Desmizar Mulia

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Submitted By:

NIM 231222757

The Student of English Language Education Department Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training
of Education


2019 M/1440 H

All praises be to Allah, the Almighty, who always gives us a blessing life

to live in this world, chances to try on, inspirations and power to write and finish

this thesis. Shalawat and salaam as our salutation may always grants to the noble

prophet Muhammad SAW whom together with his family and companions has

struggled whole heartedly to guide his ummah to the right path.

On this occasion with great opportunity, I would like to thank to all of

those who have given me help and guidance, so that this thesis can be finished.

Having completed this thesis, I would like to thanks Mrs. Qudwatin Nisak M.Isa,

S.Ag.,M.Ed.,M.Pd and Mr. Drs. Lukmanul Hakim, MA as my advisors who have

given me direction as well as the encouragement that are very useful and helpful

for the preparation and writing this thesis. Also I would like to express my

gratitude and high appreciation to my beloved father Zamzami and my beloved

mother Misran Muliani for their love, patience, attention, support and care. I also

dedicate my big thanks for my beloved brothers and sister for the support.

Then, my special thanks directed to my academic advisor Nidawati, S.Ag

M.Ag. who has guided me since I was in first semester until now. Then, my

thanks to all of the lecturers and all staffs of English language education

department, hopefully, Allah the Most exalted rewards them for their good deed

and worthy knowledge. Aamiin.

Then, I would like to thank to my entire classmate, especially who have

supported me to finish this thesis and also to all of my friends in English language

education academic year 2012 who always support me in every situation and

condition during completing this thesis. The last, I would like to deeply thank to

my research participants teachers of SMP Cendkia El Hakim for kindly help in

my research.

Finally, I believed that this thesis was far from perfect and need to be

criticized in order to be useful especially for English language education of UIN


Banda Aceh, January 18st 2019

Desmizar Mulia


DECLARATION LETTER....................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... v
LIST OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDICES............................................................................................ viii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ ix

A. Background of Study ..................................................................................... 1
B. Research Question ......................................................................................... 5
C. Aim of Study .................................................................................................. 5
D. Significance of Study ..................................................................................... 5
E. Terminology................................................................................................... 6


A. Assessment ..................................................................................................... 9
B. Type of Assessment ....................................................................................... 12
C. Traditional Assessment .................................................................................. 14
D. Alternative Assessment .................................................................................. 19


A. Research Design............................................................................................. 24
B. Population and Sample .................................................................................. 24
C. Technique of Data Collection ........................................................................ 25
E. Technique of Data Analysis........................................................................... 27


A. Data analysis .................................................................................................. 29
1. Result of Interview Analysis .................................................................... 29
2. Result of Observation Analysis ................................................................ 35

B. Discussion ...................................................................................................... 37


A. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 43
B. Suggestions .................................................................................................... 44

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................... 46


Appendix 1 : Appointment Letter of Supervisors

Appendix 2 : Recommendation Letter of Conducting Research from Faculty of
Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of UIN Ar-Raniry
Appendix 3 : The Replied Letter of Conducting Research from SMP Cendikia
Islam El-Hakim
Appendix 4 : Question of interview and Observation check list guide
Appendix 5 : Assessment document based
Appendix 6 : Pictures of Research Process
Appendix 7 : Autobiography


Name : Desmizar Mulia

Student‟s Number : 231 222 757
Faculty/Department : Education and Teacher Training/English Education
Title : Teachers‟ Assessment Types in English Classroom
Examination Date : Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Thickess of Thesis : 47 Pages
Supervisor I : Qudwatin Nisak M.Isa, S.Ag., M.Ed., M.Pd
Supervisor II : Drs. Lukmanul Hakim, M.A
Key Word : Assessment type, traditional assessment, alternative

The purpose of this study is to find out teachers‟ assessment type in English
languange learning as a tool to measure and evaluate students' abilities. The
participants of this research are teachers of cendikia islam El-Hakim junior high
school. This study proposed one research question,” what kind of assessment type
do teachers use in the English Language Learning ?”. Assessment an ongoing
process that encompasses a much wider domain, Assessment is the essential part
of tools in measuring students abilities. The problem of this study is the using
teachers‟ assessment type in measure the students. This study uses qualitative
descriptive and the data were obtained through interview, observation and
document based from 3 teachers on cendikia islam El-Hakim junior high school.
The result of the research served descriptively, regarding all the types of
assessment except alternantive that applied in their classroom, traditional
assessment; multiple choice, essay, fill in the blank, short answer, etc. and
alternative assessment; computer based test, portfolio, and group project. Both of
these two types of assessments is needed to apply even though the result showed
that the traditional one is more apply as assessment on students‟ than Alternative
one. although the Summative and Formative assessment are often used on both
assessment, formal assessment used as Traditional assessment, while Informal
assessment used as Formative assessment Based on the research findings, some
recommendations for the school as policy maker, the students, and the teachers
are finally presented.



A. Background of Study

Assessment is one of the key challenges in the field of teaching. The

purpose of assessment is to find out how far students get knowledge and assesses

their performance. By using assessment, teachers can monitor and help students‟

learning progress. It also provides students with evidence of their progress and

improves motivation, monitors teacher‟s performance and plan next work and

enables to provide information for parents, colleges, school authorities (Georgiou

& Pavlou, 2003 p.5-6).

In all academic settings, assessment is viewed as closely related to

instruction. It is needed to help teachers and administrators to make decisions

about students‟ linguistic abilities, their placement in appropriate levels, and their

achievement. The success of any assessment depends on the effective selection

and use of appropriate tools and procedures as well as on the proper interpretation

of students‟ performance. Assessment tools and procedures, in addition to being

essential for evaluating students‟ progress and achievement, also help in

evaluating the suitability and effectiveness of the curriculum, the teaching

methodology, and the instructional materials. According to Collins and O‟Brien

(2003), assessment in the broad sense means any methods used to better

understand the current knowledge that a student possesses. In addition, Crooks


(2001) stated that assessment is any process that provides information about the

thinking, achievement or progress of students.

The importance of classroom assessment, for example in Indonesia has

been increasingly recognized since the change of old curriculum paradigm into the

newest concept of curriculum that places students as the center of learning. More

specifically, it becomes a teachers‟ and government‟s concern when the new

curriculum is implemented.

The educators in Indonesia realize that classroom assessment should be

viewed as a process rather than as a product in which the assessment purpose is

not only a matter of getting the students‟ score and determining whether they pass

the requirements or not but it is more on how to know the students‟ progress in

learning and mediating them to get success in learning.

Finding appropriate assessment strategies is a significant factor in ensuring

the sustainability of experience-based education in school. Davidge-Johnston

(2007) observes, however, that using traditional assessment models can be

problematic because it is difficult to measure validly learning model as tools

designed for a completely different model. Many traditional methods do not

address or adequately measure the new kinds of learning that this type of

education seeks to engender, such as the so-called soft skills, graduate

capabilities/attributes or personal development and transformation. Hodges (2008)

states „these aspects of learning do not fit neatly into proscribed and specific

learning outcomes‛.

Saefurrohman, in his research “Classroom Assessment Preference of

Indonesian Junior High School Teachers in English as Foreign Language

Classes” (2015) conducted on English Department, University of Muhammadiyah

Purwokerto, Indonesia, tried to describe Indonesian junior high school teachers‟

classroom assessment practices in ELL classes. The study found that the main

purpose of classroom assessment was to assess learning as the first preference. It

was then followed by the classroom assessment of learning, and the last purpose

was classroom assessment as teaching learning improvement.

The most frequently used classroom assessment for learning for

Indonesian English junior high school teachers was to group their students for

instruction purposes in the class and to determine the final grades for students and

to provide information to the central administration. It was also known that

Indonesian English teachers used teacher-made test to assess manageable and

discrete areas of learning as classroom assessment of learning.

Based on previous studies, they scheduled assessments after teaching

learning process not more than two competencies, they are basic and general

competencies. Teacher-made tests mainly contained tasks familiar to students

based on class activities. These might consist of five to ten items to be completed

within eighty minutes (one class period). The formats used in this test were

similar to the semester test particularly for Year 7 and Year 8.

Assessment of learning has both direct and indirect impacts on students.

Classroom assessment of learning prompts students to learn more for the next

study episode. Essentially, it reduces forgetting which makes the next related

study area more productive. It also produce better organization of knowledge by

helping the brain organized material in clusters to allow better retrieval sources.

Therefore classroom assessment of learning not only encourages students to

study, but also reduces procrastination by giving frequent quizzes and test.

Some previous studies using assessment as a target and focus of studies

showed that the relation between students and assessment has closely impact

result, although there was no significance result on it. But, it indicates that there is

something interesting about assessment itself to be researched, to make it clear,

there are some previous studies as evidences and references to support this study.

As one of the problems during evaluation such as the case that there are

few teachers in particular courses generalize all of students ability by giving the

same scores to the students, in spite of differences in the ability of each student.

Another case is that some teachers only see the student‟s final test result without

reviewing and comparing all things such as quiz, midterm test, or even a student‟s

activeness and attitudes showed by each student. During the process of learning

the authentic elements will be vanishing in evaluation system.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher would conducted a

research entitled : “Teachers’ Assessment Type In English Classroom”.

Through this research, the researcher expects that the assessment can assess the

quality of the questions that teacher gave to the students and in the result, the

teacher can create a good assessment to them.


B. Research Question

Through this research, the researcher formulates the following research

question “what kind of assessment type do the teachers use in the English

Language Learning classes?‟‟

C. The Aim of Study

Based on the research question above, the aims of this research is “To find

out the assessment types applied by the teachers in the English Language

Learning classes”.

D. The Significance of Study

The researcher expected that the result of this research can give

information about the assesment for English teachers and researchers. For English

teachers, the result of this study will give them a clear and valid information about

the assessment that practiced while teaching english in the classroom.

E. Terminologies

To provide a better understanding of the study, the operational definition

of the following terms are employed :

1. Assessment type

a. Assessment

Crooks (2001) stated that assessment is any process that provides

information about the thinking, achievement or progress of students. The

primary purpose of assessment is to improve students‟ learning and

teachers‟ teaching as both respond to the information it provides.

Assessment for learning is an ongoing process that arises out of the

interaction between teaching and learning.

Assessment is the act judging or deciding the amount, value,

quality or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is

made. Although “testing” and “assessment” are often used

interchangeably, assessment is a general term for all types of measures

used to evaluate student progress. Therefore, assessment is a tool to

evaluate learner achievement.

b. Traditional Assessment

The term of Traditional assessment is a pencil-and-paper based

test. The tests ask students are to read or listen to a selection and then to

answer questions about it, or to choose or to produce a correct

grammatical form or vocabulary item and it usually involves the skills.

Traditional assessments are the conventional methods of testing which

usually produce a written document, such as a quiz, exam, or paper.

Refers to Belle (1999) Traditional assessment also named with

standardized tests and traditional assessments often use the following

types of questions – true/false, multiple-choice, matching, short-answer,

fill-in-the-blank, and essay. Therefore, Traditional assessment can be


defined as evaluations that include standardized and classroom

achievement tests with mostly closed-ended items, such as true/false,

multiple choice, and fill-in-the blanks.

c. Alternative Assessment

Meanwhile, Nasab (2015) cited Hamayan (1995) argued that the

alternative assessment refer to procedures and techniques or the way

which can be used in the context of instruction and easily can be united

into the daily activities of the school or classroom. Unlike standardized

testing, which usually produces a score that may not be meaningful by

itself, and usually information from alternative assessment is easy to

interpret and understand.

Meanwhile alternative assessment is situated in the classroom with

teachers making choices in the measures used and also based on a

constructivist view of learning whereby the student, the text, and the

context impact learning outcomes (Janisch, et al., 2007, p. 221). The term

alternative assessment also refers to “almost” any type of assessment other

than standardized tests (Brawley, 2009, p. 1).

2. English Classroom

English classroom is a learning space, a room which is held to learn

about english language, a room where education or training is provided. The

classroom attemps to provide a space where learning can take place

uninterrupted by outside distractions.


According to Seedhouse & Jenks (2015), English language classroom

is a place that aspects of the language are learnt and taught, method, syllabus

and materials are applied, theories and practices are met, social identity and

affective factors are affected, and classroom is a site where interaction and

education unite. In the other words, English assessemnt practices occurring

inside the classroom.



A. Assessment

1. The Definition of Assessment

Assessment is the act judging or deciding the amount, value, quality or

importance of something, or the judgment or decision that is made. (O‟Farrel,

2009, p. 23) explains that assessment can be defined as the systematic and

ongoing method of gathering, analyzing and using information from measured

outcomes to improve student learning in terms of knowledge acquired,

understanding developed, and skills and competencies gained. Although “testing”

and “assessment” are often used interchangeably, assessment is a general term for

all types of measures used to evaluate student progress so that assessment and

testing should be set apart.

According to (Nasab, 2015, p.166), assessment is an informal gathering of

information about the students' state-of-the-art knowledge through various ways

of collecting information at various times and in different contexts. Testing,

however, is formal and standardized and offers students scoring on the tasks they

have performed. Testing is a single-occasion and timed exercise which is

considered as the sole criterion through which student learning can be measured.

Testing therefore is seen as just one component of the broader concept of

assessment (Kulieke, at al., 1990, as cited in Dikli, 2003).


2. The Role of Assessment

Assessment plays a crucial role in the education process it determines

much of the work students undertake, affects their approach to learning and, it can

be argued, is an indication of which aspects of the course are valued most highly

(Rust, 2002, p. 2). Assessment is perhaps one of most difficult and important parts

of the jobs for the lecturers or the teachers.

Ideally, Frank (2012, p. 32) holds that “it should be seen as a means to

help them guide students on their road to learning”. There is no single procedure

can meet the needs of all learners and situations, so teachers need to remember to

incorporate a variety of tools to help the students know how they are progressing

and to gauge the effectiveness of the methodology and materials used.

Meanwhile (O‟Farrel, p. 3) states that the role of assessment are as


1) To determine that the intended learning outcomes of the course are

being achieved.

2) To provide feedback to students on their learning, enabling them to

improve their performance.

3) To motivate students to undertake appropriate work.

4) To support and guide learning.

5) To describe student attainment, informing decisions on progression and


6) To demonstrate that appropriate standards are being maintained.

7) To evaluate the effectiveness of teaching.


Basically, information gathered in assessments and evaluations is used to

shape strategies for improvement at each level of the education system. At the

classroom level, teachers gather information on student understanding, and adjust

teaching to meet identified learning needs. At the school level, assessment is uses

as information to identify areas of strength and weakness across the school, and to

develop strategies for improvement teaching-learning process. At the policy level,

officials use information gathered through national or regional tests, or through

monitoring of school performance, to guide support for schools and teachers, or to

set broad priorities for education (Centre for Educational Research and Innovation

[CERI], 2008).

3. The Problem of Assessment

All assessment types have weaknesses, and there is no single assessment

technique that results in a perfect one. Using the right assessment method depends

on what you are really trying to assess in terms of skills or knowledge or

understanding of test taker.

Furthermore, Diamond (1998, as cited in Mikre, 2010) as finding

described the fundamental problem in assessment practices of higher education

courses as the mismatch between the learning targets established and the methods

and criteria instructors use to judge and grade their students. In most cases, the

learning goals include higher-order reasoning abilities, but the assessment

procedures most frequently used focus on simple recall and recognition of the

learned content.

Not only the problem about the goals and the products of assessment itself,

but also it has been a difficult concept and attempts to capture an agreed-up-on

definition have excited debates among teachers and practitioners in the field.

Agreement has not been yet reached over the best ways to design and administer

assessment. Thus, it has led to issues of uncertainty in curriculum design policy.

Assessment is not balanced unless it is aligned with learner outcomes through

multiple strategies.

To consider about it, there is no single strategy of assessment is sufficient

as each has its own pros and cons. We should keep in mind that a fundamental

principle of any kind of assessment is fairness. If a strategy is fair, then reliability

and validity are more likely to be guaranteed (Nasab, p. 168).

B. Type of Assessment

In general, there are several types of assessment, they are:

1. Informal assessment

Brown stated that Informal assessment can take a number of form, starting

with incidental, unplanned comments and respones, along with coaching and other

impromptu feedback to the student (Brown,2003). Example saying a “good


A good deal of teachers informal assessment is embedded in classroom

tasks designed to elicit performance without recording results and making fixed

judgements about students competence.


2. Formal assessment

On the other hand, formal assessment are exercises or procedures

specifically designed to tap into a storehouse of skills and knowledge. They are

systematic, planned sampling techniques constructed to give teacher and

studentan appraisal of students achievement.

3. Summative Assessment

Summative assessment is kind of assignment or task that conducted at the

end of learning process and it used to indicate the achievement of a learner's to

gauge learning outcomes. Summative assessment is used for grading. Some

functions of summative assessment include grading or ranking students, passing

or failing students and telling students what they have achieved, (McAlpine &

Higgison, 2001, as cited in Iahad, et al., 2004).

4. Formative Assessment

As mention in May (2000), McAlpine & Higgison (2001) and Brown et al.

(1997) as cited in Iahad et al. (2004), they argued that formative assessment is sets

at first or during learning process; on the other hand, formative assessment is

assessment that promotes learning. It is designed to assist the learning process by

providing feedback to the learner, which can be used to highlight areas for further

study and performance improvement.

It has a developmental purpose and is designed to help learners learn more

effectively by giving them feedback on their performance and on how it can be


improved and/or maintained. Reflective practice by students sometimes

contributes to formative assessment. Both types of assessment were investigated

in this some previous research study, however, as the main objective was to

identify the role of feedback in the learner-centered assessment, more emphasis is

given to formative assessment such as in the form of Multiple Choice Questions

(MCQs) (Iahad, et al., 2004, p.2).

C. Traditional Assessment

1. The Definition of Traditional Assessment

The term of Traditional assessment is pencil-and-paper based test. The

tests ask students to read or listen to a selection and then answer questions about

it, or to choose or produce a correct grammatical form or vocabulary item and it

usually involves the skills. Traditional assessments are the conventional methods

of testing which usually produce a written document, such as a quiz, exam, or


Traditional assessment also named with standardized tests and traditional

assessments often use the following types of questions – true/false, multiple-

choice, matching, short-answer, fill-in-the-blank, and essay. Traditional

assessment can be defined as evaluations that include standardized and classroom

achievement tests with mostly closed-ended items, such as true/false, multiple

choice, and fill-in-the blanks (Belle, 1999).


Assessing the student success in traditional methods is generally

implemented in a way of focusing mainly on products independently of the

education process; and for this reason, short- answered tests and written and oral

exams are given importance. Therefore, Kihc et al. (2012, p.122) stated

“assessment and evaluation in constructivist learning approach is the part of

education process and it takes a part in all important points not only in the

beginning and in the end of the education process”.

2. The Types of Traditional Assessment

a. Multiple-choices

Davis (2009) describes multiple-choice items can be used to

measure both simple knowledge and complex concepts. Since multiple-

choice questions can be answered quickly, you can assess students' mastery

of many topics on an hour exam. In addition, the items can be easily and

reliably scored. Good multiple-choice questions are difficult to create and it

needs some guides to avoid the mistake things in the question such as

distraction on the answer choices.

b. Essay

This type of test is very common used nowadays especially in

writing class. Furthermore, (Rust 2002, p.3) claims that two dangers with

essays are easy to plagiarize, and that undue weight is often given to factors

such as style, handwriting and especially in language class that also focus

on grammar of target language.


c. True-false Tests

Another type test of traditional assessment is true-false test. This

tests less of reliable than other types of exam because random guessing will

produce the correct answer half the time. Some format of this test which is

use true-false questions adds an "explain" column in which students write

one or two sentences justifying their response. It is kind of modification

format in the questions out of formal form.

d. Matching Tests

The matching format is an effective way to test students' recognition

of the relationships between words and definitions, events and dates,

categories and examples, and so on.

e. Short-answer question

Depending on your objectives, short-answer questions can call for

one or two sentences or a long paragraph. Short-answer tests are easier to

write, though they take longer to score, than multiple-choice tests. They

also give you some opportunity to see how well students can express their

thoughts, though they are not as useful as longer essay responses for this


3. The Usage of Traditional Assessment

Generally, Frank (2012, p. 3) traditional assessment is “the most common

way to measure achievement and proficiency in language learning”. Even though

alternative forms of assessment are growing in popularity, most teachers still use

this old standby. And while many teachers may be gifted in the classroom, even

the best may need some help in constructing reliable test items. Standardized tests

direct teachers to center attention to only those subjects that are taken account of

in the examinations.

Therefore, they dominate and direct the whole curriculum. At the

educational level, they affect the methodology the teachers use in their classes as

they take up various kinds of exam preparation practices at the expense of other

didactic activities. Moreover, these tests gradually change didactic tools into

replicas of the final examination papers. Additionally, they direct students to

adopt surface approaches to learning rather than profound ones (Bailey, 1999;

Newatead & Findlay, 1997; Shepard, 1991; Wall, 1996 as cited in Nasab, 2015).

4. The Problem of Traditional Assessment

The problem on traditional assessment still being the concern for every

teachers or lecturers nowadays although this type of assessment is the most

common used in assessing student for testing, for instance, the introduction of

multiple-choice tests into education systems have been criticized for embodying

the purpose of higher education.

As a result, students fail to get the authentic experience as a whole from

the test, because this kind of test is not only look very simple but also some time

many of students‟ comments in relation to assessment were about utility of

feedback and comments on assessed work, which in most cases fell below their

expectations (Mikre, 2010, p.106).


Typically, in traditional selected-response assessments students do not

generate any language. As thus these tests are most often used to measure

receptive skills. They offer a number of advantages as they are quick to administer

and score. Moreover, scoring is relatively objective. However, they are

disadvantageous in that high quality tests are difficult to construct and these tests

fail to check the students' productive language skills.

Also, Mathies (2000) as cited in Nasab (2015) notes that traditional

assessment has laid an emphasis on tests which are conceived as showing the

students' educational abilities. Research has pointed out the failure of traditional

tests to capture the multi-dimensional aspects of what students have already

learned. There has been a shift of emphasis towards authentic assessment with a

focus on a need for the so-called holistic approaches to make judgments on

students' performances in the educational environment. Having a criterion-based

standard is another factor which distinguishes the two types of assessment.

Unlike traditional assessment which compares students' performances

against one another, criteria on referenced assessment compares the students'

performances against set standards (Tanner, 2001, as cited in Nasab, 2015).

Authentic assessment moves far beyond rote learning and memorization and

involves students to carry out tasks which in one way or another involve them in

some sort of problem-solving activities. Authentic assessment puts forward a

variant number of engaging tasks for the students in situations which are real

world or simulation of real world situations.


D. Alternative Assessment

1. The Definition of Alternative Assessment

According to Janisch et al. (2002, p.221) that Alternative assessment is

situated in the classroom with teachers making choices in the measures used and

also based on a constructivist view of learning whereby the student, the text, and

the context impact learning outcomes. The term alternative assessment also refers

to “almost” any type of assessment other than standardized tests (Brawley, 2009,

p. 1).

Meanwhile, alternative assessments are essentially any assessment

practices or tools that are different from traditional practice, more specifically and

different from paper-and-pencil tests (Custer, n.d.). Alternative assessment is a

blanket term that covers any number of alternatives to standardized tests.

The nature of proficiency-oriented language learning calls for a variety of

assessment options reflecting the numerous instructional strategies used in the

classroom. Authentic assessment, performance-based assessment, and portfolio

fall under this category. Alternative assessment came into vogue as the effect of

testing on curriculum and instruction was visualized (Dietel, et al., 1991 as cited

in Nasab, 2015)

Furthermore, Nasab (2015) cited Lew & Eckes (1995) reveals that

alternative assessment presents new ways of motivating and inspiring learners to

explore and exploit dimensions of themselves as well as the world around them.

According to learning scientists, while subject matter content recollection is easy

to test, critical thinking and creativity is difficult to assess. As they claim, long-

term retention of knowledge and information and its transfer is what should be

focused on. Alternative assessment offers the teachers a chance to realize their

students' weaknesses and strengths in variant situations.

2. The Type of Alternative Assessment

a. Computer-Based test

Computer-Assisted Assessment is a fast and efficient way to provide

immediate feedback to the learner, and to save time on tutor marking.

Computer Assisted Assessment is helps students to discover whether they

have learned what the educator intended. Computer Assisted assessment is a

broad term for the use of computers in the assessment of student learning.

Various other forms exist, such as Computer-Aided Assessment,

Computerized Assessment, Computer Based Assessment (CBA) and

Computer-Based Testing. Online Computer Based Assessment has existed

for a long time in the form of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's).

Computer Based Assessment is “commonly directly made via a computer,

whereas Computer Assisted Assessment is used to manage or support the

assessment process” (O‟Farrel, p. 14)

b. Portfolio

The portfolio assignment has the advantage, as well, of being an

authentic learning experience in and of itself. Depending on the educational

context and task requirements, portfolios can take the form of an electronic

text, a digital recording, an artistic production, a clinical journal, or any

number of other appropriate media formats (Lombardi, 2008).

O‟Farrel adds that an accumulation of evidence about individual

proficiencies, especially in relation to learning standards, and portfolio

assignment samples of student work usually including tasks such as

projects, journals, exams, papers, presentations, videos of speeches and

performances. In other words, portfolio assignments as part and parcel of a

formative assessment emphasize the construction of knowledge for the final

product through suitable mechanisms.

Portfolios are advantageous in that apart from their being an

authentic experience, they replicate processes which require problem-

solving approaches. This kind of assessment calls for more responsibility on

the part of the students and more commitment on the part of the teachers

(Bailey, 1998, as cited in Nasab, 2015).

c. Project

Meanwhile Dikli (2003) point out that project can be created

individually or as a group. They can possess authenticity and real life related

concepts as well as prior experience of the learners. Any type of method that

display what student know about a specific topic, i.e. development of plans,

art work, research proposals, multimedia presentations, is considered as

project. They present with various forms, such as multimedia presentation,

role-play, and written report.


3. The Usage of Alternative Assessment

Alternative assessment has been take important role in evaluation system

and it gives new experience for both of the teachers as the assessor and for the

students as test taker. In recent years much has been made of alternative forms of

assessment. Whether we want to include student portfolios or web-based testing in

our curricula, our focus should always be on gathering information that reflects

how well our students have learned what we tried to teach them (Norris, 2000, as

cited in Nasab, 2015).

Alternative assessment provides teachers with opportunities to record the

success or failure of a curriculum which helps to present a better framework for

organizing the learners' achievement. Moreover, alternative assessment is claimed

cite a number of advantages for this approach (Nasab, 173). Among its benefits


1) Evaluating the process and the product of learning besides other

important learning behaviors.

2) Evaluating and scrutinizing instruction.

3) Producing momentous results to various stakeholders.

4) Providing a connection to cognitive psychology and other related fields.

5) Adopting a collaborative approach to learning.

6) Providing support for students' psychology.

7) Endorsing autonomous learning.


4. The Problem on Alternative Assessment

A number of concerns are raised about certain features of alternative

assessment. Firstly, it is argued that this kind of assessment is more time-

consuming and costly for teachers to have a thoughtful analysis of the tests to

provide accurate feedback to the learners. Second, teachers must be skillful

enough to be able to implement different methods of alternative assessment

successfully (Brindley, 2001; Clark & Gipps, 2000; as cited in Nasab, 2015).

Third, learners also require a great deal of guidelines and supervisions

which is not realized if they are accustomed to traditional assessment practices.

Fourth, this kind of assessment is open to criticism in terms of psychometric

qualities of validity, reliability and practicality (Brown & Hudson, 1998, as cited

in Nasab, 2015).

Above all, practitioners have doubts about the possibility of the true

application of this kind of assessment to large scale classes. Authentic assessment

is mainly realized in terms of the opposition between productions versus

reproduction. It doesn't value assessment as an end but rather as a means to

achievement which is meaningful to the learner (Worthen, 1993, as cited in

Nasab, 2015).

In other words, authentic assessment loses meaning without its due

diligence to the learning process. Authentic assessment tools come in many

different forms such as: a) portfolios, b) group work, c) role plays, d) reflective

journals and e) concept maps. Authentic assessment avails a measure of academic


growth which is gauged over time to capture the depth of student learning

(Morris, 2001, as cited in Nasab 2015).



This chapterexplains about the description of the steps that is taken to

conduct this study. They are (A) Research Design, (B) Population and Sample,

(C) Technique of Data Collection, (D) Data Analysis.

A. Research Design

In this study, research method used is a field research in descriptive

research explains data not simply in numerical form, Qualitative data analysis

involves organizing, accounting for explaining the data ; in short, making sense of

data in terms of the participants‟ definitions of the situation, noting patterns,

themes, catagories and regularities. Analysis in qualitative study also be

influenced by the number of data sets and people from whom data have been

collected (Cohen, 2007, p. 461). The research method used in this study is

descriptive method. According to sylvience (2007), it is stated that descriptive

research design is to describe groups, activities, or event focus on structure,

attitude, or behavior.

B. Population and sample

A population is all the individuals or units of interest; typically, there is

not available data for almost all individuals in a population (Bret Hanlon and Bret

Larget, 2011) . Population is a complete set of elements (persons or objects) that


possess some common characteristic defined by the sampling criteria established

by the researcher.

While the sample is a subset of a population that is used to represent the

entire group as a whole,to make inferences about characteristics of a population.

In this study, the population is all the English teachers in English Language

Learning at SMP Cendikia El-Hakim Banda in the Academic Year 2018/2019.

The total population of this study are 3 teachers in the school.

C. Technique of Data Collection

There are three techniques of data collection used by the researcher. They

are, interview as the primary technique of data collection,document based and

observation as the secondary technique of data collection.

1. Interview

Kvale (1983, p.174) defines the qualitative research interview as an

interview, whose purpose is to gather descriptions of the life-world of the

interviewee with respect to interpretation of the meaning of the described

phenomena. Interview is a conversation where questions are asked to elicit


Kerlinger( stated that interview is a face to face interpersonal situation in

which one ask questions from the other to get answer about a social problem. Its

means an interview is a private meeting between people when questions are asked

and answered. There some advantages by using interview methode. First, allow

for more in-depth data collection and comprehensive understanding, body


language and facial expressions are more clearly identified and understood, the

interviewer can probe for explanations of responses.

In this research, the researcher interviewed two English teacher at SMP

Cendikia El-Hakim Banda Aceh to collect the information about the assessment

they used in teaching English. The interview model used in this research is open

interview in which the researcher asked several question about assessment type

used and the process of carrying out the assessment in the classroom.

2. Documentation based

Documentation is one of the ways in collecting data by analyzing data that

available. Document analysis is a form of qualitative research in which documents

are interpreted by the researcher to give voice and meaning around an assessment

topic (Bowen, 2009). However, the researcher used this technique as a supporting

technique of the interview to strengthen information given by the teacher in


3. Observation

A classroom observation is the purposeful examination of teaching and/or

learning events through the systematic processes of data collection and analysis

(Bailey, 2001). Classroom observation was also defined as a process by which the

observer sits in on one or more classroom sessions, records the instructor's

teaching practices and student actions, and then meets with the instructor to

discuss the observations.


According to Kartono (2006) observation is a systematic study that

concern on social phenomenon trough to observing and writing. The main purpose

behind the classroom observation is to allow a teacher to get feedback from an

objective, experienced observer and to involve in context-specific discussions

about teaching with an adviser. Moreover, data will be collected on what the

teacher is doing what they should probably be doing.

Like document based, a classroom observation in this research was also

employed to support and to enrich the information from the teachers. In this step,

the researcher attended to the classrooms where the teachers teaching, and made

notes about the information on how the assessment process conducted.

D. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a process to analyze all data collected to find the answer

proposed in the research. In this process, the researcher used Miles and Huberman

model of qualitative data analysis. The process is devided into three steps; they

are (1) data reduction, the researcher only took the relevant information from

interview about the assessment; (2) data display, the researcher provided an

organized and compressed information from interview; and (3) data verification,

the researcher took conclusion from the result of interview to be presented in

discussion (Miles & Huberman, 1994).

However, data analysis is the process of finding and compiling systematic

data obtained from field notes, interviews, and document, so that it can be easily

understood, and its findings can be communicated to others. Data analysis was

done by organizing the data, describing into the units, doing the synthesis,

compiling into a pattern, choosing which are important and will be studied, and

make conclusions to inform to readers. Qualitative data analysis is inductive

feature, i.e. an analysis based on the data obtained, further developed the pattern

of certain relationships or become a hypothesis.



In this chapter, the writer discusses the research result obtained from the

process of collecting and processing data. Consisting of the interview observation

and document based. This was explained descriptively.

This chapter explains the finding based on the obtained data from

interview that was held on January 11th - 12th 2019 with 3 participants from

teachers Cendekia Islam El-Hakim Junior High School. The selected teachers

were coded “P1” therefore refers to teacher one, “P2” therefore refers to teacher

two, etc.

A. Analysis of Data

1. Result of Interview Analysis

The session of the interview was conducted by the researcher in two days

from January 11th - 12th 2019. There were nine questions in the interview based on

the statements of the interview guide. The questions were in the Indonesian

language to find out the information from the teachers about the type of

assessments either the traditional or alternative assessments.

In this interview session, there were 3 teachers who were interviewed and

the questions applied were as follows:

 (Do you use the assessment in the English language learning

process ?)


 (Do you do direct action in English language learning ?)

 (Do you give unplanned comment and responses in learning

process ?)

 (For students ability do you prepare the task at the end of study ?)

 (How do you see the progress of students ?)

 (Are the task the main tool to measure the ability of students?)

 (Are multiple choice, essay, true-false, matching test become the

main tools in assessment ?)

 (Is there another way to see students progression other than test ?)

 (Do you use computer based test, portfolio and project as

assessment ?)

The result of first interview question, was as follows:

In question, P1 said :

“saya memahami assessment sebagai bentuk penilaian

evaluasi, jadi assessment adalah hal penting dalam pengajaran.

Tentu setiap guru menggunakan assessment dalam proses belajar


From this statement, it can be said that participants, most of them did not

understand the meaning of assessment. However, the researcher explained its

meaning in order that they understand. The participants also said all of them use

the assessment in teaching learning process. Assessment becomes essential thing


in teaching, participants said in measuring the ability of the students through

assessment was to know the students‟ improvement.

In question 2, P2 stated,

“ya, saya memberi tindakan langsung terhadap siswa dalam

proses mengajar dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan siswa dalam

memahami pelajaran, seperti membetulkan siswa dalam

pengucapan kata, memberi siswa apresiasi atas apa yg siswa

lakukan itu juga saya lakukan”.

In this question, the participants do as the researcher asked, they said

direct correction to the students any time for students assistance, this question to

find out the present of type informal assessment which is directly responses to the

students while in teaching learning process, the participants stated that they often

do this kind of assessment to improved students ability.

P1 stated,

“setiap mengajar itu sudah pasti saya lakukan”.

From the statements above, in teaching and learning process teachers

definitely give unplanned comments to help students understand it also helps

correctly students fail. As assessment the participants stated to see students

responses in learning process.


Next, in the question 4, P1 said

“ iya, memberikan tugas untuk siswa untuk melihat sejauh mana

siswa sudah menguasai materi ajar”.

P3 argued,

“ tugas juga saya beri untuk siswa, tapi ngga sering juga, kalau

terlalu sering nanti siswa bosan”.

From statement above, 2 of 3 participants said that the task should be

given frequently and continuously to improve the ability of students, especially in

terms of academic ability. Meanwhile, other respond to the notion that too often

of task will make them bored and tired, so it will impact negatively for them. This

question has same responses of two participants, that is agreed, which is the

impact of frequency of doing task improve their ability.

In question 5, P2 stated :

“kemampuan murid itu bisa dilihat dari penguasaan bahan ajar yg

biasa sudah diberikan, contohnya siswa atau murid bisa menjawab tugas

wajib yang saya berikan”.

Task given by the teachers was accordance with what have been taught

and already represent their ability in doing the compulsory task. Meanwhile,

based on the experience of the participants, they said that not all tasks assigned

already in accordance with what has been learned and taught in the classroom.

This simplify the teachers in scoring the students.

The question 6, P3 stated :

“tidak, tugas ngga selalu jadi hal utama dalam menilai siswa, ada

lain tingkah lakunya, keaktifannya dan lain-lain sebagainya juga jadi

penilaian terhadap siswa”.

Here, 2 of 3 participants stated that the task are not the main tools in

assessment, they said that there are other things that need to be seen in measuring

the ability of the students like classroom participation, attitudes and behavior of

students. Meanwhile, other participants said some times task are it could be the

main tools to see students ability, it could be not because several reasons.

In the question 7, P1 said:

“iya, itu memang bentuk soal untuk menilai kemampuan siswa

dalam belajar, di buku pun begitu bentuk soalnya, biasanya soal itu

digunakan untuk tugas, ujian semester. Tapi bukan bentuk soal itu aja yg

dijadikan penilain”.

all participants are not agreed that multiple choice, essay, true-false,

matching test become the main tools in assessment, even they said this assessment

form are often use to measure the students. In scoring, ranking students that

assessment are necessarily used as a final semester test.

The answer question 8, P3 argued :

“mungkin yang dilihat meningkat atau tidaknya siswa dalam

belajar itu juga dilihat dari respon siswa dalam belajar, jadi bukan dari

bisa atau engganya dia bisa jawab soal”.

In this study the researcher conclude the progress in students ability not

only seen from they can or whether not the students in completing the test, the

abilities also affects the response of the students in the learning process, although

in terms of assessing always pertains to the test, accordance to curriculum

increased students learning also depends on the behaviour, enthusiasm, and

attitude of students. Perhaps, most of teacher still focused on test as measure

students ability.

The last question, P3 said :

“ini yang jarang dilakukan, mungkin memang hampir tidak

pernah, karena untuk anak SMP itu agak sulit, kecuali project dalam

bentuk kerja kelompok ada saya berikan”.

All participants stated that for this level, junior high schools. this

assessment form is rarely applied by teachers. cause lack of students ability. Then,

the participants argue that the alternative assessment hindered the learning process

itself, such as the need for the facilities, and facing the tricky thing, while the rest

were still unfamiliar and of course they didn‟t have any opinion with this form of


2. Result of Observation

This session was observed by the researcher over two days from January

11th - 12th 2019. There were seven points list that observed in the observation that

the researcher do in two classes. This data collection session aimed to strengthen

data obtained. From all points that observed, the researcher find out all type of

assessments are applied in English language learning process. in these observation

the researcher found the use of assessment type that applied. researchers found

that evaluation used as a formal assessment that was prepared by teachers, and

also some questions and unplanned comment that response of teachers referred to

informal assessment. At the end of study, some times teacher also prepared the

students task or to fulfill the students score, inadvertently, they have do

summative assessement.

3. Result of Document Analysis

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of assessments, namely the

traditional and alternative assessment. From the result above the teacher used

traditional assessments as measurement Assessing the student success in

traditional methods generally implemented in a way of focusing mainly on

products independently of the education process; and for this reason, short-

answered tests and written and oral exams are given importance. Based

documents analysis shows the result, Multiple choice consist of 20-40 questions

and reading question and essay 5-10 quetions for final semester evaluation. While,

for the task the teacher gave the students the task from the lesson book. through

document based the task that teachers gave to students become evidence as

summative assessments.

B. Discussion

The purpose of this study is to find out assessment type applied by the

teachers in the English Language Learning class. The assessments are essential

part of tool to measure students‟ abilities. To consider about it, there is no single

strategy of assessment is sufficient as each has its own pros and cons. We should

keep in mind that a fundamental principle of any kind of assessment is fairness. If

a strategy is fair, then reliability and validity are more likely to be guaranteed

(Nasab, 2015).

This study uses descriptive analysis as the way to explain data that

collected through interview, observation and document based. After analyzing the

data from three instruments; interview, observation and document, the researcher

found that the types of assessment teachers applied in English language learning

process are generally the same in their responses and their opinion, even, most of

them give the same positive values for all assessment types and form, but, still the

traditional one more inclined get positive value on teachers perception. In the

other hand, only few of the participants have different view and opinion on it. For

more explanation, the information serves as follow:

1. Assessment

As mentioned in the previous chapter, all assessment techniques have

advantages and disadvantages. There is no single assessment technique that

results in a perfect assessment. Finding the right assessment method depends on

what you are really trying to assess in terms of skills or knowledge or

understanding of test taker (Surgenor., 2010). Agreement has not been yet reached

over the best ways to design and administer assessment and it is not balanced

unless it aligned with learner outcomes through multiple strategies. Accordance to

previous research was about the effectiveness of assessment (Zarei & Uselfi,

2015), the results of the study showed no significant differences among the effects

of the three types of assessment on self-regulation, but the impact of assessment in

the research is strength.

Meanwhile, this study showed that participants in this study have used

assessment generally. They apply almost all type of assessment in their teaching

activities. Most of participants said the importance as implementation of

assessment by the teachers are necessary and the primary process of increasing the

improvement of students. Assessment and evaluation in constructivist learning

approach is the part of education process and it takes a part in all important points

not only in the beginning and in the end of the education process (Kihc et al.,


This study also found that the teachers are less aware of the type of

assessment, they might think that assessment was the same as evaluation or test.

However, they have knowns the purpose of the assessment and how it should be

carried, and from assessment, students have to get benefit that is the feedback to

see how far their capacity to get achievement especially in academic ability.

Except the teacher

a. Formal and informal assessment

Both type of this assessment are often used in teaching process, informal

assessment frequently used in the class, to help students to solve their tricky

problem. As cited in chapter two this assessment types frequently used in the

class. From the result the participants said the used of informal assessment often

used in teaching learning process. While formal assessment applied as measure to

evaluate the students.

b. Summative and formative assessment

From interview question and observation, the result shows the using both

assessment were applied in English language learning process. Summative

assessment teachers applied to know student achievement on lesson chapter. On

the other hand, teachers used formative assessment to give the students feedback

in the learning for performance improvements. Based on observation teacher

provide the feedback to promotes the learning.


2. Traditional assessment

Generally, (Frank., 2012 ) traditional assessment is the most common way

to measure achievement and proficiency in language learning has been the test.

Even though alternative forms of assessment are growing in popularity, most

teachers still use this old standby. As presented in previous chapter, as cited in

Nasab, 2015, (Mathies, 2000) stated that traditional assessment has laid an

emphasis on tests which are conceived as showing the students' educational

abilities. The research has pointed out the failure of traditional tests to capture the

multi-dimensional aspects of what students have already learned.

Although classified as an old system and the research figure out that it is

one of failure system in testing, most of the participants in this study stated that

traditional task still the main tools applied as the kind of task model to them.

Because of it is still reasonably representative of their ability, it easy for them to

spill out what they have by doing traditional task. Nevertheless, the used of

traditional assessment should be consider that the students‟ progress in learning

must be improved.

The newest system in measuring students capabilities also indicate as

needed in process of students improvement, that‟s why this study want to find out

the using of assessment whether the impact of tasks affected students‟

achievement relate to their academic skill, likewise, the authentic assessment puts

forward a variant number of engaging tasks for the students in situations which

are real world or simulation of real world situations.


3. Alternative assessment

Alternative assessment has been take important role in evaluation system

and it gives new experience for both of the teachers as the assessor and for the

students as test taker. Alternative assessment provides teachers with opportunities

to record the success or failure of a curriculum which helps to present a better

framework for organizing the learners' achievement. Moreover, alternative

assessment is claimed cite a number of advantages for this approach. The

emergence of new things in an education system is a good thing, it is visible by

the presence of alternative assessment that being part of a learning process.

Accordance to previous research, (Roohani & Taheri, 2015) stated that the

combination of using assessment with skill such writing also give positive impact

by using the portfolio assignment, it give the significant impact on improving the

EFL learners‟ abilities in terms of focus, support, and organization aspects of

writing skill. This means, as a part of alternative assessment, portfolio support to

improve students‟ ability in productive skill such writing as part of language main


This study also shows the result of alternative assessment preferred by

participants to applied or implemented in the classroom. As mentioned before, it

stimulates the students to face new things which will make their ability and their

knowledge improved. As a measure of students' abilities, alternative assessment is

necessary to continue to be developed. The innovation system is needed as the

representative of new way in measuring students‟ capability. By using new

system, it would bring the benefit not only for process of students‟ improvement,

teacher‟s evaluation, but also for policy of school to increase the improvement of

it education.

Related to this research, finding showed that assessment as the focus study

gives positive value on teaching learning process, it important and main part in

process of shaping and increasing students‟ capacity in learning and self

development. Other result showed that traditional assessment also get positive

value according to teachers‟ implementation. It is very different with the result of

previous research that showed the authentic assessment or tradition al assessment

as one of failure system in assessing.

Meanwhile this study informs that traditional assessment worthy and

feasible to applied and implemented in. For alternative finding, it accordance with

previous research in applying alternative assessment such portfolio give positive

impact result to improve students‟ skill in order of focus, support, and

organization in writing skill. Related with this study, participants give the positive

responses and the impact value on alternative assessment as a tool to create the

students development, achievement, and capability. cause this research sphere in

junior high school this form of assessment are complicated to apply.



A. Conclusion

Assessment is one of essential components in learning activities that

shows real contribution in implementation and contribution of education system.

As students‟ measurement tool, we should keep in mind that the diverse of

assessments are appropriate for diverse learning needs and diverse students‟

abilities. No form of assessments is devoid of limitation and among its

advantages; the reliability, the validity and the objectivity can be highlighted. It

comes from the result of students‟ performance and achievements.

Students performance in doing task is different each other, it depends on

their interest, motivation, skill and ability. The selection of assessment is need to

increase students‟ willingness to do the task and for the teachers to evaluate

whether it has already representative their goals or not.

This study has discussed teachers‟ assessment type are applied. The result

shows that the using of 4 type of assessment and 2 form assessment, as form or

type of assessment, traditional assessment get more used than the alternative one.

Although the finding shows the summative and formative are often used on both

assessments, while the formal assessment used as traditional assessment to

evaluate the students. On the other hand, informal assessment used as formative

assessment to assist the learning process. The researcher believes that by

documenting the result of this study, it makes benefit and positive contribution to

our knowledge to do more for future research effort.


B. Suggestion

The researcher gives some suggestion according to the result of the study

as follow:

1. For school

As stakeholder and policy maker, they should maintain, manage and

facilitate the system of assessments that is applied right now. Both traditional and

alternative assessments are good assessments tool as evaluation system and useful

which can be applied to improve students‟ academic skill in education.

2. For teachers

They should be creative, attractive, and innovative to manage assessment

those applied on students, so the students will be excited and interested to do all

kind of assessment including the traditional form one. The purpose of the

implementation of those assessment expected give direct benefit for students

whatever the types assessment are.

3. For the students

All kind of assessments that implemented by institution in students

learning have a good purpose in improving their skills and help them in their

learning and to get achievement especially academic field. Therefore, they just

have to follow the instruction and to participate all the learning programs

including the assessment.

Although the clear result showed that the traditional one is more dominant

give positive value for them than other one, we couldn‟t ignore that alternative

one still need to apply because it depend on situation and condition of students.

Whatever assessment used, it has the same purpose that used to guide the process

of learning. Both of assessments should involve affective aims according to the

students‟ needs and their capacities and to build up positive result of skills and

abilities as the end of assessment product.



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Interview questions

1. Did you use the assessment in the English languange learning ?

2. Did you do direct action in english languange learning ?

3. Did you give unplanned comment and responses in learning process ?

4. For students achivement Did you prepare the task at the end of study ?

5. How did you see the progress of students ?

6. Are the task the main tool to measure the ability of students?

7. Are multiple choice, essay, true-false, mactching test become the main

tools in assessment ?

8. Is there another way too see students progression except the test ?

9. Did you use computer based test, portfolio and project as assessment ?

Observation checklist

No. Type of Assessment Yes No Explanation

1 Unplanned comments &

respones or saying “nice”


2 Exercises, planned sampling

techniques (formal)
3 Monitor learning progress

during instruction (formative)

4 prepared tests for each segment

of instruction e.g. unit, chapter


5 comes at the end of a course

(unit) of instruction


6 techniques used determined by

the instructional goals

7 designed to determine the

extent to which the instructional
goals have been achieved

1. Name : Desmizar Mulia

2. Place / Date of Birth : Aceh Barat, 04 Desember 1994
3. Religion : Islam
4. Sex : Male
5. Nationality / Ethnic : Indonesia / Acehnese
6. Marital Status : Single
7. Occupation : Student
8. Addres : Jln Nyak Adam Kamil III Asrama TNI AD Neusu Jaya
Kec, Baiturrahman, Kab. Banda Aceh
9. E-mail :
10. Parents‟ Name
a. Father : Zamzami
b. Mother : Misran Muliani
c. Occupation : Teacher
11. Address : Gampong Panga Pasie, Kec, Panga
Kab, Aceh Jaya
12. Education Background
a. Elementary School : SDN 22 Banda Aceh
b. Junior High School : MTsS Tgk Chiek Oemar Diyan
c. Senior High School : MAN 2 Banda Aceh
d. University : UIN Ar-Raniry

Banda Aceh, February 6st 2019

The Researcher,

Desmizar Mulia

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pFad v3 Proxy

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