This service bulletin from AlliedSignal instructs technicians on how to modify Bendix/King KX 99 handheld radios by removing a resistor to eliminate audio when tuned to weather channels for international operation, with the modification taking half an hour to complete and not being covered under warranty.
This service bulletin from AlliedSignal instructs technicians on how to modify Bendix/King KX 99 handheld radios by removing a resistor to eliminate audio when tuned to weather channels for international operation, with the modification taking half an hour to complete and not being covered under warranty.
This service bulletin from AlliedSignal instructs technicians on how to modify Bendix/King KX 99 handheld radios by removing a resistor to eliminate audio when tuned to weather channels for international operation, with the modification taking half an hour to complete and not being covered under warranty.
This service bulletin from AlliedSignal instructs technicians on how to modify Bendix/King KX 99 handheld radios by removing a resistor to eliminate audio when tuned to weather channels for international operation, with the modification taking half an hour to complete and not being covered under warranty.
-AEROSPACE 400 North Rogers Road Olathe, Kansas 66062-1212
BENDIX/KING” Service Bulletin
Hand Held VHF Nav/Comm
EFFECTIVITY RX 99, KPN 069-1026-OO/Ol, all serial numbers.
This is a field modification only. This
modification will not be incorporated by BENDIX/KING manufacturing. REASON To remove audio when tuned to weather channels for international operation. DESCRIPTION This modification consists of removing R123 from the Aud/Synth Board. COMPLIANCE Customer option. WARRANTY INFORMATION This modification is not warranty reimbursable. MANPOWER One-half (.5) hour labor. REFERENCES KX 99 Maintenance/Overhaul Manual, KPN 006-8428-00.
Date: April 17, 1989 SB KX 99-l
KPN 600-01395-0010 Page 1 of 2 MODIFICATION PROCEDURE 1. Refer to Page 5-9 of the KX 99 Maintenance Manual for initial disassembly procedures. Perform disassembly as outlined in Sections and 2. Utilizing Figure 6-5, Aud/Synth drawing, on Page 6-27, locate and remove R123. 3. Reassemble unit per KX 99 Maintenance Manual, Page S-10, Section 5.3.5, KX 99 aasembly. TESTING PROCEDURE Perform overall test per Section 5.2.2, Page 5-3 of the KX 99 Maintenance Manual. IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURE Stamp an "X" on the mod status tag to indicate Mod 1 is complete. MATERIAL INFORMATION Not applicable.