Joy Estrada
Joy Estrada
Joy Estrada
With your related knowledge and experience. We would like to request you be one of
our respondents in our study. We hope that you will take the time to answer the
questions honestly. Rest assured that all data gathered will be treated with the utmost
Sometimes it's good to take a risk when it pushes you outside of your comfort
consequences...especially if you're still young and not ready for what they
would be.
2. What did you feel when you know that you were pregnant?
I was shocked. I just sat down and cried. I stared at the positive test for several
3. What are the challenges that you face during your teenage pregnancy?
Motherhood means sleepless nights. Sleep is never the same. Alone time no
total elation. And I have this overwhelming sensation that life has changed
Sharing the news of my first pregnancy has been a joyful experience. our
parents cried, and our friends with kids welcomed us to the club and
1. What do you think are the programs that suit in adolescents’ early pregnancy?
2. Are you willing or ready to join programs that would help young mothers?
Yes, I am willing to join programs to help educate the young ones about early
and child mortality. Complications relating to pregnancy and childbirth are the
contraceptive options.
4. What do you think are the advantages of the program for teenage pregnancy?
The advantage of the program is that teens who have received a high amount
of education are five times less likely to become pregnant and enter child
marriages less often and are more likely to have healthy future pregnancies.
5. Would it improve their lives by just listening and not applying it? Why?
I guess not. Because if they just listen and they don't put it in their mind they
might as well end up engaging in any sexual activity that may cause early