PSOC Unit#4
PSOC Unit#4
PSOC Unit#4
the main aim in the economic dispatch problem is to minimize the total cost of generating real
power (production cost) at various stations while satisfying the loads and the losses in the
trransmission links. for simp-licity, we consider only thermal plants. when hydro plants are
considered in conjunction with thermal plants , there is limitation of availability of water over a
period of time whihc must be used to save maximum fule at the thermal plants.
or fuel
C i ( PGi )
MWmin MWmax
Output power MW
P G i
the total generating cost includes fuel, labour and maintenance costs . for simplicity , only fuel
cost is considered to be variable. fuel cost is meaningful in case of thermal
and nuclear stations, but for hydro stations , it is not meaningful . fig. 5.1 specifies the input
F (P ) C (P )
energy rate i Gi or cost of fule used rs per hr as i Gi . the input output curve of fig. 5.1
can be determined experimentally . mwmin minimum loading limit below which it is uneconomical
to oeprate the unit and mwmax is the maxuimum output limit.the curve of fig. 5.1 has
discontinuities that is not shown due to stream valve openings. the curve of fig,. 5.1 can be
approximated by the following function
the slope of the fuel cost curve is called incremental cost (ic) is expressed in rs/mwh
dC i
ICi = = bi + 2ci PGi
optimal operation:
let us assume that it is known a priori whihc generators are to run to meet a particular load
demand on teh stations. given a station with k generators committed and active power load pd
given , the real power geenration pgi for each generation has to be allocated so as to minimise the
total cost
C = ∑ C i ( PGi ) Rs / h
i =1
i =1
Gi , max > PD
by considering spinning reserves. it is assumed that c is largely dependent on the real power
generation pgi and is insensitive to reactive power generation qgi.
PGj j ≠ i
in general , ci (pgi) is a nonlinear function and ci is independednt of . the problem is
seprable nonlinear programming problem.
i =1
Gi = PD
− K
C = C − λ ∑ PGi − D
i =1
dC i
= λ, i = 1,2,..K
dC1 dC 2 dC K
= = ..... = =λ
dPG1 dPG 2 dPGK
the optimal loading of generators corresponds to the equal incremental cost of all the generators.
the last equation is called the corrdination equation numbering k whihc are to be solved
simultaneously with the load demand
i =1
Gi = PD
since ic curves are not linear in general, λ has to be determined by an iterative process.
i =1
Gi − PD < ε
3. if
for a small postive value of ε previopusly assumed, then teh solution is reached. otherwise,
∑ PGi − PD < 0
4. increment ic ( λ ) by ∆IC if i =1 or decrement ic by ∆IC if
∑ PGi − PD > 0
i =1 and repeat step 2. this is justified because p can be assumed to be a
monotonically increasing function of ic.
example :-
= 2 + 0.012 P1
= 1.5 + 0.015 P2
minimum load on each unit is 10 mw. total load is 150 mw. determine economic
operating schedule.
dC1 dC2
= = λ = 2.8
dP1 dP2
solving for p1 and p2 gives p1=66.6 mw, p2=86.6 mw
p1+p2=153.2 mw
try λ=2.75. then p1=62.5 mw, p2=83.4 mw and p1+p2=145.9 mw
try λ=2.78. then p1=65 mw, p2=85.4 mw and p1+p2=150.4 mw.
final answer for λ is between 2.77 and 2.78. p1=65 mw, p2=85 mw is near optimum.
the above analysis does not take into account loses from source to load. taking the total losses
into account and denoting it as pl, the equations are written as
C = ∑ C i ( PGi ) Rs / h
i =1
i =1
Gi = PD + PL
− K
C = C − λ ∑ PGi − PD − PL
i =1
dC dC i ∂P
= −λ +λ L = 0
dPGi dPGi ∂PGi
that is,
dC i ∂P
+λ L =λ
dPGi ∂PGi
i =1,2…k
we assume in the above model the following: 1.load current at any bus remains constant.fraction
of total equivalent load current 2. generator bus voltage magnitudes and angles are constant.
3.power factor of each source is constant.
= 2∑ Bij PGj
∂PGi j
using the last two equations, the coordination equation can be written as
1− − ∑ 2 Bij PGj
λ j ≠i
PGi =
+ 2 Bii
since λ is not known, we use the iterative procedure as follows to find pgi.
example 1;-
the 2 generator roblem with the same data as before, but with losses. the loss coefficients are
given by
= 0.01P1 + 2
dC 2
= 0.01P2 + 1.5
the problem is to determine operating schedule for λ =2.6.
using the data given, the above equation for pgi yields
0.230769 + 0.001PG 2
PG1 =
0.423077 + 0.001PG1
PG 2 =
λ − 2 2.6 − 2
PG1 = = = 60 MW
0.01 0.01
PG 2 = = 110 MW
using these values of generation, for the case of including losses, we can get using the above
0.230769 + 0.001PG 2
G1 =
p 0.00684615 =49.97mw
0.423077 + 0.001PG1
PG 2 =
0.00884615 =54.61 mw
pg1=41.38mw; pg2=52.50mw
pg1=41.37mw; pg2=52.50mw
which verifies convergence to solution.
example #2
suppose however we are given the load as 160 mw, an assuming the same data as before,
we have
= 0.01PG1 + 2
= 0.01PG 2 + 1.5
pg1=55mw; pg2=105mw
λ = 0.01(105) + 1.5 = 2.55
starting with
PG 2 = 105, successive iteration of the above two equations give the following.
PG1 = 46.33
PG 2 = 51.34
PG1 + PG 2 = 88.91 << 160
0.6 + 0.001PG 2
PG1 =
0.7 + 0.001PG1
PG 2 =
starting with pg2=350, w have the following values through iteration of the above two coordination
0.46667 + 0.001PG 2
PG1 =
0.6 + 0.001PG1
PG 2 =
0.4579946 + 0.001PG 2
PG1 =
0.593496 + 0.001PG1
PG 2 =
starting with pg2= 219, w get through successive iterations the following.
PG1 = 95.88
PG 2 = 89.41
pg1=95.86; pg2=89.41
calculating losses,
pl=0.0015(95.86)2+0.0025(89.41)2-2(95.86)(89.41)(0.0005)=25.19 mw
pd=95.86+89.41-25.19=160.08 mw
cost of generation
C1 = + 2 PG1 = 0.005 PG12 + 2 PG1
2 rs/hr
0.01PG 2 2
C2 = + 1.5 PG 2 = 0.005 PG 2 2 + 1.5 PG 2
2 rs/hr
for optimal values pg1= 95.86 mw, pg2=89.41 mw, the total cost of generation becomes