Drug Addiction: Biology Investigatory Project
Drug Addiction: Biology Investigatory Project
Drug Addiction: Biology Investigatory Project
Dhananjay Dhiman
This is to certify that this “Biology Investigatory
Project” on the topic “Drug Addiction” has been
successfully completed by Dhananjav D him an of
class XII - /1 under the guidance of Mrs. SaUaja
Navak in particular fulfilment of the curriculum of
Central Board of Secondarv Education {CBSE}
leading to the award of annual examination of the
year 2Q16~17.
I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have
been possible without the kind support and help of many
(I) Drug
(II) Addiction.
What is meant by a drug?
Any substance, other than food, used in the picvention, diagnosis, all aviation or
treatment of a disease is called a drug. A drug may also be de lined as a
cbemical wbicb, UIK.II taken in some 'vay alter I be body liinclion. I be drug is also
known as a medicine, (ienerally, tbe tenn drugs applied lo any stimulating or
depressing substance that can be babilualing or addictive.
Meaning of Addiction
Addiclion is tbe babilnal. psycbological and physiological dependence on a
substance or practice. W’hich is beyond voluntaiy control. A person who is
habituated to a substance or a practice, especially a hannliil one, is called an
@§§ifiggdiQn of
There are a large number of drugs on which people become dependent. These
are classified into four major groups: sedatives and tranquilizers, opiate narcotics,
stimulants and hallucinogens.
Examples Effect
Sedatives and Barbiturates. Depress CNS activity
Tranquillizers Benzodiazepines give a feeling of
4. The desire for More Work: Students sometimes take drugs to keep awake
the whole night to prepare for the examination. It is not desirable as it may cause
a mental breakdown.
5. Looking for a Different World: A wrong notion that the drugs open up a
new world tempts some young octets to start taking-drugs.
6. Relief from Pain: A prolonged use of pain-relieving drugs with physician's
advice at times leads to addiction.
7. Family History: Children may take to drugs by seeing their elders in the
8. Excitement and Adventure: The young take to drugs to satisfy their instinct
for excitement and adventure.
9rinl<ing,Usg of 9rugs
(iv) Increased blood pressure due to smoking chances the risk of heart
(i) Smoking effects economy: A smoker not only waste money but also runs the
risk of burns and fires.
(ii) Smoking mars personality: Teeth may become stained. Lips may get
discolored and breath becomes foul. A person with a cigarette hanging from the
mouth looks odd.
Z\ \ 14
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, flammable, colorless liquid having a penetrating odour
and burning taste. It is one of the products of the distillation of fermented grains,
fruit juices and starches with the help of yeast enzymes. It is the principal
constituent and the intoxicating principle of wines. Modes of Use:
Alcohol is taken in low concentration, as the beer, toddy, and wine and in
relatively high concentration as arrack, brandy, whiskey, rum. gin. vodka etc.
Addiction to alcohol is called alcoholism. Alcoholics are found in all society
section of society. Alcohol causes intoxication and thus, acts as a poison. They
drinkers begin with small doses, but many of them soon start consuming large
doses and become addicts. By the time they realize that drinking in adversely
affecting them, it is too late to give it up. Why People Take to Drinking
The drinkers offer one or more of the following reasons for starting drinking.
(i) Social pressure
(ii) Desire for excitement
(iii) Feeling of independence
(iv) Liking of taste
(v) Desire to escape from such realities of life as disappointments and
failures and
(vi) The desire to offset the hardships and monotony of daily life.
What happens when Alcohol is
Alcohol is quickly absorbed in
the stomach and upper part of
small intestine and reaches all
the tissues in minutes. Its
oxidation starts at once and a
large amount of heat in
produced. Since heat is not
needed in the body, it is taken up
by the blood and carried to the skin for dissipation. Since the receptors of heat
are located in the skin, the rush of blood to the skin gives a false impression of
warmth in the body. The blood supply of internal organs is greatly reduced
resulting in fall of temperature in them. The energy released by alcohol is not
used in any life process. Rather the energy derived from food is used up in
ridding the body of excess heat.
Is Alcohol A Stimulant?
Many people take alcohol for stimulation. Actually, alcohol is a depressant, a
substance which dulls the senses. It reduces the efficiency of every tissue the
body. Any feeling of lift a person may claim to feel is a mistaken impression or
an attempt to justify the act in his own mind.
Drug use and addiction cause a lot of disease and disability in the world. Recent
advances in neuroscience may help improve policies to reduce the harm that the
use of tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive drugs impose on society.