Lesson Plan (Senior High)
Lesson Plan (Senior High)
Lesson Plan (Senior High)
I. Objectives
At the end of an hour, the learner can:
A. define a relation and a function;
B. illustrate a relation and a function; and
C. realize the application of relation and function in real – life situation.
ll. Subject Matter
References: Ponsones, R. B., et.al (2013). Math Ideas And Life Applications. Abiva
Bldg., 851 g. Araneta Ave., Quezon City
A. Prayer
“ Let us pray”
(After prayer) Students will pray.
B. Checking of Attendance
“Good morning class, let me check your
attendance first; who is absent today?”
“Very good! “ Students will respond.
( After checking the attendance)
C. Motivation
D. Lecture Proper
Types of Relation
a. One-to-one
b. Many-to-one
c. One-to-many
E. Application
F. Generalization
(After 10 minutes, the teacher let the students present their works.)
V. Assignment
Do as indicated. On your assignment notebook, state the rule in:
Prepared by:
Stephanie E. Federiso