LawFinder 720077
LawFinder 720077
LawFinder 720077
Sakharam s/o. Abhimanyu Gavane v. State of Mah. (Bombay)(Aurangabad Bench) Law Finder Doc
Id # 720077
2015 ALL MR(Cri) 4259 : 2015(31) R.C.R.(Criminal) 603
(Aurangabad Bench)
Before:-Smt. Sadhana S. Jadhav, J.
Criminal Revision Application No. 139 of 2003. D/d. 23.4.2015.
Sakharam s/o. Abhimanyu Gavane - Applicant
State of Maharashtra - Respondent
For the Applicant :- A.S. Deshmukh, Advocate.
For the Respondent/State :- U.S. Mote, APP.
Indian Penal Code, 1860 Section 409 Revision - Criminal Breach of Trust - It was alleged that
accused had dishonestly misappropriated cheques entrusted to him in capacity of public
servant - Since accused was being prosecuted under Section 409, Indian Penal Code, there was
no question of obtaining valid sanction - Applicant absconded after Officer had noticed that
he had dishonestly misappropriated cheques entrusted to him - Issue of entrustment was also
established against accused - Applicant deposited amount withdrawn by him - That was
sufficient evidence to indicate that he had committed alleged offence - Further, applicant was
also accused in some other crime - Prosecution had adduced cogent and convincing evidence to
bring home guilt of applicant - Conviction for offence punishable under Section 409 of the
Indian Penal Code confirmed - However, as applicant already undergone substantive sentence
of about five months during pendency of trial and appeal, he was entitled to set off for such
period - Revision dismissed.
[Paras 5, 6 and 7]
Smt. Sadhana S. Jadhav, J. (Oral) - The applicant herein is convicted by learned Chief Judicial
Magistrate, Parbhani in R.C.C. No. 36 of 1993 for the offence punishable under Section 409 of the
Indian Penal Code and is sentenced to suffer rigorous imprisonment for two years and fine of L
1000/-, in default, further rigorous imprisonment for six months. The applicant herein being
aggrieved by the said judgment and order filed Criminal Appeal No. 6 of 2002 before the Sessions
Court at Parbhani. Learned Sessions Court vide judgment and order dated 02.01.2003 had
maintained the order of conviction. However, had modified the sentence and directed the applicant
to undergo substantive sentence for six months and fine of L 1,000/-, in default, simple
imprisonment for one month. Hence, this Revision Application.
2. Such of the facts necessary for the decision of this application are as follows :
Submitted By: Adv. Nilesh C Ojha
PDF downloaded from the online archives of Chawla Publications(P) Ltd.
3. The applicant herein was working as a Range Forest Officer at Basmat in the year 1991. The
applicant was entrusted with the cheque worth of L 35,000/- dated 05.08.1991, cheque worth of L
53,646/- dated 09.08.1991 and cheque worth of L 8,000/- dated 10.08.1991. The office had not received
statement of account till 31st August, 1991 and therefore they had to depute an officer to Basmat. It
was reported that the applicant was not present in the office. It had transpired in the course of
enquiry that the applicant herein had encashed the cheques worth L 35,000/- and L 8,000/-.
However, the bank had restrained the applicant from encashing the cheque of L 53,646/-.
4. Notice was issued to the accused. Pursuant to the said notice, the accused was directed to deposit
the amount withdrawn by him to the extent of L 43,000/-. However, the accused/applicant was
absconding, hence the Dy. Conservator of Forest, Parbhani was constrained to authorise an officer
to lodge a report against the present applicant under Section 154 of Cr.P.C. On the basis of the
report lodged by the Officer of the Forest Department, Crime No. 187 of 1991 was registered against
the applicant for offence punishable under Section 409 of Indian Penal Code. It appears from the
record that prior to filing of the charge-sheet, the applicant had deposited the amount withdrawn
by him. However, charge was framed. The prosecution examined six witnesses to bring home guilt
of the accused.
5. The applicant had urged that his prosecution would stand vitiated on the ground that no valid
prior sanction was obtained before filing of the charge-sheet. Learned Magistrate had considered
the facts of the case and had held that since the applicant was being prosecuted under Section 409
of I.P.C., there was no question of obtaining valid sanction and moreover conduct of the accused was
sufficient to frame charge against him under Section 409 of the Indian Penal Code. Learned Chief
Judicial Magistrate had considered that the prosecution had adduced cogent, convincing evidence to
bring home guilt of the accused and that the accused deserves to be convicted. Learned Magistrate
had also considered the fact that the applicant had deposited the amount withdrawn by him which
is sufficient evidence to indicate that he had withdrawn the said amount for himself and had
committed criminal breach of trust in the capacity of public servant. Learned Magistrate had
further considered the issue of entrustment having been proved against the accused. Learned
Magistrate had considered that on 12.12.1975 the accused had deposited entire amount along with
interest and had requested that no charge-sheet shall be filed against him since he has returned
the amount. The accused/applicant had placed reliance on the circular dated 30th November, 1978,
wherein the General Administration Department of the State of Maharashtra had taken a policy
decision that no prosecution shall be initiated against the employees, if amount is repaid within one
month from the notice of misappropriation. In the present case, the applicant was found to be
absconding after the office had noticed that he had dishonestly misappropriated the cheques
entrsuted to him. After filing of the report under Section 154 of Cr.P.C., the applicant had deposited
the said amount. Depositing the amount misappropriated would not exonerate the applicant of
offence punishable under Section 409 of the Indian Penal Code. Learned Magistrate had convicted
the accused of the offences with which he was charged. The findings recorded by learned
Magistrate were affirmed by the Appellate Court in the fitness of the circumstances.
6. It appears from the Roznama that the applicant was also accused in some other crime and was
being produced in the present proceedings through jail authorities. This would simply indicate that
the applicant who happened to be a public servant had some criminal antecedents. In Application
under section 397 & 401 of Cr.P.C., it is not necessary to re-appreciate the evidence adduced by the
prosecution. The applicant/accused was entitled for set off for the period from 22.12.1992 to
08.01.1993, 28.04.1993 to 04.06.1993 and 29.11.1999 to 07.04.2000, during which he was in jail. Hence,
it appears that the applicant has undergone the substantive sentence of about five months during
Submitted By: Adv. Nilesh C Ojha
PDF downloaded from the online archives of Chawla Publications(P) Ltd.
the pendency of the trial and appeal. The applicant was convicted by the Appellate Court vide
judgment and order dated 02.01.2003. On 15.09.2003 this Court had observed "It is submitted that
the accused has already undergone the imprisonment of six months as directed by the Appellate
Court" and Rule was issued.
7. This Court on perusal of the findings, recorded by the Trial Court and affirmed by the Appellate
Court, is of the view that no interference is warranted in the findings recorded by both the Courts.
Hence, the conviction of the applicant for offence punishable under Section 409 of the Indian Penal
Code is hereby maintained. The sentence of fine is also maintained. Since the applicant has
undergone the substantive sentence, it is not necessary to pass any specific order. The bail bonds of
the applicant shall stand cancelled. The Criminal Revision Application stands dismissed.
Revision dismissed.