(Edited) Legal Notice For Compensation of Rs. 500 Crores
(Edited) Legal Notice For Compensation of Rs. 500 Crores
(Edited) Legal Notice For Compensation of Rs. 500 Crores
Office: 2 & 3, Floor, Kothari House, 5/7 Oak Lane, A R Allana Marg, Near
Burma Burma Restaurant, Fort, Mumbai - 400 023.
1. Mr. Suraj Rao
Resident Grievance Officer for YouTube
Google LLC - India Liaison Office
Unit No. 26 The Executive Center,
Level 8, DLFCentre,Sansad Marg,
Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001
E-Mail: support-in@google.com
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4. Mr. Sundar Pichai
Chief Executive Officer
Google LLC, D/B/A YouTube
901 Cherry Ave
San Bruno, CA 94066
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Under the authorization and instructions of my client Mr. Virender Singh, R/o
C-1/26, Street No.05, Raja Puri, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi -110059, I, the
undersigned, serve you the legal notice as under:
2. However, you Noticee seem to have a feeling that you are above the law
and our constitution of India and also above International laws made by
United Nations regarding freedom of speech and right of people to know.
3. Under the said illusion, you Noticee have deleted few posts of my client.
4. Brief details of the posts/Videos & channel which were deleted and
restricted by you. History of the posts:-
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5. That, the videos were regarding my client’s fair opinion and its duty to
expose frauds, faults, ineffectiveness and side effects of vaccines and
other offences by the vaccine syndicate. Therefore the act of You Noticee
No. 1, 2 & 3 in deleting the said video is violative of Constitution of India
and also Article 18 (3) of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and
Human Rights, 2005 (UDBHR) which reads thus;
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1. Professionalism, honesty, integrity and transparency in
decision-making should be promoted, in particular
declarations of all conflicts of interest and appropriate
sharing of knowledge. Every endeavour should be made to
use the best available scientific knowledge and methodology
in addressing and periodically reviewing bioethical issues.
6. That, Your act is also contempt of Hon’ble High Court & Hon’ble
Supreme Court’s binding precedents. In Secretary General, Supreme
Court of India Vs. Subhash Chandra Agarwal, 2010 SCC OnLine
Del 111, it is ruled as under;
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because such transparency will act as a deterrent against
unequal treatment.
India has ratified the ICCPR. Section 2(d) read with 2(f) of
the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 clarifies ‘human
rights’ to include the rights guaranteed by the ICCPR.
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Newsprint Control Order violated the freedom of the press
and therefore was ultra vires Article 19(1)(a) of the
Constitution. The Order did not merely violate the right of
the newspapers to publish, which was inherent in the
freedom of the press, but also violated the right of the
readers to get information which was included within their
right to freedom of speech and expression. Chief Justice Ray,
in the majority judgment, said:
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know the particulars of every public transaction in all its
bearing. The right to know, which is derived from the
concept of freedom of speech, though not absolute, is a
factor which should make one wary, when secrecy is claimed
for transactions which can, at any rate, have no
repercussion on public security, see New York Times
Co. v. United States, (1971) 29 Law Ed. 822 : 403 U.S. 713.
To cover with veil of secrecy, the common routine business,
is not in the interest of the public. Such secrecy can seldom
be legitimately desired. It is generally desired for the
purpose of parties and politics or personal self-interest or
bureaucratic routine. The responsibility of officials to
explain and to justify their acts is the chief safeguard against
oppression and corruption.”
7. That, you have acted against the Constitution of India, which guarantees
freedom of speech. You Noticees 1 and 2 have prohibited my client from
performing his constitutional duties as enshrined under Article 51 (A) of
the Constitution, to expose the malpractices in any institution. It is worth
to quote the wordings of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Indirect
Tax Practitioners Association Vs. R.K. Jain, (2010) 8 SCC 281, where
it is ruled as under;
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the malfunctioning of an important institution and there is
no reason to silence such person.
8. Similarly in the case of Anirudha Bahal vs. State 2010 SCC OnLine
Del 3365, it is ruled as under;
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Constitution of India mandates citizens to act as agent
provocateurs to bring out and expose and uproot the
corruption - it is a fundamental right of citizens of this
country to have a clean incorruptible judiciary, legislature,
executive and other organs and in order to achieve this
fundamental right, every citizen has a corresponding duty
to expose corruption wherever he finds it, whenever he
finds it and to expose it if possible with proof so that even if
the State machinery does not act and does not take action
against the corrupt people when time comes people are
able to take action
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out by being vigil and alert to the needs and requirements
of the country and to bring forth the corruption at higher
level. The duty under Article 51A(h) is to develop a spirit of
inquiry and reforms. The duty of a citizen under Article
51A(j) is to strive towards excellence in all spheres so that
the national constantly rises to higher level of endeavour
and achievements I consider that it is built-in duties that
every citizen must strive for a corruption free society and
must expose the corruption whenever it comes to his or her
knowledge and try to remove corruption at all levels more
so at higher levels of management of the State.
9. That, your act of deleting the video of my client has caused a great
damage to the image and reputation of my client and he has suffered a lot
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of pressure, mental torture, annoyance, inconvenience apart from
monetary losses.
10. That, the contents of my client’s videos were based on the sound beliefs
and all his views expressed were legally admissible views. He was
expressing his opinions which is permissible as per Indian laws. My
client’s only intention was to make people aware and to help them to
protect from any misinformation or agenda run by the pharma syndicate.
But you noticee YouTube deleted it without any lawful reason.
Hence, you are guilty of offences under section 500, 501 r/w 120 (B) &
34 etc. of IPC.
11. Needless to mention here that, the act of stopping, hiding, removing,
suppressing, concealing and twisting material facts from any
patient/citizen and leaving him no option but to adopt the option of
dangerous vaccines is a preparation of offence as defined under section
511 of IPC and if any person dies due to such acts of commission and
omission, then you noticees will be liable for offence of murder of said
person as defined under section 115 & 302 of IPC. Law is made clear in
the case of Airedale N.H.S. Trust v. Bland, (1993) 2 WLR 316 : (1993)
1 All ER 821, where it is ruled as under ;
A. Criminal liability/murder
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case: the whole purpose of stopping artificial feeding is to
bring about the death of Anthony Bland.
12. The abovesaid law is made a law of India as per Supreme Court judgment
in Common Cause case (2018) 5 SCC 1, It is also followed recently in
Meghalaya Vs. State of Meghalaya 2021 SCC OnLine Megh 130
which is regarding the corona vaccines.
13. Section 115 & 302 of Indian Penal Code read thus;
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14. That You noticee involved in a conspiracy to supress the data and run
only one false narrative that vaccines are safe and only solution. In
furtherance of said sinister plan, You at your own have uploaded many
videos of many captured doctors to spread misinformation that ‘vaccines
are completely safe and the only available complete solution against the
1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gFR9YyJnjxTu3-Q-D2uG-
2. https://theprint.in/health/at-least-60-delhi-doctors-have-died-
3. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/dr-kk-aggarwal-ex-chief-
(ii) Vaccines are not safe at all and vaccines are having several
death causing & other side effects.
1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uikc1a6_KDzUx7HNLrfw
2. https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=kZ03dwXZcrC28
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(iii) The immunity developed in the person due to his/her coming
in contact of SARS-CoV-2 is far superior than the vaccines. It is at
least 13 times superior than the immunity developed due to
16. However, you noticee run only unilateral and false narrative and have
always tried your level best to suppress & conceal the true information
from common people. This is in fact an offence of luring the people to
take medicine by misrepresenting the public at large. It is an offence
punishable under section 420 r/w 120(B) & 340 of I.P.C.
17. That Hon’ble Meghalaya High Court in Registrar General, High Court
of Meghalaya Vs. State of Meghalaya 2021 SCC OnLine Megh 130,
ruled by High Court as under;
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However, vaccination by force or being made mandatory by
adopting coercive methods, vitiates the very fundamental
purpose of the welfare attached to it.”
Link:- https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/glaxosmithkline-plead-guilty-
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additional drugs, and also resolves pricing fraud
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fraud prevention are hallmarks of the Health Care Fraud
Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT) initiative,
which fosters government collaboration to fight fraud.”
19. That your office is not providing the full and correct information which is
need of the hour in the interest of public.
19.1. A Hon’ble High Court in Samson Arthur Vs. Quinn Logistic India Pvt.
Ltd. and Ors. MANU/AP/0623/2015: [2016] 194 Comp Cas 100
(AP) called such act as an offence under sec. 192,193 etc. of Indian Penal
Page 22 of 49
F] Dishonesty should not be permitted to bear fruit and
confer benefit to the person who has made a
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compensation amount and to deposit the same with the
Consumer Legal Aid Account of the Commission.
20. We, accordingly, set aside that part of the order passed
by the National Commission and enhance the amount of
compensation at Rs 15 lakhs for payment in favour of the
appellant with a direction to the respondents to pay the
amount to the appellant within three months. The appeal is
allowed but there shall be no separate order as to costs.”
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to the learned author, the right to information is not
confined to Article 19(1)(a) but is also situated in Article 14
(equality oefore the law and equal protection of law) and
Article 21 (right to life and personal liberty). The right to
information may not always have a linkage with the freedom
of speech. If a citizen gets information, certainly his capacity
to speak will be enhanced. But many a time, he needs
information, which may have nothing to do with his desire to
speak. He may wish to know how an administrative authority
has used its discretionary powers. He may need information
as to whom the petrol pumps have been allotted. The right to
information is required to make the exercise of discretionary
powers by the Executive transparent and, therefore,
accountable because such transparency will act as a
deterrent against unequal treatment. In S.P. Gupta's case,
the petitioners had raised the question of alleged misuse of
power of appointing and transferring the Judges of the High
Court by the Government. In order to make sure that the
power of appointment of Judges was not used with political
motives thereby undermining the independence of the
judiciary, the petitioners sought information as to whether
the procedures laid down under Articles 124(2) and 217(1)
had been scrupulously followed. Here the right to
information was a condition precedent to the rule of law.
Most of the issues, which the Mazdoor Kisan Shakti
Sangathan of Rajasthan had raised in their mass struggle for
the right to information, were mundane matters regarding
wages and employment of workers, such information was
necessary for ensuring that no discrimination had been
made between workers and that everything had been done
Page 25 of 49
according to law. The right to information is thus embedded
in Articles 14, 19(1)(a) and 21 of the Constitution.
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39. In the case of S.P. Gupta v. Union of India, 1981 Supp
SCC 87 (para 65), Bhagwati, J (as he then was) emphasising
the need for openness in the government, observed:
65. The demand for openness in the government is based
principally on two reasons. It is now widely accepted that
democracy does not consist merely in people exercising
their franchise once in five years to choose their rules
and, once the vote is cast, then retiring in passivity and
not taking any interest in the government. Today it is
common ground that democracy has a more positive
content and its orchestration has to be continuous and
pervasive. This means inter alia that people should not
only cast intelligent and rational votes but should also
exercise sound judgment on the conduct of the
government and the merits of public policies, so that
democracy does not remain merely a sporadic exercise in
voting but becomes a continuous process of government -
an attitude and habit of mind. But this important role
people can fulfil in a democracy only if it is an open
government where there is full access to information in
regard to the functioning of the government.”
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the appropriate Government, and includes any - (i) body
owned, controlled or substantially financed; (ii) non-
Government Organisation substantially financed, directly
or indirectly by funds provided by the appropriate
Government. By virtue of Section 24, the Act does not
apply to the Intelligence and Security Organisations
specified in the Second Schedule. However, the
information pertaining to the allegations of corruption
and human rights violations shall be required to be given
by such authorities subject to the approval of the Central
Information Commissioner.
47. The Act does not merely oblige the public authority to
give information on being asked for it by a citizen but
requires it to suo moto make the information accessible.
Section 4(1)(a) of the Act requires every public authority
to maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed in
a manner and the form which facilitates the right to
information under the Act and ensure that all records
that are appropriate to be computerised are, within a
reasonable time and subject to availability of resources,
computerised and connected through a network all over
the country on different systems so that access to such
records is facilitated. Section 4 spells out various
obligations of public authorities and Sections 6 and 7 lay
down the procedure to deal with request for obtaining
20. It is apt to reproduce the excerpts from the speech delivered by Supreme
Court of India’s Judge Shri. Dr. Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud on 28
August, 2021 in Justice MC Chagla Memorial Lecture 2021.
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“Understandably, the State does not often adjudicate upon
scientific truths but it does provide them its tacit approval when it
decides to form policies based on them. As such, all policies of
the State can be assumed to have been formed on their basis of
what the “truth” of our society is. However, this by no means
leads to the conclusion that the States cannot indulge in
falsehood for political reasons, even in democracies. The role of
the United States in the Vietnam War did not see daylight until
the Pentagon Papers were published. In the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic, we see that there is an increasing trend of
countries across the world who are trying to manipulate data on
the COVID-19 infection rate and deaths. Hence, once cannot
only rely on the State to determine the “truth”.
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As such, it is important to remember that every person – rich or
poor; male or female or belonging to a third gender; Dalit or
Brahmin or otherwise; Hindu, Muslim or Christian or belonging to
any other religion – has the inherent capacity to identify the truth,
and differentiate it from falsehood. This capacity to identify the
truth stems from common knowledge, experiences in life, their
individual struggles, and much more. However, many of them are
unable to participate in this process because of systemic
oppression which either does not provide a platform for their
voices or works to minimise their actual impact. Hence, while
considering the role of citizens in determining the “truth”, we must
keep in mind that this does not refer only to the elite, privileged
class of intellectuals but includes everyone. Therefore, it is
imperative upon us to create an environment where this becomes
This is also keeping in line with the ideas of John Stuart Mill, who
in his seminal work Liberty elucidated on the disadvantage of
suppressing opinions and stated.
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“Speaking truth to power” aims to wield the power of “truth”
against the powerful, be it an imperial power or even an all-
powerful State. Crucially, the assumption is that the act of
speaking the “truth” will counter-act power, and obviate a
predisposition towards tyranny.
Page 32 of 49
one “truth” – one that is not challenged by us. In contrast,
deliberation by multiple groups with differing viewpoints will
pave way for correction of errors in this “truth”. Ideas will be
aggregated, and the entire process will help in the emergence of a
creative solution that no one person could have thought of
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Even within such societies, different sections are governed by
different truths, with often those in dominant positions imposing
their version of the truth upon others. Hence, facts and opinions
cannot be confined to water-tight compartments when they overlap
in various instances in their relationship with “truth”. The opinion
of a person is conferred the status of a ‘fact’ and subsequently
“truth” depending upon the power they yield in society. This was
also confirmed in a 1994 study by a historian of science named
Steven Shapin, when he noted that even at the height of the
Scientific Revolution in seventeenth century England, truth was
closely linked to an elite culture of honour, wealth, and civilized
comportment and was not a universal standard.
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While someone’s speech may not be removed from the internet, it
can be effectively drowned out by flooding the internet with
massive amounts of information to the contrary. This will ensure
that many people do not even read the original speech or will be
unconvinced of its truth.
I will not deny that the challenge before us is tough and requires
constant effort from all of us. I hope every single citizen of India
does their bit in honouring the memory of the great Justice Chagla
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by speaking truth to power and working towards bettering our
21. Section 505 (i) (b) of Indian Penal Code reads thus;
23. You were fully aware that in future the issue might come before the Court
and in order to frustrate the rights of the victim and to help the vaccine
syndicate, you both conspired, connived and ran the narrative with an
ulterior motive to be used in court to misguide and mislead the concerned
Judge. Hence it is also an offence under Section 192, 193, etc. of I.P.C.
24. Section 192 & 193 of Indian Penal Code reads thus;
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Whoever causes any circumstance to exist or 1[makes any
false entry in any book or record, or electronic record or
makes any document or electronic record containing a false
statement], intending that such circumstance, false entry or
false statement may appear in evidence in a judicial
proceeding, or in a proceeding taken by law before a public
servant as such, or before an arbitrator, and that such
circumstance, false entry or false statement, so appearing in
evidence, may cause any person who in such proceeding is
to form an opinion upon the evidence, to entertain an
erroneous opinion touching any point material to the result
of such proceeding, is said “to fabricate false evidence”.
25. Section 500 & 501 of Indian Penal Code reads thus;
26. Needless to remind You that as per the law of conspiracy as explained in
Raman Lal vs. State of Rajasthan 2000 SCC OnLine Raj 226, the
circumstantial evidence is also sufficient for the prosecution of You
notice. It is ruled as under;
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27. That You noticee are criminal and conspirators of offences against entire
humanity. You helped the vaccine syndicate Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony
Faucci & others in committing the offences of mass murders and
genocide. You people are responsible for the loss of livelihood of Billions
of people. You have destroyed the dreams of many children, youth &
adults. Because of your act of commission and omission, citizens were
unable to get the correct information and under deception they were
compelled to take vaccines.
28. That my client tried to educate people but You Noticee obstructed my
client from performing his Constitutional duties and because of your act
of commission and omission, my client got defamed in the society at
large, and therefore you Noticee are liable to pay a compensation of Rs.
1000 Crores to my client within a period of Seven Days.
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compensation and costs from the officers responsible
for the default, if so advised.
31. You are requested to go through the case against You noticee where You
were fined with 1,00,000 euros by the German Regional High Courts.
The excerpts from the news article are produced here for your ready
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openly collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on
“killer” bat coronavirus research – for over a decade.
32.1. That your act also amounts to Civil Contempt for wilful disregard and
defiance of Hon’ble Supreme Court & Hon’ble Delhi High Court
judgment in the above mentioned cases and more particularly in:
(i) Tata Press Ltd. Vs. Maharashtra Telephone (1995) 5 SCC 139.
32.2. That in Re: M.P. Dwivedi (1996) 4 SCC 152 Hon’ble Supreme Court
had ruled as under;
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“Contempt of court is disobedience to the court, by acting in
opposition to the authority, justice and dignity thereof. It
signifies a wilful disregard or disobedience of the court's
order; it also signifies such conduct as tends to bring the
authority of the court and the administration of law into
disrepute”. (See: Baradakanta Mishra, Ex-Commr. of
Endowments v. Bhimsen Dixit [(1973) 1 SCC 446 : 1973
SCC (Cri) 360 : (1973) 2 SCR 495] , at p. 499 SCC p. 449,
para 11.”
Page 43 of 49
prevent repetition of such behaviour and the adverse
impact on public faith. With the development of law, the
courts have issued directions and even spelt out in their
judgments, certain guidelines, which are to be operative
till proper legislations are enacted. The directions of
the court which are to provide transparency in action
and adherence to basic law and fair play must be
enforced and obeyed by all concerned. The law
declared by this Court whether in the form of a
substantive judgment inter se a party or are directions
of a general nature which are intended to achieve the
constitutional goals of equality and equal opportunity
must be adhered to and there cannot be an artificial
distinction drawn in between such class of cases.
Whichever class they may belong to, a contemnor
cannot build an argument to the effect that the
disobedience is of a general direction and not of a
specific order issued inter se parties. Such distinction, if
permitted, shall be opposed to the basic rule of law.
(Emphasis supplied)
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contempt as defined in section 2(b) of the Contempt of
Courts Act, 1971.”
(Emphasis supplied)
32.5. In the case of Makhanlal Waza v. State of J&K, (1971) 1 SCC 749, it
is ruled as under;
(Emphasis supplied)
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director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be
deemed to be guilty of the contempt and the punishment may
be enforced, with the leave of the court, by the detention in
civil prison of such director, manager, secretary or other
officer. Explanation. - For the purposes of sub-sections (4)
and (5), -
(a) “company” means any body corporate and includes a
firm or other association of individuals; and
(b) “director”, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the
33. That the offences committed by You Noticee are continuing ones and my
client’s defamation is still going on.
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35. You are further called upon to resist & desist from assigning yourself to
the post of a Judge of a Court and to decide the rival claims of the parties
as to whether taking vaccine is good or bad. You are usurping the
jurisdiction of the Court and thereby posing yourself above the law and
committing Contempt of Court.
36. Please take a note that, this notice is independent of and given by
reserving our rights to initiate criminal prosecutions under sec. 499, 500,
501, r/w 120(B), 34 etc. of Indian Penal Code and under Section 12 of
Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 r/w Article 129, 215 of the
Constitution of India in the competent courts and even if you pay
compensation amount of Rs. 1000 Crores will not permit you in law, for
claiming discharge or exoneration from prosecution.
37. Under these circumstances, please take a serious note of this notice.
Place: Mumbai
Date: 30/09/2021.
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