain. It is
within this tier that universities will have very different offerings, representing different
specialisations. Regardless of the particular flavour of mechatronics program being offered, it is
essential that at this level students are taught the vital skills required to build more complex, large
scale systems.
Fundamental to any large scale mechatronic system is the presence of multiple computing
devices, connected to multiple sensors, actuators and mechanisms. Interaction with the system
might only be possible via user interfaces connected to one or more display. The skills required to
design, analyse and build systems such as this are relatively application independent, but these
skills are best learnt in the context of an application.
The core to this tier is the understanding of how to connect multiple mechatronic systems together
using a data bus, allowing it to operate as a cohesive whole. This skill is fundamental whether the
students is designing a robot, a factory floor automated process, or the by-wire systems of a
The scope of technical teaching in a Mechatronic Engineering degree is such that within the scope
of a four year degree, it is difficult to incorporate much application specific content. A program that
satisfies the third tier of competency will seek to teach skills common to all application domains,
using the chosen application as a teaching instrument only.
The teaching of thinking and analysis skills following a systems engineering approach are central
to this theme. For example, the concept of structuring thoughts and design alternatives following a
systematic approach is of central relevance. Likewise is the application of listening and questioning
skills in the elaboration of requirements.
Another aspect central to this theme is the understanding of correctness of function for a particular
purpose (and cost). In this vein, the generation of test plans and the appreciation of a culture of
testing rigor should be encouraged throughout the educational process.

The objectives described herein can be met either with a single focussed mechatronics teaching
course, or by elements of a series of courses that are leveraged in single courses that consolidate
the various lessons learnt in a design project.

Core Objectives

Students should be able to design sophisticated mechatronic systems consisting of multiple

processors, sensors and actuators connected by a data bus.
Students should be able to include uncertainty into the design and component selection
procedures and make decisions uncertainty.

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They should be able to construct control laws for MIMO systems where the plant model
incorporates state interactions.
They should be able to design state estimators taking into account model uncertainty and
imperfect measurements.
Students should be able to have a basic understanding of faults and failures, fault diagnosis,
and fault-tolerant systems, and safe shutdown.
They should be able to use a simulation package to simulate the system, tune a controller gain,
and evaluate overall behaviour with a view to optimise their pen-and-paper design.
They should be able to understand and use modelling and simulation methods to characterise
uncertainty, robustness, and fault tolerance.
Student should be able to apply basic probabilistic methods for system identification.
They should be able to test their designs.

Suggested Teaching Modalities

The mechatronics components of the syllabus should have analytical (pen and paper),
computational (computer simulation) and may have tactile (lab) components. Lab and simulation
components should incorporate work in teams and have an emphasis on testing principles.
Fundamental to this tier of competency is the teaching of how to deal with complexity.

Sample Teaching Content

Introduction to mechatronic data bus systems
It is not possible to design anything other than a very simple mechatronic system without using
multiple processors and microcontrollers. In such a system, there needs to be some way of
coordinating information flow between the multiple devices. Data busses provide this, and as a
result tuition on how they are used is fundamental to the teaching of mechatronic system design.
In the context of a design team, an Electronics Engineer may implement a bus. It is essential,
however that the Mechatronic Engineer understands the impact of any design choices on a whole
of system level, In particular, the impact of bus timing and jitter must be understood, as should the
impact of Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) on the operation of the bus, particularly when that
EMI originates from the electrical machines that are present in the mechatronic system itself.
Suggested content includes:

Differences between real-time and non real-time busses

Typical busses: Ethernet + at least one real-time bus (e.g. RS422, CAN, Firewire, modBus,
Profibus, DeviceNet)1
Cabling and connectors, design of looms, weight and inertia considerations of wiring loom
Latency and Jitter introduced by bus operation: prediction and measurement.

Introduction to distributed real-time software design

1 It is imperative the courses that have a focus on industrial automation, or that rely heavily on
PLCs for teaching also teach how to use a robust real-time field bus capable of being used with
these devices.

Page 18

In tier 2, a grounding in real-time software design was presented. In tier three, it is important that
this knowledge be extended to the context of multiple programs running on multiple
microprocessors or microcontrollers connected by a bus network
Suggested content includes:

Basic TCP/IP programming

RS232 and/or RS422 programming
Temporal synchronisation
Distributed software architectures

MIMO control systems

In tier 2, a comprehensive introduction to classical control was presented. In tier 3, the goal is to
extend this teaching to systems with multiple inputs and outputs and coupled dynamics. The most
typical approach to this is to introduce modern control, however the use of classical extension
methods such as Individual Channel Analysis and Design (ICAD) [4] is an acceptable alternative. It
is not practical to teach every possible approach to control here, however it is essential that
graduates understand at least one approach to design and test MIMO control systems.
Fundamental to this is the understanding of observer design. Most real mechatronic systems have
some states that are unmeasurable, or measurable with uncertainty. Graduates should understand
how to design observers, and how to integrate them into a control regime.
Suggested content includes:

Actuator saturation and anti-wind-up

State space representations
Controllability and observability
Basic state observation
Eigen structure assignment and/or optimal control and/or ICAD
Concepts of fault-tolerant control design
Concepts of networked control systems
Bumpless transfer and control system safety shut down

Reasoning under uncertainty

In traditional control engineering courses, a model of the plant is handed to the student as a
starting point. This should not be the case with mechatronic systems design tuition. This is
because for the mechatronics engineer, the design of the plant and controller should occur as a
holistic activity. The development of mathematical models of system dynamics in parallel to the
evolution of a control law is fundamental to this process.
In the real world however parameters for every aspect of a plant will not be available, and when
they are they may only be available with a degree of uncertainty. The development of models from
data derived from experiments is therefore a critical skill for Mechatronic Engineering.

Plausible reasoning and probability as a measure of uncertainty

Elementary Hypothesis testing (with application to fault detection)
Basic experiment design and elementary parameter estimation
Complexity, data and model structure selection

Page 19

Decisions under uncertainty (for control reconfiguration, shut down, design)

State-estimation with uncertain models and imperfect measurements
Fault detection and diagnosis

Example Mechatronics Application Domains

Robotics and autonomous systems
Medicine and biomedical
Nano technology

Page 20

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this document relate to the Engineers Australia accreditation process?
The Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies documentation outlines the requirements for
undergraduate Engineering programs that are seeking accreditation. This document should be
seen as an adjunct to the Stage 1 Competencies documentation, and not a replacement.
Does Engineers Australia Expect All Mechatronic Engineering Courses across Australia to
become compliant with this document?
Every Engineering degree program in the country is different. Each one teaches to a different
audience, and has course material with different emphasis. In this context, it would be
unreasonable for Engineers Australia to mandate any program structure or specific content outside
the requirements defined by the Stage 1 competencies.
This is an aspirational document. At the time of writing, no current Australian university offers a
program compliant with all these guidelines, however the National Committee on Mechatronics
believes that Universities that strive to follow the spirit of this document will produce graduates that
are much better prepared to enter workplaces as graduate level trainee design Engineers.
Why is this document necessary?
In established Engineering disciplines, the typical syllabus requirements are well understood.
Mechatronic Engineering is a relatively new discipline, for which this is not yet true. Many
Australian Universities now offer Mechatronics as an undergraduate program, however the
composition of these programs is quite different. This is not necessarily an issue where competent
graduates are graduating. However, the specific attributes of graduates can vary significantly,
meaning that in many cases students are graduating that are technically deficient in important
areas. Moreover, there are few well respected international programs that can be used as
benchmarks for what needs to be taught.
There is an incorrect perception in some universities that a Mechatronic Engineering graduate
requires a mix of mechanical, electrical and software engineering training and nothing more. This
view has, unfortunately been embraced by many faculties that offer Mechanical, Electrical and
Software Engineering. Many schools have decided that they can very easily sandwich together a
collection of subjects and offer them as a Mechatronic Engineering degree. It is well established in
the Mechatronic Engineering Education literature that this approach results in very poor outcomes
[2]. This has also contributed to the view amongst some employers in industry that mechatronic
engineers could be either ill-formed Mechanical or Electrical Engineers.
When faced with this kind of course, accreditation panels are sometimes asked by universities to
suggest what they should teach. This document attempts to provide guidance on course content
leading to the discipline-specific attributes required for graduates to enter the workforce with
elementary mechatronic systems design skills.
My University does not have the resources to teach all of the topics suggested by this
document. What should we do?
This is an aspirational document. It suggests course content that universities might strive to
achieve, and does not mandate anything. Universities are advised however to carefully consider
the content of this document. Based on their strategic direction, the unique needs of their student

Page 21

population and their resources, they should attempt to align their teaching so as to respect the
spirit of this document.
There are many topics suggested in the document. It is not possible to fit everything in my
University course, but we would like to respect the spirit of the document. What do we do?
It would be possible to deliver a single lecture in which the importance of all of the topics in this
document was explained. On the contrary, it would be possible (if not feasible) to offer multiple
courses on each topic. This document does not seek to give a minimum or maximum duration or
intensity for the teaching of each topic. The level of detail in delivery in each area is up to the
One way to implement the recommendations of this document is through the creation of multiple
specialised mechatronic subjects or units where a selection of material relevant to topics presented
in this document might be taught. With at least three specific subjects or units (one related to each
to bring together the concepts in each tier), the final year project, and a re-organisation of some
dynamics and control as well as electrical and mechanical streams, most of the recommended
topics can be covered. Those topics that cannot be covered in depth can be at least introduced for
graduates to be aware of them and encourage their pursuit as part of their career-long learning
Why doesnt this document recommend the teaching of Systems Engineering Processes as
part of a Mechatronics program?
The demonstration of competent application of systems engineering process is fundamental to the
stage 2 competencies. At stage 1, an introduction to the principles and processes of systems
engineering is of paramount importance. The reader is referred to the Engineers Australia
documentation on the stage 1 and stage 2 competencies for further information.
Why doesnt this document recommend the teaching of engineering standards related to
Mechatronic Engineering?
The use of standards is also fundamental to the general engineering educational outcomes
mandated at stage 1. Much as is the case with systems engineering practice, it is essential that
university courses introduce the use of standards to the student population.
Why doesnt this document recommend the teaching of the engineering design process?
This document describes elements of design specific to mechatronics. For example, the use of
techniques from system dynamics analysis as part of the design process is discussed. The
teaching of the general engineering design process is fundamental to satisfying the stage 1
competencies. The reader is referred to the stage 1 competencies for more information.
Why doesnt this document recommend a thorough introduction to the fundamental
A thorough foundation in the physical sciences is essential to the comprehensive teaching of the
content in this document. For example, the study of kinematics and dynamics is essential to the
study of system dynamics, and background in chemistry is essential to the study of material
science. This document does not spell these out explicitly, but assumes that it is clear to discipline
experts which fundamental content is a prerequisite to each topic. Universities should ensure that
appropriate content is delivered to facilitate the teaching outcomes of this document.

Page 22

Why doesnt this document recommend courses in Mathematics?

Much like physics and chemistry, it is not possible to teach the content in this document without
also teaching the mathematical fundamentals. As is the case with the physical sciences, it is
important that mathematicians work hand in hand with the engineering teaching staff to ensure the
mathematical prerequisite knowledge is met.
Given that dynamics and control are core topics in Mechatronics education, it is important that
universities with a research focus offer elective courses in mathematics that can allow students to
pursue research in nonlinear dynamics and control. Courses in linear algebra and analytical
geometry are particularly useful in this vein.
Teaching this kind of material in a university with more of a vocational focus will however be of
much lesser value. It is therefore essential that universities are guided by their students unique

Page 23

[1] Engineers Australia, The Australian Engineering Stage 1 Competency Standards, February
[2] Grimheden, M Mechatronic Engineering Education PhD Thesis, KTH School of Industrial
Engineering and Management 2006
[3] Karnopp, D.C., Margolis, DL. and Rosenberg, RC., System Dynamics: Modeling and
Simulation of Mechatronic Systems, Wiley 2012
[4] OReilley, J., Leithead, WE.,Multivariable Control by Individual Channel Design, International
Journal of Control, April 2007

Page 24

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