Patient Assessment
Patient Assessment
Patient Assessment
Assessment Findings
Transparent with capillaries slightly visible
Shiny, smooth, pink
Lacrimal gland,
Lacrimal sac,
No edema or tenderness over the lacrimal gland and no tearing.
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Assessment Findings
Corneal Blinks when the cornea is touched through a cotton wisp from the back
sensitivity of the client.
Black, equal in size with consensual and direct reaction, pupils equally
rounded and reactive to light and accommodation, pupils constrict
Pupils when looking at near objects, dilates at far objects, converge when
object is moved toward the nose at four inches distance and by using
When looking straight ahead, the client can see objects at the periphery
which is done by having the client sit directly facing the nurse at a
distance of 2-3 feet.
Visual Fields
The right eye is covered with a card and asked to look directly at the
student nurse’s nose. Hold penlight in the periphery and ask the client
when the moving object is spotted.
External Ear
Without impacted cerumen.
Hearing Acuity
Voice sound audible.
Able to hear ticking on right ear at a distance of one inch and was able
Watch Tick Test
to hear the ticking on the left ear at the same distance
Mucosa is pink, no lesions and nasal septum intact and in middle with
Nasal Cavity
no tenderness.
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Assessment Findings
Mouth and Oropharynx Symmetrical, pale lips, brown gums and able to purse lips.
Tongue and
Central position, pink but with whitish coating which is normal, with
floor of the
veins prominent in the floor of the mouth.
Tongue Moves when asked to move without difficulty and without tenderness
movement upon palpation.
Gag Reflex Present which is elicited through the use of a tongue depressor.
Not visible on inspection, glands ascend but not visible in female during
Thyroid Gland
swallowing and visible in males.
Auscultation of
With audible sounds of 23 bowel sounds/minute.
bowel sounds
Assessment Findings
Mental Status
Motor Function
Has upright posture and steady gait with opposing arm swing unaided
Walking gait
and maintaining balance.
Heel toe walking Maintains a heel toe walking along a straight line
Alternating supination
and pronation of hands Can alternately supinate and pronate hands at rapid pace.
on knees
Fingers to thumb Rapidly touches each finger to thumb with each hand.
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Assessment Findings