Lecture - SM 1-1 - Typed
Lecture - SM 1-1 - Typed
Lecture - SM 1-1 - Typed
• Scalar fields (x) describe spin-0 particles. These are scalar bosons.
A complex scalar field (x) 2 C has two real degrees of freedom which correspond to a
particle and its anti-particle. They carry opposite charges (i.e. a positive and a negative
electric charge). In total 2 real degrees of freedom, 2 = 1 (particle) + 1 (anti-particle).
A real-valued scalar field (x) 2 R has one real degree of freedom, it corresponds to a
particle = its anti-particle. This is a neutral particle, it carries no charges. In total 1 real
degree of freedom.
L describes (creation and annihilation of) particles of helicity h = 1/2, while its
Hermitian-conjugate L† corresponds to its anti-particle. Thus 2 degrees of freedom for
Left-handed spinors.
R describes (creation and annihilation of) particles of helicity h = +1/2, while its
Hermitian-conjugate R† corresponds to its anti-particle. Thus 2 degrees of freedom for
Right-handed spinors.
In Total 4 degrees of freedom contained in the Dirac spinor field (x),
(1(left )+ 1(right)) · (1(particle)+1(anti-particle)) = 4.
Note that naively we have 8 real-valued degrees of freedom: 4 for the number of components
in the bi-spinor (x) times 2 because these components are complex-valued. However,
we need to remember that the spin operator for spinors is given by the Pauli matrices,
ŝi = i /2, which are 2 by 2 matrices. Hence each 2-component (complex) Weyl spinor
actually describes just 2 degrees of freedom, which agrees with the counting above. Another
equivalent way to say it is that the requirement that the Dirac equation is satisfied by
(x) amounts to only 4 independent real-valued degrees of freedom in (x).
PS: Helicity h is defined as the projection of the spin on the 3-momentum of a particle.
Particle of the left-handed helicity has h = 1/2 and its anti-particle has h = +1/2. For
right-handed particles and anti-particles we have the opposite signs.
Helicity is a good quantum number for mass-less particles (it is invariant under Lorentz
transformations). If the particle is massive, its helicity can be changed by performing a
Lorentz boost. Then instead of left- or right-handed helicity, in the massive case we just
use the fact that there are always 2 spin states ±1/2 for a spin-1/2 particle.
• Majorana fermion fields M (x) describe spin-1/2 particles which are their own anti-
Essentially in the Dirac fermion we identify R = L† and write,
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
M (x) = † ⌘ †