Bird List Tambopata

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Tinamidae(13) Tinamous
1 Tinamus major Great tinamou 1 1
2 T. tao Gray Tinamou 1 1
3 T. osgoodi Black Tinamou
4 T. guttatus White Throated Tinamou 1 1
5 Crypturellus cin Cinereous Tinamou 1 1
6 C. soui Little Tinamou 1 1
7 C. bartletti Bartlett's Tinamou 1 1
8 C. obsoletus Brown Tinamou
9 C. atrocapillus Black-capped Tinamou 1 1
10 C. undulatus Undulated Tinamou 1 1
11 C. variegatus Variegated Tinamou 1 1
12 C.parvirostris Small-Billed Tinamou
13 C.strigulosus Brazilian Tinamou
Podicipedidae (1) Grebes
14 Podiceps dominLeast Grebe
Phalacrocoracidae (1) Cormorants
15 Phalacrocorax oNeotropic Cormorant 1 1
Anhingidae (1) Darters
16 Anhinga anhing Anhinga 1 1
Ardeidae Herons,Egrets,Bitterns
17 Ardea cocoi White Necked Heron 1 1
18 Egretta alba Great Egret 1 1
19 Egretta thula Snowy Egret 1 1
20 Egretta caeruleaLittle Blue Heron 1
21 Agamia agami Chestnut Bellied Heron 1
22 Butorides striatuStriated Heron 1 1
23 Bubulcus ibis Cattle Egret 1 1
24 Philherodius pileCapped Heron 1 1
25 Zebrilus undula Zigzag Heron 1
26 Nycticorax nycti Black-Crowned Night-Heron 1
27 Ixobrychus exili Least Bittern
28 Ixobrychus invo Stripe-Backed Bittern
29 Botaurus pinnat Pinnated Bittern
30 Tigrisoma lineat Rufescent Tiger Heron 1 1
31 Tigrisoma fasciaFasciated Tiger-Heron 1
Cochleariidae Boat Billed Herons
32 Cochlearius cocBoat-Billed Heron 1
Ciconiidae (2) Storks
33 Mycteria americ American Wood-Stork 1 1
34 Jabiru mycteria Jabiru 1 1
Threskiornithidae Ibises
35 Mesembrinibis cGreen Ibis 1 1
36 Ajaia ajaja Roseate Spoonbill 1 1
Anhimidae (1) Screamers
37 Anhima cornuta Horned Screamer 1 1
Chauna torquat Southern Screamer 1
Anatidae Ducks,Geese
38 Cairina moscha Muscovy Duck 1 1
39 Dendrocygna auBlack-bellied Whistling-Duck 1
40 Oxyura dominic Masked Duck
41 Neochen jubata Orinoco Goose 1
Cathartidae (4) Vultures
42 Sarcoramphus pKing Vulture 1 1
43 Coragyps atratuBlack Vulture 1 1
44 Cathartes aura Turkey Vulture 1 1
45 Cathartes melamGreater Yellow-Headed Vulture 1 1
Accipitridae Kites,Hawks,Eagles
46 Elanoides forfic Swallow-Tailed Kite 1 1
47 Gampsonyx sw Pearl Kite 1
48 Leptodon cayanGray-Headed Kite 1 1
49 Chondrohierax Hook-Billed Kite 1 1
50 Helicolestes hamSlender-Billed Kite
51 Harpagus biden Double-Toothed Kite 1 1
52 Rostrhamus socSnail Kite 1
53 Ictinia plumbea Plumbeous Kite 1 1
54 Accipiter striatu Sharp-Shinned Hawk 1
55 Accipiter bicolor Bicolored Hawk 1
56 Accipiter supercTiny Hawk 1
57 Buteo albonotat Zone-Tailed Hawk 1 1
58 Buteo platypteruBroad-Winged Hawk 1
59 Buteo nitidus Gray Hawk 1 1
60 Buteo brachyuruShort-Tailed Hawk 1
61 Buteo magniros Roadside Hawk 1 1
62 Leucopternis sc Slate-Colored Hawk 1 1
63 Leucopternis ku White-Browed Hawk
64 Busarellus nigri Black-Collared Hawk 1
65 Buteogallus uru Great Black Hawk 1 1
66 Harpia harpyja Harpy Eagle 1 1
67 Morphnus guianCrested Eagle 1 1
68 Spizastur melanBlack & White Hawk-Eagle 1 1
69 Spizaetus ornat Ornate Hawk-Eagle 1 1
70 Spizaetus tyran Black Hawk-Eagle 1 1
71 Geranospiza ca Crane Hawk 1 1
Pandionidae Ospreys
72 Pandion haliaet Osprey 1 1
Falconidae (8) Falcons,Caracaras
73 Micrastur semitoCollared Forest-Falcon 1 1
74 Micrastur rufico Barred Forest-Falcon 1 1
75 Micrastur gilvicoLined Forest-Falcon 1 1
76 Micrastur miran Slaty-Backed Forest-Falcon 1 1
77 Daptrius ater Black Caracara 1 1
78 Daptrius americ Red-Throated Caracara 1 1
79 Falco deiroleucuOrange-Breasted Falcon 1 1
80 Polyborus plancCrested Caracara 1 1
81 Milvago chimac Yellow-Headed Caracara 1
82 Falco rufigularis Bat Falcon 1 1
83 Herpetotheres cLaughing Falcon 1 1
Cracidae (4) Chachalacas,Guans,Curassows
84 Ortalis guttata Speckled Chachalaca 1 1
85 Penelope jacqu Spix's Guan 1 1
86 Pipile cumanen Common Piping-Guan 1 1
87 Mitu tuberosa Razor-Billed Curassow 1
88 Pauxi unicornis Horned Curassow
Phasianidae (1) Wood-Quails
89 Odontophorus sStarred Wood-Quail 1 1
Opisthocomidae (1) Hoatzins
90 Opisthocomus hHoatzin 1 1
Aramidae Limpkins
91 Aramus guarau Limpkin 1 1
Psophidae (1) Trumpeters
92 Psophia leucop Pale-Winged Trumpeter 1 1
Rallidae (1) Rails,Coots
93 Aramides cajan Gray-Necked Wood-Rail 1 1
94 Rallus nigricans Blackish Rail
95 Anurolianas casChesnut-Headed Crake
96 Laterailus exilis Gray-Breasted Crake 1
97 Laterailus melanRufous-Sided Crake
98 Neocrex erythroPaint-Billed Crake
99 Porphyrula mar Purple Gallinule 1
100 Porphyrula flavi Azure Gallinule 1
Heliornithidae SunGrebes
101 Heliornis fulica SunGrebe 1 1
Eurypygidae (1) Sunbittern
102 Eurypyga heliasSunbittern 1 1
Jacanidae Jacanas
103 Jacana jacana Wattled Jacana 1
Charadriidae Lapwings,Plovers
104 Vanellus chilensSouthern LapWing 1 1
105 Vanellus resple Andean LapWing 1
106 Hopoxypterus rePied LapWing 1 1
107 Charadrius collaCollared Plover 1 1
Scolopacidae Sandpipers
108 Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper 1 1
109 Tringa flavipes Lesser Yellowleg 1 1
110 Tringa melanole Greater Yellowleg 1
111 Actitis macularia Spotted Sandpiper 1 1
112 Calidris fuscicol White-Rumped Sandpiper
113 Calidris melano Pectoral Sandpiper 1 1
114 Tryngites subru Buff-Breasted Sandpiper 1 1
115 Bartramia longic Upland Sandpiper
Laridae Gulls,Terns
116 Larus pipixcan Franklin's Gull
117 Chlidonias nige Black Tern
118 Phaetusa simpl Large-Billed Tern 1 1
119 Sterna supercili Yellow-Billed Tern 1 1
Rynchopidae Skimmers
120 Rynchops nigraBlack Skimmer 1 1
Columbidae (7) Pigeons,Doves
121 Columba cayen Pale-Vented Pigeon 1 1
122 Columba plumb Plumbeous Pigeon 1 1
123 Columba specioScaled Pigeon 1 1
124 Columba subvinRuddy Pigeon 1 1
125 Columbina picu Picui Ground-Dove 1 1
126 Columbina talpaRuddy Ground-Dove 1 1
127 Leptotila verrea White-Tipped Dove 1 1
128 Leptotila rufaxill Gray-Fronted Dove 1 1
129 Claravis pretios Blue Ground-Dove
130 Geotrygon saphSapphire Quail-Dove
131 Geotrygon mon Ruddy Quail-Dove 1 1
Psittacidae (18) Macaws,Parrots,Parakeets
132 Ara ararauna Blue&Yellow Macaw 1 1
133 Ara macao Scarlet Macaw 1 1
134 Ara chloroptera Red&Green Macaw 1 1
135 Ara severa Chestnut-Fronted Macaw 1 1
136 Ara manilata Red-Bellied Macaw 1 1
137 Ara couloni Blue-Headed Macaw 1 1
138 Aratinga leucop White-Eyed Parakeet 1 1
139 Aratinga wedde Dusky-Headed Parakeet 1 1
140 Pyrrhura picta Painted Parakeet 1
141 Pyrrhura rupico Rock Parakeet 1 1
142 Forpus sclateri Dusky-Billed Parrotlet 1 1
143 Brotogeris sanc Tui Parakeet 1
144 Brotogeris cyan Cobalt-Winged Parakeet 1 1
145 Pionites leucogaWhite-Bellied Parrot 1 1
146 Pionopsitta barr Orange-Cheeked Parrot 1 1
147 Pionus menstru Blue-Headed Parrot 1 1
148 Amazona ochro Yellow-Headed Parrot 1 1
149 Amazona farino Mealy Parrot 1 1
150 Touit huetii Scarlet-Shouldered Parrotlet 1 1
151 Nannopssittaca Amazonian Parrotlet 1
Cuculidae (6) Cuckoos,Anis
152 Coccyzus cinereAsh-Colored Cuckoo
153 Coccyzus melacDark-Billed Cuckoo 1 1
154 Coccyzus erythrBlack-Billed Cuckoo 1 1
155 Coccyzus amer Yellow-Billed Cuckoo 1 1
156 Crotophaga ani Smooth-Billed Ani 1 1
157 Crotophaga majGreater Ani 1 1
158 Dromococcyx p Pavonine Cuckoo 1 1
159 Dromococcyx pPheasant Cuckoo 1 1
160 Piaya minuta Little Cuckoo 1
161 Piaya cayana Squirrel Cuckoo 1 1
162 Piaya melanogaBlack-Bellied Cuckoo 1
163 Neomorphus geRufous-Vented Ground-Cuckoo 1
164 Tapera naevia Striped Cuckoo
Strigidae (6) Owls
165 Otus watsonii Tawny-Bellied Screech-Owl 1 1
166 Otus guatemala Vermiculated Screech-Owl
167 Otus choliba Tropical Screech-Owl 1 1
168 Bubo virginianu Great Horned Owl 1
169 Lophostrix cristaCrested Owl 1 1
170 Pulsatrix perspi Spectacled Owl 1 1
171 Pulsatrix melan Band-Bellied Owl
172 Glaucidium Har Least Pygmy-Owl 1 1
173 Glaucidium brasFerruginous Pygmy-Owl 1 1
174 Ciccaba virgata Mottled Owl 1
Ciccaba huhula Black-and-white Owl 1 1
175 Rhinoptynx clamStriped Owl
Nyctibiidae (3) Potoos
176 Nyctibius grand Great Potoo 1 1
177 Nyctibius griseu Common Potoo 1 1
178 Nyctibius bracteRufous Potoo
179 Nyctibius aethe Long-tailed Potoo 1
Caprimulgidae (6) NightHawks,NightJars
180 Lurocalis semitoSemicollard NightHawk
181 Caprimulgus ruf Rufous NightJar 1
182 Caprimulgus pa Little NightJar 1 1
183 Chordeiles rupe Sand-Colored NightHawk 1
184 Nyctidromus albPauraque 1 1
185 Nyctiphrynus ocOcellated Poorwill 1 1
186 Hydropsalis climLadder-Tailed NightJar 1 1
187 Chordeiles acut Lesser NightHawk 1
188 Chordeiles minoCommon NightHawk
Apodidae (6) Swifts
189 Streptoprocne z White-Collared Swift 1 1
190 Chaetura cinereGray-Rumped Swift 1 1
191 Chaetura egreg Pale-Rumped Swift 1
192 Chaetura chapmChapman's Swift 1
193 Chaetura brach Short-Tailed Swift 1 1
194 Cypseloides rut Chestnut-Collared Swift 1
195 Cypseloides (cr (White-Chinned) Swift 1
196 Panyptila cayen Lesser Swallow-Tailed Swift 1
197 Reinarda squamFork-Tailed Palm-Swift 1 1
Trochilidae (15) HummingBirds
198 Glaucis hirsuta Rufous-Breasted Hermit 1 1
199 Threnetes leucuPale-Throated Barbthroat 1 1
200 Phaethornis phi Neddle-Billed Hermit 1 1
201 Phaethornis supLong-Tailed Hermit 1 1
202 Phaethornis his White-Bearded Hermit 1 1
203 Phaethornis rub Reddish Hermit 1 1
204 Campylopterus Gray-Breasted Sabrewing 1 1
205 Florisuga melliv White-Necked Jacobin 1 1
206 Anthracothorax Black-Throated Mango 1 1
207 Lophornis chaly Festive Coquette 1
208 Chlorostilbonsi Blue-Tailed Emerald 1
209 Thalurania furcaFork-Tailed Woodnymph 1 1
210 Hylocharis cyan White-Chinned Sapphire 1
211 Chrysuronia oenGolden-Tailed Sapphire 1
212 Polyplancta aur Gould's Jewelfront 1 1
213 Heliomaster lon Long-Billed Starthoat
214 Klais guimeti Violet-Headed HummingBird
215 Eutoxeres cond Buff-Tailed SickLebill
216 Calliphlox amet Amethyst Woodstar
217 Heliothryx auritaBlack-Eared Fairy
218 Amazilia lactea Sapphire-Spangled Emerald 1
Trogonidae (6) Trogons
219 Pharomarchus pPavonine Quetzal 1 1
220 Trogon melanur Black-Tailed Trogon 1 1
221 Trogon viridis White-Tailed Trogon 1 1
222 Trogon collaris Collared Trogon 1 1
223 Trogon rufus Black-Throated Trogon 1
224 Trogon curucui Blue-Crowned Trogon 1 1
225 Trogon violaceuViolaceous Trogon 1 1
Alcedinidae (5) KingFishers
226 Ceryle torquata Ringed KingFisher 1 1
227 Chloroceryle amAmazon KingFisher 1 1
228 Chloroceryle amGreen KingFisher 1 1
229 Chloroceryle indGreen&Rufous KingFisher 1
230 Chloroceryle ae Pygmy KingFisher 1
Motmotidae Motmots
231 Barypthengus ruRufous Motmot 1 1
232 Momotus momoBlue-Crowned Motmot 1 1
233 Electron platyrh Broad-Billed Motmot 1 1
Galbulidae (3) Jacamars
234 Brachygalba albWhite-Throated Jacamar 1
235 Galbula dea Paradise Jacamar 1 1
236 Galbula cyanes Bluish-Fronted Jacamar 1 1
237 Jacamerops au Great Jacamar 1 1
Bucconidae (10) PuffBirds
238 Notharchus macWhite-Necked Puffbird 1 1
239 Northarchus ordBrown-Banded PuffBird 1
*** Notharchus tect Pied Puffbird 1
240 Bucco macroda Chestnut-Capped PuffBird 1
241 Bucco capensis Collared PuffBird
242 Nystalus striolat Striolated PuffBird 1 1
243 Malacoptila sem Semicollared PuffBird 1 1
244 Nonnula ruficap Gray-Cheeked Nunlet 1
245 Monasa flaviros Yellow-Billed NunBird 1 1
246 Monasa nigrifro Black-Fronted NunBird 1 1
247 Monasa morphoWhite-Fronted NunBird 1 1
248 Chelidoptera tenSwallow Winged Puffbird 1 1
Capitonidae (3) Barbets
249 Capito niger Black-Spotted Barbet 1 1
250 Eubucco tucink Scarlet-Hooded Barbet 1
251 Eubucco richardLemon-Throated Barbet 1 1
Ramphastidae (8) Toucans,Aracaris
252 AulacorhynchusEmerald Toucanet 1 1
253 Pteroglossus caChestnut-Eared Aracari 1 1
254 Pteroglossus in Lettered Aracari 1 1
255 Pteroglossus flaIvory-Billed Aracari 1 1
256 Pteroglossus m Bron-Mandibled Aracari 1 1
257 Pteroglossus beCurl-Crested Aracari 1 1
258 Selenidera reinwGolden-Collared Toucanet 1 1
259 Ramphastos cu Yellow-Ridged Toucan 1 1
260 Ramphastos tu White-Throated 1 1
Picidae (13) Piculets,Woodpeckers
261 Picumnus rufiveRufous-Breasted Piculet 1 1
262 Picumnus borbaBar-Breasted Piculet
263 Piculus leucolaeWhite-Throated WoodPecker 1
264 Chrysoptilus pu Spot-Breasted WoodPecker 1
265 Piculus chrysoc Golden-Green WoodPecker 1 1
266 Piculus flavigulaYellow-Throated WoodPecker
267 Celeus elegans Chestnut WoodPecker 1 1
268 Celeus grammicScale-Breasted WoodPecker 1 1
269 Celeus flavus Cream-Colored WoodPecker 1 1
270 Celeus spectab Rufous-Headed WoodPecker 1 1
271 Celeus torquatu Ringed WoodPecker 1 1
272 Dryocopus lineaLineated WoodPecker 1 1
273 Melanerpes cru Yellow-Tufted WoodPecker 1 1
274 Veniliornis pass Little WoodPecker 1 1
275 Veniliornis affini Red-Stained WoodPecker 1 1
276 Campephilus m Crimson-Crested WoodPecker 1 1
277 Campephilus ru Red-Necked WoodPecker 1 1
Dendrocolaptidae (15) WoodCreepers
278 Dendrocincla fu Plain-Brown WoodCreeper 1 1
279 Dendrocincla m White-Chinned WoodCreeper 1 1
280 Dechonychura l Long-Tailed WoodCreeper 1 1
281 Sittasomus gris Olivaceous WoodCreeper 1 1
282 GlyphorhynchusWedge-Billed WoodCreeper 1 1
283 Nasica longiros Long-Billed WoodCreeper 1 1
284 Hylexetastes strBar-Bellied WoodCreeper 1
285 Dendrexetastes Cinnamon-Throated WoodCreeper 1 1
286 Xiphocolaptes pStrong-Billed WoodCreeper 1
287 Dendrocolaptes Barred WoodCreeper 1
288 Dendrocolaptes Black-Banded WoodCreeper 1 1
289 Xiphorhynchus Striped WoodCreeper
290 Xiphorhynchus Oscellated WoodCreeper 1
291 Xiphorhynchus Straight-Billed WoodCreeper 1
292 Xiphorhynchus Spix's WoodCreeper 1 1
293 Xiphorhynchus Buff-Throated WoodCreeper 1 1
294 Lepidocolaptes Lineated WoodCreeper 1 1
295 CampylorhamphRed-Billed Scythebill 1 1
296 CampylorhamphBrown-Billed Scythebill
Furnariidae (24) Spinetails,Foliage-Gleaners,etc
297 Furnarius leuco Pale-Legged Ovenbird 1 1
298 Synallaxis caba Cabanis' Spinetail 1
299 Synallaxis albesPale-Breasted Spinetail
300 Synallaxis albig Dark-Breasted Spinetail 1
301 Synallaxis gujanPlain-Crowned Spinetail 1 1
302 Synallaxis rutila Ruddy Spinetail 1 1
303 Certhiaxis cinnaYellow-Chinned Spinetail
304 Cranioleuca gut Speckled Spinetail 1
305 Cranioleuca cur Ash-Browed SpineTail
306 Thripophaga fusPlain Softail 1 1
307 Berlepschia rick Point-Tailed PalmCreeper 1 1
308 Hyloctistes subuStriped WoodHaunter 1 1
309 Ancistrops strig Chestnut-Winged HookBill 1 1
310 Simoxenops uc Peruvian Recurvebill 1 1
311 Philydor erythro Rufous-Rumped Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
312 Philydor pyrrhodCinnamon-Rumped Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
313 Philydor rufus Buff-Fronted Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
314 Philydor erythro Chestnut-Winged Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
315 Philydor ruficau Rufous-Tailed Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
316 Automolus infusOlive-Backed Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
317 Automolus dors Crested Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
318 Automolus rubigRuddy Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
319 Automolus ochr Buff-Throated Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
320 Automolus rufip Chestnut-Crowned Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
321 Automolus melaBrown-Rumped Foliage-Gleaner 1 1
322 Xenops milleri Rufous-Tailed Xenops 1 1
323 Xenops tenuirosSlender-Billed Xenops
324 Xenops rutilans Streaked Xenops 1
325 Xenops minutusPlain Xenops 1 1
326 Sclerurus mexicTawny-Throated LeafTosser 1
327 Sclerurus caudaBlack-Tailed LeafTosser 1
328 Sclerurus albiguGray-Throated LeafTosser
Formicariidae AntBirds
329 Cymbilaimus lin Fasciated Antshrike 1 1
330 Cymbilaimus sa Bamboo Antshrike 1 1
331 Taraba major Great Antshrike 1 1
332 Thamnophilus dBarred Antshrike 1 1
333 Thamnophilus aWhite-Shouldered Antshrike 1 1
334 Thamnophilus pLined Antshrike
335 Thamnophilus s Black-Capped Antshrike 1 1
336 Thamnophilus a Amazonian Antshrike 1
337 Pygiptila stellari Spot-Winged Antshrike 1 1
338 Thamnistes anaRusset Antshrike
339 Dysithamnus m Plain Antvireo 1
340 Neoctantes nigeBlack BushBird
341 Thamnomanes Dusky-Throated Antshrike 1 1
342 Thamnomanes Bluish-Slate Antshrike 1 1
343 Myrmotherula b Pygmy Antwren 1 1
344 Myrmotherula loStripe-Chested Antwren
345 Myrmotherula s Streaked Antwren 1 1
346 Myrmotherula s Sclater's Antwren 1
347 Myrmotherula h Plain-Throated Antwren 1 1
348 Myrmotherula leWhite-Eyed Antwren 1 1
349 Myrmotherula o Ornate Antwren 1
350 Myrmotherula a White-Flanked Antwren 1 1
351 Myrmotherula loLong-winged Antwren 1 1
352 Myrmotherula ihIhering's Antwren 1 1
353 Myrmotherula mGray Antwren 1 1
354 Dichrozona cinc Banded Antbird 1 1
355 Microrhopias quDot-Winged Antwren 1 1
356 Drymophila dev Striated Antbird 1 1
357 Terenura hume Chestnut-Shouldered Antwren 1
358 Cercomacra cin Gray Antbird 1 1
359 Cercomacra serBlack Antbird 1
360 Cercomacra nig Blackish Antbird 1
361 Cercomacra maManu Antbird 1 1
362 Myrmoborus leuWhite-Browed Antbird 1 1
363 Myrmoborus myBlack-Faced Antbird 1 1
364 Hypocnemis ca Warbling Antbird 1 1
365 HypocnemoidesBand-Tailed Antbird 1
366 Percnostola lop White-Lined Antbird 1 1
367 Sclateria naeviaSilvered Antbird 1 1
368 Myrmeciza hem Chestnut-Tailed Antbird 1 1
369 Myrmeciza hypePlumbeous Antbird 1 1
370 Myrmeciza goel Goeldi's Antbird 1 1
371 Myrmeciza fortisSooty Antbird 1
372 Myrmeciza atro Black-Throated Antbird 1
373 Gymnopithys saWhite-Throated Antbird 1 1
374 Hylophylax nae Spot-Backed Antbird 1
375 Hylophylax poe Scale-Backed Antbird 1 1
376 Herpsilochmus Rufous-Winged Antwren
377 Rhegmatorhina Hairy-Crested Antbird 1 1
378 Phlegopsis nigrBlack-Spotted Bare-Eye 1 1
379 Chamaeza nobi Noble Antthrush 1 1
380 Formicarius colmRufous-Capped Antthrush 1 1
381 Formicarius anaBlack-Faced Antthrush 1 1
382 Formicarius rufi Rufous-Fronted Antthrush 1 1
383 Hylopezus berleAmazonian Antpitta 1 1
384 Myrmothera camThrush-Like Antpitta 1 1
385 Conopophaga pAsh-Throated Gnateater 1
Tyrannidae (68) Tyrant-Flycatchers
386 Zimmerius grac Slender-Footed Tyrannulet 1
387 Ornithion inerm White-Lored Tyrannulet 1
388 Camptostoma o Southern Beardless Tyrannulet
389 Phaeomyias muMouse-Colored Tyrannulet
390 Phylloscartes orSpectacled Bristle-Tyrant
391 Phylloscartes spsp. Tyrannulet
392 Tyrannulus elat Yellow-Crowned Tyrannulet 1
393 Myiopagis gaim Forest Elaenia 1 1
394 Myiopagis viridi Greenish Elaenia 1 1
395 Myiopagis canicGray Elaenia 1
396 Sublegatus obs Todd's Or Dusky Flycatcher
397 Sublegatus modScrub Flycatcher
398 Elaenia spectabLarge Elaenia 1
399 Elaenia parvirosSmall-Billed Elaenia
400 Elaenia streperaSlaty Elaenia 1
401 Elaenia gigas Mottle-Backed Elaenia 1
402 Pseudocoloptry Subtropical Doradito 1
403 Euscarthmus m Tawny-Crowned Pygmy-Tyrant
404 Inezia inornata Plain Tyrannulet 1
405 Mionectes oliva Olive-Striped Flycatcher 1 1
406 Mionectes oleagOchre-Bellied Flycatcher 1 1
407 Mionectes maccMcConnell's Flycatcher 1
408 Leptopogon am Sepia-Capped Flycatcher 1 1
409 Corythopis torquRinged Antpipit 1
410 Lophotriccus euLong-Crested Pygmy-Tyrant 1
411 Poecilotriccus a White-Cheeked Tody-Flycatcher 1
412 Myiornis ecaudaShort-Tailed Pygmy-Tyrant 1 1
413 Hemitriccus flamFlammulated Pygmy-Tyrant 1 1
414 Hemitriccus grisWhite-Bellied Tody-Tyrant
415 Hemitriccus joh Johanne's Tody-Tyrant 1 1
416 Hemitriccus stri Stripe-Necked Tody-Tyrant 1
417 Hemitriccus zos White-Eyed Tody-Tyrant 1 1
418 Hemitriccus rufi Buff-Throated Tody-Tyrant 1
419 Todirostrum lati Rusty-Fronted Tody-Flycatcher 1 1
420 Todirostrum chr Yellow-Browed Tody-Flycatcher 1 1
421 Todirostrum ma Spotted Tody-Flycatcher 1
422 Todirostrum cin Common Tody-Flycatcher 1
423 Ramphotrigon f Dusky-Tailed Flatbill 1 1
424 Ramphotrigon mLarge-Headed Flatbill 1 1
425 Ramphotrigon r Rufous-Tailed Flatbill 1 1
426 Rhynchocyclus Olivaceous Flatbill 1 1
427 Tolmomyias assYellow-Margined Flycatcher 1
428 Tolmomyias pol Gray-Crowned Flycatcher 1 1
429 Tolomomyias flaYellow-Breasted Flycatcher 1
430 Platyrinchus corGolden-Crowned Spadebill 1 1
431 Platyrinchus pla White-Crested Spadebill 1 1
432 Onychorhynchu Royal Flycatcher 1
433 Terenotriccus e Ruddy-Tailed Flycatcher 1 1
434 Mylobius barbat Suphur-Rumped Flycatcher 1
435 Myiotriccus ornaOrnate Flycatcher 1 1
436 Myiophobus fas Bran-Colored Flycatcher
437 Contopus boreaOlive-Sided Flycatcher
438 Contopus virensEastern Wood-Pewee 1 1
439 Empidonax alnoAlder Flycatcher 1
440 Cnemotriccus Fuscous Flycatcher
441 Pyrocephalus Vermilion Flycatcher 1 1
442 Lathrotriccus euEuler's Flycatcher 1 1
443 Ochthoeca littor Drab Water Tyrant 1 1
444 Muscisaxicola fl Little Ground-Tyrant 1 1
445 Knipolequs spe Black Tyrant
446 Hymenops pers Spectacled Tyrant
447 Fluvicola pica Pied Water-Tyrant 1
448 Satrapa icterophYellow-Browed Tyrant 1 1
449 Colonia colonusLong-Tailed Tyrant 1
450 Attila cinnamon Cinamon Attila 1 1
451 Attila bolivianus White-Eyed Attila 1 1
452 Attila spadiceus Bright-Rumped Attila 1 1
453 Casiornis rufa Rufous Casiornis 1
454 Rhytipterna sim Grayish Mourner 1 1
455 Laniocera hypopCinerous Mourner 1 1
456 Sirystes sibilato Sirystes 1 1
457 Myiarchus tuberDusky-Capped Flycatcher 1 1
458 Myiarchus swai Swainson's Flycatcher 1 1
459 Myiarchus ferox Short-Crested Flycatcher 1
460 Myiarchus tyran Brown-Crested Flycatcher 1
461 Pitangus lictor Lesser Kiskadee 1 1
462 Pitangus sulphuGreat Kiskadee 1 1
463 Megarhynchus pBoat-Billed Flycatcher 1 1
464 Myiozetetes cayRusty-Margined Flycatcher 1 1
465 Myiozetetes simSocial Flycatcher 1 1
466 Myiozetetes gra Green-Capped Flycatcher 1
467 Myiozetetes luteDusky-Chested Flycatcher 1
468 Myiodynastes mStreaked Flycatcher 1 1
469 Myiodynastes luSulphur-Bellied Flycatcher 1
470 Myiodynastes cGolden-Crowned Flycatcher 1
471 Myiornis albivenWhite-Breasted Pygmy-Tyrant
472 Ochthornis littor Drab Water-Tyrant 1 1
473 Conopias trivirg Three-Striped Flycatcher
474 Pyrrhomyias cinCinnamon Flycatcher 1
475 Sayornis nigricaBlack Phoebe 1
476 Legatus leucophPiratic Flycatcher 1 1
477 Empidonomus aCrowned Slaty-Flycatcher 1 1
478 Empidonomus vVariegated Flycatcher
479 Tyrannopsis sul Sulphury Flycatcher 1
480 Tyrannus melanTropical Kingbird 1 1
481 Tyrannus savanFork-Tailed Flycatcher 1 1
482 Tyrannus tyrannEastern Kingbird 1 1
483 Pachyramphus Chestnut-Crowned Becard 1
484 Pachyramphus White-Winged Becard 1 1
485 Pachyramphus Black-Capped Becard 1 1
486 Pachyramphus Pink-Throated Becard 1
487 Tityra cayana Black-Tailed Tityra 1 1
488 Tityra semifasci Masked Tityra 1 1
489 Tityra inquisitor Black-Crowned Tityra 1 1
Pipridae (5) Manakins
490 Piprites chloris Wing-Barred Manakin 1 1
491 Schiffornis majoVarzea Mourner
492 Schiffornis turdi Thrush-Like Mourner 1 1
493 Neopipo cinnamCinnamon Manakin
494 Xenopipo atroni Black Manakin
495 Tyraneutes sto Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin 1 1
496 Neopelma sulphSulphur-Bellied Tyrant-Manakin
497 MachaeropterusFiery-Capped Manakin 1 1
498 Pipra fasciicaud Band-Tailed Manakin 1 1
499 Pipra coronata Blue-Crowned Manakin 1
500 Pipra rubrocapil Red-Headed Manakin
501 Pipra chloromer Round-Tailed Manakin 1 1
502 Chiroxiphia boli Yungas Manakin
503 Chloropipo holo Green Manakin
Cotingidae (5) Cotingas,Fruiteaters
504 Lipaugus vocife Screaming Piha 1 1
505 Lodopleura isa White-Browed PurpleTuft 1 1
506 Porphyrolaema Purple-Throated Cotinga 1 1
507 Cotinga maynanPlum-Throated Cotinga 1 1
508 Cotinga cayana Spangled Cotinga 1 1
509 Oxyruncus crist SharpBill
510 Cephalopterus oAmazonian UmbrellaBird 1
511 Pipreola chlorol Fiery-Throated Fruiteater
512 Gymnoderus fo Bare-Necked FruitCrow 1 1
513 Querula purpuraPurple-Throated FruitCrow 1 1
Hirundinidae (6) Swallows,Martins
514 Tachycineta alb White-Winged Swallow 1 1
515 Tachycineta leu White-Rumped Swallow 1
516 Phaeprogne tapBrown-Chested Martin 1 1
517 Progne chalybe Gray-Breasted Martin 1 1
518 Progne modestaSouthern Martin 1
519 Notiochelidon cyBlue & White Swallow 1 1
520 Atticora fasciataWhite-Banded Swallow 1 1
521 Atticora melano Black-Collared Swallow 1 1
522 Neochelidon tib White-Thighed Swallow
523 Stelgidopteryx f Tawny-Headed Swallow 1
524 Riparia riparia Bank Swallow 1 1
525 Stelgidopteryx r Southern Rough-Winged Swallow 1
526 Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow 1
527 Hirundo pyrrhonCliff Swallow
Corvidae Jays
528 Cyanocorax vioViolaceous Jay 1 1
529 Cyanocorax cyaPurplish Jay 1 1
Troglodytidae (6) Wrens
530 Campylorhynch Thrush-Like Wren 1 1
531 Thryothorus genMoustached Wren 1 1
532 Thryothorus leu Buff-Breasted Wren 1 1
533 Thryothorus guaFawn-Breasted Wren
534 Troglodytes aedHouse Wren 1 1
535 Microcerculus mNightingale Wren 1 1
536 Cyphorhinus araMusician Wren 1 1
Mimidae MockingBirds
537 Donacobius atri Black-Capped MockingThrush 1 1
Muscicapidae (6) Thrushes
538 Catharus ustula Swainson's Thrush 1
539 Catharus fuscesVeery
540 Catharus minim Gray-Cheeked Thrush
541 Turdus amaurocCreamy-Bellied Thrush
542 Turdus ignobilis Black-Billed Thrush 1 1
543 Turdus lawrenc Lawrence's Thrush 1 1
544 Turdus hauxwe Hauxwell's Thrush 1 1
545 Turdus albicollisWhite-Necked Thrush 1 1
Emberizinae Finches,American Sparrows,Cardinals,Saltators
546 Ammodramus a Yellow-Browed Sparrow 1 1
547 Sporophila luctuBlack & White SeeDeater 1
548 Sporophila caer Double-Collared SeeDeater 1
549 Sporophila cast Chesnut-Bellied SeeDeater 1 1
550 Sporophila schi Slate-Colored SeeDeater 1
551 Sporophila lineoLined SeeDeater 1
552 Sporophila bouvLesson's SeeDeater
553 Sporophila nigri Yellow-Bellied SeeDeater
554 Sporophila leuc White-Bellied SeeDeater
555 Arremon tacitur Pectoral Sparrow 1
556 Saltator maximuBuff-Throated Saltator 1 1
557 Saltator coerule Grayish Saltator 1 1
558 Oryzoborus maxGreat-Billed Seed-Finch
559 Oryzoborus angLesser Seed-Finch
560 Volatinia jacarin Blue-Black Grassquit 1 1
561 Pitylus grossus Slate-Colored GrosBeak 1 1
562 Paroaria gularis Red-Capped Cardinal 1 1
563 Pheucticus aureBlack-Backed GrosBeak 1
564 Cyanocompsa cBlue-Black GrosBeak 1 1
565 Caryothraustes Yellow-Shouldered GrosBeak 1
Tersinidae Swallow-Tanagers
566 Tersina viridis Swallow-Tanager 1 1
Thraupinae (33) Tanagers,Euphonias
567 Cissopis leveria Magpie Tanager 1 1
568 Lamprospiza m Red-Billed Pied Tanager
569 Thlypopsis sord Orange-Headed Tanager 1
570 Conothraupis spBlack & White Tanager
571 Hemithraupis guGuira Tanager 1 1
572 Hemithraupis flaYellow-Backed Tanager 1
573 Nemosia pileataHooded Tanager 1
574 Eucometis peni Gray-Headed Tanager 1 1
575 Tachyphonus lu White-Shouldered Tanager 1 1
576 Tachyphonus crFlame-Crested Tanager 1 1
577 Tachyphonus suFulvous-Crested Tanager
578 Habia rubica Red-Crowned Ant-Tanager 1 1
579 Ramphocelus n Masked Crimson Tanager 1 1
580 Ramphocelus c Silver-Beaked Tanager 1 1
581 Lanio versicolor White-Winged Shrike-Tanager 1 1
582 Thraupis episco Blue-Gray Tanager 1 1
583 Thraupis sayacaSayaca Tanager 1
584 Thraupis palme Palm Tanager 1 1
585 Piranga olivace Scarlet Tanager 1
586 Euphonia laniiroThick-Billed Euphonia 1 1
587 Euphonia chrys White-Lored Euphonia 1 1
588 Euphonia minut White-Vented Euphonia 1
589 Euphonia musicBlue-Hooded Euphonia 1 1
590 Euphonia xanth Orange-Bellied Euphonia 1 1
591 Euphonia rufive Rufous-Bellied Euphonia 1 1
592 Tangara mexicaTurquoise Tanager 1 1
593 Tangara chilensParadise Tanager 1 1
594 Tangara schran Green & Gold Tanager 1 1
595 Tangara nigroci Masked Tanager 1
596 Tangara velia Opal-Rumped Tanager 1 1
597 Tangara callophOpal-Crowned Tanager 1 1
598 Tangara xantho Yellow-Bellied Tanager 1
599 Tangara gyrola Bay-Headed Tanager 1
600 Tangara cyanic Blue-Necked Tanager
601 Tangara arthus Golden Tanager
602 Clorophonia cyaBlue-Naped Chlorophonia 1
603 Chlorospingus cAsh-Throated Bush-Tanager
604 Chlorothraupis cOlive Tanager 1
605 Tachyphonus ruYellow-Crested Tanager
606 Piranga flava Hepatic Tanager
607 Pipraeidea meloFawn-Breasted Tanager 1
608 Dacnis lineata Black-Faced Dacnis 1 1
609 Dacnis flavivent Yellow-Bellied Dacnis 1 1
610 Dacnis cayana Blue Dacnis 1 1
611 Chlorophanes s Green HoneyCreeper 1 1
612 Cyanerpes caer Purple HoneyCreeper 1 1
613 Cyanerpes cyanRed-Legged HoneyCreeper 1
Parulidae Wood-Warblers
614 Basileuterus riv River Warbler
615 Dendroica striat Blackpoll Warbler 1
616 Parula pitiayum Tropical Parula
617 Geothlypis aequMasked YellowThroat
618 Basileuterus ch Golden-Bellied Warbler
619 Phaeothlypis riv River Warbler
620 Myioborus miniaSlate-Throated RedStart(WhiteStart) 1
621 Oporornis agilis Connecticut Warbler
622 Wilsonia canadeCanada Warbler
623 Basileuterus ful Buff-Rumped Warbler 1
Vireonidae (4) Vireos,GreenLets,Peppershrikes
624 Vireo olivaceus Red-Eyed Vireo 1 1
625 Hylophilus hypo Dusky-Capped GreenLet 1 1
626 Hylophilus thoraLemon-Chested GreenLet 1 1
627 Hylophilus ochr Tawny-Crowned GreenLet
628 Cyclarhis gujan Rufous-Browed Peppershrike 1
Icteridae (10) Oropendolas,American Orioles,Blackbirds
629 Psarocolius ose Casqued Oropendola 1 1
630 Psarocolius dec Crested Oropendola 1 1
631 Psarocolius angRusset-Backed Oropendola 1 1
632 Psarocolius bifa Olive Oropendola 1 1
633 Amblycercus hoYellow-Billed Cacique
634 Cacicus cela Yellow-Rumped Cacique 1 1
635 Cacicus haemmRed-Rumped Cacique 1 1
636 Cacicus solitariuSolitary Black Cacique 1 1
637 Icterus cayanen Epaulet Oriole 1 1
638 Icterus icterus Troupial 1 1
639 Scaphidura oryzGiant CowBird 1 1
640 Molothrus bona Shiny CowBird 1
641 Agelaius xanthoPale-Eyed BlackBird
642 Sturnella supercWhite-Browed BlackBird
643 Dolichonyx oryz Bobolink
644 Ramphocaenus Long-Billed GnatWren 1
645 Microbates cine Half-Collared(Tawny-Faced) GnatWren

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