Abstract. Double glasses cover is typically used in a flat plate solar collector to decrease heat
losses to ambient. The working principal of the cover is to allow the solar irradiation hit the plate
absorber and blocks it using natural convection mechanism in the enclosure between the glasses.
The performance of the enclosure to block the heat loss to the surrounding affected by the
inclination angle of the collector. The objective of this study is to explore the effect of the
inclination angle to the performance of the solar collector. Numerical simulation using
commercial code Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) has been carried out to explore the fluid
flow and heat transfer characteristics in the enclosure. In the result, streamline, vector velocity,
and contour temperature are plotted. It was shown that the inclination angle strongly affects the
performance of the collector. The average heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing
inclination angle. This fact suggests that too high inclination angle is not recommended for solar
1. Introduction
As a fact, the world population has increased significantly. It is estimated that the present world
population is 7.5 billion people and it will be increased more than 1.5 billion, in the last two decades.
To support the people activities and life needs, the world’s energy demand also increasing significantly.
Preventing an energy crisis is one of the most common issues of the 21st century. Solar energy, among
other renewable sources of energy, is a promising and freely available energy source for managing long
term (sustainable) issues in energy crisis. Solar energy industry is developing steadily all over the world
because of high demand for energy while major energy source, fossil fuel, is limited and other sources
are expensive [1]. In particular, Indonesia has a big potency of solar energy [2] that can be harvested in
solar thermal and photovoltaic. Solar energy thermal can be used as an energy source to power solar
desalination [3,4,5], solar refrigeration [6,7], solar water heater [8,9], solar cooker [10,11], solar drying
process [12], etc. One of the key component of solar thermal development is the solar collector. Many
types of solar collector can be found in the literatures and the flat-plate type solar collector is the simplest
solar collector and it is very popular [13].
In the flat-plate type solar collector, to decrease the heat loss from the top, a double glass cover is
typically used. Studies on the free convective heat transfer mechanism in the enclosure between cover
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2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012097
of flat-plate solar collector have been reported in literature. Varol and Oztop [14] reported their work
on a comparative numerical study on natural convection in inclined wavy and flat-plate solar collectors.
It was shown that flow field and thermal characteristic are affected by the shape of the enclosure and
heat transfer rate increases in the case of wavy enclosure than that of flat enclosure. The effect of
inclination to the wavy and flat-plate solar collectors has also explored [15]. Kumar [16] reported the
study on natural convective heat transfer in trapezoidal enclosure of box-type solar cooker. It was shown
that the values of convective heat transfer coefficient and top loss coefficient for rectangular enclosure
are lower by 31-35% and 7 %, respectively.
Recently, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) commercial code has been used to optimize the
design of a flat-plate type solar collector. Martinopoulos et al. [17] studied the behavior of a polymer
solar collector experimentally and numerically. Solar irradiation as well as convection and heat transfer
in the circulating fluid and between the parts of the collectors is considered in their model. Selmi et al.
[18] employed CFD commercial code to analyze heat transfer process in a flat-plate type solar collector.
The above studies show that heat transfer analysis and flow characteristics within the enclosure of
double glass cover play an important role in designing and developing a high performance flat-plate
type solar collector. In the field, the flat-plate type solar collector usually installed with inclined position.
Thus, the fluid flow and heat transfer coefficient within an inclined double glasses cover need to be
explored. The objective of this paper is to explore the hat transfer and flow characteristics in the inclined
enclosure of a double glass cover. The numerical results will be compared with empirical correlations
found in the literature. The results are expected to support the necessary information in developing high
performance flat-plate type solar collector.
2. Method
As a note, our research group known as Sustainable Energy and Biomaterial Centre of Excellent, Faculty
of Engineering University of Sumatera Utara is developing high performance flat-plate solar collector.
The collector is designed for several applications such as drying, adsorption cycle, solar desalination,
and solar water heater. Typical of the flat-plate type solar collector is shown in Figure 1. The focus on
the present study is the enclosure in the top cover of the solar collector, and the inclination angle of the
flat-plate solar collector is from 300, 450, 600, 700 respectively.
2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012097
g TH 3
Ra Pr (5)
Where Pr is Prandtl number and calculated by
Pr (6)
The convective heat transfer coefficient ( h ) is calculated using non-dimensional Nusselt number. It is
calculated using the below equation.
Nu k
h (7)
Where k [W/mK] is the conductive heat transfer coefficient of the air in the enclosure and H [m] is the
distance between the double glasses. The Nusselt number in equation (7) is presented using local and
average Nusselt number. The local Nusselt number in the bottom and top surfaces are formulated by
Nu x (8)
1 2 y y 0
Nu x (9)
T1 T2 y yH
2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012097
L x0
Nu Nux dx (10)
All of those governings equations are converted into linier equations by employing finite volume
discritization method. The system of liner equations for all fields are solved using SIMPLE algorithm.
The commercial code of ANSYS FLUENT is employed to carry out the simulation.
The above equation is claimed to be valid for tilt angle from 0o to 75o. In that equation the meaning of
the “+” exponent is that only positive values of the terms in the square bracket are to be used and if the
value is negative, the value will be converted into zero.
2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012097
2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012097
2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978 (2018)
1234567890 ‘’“”012097 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/978/1/012097
Figure 6 shows local heat transfer coefficient on the hotter surface of the glass cover. The figure
shows that at 30o, the pattern of local heat transfer coefficient is similar. This is because the Bernard cell
in the enclosure presence with similar size. This results in similar pattern, maximum on the areas with
high temperature gradient and minimum at low temperature gradient. When the inclination angle
increased to 45o, only several maximum heat transfer coefficients presence in the enclosure. For the
inclination angle of 600 and 700, the heat transfer rate on the surface is mainly low. However, only on
the upper part the heat transfer coefficient is high. It is even higher than the maximum value at low
inclination angle.
The average heat transfer coefficient and average Nusselt number at different inclination angles are
shown in Table 1. The table shows that heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing inclination
angle. This is because at high inclination angle the hot surface is dominated by dead zones which has
low temperature gradient. This fact suggests that too high inclination angle is not recommended for solar
collector. However, further research need to be carried out to combine the effect of solar radiation to the
absorber plate.
4. Conclusion
A numerical simulation using commercial code CFD has been carried out in order to explore the heat
transfer and fluid flow characteristics in enclosure between double glasses cover of a flat-plate type solar
collector. The method has been validated for a natural convection is a square enclosure heated and
cooled from side walls, respectively. The validated method than used to explore the problem. The
conclusions of this study are as follows. The inclination angle strongly affects the fluid flow and heat
transfer characteristics of in the enclosure. The average heat transfer coefficient decreases with
increasing inclination angle. This fact suggests that too high inclination angle is not recommended for
solar collector. However, further research need to be carried out to combine the effect of solar radiation
to the absorber plate.
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