MGG 4 - Economic - Load - Dispatch
MGG 4 - Economic - Load - Dispatch
MGG 4 - Economic - Load - Dispatch
1. Introduction
2. Economic Dispatch formulation
3. Economic dispatch without transmission
4. Economic dispatch with transmission losses
5. Impact of transmission losses on the ED
6. Types of Economic Dispatch
7. Economic Dispatch summary 2
▪ References
1. Introduction
“Economic load dispatch is performed to determine
the optimal scheduling of the generators to
minimize the operating cost of generators for the
given load demand while satisfying equality and
inequality constraints” NG
FT = Fi (PGi )
Subjected to PGi = PD + PLosses
an unconstraint problem.
▪ The necessary conditions for the minimization are
▪ Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
L(PG ,) dFi (PGi )
= − = 0 (for i = 1 to N G )
PGi dPGi
dFi (PGi )
= NG Equations
PGi,min PGi PGi,max 2NG Equations
PD = PGi 1 Constraint
i=1 5
3. ED_Without transmission losses (example)
Economic Dispatch example, Cont’d
We have four linear equations
7.92 + 0.003124PG1 − = 0
7.85 + 0.00388PG2 − = 0
7.97 + 0.00964PG3 − = 0
PG1 + PG 2 + PG3 − 850 = 0
On solving the equations
PG1 393.2MWh
P 334.6MWh
G2 =
PG3 122.2MWh
9.148 $/MWh
4. ED with the Transmission Losses
As PGi increases
1 PL ( PG )
Li = ; 0 L i 1.0
PL ( PG ) PGi
1 − P
This make the ith generator appear to be more expensive ( i.e. it is
penalized). Likewise Li <1.0 makes a generator appear to be less 11
expensive.. Further, the incremental cost of each generator at
optimal dispatch is no longer remains same.
Lambda-Iteration method
▪ It is a graphical technique to track the optimal incremental cost
to meet the load demand. It is one of the best and efficient
method to solve the ED problem.
Lambda Iterations Method
▪ Gradient Method
▪ Dynamic programming
6. Types of Economic Dispatch Problem
▪ Dynamic Economic Load Dispatch
DELD is process of the economic operation in the power system
for a day-ahead scheduling with forecasted load demand. It aims
to obtain the optimum schedule of the generator units with
minimizing the total fuel cost over continuous time periods while
satisfying the generator and network constraints