Life Times Summer 2011 P. 12

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Gateway Pregnancy Centers

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Volume 21 Number 2
Psalm 139:13 Summer 2011

Devout, yet defeated

Haneefa (name changed for her protection) has a few small children. She lives in an Islamic Center in the Midwest Her husband was deported a few years ago for making anti-American statements. She recently went to Planned Parenthood thinking she was pregnant. They encouraged her to chemically abort the baby. She adamantly refused because she is Muslim. The father of the baby, whom she met at work is also Muslim but demanded she abort. She refused. Haneefa found Gateway on the internet. She knew we were Christian. She asked for help in relocating her and her children and helping her to place her baby in a Muslim home. We offered to try to secure housing in the northern NJ area. We interfaced with Muslims and nonMuslims. Weve had numerous opportunities to share Christ with her. She fears her pregnancy will be found out in her tight knit Muslim community. I could get killed for this!.
She believes she most certainly would be killed in an Islamic country. We shared with her Jesus encounter with the woman caught in adultery in John chapter 8:10-11. We encouraged her to trust Jesus who would forgive her. and not condemn her. Haneefa insists Islam is not a religion, but a way of life. When a Shia Muslim woman was referred to us in hopes of adopting the child, she categorically refused upon hearing of the circumstances surrounding the conception. I dont want the baby she said, insisting that her devoutness prohibited her from taking the child. Haneefah grew up in America, the daughter of a Catholic woman and Muslim father. She has bounced from motels to homeless shelters. At age 17, devout Pakistanis adopted her. She is a confused and conflicted woman. We put Haneefa in touch with a Christian ministry helping Muslims. She rejected them. (Haneefas story continues on p. 2)

In this issue of Life Times

Devout, yet defeated From the Directors Desk Hot Summer Happenings Summer painting and cleaning Walk, training and Banquet news Addisons first year Not only diapers .. Mitchs story 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Newark Serve Project 2011 8-11 Some final thoughts / Have You Heard? 12

Dean and Celeste Quimpan celebrate the old and the new at Gateway: from typewriter to eKyros computerized data (May 2011)

Thanks to the young people of Living Stone Church , Livinston NJ for helping to paint and clean our Irvington site: Sat April 23, 2011

page 4 page 4

Our new and improved training! Introductory Session: September 10, 2011 Advanced Session: September 24, 2011 9am to 3pm both Saturdays Join Us! Call 973-399-8378 or Email

Gateway Walk for Life 2011

Join us, wont you? (male and female volunteers needed)

page 5

Addisons First Year....

by Jennifer Koedatich on Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 8:06pm Through Addison God has revealed to me how much He loves me. I can remember holding Addison for the first time and not even knowing what to pray for simply because I needed more strength more wisdom more courage then I thought God could ever provide me. Truth be told God didnt need to know the right words from me, God knew my heart and He knew that he was going to provide every single thing I would need. He also knew that He would provide all these things one day at a time!! I have been humbled that God has brought so many people into Addisons life that love her and have helped me with her this last year. I will never be able to express my appreciation and how my heart has felt when she is around those that love her. I continue to pray that God will grant me the strength for each day. And this time when I pray, I say it confidently that My God will provide for me all that I NEED. So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear? But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Mathew 6 31-33 Addison is such a beautiful child and I am blessed to have her as my daughter. As I look at the next year, my prayer is that I may live with hope, faith and confidence in Him. His plan for Addison and I is just underway and I am excited to see where He takes us.

page 6

She came to Gateway for a package of diapers, but there was much more in store for our new friend. She was due in a few months and was beginning to feel the responsibility of caring for her new son to be born. It became obvious from our first interaction that she had deep needs. She was longing for a place to share her struggle and felt no purpose. Her greatest moment at Gateway was when she full understood her need for a personal relationship with Jesus and chose to accept Him as her Savior. Soon after her new journey with Christ began, Baby Yezon was born on July 7 beginning his new life as well. She now meets regularly with a friend of Gateway who attends a local church. The same church is planning a baby shower that will include additional baby items for our friend in need. By Gods grace, she received much more than a package of diapers at Gateway.

Repair, redesign and restoration.. a summer of missionary help

Our summer began with two interns from Living Stone Church assisting Lucy at our Irvington site. Kathy Xia and Darlene Yang (both age 17) were involved in many aspects of the ministry.

Love one another Serve one another

Mitch Koury, Gateways counselor of boyfriends and husbands, had the privilege of ministering to this young man. Mitch encouraged Justin to consider marrying his girlfriend (the mother of his child). Justin is a believer. Mitch is helping him in his walk with the Lord. Justin married in June and Mitch was invited. (Titus 2:6: Likewise, urge the younger men page 7

Professional painter,Greg Layton (r) and his helper Jovanni, volunteered to paint our entryway and staircase. Thanks again! ======================================

Newark Serve Project 2011 @ Gateway Irvington: July 11-15

Twenty-six youth and four adult leaders from small towns in Minnesota and western Canada descended upon Gateway Irvington for four days of ministry, as part of Newark Serve project 2011. Thank you to Pastor Zan Ingalls of Galilee Baptist, Newark for hosting this ministry. (additional story and photos see insert)

A fond look back at Newark Serve Project 2011

Pastor Zantesah Ingalls of Galilee Baptist in Newark
Each of the youth were given a Gateway tote bag, a WAWZ 99.1 water bottle, literature on the ministry, geared for youth, with an emphasis on purity, and many snacks.. plus lots of water!

The servants who came from Minnesota and western Canada

Four Project leaders supervised the crew of 26 youth, each crew working one day from 9am to 3pm.. nearly 250 man (woman) hours of hard work in 90 degree heat.

(above) One of the four groups some from Minnesota, some from Prince Edward island (Canada) (right) Experienced leaders from took over heading the project page 8

Another day another crew comes in

These girls really got into their work!


What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warmed and filled, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead James 2:14-17

Hard work can be fun too!

page 9

The entire Irvington office was painted

Installing shelving units

Now our lterature will be more organzied

(above) Intern Darlene Yang helps with the painting


In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35

Lucys son Calvin poses with 6 ft 9in Zach Matthew 25:14-30 Servanthood

The week concluded with a dinner at the Newarks Galilee Baptist church, followed by a praise service. A number of the youth recommitted their lives to Christ and one is seriously considering working in a crisis pregnancy ministry!
*Besides derving all week at Gateway, these servants youth ministered at Greater Life Outreach Center, the NYC Relief Bus, a local church in Plainfield, another church in the Bronx, and joined the host churchs outreach program to help serve the community and support the summer camp programs. they began the week attending an inter-church baptism service at the Delaware Water Gap page 11

Gateway Pregnancy Centers

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Volume 21 Number 2
Psalm 139:13 Summer 2011

Devout, yet defeated

Haneefa (name changed for her protection) has a few small children. She lives in an Islamic Center in the Midwest Her husband was deported a few years ago for making anti-American statements. She recently went to Planned Parenthood thinking she was pregnant. They encouraged her to chemically abort the baby. She adamantly refused because she is Muslim. The father of the baby, whom she met at work is also Muslim but demanded she abort. She refused. Haneefa found Gateway on the internet. She knew we were Christian. She asked for help in relocating her and her children and helping her to place her baby in a Muslim home. We offered to try to secure housing in the northern NJ area. We interfaced with Muslims and nonMuslims. Weve had numerous opportunities to share Christ with her. She fears her pregnancy will be found out in her tight knit Muslim community. I could get killed for this!.
She believes she most certainly would be killed in an Islamic country. We shared with her Jesus encounter with the woman caught in adultery in John chapter 8:10-11. We encouraged her to trust Jesus who would forgive her. and not condemn her. Haneefa insists Islam is not a religion, but a way of life. When a Shia Muslim woman was referred to us in hopes of adopting the child, she categorically refused upon hearing of the circumstances surrounding the conception. I dont want the baby she said, insisting that her devoutness prohibited her from taking the child. Haneefah grew up in America, the daughter of a Catholic woman and Muslim father. She has bounced from motels to homeless shelters. At age 17, devout Pakistanis adopted her. She is a confused and conflicted woman. We put Haneefa in touch with a Christian ministry helping Muslims. She rejected them. (Haneefas story continues on p. 2)

In this issue of Life Times

Devout, yet defeated From the Directors Desk Hot Summer Happenings Summer painting and cleaning Walk, training and Banquet news Addisons first year Not only diapers .. Mitchs story 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Newark Serve Project 2011 8-11 Some final thoughts / Have You Heard? 12

Dorothy represented Gateway and spoke at Union Chapel (Union NJ) ladies group -May 4th.

Irvington (NJ) Weather Severe Weather Alert

Temperature 106 F Feels Like: 114 F

Hot Summer Happenings

Meadowlark Lemon signing autographs on May 19, 2011. Gateway is presenting three autographed basketballs to three Walk 2011 high sponsored participants.

Plainfield volunteer counselor Lisa Munoz with Angeline, her husband and baby Rien at Covenant Presbyterian Church presentation Gateway Board Meeting May 2011

Dean and Celeste Quimpan celebrate the old and the new at Gateway: from typewriter to eKyros computerized data (May 2011) Students from Rutgers University view the Gateway literature table at the June 3rd Teen / Parent Summit in Newark. Lucy Droege again had one-on-one discussions with the students. A few called for help following this presentation. page 3

Please pray for Rich Collier, a dear friend of Gateway Pregnancy Center
Richard F. Collier, Jr., Esq. is the President of the Legal Center for Defense of Life, Morristown, NJ, whose volunteer attorneys provide pro bono legal advice and representation in matters involving abortion and euthanasia. Rich is on the Advisory Board of Life Choices Women's Health center in Phillipsburg, and a longtime friend of the Gateway ministry. In 1997 he tirelessly worked on behalf of Sonia Jackson and her daughter Messiah (now age fourteen). Medical Update - July 26, 2011 Rich writes: "Please thank everyone for their prayers and their concern. And please let them know that their prayers are working! (Not that that should be any surprise.) I had the last of my initial radiation and chemo treatments last week, so I got through the first six weeks OK, without any major side effects -- thanks to the abundance of prayers that have been poured out for me, which is very humbling. Next stop is surgery to remove the tumor, which is now scheduled for August 23. I will be in the hospital for 4-7 days, then at home for a while. Then back into much stronger chemo for about four months. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"

Please keep Richard Collier in your prayers

[Type quote Gateway has seenafrom January through July, 788 women, from Christ as Savior and Lord and another 23 113 babies are known born and 107 women have trusted the document or the have rededicated their life to the Lord! summary of an interesting point. We are preparing for our annual celebration banquet on Thursday October 27th. with our special guest You can position speaker, Kay Coles James. the text box anywhere many of our supporters are away and giving is During the Hot Summer Months of June, July and August, in the document. Use at a year low. This year is no different. As of this writing, we have an urgent need of about $ 9,000 to the Text Box meet all our commitments. Tools tab to change the Would you consider a Hot Summer Gift to help us as we move through the summer into another exciting season of ministry? This is our 26th year of ministry and weformatting of the from a God who has already see greater things pull quote text done great things. box.]

Have you heard?

Gateway Pregnancy Centers

for such a time as this
Esther 4:14
960 Springfield Avenue, Irvington, NJ 07111 / 65 Jefferson Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07201 705 Park Avenue, Plainfield, NJ 07060 (973) 399-8378 Fax: 908-686-8180 email:

e-Mail list, that is! Include your email with your next response

check out our Blog at


Rev. Dean Gavaris

Are Gateway volunteers excited about the ministry? Absolutely!

Celeste Quimpan
Every time I walk out of the center I realize more and more how blessed I am to be a part of this ministry! God is so amazing!

Laura Araneo I feel the

same way!!!...I wish I could be there all the time!!!This ministry is continuing to be such a blessing to me and I am excited for the new year with new opportunities!

Devout, yet defeated (continued from p. 1)

Haneefas blog indicates her conflicting views: America is great. America has been a terrorist. I hate the USA Government and would go anywhere in the world to get out of here!

Please pray as we share Christ with Haneefa and as we help her to relocate. The stark differences between her beliefs and ours, we feel, will be used by the Holy Spirit to speak to her heart. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Good News Pregnancy Center opens

Sheila Riley and Rosanda Groh @ Good News Opening June 25 2011. Gateway has been assisting Sheila as she has seen her vision bear fruit in Perth Amboy.

(Pictured: December 2008 Gateway training of the future Good News staff, led by their Executive Director, Rev. Sheila Riley.)

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