مياه السودان الجوفية
مياه السودان الجوفية
مياه السودان الجوفية
. The water levels range from 10 meters near the Nile and
f a l l s rapidly moving away fr^m the source of recharge, i t re-
ches a maximum depth of 25 meters in the central part of the
basin. The ground water i s flowing in gelima casis which i s
a natural depression. The fluii'ing water i s also due to the
damming of water by the Basement Complex subsurface r i l g e .
Umm Bayada and Saniya "Iayei, are two promissing areas for
further detailed stud:.?s an:1, future development.-
4. Nuhud_Basing
The geological units which form the Blue Nile Basin ?.r?
the Basement Complex which is acid gneisses and schists with acil
and basic volcanic rocks. These are overlain by the Nubian sand-
stone formation and the Ilmm liuwaba Formation; along the m i t e TTilo
the beds are more clayey and s i l t y , where as along the Blue Nil?
sandy deposits are more prominent,,
The chemical quality i s varying0 The t o t a l dissolved
solids i s low along the Blue Nile ranging from 300 to 500 p.p,ni..
and high along the 'Vhite Nile ranging between 10C0 - 5000 p.. pom«
This i s due to the variations of the formations, which accordingly
result in variations of permeability recharge,- p o t e n i a l i t i e s nn\
contact time between the ground water and the .£T-'n.£/gi;'jji.
The water levels range from few meters near the rivr.3
down to a maximum of 50 meters away from xhe stream. The dirocti-n
of ground water flow i s paralleled to tho direction of the suri -.co
runoff, i . e . the recharge from the rivers- The saturated thicknv3
i s ranging from 100 - 500 meters,
The average velocity i s from 1 - 2.52 meters per year
which i s rather slow compared to the high permeability rates?
but i s mainly due to the sluggish gradient,,
The basin storags i s about 2270 million cubic meters-
the annual recharge i s about 70.9 million cubic meters, per ycji:
The areas along the Blue Nile are most promissing for
future development.
5° Nubian/Basalt Basin;
1• Gedaref Basin;
The Basin covers the central part of Kassala Province
extending over an area of 28,016 square kilometers.
The geology of the basin i s formed mainly of Nubian
Sandstone formation and Basalts. These basalts are multiple
sheets and i r r i g u l a r intrusions, of •tfurrassic age, being
extended over the Nubian Sandstone formation^ The Nubian Sand •
stone Formation in the Gedaref region i s proved to be older th-ii
the Nubian Sandstone in the rest of Sudan, i»e. they are cla^.r •
fied as ••Gedaref "Formation'', constituted sands, sandy mud stone
and mudstones, which sometimes contain conglomerates. In m*my
- 12 -
-places the sandstones are s i l i c i f i e i to such an..extend that they
are almost, quartzites et>> Jebel Manta are.-*
' • ''••;••$&•
2* Shagara Basin;
Shagara Basin in the smallest basin covering an area
of 824 square kilometers, west of ^1 Fasher town capital of
Northern Darfur Province, and i s bounded from the west by jebel
Marra, and i s north west of Sag ^1 Naam Basin,
This basin is formed geologically of Nubian Sandstone
Formation and basaltic flow in the centre of the
'Pater levels are near to the surface, about 25 meters,
the saturated thickness of the aquifer ranges between 200-300
The recharge i s from surface flow during the rainy
season. The basin i s 4.5 million cubic meters, the annual recharge
i s about 1.1. million cubic meters while the abstraction rates
i s 0.7 million cubic meters.
Ground Water Basin : Underflow Reeharge^* Basin Stor- ' Abstraction: Percentage of
Milicn xrr : milion m : age million : million Abstraction
hr Year nr Year to Recharge
1 Nubian Basin
1. Sahara Nile Basin 136.0 5500 7.4 5.44
2. Sahara Nubian Basin 20.6 20.6 9740 1.2 5-82
3, Central Darfur Basin 12.8 47.6 794 5.6 11.82
4. Nuhud Basin 1.5 15.4 136 2.5 16.49
5. Sag El Na'am Basin 1.3 14.8 134 1.5 9.89
6. River Atbara Basin 3.7 23.0 0.5 1.90
I I Umm Ruwaba Basin
Sudd Basin 341 = 0 11000 1.9 0.54
2, S y s t e m Kordofan B 2°3 15.8 1710 4.5 28.31
I [I Nubian/Umm Ruwaba B
1. B lggara Basin 22,7 154.6 7110 11.9 7.71
2. Blue Nile Basin 10. 70.9 2270 21.6 30.00
" / Nubian/Basalt Basin
1. edaref Basin 6.1 1+1.7 700 10.11+
.jc^ura -acl.w a. v
' 1,1 64.22
» A l l u v :1 a 1 P n r> i v •.
1. iyala 2«Azum 500 80.0 16,00
4 , - b r a 5-Abu
6C -vrbaat 7. Khor Bai
Characteristics Of The
Ground 'Vater Basins Depth to 7ater : Saturated Thickness \rea of The Basin
rr.etcrs meters square kilometers
I Nubian Basins
Sahara Nile Basin 10- 2o 100-500 273,980
2c Sahara Nubian Basxn 10-^0 100-1000 324,356
3. Central Darfur Basin 25-100 100-350 52,9^,4
4, Nuhud Basin 100-3.20 150-250 6,798
5« Nafam Basin 50-100 50 0-20 00 2,678
6c liver \tbara Basin 10O--50 0 23,896
II urn Tluwa^g Basins
1« Sudd Basin 10-25 IJO-3000 365,268
2. Eastern Koriofan 68,392
11I Nubi an/urara B.
1. Basin 30-75 100-2030 141,376
2. Blue Nile Basin 10-50 100-500 75,808
IV Nubian/Basalt Basins
1. Gedaref Basin 200-500 28,016
2. Shegara Basin 25 200-350 ,,824
V alluvial Basins:
1. Nyala 2. \zum 3. Kutum
4. Ibra 5. ,\bu Gebeiha 3-10 10-50
6. A.rbaat 7. Khor Barka
8. !3l Gash
—\— ^ : _"?S0 -ROT
Ground Vater Bacins : I'resent State of: Management state : Future : «,reas for future D?v—
Development po tentialie Silopment & Detailed
I Nubian Basin.s
1 . Sahara Nilev Undeveloped Required excellent 1. "?adi ^1 Khuwei "^1 oa .h
2« :7adi ^1 Kuggdam
2c Sahara Nubian Undeveloped Required excellent 1. "'adi Hawar,
3, Central Darfur Basin Developed Required Good l o Umm By ad a
2. Saniya Haiyei
4. Nubin Basin Developed Vc Essential Go o d lo Haidob F i e l d
5° Sag Tl Na'am Basin Developing V. •^ssen+j. a l Excellent %<• The whola Bisin
6. iiv?r \tbara Basin Undeveloped Ttequire.! excellent lc Lower riivor ;tbara
I I Umin T^uwaba Basins
1 . Sudd Basin Undeveloped rtequirc-d Excellent Regional study to esta-
blish northern areas.
2. I as tern Kordofan B. Developed Hequired Fair
i n ; Nubian/Umrii liuwaba B.
l c laggara Basin Developing Essential Good T°wn localities from
town supply.
2. Ilue Nile Basin Developing V. Essential excellent •VLnng t h e Blue Nile
IV Fubian/Basalt Basins
IT*"Godaref Basin Developed Required poor —
Shagera Basin ".'ell Developed V. Essential Fair —
V. \ l l u v i a l "asins
1 . ",'adi Nyala Developing v. •^s c 3-:-ntial Q • ->d I 1. Down stream to Nyala
2. "'adi *sum Undeveloped Essential G^od 1. Dankuch 2-IJran Bala
3 . T^iver Gash 'Veil Developed Essential Good 2alengi
4. 7adi Kutum Developed •^sspntial Good i t Kutum area
5. Khor Barka Undeveloped v. Essential Good Tokar Delta
6. ,*bu Gebeiha Abu Gebeiha Essential Good
7- Arbaat Tell Developed Acquired Good
8. I bra Undeveloped Fair
ground 7ater Basins T K I V
m /day : m/i a y m/km m/yp-
I_ Nubian Bajin
1. Sahara Nile Bav.i^ iO0-1000 3-10 4.3 xlO --•3
4 0.44-1.46 10"',, -10"
2. Sahara Nubian Basin 500-1030 1-5 1.13 ;T 10 0.41-2.06 10" - 13"
_3 -4
3. Central T)arfur Basin 300-700 0.5-10 1,75 x 10 0.32-6.4
4. Ijuhud Basin 300-1000 5-15 5.0 x 10 1.0 -2.74 10 2 - 10 - 4
x 10 - 3
_ A
5. SaG ^1 Nafam Basin 500-1300 1-20 3-5 1.33-25-5 10" 2 _io
100-1000 -3 10" 2 _1O- 4
6. rLiver Ankara Basin 3-T-IO 1,0 x 10 1.1 -3.65
II_Ugm Ruwaba Basins
1,0 x 10 " 3 0.18-1.8
1. sudd Basin 100-530 Oc5-5 5>0 x 10 ^ 0.09-0.27 -io
3*0 x 10" 4 0.05-0.15
2. Western Kordofan Bo 10 0-500 0,5-5 5-3 x 10" 4 0.1 -0.27 1 3 " 4 -1C
I I I Nubian/unm ftuwaba Be 3,6 x l 3 " 4 0.13-1.97
1. JlaSCara Basin 250-750 1-15 1 , 2 xlO"
0.45-6.75 13-2 - 1 0 " 4
75 0.27-4.10
2. Blue *<ile Basin 533-2303 13-33 2.3 slO"
3.84-2.52 13-2 _ 1 D - 4
IV Nubian/Dasalt Basins
1. Gedaref Basin 10 0-250 3.5-5 1.7 xlO" 0.31-3.1 ID" 4 -10 5
2. ShaC-?ra Basin 130-250 3.5-5 9.0 xlO- 4 3.16-1.6 io- 4
V alluvial Basins
IT"Ni'ala 2. Tizum 3. Kutum
300-3000 3-20 10 - 2
4. I t r a 5. Abu Geboiha
6. Arbaat 7. Khor Barka
rr~"i UmmRuwaba
[~-"'j Nubian
HOUR V ^- fr/t>
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