Captain of The Ship: Lockheed
Captain of The Ship: Lockheed
Captain of The Ship: Lockheed
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By Mitchell Glicksman © 2016
engine airliner? Pose this question
amongst two or more aviation enthusi-
asts and you may be sure that a lively,
possibly heated discussion will ensue.
However, I would be quite surprised if
most, if not all, would ultimately agree
that the Lockheed “Constellation” was the most beautiful,
graceful if you prefer, or at least amongst the top two or
three.1 The “Connie,” as it was universally and affection-
ately called (much to the dismay of Eddie Rickenbacker of
WWI fame who, as the owner of Eastern Airlines, thought
the name to be too effeminate) was a spectacular and sin-
gular aeronautical design from the first rude sketch of
“Excalibur” to the last L-1649 “Starliner.”
Gathering many firsts and breaking many records in its
almost five decades-long useful lifetime, Constellation con-
sistently stands out from her sister airliners both visually
and functionally. Sadly, the many luminous stars embody-
ing this “Constellation” were ultimately eclipsed when at
their brightest by the urgent, inexorable force of progress
which saw the end of the age of the long-distance piston-
engine airliners and the birth of the big, jet-powered trans-
ports. This new era of air-transportation in the U.S. began
on 26 October 1958 when Pan American Airlines (Pan Am)
flew a Boeing 707 with 111 passengers from New York to
London. Soon, the jet-powered Douglas DC-8, Convair 880
and Sud Aviation “Caravelle” joined the 707 and long-range
piston airliners were through.
Even so, there are many, this writer amongst them, who
posit that even whilst swifter, no kerosene burning alumin-
ium tube has ever come close to matching Connie’s superb
The story of commercial aviation in the U.S. leading to Lockheed’s
inimitable L-049 Constellation takes us through the most
dynamic, creative and exciting years in aviation, 1927-1947. The
changes over these years in aeronautical concepts and design,
public awareness and acceptance of aviation, vast developments
in the piston engine as well as in metallurgy, aircraft structure
methods and materials, electronic and hydraulic systems, radios
for communication and navigation, etc. is greater than in any
other period of a similar length. There’s a great story to tell and I
hope that you will enjoy reading about it.
A confident-looking Charles
Lindbergh standing in front of
Ryan NYP, “The Spirit of St. Louis”,
a redesigned 1926 Ryan M-2 mail-
plane powered by a 223 hp (166
kW) Wright Whirlwind J-5C radial
engine. In order to make room
for the extra fuel necessary for
the cross-atlantic flight from New
York to Paris and to maintain a
stable centre of gravity, fuel tanks
were built into what was formerly
the pilot’s and passengers’ areas
and the new pilot’s compartment
was located aft of them at the
trailing edge of the wing. Special
oil canisters were attached to the
engine to keep it well-oiled during
the flight.
grace and poise. Her story is full of ironies and surprises, of which won him the Orteig Prize of $25,000.00.
Geniuses, Presidents and Pioneers. You see, there once was Lindbergh’s purpose-built Ryan NYP carried 450 US gal-
this fabulously wealthy, incandescently brilliant, eccentric lons of gasoline (1,700 L; 370 imp. gal.) which weighed 2,710
movie mogul, aviator and airline owner who had an idea for pounds (1,230 kg), giving it an expected range of 4,000
an airplane... miles. Fuel was stored in five fuel tanks: three wing tanks
(153 US gallons total), the most forward fuselage tank (88
MODERN COMMERCIAL AIR- US gallons), and behind it the main fuselage tank (209 US
TRANSPORT ARISES IN THE U.S. gallons). The oil tank was placed behind the main fuselage
When discussing development of commercial aviation, there tank and served as a most questionable “firewall” for the
is a distinct break point separating the relatively primitive, cockpit. The fuel tanks in the forward fuselage completely
early days of single-engine, two or three passenger trans- blocked any kind of forward view for the pilot which was
port and the rising of the modern airliner. As it happens, only very slightly compensated for by a small, retractable
this break point is not only one of aviation’s but is also one periscope on the port side of the cockpit. Altogether this
of the world’s most significant events — the solo cross- aeroplane was surely a handful to fly even when moderately
atlantic flight of Charles A. Lindbergh2, 20-21 May 1927 loaded and must have been quite a bear when full.
Roughly dating photographs of the Spirit of Saint Louis as
when this was not at all common aircraft structural prac- That month an entirely new aeroplane, the eight-
tice. Whilst this terribly underpowered and poorly designed passenger Ford 4-AT, a three-engine cantilever wing aero-
aeroplane was not produced beyond the prototype, before plane was designed by Ford's chief aeronautical engineer,
it flew Henry Ford publicly touted that it was “the airplane Tom Towle who hired MIT graduate Otto C. Koppen, John
of the future.” The Stout 3-AT had only one, almost disas- Lee, and James Smith McDonnell (later to found McDonnell
trous flight during which it could barely maintain altitude Aircraft Corporation) as the redesign team of the awkward,
after take off. Rudolph William “Shorty” Schroeder, Ford’s dangerously performing, three-engine Stout 3-AT.
test pilot, told Henry Ford that he would not ever fly that Thus, in early 1926 Ford 4-AT Tri-Motor began flying
piece of “excrement” again. A most irate Henry Ford quickly in the same skies as the Fokker F.10. It was remarkably,
removed William Stout from the aviation department’s even suspiciously similar to the Fokker but it had one great
engineering staff and assigned him to publicity tours. advantage, like Stout aircraft which came before, 4-AT’s
On 16 January 1926 Ford engineer Tom Towle was asked airframe was all-metal. Whilst this feature would not
to remove all drawings of 3-AT from the Stout factory and become an important issue to the public until after the 1931
to bring to the Ford Engineering Laboratory building across Knute Rockne/Fokker crash, Henry Ford reported to the
the field. At about 6 a.m. the next morning, a fire destroyed press that the new all-metal Ford was “the safest airplane
the Stout factory and all the Stout aircraft in it. The new around.” Ford Tri-Motors operated by Stout Airlines, later
Ford 4-AT was designed from the “saved” drawings of part of United Airlines were the first to carry a flight atten-
Stout 3-AT. dant, a young man.
U. S. Navy R4C-1,
military version of
Curtiss “Condor”.
NACA cowlings,
mostly retractable
undercarriage, fairly
streamlined fuselage
and all of this with
those old-fashioned
strut and wire braced
biplane wings.
What’s wrong with
this picture? Note
the familiar-looking
Douglas DC-type
fuselage profile.
NASA’s Project Gemini and Project Apollo; Jack Northrop founded Northrop Electra is officially catalogued as 17 Tauri, a blue-white giant star in
Aviation in 1939; George Strompl a talented Project Manager at Douglas, and the constellation of Taurus and is one of the nine brightest stars in the
Fred Herman, an up and coming engineer at Douglas were members of the Pleiades open cluster. Electra and the other six most visible stars in this
design teams for DC-2 through DC-7. group are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology.
A suitably awed
(and well-tanned)
Donald Douglas
shaking hands
with President
DD:The what? Oh, oh yeah. Yeah, I get it.
Franklin Delano
Roosevelt CR: Yeah, and without side-by-side berths no one is
whilst receiving
the Collier gonna get it, capiche?
Trophy (on the
President’s desk DD: So what you’re telling me is I’ve got to design an
in foreground) in
1935. entirely new plane, wider than the DC-2 so that we can
put twin sleeping berths in it, right?
Later in ’36 the world got what it was waiting for — DC-3
and DST. Production of the civilian DC-3 ended in 1942, the
first full year of WWII for the U.S., and by that time 607
had been built and sold before they came off the assem-
bly line. This had to reassure Douglas as to the efficacy of
“Fifty Years a Lady”, a painting by Craig Kodera.
“In my painting,” said Craig Kodera, “I strove to evoke a sense of warmth, the whole DC-3 project as it was the most numerous, by
nostalgia and romance. Never have so many stories been written about far, of any airliner built until then. In any event, history
a single airplane; never has an airplane been so much a part of our has proven that Donald Douglas had nothing to reproach
consciousness. It seems that everyone, at one time, has flown in a DC-3.
This painting is for all of them. As unique as the airplane is, so too is the himself about DC-3. The military version, C-47/R4D/Dakota
painting. My goal was to capture not just the airframe but indeed the added a further 16,000 sales and it was purchased or built
spirit of aviation which is the Douglas DC-3.” Amen, Craig.
under license by more than 40 domestic and international
operators. DC-3s have flown deep into formerly unknown
regions of the Amazon, operated from the trackless ice-
world of the Antarctic to the remotest regions of Africa, and
in every continent and country in the world.
7 By “Mainliner” I mean those aircraft which flew the airlines’ chief, long
distance routes. Of course, two and three-engine aircraft have been and
are U.S. airlines’ short(er) haul aircraft since the advent of the four-engine
airliners and are an equally important factor in commercial aviation.
An RAAF Lockheed “Hudson Mk I” looking quite bellicose. The blue and white roundels and fin flashes are the
usual tri-color Type A, red centre, white and blue circle RAF/RAAF roundel and fin flash but with the red centre
circle of the roundel and the forward red stripe of the Type A fin flash omitted. This insignia modification enough to DC-3’s twenty one. Powered
was done on all Allied aircraft throughout the Pacific Theatre beginning May 1942 for fear of the red circle
being mistaken in combat for the red Japanese Hinomaru. The current, more familiar RAAF roundel with red by two 1,200 hp. Wright R-1829-
kangaroo facing left or forward in the centre was adopted on 2 July 1956. Prior to that, the RAAF displayed the87 nine-cylinder air-cooled radial
usual RAF roundels.
engines, “Lodestar” had a ferocious
top airspeed of 266 mph. Introduced in
Lockheed learned that the BPC were coming to discuss Super March 1940, sales of Lodestar were slow in the U.S. as hun-
Electra as a possible military aeroplane and feverishly mod- dreds of DC-3s had already been purchased and were oper-
ified one from the assembly lines according to Johnson’s ating with all of the domestic airlines.
drawings in only five days and nights. Foreign sales of Lodestar were far better, nine having
On 10 December 1938, Lockheed flew a demonstration of been purchased by the British Overseas Airways Corporation
the militarized version of the Super Electra for BPC. After (BOAC), now British Airways, twenty-nine by the
making the few changes that were requested by BPC in only Netherlands East Indies, thirteen by New Zealand National
24 hours, Lockheed won a contract for up to 250 of what Airways Corporation, twenty-one by South African Airways,
was to be called “Hudson Mk I.” Powered by two 1,100 hp. and twelve by Trans-Canada Air Lines.
Wright Cyclone GR-1820-102A radial engines it had a very Lodestar’s excellent performance specs and Lockheed’s
respectable maximum airspeed of 246 mph at 6,500 feet. highly successful Hudson caused the USAAC to take interest
Lockheed, which had never before produced any kind of in the aeroplane. In the build-up to WWII starting in 1940, a
military aircraft now found itself supplying the RAF with number of commercial Model 18 “Lodestars” were impressed
a light patrol bomber, eventually complete with a Boulton- into military service and designated C-60 by the USAAC and
Paul Type C electro/hydraulic dorsal machine gun turret. R5O by the USN. In February 1940 the RAF, already quite
Hudson’s performance is comparable to the Nazi’s Heinkel pleased with Lockheed’s Hudson patrol bomber, ordered
111H-2 bomber.9 188 of the larger and faster Lodestars which they named
Lockheed’s Model 18 “Lodestar” was a last gasp attempt “Ventura.” After 7 December 1941, a further order for 487
to compete with DC-3. As a commercial airliner, Super improved Venturas, Ventura Mk II was partially diverted to
Electra had been less than successful at this. It was faster the USAAF which ordered 200 more and designated them
than DC-3 but carried seven less passengers and was more
expensive to operate. By further stretching Super Electra’s
fuselage another 5’6,” eighteen passengers could now be
accommodated, which Lockheed considered to be close
No, this is not a photo of a vastly over-booked Fokker F.32. Looking, however, like
something out of H. G. Wells’ “Things to Come”, this is one of the two Western Air Express
Fokker F.32s in service in and around 1929-31. Fokker’s trademark thick, cantilever wing
is evident as well as the notorious back-to-back engine arrangement. A behemoth of an
aeroplane, it represented the latest optimistic aeronautical advance of its time. Here we
see the passengers standing on top of it and the three-man crew and the stewardess, who
know better, standing below on terra firma. Such photos as this one were often used as
publicity to prove the strength of an aeroplane’s wing.
Above, Top: Sikorsky’s Russky Vityaz (Le Grand) the world’s first four- engine aeroplane and first airliner. Yes,
that is an open walkway in front of the cockpit for passengers to step out onto for a really good, if a bit windy, view
whilst in flight. Russky Vityaz had two comfortable cabins for up to seven passengers, a saloon and a washroom and designed, but never built a
– in 1913! six-engine flying boat planned
Above, Bottom: Sikorsky’s 1913, 97’ 8” wingspan Ilya Muromets, the world’s first four-engine bomber. Maybe it’s
a Russian thing, like sitting backwards on the sill of an open window on an upper floor and bending backwards for Pan Am.
towards the outdoors whilst drinking an entire bottle of rum. (see/read: “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy - Chapter Igor Sikorsky, who despite
IX), but here again there are people standing on the fuselage whilst in flight without any apparent railing or
popular opinion did not invent
support. These three in the foreground seem to be easily keeping up with the less-than-swift Ilya Muromets.
the helicopter, was the first to
develop it as a practical aircraft.
He designed and built Sikorsky
U.S. MANUFACTURERS TAKE THE R-4 the concept upon which most later helicopters have
FOUR-ENGINE PLUNGE been based. Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation is best known
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky (Russian: ИИ горь ИваИ нович today as a leading manufacturer of helicopters.
СикоИ рский ) was born in Kiev, Russia on 25 May 1889.
Sikorsky was a bold and very forward-thinking avia- BOATS THAT FLY, OR AEROPLANES THAT FLOAT?
tion pioneer, designing and flying the Russky Vityaz (Le The reason that the flying boat was the most practical type
Grand) in 1913, with an upper wingspan of 91’ 10,” It was of aircraft for travel to the Asian East was that in the 1930s
the world’s first four-engine aeroplane and the world’s there were very few airports in that part of the world, par-
first airliner. Only one was built; however, it flew success- ticularly few near the large coastal cities to which tourists
fully and set Sikorsky on his way to design an even bigger, wished to go, and none at all which were of sufficient size
“grander” aeroplane. In the same year, most spectacu- to handle large and heavy aircraft. On the other hand, it
larly, Sikorsky designed the first four-engine bomber, Ilya was no problem for a large Flying Boat to land and takeoff
Muromets, which was the largest aeroplane in the world in the limitless span of open water near these cities; and
in its day. additionally, docks were a lot less expensive to build than
After WWI (The Great War), and more significantly airports with long, paved runways. Flying Boat passengers
the Russian Revolution, Igor Sikorsky, a devoted capital- were also surely much calmed in their minds when flying
ist/industrialist at heart, emigrated to the United States over such vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean in an aeroplane
in 1919. He founded the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in that could, if needs be, float.
1923 or 1925 (sources differ) and set up shop at Stratford, The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation (today a Lockheed
Connecticut (present day Sikorsky Memorial Airport) in Martin Company) literally took the four-engine “plunge”
1929. In July of that year Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation with its S-42, a long-range commercial flying boat11 which
became a part of United Aircraft and Transport Corporation
(now United Technologies Corporation) and soon there-
after became a part of Vought Aircraft which, along with
Chance-Vought which designed and built the famous F4U
11 S-42 was more appropriately a “Flying Ship,” although it and none
of its type have ever been called anything other than “Flying Boats.”
According to hoary seafaring lore, a ship can carry a boat, but a boat cannot
carry a ship. S-42s and other “Flying Boats” (sic) carried life rafts, i.e. boats,
“Corsair,” one of the most effective WWII naval fighters.
so QED, they are ships. True, an S-42 might be carried aboard an aircraft
In the 1930’s Sikorsky designed and built two successful carrier (at least a modern one), but that would be the exception that proves
four-engine flying boats, S-42 and VS-44 “Excalibur” (the the rule. Also, more practically, a ship’s captain always gets rather annoyed
if you refer to his vessel as a boat, but a boat’s captain never gets annoyed if
name of King Arthur’s legendary, magic-infused sword ), you refer to his vessel as a ship.
Sikorsky VS-44A
Excambian as JR2S-1
in better days, seen
here in U. S. Navy
Blue-Grey/Light Gull
Grey camouflage
with American Export
markings rather than
Naval military markings.
As early as 1936 and even before the
DC-3 had flown, Douglas Aviation
had been toying with the idea for a
four-engine airliner. What they came
up with was called DC-4 (the next
number design from the company and
also for its four engines). It was later
and more commonly called DC-4E, the
“E” for experimental. It had capacity
The streamlined and efficient early model
for 42 (later 52) seated passengers or
Martin M-130 made the most of its total 3,800 16 sleeper berths as well as a number
hp whilst its competitors required 4,800 hp of “firsts” for a large airliner: a nose-
and more to perform the same task. Photo
circa 1940 wheel, power-boosted flight controls,
a pressurized cabin, air conditioning,
internal auxiliary power units, a low
triple-tail, an A/C electrical system. It
was powered by four 1,450 hp. Pratt
& Whitney R-2180-A Twin Hornet
14-cylinder radials mounted on the
wing with distinct toe-out, particu-
larly the outer two engines.
One was built. United Airways did
the test evaluation flights during 1939
and found that this early DC-4E would
be expensive to operate and maintain
This is the actual M-130 1936 Warner Brothers flyer for “China
“China Clipper” in late-war Clipper”. Note the rough and highly and in its 52-seat incarnation, did not
U. S. Navy camo., overall inaccurate drawing of what is supposed perform nearly up to what Douglas
Sea Blue. Photo taken in to be a Martin M-130 which is featured in
had hoped.
its last days as a U. S. Navy the film. Also note Humphrey Bogart’s
transport, circa 1944. name placed low in the credits. A redesign reduced the aeroplane’s
LOCKHEED RISING AND THE could create such an aeroplane. Much encouraged by the
BIRTH OF CONSTELLATION overwhelming success of the militarization of their Model
As we have seen, there was a great leap forward in com- 14 Super Electra into Hudson Bomber, they started to draw
mercial aviation in the middle to late 1930’s. The day of the some designs.
long-distance four-engine airliner had come in the form Doing some initial calculations, the math told them that
of both land and sea based aeroplanes. With the exception a conventional two-engine design (with which they were
of the huge flying boats which were not in any event built much experienced) would be too heavy and would produce
in large numbers, the major U.S. airlines, pleased with the too much drag to meet the Army’s specs regarding the per-
easy maintenance and low-cost operations of two-engine formance that the Army required. Many interesting shapes
aircraft, were reluctant to support the new, larger, four- and arrangements were drawn until they hit upon one that
engine designs. Rejecting outright Douglas’s DC-4E and they thought would work.
barely accepting Boeing’s 307, the writing, however, was
clearly on the wall — as the decade waned, a new age of air
travel had begun which would surely have flourished then,
but for WWII.
In 1937 Lockheed was in a period of unaccustomed
hectic and most profitable business with the commercially
and critically hugely successful Electra and Super Electra/
Hudson Patrol Bomber. In that same year, the USAAC pre-
sciently published Circular Proposal X-608, a list of perfor-
mance goals for a twin-engine, high-altitude “interceptor”
which was to have “the tactical mission of interception and
attack of hostile aircraft at high altitude.”
Lockheed had submitted a design to the USAAC for a two-
engine fighter in 1936 but had lost to the progressive but
awkward Bell XFM-1 Airacuda. Disappointed by that expe-
rience, when Hall Hibbard and Clarence “Kelly” Johnson,
Lockheed’s top engineers, read that the Army’s specs called
for a maximum airspeed of at least 360 mph at 20,000’, This is a copy of some of what Clarence “Kelly” Johnson’s scribbled whilst trying
to find a suitable form for the proposed Lockheed Model 22 which became
and a climb to 20,000 ft. within no more than six min- P-38. Note that two designs (2 and 3) included engines mounted in the fuselage
utes, they wondered if even their fertile and creative brains turning outboard propellers on the wings.
its meaning in Spanish: luck or fortune. When the Model undercarriage had been planned for the unbuilt “Excalibur,”
049 “Excalibur” was rejected by TWA and completely re- such was designed into Model 49. The fully-cowled engines
designed, Lockheed kept the model number and felt that that Boeing had pioneered, the layout of Boeing’s B-17,
a new aeroplane deserved a new name — but what to call Northrop’s flat, centre wing stub, Douglas’s triple-tail on
it? There was surely no shortage of stars to choose from, the aborted DC-4E, and other similar ideas had all been pro-
however this new, larger, four-engine, pressurized airliner cessed through Hibbard’s and Johnson’s minds before they
project was the grandest, most expensive and most ambi- put pencil to paper to create the design of Constellation.
tious that Lockheed had ever embarked upon. It was as big
a venture as all of the other Lockheed “stars” put together, THE WING
and what is a group of stars put all together called ? A The high aspect-ratio18 wing (9.17:1) that was designed for
Constellation. Lockheed described Connie as “Model 049” Constellation was a very closely scaled-up P-38 wing. Seeing
during her initial stage of development. After that it was how well this wing planform had helped to give early P-38s
“L-049.” a blistering top airspeed of 413 mph at 20,000’, Hibbard and
Johnson wisely decided to use it for Model L-049.
DESIGNING THE L-049 CONSTELLATION Just a note regarding using the P-38 wing plan form:
Designing the new aeroplane that Howard Hughes Readers of A2A’s T-6 Manual may recall that when North
had suggested and which became Model L-049 (later
“Constellation”), Lockheed set forth to create the finest and aeroplanes would be used as civilian airliners before they were all grabbed
most advanced airliner possible. The basic layout of low- by the military services until the end of the war. After that, both aeroplanes
were extensively used in civilian and military service of one kind or another
wing, all metal, semi-monocoque (stressed skin) was not for decades.
revolutionary in 1939, but as with many things, the angels
(and the devils) are in the details. It is well to remember that 18 The aspect-ratio (AR) of a wing is its span divided by its mean (aver-
age) chord (the distance from leading to trailing edges). For a con-
unlike its competitors, Boeing, Sikorsky Martin, Northrop stant-chord wing the formula for aspect-ratio is: AR = b/c, where “b” is the
span and “c” is the chord. To determine AR of a tapered wing the formula
and Douglas, Lockheed had no prior experience designing is: AR= b2/S, where b2 is the wingspan squared and S is the wing’s area. All
and manufacturing four-engine aircraft. Lockheed’s suc- else being equal, a higher AR wing is more efficient than a lower AR wing as
drag-producing tip vortices are located farther away from the greater mass
cess had been with smaller aeroplanes such as the swift
of the wing. A higher AR wing also usually has better high-altitude perfor-
single-engine airliners, the twin-engine Electra series and mance both with regard to airspeed and ceiling. Some of the negative char-
the fabulous P-38. acteristics of a high AR wing are that it is more prone to bending and tor-
sional distortion, it will usually have a reduced roll rate compared to a lower
Like virtually all creative aeronautical engineers since AR wing due to its greater mass inertia as well as its greater aerodynamic
the Wright Brothers, Hibbard and Johnson were not at all damping. However, aileron response is likely to be increased due to the aile-
rons being located at a longer moment arm on the roll axis. Due to a high AR
above “borrowing” good ideas from other aeroplanes, even wing’s lower average Reynolds Number the useful range of angles of attack
those not designed by them17. Just as their P-38’s tricycle (Alpha) is reduced in proportion thereto, i.e. a higher aspect-ratio wing will
stall at lower Alpha than one with a lower aspect-ratio. Fowler flaps which,
as previously mentioned, extend rearward as they are lowered increase the
L-049 Constellation
after takeoff with flaps
partially extended and
undercarriage almost
fully retracted.
ward to increase wing area and in its
his non-fatal accident took place at (just beyond) Chicago’s Municipal
second half lowers downward incre-
(Midway) Airport (MDW) on 18 December 1949. This TWA Lockheed L- 049-
mentally to 42º.
46 “Constellation” was returning to MDW after having turned around mid-
flight because of poor weather ahead. MDW weather service reported the local ceil-
THE FUSELAGE ing to be 300 feet, visibility at 1-1/2 miles with moderate fog and smoke, and a
The unique and sinuous shape of west- southwest wind variable at 8 mph. The pilot attempted two ILS approaches
Constellation’s fuselage is one of (ILS was something new in 1949) to runway 13R, and on the second try landed 3,200
this aeroplane’s most conspicuous feet beyond the approach threshold. The Connie then rolled down the remaining
points of identification. It has been 2,530 feet of runway 13R, plus an additional 875 feet beyond its end, going right
called “fish-like” or “dolphin-like,” through the airport’s substantial steel-wire boundary fence, skidded across a car-
which is another thing altogether as filled carpark, struck a wooden structure billboard as well as a thick stone column
a dolphin is not a fish but is a marine and knocked down a lamppost before finally coming to rest in the middle of a busy
mammal. Either way, Constellation’s local street across from the “Acme Drill Co.” (One of whose customers was a certain
fuselage beautifully and subtly swoops W. E. Coyote) Remarkably, there were no resultant injuries except to the Connie
downward at the nose an upward at Captain’s pride, reputation and employment. The official CAB report of this acci-
the tail. Some have called it an airfoil, dent ends by saying: “Contact with these structures extensively damaged the air-
lift-producing shape; however, this craft.” You think?
is only partially, possibly just coinci-
dentally correct.
Taking nothing anything away from
the felicitous beauty of Connie’s fuselage, its shape was bring the horizontal stabilizer and elevators out of the direct
determined by purely practical concerns. Some time well- propellers’ slipstream wash. (See the three-view drawing
after Connie began to amaze the world with its speed and above). The earlier, unsuccessful but revolutionary Douglas
beauty, Clarence “Kelly” Johnson and Howard Hughes both DC-4E (not to be confused with the very successful Douglas
posited that her curvaceous fuselage possibly added four or DC-4) also placed its horizontal stabilizer above the pro-
five mph over a conventional pointed tube design, but this peller’s wash. Connie’s swooped-up tail presented another
opinion was never tested for accuracy. That Connie’s fuse- problem as is often the case with design — solve one prob-
lage ended up looking great and perhaps is a bit slipperier lem and get another. (See below)
through the air may just simply be fortuitous kismet. The fuselage was built in eight sections which made later
Not intentionally trying to burst anyone’s aesthetic stretching fairly easy. Connie’s fuselage cross-section is a
bubble, but the nose swoops down to reduce the length of circle (not by coincidence the same as the first pressurized
the already very long nosewheel strut. The tail swoops up to airliner, Boeing 307) which gently tapers towards the nose
19 Another early pressurised aeroplane, Boeing C-97 and its civilian ver-
sion, the extraordinary 377 Stratocruiser (which A2A has modeled)
from which it was derived shared the distinctive “double-bubble” fuselage 20 Boeing’s 307, which was developed simultaneously with Constellation
has a windshield made of ten small wrap-around panes. This is more
cross-section, resembling a figure-eight, allowing for pressurization of a likely a case of “brilliant minds think alike” than any kind of imitation in
large cabin with two passenger decks. The 377’s structure was enormously either direction. In any event, Boeing 307, which was the first pressurized
complicated and expensive to build which along with its complex engines’ airliner, was a tail-dragger like Boeing’s 1935 B-17. In this it was more than
poor maintenance record surely contributed to Stratocruiser’s small produc- a little anachronistic and not at all in keeping with the late 1930’s and 1940’s
tion total of 55. new wave of tricycle undercarriage aeroplanes.
Model 49 Constellation was, from the first, intended to be
powered by whatever was the most powerful radial engine
available. At the time of Excalibur/Constellation’s earli-
est development phase in 1938, Wright R-2600 (See below)
was the choice, however when the more powerful Wright
R-3350 eighteen-cylinder, supercharged, Duplex Cyclone
radial engine was announced, it became Connie’s engine for
all time.
Wright R-3350 was based upon Wright’s R-2600, the first
practical Wright twin row radial engine which was intro-
duced in 1937 and was produced until the end of WWII.
Initially a 1,500 hp. engine, R-2600 was continually refined
and by war’s end was producing 1,900 hp, nearly equalling
its closest competitor, Pratt and Whitney’s superb R-2800.
Scale models of
Lockheed’s P-38
“Lightning”: and XP-58
“Chain Lightning” to
show comparative
sizes and designs. Both
of these aeroplanes
were considered
to be obsolete and
unnecessary after the
end of WWII.
The three axes of an aeroplane. How adverse yaw is produced. Differential Ailerons
tric hoists. To facilitate moving it on the ground, recessed build. Whilst this might seem to be rather dictatorial and per-
wheels were located under its front and back. Used mostly haps even unconstitutional, U.S. aircraft manufacturers did
on shorter routes, Speedpaks were usually only carried not protest, no lawsuits were filed and no actions were com-
when the weight of the passengers and fuel-on-board were menced in the Federal Courts. U.S. aircraft manufacturers all
low enough to permit the extra cargo load. realized that: One, half the world was already at war and the
other half, including the U.S., was about be drawn into it:
CONSTELLATION BEFORE PEARL HARBOR Two, that given the world situation, a strong U.S. military
Even with war raging in Asia and just beginning to gin up was necessary and that included lots more aircraft; Three,
in Europe, commercial life in the U.S. in 1940-41 went on as more practically, the War Department and the individual mil-
usual. Howard Hughes and Jack Fry placed their order with itary services had the power to choose what they wanted and
Lockheed for the first batch of nine L-049 Constellations from whom they would obtain it; and Four, the government’s
in February 1940. At the same time, Lockheed was very money was as good or better than anyone else's.
busily manufacturing its Model 18 “Lodestar” for commer- No aircraft manufacturer wanted to be seen as unpatri-
cial purchasers; however, most of these were impressed otic, and even more importantly left out of this lucrative and
into military service and designated C-60 by the USAAC and expansive program. And so they meekly went along with
R50 by the USN. In February 1940 the RAF, well-pleased what would surely have been seen in another, more peaceful
with Lockheed’s Hudson patrol bomber, ordered 188 of the time as Fascistic a programme as anything that ever existed
larger, more capable militarized Model 18 Lodestars which in the Axis nations.
they named “Ventura.” Commercial airliners such as Douglas’s DC-3 and 4 and
In early 1940 Lockheed began to build L-349, a longer Lockheed’s Constellation as well as various long-range flying
range variant of L-049. TWA increased its order to forty boats and such were “drafted” into military service. Sometimes
L-049s as Hughes had promised, and Pan Am ordered ten the experienced civilian airline crews of these special aero-
L-049s and thirty L-349s. Had not the rest of the world planes were also drafted to operate them for the military. All of
not already been plunged into war all of this civil avia- this and what followed prevented the commercial debut of both
tion commerce would have been just peachy, but the war DC-4 and Constellation until after the war. As of 4 May 1941
in Europe and Asia gave the U.S. government other ideas the plan was that the USAAC would take possession of all of the
about aircraft production. The Commercial Aircraft Priority 40 L-049s that were to go to TWA, all ten of the L-049s and all
Committee (CAPC), a powerful, bipartisan, Congressionally thirty L-349s that were to go to Pan Am, initially designating
created authority was formed in 1940 to oversee the produc- the L-049’s as C-69, and the L-359s as C-69A. A further 180
tion of aircraft in the U.S. and to apportion to the military L-049s were to be built by Lockheed to be designated C-69B.
services that which might be required. Somewhat typically for the military, such a simple and sensible
By January 1941 the CAPC was busily informing U.S. air- plan did not have a long shelf life and so Connie began her long,
craft manufacturers what and how many aircraft they were to convoluted and checkered WWII military “career.”
The first USAAF XC-69 prototype on the day of its first flight, 9 January 1943. It
carried a civilian serial number - NX25600 and Lockheed logos. The beautiful,
sinuous fuselage, unique to Connie, is clearly shown here.
For Connie’s maiden voyage, Lockheed borrowed Edmund were the camera aircraft. After an hour or so of flight test-
T “Eddie” Allen, a civilian engineer from Boeing who was ing which included hands-off trim, steep turns, slow flight,
fully a familiar with large four-engine aeroplanes such as stalls and mock landing approaches, Allen opened up the
B-17 and the new XB-29 project for which he was a test throttles and performed multiple speed runs which proved
pilot. Allen also had experience with the new problematical in reality what Hughes, Fry, Hibbard and Johnson, suspected
Wright R-3350 which was the engine which also powered all along; that Connie was the fastest aeroplane in its class.
the XB-29. After flying to Muroc Dry Lake (now Edwards AFB) in
Lockheed, having never before built a four-engine aero- record time Allen landed and commenced a series of five
plane or one as large and heavy as Constellation, had no takeoffs and landings before returning to Burbank. The test
such experienced test pilots of its own. However, Lockheed’s flight was reported to have proceeded as expected and with-
chief test pilot Milo Burcham, who had tested the P-38 out incident.
prototype, was the Co-pilot on Connie’s first flight; get-
ting in some four-engine right seat time, I suppose. Highly FURTHER TESTING, TESTING,
unusual if not rash, Clarence “Kelly” Johnson, Dick Stanton TESTING... AND GROUNDING
and R. L. Thoren, Constellation’s principle engineers, flew Satisfied with the initial test flights, the USAAF returned
as Connie’s crew, Thoren as the flight engineer. the XC-69 prototype and three others to TWA for further
High-speed taxi tests were made on the Burbank Airport testing. TWA stripped them of the USAAF camo and painted
runway, after which a plume of flame shot out from one of them in TWA’s familiar red livery but with USAAF serial
the engines when the throttle were retarded to idle, surely numbers on the tail between the TWA’s red stripes. Another
making all present once again a bit nervous about the choice few XC-69s went back to Pan Am for the same purpose.
of engines25. Once all settled down, Eddie Allen opened the What they did about their paint is not known to this writer.
throttles and Connie took wing for the first time. Allen left Once C-69/Constellation began to fly on a more regu-
the undercarriage down as he twice circled Connie around lar basis, Lockheed became less and less satisfied with its
the Lockheed Plant to give all of those who had built her and Wright R-3350 engines. The early version of the engine had
who had assembled to watch on the hangar roofs and in the a carburettor with an air intake that had a 90º turn in it
parking lot, a good look at what they had wrought. which intermittently restricted airflow, causing an over-
Heading north from Burbank Allen retracted the under- rich mixture and power reductions without warning. Also,
carriage and climbed for altitude. A B-17 and a Lodestar the rear row of cylinders tended to seriously run hot in
flight, and the entire engine was prone to overheating when
operating for even a short period on the ground, not unlike
25 Before C-69’s first flight, B-29s which used the same Wright R-3350
engine as C-69 had been reported to have had a number of engine
fires, some of which destroyed the entire aeroplane.
Rolls Royce/Packard “Merlin” engines.
When Boeing’s XB-29 project reported that it was having
How lovely it must have been to fly in such spacious comfort, especially
when compared to today’s sardine-can airliner environment.
at Howard Hughes’ behest. Each of the L-049’s cabin pres- converted to extra seats, or a lounge with a card table. For
surization systems were refurbished and enabled. By doing long-distance flights this compartment could contain fold-
this, Lockheed got the jump on Douglas’s pressurized DC-6 up bunks for off-duty crew. Two lavatories were located at
by two years. the rear of the cabin and there was a coat closet as well.
In early October 1945, the second C-69 returned by the For emergency evacuation, a very difficult-to-use rope
USAAF which was converted to civilian use was sent to the ladder was to be attached at the rear passenger door and to
Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA), the immediate pre- the left side crew door. Since very few Connie passengers (or
decessor to the current Federal Aviation Administration crew for that matter) were trained acrobats or trapeze art-
(FAA), for certification inspection. The CAA was particularly ists, this was not a practical device. After a while, inflatable
concerned with in-flight engine fires because of the long, chutes, similar to those used today, were installed for both
less-than-stellar history of Connie’s and B-29’s Wright the passengers’ and the crew’s emergency exiting.
R-3350 engines. New fire detection and extinguishing sys- It is well to remember that this was the dawn (or perhaps
tems were installed. The CAA also insisted upon even more the birth) of the modern airline industry. There was much
cabin insulation, heating and air conditioning. Lockheed yet to learn and despite all of these earnest improvements.
added more passenger windows and a galley located between It took a lot of experience and experiment in the coming
the Navigator’s compartment and the main cabin for pre- years before all important matters were sorted out.
paring hot meals. The Navigator’s compartment could be Approved Type Certificate (ATC) #A763 was awarded to
Lockheed Model 49 on 14 October 1945. Constellation was They enjoyed smoother flights due to flying above most
now, for the first time, officially a commercial airliner. All weather and shorter flights as well due to the high altitudes
later original-style Connies (L-649, L-749), would be added at which Connie could cruise which enabled higher true air-
to this certificate; however, the stretched-body, long-wing speeds and direct routes that did not have to fly to avoid
Connies (L-1049, L-1649A) would require their own cer-
tificates. In late 1945 and for more than three years there- The pressurized Douglas DC-6 did not begin regular commercial opera-
tions until February 1948 after having been grounded because of engine fires.
after Connie’s passengers were the only ones who enjoyed
In April 1949, American, Delta, Braniff, National and United and began flying
fully-pressurized comfort, travelling in a U.S. airliner27. DC-6s within the United States. Overseas DC-6 operations included Braniff
to Rio de Janeiro, United to Hawaii, and Panagra from Miami to Buenos Aires.
At the same time, SAS, Sabena and KLM, and flew DC-6s from New York to
tract with TWA. This was Connies’
first commercial flight. es, Frankie rode, er, flew on Connie. This is not a Lockheed or a TWA ad
TWA began non-stop Constellation
(although one might expect that a product-placement deal might have
been arranged) but Capitol Records’ album designer apparently thought
service from New York to Paris on
that at showing the elegant, sophisticated Sinatra with the elegant, sophisticated
6 February, 1946, and followed this
Constellation was a good match.
with the first Los Angeles/New York
Possibly the world’s greatest music producer/arranger, Sir George Martin, wrote
regular service on 1 March 1946.
in his autobiography All You Need Is Ears, that whilst he was in Los Angeles visit-
These flights took an average of nine
ing the Capitol Records Tower in Hollywood he witnessed some of the recording
hours and fifteen minutes with one sessions for the “Come Fly With Me” album. He wrote that he spoke with Sinatra
stop. The flight from New York to on numerous occasions and that on one of them Sinatra told him that he hated
Los Angeles took an average eleven the album cover when producer Voyle Gilmore first showed a paste-up of it to him.
hours, twenty-five minutes also with Sinatra said that he thought that it looked like an ad for TWA.
one stop. The only direct connection between Hughes and Sinatra I could find, aside
For the first time people, cargo from when Hughes took over ownership of “The Sands” casino in Las Vegas and
and mail could travel across the U.S. would no longer permit Sinatra free markers for gambling, is that they both
in less than ½ a day. Occasionally, loved Ava Gardner (at separate times) who reportedly drove each of them mad
cargo/passengers were reduced and (at separate times).
TWA was able to make non-stop
transcontinental flights. Regular
non-stop coast-to-coast flights
commenced in 1953 with the advent of L-1049 “Super offered Constellation to purchasers with three differ-
Constellation,” a redesigned and stretched Connie. ent engine alternatives: the Wright R-3350, the Pratt and
In short order, Eastern Airlines began flying Connies up Whitney R-2800 and the similar British Bristol Centaurus.
and down the U.S. east coast, to the Caribbean Islands and Despite the problems that had occurred with the Wright
further south. Eventually, American Overseas Airlines and engine, thanks to the crucial B-29 project which used the
Pan Am flew Connies across the Atlantic to many European same engine, R-3350 had been much improved by the end
cities whilst TWA’s early Connies covered the U.S. with of the war; accordingly, every airline purchased Connie with
dozens of routes, connecting all of the major cities and the Wrights.
introducing truly modern airline transportation to the U.S. The gross weight of L-049s gradually increased as the need
and to the world. to carry more passengers, cargo and fuel became necessary
Lockheed, once free of military rules and supervision, for commercial reasons. To accommodate these increases
• PO-1W / WV-1
Two L-749As equipped with radomes and
radar similar to the later WV-2s. In 1952
they were Redesigned WV-1 from PO-1W.
• EC-121K / WV2
In 1954 the US Navy begin receiving the first of
142 Super Constellations designated as WV-2
“Warning Star” which was the last Connie to
serve in the military. It was retired in 1982. SPECIFICATIONS
Wing span 123 ft 0 in (37.49 m)
• NC-121J
Length 95 ft 2 in (29.00 m)
Four C-121J aircraft converted to television and
radio broadcasting aircraft for use in Vietnam. Height 23 ft 8 in (7.21 m)
“Project Jenny” (Blue Eagles) OASU/VX-8/VXN-8
Wing Area 1,650 ft² (153.28 m²)
• VC-121J 55,345 lbs (25,104 kg)
Empty Weight
Four C-121J aircraft converted for VIP use.
One operated with the Blue Angels. Loaded Weight 86,250 lbs (39,122 kg)
hroughout the making of this this proj- was as if an artist was tasked to create the most beautiful
ect, the knowledge that there are only four-engine airplane, and this was his first creation. The
four examples of the original model 049 lines flow perfectly from the tip of the nose, to the wing
Constellation left in the world today tips, to the tip of the tail. It even looks gorgeous when
admittedly bothered me. When exam- the landing gear and flaps are deployed.
ining its history however, the reason The very first Connie produced had a single speed
for their scarcity is explained; there supercharger, while within the first year of it’s service,
weren’t many original models made and as time passed, these engines were upgraded to dual speed superchargers.
most of those in service were upgraded to the next ver- The upgrades just kept coming in; eventually cutting up
sion. It’s such a shame considering it’s importance that the beautifully perfect body and adding more space, more
nobody placed just one of these airframes in a museum power, and more weight. Since we did not want to touch
to preserve since the Constellation has had an enormous the body of the original design, we did the very latest ver-
impact on aviation. sion of the original model 049 airplane, which included a
Prior to this project when we were researching what dual speed supercharger.
model to make, it was clear that the vast majority of One of the most significant features of the Captain of
available information was on the Super Constellation. But the Ship Connie is its engine sound modeling. Since there
when our lead artist on this project Robert Rogalski and are no flying examples of this model, we used an available
I got together to discuss the different models, we both Douglas Skyraider that has the same engine and exhaust
already concluded that, from an aesthetic point of view configuration as the Connie as our engine source. We also
alone, the original model 049 was the ultimate beauty. It used some very advanced audio techniques to model the
▶▶ UNEXPECTED EVENTS POSSIBLE: Engines ▶▶ 3D LIGHTS ‘M’(built directly into the model)
along with other systems including heating, air
conditioning, and pressurization can be problematic. ▶▶ PURE 3D INSTRUMENTATION
• Natural 3D appearance with
▶▶ CAPTAIN’S CAREER: Your performance exceptional performance.
is remembered and can get better, worse,
or stay consistent based on your flying • Smooth movements.
abilities and flight management.
▶▶ REAL TIME LOAD MANAGER: with the functioning overheard panel and controls.
ability to load individual passengers,
cargo, and fuel or select presets. ▶▶ GROUND POWER UNIT (GPU) to power systems
with engines off and not drain the battery.
▶▶ CUSTOM NAVIGATOR’S MAP: Zoomable map can
be customized to show the desired information. ▶▶ CABIN PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM CONTROLS:
Accessible via keystroke or the Navigators station. You control the target altitude and the rate of
pressure change and the system authentically
▶▶ DEFAULT AND HISTORIC SPERRY AUTOPILOT: displays and manages cabin pressure.
You can select either autopilot in the sim.
ONLY STARTS: You can start the engines properly by
using primer with the mixture in the OFF position. ▶▶ A2A SPECIALIZED BUMP MAPPING AND
▶▶ AUTO-MIXTURE that actually performs as
intended. Now you can set for “auto-rich” or ▶▶ CREW REPORTS pop-up 2D panel keeps
“auto-lean” and the aircraft fuel to air ratio will be important information easily available.
automatically determined and set by the carburetor
based upon various factors such as altitude.
▶▶ CUSTOM COCKPIT SYSTEMS AND GAUGES temperatures can adversely affect engine
for the ultimate in realism taken far performance, Serious overheating can cause scoring
beyond what is available by default. of cylinder head walls including ultimate failure
if warnings are ignored and overly abused.
▶▶ INERTIA STARTERS: Start these big beautiful
engines by the book using authentic inertia ▶▶ SPARK PLUGS CAN CLOG AND EVENTUALLY
wheel energizing and engagement. FOUL if engines are allowed to idle too low for
too long. Throttling up an engine with oil-
▶▶ FEATHERING PROPS AND AIR STARTS: soaked spark plugs can help clear them out.
Custom physics allows for realistic feathering
and air starts without using the starter. ▶▶ EXPERIENCE AUTHENTIC ASYMMETRICAL DRAG
when operating various flap systems in flight.
manual, you have properly installed an executable (.exe) file which, when accessed, contains the
the A2A L-049 Constellation. However, automatic installer for the software.
in the interest of customer support, To install, double click on the executable and follow the
here is a brief description of the setup steps provided in the installer software. Once complete, you
process, system requirements, and a will be prompted that installation is finished.
quick start guide to get you up quickly Important: If you have Microsoft Security Essentials
and efficiently in your new aircraft. installed, be sure to make an exception for Lockheed Martin
Prepar3D as shown on the right.
The A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation requires the fol- REALISM SETTINGS
lowing to run: The A2A Simulations L-049 Constellation was built to a very
• Requires licensed copy of Lockheed Martin Prepar3D high degree of realism and accuracy. Because of this, it was
developed using the highest realism settings available in
OPERATING SYSTEM: Lockheed Martin Prepar3D.
• Windows XP SP2 The following settings are recommended to provide the
• Windows Vista most accurate depiction of the flight model. Without these
• Windows 7 settings, certain features may not work correctly and the
• Windows 8 & 8.1 flight model will not perform accurately. The figure below
• Windows 10 depicts the recommended realism settings for the A2A
L-049 Constellation.
2.0 GHz single core processor (3.0GHz and/or multiple core FLIGHT MODEL
processor or better recommended). To achieve the highest degree of realism, move all sliders to
the right. The model was developed in this manner, thus we
HARD DRIVE: cannot attest to the accuracy of the model if these sliders are
250MB of hard drive space or better. not set as shown below.
Included in your downloaded zipped (.zip) file, which you Ensure “Enable auto mixture” is NOT checked.
ing flight simulation engine, which is end result is when flying in an Accu-Sim powered aircraft,
now connectable to other host simula- it just feels real enough that you can almost smell the avgas.
tions. In this case, we have attached our
L-049 Constellation to Microsoft Flight YOUR AIRCRAFT TALKS
Simulator X and Lockheed Martin’s We have gone to great lengths to bring the internal physics
Prepar3D to provide the maximum of the airframe, engine, and systems to life. Now, when the
amount of realism and immersion possible. engine coughs, you can hear it and see a puff of smoke. If you
push the engine too hard, you can also hear signs that this is
WHAT IS THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND ACCU-SIM? happening. Just like an actual pilot, you will get to know the
Pilots will tell you that no two aircraft are the same. Even sounds of your aircraft, from the tires scrubbing on landing
taking the same aircraft up from the same airport to the to the stresses of the airframe to the window that is cracked
same location will result in a different experience. For opened.
example, you may notice one day your engine is running
a bit hotter than usual and you might just open your cowl BE PREPARED – STAY OUT OF TROUBLE
flaps a bit more and be on your way, or maybe this is a The key to successfully operating almost any aircraft is to
sign of something more serious developing under the hood. stay ahead of the curve and on top of things. Aircraft are not
Regardless, you expect these things to occur in a simula- like automobiles, in the sense that weight plays a key role
tion just as they do in life. This is Accu-Sim, where no two in the creation of every component. So, almost every system
flights are ever the same. on your aircraft is created to be just strong enough to give
Realism does not mean having a difficult time with your you, the pilot, enough margin of error to operate safely, but
flying. While Accu-Sim is created by pilots, it is built for these margins are smaller than those you find in an auto-
everyone. This means everything from having a profes- mobile. So, piloting an aircraft requires both precision and
sional crew there to help you manage the systems, to an respect of the machine you are managing.
intuitive layout, or just the ability to turn the system on or It is important that you always keep an eye on your oil
off with a single switch. However, if Accu-Sim is enabled pressure and engine temperature gauges. On cold engine
and the needles are in the red, there will be consequences. It starts, the oil is thick and until it reaches a proper operat-
is no longer just an aircraft, it’s a simulation. ing temperature, this thick oil results in much higher than
Every time you load up your L-049 Constellation, you will
be flying the continuation of the last aircraft which includes
fuel and oil, along with all of your system conditions. So be
aware, no longer will your aircraft load with full fuel every
time, it will load with the same amount of fuel you left off
when you quit your last flight. You will learn the easy or the
hard way to make, at the very least, some basic checks on
your systems before jumping in and taking off, just like a
real aircraft owner.
Additionally, in each flight things will sometimes be dif-
ferent. The gauges and systems will never be exactly the
same. There are just too many moving parts, variables,
changes, etc., that continuously alter the condition of the
airplane, its engine and its systems.
pump. It creates power by pulling in an Have you ever noticed that your car engine runs smoother
air / fuel mixture, igniting it, and turn- and stronger in the cold weather? This is because cold air is
ing the explosion into usable power. denser than hot air and has more oxygen. Hotter air means
The explosion pushes a piston down less power.
that turns a crankshaft. As the pistons
run up and down with controlled explo-
sions, the crankshaft spins. For an automobile, the spinning
crankshaft is connected to a transmission (with gears) that
is connected to a driveshaft, which is then connected to the
wheels. This is literally “putting power to the pavement.”
Cold air is denser
For an aircraft, the crankshaft is connected to a propeller and so provides
more oxygen to
shaft and the power comes when that spinning propeller your engine. More
takes a bite of the air and pulls the aircraft forward. oxygen means
more power.
The main difference between an engine designed for an
automobile and one designed for an aircraft is the aircraft
engine will have to produce power up high where the air
is thin. To function better in that high, thin air, a super-
charger can be installed to push more air into the engine.
Fire needs air. We need air. Engines need air. Engines are
just like us as – they need oxygen to work. Why? Because
fire needs oxygen to burn. If you cover a fire, it goes out MIXTURE
because you starved it of oxygen. If you have ever used a Just before the air enters the combustion chamber it is
wood stove or fireplace, you know when you open the vent mixed with fuel. Think of it as an air / fuel mist.
to allow more air to come in, the fire will burn more. The A general rule is a 0.08% fuel to air ratio will produce the
same principle applies to an engine. Think of an engine like most power. 0.08% is less than 1%, meaning for every 100
a fire that will burn as hot and fast as you let it. parts of air, there is just less than 1 part fuel. The best eco-
Look at these four images on the left and you will under- nomical mixture is 0.0625%.
stand basically how an engine operates. Why not just use the most economical mixture all the time?
The piston pulls in the fuel / air mixture, then compresses Because a leaner mixture means a hotter running engine.
the mixture on its way back up. Fuel actually acts as an engine coolant, so the richer the
The spark plug ignites the compressed air / fuel mixture, mixture, the cooler the engine will run.
driving the piston down (power), then on its way back up, However, since the engine at high power will be nearing
the burned mixture is forced out the exhaust. its maximum acceptable temperature, you would use your
You have probably watched the weather
on television and seen a large letter L
showing where big storms are located.
PRESSURE (low air pressure). You’ve
seen the H as well, which stands for
All sorts of things create heat in an engine, like friction, air
temp, etc., but nothing produces heat like COMBUSTION.
The hotter the metal, the weaker its strength.
Aircraft engines are made of aluminum alloy, due to its
The air and fuel are compressed by the piston, then the ignition system strong but lightweight properties. Aluminum maintains
adds the spark to create a controlled explosion. most of its strength up to about 150°C. As the temperature
pellers work, first you must understand upon its shape, the speed at which it is traveling through
the basics of the common airfoil, which the air, and its angle to the oncoming air (angle of attack).”
is the reason why a wing creates lift, It is important that you note that we have deliberately
and in this case, why a propeller creates not entered into the details and complete aerodynamics
thrust. involved with either of the above explanations for lift as
It is interesting to note when discuss- they go beyond the scope of this manual.
ing Bernoulli and Newton and how they relate to lift, that Unfortunately over time, the Bernoulli theory specifi-
both theories on how lift is created were presented by each cally has been misrepresented in many textbooks causing
man not knowing their theory would eventually become an some confusion in the pilot and flight training community.
explanation for how lift is created. They both were dealing Misrepresentations of Bernoulli such as the “equal tran-
with other issues of their day. sit theory” and other incorrect variations on Bernoulli have
caused this confusion. Rather than get into a highly techni-
THE BERNOULLI THEORY cal review of all this we at A2A simply advise those inter-
This has been the traditional theory of why an airfoil cre- ested in the correct explanation of Bernoulli to research that
ates lift.
Look at the image below which shows you how the area with competent authority.
shape of an airfoil splits the oncoming air. The air above is The main thing we want to impress upon you here is
forced to travel further than the air at the bottom, essen- that when considering lift and dealing with Bernoulli and
tially stretching the air and creating a lower pressure, or Newton, it is important and indeed critical to understand
vacuum. The wing is basically sucked up, into this lower that BOTH explanations are COMPLETE EXPLANATIONS for
pressure. The faster the speed, the greater the lift. how lift is created. Bernoulli and Newton do NOT add to
form a total lift force. EACH theory is simply a different way
THE NEWTON THEORY of COMPLETELY explaining the same thing.
As the air travels across the airfoil’s upper and lower sur- BOTH Bernoulli and Newton are in fact in play and acting
faces, lift is created by BENDING the air down with great simultaneously on an airfoil each responsible completely
force at its trailing edge, and thus, the Newtonian force of and independently for the lift being created on that airfoil.
opposite and equal reaction apply. Hopefully we have sparked your interest in the direction
of proper research.
The airfoil is essentially an air diverter and the lift is the In order for a wing to produce efficient lift, the air must
flow completely around the leading
(front) edge of the wing, following the
contours of the wing. At too large an
angle of attack, the air cannot contour the
wing. When this happens, the wing is in
a “stall.”
Typically, stalls in aircraft occur when
an airplane loses too much airspeed to
create a sufficient amount of lift. A typi-
cal stall exercise would be to put your air-
craft into a climb, cut the throttle, and try
and maintain the climb as long as pos-
sible. You will have to gradually pull back
harder on the stick to maintain your climb
pitch and as speed decreases, the angle of
attack increases. At some point, the angle
of attack will become so great, that the
wing will stall (the nose will drop).
E , OR F
Level Flight. A wing creating moderate lift. Air Climb. Wing creating significant lift force. Air vortices Stall. A wing that is stalled will be unable to create
vortices (lines) stay close to the wing. still close to the wing. significant lift.
wasn’t about going from point A to point The Career System is based on how well you manage your
B, it was an event. Airliners such as the aircraft systems, quality of flight, and emergencies. In real
Constellation were literally the largest life, every action we do (or don’t do) has consequences that
aviation event there was. These passen- go along with it. This is never truer than when piloting a
gers have paid top dollar to fly on the system-rich, period airliner like the Constellation .
largest, most advanced and most luxu- However, as captain, you are not only responsible for the
rious aircraft. And at the very least, they expect a smooth entire aircraft, but for every life on that plane. By law, every
flight. What they don’t expect is an inexperienced, ham- person on board that plane must follow the orders of the pilot
fisted captain at the controls. These passengers expect and in command. In fact, the captain has the authority to refuse
deserve the very best. a direct order from an air traffic controller if he is acting in
However there is somebody else on board who also the interest of the safety of his aircraft. So understand that
deserves the absolute best from you and your crew, and the captain has the ultimate authority and responsibility for
she may very well be the most important person on this the safety of everyone on board his aircraft.
plane. To fill this purpose we are happy to introduce a Training aside, you will find that managing an air-
brand new hostess, Betty. craft with passengers is mostly rooted in common sense.
•• If you choose to fly exclusively left seat, give ▶▶ Career system based on how well
your engineer time to set the systems up and you manage your aircraft systems,
your crew to perform their ground duties quality of flight, and emergencies.
before just throttling up and taking off.
▶▶ Intelligent passengers react to the
•• Be easy on your engines from the very start. weather, flight, and cabin conditions.
You are responsible for wear and damage on
that plane, so only use the power you need. ▶▶ This Is Your Captain Speaking...
The captain keeps passengers
•• Turn the seat-belt sign on during takeoff, landings, informed on the flight’s progress.
at lower altitudes, transitioning through clouds,
and in any expected turbulent conditions. Ensure ▶▶ A Live Engineer manages systems which
you turn it off when the flying is smooth. allows a true left-seat experience.
A new sound system with over one thousand brand new
recordings. Any great sound begins with a great recording,
and the highest quality audio can only be captured by indus-
try professional sound engineers using the very finest audio
This means just like every crew member aboard this first- First, we visit the aircraft and analyze all of the sounds
class airliner, she is held to the very highest standard. that it is capable of making, whether it is sitting on the
Just like a highly experienced captain, she is at the very ground or flying through a thunderstorm. Then we isolate
top of her game. Therefore, she deserves the very best from and capture hundreds, sometimes thousands of sounds as
you, her Captain. Give her a smooth flight so the passengers they occur.
feel safe and comfortable. Be responsible with your climbs Once back in the studio, the sound then gets processed
and descents, and be sure to alert the cabin with a seat-belt and entered into our latest Accu-Sim sound engine, where
warning before you enter into turbulent conditions. they are driven and even modified by the actual physics
Accu-Sim physics system shakes the cockpit and airframe
based on both external and internal conditions. When the
engines start running they vibrate and shake your cockpit.
Once the airframe starts to move, ground bumps punch and
buck the aircraft through the wheel struts. It shakes, bucks,
and strains as it rolls on the ground and ultimately as it
takes to the air above. Wind forces can cause your airframe
to creak and stress and even the air that passes over the
elevator at slow speeds also shakes the aircraft, just prior to
the wing completely stalling.
Real-time passenger loading and unloading Every time
extra functionality needed when there is Initially designed to provide a means to perform various in
so much additional information available cockpit actions whilst viewing the aircraft from an external
to you, the pilot. viewpoint, this control panel now provides quick access to a
Each 2D panel is accessed by the key- number of different commands.
press combination in parentheses after
the 2D panel title. If the default com- From this panel, you can:
mands listed commands don’t work please check the map- • Control electrical systems such as
pings in your host simulator under ‘Panel Window 1 to 9’ the generators and magnetos.
• Toggle aircraft lighting, both internal and external.
Crew’s Reports (Shift 2) • Open/close the main door, cargo doors and windows.
From the panel, you can view: • Set the parking brake.
• Flight Stage: Status of the flight • Serve passenger meals.
• Time in Flight • Set your status as AFK
• Distance Traveled • Toggle the airstairs
• Systems to watch • Switch between Sperry autopilot
• Recommended Power Settings and FSX/P3D autopilot.
• Turn on/off Career Mode
• Set Accu-Sim damage on/off
• Auto-Start the engines
• Set the auto Cold and Dark on/off
• Cool the engines for a Cold-Start
• Manage the cowl and oil flaps
• Manage the Live Engineer
• Toggle GPS
Input Configurator
The Input Configurator allows users to assign keyboard or
joystick mappings to many custom functions that can’t be
found in FSX/P3D controls assignments menu. It can be
found in the A2A/L049/Tools folder inside your FSX/P3D
installation directory.
The upper table is the axis assignment menu. From the
drop down list, select joystick and axis you want to assign
to each function and verify its operation in the ‘preview’
column. Mark the ‘invert’ check box if needed. The lower
table is the shortcuts menu. Hover over a function name to
bring up a tooltip with additional information.
To make a new shortcut, double click on a selected row
to bring up the assignment window. Then press keyboard
key or joystick button you want to assign to this function.
For keyboard it’s also possible to use modifier keys (Ctrl,
Shift, Alt).
When done with the assignments, press “Save and
update” button. This will instantly update shortcuts for the
aircraft. There is no need to restart FSX/P3D or even reset
your flight for the changes to take effect, you can adjust
shortcuts on the fly.
The Aircraft Configurator enables the user to choose from
Various 3rd party GPS systems (Reality XP GNS430, Flight 1
GTN650, Mindstar GNS430, KLN 90B, or stock). Technically,
this utility manages the panel.cfg and model.cfg files, so the
user doesn’t need to manually edit these files. The GPS can
be changed with or without a running simulation (FSX or
wing land transport monoplane, man-
ufactured by the Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation and powered by four
Model R-3350 Wright Duplex engines.
Hydraulically operated flight control
boosters, landing gear, wing flaps, foot
brakes, parking brakes, and cabin ventilation controls
are provided. Cabin pressurization is provided, capable
of maintaining an apparent 8,000 foot pressure altitude
in the cabin while the airplane is flying at 20,000 feet.
The airplane carries an active crew of five: pilot, co-pilot,
flight engineer, radio operator, and navigator. In addi-
tion, accommodations are provided for a relief crew of
four. Overall dimensions are as follows:
The four R-3350-35 engines are twin row, 18 cylinder, air
cooled engines driving 15 foot 2 inch three-bladed Hamilton
Standard Hydromatic quick feathering propellers. Early air-
planes have engines with single speed blower. Later air-
planes have engines with two-speed blowers.
Conventional control column and wheel are provided for
ailerons and elevator and conventional rudder pedals are
provided for rudders. Rudder pedals are adjustable for leg
length by lifting the adjustment levers. Be sure that they are
adjusted equally.
The wing flaps are hydraulically
operated by the control on the
pilot’s control stand. The flap con-
trol quadrant is graduated in per-
centage extension and the flaps
may be extended to any desired
position by setting the flap con-
trol lever opposite the percent-
age extension desired. The flaps
will remain at the position selected
(use the flap position indicator as a
check) until the flap control lever is
moved, The flaps will then extend
or retract to correspond with the
new position selected.
4 5 6 7
9 10 11
15 16
1. Wing De-icer Pressure 18 22
2. Height Warning Switch and Test Button
3. RMI Needle Selector Switches 20
4. Altimeter
5. Dual RMI
6. Attitude Indicator
7. Clock
8. Free Air Temperature
9. Airspeed Indicator
10. Omni Bearing gauge/ILS (Instrument Landing System)
11. Vertical Speed Indicator
12. Omnibearing
13. Heading Indicator
14. VOR Selector
15. Suction Gauge
16. Turn Indicator
17. Static Selector
18. Pitot Heat Switch
19. Lighting Switches
20. Radio Switches
21. Nose Wheel Steering
22. Parking Brake
13 20
26 27
23 24
2 3 4 5
8 9
10 16
11 17
14 18
12 19
1. RMI Needle Selector Switches
2. Clock 20 21
3. Altimeter
4. Dual RMI
5. Attitude Indicator
6. Wing Flaps Position Indicator 23
7. Omnibearing
8. Airspeed Indicator
9. Omni Bearing gauge/ILS 24
(Instrument Landing System)
10. Vertical Speed Indicator
11. Suction Gauge
12. Auto Pilot Oil Pressure
13. Heading Indicator
14. VOR Selector
15. Turn Indicator
16. Outside Air Temperature
17. Hydraulic Oil Pressure
18. Wing De-icer Pressure
19. Wing Flap Warning Test Switch
20. Brake Pressure
21. Emergency Brake Pressure
22. Wing/Prop. De-icer Switches
23. Panel Lights
24. Radio
15 16
2 7 8
17 18
3 4 9 10 13
24 28
19 20 27
29 30 31 32 33
1. Carburetor Anti-Icer Switches 13. Cylinder Head Selector 25. hrottle Lever Lock
2. APU Control Panel 14. Cylinder Head Temperature 26. Supercharger Levers
3. Warning Lights Test Switch 15. Upper Cowl Flaps 2 7. Engine Mixture
4. Engine Primer Switches 16. Oil Cooler Flaps 28. Fuel Tank Cut-Off Levers
5. Engine Inertia Starters 17. Lower Cowl Flaps 29. Upper and Lower Cowl
6. Engine Tachometers 18. Free Air Temperature Flaps Switches
7. Carburetor Air Temperature 19. Voltmeter Selector 30. Oil Cooler Flap Switches
8. Fuel Flow 20. Voltmeter 31. Propeller Governor Switches
9. Manifold Pressure 21. Engine Generator Ammeters 32. Carburetor Vapor Return
10. BMEP (Torque Pressure) 22. Generator Switches Shut-Off Switches
11. Clock 23. Carburetor Air Levers 33. Auxiliary Fuel Pump Switches
12. Synchroscope 24. Engine Throttles
5 9
15 16 17
11 12
19 21 22 23
13 14
24 25
all flight operations of your L-049. Most
procedures are broken down between
Pilot, Co-pilot and Engineer. Emergency
procedures will be covered in a later
1. LANDING CHART on page XXX for
take-off distance to be expected.
2. Surface controls booster — ON. Generator switches — ON.
Move the elevator and
1. Direct flight engineer to
rudder booster emergency At command from pilot, reduce to power for climb.
take over engines.
control switches to OFF.
2. Trim for best climbing airspeed. Always use AUTO RICH mixture for climb.
4. Shut the four auxiliary fuel pumps OFF if the engine pumps
alone will maintain at least 16 lb/sq in. fuel pressure.
When climb has been completed, level off and
1. At command of pilot, reduce manifold
direct the flight engineer to reduce power to
pressure and rpm to the cruising power.
the cruising power required by the flight plan.
2. Engage automatic pilot if desired.
Contact control tower by radio Hydraulic pressure 1500 to 1700 lb/sq in.
for landing clearance. NOTE: If hydraulic system has failed
1. WARNING: Do not land when there is refer to emergency operation of flight Mixture-AUTO RICH.
more than 900 U. S. gallons (749 Imp. controls, landing gear, flaps and brakes.
gallons) of fuel in either outboard tank. Engineer: Mixture-AUTO RICH.
Emergency brake pressure 1500 lb/sq in.
NOTE: If emergency brake pressure is low,
2. move brake selector lever to EMER for Supercharger-LOW.
a few seconds to bring up the pressure.
Return the brake lever to NORMAL.
Set fuel shut-off valves and fuel
Check to see that the hydraulic hand cross transfer valves to insure plenty
Disengage automatic pilot, and turn OFF
3. pump selector valve is FORWARD of fuel for emergency takeoff.
pump motor if the airplane has a separate
so that the brake accumulator may NOTE: If all tanks contain at least 50
automatic pilot hydraulic system.
be pumped up in an emergency. gallons, set all fuel shut-off valves ON
and all fuel cross transfer valves OFF.
Extend landing gear when directed
by pilot and leave the lever in the
DOWN position. Note that landing gear
4. Reduce airspeed below 146 mph and indicator shows gear down and locked
direct co-pilot to extend landing gear. and warning lights are ON (green).
If gear is not down and locked, the
warning horn will sound if one throttle
on each side of the airplane is closed.
5. Direct co-pilot to lower flaps 40%. Lower flaps as directed by pilot.
During final stages of
1. Call off airspeeds when
Order co-pilot to call off airspeeds as required. approach set the propeller
directed by pilot.
governors for maximum rpm.
Set the main wheels down first (approximately 100 mph)
and hold the nose wheel off the ground until the speed
reduces to 70 mph. Ease nose wheel to the ground and apply
2. brakes smoothly and evenly. Do not apply brakes hard until
nosewheel is on the ground. At all normal center of gravity
positions the nose wheel can be kept off the ground with
such ease that a deliberate attempt must be made to get
the nosewheel on the ground soon enough so that brakes
3. Order wing flaps raised as soon as the Raise wing flaps when
Set cowl flaps full open.
ship is practically stopped. directed by pilot.
When taxiing is completed, place chocks under Move the elevator and
4. wheels, but do not set the parking brakes until rudder booster emergency
they are cool. (Cool enough to touch.) control switches to OFF.
5. Get in good position for a normal approach. Crank the rudder tabs back to zero.
Regulate glide path with power from live engines and remaining flap travel.
6. When approach is assured, have the co-pilot extend flaps completely if hydraulic Lower flaps completely
operation is still available. Close throttles and proceed with a normal landing. if directed by pilot.
1. Make approach slightly lower and longer than normal in order to allow time Same as normal Same as normal
to establish a heading that gives a ground track in line with the runway. landing. landing.
2. Keep the wings level. No skidding necessary.
Land with nose wheel close to ground and immediately after landing,
4. lower nose wheel to ground and apply brakes to decrease the roll.
NOTE: This procedure will make it easier to keep the airplane from turning into the wind.
1. Move brake lever to EMER and check for OPEN the cowl flaps .and idle engines at 600 to 800 rpm until
1700 lb/sq in. emergency brake pressure. cylinder head temperatures are below 149 ° C (300° F).
Stop engine in normal manner. Increase engine speed to 1000
2. to 1200 rpm and hold for one-half minute to obtain optimum
scavenging of engine oil and pull mixture control to OFF.
Climb Power Data Climb Performace
DENS Fuel Fuel
ALT IAS Distance Time
BMEP RPM Used Used
(knots) (n.m.) (min.) (lbs.) (gal.)
21,000 145 2300 161 118 38 2410 402
20,000 145 2300 161 110 36 2270 378
19,000 145 2300 161 102 34 2130 355
18,000 145 2300 161 96 32 1990 332
17,000 145 2300 161 86 30 1860 310
16,000 145 2300 161 82 28 1730 288
15,000 145 2300 161 76 26 1600 268
14,000 145 2300 161 69 24 1480 246
13,000 145 2300 161 64 23 1360 227
12,000 145 2300 161 57 21 1250 208
11,000 145 2300 161 52 19 1150 192
10,000 145 2300 161 47 17 1050 175
9,000 145 2300 161 42 16 950 158
8,000 145 2300 161 36 14 850 142
7,000 145 2300 161 33 12 760 127
6,000 145 2300 161 27 11 660 110
5,000 145 2300 161 23 9 570 95
4,000 145 2300 161 17 8 480 80
3,000 145 2300 161 14 6 380 64
2,000 145 2300 161 9 4 290 48
1,000 145 2300 161 5 3 200 33
S.L. 145 2300 161 — 1 110 18
Power Hourly Fuel Consumption 92,000 88,000 84,000
DENS Setting
RPM BMEP lbs/Eng IAS (kts) IAS (kts) IAS (kts)
Total Total (kts) (kts) (kts)
24,000 2200 118 535 2140 357 161 236
23,000 2180 119 530 2120 353 163 235
High Blower
8,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 184 208 186 210 188 212
7,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 185 206 187 208 189 210
6,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 187 205 189 207 191 209
5,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 188 203 190 205 192 207
4,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 190 202 192 204 194 206
3,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 191 200 193 202 195 204
2,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 193 199 194 200 196 202
1,000 1840 141 475 1900 317 195 198 196 199 198 201
1. Do not exceed 145 BMEP or 36” MAP in LOW BLOWER, or 140 BMEP or 34” MAP in HIGH BLOWER during cruise.
2. Chart applicable to 049 aircraft with R3350-C18BA3 or R3350-C18BA4 engine, HS 6801A-0 prop and using normal source.
3. Airspeeds shown are for 25% cowl flaps, 33% oil cooler flaps and aftercooler scoops closed. Adjust IAS for other position as follows:
Cowl Flap Pos. 25% 37% 40% 50% 60% 70% 100%
IAS Change 0 -3 -4 -8 -12 -16 -28
4. With cabin compressors operative, #4 engine limited to 5 BMEP less than values shown.
1. During Climb, cowl flaps should be set for maximum performance provided CHT is below 204°C.
2. If desired oil "IN" temp. range cannot be maintained, investigation of cause should be made.
3. Before run-up, oil "IN" temp. should show a definite rise.
4. No minimum CHT for T.O. if engine operation smooth.
5. Do not make more than two blower shifts within a five minute interval.
6. If CHT exceeds 232°C on take-off, make engineering note in M-768 describing conditions.
7. No specific max. on Oil "OUT" temp. Normal spread above Oil "IN" temp. is 20°-30°C.
8. With CHT selector installed, #1 Position is #17 CHT and #2 Position is #2 CHT. #3 adn #4 position are inoperative
being modified to continuous reading CHT indicators, with #17 CHT on left portion of indicator.
Power is valuable when controlling the airplane at low
1 . If the landing is caused by fuel shortage, land
before the tanks are completely dry.
2 . If the landing is not caused by fuel shortage it may
be desirable to dump the fuel and land before the
reserve is used up. If the fuel was dumped, be sure
the controls are moved to CLOSE just before landing.
Bring the airplane in tail low and as slow as possible. Use
approximately 80% flaps. If landing in enemy territory,
push the IFF radio destructor buttons and use the incendiary
grenade before leaving the airplane. If landing in friendly
territory, pull the recognition radio plug, on the radio rack,
just before contact to save the equipment from destruction.
1 . Mixture controls — OFF.
2 . Master ignition switch — OFF.
3 . Airplane master switch — OFF.
If it is necessary to dump fuel proceed as follows:
1. See that the flaps are fully retracted.
2. Turn OFF all radio equipment.
3. Reduce the air speed to 160 mph or less.
WARNING: Failure to follow the above steps
may result in an explosion or fire.
4. Move the dump controls to OPEN. Fuel will be
discharged from each chute at the approximate rate
of 190 gallons per minute, but the tanks will not
be drained. (70 gallons will be left in each inboard
tank and 30 gallons in each outboard tank.)
5. When all of the fuel possible or the desired quantity
has been dumped, move the controls against the stops
at the intermediate position. This should close the
valves. Wait about 10 seconds for the fuel to drain from
the chutes and then move the controls to CLOSE in
order to seat the valves as tightly as possible. Return
the controls to the intermediate position. This will
partially extend the chutes and permit any fuel that
may leak through the valves to drain to the outside.
Robert Rogalski
Robert Rogalski
Scott Gentile, Robert Rogalski, Michal Krawczyk
Alison Gentile, Tony Megowan, David Barnett,
Jake Gentile, Hanna Martocchio, Michal Puto
Oskar Wagner
Mark Kee, Scott Gentile, Mitchell Glicksman (history)