Theory of NQR
Theory of NQR
Theory of NQR
School of Molecular Sciences Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL England General principles
eQ =
fpniSzn* —
nucleus carries with it, of course, the nuclear angular rn from our origin at 0 (midway between the two foci of
momentum and hence the nuclear magnetic moment, the ellipse, see Figure 1). The nuclear charge is imag-
thereby producing a small magnetic field at right angles ined to be under the influence of the electronic charge
to Oz rotating in phase with the nuclear quadrupole at distribution of the atom or molecule, which produces a
the same frequency. Now a linearly oscillating field potential at dr„ of V. The potential energy of this nu-
clear charge element in its electrostatic environment is
H =
2Hi cos at (2) then
can be resolved into two rotating fields —
H{cw) Hi cos at + iHi sin at
and for the complete nucleus
H(ccw) Hi cos at
iHi sin at—
bx by bz
radio frequency spectrometer. The observed fre-
quencies, which, we compare with the classical pre- so that one term, viz., pnxn(bV /bx)0, represents the con-
cessional frequencies of an electric quadrupole, are tribution of the electric moment of the volume element
governed by electric effects with the atom or molecule, x„ with respect to the origin at 0. When the integra-
but the mechanism whereby they are observed involves tion of eqn. (4) is therefore performed, the second term
the magnetic moment of the nucleus, that is they are will represent the interaction of the electrostatic dipole
magnetic dipole transitions in origin. moment of the nucleus in the electric field of its environ-
The reader will appreciate that the previous para- ment; now there is good evidence, both experimental
graphs have been concerned with a highly simplified and theoretical, that nuclear electric dipole moments
description of nuclear quadrupole resonance in terms of are zero, and since the induced moment is also taken as
classical mechanics, and for a fuller account of the clas- zero, we may also omit the second term in eqn. (5).
sical equations of motion and their solutions he is re- The third part is the electric quadrupole term, to which
ferred to an interesting article by Raich and Good (1). we now turn our attention (neglecting higher terms,
The quantitative expressions for the nuclear quadru- which may however be important in certain cases).
pole resonance frequencies and their relative intensities The full expression for the quadrupole potential en-
are usually derived by the methods of quantum me- ergy will be
r' _
Potential energy =
+ + In C6H5C1, however, the C-Cl bond is on an axis
2)p"Xn\bx* A jo zero.
of at most 2-fold symmetry, so that we must expect y to
There is, in addition, the possibility of
<S)i dr„ (7) be non-zero.
conjugation of 3p electrons on Cl with the ^-electron
The remaining terms in eqn. (7) are related to the nu- system of the ring; the interaction will be strongest for
clear charge distribution and hence to its quadrupole those 3p electrons whose lobes are perpendicular to the
moment. The condition for a nucleus to possess an plane of the benzene ring, and this will introduce an
electric quadrupole moment is that 7 > 1, where 7 is the additional asymmetry and a further contribution to y.
nuclear spin quantum number. Many common nuclei Having therefore defined the principal parameters,
fulfil this condition, i.e., 14N(7 1), 35C1 and 37C1(7
= =
we may now turn to the solution of the full quantum-
3/2), 5flCo(J = 7/2); the proton, 'II, has 7 y2, but its =
mechanical equations for the potential energy. The
common isotope 2II is eligible, since 7=1. Similarly, detailed derivation of these solutions is given by Das
we have 170(7 =
5/2) and 33S(7 3/2), the common iso-
and Hahn (4) in their monograph; we present here the
topes being non-magnetic (7 0). Other isotopes,
conclusions in the form of the energy levels of the
like 67Fc, are inaccessible in their nuclear ground states, system, which we classify as in the precessional model
since 7 1/2, but have a nuclear quadrupole moment in according to the projection It of the nuclear spin
one or more of their nuclear excited states, and so can angular momentum in the direction of the maximum
be studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy. principal component of the electric field gradient which
Equation (7) may be simplified even further by the defines F2Z. The quantum number we therefore use is
methods of quantum mechanics, as is described by that appropriate to the operator 72, viz., m, the nuclear
Slichter (2). One convention that is thereby intro- magnetic quantum number, which also is used to
duced is to redefine the nuclear quadrupole moment in specify the magnetic levels in the applied field in nu-
eqn. (1) such that the integration is carried out in the clear magnetic resonance. This is not a complete de-
state in which the maximum component of the nuclear scription of the system, for it deals only with the longi-
magnetic moment lies along the z axis (that is, 7a 7). =
tudinal components of nuclear magnetization, or those
The quantities in round brackets in eqn. (7) become the which are parallel to the 2-axis, and neglects the trans-
expectation or average values of the principal compo- verse components. These are important in relaxation
nents of the electric field gradient over the ground- processes, and will be reconsidered in the second article
state wave-function of the molecule—like the dipole in this series. It turns out that for a nuclear spin of 7,
moment, therefore, the electric field gradient is a ground- there will be 2 7 levels, and the way in which these are
state property. If we neglect the effects of the very arranged depends on whether 7 is half-integral or inte-
small electronic charge distribution within the nucleus, gral.
we may use Laplace’s equation and write
cPF cPF Half-Integral Spins
+ + u (8)
by2 dz2 For 7 half-integral, viz., 35C1 and 37C1 (7 3/2), or
in which case we need only two quantities to define the 1277 (7=
5/2), the levels occur in pairs, leaving a degen-
electric field gradient (in addition, of course, to their eracy in m which is not removed even when y is finite.
direction cosines with respect to the principal coor- Considering first the case of zero y, we show in Figure 2
dinates); these we select to be the maximum principal the order of the levels for the cases 7 s/2, 6/2, and 7/2
component, which is by convention taken to be d2F/ and by their side the appropriate equations giving the
dz2 or F22(|F22| > \Vyy\ > \VXX\), and we then define the magnitude of the frequencies. The selection rule for
parameters magnetic dipole transitions is Am ±1, so that for
7 =
3/2 we observe just one transition at a frequency
eq =
5^ ( =
F„) (9)
H 1
is unchanged in appearance, but the energies
contain a term in ,, so that again one transition
± 1/2 :
The quadrupoie coupling constant cannot therefore be
derived unless q is known, since neither (e2qQ/h) nor q
is separately derived; in practice, if q < 0.1, as is often
the case in 35C1 quadrupoie resonance, the error in
setting twice the frequency equal to the quadrupoie
coupling constant is small. In order to derive q for I =
lb) I =
5/2 tc> I = 7/2 q (say <0.25)
A. (b) I —
»i -
d + 0.0925V 0.63403,*)
~ -
SA, (d I = 7A (, 0). =
The quantity in parentheses is often referred to as the n -
jjj (“1“) (1 ~
°-20370,>2 + 0.16215V)
quadrupoie coupling constant and quoted in units of
MHz. For eqn. (11) it is the modulus that should be for I =
d -
sitions of maximum intensity, and that only the inner or
outer transitions of the two doublets are allowed ac-
cording as to whether H is parallel to Vxx or Vvv, respec-
tively. From the shape of the observed fine structure
and its dependence on H, a value for q can be estimated.
The errors are greater than those of the best single
crystal measurements, and the directions of Vxx and/or
Vm are not, of course, found. Strong signals are
needed in the first place, and in addition the method
implies some assumptions about line shapes in nuclear
quadrupole resonance which may not be correct.
Integral Spins
For integral spins, of which the most studied at the
present time is I4N (I 1) and to which we devote all
vary with orientation of the crystal in the applied mag- 1
netic field. For example, when H is perpendicular to -Ift9) u2
ferred to in the previous paragraph depend on the orien- fairly rare to observe i>lt since quite high values of q are
tation of the crystallites with respect to the static mag- needed to bring this frequency into a sensitive range.
netic field, at first sight one might expect a uniform In most 14N work, only v2 and v3 are observed, but this is
broadening of the line and in large fields a disappearance sufficient information to enable both q and the quad-
into the noise of the spectrometer. In practice, in fields rupole coupling constant to be separately deduced.
Volume 48, Number 1, January 1971 j 43
In concluding this section, we should mention that To derive the total electric field gradient at the origin,
quadrupole coupling constants can also be derived by we must integrate over the right-hand side of eqn. (21)
studying the quadrupole splitting of the nuclear mag- to derive
netic resonance spectra of solids or of suitable solutions
in liquid crystal media; in fact, for 2H, with its very low F„ .
quadrupole moment (0.0027965 X 10-24 cm2) and
hence low quadrupole coupling constants (viz., 56
In quantum mechanical terms, we may use the Bohr
kHz in CD3C02-), such methods are the only direct
ones that have been used in condensed states. Such probability criterion to replace pdr by ^*^dr, at the
same time separating out from the right-hand side of
techniques, however, are outside the scope of these
eqn. (23) the contribution of the other nuclei, which
articles, and the interested reader is referred to other
reviews in the literature (9). effectively behave as point charges. If we multiply
both parts of the equation by the electronic charge e
Theoretical Interpretation of Quadrupole (unsigned) and distinguish between the two contribu-
Coupling Constants tions by their different sign, we have
In this section we attempt to answer the question:
What is the significance of the quadrupole coupling
constant in theoretical chemistry?
Consider a set of Cartesian axes embedded in a mole-
cule, with the origin located at the quadrupolar nucleus
whose quadrupole coupling constant we are studying Zfi is the total charge on any other nuclei in the mole-
(Fig. 5). A volume element dr of the molecular cule distant Rt from the one under consideration. The
nuclear term thus depends only on the geometry of the
1 molecule, from which it can be calculated directly; in
more refined calculations, it may be necessary to av-
erage this factor over the vibrational modes of the mole-
cule. The factor which is related to the electronic struc-
ture of the molecule is the first, so that part of the
answer to our question is that the term q in the quad-
rupole coupling constant measures at a fixed point
within an atom or molecule the average value of the
function (3 cos2 6 —
-'fry (20) for the quadrupole coupling constants have been ob-
tained from the nuclear hyperline structure in atomic
spectra (10) or atomic beams (10, 11), and it is essen-
dr/dz =
z/r —
quire the value of (3 cos2 8 l)/r3 at the nucleus av-
Similarly one may prove that eraged over the orbital. Now s orbitals have full
dsF /3 sin2 8 cos2 0 —
1\ spherical symmetry, so that the average value of (3
PK-h-) cos2 8 —
V“ =
an electric field gradient at the nucleus and will there- or
fore give no information on the nuclear quadrupole mo-
ment. The same will be true for all atoms in states of S FS2°(1 -
7) (30)
symmetry; for example, the ground state of the ni- 7 is constant and is known as the Sternheimer polar-
trogen atom is 4S, so that any information on the 14N ization factor of the atom. In his early papers (14),
nuclear quadrupole moment must either be derived Sternheimer showed that the mechanism we have been
from excited states of the atom or from the coupling discussing here produces an entirely equal contribution
constants in molecules. to one in which the quadrupole moment of the nucleus
The critical stage of the calculation has now been is allowed to polarize the inner shells, and the resulting
reached. Experimentally, we measure the quantity quadrupolar distortion of their charge distribution then
(e2qQ/h), which contains the product of q and Q; having allowed to interact with the electric field gradient of the
a reliable theoretical value of q for an atom then enables p electron. While the former model may be more
us to derive Q for the nucleus of that atom; we may readily used in calculations for atoms, the latter en-
then use this value to derive q in compounds of the ables us to give a better conceptual description of the
atom and compare with values calculated from trial process. Consider a spherical shell of charge sur-
wave functions. This would be the ideal procedure, but rounding a quadrupolar nucleus (Fig. 6); the linesof force
the critical question, which unfortunately is still un- emanating from the nuclear quadrupole will tend to pro-
Volume 48, Number 1, January 1971 / 45
external to the atom or ion, as in calculations of electric
field gradients in ionic crystals, the factor 7 used in such
circumstances can be very large; for example, values
foralarge negative ion like 02~ range from lOto —430!
shell. In the first, the inner shell suffers a radial dis- the most accurate measurements in gases tend to be for
tortion by a repulsion of charge at A ,B and attraction at atoms. Another is the remarkable success of molec-
C,D; if Q > 0, from the point of view of a distant (i.e., ular orbital calculations based on self-consistent field
valence) electron, the quadrupole interaction with the methods and using highly extended basis sets of atomic
nucleus is reinforced, corresponding to antishielding orbitals in predicting molecular properties, particularly
(i.e., 7 is —ve). In the second, the inner shell suffers an for diatomic molecules. For example, such a calcula-
angular distortion in that charge at A and B tends to tion of the 36C1 quadrupole coupling constant in HC1 by
move towards C and D; if Q > 0, this effect reduces the Cade (15) has given the value —67.9 MHz, compared
quadrupolar interaction, corresponding to shielding with an experimental value (from microwave spectra
(i.e., 7 > 0 but less than one). By means of the angular in the gas) of —67.5 MHz. Even more accurate pre-
distortions, for example, an s orbital in the inner shell dictions of deuterium quadrupole constants can be
acquires a little of the appearance of a d orbital, i.e., made; such a calculation for HD (16), the coupling con-
ns —* d; on the other hand, a p orbital in the inner shell stant of which has been measured as 227 ± 4 kHz by
acquires "p-character” by virtue of the radial distor- molecular beam techniques (11), has enabled some of
tion (viz., np —* p) and “/-character” by virtue of the the first really reliable estimates of a nuclear quad-
angular distortion (viz., np —* /). These distortions are rupole moment to be made, namely, 0.0027965 X 10~24
known as “excitations,” and each occupied orbital in the cm2 for 2H. It is somewhat ironic that this should
atom will contribute by means of these excitations to come from calculations on a molecule rather than on an
the total electric field gradient, the actual value of y atom!
being a summed average over the electron distribution In view of the present rather gloomy picture of cal-
in each occupied orbital. It will be clear that for culations of the quadrupole coupling constants of
atoms other than H equations like cqn. (28) will need to atoms, one might ask why it is that calculations for
be multiplied by the factor 1 y before a reliable esti-
molecules are apparently more successful. For HD,
mate of the true electric field gradient is obtained. In the simple answer is that present molecular wave func-
atoms, it is more usual to use the symbol Rq or R for 7. tions are so good—'and of course there is no inner shell
Now 1 Rq can be calculated from atomic wave func-
Rq is esti-
9Be 100 3A
“B 18.83 3 + 0.074 1
”B 81.17 3A + 0.036 j
14N 99.635 i +0.0166 and the one-center integrals (generally the easiest to
17Q 3.7 X 10-2 6A -0.0301 evaluate)
A1 100 EA +0.151
«C1 75.4 3A -0.0802 1
37C1 24.6 Vs -0.0632 J
121Sb 57.25 Vs -0.5310 k). 78447 neglected, some of the two-center integrals are allowed
123Sb 42.75 7
A -0,6810 j to cancel the nuclear term [the second in eqn. (24) ], the
127J 100 6A -0.785 remainder are approximated by a relationship involving
I3BBa 6.59 Vs + 0,182
13,Ba 11.32 3A + 0.283 j|1.534 the overlap integral Sik, and finally the Sternheimer
>8BRe 37.07 Vs + 2.8 U .056 polarization factor is assumed to vary negligibly from
18,Re 62.93 EA + 2.6 j
molecule to molecule. The equation they derive is that
Au 100 8A + 0.606
aosBi 100 9
A -0.4 the quadrupole coupling constant in the free molecule
No Sternheimer polarization factor has been applied, except {e^qQ/h) moi is equal to
for !H and possibly for 7Li and 14N.
This ratio is usually known to a considerably higher accuracy
than the individual nuclear quadrupole moments. V h A
Approximate Methods of Deriving Quadrupole Coupling where (e^Q/h)*^ contains the term cos2(?
Constants in Molecules
1)/?,3)(f>(dT in the atom and
but the value of such predictions of the quadrupole cou- and px py 2, so that the ratio comes to (1
= =
a2). —
pling constant will also depend on the approximations Since the quadrupole coupling constant in solid chlorine
made in deriving these eigenfunctions. (108.9 MHz) is almost the same as in the atom, this ap-
The second theory, much older, and one which has pears to predict that a 0, which is not unreasonable;
shaped the subject for over twenty years, is that due to unfortunately this simple picture also neglects the pos-
Townes and Dailey (18). They use what is essentially sibility of d orbital participation in the bonding. In
a localized-orbital approach, so that for a terminal nu- R-Cl, with no n bonding, px py 2, and if we make —
(o2q0 /h )atom
against the nuclear contribution of the bonded atom,
and the Sternheimer polarization factor is again as- 6 will vary according to the relative electronegativity
sumed to vary negligibly from molecule to molecule (al- of the bonding atom with respect to that of Cl; thus on
though a small correction is sometimes applied when a valence bond picture, it can be related to the ionic
the Cl atom is believed to carry a small positive charge). character by expressing the wavefunction of the bonding
Everything therefore depends on how the Cl 3p orbitals orbital as
are occupied, i.e., on the 'ip orbital populations, a con-
clusion which is consistent with the equations of Cotton H =
(1 -
i)V^(R-Cl) + f7a*(R+Cl-)
and Harris when overlap is neglected. If moreover the assuming only ^(R+C1~) to make a significant con-
direction of the principal axes are known, and the same tribution; since in R +C1- the chlorine ion has spherical
axial system can be used to specify the p orbitals, a symmetry, its contribution to the electric field gradient
particularly simple situation arises. In R-Cl, for ex- (and hence its quadrupole coupling constant) will be
ample, qzz lies along the chlorine bond—or very nearly zero, so that (2 6) can be replaced by the factor
so—and we therefore take this as the z direction of our (1 i) and the ratio in eqn. (39) becomes simply
«»)(! -
i) (40)
When both 3px and 3pv participate equally in ir bonding
a^(3s) + (1 —
a2)l/ty(3 px) (34)
to R, the populations px and pv remain equal but fall
of population 6, the non-bonding orbital below 2; calling them 2 ir (ir being the ^-character of —
the bond), on a valence bond picture we may use the re-
vised table of contributions to give
of population n, and the r orbitals
fi(3 px) (36)
(1 -
«2)(1 -
i) (41)
(c‘qQ/h )ntom
neglecting the product ira2. When only one of the 3p
of populations px and py, we can set up the following orbitals, say 3pX) participates in the ir bonding (as ex-
table of one-center contributions neglecting overlap con- pected in chlorobenzene), the bond to chlorine ceases to
tributions and using eqn. (29) be axially symmetric and a similar analysis of the field
Total contribution gradients Vzx and Vyv shows that Vxx > Vvv and that
Electric field Orbital to electric field 3 (e2qQ/h)atom
Orbital gradient along z population gradient v
2* (42)
fa (1
l)/r5]^dT more than any other has been a serious defect in the
for a 3 pz orbital. The total electric field gradient is Townes-Dailey theory. Nevertheless, it has found
therefore widespread application in the interpretation of nuclear
quadrupole coupling constants, some of which will be
q =
+ ba1 ncd) -f l/i{px + py)]
b (37) —
—109.7 ex2) -f- na2 + (3) Nye, J. F., “Physical Properties of Crystals,” Oxford Univ. Press,
(e2qQ/h),. tom Oxford, 1957; Chap. 1.
(4) Das, T. P., and Haiin, E. L., "Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spec-
VdPx + Py) (38) troscopy,” Academic Press, New York and London, 1958.
(5) Cohen, M. Ii., Phys. Rev., 96, 1278 (1954).
where (e2qQ/h),,u,m is measured as —109.7 MHz. It is (6) Rehn, V.,./. Chem. Phys., 38,749 (1963).