Questionnaire 2
Questionnaire 2
Questionnaire 2
The goal of this study is to gather preliminary information to assess our fabricated paper bag out
of banana stem fiber for sustainable development in Barili. The indirect benefit of the capstone
research is to improve understanding of the impact in our ideal paper bags fabricated from
recycled pseudo stem to help eliminate and lessen the need for single-use paper bags that have
proven to harm the environment.
Participation in this study is completely voluntary and written informed consent will be obtained.
The questionnaire is to be answered by the respondents.
Before starting to answer the questions, please go through the instructions relevant to each
question and identify the correct answer for each question.
The information requested is purely for academic purpose and will be treated confidentially.
Thank you for accepting the Questionnaire.
SECTION B. Paper bags fabricated from recycled banana pseudo stem aims to lessen the
need for single-use paper bags that have proven to harm the environment.
Instruction: Please answer the following sections according to the following order.
1. Strongly Disagree.
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
2. I think I can use this banana Fiber paper bag for my regular
shopping trips
9 Overall, the banana fiber paper bag is safer and good to use
10. I highly recommend this type of paper bag to use